
A Tale of Two Countries

arrowhead - 1-6-2010 at 12:49 PM

I'm going to show you two news items about the exact same incident, where an illegal Mexican immgrant was shot and killed near Douglas, AZ after throwing rocks at a Border Partol agent and his dog and resisting arrest. First the American press:
Border Patrol agent fatally shoots illegal immigrant

Border Patrol agent fatally shoots illegal immigrant DOUGLAS, AZ (KOLD) - A Border Patrol agent fatally shot a man just outside Douglas Monday morning.

The suspected illegal immigrant died in a helicopter while in route to a Tucson hospital.

It happened when-- according to a Border Patrol release-- agents lost track of three suspected immigrants in an area known as Bay Acres.

Agents eventually tracked one illegal immigrant hiding under a tree after receiving a tip and using a trained K9.

Officials say the suspect refused to come out from under the tree and began throwing rocks. The rocks struck both the agent and his K9, officials said.

A foot chase involving several agents began when the illegal immigrant fled the area. Officials say he started 'aggressively' throwing rocks and refused to stop.

One agent fired two shots.

Agents gave the suspect first aid while waiting for a medical helicopter. The 28-year-old illegal immigrant died while in route to a Tucson hospital.

One agent went to a hospital for treatment for injuries. The K9 also saw the vet for injuries.

...and now the Mexican press:

SRE condena asesinato de migrante en EU
MÉXICO, D.F.(Agencias)
La Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores (SRE) dijo que "estará atenta al esclarecimiento de los hechos" sobre la muerte de un inmigrante mexicano "víctima de un disparo" de un agente de la Patrulla Fronteriza de EU en la zona de Douglas, Arizona.

La SRE expresó en un comunicado "su profunda preocupación por el fallecimiento, el 4 de enero, del connacional Jorge Alfredo Solís Palma", en las inmediaciones de la ciudad de Douglas, aproximadamente a un kilómetro de la frontera.

La investigación del incidente por parte del Sheriff de Cochise, de la Oficina Federal de Investigaciones (FBI) y de la propia Patrulla Fronteriza "está en curso", por lo cual la cancillería de México "estará atenta a los resultados de la misma a fin de que se determinen las circunstancias de lo ocurrido", destacó.

El consulado de México en Douglas "mantiene comunicación con todas las autoridades locales competentes para dar seguimiento puntual al proceso", detalló la SRE.

Además, la representación consular mexicana "inició el procedimiento para localizar a los familiares de Solís Palma y poder brindarles la ayuda correspondiente, incluyendo las gestiones de repatriación del cuerpo a territorio mexicano", agregó la dependencia.

El Gobierno mexicano indicó que a través de sus embajadas y consulados "continuará velando por los intereses de los mexicanos en el exterior frente a casos que vulneren su integridad física y sus derechos humanos".

Asimismo, ratificó su compromiso con el combate a las actividades delictivas en la zona fronteriza, incluyendo las vinculadas con el tráfico de personas.

Más de 5 mil emigrantes mexicanos han muerto en los últimos quince años en los desiertos, ríos y montañas de la frontera en su intento de cruzar a Estados Unidos en busca de una mejor vida, según datos de la Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos.

I won't translate it, you can Google it. But the headline says "The Mexican State Department condemns the killing of an immigrant in the US." Further down there is a statement which reads, "The Mexican government said that through its embassies and consulates it will continue to ensure the interests of Mexicans abroad where there are cases that violate their physical well-being and human rights." Not one word, not one stinking word, about the fact the guy was resisting arrest, throwing rocks at the border patrol and injured a BP agent and his dog while fleeing on foot.

Further down in the Frontera article there are readers comments. Almost all of them are in support of the US and against the Mexican government for its indolence to the problems of its people.

arrowhead - 1-6-2010 at 01:51 PM

Originally posted by Donjulio
I don't know about you but when we were kids and somebody was throwing rocks at us, we got out of throwing distance. You going to shoot somebody for illegally crossing the border? Lethal force for that offense?

Donjulio, if you are ever sitting around someday and wondering why people view Mexican real estate sales people as a few levels below used car salesmen, you only have to reread your last post.

I was a kid too. I also went to school, all the way through a post graduate degree. Not once in my entire life was I ever taught that sworn police officers should run away when a felon attacks them with a deadly weapon. Would you mind telling us where you grew up? Was it some place over the rainbow where bluebirds fly?

Woooosh - 1-6-2010 at 02:12 PM

Originally posted by Donjulio
I don't know about you but when we were kids and somebody was throwing rocks at us, we got out of throwing distance. You going to shoot somebody for illegally crossing the border? Lethal force for that offense?

what if he was wearing a turban carrying a backpack?

Woooosh - 1-6-2010 at 02:22 PM

A tale from the USA and yet another Tale-Spin from Mexico.

Bajahowodd - 1-6-2010 at 02:39 PM

Oh, come on! This illegal must have been quite good at throwing rocks. I agree that lethal force does seem to be over the line. Let's say, just for the sake of discussion, the agents actually did feel their safety was threatened, and they carried no weapons other than their guns(no taser, for instance). Either they need to hit the firing range or find a new line of work. I just cannot see how they couldn't have, as a last resort, shot him in the leg.

That said, I understand why arrowhead posted this. The main point, obviously, is that the Mexican authorities and press appear oblivious to the crime of illegal immigration. But, I also see where they could feel that the force used was excessive.

Salvador - 1-6-2010 at 03:25 PM

I totally agree with Don Julio

Bajahowodd - 1-6-2010 at 03:36 PM

Originally posted by Salvador
I totally agree with Don Julio

You talking about the guy who deleted his posts?

tripledigitken - 1-6-2010 at 03:40 PM

Don who?

I totally agree with anyone who's

Dave - 1-6-2010 at 03:57 PM

Originally posted by Salvador
I totally agree with Don Julio

Buying Don Julio.

Getting Stoned

MrBillM - 1-6-2010 at 04:28 PM

Don't get shot.


Don't Throw Rocks at People with Guns.

Advocating or Forcing Law Officers to use alternative methods in such cases would simply encourage the Stoners to do more throwing. IF they know the end result of their stoning might be lethal to THEM, MOST will think twice. Those that don't suffer the Darwinian result.

DENNIS - 1-6-2010 at 04:53 PM

Originally posted by MrBillM

Advocating or Forcing Law Officers to use alternative methods in such cases would simply encourage the Stoners to do more throwing. IF they know the end result of their stoning might be lethal to THEM, MOST will think twice. Those that don't suffer the Darwinian result.

Well said, Bill. Couldnt agree more.

toneart - 1-6-2010 at 04:54 PM

If I witnessed an officer shoot anyone for throwing rocks, and then if he looked my way, I would say, "Yes Sir!" and put up my hands. But I wouldn't like it.

I wouldn't agree with his vehement reaction or his lethal decision to shoot to kill. It was not warranted. It was over the top. But the man with the gun is "Mr. Boss".

That is quite an act of desperation for the poor guy who was throwing rocks. It doesn't mean he is stupid. It just means that he is suddenly dead.

Testing the cop mentality is like the allegory of the Crocodile offering the Monkey a ride on his back across the river, promising that he wouldn't harm him. Halfway across the river the Crocodile throws the Monkey into the water and snaps him in two. The monkey's last words were, "Why are you doing this? You promised me you wouldn't" The Crocodile replied, "...because I am a Crocodile!":o

[Edited on 1-6-2010 by toneart]

Bajahowodd - 1-6-2010 at 04:55 PM

Like you guys really think that the next desperate illegal is even going to know that? Give me a break.

DENNIS - 1-6-2010 at 05:01 PM

Originally posted by toneart
That is quite an act of desperation for the poor guy who was throwing rocks. It doesn't mean he is stupid. It just means that he is suddenly dead.

Throwing rocks is an act of desperation?
C'mon, Tony. It's an act of agression. A brutal attack.
Shoot to kill.

arrowhead - 1-6-2010 at 05:07 PM

Originally posted by Salvador
I totally agree with Don Julio

Hey Chava, welcome. You are certainly entitled to your opinion. I would just like to remind you that when you and your brother, Tony, were taking Tan So Do lessons from Jan Roberts in Tijuana, he was thrown out of Mexico by Mexican immigration. If Mexico can enforce its immigration laws on Americans, I think the US should also be allowed to enforce its immigration laws.

By the way, congratulations on your honors last month from Mayor Ramos.

tripledigitken - 1-6-2010 at 05:15 PM


You certainly make for interesting reading. Keep it up.


arrowhead - 1-6-2010 at 05:15 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
Let's say, just for the sake of discussion, the agents actually did feel their safety was threatened, and they carried no weapons other than their guns(no taser, for instance). Either they need to hit the firing range or find a new line of work. I just cannot see how they couldn't have, as a last resort, shot him in the leg.

Howard, I can only assume you have never been in the military or have any training or experience with handguns. First of all, forget what you see in the movies. Handguns are not accurate. If you are running in the desert and dodging rocks, you'd be lucky to even hit a man standing 30 feet from you with a service pistol.

Secondly, police training is not to shoot to wound. It is to save your life or the life of some other innocent person. If it escalates enough that an officer has to draw his weapon to shoot, the decision to shoot to kill is already made. The only training is to fire center of mass.

And finally, please read the news article a little closer. The BP officer AND his dog where already injured by rocks thrown by the illegal BEFORE he fired.

...oh, and try to remember that the BP just buried another BP agent who took about 9 bullets from an illegal alien last month.

[Edited on 1-7-2010 by arrowhead]

arrowhead - 1-6-2010 at 05:18 PM

Originally posted by tripledigitken

You certainly make for interesting reading. Keep it up.


Hey, I'd keep it up now just to p*ss off The Gull and Mexicorn.


toneart - 1-6-2010 at 05:32 PM

Originally posted by arrowhead
Originally posted by Salvador
I totally agree with Don Julio

Hey Chava, welcome. You are certainly entitled to your opinion. I would just like to remind you that when you and your brother, Tony, were taking Tan So Do lessons from Jan Roberts in Tijuana, he was thrown out of Mexico by Mexican immigration. If Mexico can enforce its immigration laws on Americans, I think the US should also be allowed to enforce its immigration laws.

By the way, congratulations on your honors last month from Mayor Ramos.

Tony's cover is blown! :o My name is Toneart, not Tony. Toneart's alter ego is Tony.

Toneart knows nothing about "Tan So Do". Please explain it to him, er me, er...who ever the hell I am. Mayor Ramos put Toneart on his persona non grata list years ago for not spending enough money in Rosorito.;)

And now Tony is going *poof* into cyberspace,ignoring the cyberborder, just like Don Julio. Bye Dennis! Bye Cabezaflecha! o Puntadeflecha.


CaboRon - 1-6-2010 at 08:16 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by toneart
That is quite an act of desperation for the poor guy who was throwing rocks. It doesn't mean he is stupid. It just means that he is suddenly dead.

Throwing rocks is an act of desperation?
C'mon, Tony. It's an act of agression. A brutal attack.
Shoot to kill.

Stupid to bring a rock to a gun fight :lol:

Salvador - 1-8-2010 at 09:15 PM

Regarding arrowshead post
The name of our martial art is Tang Soo Do and the name of our profesor is John Robertson and i was 14 years old when he was sent back to the USA.
Not much I could do.
I still stand for non violence, specially rock vs gun.
Arq. Salvador Velazco


wessongroup - 1-8-2010 at 10:01 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by toneart
That is quite an act of desperation for the poor guy who was throwing rocks. It doesn't mean he is stupid. It just means that he is suddenly dead.

Throwing rocks is an act of desperation?
C'mon, Tony. It's an act of agression. A brutal attack.
Shoot to kill.

Seems another group of individuals throw a lot of rocks.. and the other side does not open up on them.. I'm referring to the Palestinians vs the Israelis .. just one example of armed individuals not using lethal force against "rock" throwers..

I must say I admire their restraint... that would be a hard one... :):)

arrowhead - 1-9-2010 at 12:07 AM

Originally posted by soulpatch
If this is your definition of restraint against rock throwers I'd love to read how you define aggression!

Weren't they throwing Qassam rockets?

arrowhead - 1-9-2010 at 12:09 AM

Originally posted by Salvador
I still stand for non violence, specially rock vs gun.
Arq. Salvador Velazco

Isn't throwing a rock violence? By the way, did you train with Rafael (mano negro) Munoz?

wessongroup - 1-9-2010 at 06:48 AM

Originally posted by soulpatch
If this is your definition of restraint against rock throwers I'd love to read how you define aggression!

Originally posted by wessongroup
Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by toneart
That is quite an act of desperation for the poor guy who was throwing rocks. It doesn't mean he is stupid. It just means that he is suddenly dead.

Throwing rocks is an act of desperation?
C'mon, Tony. It's an act of agression. A brutal attack.
Shoot to kill.

Seems another group of individuals throw a lot of rocks.. and the other side does not open up on them.. I'm referring to the Palestinians vs the Israelis .. just one example of armed individuals not using lethal force against "rock" throwers..

I must say I admire their restraint... that would be a hard one... :):)

Thought the subject was folks throwing rocks without guns?

And I unaware "definitions" were being posted, as I never claimed my post to be a "definition"... only an example of a large group of people who throw a lot of rocks, just about daily.. and the people that are on the receiving end have some heavy duty fire power.. and don't open up on unarmed rock throwers... think the same was true in Ireland for sometime.. however there was an example a number of years ago, where the British did open up on the rock throwers.. killed quite a few, men, women and children... yeah, they brought a rock to a gun fight, only sad thing.... they didn't know the rules had changed for the day...

As for the job of BP, you bet it is one dangerous job, as is a crab fisherman, firemen, police officers and a lot of others and I take my hat off to those that have the "balls/guts/your choice" to pull the duty.... day in and day out..

Here is a type of aggression:

"It's all worked out for the best, anyway. The Aborigines wouldn't have done anything worthwhile with the land and now, thanks to our societal collective guilt, they're turning into Casino Magnates serving up mediocre food and yesterday's talent to attract suckers thinking they're going to get lucky.

People have a RIGHT to that land which they can HOLD on to. They should have done a better job developing Technology."

A form of aggression, and a mind set which feels completely at ease with this type of aggression, no harm no foul... it's from the board from one of our memebers

I do agree, if anyone with a gun tells you to do something.. just do it!! I do, and I have made this far with that thinking... as I have had a few pulled on me..

Used to worry about it, but one day after a lot of really bad problems at work and with the wife all day long, when I pulling into the garage, the garage door opener released and came down on the hood of the car as I was pulling in. I was just sitting there thinking why me.. and this large booming voice thundered out from the above .. "There is something about you that just pi***s me off" from then on it's all be easy

Hope this helps in understanding my post, as it is only a comment on the condition of life which we observed and talk about every day you can draw up side but it really doesn't change the situation which contributes to confrontation and/or rock throwing :):)

ELINVESTIG8R - 1-9-2010 at 08:18 AM

Rocks Kill if it hits your head! Someone throws rocks at me [depending on the distance and size of rock] "Deadly Force Is Authorized" PERIOD!

Edit: Content and GIF

[Edited on 1-10-2010 by ELINVESTI8]


Salvador - 1-9-2010 at 10:29 AM

To arrowhead
Our only instructors : Mr John Robertson and Mr Chuck Norris.
Thats it.
and regarding Mayor Jorge Ramos event :He is too gracious and I am very undeserving.
Who are you ?

Arq. Salvador Velazco

mtgoat666 - 1-9-2010 at 10:43 AM

this is why i don't trust law enforcement. there are whack jobs on the force that think it's OK to shoot when faced with a kid throwing rocks, and other competent law enforcement officials cover up or condone mistakes of the bad law enforcement staff instead of cleaning house of bad cops.

DENNIS - 1-9-2010 at 10:56 AM

A thrown rock is a guided missle.

Working it Out

MrBillM - 1-9-2010 at 11:08 AM

Since Wesson Oil decided a comment from me was appropriate to this thread for whatever reason, I'll just say that It DID all work out for the Best. Without us, they wouldn't have had all those Casinos that let them sit around doing whatever they do.

As far as the Rocks go, Deadly Force deserves Deadly Force.

ELINVESTIG8R - 1-9-2010 at 11:58 AM

Originally posted by mtgoat666
this is why i don't trust law enforcement. there are whack jobs on the force that think it's OK to shoot when faced with a kid throwing rocks, and other competent law enforcement officials cover up or condone mistakes of the bad law enforcement staff instead of cleaning house of bad cops.

PS: You may use this as your Avatar but expect it to be used in a post when you make a statement like you did!

wessongroup - 1-9-2010 at 06:26 PM

Originally posted by MrBillM
Since Wesson Oil decided a comment from me was appropriate to this thread for whatever reason, I'll just say that It DID all work out for the Best. Without us, they wouldn't have had all those Casinos that let them sit around doing whatever they do.

As far as the Rocks go, Deadly Force deserves Deadly Force.

Good to see your back on track, and consistent

In this situation, someone stated that I was using a working "definition" in my post dealing with rock throwing. I had stated that the restraint used by the Israeli Army who face this situation sometimes on a daily basis, and I stated I found this admiral on their part, under such difficult conditions.

I was indirectly asked, that by the individual what would be, my "definition" of "aggression".

As the rock throwing was getting down to do with "aggression" vs "defense".

I used the "text" of your post as an example of a type of "aggression"

Your statement is your statement and glad to see you steeping up to the plate..

As to "Wesson Oil" ... I put my sorry A** right out front "God and Country" so everyone can see: who, what, where, when and why about me... that's just the way I am...

And for you, your "statement" clearly shows... this is YOU!!

toneart - 1-9-2010 at 08:51 PM

"That's the problem with chatboards
and limited statements on the internet."- Soulpatch

You are responding to selective quotes that are edited by those posters who wish to grab a part that would support their philosophy. That's OK. I do it myself. But you must read the whole post that the selective extraction was taken from in order to get the whole context before you respond.

I guess, from your insinuations that you are a cop. Nothing wrong with that. We taxpayers expect protection and discerning quick judgment of our officers. I don't share your (and some others) view that rock throwers should be shot dead. It is not an equal stand off. Sure, rocks can cause injury, but there must be other ways to diffuse the confrontation.

To shoot them dead is wrong! You have the firepower, and with that comes the responsibility to assess the situation correctly. You are trained and licensed to do so.

To shoot to kill is a last resort, unless you see a firearm brandished. An officer who kills a human being is usually relieved of his duty until the situation is investigated. One reason is because of the trauma and remorse caused to the officer. When I read attitudes condoning "shoot to kill" rock throwers, I lose respect for that officer, and if not reprimanded, his command. You do not make us feel safer!

If you are that chickensh*t, to shoot to kill because you are afraid, or you have a preconceived bias, you do not belong in your occupation. :fire:

ELINVESTIG8R - 1-9-2010 at 09:34 PM

Rocks kill or cause Great Bodily Injury. Deadly Force is authorized in those instances. If some “Punk” comes up and starts throwing rocks he is doing so to severely injure or kill someone. It’s a graveyard move on their part and will solicit a deadly response. It will be deadly because no one is taught to shoot an arm or a leg. They are taught to shoot center mass to eliminate a threat and if the head gets hit, oh well I don’t have a problem with it because it usually terminates the threat immediately. The good guys are supposed to go home after the encounter, but some don’t and that really peees Me Off! I’ve been there, done that, and bought the f-ing tee shirt!

Edited: To add GIF for em·pha·sis!

[Edited on 1-10-2010 by ELINVESTI8]

toneart - 1-9-2010 at 09:48 PM

Your posts don't change my opinion. I disagree with your stances and that's the way it is.:yes:

ELINVESTIG8R - 1-9-2010 at 09:52 PM

God help us!

Edit: To induct Tony into the Taser Hall of Fame!:D

[Edited on 1-10-2010 by ELINVESTI8]

mtgoat666 - 1-9-2010 at 10:29 PM

Originally posted by ELINVESTI8
Rocks kill or cause Great Bodily Injury. Deadly Force is authorized in those instances. If some “Punk” comes up and starts throwing rocks he is doing so to severely injure or kill someone. It’s a graveyard move on their part and will solicit a deadly response. It will be deadly because no one is taught to shoot an arm or a leg. They are taught to shoot center mass to eliminate a threat and if the head gets hit, oh well I don’t have a problem with it because it usually terminates the threat immediately. The good guys are supposed to go home after the encounter, but some don’t and that really peees Me Off! I’ve been there, done that, and bought the f-ing tee shirt!

Edited: To add GIF for em·pha·sis!

[Edited on 1-10-2010 by ELINVESTI8]

i have always thought that most people in law enforcement are nut jobs,... elvis8 is a good example.

law enforcement careers attract nuts who are borderline sociopaths. same type of nuts that shoot when kids throw rocks. cowards that hide behind a badge and carry guns that substitute for a small pen!ses. people that have little comprehension of civil rights and view world in black and white, incapable of seeing gray.

Mexicorn - 1-9-2010 at 10:46 PM

Originally posted by soulpatch
I could give a chiite if someone throwing rocks is shot by a BP. I say good shooting!
I challenge any of you naysayers to patrol those areas 24/7 and experience that type of assault without worrying about your life.
It's fricking dangerous.

What do you know about danger?

Mexicorn - 1-9-2010 at 10:51 PM

Originally posted by soulpatch
Hey Toneart,
I suggest you read the whole post.
I was pretty clear about it.
And, if you read to the bottom, you will see I am a member of the IAFF.
So, if you want to call me chickenchit, well, you can blow me.
And, subsequent to that, feel free to pay me a visit anytime.:lol:
Trust me, I am not afraid......that is too fricking funny.

You have obviously never worked in a border zone. I have had the opportunity to do so and located more than one dead migrant for the ME after their journey didn't pan out so well.
Try it sometime, it is dark and dangerous.

[Edited on 1-10-2010 by soulpatch]

Hey dude keep it clean kids read this.


wessongroup - 1-9-2010 at 11:18 PM

Originally posted by soulpatch
Feel free to name me directly.
I am always open to correction or contradiction.
The Israeli's ain't no saints. I was just pointing out what I thought was a funny example. It certainly was not an attack, rather an observation.
Can't have too thin of skin here on this faceless medium.

An oversight on my part, please excuse.. as your on "point" all the time.. and I understand your feelings on the subject.. as I'm not out there.... by myself, sometimes in the dark, with individuals intent on "achieving a goal" some with not a mean bone in their body... but, things change real fast and you have about a second to make a call.... it's that simple, and each time it's not the same...

Have never said that I hold nothing but respect for those that "walk the walk".. we may talk about it, but they all people that are doing it... on both sides

I'm glad for all the help, we don't say it enough to the folks that serve us daily, all of them.. plus to really get off point.. we don't take good enough care of them that serve their County and get hurt.. they deserve the best medical care one can get anywhere.. they gave all... NOW.. yeah, I know some have problems with the "mentality" of first responders... but, if you is one .. you had better have to s**t wrapped tight!!! LOL ..if your going outside to WORK!!!

For Soulpatch


(edited cuz I can't spell or write)

[Edited on 1-10-2010 by wessongroup]

[Edited on 1-10-2010 by wessongroup]

[Edited on 1-10-2010 by wessongroup]

[Edited on 1-10-2010 by wessongroup]

ELINVESTIG8R - 1-10-2010 at 05:49 AM

Originally posted by mtgoat666

...i have always thought that most people in law enforcement are nut jobs,... elvis8 is a good example.

law enforcement careers attract nuts who are borderline sociopaths. same type of nuts that shoot when kids throw rocks. cowards that hide behind a badge and carry guns that substitute for a small pen!ses. people that have little comprehension of civil rights and view world in black and white, incapable of seeing gray.

You need some sense tasered into you by people with "small pen!ses!"

wessongroup - 1-10-2010 at 06:38 AM

ELINVESTI8... thanks for the moderating humor of your posts... the graphics just change things a bit.. visuals are an excellent means to get a point across with humor if one choose to :):)

ELINVESTIG8R - 1-10-2010 at 06:55 AM

It's all done in fun! If someone gets offended its because they have no sense of humor. Well the head shot might be a little much as far as humor goes. That was meant to be serious.:o

wessongroup - 1-10-2010 at 07:19 AM

Originally posted by lencho
Originally posted by soulpatch
...well, you can blow me.


Romantic ???:lol::lol:

[Edited on 1-10-2010 by wessongroup]

toneart - 1-10-2010 at 10:03 AM

Thank you for the good natured cartoon tasering, Ellie. I spared you my cartoon concealed weapon because that wouldn't have been fair! My cartoon lived through your cartoon taser. Oh, and I didn't drop trow. That wouldn't have been fair to you either. :P:lol:

toneart - 1-10-2010 at 10:05 AM

Originally posted by wessongroup
Originally posted by lencho
Originally posted by soulpatch
...well, you can blow me.


Romantic ???:lol::lol:

[Edited on 1-10-2010 by wessongroup]

Homoerotic fantasy?:lol::lol:

ELINVESTIG8R - 1-10-2010 at 10:31 AM

Originally posted by toneart
Thank you for the good natured cartoon tasering, Ellie. I spared you my cartoon concealed weapon because that wouldn't have been fair! My cartoon lived through your cartoon taser. Oh, and I didn't drop trow. That wouldn't have been fair to you either. :P:lol:

Toneart you're a good natured person and I like you despite our philosophies! :D


toneart - 1-10-2010 at 10:43 AM

Originally posted by ELINVESTI8
Originally posted by toneart
Thank you for the good natured cartoon tasering, Ellie. I spared you my cartoon concealed weapon because that wouldn't have been fair! My cartoon lived through your cartoon taser. Oh, and I didn't drop trow. That wouldn't have been fair to you either. :P:lol:

Toneart you're a good natured person and I like you despite our philosophies! :D


Thank you, Amigo!:bounce:

Barry A. - 1-10-2010 at 11:07 AM

Of course, as has been said in this thread several times, the key word is TRAINING. Some on this thread seem to believe that what the officer did was wrong, even tho what he did is EXACTLY what all LE officers are trained to do.

If the officer had done otherwise, under these circumstances, he would have been heavily reprimanded-------

Either change the TRAINING, or except the consequences.

As a former LE supervisor, I totally support what the BP Agent did.


Mexicorn - 1-10-2010 at 12:08 PM

Originally posted by Barry A.
Of course, as has been said in this thread several times, the key word is TRAINING. Some on this thread seem to believe that what the officer did was wrong, even tho what he did is EXACTLY what all LE officers are trained to do.

If the officer had done otherwise, under these circumstances, he would have been heavily reprimanded-------

Either change the TRAINING, or except the consequences.

As a former LE supervisor, I totally support what the BP Agent did.


OK LE Soupervisor did he/she shoot center mass?
Not that I would know anything bout that I'm too busy cleaning the toilets at the Rosarito Police department .

"Viva Harry O"

Bajahowodd - 1-10-2010 at 01:17 PM

Originally posted by Barry A.
Of course, as has been said in this thread several times, the key word is TRAINING. Some on this thread seem to believe that what the officer did was wrong, even tho what he did is EXACTLY what all LE officers are trained to do.

If the officer had done otherwise, under these circumstances, he would have been heavily reprimanded-------

Either change the TRAINING, or except the consequences.

As a former LE supervisor, I totally support what the BP Agent did.

Barry- I respect your background and won't quibble with your conclusion, except I wonder if what was posted here provides enough specific detail to allow the absolute that you state.


Barry A. - 1-10-2010 at 02:08 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
Originally posted by Barry A.
Of course, as has been said in this thread several times, the key word is TRAINING. Some on this thread seem to believe that what the officer did was wrong, even tho what he did is EXACTLY what all LE officers are trained to do.

If the officer had done otherwise, under these circumstances, he would have been heavily reprimanded-------

Either change the TRAINING, or except the consequences.

As a former LE supervisor, I totally support what the BP Agent did.

Barry- I respect your background and won't quibble with your conclusion, except I wonder if what was posted here provides enough specific detail to allow the absolute that you state.


Baja H-----The words "rock throwing" and "dog and agent injured" were all the info I needed, assuming that the man shot was responsible for both. The other information possibly helpful I thought was adaquately covered elsewhere in the thread.

If somebody was throwing rocks at me (assualt) and I was armed, I would defend myself fast using "center mass" shooting techniques. It is normally thought of as self defense-------this hypothetical perp meant mortal harm to me, in my book----and I am not concerned with his motivation at that particular moment. If I had time, and was not injured, then the particular situation dictates what I would do----------we pay officers to think, and use their best judgement, within guidelines and training.

I will stick with my original assessment of the BP agents actions, but I appreciate the emotional horror of it all in others.


oldlady - 1-10-2010 at 02:17 PM

I agree Barry...who wants to take a chance being Goliath?

ELINVESTIG8R - 1-10-2010 at 02:18 PM

Originally posted by Barry A.

Baja H-----The words "rock throwing" and "dog and agent injured" were all the info I needed, assuming that the man shot was responsible for both. The other information possibly helpful I thought was adaquately covered elsewhere in the thread.

If somebody was throwing rocks at me (assualt) and I was armed, I would defend myself fast using "center mass" shooting techniques. It is normally thought of as self defense-------this hypothetical perp meant mortal harm to me, in my book----and I am not concerned with his motivation at that particular moment. If I had time, and was not injured, then the particular situation dictates what I would do----------we pay officers to think, and use their best judgement, within guidelines and training.

I will stick with my original assessment of the BP agents actions, but I appreciate the emotional horror of it all in others.


[color=darkblue]Barry, succinctly stated![/color]

[color=blood red]Rocks Kill! Just as Goliath was KILLED by one![/color]

[color=darkblue]Thank you Oldlady for jogging my brain housing group![/color]

[Edited on 1-10-2010 by ELINVESTI8]

Bajahowodd - 1-10-2010 at 02:28 PM

Thanks, Barry.

arrowhead - 1-10-2010 at 05:43 PM

When I would get upset about something that was really trivial, my wife would say, "No ahogarse en un vaso de agua."

arrowhead - 1-10-2010 at 05:45 PM

Originally posted by mtgoat666
law enforcement careers attract nuts who are borderline sociopaths. same type of nuts that shoot when kids throw rocks. cowards that hide behind a badge and carry guns that substitute for a small pen!ses. people that have little comprehension of civil rights and view world in black and white, incapable of seeing gray.

Man, you really have issues.

ELINVESTIG8R - 1-11-2010 at 01:56 PM

These two children killed a child with a rock. Rocks KILL people!

wessongroup - 1-11-2010 at 01:59 PM

"El Loco"... how long these guys going to last
in the lock up???

[Edited on 1-11-2010 by wessongroup]

Bajahowodd - 1-11-2010 at 02:12 PM

Are those the guys caught dropping rocks from an overpass?

ELINVESTIG8R - 1-11-2010 at 02:18 PM

Originally posted by wessongroup
"El Loco"... how long these guys in the lock up???

Probably not for long!

ELINVESTIG8R - 1-11-2010 at 02:20 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
Are those the guys caught dropping rocks from an overpass?

Yes Howard they are the sorry little scumbags!

Bajahowodd - 1-11-2010 at 02:25 PM

They look pathetic. I have no idea what the extent of their punishment will be, but they will have to live the rest of their lives with the knowledge and, hopefully guilt that they erased a beautiful child from the face of the earth.

toneart - 1-11-2010 at 03:17 PM

Gulp! Here I go again:

Of course rocks kill. Teens killing a child with rocks is certainly a mismatch. Dropping rocks from an overpass is certainly criminal. They should be tried and prosecuted, but rightly, they weren't shot down.

My contention regarding rocks vs guns; it is a mismatch. I wasn't there for the border patrol incident and neither were any of you. I just think there were other options than to lethally cut the guy down with bullets with the intention to kill him. He obviously wasn't carrying a firearm or he would have tried using it instead of throwing rocks. I believe that killing should be a last resort; not the status quo police mentality, IF this is the status quo, as you guys state. If this IS the status quo from training, then I am very uncomfortable with you. (This is not what I want from law enforcement and you guys are scary). Surely the BP incident is being investigated....Isn't it:?::?::?::o:o

I have never had a problem with law enforcement and never will. I don't put myself into that position. In the few times I was stopped for a traffic law infraction, I was always respectful. I knew they were doing their job even though I wasn't happy about getting a ticket.

When I was a little kid I was lost one time. I was taught to go up to a cop and tell him if I ever had a problem like that, and so I did. He asked me for my address, which I knew, and he put me on his motorcycle with him and drove me home. I never forgot that. That trust stayed with me all these years.

I have always respected law enforcement officers. I always felt that they would be there to protect me, if needed. I always thought police were the good guys vs the bad guys. I never want them to be hurt, and more importantly, killed. I want them to be so well trained that they are discerning, quicker thinking, smarter and more familiar with their weapons that the bad guys, and to never lose sight of the awesome responsibility they carry with that weaponry. -To Serve and Protect!

Regarding the issue of respect: Am I being naive? My bubble is being burst by your "shoot to kill" first line of defense attitude, IF this is true. And IF this is true, my respect for you is being greatly diminished. It has taken me to age 72 before my respect has waned.

mtgoat666 - 1-11-2010 at 03:25 PM

Originally posted by toneart
Regarding the issue of respect: Am I being naive? My bubble is being burst by your "shoot to kill" first line of defense attitude, IF this is true. And IF this is true, my respect for you is being greatly diminished. It has taken me to age 72 before my respect has waned.

cops like all people have their faults. have you read about LAPD Rampart CRASH division? Ever heard about NYPD and Abner Louima? perhaps most cops are good, but the few that are bad give them all a bad name. one problem is that cops rally around bad eggs when they put loyalty to their accused brothers before service to public.

anwho, deal with cops like you deal with all strangers, better to reserve trust until the stranger earns it

ELINVESTIG8R - 1-11-2010 at 04:58 PM

Originally posted by toneart
Gulp! Here I go again:

Of course rocks kill. Teens killing a child with rocks is certainly a mismatch. Dropping rocks from an overpass is certainly criminal. They should be tried and prosecuted, but rightly, they weren't shot down.

My contention regarding rocks vs guns; it is a mismatch. I wasn't there for the border patrol incident and neither were any of you. I just think there were other options than to lethally cut the guy down with bullets with the intention to kill him. He obviously wasn't carrying a firearm or he would have tried using it instead of throwing rocks. I believe that killing should be a last resort; not the status quo police mentality, IF this is the status quo, as you guys state. If this IS the status quo from training, then I am very uncomfortable with you. (This is not what I want from law enforcement and you guys are scary). Surely the BP incident is being investigated....Isn't it:?::?::?::o:o

I have never had a problem with law enforcement and never will. I don't put myself into that position. In the few times I was stopped for a traffic law infraction, I was always respectful. I knew they were doing their job even though I wasn't happy about getting a ticket.

When I was a little kid I was lost one time. I was taught to go up to a cop and tell him if I ever had a problem like that, and so I did. He asked me for my address, which I knew, and he put me on his motorcycle with him and drove me home. I never forgot that. That trust stayed with me all these years.

I have always respected law enforcement officers. I always felt that they would be there to protect me, if needed. I always thought police were the good guys vs the bad guys. I never want them to be hurt, and more importantly, killed. I want them to be so well trained that they are discerning, quicker thinking, smarter and more familiar with their weapons that the bad guys, and to never lose sight of the awesome responsibility they carry with that weaponry. -To Serve and Protect!

Regarding the issue of respect: Am I being naive? My bubble is being burst by your "shoot to kill" first line of defense attitude, IF this is true. And IF this is true, my respect for you is being greatly diminished. It has taken me to age 72 before my respect has waned.


Gulp! Here I go again:

Of course rocks kill. Teens killing a child with rocks is certainly a mismatch. Dropping rocks from an overpass is certainly criminal. They should be tried and prosecuted, but rightly, they weren't shot down. Thank you for acknowledging that rocks kill!

My contention regarding rocks vs guns; it is a mismatch. The only mismatch is the velocity at which they are traveling!

I wasn't there for the border patrol incident and neither were any of you. True!

I just think there were other options than to lethally cut the guy down with bullets with the intention to kill him. Name one that will get him or her home alive after their shift?

He obviously wasn't carrying a firearm or he would have tried using it instead of throwing rocks.
Bingo, give that man a Kewpie Doll!

I believe that killing should be a last resort; not the status quo police mentality, IF this is the status quo, as you guys state. If this IS the status quo from training, then I am very uncomfortable with you. (This is not what I want from law enforcement and you guys are scary). Surely the BP incident is being investigated....Isn't it Deadly Force is always a last resort!

I have never had a problem with law enforcement and never will. I don't put myself into that position. In the few times I was stopped for a traffic law infraction, I was always respectful. I knew they were doing their job even though I wasn't happy about getting a ticket. The city or county where you got your ticket thanks you!

When I was a little kid I was lost one time. I was taught to go up to a cop and tell him if I ever had a problem like that, and so I did. He asked me for my address, which I knew, and he put me on his motorcycle with him and drove me home. I never forgot that. That trust stayed with me all these years. Ahhhh, cute story. Keep that trust always!

I have always respected law enforcement officers. I always felt that they would be there to protect me, if needed. They are!

I always thought police were the good guys vs the bad guys. They are the good guys!

I never want them to be hurt, and more importantly, killed. All Law Enforcement thanks you!

I want them to be so well trained that they are discerning, quicker thinking, smarter and more familiar with their weapons that the bad guys, and to never lose sight of the awesome responsibility they carry with that weaponry. -To Serve and Protect! They are well trained but they are not robots! They will respond with deadly force if their lives are in danger!

Regarding the issue of respect: Am I being naive? My bubble is being burst by your "shoot to kill" first line of defense attitude, IF this is true. And IF this is true, my respect for you is being greatly diminished. It has taken me to age 72 before my respect has waned. If necessary the officer will shoot center mass to stop a threat upon his/her life. The bottom line is that the officer is going home alive at the end of shift. PSS: Rocks Kill People!

Bajahowodd - 1-11-2010 at 05:04 PM

Hey David. Lighten up a bit. Tony is actually one of the good guys around here. :yes:

ELINVESTIG8R - 1-11-2010 at 05:19 PM

Originally posted by toneart
Originally posted by ELINVESTI8
Originally posted by toneart
Thank you for the good natured cartoon tasering, Ellie. I spared you my cartoon concealed weapon because that wouldn't have been fair! My cartoon lived through your cartoon taser. Oh, and I didn't drop trow. That wouldn't have been fair to you either. :P:lol:

Toneart you're a good natured person and I like you despite our philosophies! :D


Thank you, Amigo!:bounce:

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
Hey David. Lighten up a bit. Tony is actually one of the good guys around here. :yes:

Howard, I know! We already squared that away! Tony has been inducted in my "Elinvesti8's Taser Hall of Fame!"

[Edited on 1-12-2010 by ELINVESTI8]

Bajahowodd - 1-11-2010 at 05:24 PM

Is that a good thing???:lol::lol::lol::lol:

ELINVESTIG8R - 1-11-2010 at 05:35 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
Is that a good thing???:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Tony is a little worse for wear, but ok! :lol:

Barry A. - 1-11-2010 at 05:55 PM

Well said, Invester18.

Tony------I hope that I am not being too simplistic here, but it seems to me that you may be comparing apples with oranges---------what apparently happened in this subject instance at the border is a possible life-threatening situation, with injuries already incurred. These circumstances are vastly different than what an officer deals with normally, and the officer MUST recognize the difference, and take the appropriate action, not only to protect himself, but to protect others, especially those other than the law breaker. This IS the officers primary responsibility---------they don't have time to make thought-out decisions at that time-------their training enables them to make decisions without thought, almost instantly if necessary, and that is the best way they save innocent lives including their own, and protect innocents from harm.

It is not a game, and "fairness" is not in the mix---------bottom line is when there is any doubt about the outcome, you take action to make sure you win, knowing that this is your job and your survival. It does not always work, but experience over many years has showed us that this is the best course of action---officer safety first, crook second.

I don't know if any of this is important or relavant to you, but it is very important and revelant to LE officers. It helps them to survive in these rare instances when they have to "act", and act aggressively.

I am sorry if this realization decreases your respect for LE officers-----of course I don't think it should, in fact just the opposite, these guys are trying to protect the innocent from the law breakers, plain and simple, and they are not paid to get injured or killed.

I don't know how else to say it without being insulting------it is what it is. All the things that you believed officers should and would do for you still apply, and they normally will happen. Nothing has changed except perhaps your perception, and I don't know what to do about that.


ELINVESTIG8R - 1-11-2010 at 06:02 PM

Eloquently stated Barry!

toneart - 1-11-2010 at 06:09 PM

"Deadly Force is always a last resort!" - David (Elinvest18)
This doesn't square with this:
"If necessary the officer will shoot center mass to stop a threat upon his/her life. The bottom line is that the officer is going home alive at the end of shift. PSS: Rocks Kill People!" -David (Elinvest18)

My point is, and always has been, the officer is PERCEIVING that it is a threat to his life in that particular situation.
"I just think there were other options than to lethally cut the guy down with bullets with the intention to kill him.-Toneart "
Name one that will get him or her home alive after their shift?"-David (Elinvest18)
Charge him, fast! You (the officer) is probably bigger and scarier. Throw rocks as you charge. Put your arms up to shield your face and head. Let the dog continue to charge. It will even if it is injured. Wrestle him down. Beat him up. Cuff him. Or...shoot at a leg. Try anyway, before you shoot to kill.

Thank you for the support, Howard. David is being firm, but so am I. He is doing it with humor and being civil. I am trying to understand his stance. I still see holes in it to which I am answering here.

David...Ow! Don't taze me, Bro!:lol:

ELINVESTIG8R - 1-11-2010 at 06:15 PM

Originally posted by toneart
"Deadly Force is always a last resort!" - David (Elinvest18)
This doesn't square with this:
"If necessary the officer will shoot center mass to stop a threat upon his/her life. The bottom line is that the officer is going home alive at the end of shift. PSS: Rocks Kill People!" -David (Elinvest18)

My point is, and always has been, the officer is PERCEIVING that it is a threat to his life in that particular situation.
"I just think there were other options than to lethally cut the guy down with bullets with the intention to kill him.-Toneart "
Name one that will get him or her home alive after their shift?"-David (Elinvest18)
Charge him, fast! You (the officer) is probably bigger and scarier. Throw rocks as you charge. Put your arms up to shield your face and head. Let the dog continue to charge. It will even if it is injured. Wrestle him down. Beat him up. Cuff him. Or...shoot at a leg. Try anyway, before you shoot to kill.

Thank you for the support, Howard. David is being firm, but so am I. He is doing it with humor and being civil. I am trying to understand his stance. I still see holes in it to which I am answering here.

David...Ow! Don't taze me, Bro!:lol:

Wait a second Tony, I have to go find and alter a Gif showing me yanking out my hair or those few hairs I have left out from their roots. I'll be back!:lol:


Originally posted by toneart
"Deadly Force is always a last resort!" - David (Elinvesti8)
This doesn't square with this:
"If necessary the officer will shoot center mass to stop a threat upon his/her life.

The key words are threat upon his/her life”

“The bottom line is that the officer is going home alive at the end of shift. PSS: Rocks Kill People!" -David (Elinvesti8)

My point is, and always has been, the officer is PERCEIVING that it is a threat to his life in that particular situation.
"I just think there were other options than to lethally cut the guy down with bullets with the intention to kill him. - Toneart "

Name one that will get him or her home alive after their shift?"- David (Elinvesti8)

Toneart said: Charge him, fast! You (the officer) are probably bigger and scarier. Throw rocks as you charge. Put your arms up to shield your face and head. Let the dog continue to charge. It will even if it is injured. Wrestle him down. Beat him up. Cuff him. Or...shoot at a leg. Try anyway, before you shoot to kill.

If they do what you say here the officer does not get to go home because he is dead!

Thank you for the support, Howard. David is being firm, but so am I. He is doing it with humor and being civil. I am trying to understand his stance. I still see holes in it to which I am answering here.

David...Ow! Don't taze me, Bro!lol!:lol: Oh you wait!:lol:

[Edited on 1-12-2010 by ELINVESTI8]

toneart - 1-11-2010 at 06:21 PM

Barry, the "without thinking" is what I have trouble with. If that is what your training is about, I don't like it.

True, "thinking" gets me in trouble sometimes, especially in conversations like this, but then I wouldn't be very good cop material. Having said that, I am rather self-righteous about it. I am glad I am me and think the way I do. I could never agree to take a job or train to kill without thinking. :light:

Furthermore, I don't see Mexican aliens illegally as criminals. Law breakers, yes, but not criminals. They are not Cartel goons out there walking in the Arizona desert. They are simple, uneducated people looking for a way to make a living for their families.:light:

toneart - 1-11-2010 at 06:25 PM

"Wait a second Tony, I have to go find and alter a Gif showing me yanking out my hair or those few hairs I have left out from their roots. I'll be back!:lol:"- David

Watch what you are yanking there, Ricardochico.:o:lol:

Barry A. - 1-11-2010 at 07:35 PM

Originally posted by toneart
Barry, the "without thinking" is what I have trouble with. If that is what your training is about, I don't like it.

True, "thinking" gets me in trouble sometimes, especially in conversations like this, but then I wouldn't be very good cop material. Having said that, I am rather self-righteous about it. I am glad I am me and think the way I do. I could never agree to take a job or train to kill without thinking. :light:

Furthermore, I don't see Mexican aliens illegally as criminals. Law breakers, yes, but not criminals. They are not Cartel goons out there walking in the Arizona desert. They are simple, uneducated people looking for a way to make a living for their families.:light:

Arrrrrrrrrrrgggg------Tony, Tony, Tony-------this "law breaker" had ALREADY injured the dog and the officer!!!!! He had graduated from being a "law breaker" into a criminal, assualting and officer!!

-----and yes, many would not make good LE officers-----that's ok, and I understand completely. But please allow those that do make good officers the flexibility to DO THEIR JOBS.

I have said way more now than I ever thought would be necessary, and I concede that changing minds is often impossible, no matter the evidence. Please, please don't ever accept a job as a jurist, tho----Please!!! :no:


toneart - 1-11-2010 at 10:02 PM

Your wish is already granted, Barry. I have tried to be seated many times on a jury, but I am too well informed. I have always been rejected. I read,watch and devour every type of media and literature I can get my hands on. Additionally, I am such an independent thinker (thinker being the operative word) that no one can pigeonhole me. Truly, I have no peers.

I spend time on the street, talking to homeless, teens and probably illegal aliens and multi racial cultures. I spend time in cafes and bars talking to ordinary people, artists, neer-do-wells, dilettantes, bankers, real estate agents, lawyers, scions, doctors, celebrities, the independently wealthy, egocentrics, sociopaths, atheists, agnostics and devoutly religious people.

My biggest outlet is playing jazz, improvising, intuiting and being freer than most of us really are in our repressive culture. I am not a slave to the corporate world's constraints or it's values. I am a free spirit, not guided by any one religion, but probably influenced by them all. I challenge authority...have all my life.

I am a past president of our county's Arts Council. I volunteer in places of need for the downtrodden. I try to leave a small, green footprint. I never want to see any cruelty or any person or animal hurt or killed. I remain convinced that there are alternatives to deliberate violence. I cannot be placed in any ideology comfortably. The political game is too corrupt, wherever it is played. It is all about money and power. If you think they serve you, you are being duped. That is a dead end.

I learn more by listening than talking. My opinions originate in my gut, then my mind works on them, and they become well researched. I am not comfortable leaving any stone unturned. So, the final product is settled upon confidently. I hate being wrong, but if I discover I have been, I will freely admit it. I also apologize when I am convinced that I am wrong.

Being wrong is not always a fatal error. If I am wrong, it is probably of no consequence to others. But I am hard on myself. If wrong, sometimes it is a revelation. Sometimes I have been misinformed, or lied to. Sometimes it is a result of a let down of personal vigilance. But rarely is it a result of a breakdown of experiential structure or cognitive thinking.

So, in this topic, I am right and true to myself and my values. Apparently I am wrong in the cops' eyes. I don't like it. We are indeed different. The cliche is "that's what makes the world go around". For me, that's OK on a superficial, website level. But now you all know how I feel about the issue in real life. You could probably care less, but it is important to me.

I have reached the point of saturation. I am bored, and so must you all be. So, I am done with this topic. You may return to your regular states of being. CLICK

ELINVESTIG8R - 1-11-2010 at 10:08 PM

Got it Toneart. You're through with the Topic. :lol:

Edit: To Taser My Bro. Toneart! AGAIN!:lol:

[Edited on 1-12-2010 by ELINVESTI8]

compassion with thought

wessongroup - 1-12-2010 at 05:51 AM

Originally posted by toneart
Your wish is already granted, Barry. I have tried to be seated many times on a jury, but I am too well informed. I have always been rejected. I read,watch and devour every type of media and literature I can get my hands on. Additionally, I am such an independent thinker (thinker being the operative word) that no one can pigeonhole me. Truly, I have no peers.

I spend time on the street, talking to homeless, teens and probably illegal aliens and multi racial cultures. I spend time in cafes and bars talking to ordinary people, artists, neer-do-wells, dilettantes, bankers, real estate agents, lawyers, scions, doctors, celebrities, the independently wealthy, egocentrics, sociopaths, atheists, agnostics and devoutly religious people.

My biggest outlet is playing jazz, improvising, intuiting and being freer than most of us really are in our repressive culture. I am not a slave to the corporate world's constraints or it's values. I am a free spirit, not guided by any one religion, but probably influenced by them all. I challenge authority...have all my life.

I am a past president of our county's Arts Council. I volunteer in places of need for the downtrodden. I try to leave a small, green footprint. I never want to see any cruelty or any person or animal hurt or killed. I remain convinced that there are alternatives to deliberate violence. I cannot be placed in any ideology comfortably. The political game is too corrupt, wherever it is played. It is all about money and power. If you think they serve you, you are being duped. That is a dead end.

I learn more by listening than talking. My opinions originate in my gut, then my mind works on them, and they become well researched. I am not comfortable leaving any stone unturned. So, the final product is settled upon confidently. I hate being wrong, but if I discover I have been, I will freely admit it. I also apologize when I am convinced that I am wrong.

Being wrong is not always a fatal error. If I am wrong, it is probably of no consequence to others. But I am hard on myself. If wrong, sometimes it is a revelation. Sometimes I have been misinformed, or lied to. Sometimes it is a result of a let down of personal vigilance. But rarely is it a result of a breakdown of experiential structure or cognitive thinking.

So, in this topic, I am right and true to myself and my values. Apparently I am wrong in the cops' eyes. I don't like it. We are indeed different. The cliche is "that's what makes the world go around". For me, that's OK on a superficial, website level. But now you all know how I feel about the issue in real life. You could probably care less, but it is important to me.

I have reached the point of saturation. I am bored, and so must you all be. So, I am done with this topic. You may return to your regular states of being. CLICK

Toneart, I for one will miss your contributions to any subject, as I see in above post

It's good to get as many to contribute to the discussion as possible.. the more data (pick your own def) on a subject the greater chance of making significant in roads to change..

I also do not like seeing the change that LE has been forced to make over the past 40-50 years.. they used to be a lot more at ease, as they could be.. it was much different

Folks back in the 40's and 50's when I grew up, were not in the same mind set as today... people did not call Police "cop's", pig's, spit on them, and all the rest.. we used to have a crossing guard on Orange Ave. and Del Amo Blvd. in N. Long Beach.. and we used to give him cupcakes and cookies on the way to school and back.. I was in the third grade. Yeah, I know it's not like that everywhere, but it was like this where I grew up, and I'm sticking to it....

I see police officers in Mission Viejo Orange County CA, they are young, buffed out, wearing body armor, and they are very well armed.. they appear to me to be ex military.. as they have the approach and carry themselves as one would if you have been in the military and/or combat... and they are very serious.. smiles are hard to come by.. it's all business (training to stay alive)

I appreciate their present in the community, but at the same time.. question in my mind is there really a need for a "police force" as "heavy duty" as these folks..

I think that perhaps there would not be, if it were not for things happening like the "Northridge shoot out" a few years back. Where the "first responders" walked into a gun fight with way less firepower and protection than then the other guys.. it don't take to many of those to make you rethink "what the H**L is going on out there"

When I was young, guns were just not used by the "average Joe" most of the time... we fought with our fists, you might pick up a rock (I've got a scar on the back of my head) from a rock fight from the fourth grade.. but guns were not really used..

I also, would hope there was a way for the folks in LE to not have to have this terrible burden placed on them.. take a look at what it does to them: divorce, alcoholism, mental problems, and death.. when your under that kind of pressure everyday.. well, I think many might agree that it has a negative impact on the individual who are in LE.

I had a number of opportunities to go to work in LE, used to work with them through cooperative agreements while working with State of California and the EPA who I work for... I liked helping people as do most folks in LE, but in the their LE work, the "carnage" and "danger" faced and seen by these folks daily was not to my liking and I passed a number of times on offers to go to work.

Toneart, I think your contributions will be missed, as all thoughts on how one deals with confrontation is really needed in our world today

I'm not as good a writer as you, so I hope this "thought of mine" gets though.. play the guitar for the same... and I'm not good at that either, but I like it... as I do your thoughts



(edited as I can't spell or write)

[Edited on 1-12-2010 by wessongroup]

[Edited on 1-12-2010 by wessongroup]

[Edited on 1-12-2010 by wessongroup]

[Edited on 1-12-2010 by wessongroup]

[Edited on 1-12-2010 by wessongroup]

[Edited on 1-12-2010 by wessongroup]

Donjulio - 1-12-2010 at 09:52 AM


Not that you need it but you got my support on this one. You are 100% right.

Bajahowodd - 1-12-2010 at 11:21 AM

Geez. Far as I know, Tony didn't die, or run of to a Tibetan monastery. He merely scooped up his marbles and went home. He'll be back!:lol:

Dave - 1-12-2010 at 12:03 PM

Originally posted by toneart
I am a past president of our county's Arts Council.

The NEA?

toneart - 1-12-2010 at 12:17 PM

I am now the proud owner of a new tin foil hat, presented to me by David (elinvest18) by U2U. I hope this url appears correctly when I post it. Thank you, David! I have been needing one for a long time.:yes:;D My envy of gnukid was overwhelming.

Thank you, Wesson, Don Julio and Howard, for your comments. I hope I am not leaving anyone out. I am surprised that no women entered the discussion. I would have thought...well...maybe not.

Wesson- I was sent to a Boy's Ranch for four years, from age 8 through 11. It was rough. I was quite small for my age but I learned to fight with my fists (I became a pretty good street boxer later), and I also could run faster than any of them when my life depended on it. Oh, we certainly had plenty of rock throwing fights. They were serious fights but I survived. To this day, I am agile and stay in shape. I think I could do it again, if I needed to.
Well....maybe I had better back off of that statement...I do recall challenging a girlfriend to a foot race when I was in my forties. It didn't occur to me that I may not be as fast as I once was. Well, she beat me and than laughed at me. It was clear by her attitude towards me that my (love)life had depended on that footrace and *poof* had evaporated...a very chilly experience! Perhaps it was the first taste of humility this self-confident, but fragile ego had experienced.:o:yes::rolleyes:

I didn't say I was withdrawing from posting in The BajaNomad. I just said I had exhausted the subject and had said all I have to say. Beyond what I have said and what the LE guys have countered, I think it slips into an obsessive tedium. So, I am done! :yawn:

ELINVESTIG8R - 1-12-2010 at 01:05 PM

Originally posted by toneart

I am now the proud owner of a new tin foil hat, presented to me by David (elinvest18) by U2U. I hope this url appears correctly when I post it. Thank you, David! I have been needing one for a long time.:yes:;D My envy of gnukid was overwhelming…

Tony I enjoyed the good natured banter and ribbing. Enjoy your new hat!

Your friend,

PS: I'm done too!

toneart - 1-12-2010 at 01:13 PM

Originally posted by Dave
Originally posted by toneart
I am a past president of our county's Arts Council.

The NEA?

No, The NRA!...just kidding. :o:no::lol:

It was the Nevada County Arts Council, under the California Arts Council. We lost our funding and are now defunct.

Bajahowodd - 1-12-2010 at 01:46 PM

Who needs funding for the arts, as long as we can keep funding prisons, eh?

wessongroup - 1-12-2010 at 02:52 PM

Seemed like you were the Lone Ranger out there to me.. also seems we were similar growing up, as I to learned to fight at an early age, along with learning how to run too..

Knew you weren't knocked out... but, just wanted to say thanks.. for your "thinking" on the issue

It all helps in my book..



MrBillM - 1-13-2010 at 10:21 AM

"Who needs funding for the arts, as long as we can keep funding prisons, eh ?"

Howodd and I are in complete agreement.

It should not be the business of Government to fund ANY of the Arts with Tax Dollars properly spent elsewhere.

It IS the business of Government to provide protection to its Citizens by removing threats to society.

Unfortunately, I doubt that Odd is serious.

Donjulio - 1-13-2010 at 10:53 AM

Yes we don't want to fund the arts. Darn artists might start throwing paint brushes like spears. Cant have that.


Salvador - 1-13-2010 at 12:39 PM

Sorry for posting it again


To arrowhead
Our only instructors : Mr John Robertson and Mr Chuck Norris.
Thats it.
and regarding Mayor Jorge Ramos event :He is too gracious and I am very undeserving.
Who are you ?

Arq. Salvador Velazco

arrowhead - 1-13-2010 at 12:50 PM

Originally posted by Salvador
Who are you ?
Arq. Salvador Velazco

I'm not Nancy.

Donjulio Funding

MrBillM - 1-13-2010 at 01:06 PM

No WE.

YOU and those who agree are free to fund the Arts or anything else you want to whatever extent you please. The market will fund those Arts deemed worthy.

wessongroup - 1-13-2010 at 02:57 PM

Originally posted by MrBillM
"Who needs funding for the arts, as long as we can keep funding prisons, eh ?"

Howodd and I are in complete agreement.

It should not be the business of Government to fund ANY of the Arts with Tax Dollars properly spent elsewhere.

It IS the business of Government to provide protection to its Citizens by removing threats to society.

Unfortunately, I doubt that Odd is serious.

How about this, we agree again... Ditto's