
Tipping at grocery stores in Mexico

Bajatripper - 6-6-2010 at 06:46 PM

Many long-time residents of Mexico already know, but ocassional visitors may not be aware that most (if not all)baggers at Mexican grocery stores work for tips only. While doing research on tourism in La Paz, one of the groups I interviewed were baggers, who reported that foreigners often didn't tip. As I doubt most Americans would be so tight with a few pesos if they knew such information, I'm assuming that this oversight is simply a matter of not knowing this detail.
Please tip the baggers, they need it more than we do.

Woooosh - 6-6-2010 at 06:52 PM

I'm thinking it's those Canadian-type foreigners who don't tip them... :biggrin::biggrin:

[Edited on 6-7-2010 by Woooosh]

comitan - 6-6-2010 at 06:55 PM


I'm sorry tripper but I think you got took, we all know to tip, I have a friend who's son is a bagger they make 200-300 pesos a day its a good job. Lately there are many more older people bagging because it is a good job.

BajaBlanca - 6-6-2010 at 07:06 PM

but you know what ? for a long time I didnt realize I was supposed to tip .... now I ALWAYS tip :)

Barry A. - 6-6-2010 at 07:08 PM

Well, I sure did not know. I have never even thought of tipping a bagger, assuming they were employees of the store.

Thanks for correcting that.


BMG - 6-6-2010 at 07:14 PM

Originally posted by Bajatripper

...foreigners often didn't tip.

Or tip too much. Seems to me there is quite often a scramble to bag the 'foreigners' bags.

BMG - 6-6-2010 at 07:16 PM

Originally posted by comitan

I have a friend who's son is a bagger they make 200-300 pesos a day its a good job. Lately there are many more older people bagging because it is a good job.

The son of a friend? Admit it Wiley, you're moonlighting at CCC. Or is it Walmart?

[Edited on 6-7-2010 by BMG]

Udo - 6-6-2010 at 07:26 PM

How much to tip?

My intuition is a peso a bag, or generally between 5-10 pesos in tips

SiReNiTa - 6-6-2010 at 07:27 PM

Good job pointing it out!
There are lots of people who don't know about this.

Usually the baggers are retired people (with little or no income) and/or children or young teens who want money for school, clothes, etc etc.
The same as the parking attendants at large stores.
Tipping also usually depends on the amount of things they bag, at least for me.

While it's true that sometimes the younger ones scramble to bag the foreigners bags, I think some of the markets (larger ones usually) have placed one or two people per register, and they take turns and share the profit.

The tips (from my experience) usually range from anywhere between 1-30 pesos, the higher being when the load is pretty big.


karenintx - 6-6-2010 at 07:32 PM

I too have witnessed Americans and Canadians that do not tip but what excuse do the locals have for not tipping? Lots of them...when they do tip it is only centavos. Maybe they need to get the memo!

My tip is predicated on the service I am given.

1. When I speak to the "bagger" in they look at me and greet
me back. I am alway pleasant to them so respect goes a long way.

2. How do they bag my bottles on top of my bread is
an automatic deduction.

3. Do they double bag the heavy stuff when asked.

4. Senior citizens always get a bigger tip from me. What can I say,
I have lost both of my parents in the past two years and it breaks
my heart to see a elderly person having to work for tips.

Actually the best baggers are senoir citizen females. They too understand that after a person pays good money for food the last thing a customer wants is a bagger that destorys the food before you can get it home.

Just food for pun intended!



comitan - 6-6-2010 at 07:46 PM

If UDO is tipping I'll be there, either store.:yes::yes::yes:

BMG - 6-6-2010 at 08:24 PM

M$5-10 plus coins of M$1 or less received in change is what I normally tip.

Santiago - 6-6-2010 at 08:55 PM

I've noticed that one store in BOLA has a box label "tips for baggers" (in English). Always kids as far as I remember.

DENNIS - 6-6-2010 at 09:01 PM

First, I have to say, I tip ten or more Ps each time I go through the checkstand.

That said, I cringe every time I do that. It's not the pittance of change, but the fact that the employer has turned over the responsibility of paying his employees directly to the consumers who, for some reason, agree to this nonsense.
The employer has found a way to have people work for him and enhance his quality of service along with his reputation.....for nothing.

[we had a heated thread about this subject a few years back and I'll be happy to defend my solo position, as it was then, on the subject tomorrow]

toneart - 6-6-2010 at 10:16 PM

I always tip varying amounts, depending on the change on hand. It is usually just a few pesos. In Mulege they all know me and acknowledge their appreciation with a "Gracias! I go often, but usually buy a small amount of groceries; just what I am going to consume within that day or the next.

Furthermore, it is obvious that a tip is customary. There is always a plastic cup or glass right there in front of them.

BigWooo - 6-7-2010 at 06:53 AM

Well...this is great information. Being relatively new to the nuances of living here, I didn't know they weren't store employees. Just the other day we were trying to figure out why the store employed so many baggers, and why so many of them were waiting on the other side of the cash registers. Now I feel horrible, since the store is so far away, we usually go shopping for enough goods to last several weeks. We never really did that much grocery shopping during the many years we only came for short vacations. Thanks for the info.

MitchMan - 6-7-2010 at 06:56 AM

I think Karenintx and Dennis have it exactly right. Karenintx said essentially to tip an appropriate and consistant amount related to quality and care of bagging. That makes absolute and perfect sense from all perspectives.

Dennis recognizes the economic ramifications and I applaud that esoteric and very correct perspective.

When it comes to tipping for anything, I always look at it this way. How much should a customarily tipped service provider make for a day's work (salary + tips) compared to other vocations that take either education and/or experience?

I don't think that a food server who takes about three days to train should make more money per hour than a recent grad accountant from a four year college for the same 40-hour work week. I don't think that a waiter/waitress that works in an upscale restaurant where the food prices are very high should make tips based on the total food/drink bill, That's economically unfair to the waitress who works at top speed and much, much harder for every moment of time at Spires restaurant. That does not make economic sense and is an unfair distribution of wealth that for me is within my control. Food servers should make a tip based on quality of service only and that should be consistant from upscale restaurant to down scale restaurants and not just based on total bill. You know, some waitresses have to bus their own tables and that would be a lower scale restaurants.

So, for baggers, I pay about $.50 to $1 peso for each full bag of PROPERLY bagged groceries (I would cut off the tip at a max total of $6 pesos), and it goes down from there depending on attentiveness and quality of bagging (the lack thereof) and proportion of fulness of a bag.

Dennis is right about the owner of the grocery stores getting free value from baggers who work only for tips, just like USA restaurant owners who get away with paying food servers less than minimum wage. I do not believe that such owners should get this benefit, but they do. This situation may result in lower prices, but only in certain circumstances and not in every case (for example, having only to pay food servers in very upscale restaurants minimum wage has no reduction effect on the exhorbitant pricing reflected in their menu pricing).

tiotomasbcs - 6-7-2010 at 06:58 AM

I agree with you, Dennis. CCC and Sorianna should pay them and not the customers! I do think the big stores train them, tho. I do tip, however!! The cute, little kids at the local stores and the seniors, especially. How can we not?! Tio

Natalie Ann - 6-7-2010 at 07:03 AM

Tipping the grocery bagger is not such an unusual custom... it is regularly done in the Midwest USA where seniors often bag groceries for tips.

First trip to the grocery in Baja, I watched how locals behaved. Most everyone tipped the bagger, so I did too. Took years to figure out I was tipping way more than a reasonable amount. Now I generally tip M$10 plus those real small coins.


(Ooops - edit to correct my tip amount)

[Edited on 6-7-2010 by Natalie Ann]

DENNIS - 6-7-2010 at 07:11 AM

Originally posted by Natalie Ann
those real small coins.

Yeah...what good are those things. Personally, I feel it would be insulting to use them even for a tip and usually throw them on the ground where the kids might find them.
Dinero es dinero, I guess, but I never see anybody paying with them. :?:

Natalie Ann - 6-7-2010 at 07:17 AM

I keep coins under a peso in a little container in the car, grab a handful when I go into the grocery. I'd never give baby coins to the adult baggers.... but to the kids it's often true that more is better. They sure smile big.... perhaps while thinking what a cheap old gringo I am.;D:biggrin:

fwiw... I keep the one peso coins in a container for myself - a personal savings account of sorts.:tumble::dudette:


vandenberg - 6-7-2010 at 07:36 AM

Small coins are great to play penny annie? (any) poker with.

And Dennis... you're right. The owners take advantage of those kids and old folks.
And Mitch... I agree on food service persons getting better pay then many educated folks, especially in todays economy.
Been part of that industry, bar/restaurant, most of my life and remember congressional secretaries/aids in Sacramento, make derogatory remarks about waiters/waitresses, while I pointed out to them that they made about 4 times their wage, while working half their time.:no:

[Edited on 6-7-2010 by vandenberg]

[Edited on 6-7-2010 by vandenberg]

DENNIS - 6-7-2010 at 07:50 AM

Originally posted by vandenberg
And Dennis... you're right. The owners take advantage of those kids and old folks.

Oh, I don't know, Ed. They give them an opportunity to make a little money, and that's good.
My point is that the stores are taking advantage of the consumer, especially in a tipping society.
Where will it end? Will we be tipping the man behind the meat counter for wrapping up a pound of molida? The guy in the produce department for trimming the corn?
We arn't the employer although we do pay for the employees through profit. We shouldn't have to pay them twice.

Osprey - 6-7-2010 at 08:09 AM

C'mon, you don't tip the corn guy? He gets all my big coins and a nice pat on the head.

BMG - 6-7-2010 at 08:31 AM

Originally posted by DENNIS

Yeah...what good are those things. Personally, I feel it would be insulting to use them even for a tip and usually throw them on the ground where the kids might find them.
Dinero es dinero, I guess, but I never see anybody paying with them. :?:

I always figured the baggers just sell them back to the store. I never intended to insult anyone by giving them to the bagger along with some larger coins.

I think the last time I actually used a coin less than M$1 to buy something was in 1974 when we used 25 centavos coins in the foosball game in San Blas.

sarkmych - 6-7-2010 at 08:50 AM

Originally posted by Woooosh
I'm thinking it's those Canadian-type foreigners who don't tip them... :biggrin::biggrin:

[Edited on 6-7-2010 by Woooosh]

I'm Canadian. First time in baja in 2008 / 2009 I tipped all baggers...The fellows I was with all tipped too.

capn.sharky - 6-7-2010 at 09:12 AM

I'm Canadian. First time in baja in 2008 / 2009 I tipped all baggers...The fellows I was with all tipped too.

How rare---two Canadians that tipped, eh? Must be from a small town in Canada.:lol::lol::lol:

DENNIS - 6-7-2010 at 09:25 AM

Originally posted by BMG

I think the last time I actually used a coin less than M$1 to buy something was in 1974 when we used 25 centavos coins in the foosball game in San Blas.

I thought those were 20 centavo coins. I used to call my girlfriend in Norway with them from a pay phone in Newport. It was just like Vegas. I'd have so many coins in the phone that, after I completed my call and hung up, it would send all of them back to me through the coin return like a slot machine. :saint:

Foosball game in San Blas? Torino's, perhaps?

DENNIS - 6-7-2010 at 09:31 AM

Originally posted by sarkmych

I'm Canadian. First time in baja in 2008 / 2009 I tipped all baggers...The fellows I was with all tipped too.

Welcome to BajaNomad, sarkmych.
Don't take the jabs at Canadians too seriously. Not here anyway. There are a few Canadians here who wouldn't put up with too much of that, so you're in safe company.

oladulce - 6-7-2010 at 10:38 AM

As BigWooo mentioned, at SuperLey in Constitución there can be 4 or 5 checkstands open and 20 people of various ages lined up shoulder to shoulder outside the registers all wearing Super Ley smocks. I'm usually preoccupied during check out and didn't realize they were rotating bagging duties. You have to walk past the line-up to exit the store and I've been surprised no one has approached us to ask if we want help to the car. I thought they were there for carry-out assistance/ tips.

I haven't noticed this line-up at stores we've been to in La Paz. I can't imagine they make very much in Cd C. with that much competition from other baggers.

bajajudy - 6-7-2010 at 11:00 AM

I definitely agree that the older ladies do a better job. Since I have started carrying my own shopping bags, I have two or three special ladies that I look for when checking out. They know what to do with my cooler bag, my wine bags and my grocery bags. They always get $10mn. There are a few kids who know what to do but most are too busy having fun with their friends to pay much attention to what is going into the bag. One day I had to get the cashier to exchange a dozen eggs for me because this kid dropped a bottle of wine on top of the carton.
As for the nationals, I have always noticed that they seem to be generous with their tips for baggers, red cross collectors in the middle of the road and anyone else who happens to be standing in the middle of the road collecting for whatever.

DENNIS - 6-7-2010 at 11:11 AM

Originally posted by bajajudy
One day I had to get the cashier to exchange a dozen eggs for me because this kid dropped a bottle of wine on top of the carton.

Eggs in the Wine Bag??? The kids these days just have no sense of responsibility. :lol:

vandenberg - 6-7-2010 at 11:14 AM

Pretty tough to be generous if you're poverty struck.:no::no::P

BMG - 6-7-2010 at 04:49 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS

I thought those were 20 centavo coins.

Foosball game in San Blas? Torino's, perhaps?

I think you may be right, 20 centavos sounds correct.

There used to be a couple of foosball games set up on the town square every night. I would routinely get my clock cleaned.

Is Torino's still in business? I remember eating platters of boiled shrimp with copious amounts of Superior while the boa slithered through the palapa roof. Also, these guys on the way to the toilet:

[Edited on 6-7-2010 by BMG]

crocs in bar - san blas, mexico march 1974.jpg - 48kB

DENNIS - 6-7-2010 at 04:53 PM

Originally posted by BMG
Is Torino's still in business? I remember eating platters of boiled shrimp with copious amounts of Superior while the boa slithered through the palapa roof. Also, these guys on the way to the toilet:

I don't know. It's been over forty years since I've been there. First time there, I sat at a table by a garden setting. Someone at the bar told me to get my arm away from the rail, or whatever it was, and I looked in to see an aligator about two feet from my arm.

I see you posted pics of the gators. Thanks.

[Edited on 6-8-2010 by DENNIS]

Ha Dennis

Baja Bernie - 6-7-2010 at 05:29 PM

I seem to remember beating this around 3 or 4 years ago...Things have toned down a bit since that last go around.

DENNIS - 6-7-2010 at 05:33 PM

Originally posted by Baja Bernie
I seem to remember beating this around 3 or 4 years ago...Things have toned down a bit since that last go around.

That was it, Bernie. We had a good ol' fasioned gang fight over it then.
Ahhh well, it was fun.

sarkmych - 6-8-2010 at 09:28 AM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by sarkmych

I'm Canadian. First time in baja in 2008 / 2009 I tipped all baggers...The fellows I was with all tipped too.

Welcome to BajaNomad, sarkmych.
Don't take the jabs at Canadians too seriously. Not here anyway. There are a few Canadians here who wouldn't put up with too much of that, so you're in safe company.

Thanks Dennis. No offense taken. I lurk alot on this site. Ever since I returned from Baja, I cannot wait for the opportunity to return. Much like everyone else. I just had to put my 2 cents worth in as I found all the tiendas to be well enough staffed but the baggers all seemed to be children who were very appreciative of whatever you could spare as a tip.

vandenberg - 6-8-2010 at 09:57 AM

Few years ago seemed to be ALL children. Noticed lately mainly grown ups and elderly folks doing the bagging.
At the Ley store in Constitucion all are older folks and plenty of them.

DENNIS - 6-8-2010 at 10:05 AM

Originally posted by vandenberg
Few years ago seemed to be ALL children. Noticed lately mainly grown ups and elderly folks doing the bagging.
At the Ley store in Constitucion all are older folks and plenty of them.

Fact remains, they don't pay them and I'll bet they don't get any of the guaranteed amenities that regular employees get. Big business has friends in high places and pretty much redesigns the laws to suit their bottom line needs.

BajaBlanca - 6-8-2010 at 10:12 AM

On a sideline ... are you all taking your own reuseable bags to the store ? they sell great bags at Trader Joe's (I bought them for 99 cents) in the States and almost every supermarket there sells them, some at a great price. I have 2 baskets that we bought in Germany which are fantastic - small or big items fit in them. We can be models of good citizens of the Earth. for sure Les and I are the ONLY ones here doing it, but the baggers all know I will tip them even when using my own portable basket

DENNIS - 6-8-2010 at 10:18 AM

Originally posted by BajaBlanca
On a sideline ... are you all taking your own reuseable bags to the store ? they sell great bags at Trader Joe's (I bought them for 99 cents) in the States and almost every supermarket there sells them, some at a great price. I have 2 baskets that we bought in Germany which are fantastic - small or big items fit in them. We can be models of good citizens of the Earth. for sure Les and I are the ONLY ones here doing it, but the baggers all know I will tip them even when using my own portable basket

Comercial Mexicana, Ensenada, has a box in the store for shoppers to return plastic bags for proper recycleing. I use it and I notice a lot of others do as well.
It's great to see this effort and I'm wondering how much of it is youth teaching the parents.

DianaT - 6-8-2010 at 10:27 AM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by BajaBlanca
On a sideline ... are you all taking your own reuseable bags to the store ? they sell great bags at Trader Joe's (I bought them for 99 cents) in the States and almost every supermarket there sells them, some at a great price. I have 2 baskets that we bought in Germany which are fantastic - small or big items fit in them. We can be models of good citizens of the Earth. for sure Les and I are the ONLY ones here doing it, but the baggers all know I will tip them even when using my own portable basket

Comercial Mexicana, Ensenada, has a box in the store for shoppers to return plastic bags for proper recycleing. I use it and I notice a lot of others do as well.
It's great to see this effort and I'm wondering how much of it is youth teaching the parents.

I think there is more of a push and awareness in this area. When we bought our Banda Ancha in Encenada, they put it in a large reusable shopping bag and she told us to be sure and use it. Really nice people in that TelCel store.

Tipping, we always tip, but we have no set amount----unless it is the owner of the store which is sometimes is at one of the stores here. Once she was eating some cucumbers dipping them in hot salsa and insisted on sharing them with me---so I got the tip. :biggrin:

DENNIS - 6-8-2010 at 10:57 AM

Originally posted by DianaT
I think there is more of a push and awareness in this area.

I think so. Now, if they would just put out more trash cans for the public, it would help.

[Edited on 6-8-2010 by DENNIS]

bajafam - 6-8-2010 at 09:20 PM

We always tip the baggers at the store and now that our daughter is getting old enough to understand the concept of money, we let her tip them. A lot of the kids don't seem that much older than her, so I feel that's it's a good way to show gratitude. We always tip at least 10 pesos, more for baggers that interact or offer to help us out to the car.

David K - 6-8-2010 at 10:32 PM

Mexico is such a great deal... tipping for any 'service' you receive should be obvious. But for those new to Mexico, this information is helpful. Same thing with tipping for service at Pemex (specially when you get the correct change or windshields are washed, etc.).

By-the-way, tips are not accepted by grocery baggers here (CA). Maybe store policy, but when I tried it was flatly refused by the bagger... then I was told they are not allowed to take tips from customers...?

DENNIS - 6-9-2010 at 06:10 AM

Originally posted by David K

By-the-way, tips are not accepted by grocery baggers here (CA). Maybe store policy, but when I tried it was flatly refused by the bagger... then I was told they are not allowed to take tips from customers...?

They're paid by the employer. You're aware of that, arn't you?

David K - 6-10-2010 at 09:39 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by David K

By-the-way, tips are not accepted by grocery baggers here (CA). Maybe store policy, but when I tried it was flatly refused by the bagger... then I was told they are not allowed to take tips from customers...?

They're paid by the employer. You're aware of that, arn't you?

Yah, and so are waitresses at restaurants... or don't you ever tip where people are also paid?

irenemm - 6-10-2010 at 10:52 PM

The Seniors at the EX Gigante all work for tips. They take turns and can only work 3 days a week. So all you give, they really need it. Many of them never have had seguro social so they have no pension. 10 pesos at least. Many live off that.
Be glad of your situation.

DENNIS - 6-11-2010 at 07:21 AM

Originally posted by David K

Yah, and so are waitresses at restaurants... or don't you ever tip where people are also paid?

I tip in the appropriate places, most often the hospitality industry which grocery stores are not a part of.

Since you're such a noble soul, do you tip your doctor or have you made the arbitrary decision that his income covers your need to be magnanimous?
You're so gracious with your gifts. My remaining hope here is that you don't sprinkle coins at your feet and watch these kids pick them up.

Before you folks jump the gun and accuse me of being cheap, the little conversation DicK and I are having is about boxboys in the USA.

[Edited on 6-11-2010 by DENNIS]

Bajatripper - 6-12-2010 at 03:48 PM

Even though I always include those annoying little coins with my tip, they still seem to find their way into my home (sometimes, I think they must be another breed of roach). What I do with those that make it into my house is bag 'em up in the old-style sandwich bags in little handfulls and carry them with me in my vehicle about town in La Paz. Then, when anyone approaches me for the Red Cross, a Rehab center, a beauty queen contest or whatever, I give them a little bag. Such bags can add up to 10-20 pesos, which would please most people making a street collection.


[Edited on 7-31-2011 by Bajatripper]

DENNIS - 6-12-2010 at 05:33 PM

Originally posted by Bajatripper
What I do with those that make it into my house is bag 'em up in the old-style sandwich bags in little handfulls and carry them with me in my vehicle about town in La Paz. Then, when anyone approaches me for the Red Cross, a Rehab center, a beauty queen contest or whatever, I give them a little bag. Such bags can add up to 10-20 pesos, which would please most people making a street collection.

Steve G

You have got to be kidding. I shop as much as anybody down here and I don't see enough of those small coins, 5 and 10 centavos in a month to fill a shot glass.
If you're talking about the brass colored 50 cent pieces, I see them as a nickel and they're part of my legitimate shopping program.
I make it a point to not accumulate a lot of them. I don't want to be a pain in the butt at the checkstand.

comitan - 6-12-2010 at 05:37 PM

We also do the 10, 20, 50 centavo coins in small bags, for the cruz roja, and others. There are plenty of the little buggers down here in La Paz.

DENNIS - 6-12-2010 at 05:47 PM

Originally posted by comitan
We also do the 10, 20, 50 centavo coins in small bags, for the cruz roja, and others. There are plenty of the little buggers down here in La Paz.

When I get the 5s and 10s in change, I throw them on the floor. They're a hinderance to efficient commerce.

DianaT - 6-13-2010 at 10:00 AM

Originally posted by DENNIS

When I get the 5s and 10s in change, I throw them on the floor. They're a hinderance to efficient commerce.


Reminds me of Martin Mull and Fernwood 2 Night----something he would do. Except he only did those things with collections for the orphans.


rhintransit - 6-13-2010 at 10:16 AM

we never see the small stuff/coins here in Loreto, it's all rounded up. or down, depending. but when I get to the big city of La Paz, the little coins pile up. so they must make a difference to someone if they are carefully doled out in change everywhere. I give them all back to the baggers, along with a couple of pesos. I can't imagine tipping the bag person 10 pesos. I don't know the rotation but 10+ pesos every four or five minutes through the day is a good wage. least someone say that the baggers don't get that from everyone...well, duh! I chose to go with the prevailing customs of the country.

David K - 6-13-2010 at 10:18 AM

Dennis... you were quick to point out that boxboys in the USA are paid (so don't need tips, in your opinion)... I just responded that waitresses and waiters are ALSO paid, and wondered if your logic applied to them as well?

The nasty stuff isn't called for, just trying to learn your thinking process as it applies to this thread. Can't we just talk with each other here without being sour?

DENNIS - 6-13-2010 at 10:54 AM

Allow me to repeat myself:


"I tip in the appropriate places, most often the hospitality industry which grocery stores are not a part of."

I talk, but you don't listen.

tiotomasbcs - 6-13-2010 at 06:05 PM

I vote to elect G eorge Bush Jr, Jr. Things were so good then. Iraq, Afghanistan. And, let Haliburton watch over the Oil Industry! No worries! All that chit is why we love the Obscurity of Baja. See ya! Tio

tiotomasbcs - 6-13-2010 at 06:26 PM

David, you are sour! Always picking a fight! Why such abrassiveness? I am new here but your posts are often so insulting. That's one reason why I lurked here for years. I do enjoy your historical, informative info but the political, industrial is....... not easy to listen to .

mojo_norte - 6-13-2010 at 06:46 PM

Originally posted by tiotomasbcs
David, you are sour! Always picking a fight! Why such abrassiveness? I am new here but your posts are often so insulting. That's one reason why I lurked here for years. I do enjoy your historical, informative info but the political, industrial is....... not easy to listen to .

How was DK Sour in this post? Only bash David K when he deserves it :yes:

Barry A. - 6-13-2010 at 06:50 PM

Originally posted by tiotomasbcs
David, you are sour! Always picking a fight! Why such abrassiveness? I am new here but your posts are often so insulting. That's one reason why I lurked here for years. I do enjoy your historical, informative info but the political, industrial is....... not easy to listen to .

Errrr Ahhhh, me thinks this is a case of the pot calling the kettle black? Perception is everything, you know. I find your posts rather testy, certainly laced with opinion, and yes, even abrasive.

I have never read anything by DavidK that is "sour", but even that is subject to interpretation, I admit.

Also I have observed that David K only responds in a testy manner when attacked, or insulted. I would expect no less from anybody.

Welcome to the posting side of this board-------looking forward to you contributions. :tumble:


mojo_norte - 6-13-2010 at 07:00 PM

When in Baja, Mojo tips the (honest) Pemex Jockeys, The grocery baggers, the parking lot guards, the restaurant waitresses, the motel maids , the sport guides- why not ... Mojo's on vacation :P

toneart - 6-13-2010 at 07:06 PM

Originally posted by Barry A.
Originally posted by tiotomasbcs
David, you are sour! Always picking a fight! Why such abrassiveness? I am new here but your posts are often so insulting. That's one reason why I lurked here for years. I do enjoy your historical, informative info but the political, industrial is....... not easy to listen to .

I have never read anything by DavidK that is "sour", but even that is subject to interpretation, I admit.

Also I have observed that David K only responds in a testy manner when attacked, or insulted. I would expect no less from anybody.



Barry A. - 6-13-2010 at 07:20 PM

Originally posted by toneart
Originally posted by Barry A.
Originally posted by tiotomasbcs
David, you are sour! Always picking a fight! Why such abrassiveness? I am new here but your posts are often so insulting. That's one reason why I lurked here for years. I do enjoy your historical, informative info but the political, industrial is....... not easy to listen to .

I have never read anything by DavidK that is "sour", but even that is subject to interpretation, I admit.

Also I have observed that David K only responds in a testy manner when attacked, or insulted. I would expect no less from anybody.



---------:?::?::?: should I have said "SELDOM responds in a testy manner" ???? :lol:


David K - 6-13-2010 at 09:56 PM

Originally posted by tiotomasbcs
David, you are sour! Always picking a fight! Why such abrassiveness? I am new here but your posts are often so insulting. That's one reason why I lurked here for years. I do enjoy your historical, informative info but the political, industrial is....... not easy to listen to .

Please, please... quote me where I have picked a fight. I only seeked clarity in my question to Dennis. I also did not call Dennis a 'DicK', so please try to be a bit more fair and balanced.

As for other stuff about me... it is kind of like saying the new Arizona law is racist without even reading it! :lol::light:

To read my posts would be an eye opener if you think I am ever abbrasive or start fights or ever call someone a nasty name... it just doesn't happen.

Thank you and good night.

TonyC - 6-13-2010 at 11:52 PM

Originally posted by karenintx
I too have witnessed Americans and Canadians that do not tip but what excuse do the locals have for not tipping? Lots of them...when they do tip it is only centavos. Maybe they need to get the memo!

My tip is predicated on the service I am given.

1. When I speak to the "bagger" in they look at me and greet
me back. I am alway pleasant to them so respect goes a long way.

2. How do they bag my bottles on top of my bread is
an automatic deduction.

3. Do they double bag the heavy stuff when asked.

4. Senior citizens always get a bigger tip from me. What can I say,
I have lost both of my parents in the past two years and it breaks
my heart to see a elderly person having to work for tips.

Actually the best baggers are senoir citizen females. They too understand that after a person pays good money for food the last thing a customer wants is a bagger that destorys the food before you can get it home.

Just food for pun intended!

Don't be an pun intended. It's not rocket science. Just TIP. OMG

karenintx - 6-14-2010 at 07:37 AM

Morning Tony,

As I said I do "tip"...on the service I receive...just like people said they tip on the sevice they receive when they go to Pemex. Maybe you didn't read that posting.

Anyway if you ever get the chance to met me you will quickly learn that I am a very generous person...not an idiot.

Have a nice day, Tony!

Osprey - 6-14-2010 at 07:44 AM

Chuck, you got it exactly right. Celebrate our differences wherever you travel. That's not a deep, dark concept but I see lots of gringo travelers down here fighting the system every day in every way just to preserve a kind of comfortable balance they got into stateside.

DENNIS - 6-14-2010 at 08:34 AM

Originally posted by David K

Please, please... quote me where I have picked a fight. I only seeked clarity in my question to Dennis. I also did not call Dennis a 'DicK', so please try to be a bit more fair and balanced.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Clarity :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

DaviDaviDaviDaviD...........I didn't call you "A" DicK. I called you DK, as everyone else here does, and typo'd in an "ic" between the D and the K so it came out like this, DicK. An honest error, DicK. [oh oh...there it is again. These nasty fingers....I'll just have to give them a good scolding]

By the way....I didn't see this reply of your as a search for clarity. I saw it as confrontational. At the moment, that's what it was and you know it.

Yah, and so are waitresses at restaurants... or don't you ever tip where people are also paid?

Anyway, cut the aspiring Dalai Lama crap and accept yourself as who and what you are.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: clarity :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

[Edited on 6-14-2010 by DENNIS]

chuckbolton - 6-14-2010 at 08:43 AM

dennis- david- barry and anyone who wants to participate in personal attacks

please take your personal arguments offline- the rest of us dont want to hear it---read about it or really know about it

[Edited on 6-14-2010 by chuckbolton]

DENNIS - 6-14-2010 at 08:49 AM

Originally posted by chuckbolton
dennis- david- barry and anyone who wants to participate in personal attacks

please take your personal arguments offline- the rest of us dont want to hear it---read about it or really know about it

You think THESE are attacks? Stick around, noob. Eventually you'll see the real thing.
In the meantime, quit trying to direct traffic here and if you don't like my posts, don't read them.

And...who are you speaking for 'the rest of us?"

[Edited on 6-14-2010 by DENNIS]

DianaT - 6-14-2010 at 08:58 AM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by chuckbolton
dennis- david- barry and anyone who wants to participate in personal attacks

please take your personal arguments offline- the rest of us dont want to hear it---read about it or really know about it

You think THESE are attacks? Stick around, noob. Eventually you'll see the real thing.
In the meantime, quit trying to direct traffic here and if you don't like my posts, don't read them.

And...who are you speaking for 'the rest of us?"

[Edited on 6-14-2010 by DENNIS]

Somethings are just a given around here----and no matter what, DK will always be the victim and NEVER the instigator. :lol::lol::lol:

But chuckbolton, don't you think your final comment in your first post on this thread was a personal attack toward some of us? A trolling type political comment which is what usually starts things going big time. ???? I found it offensive enough to not take any of your comments seriously.

Political comments should also be saved for off-topic----

[Edited on 6-14-2010 by DianaT]

chuckbolton - 6-14-2010 at 09:05 AM

diana-- you are correct--this is not the place for politics-- that being said-- i will delete that part of my post--

DianaT - 6-14-2010 at 09:48 AM

Originally posted by chuckbolton
diana-- you are correct--this is not the place for politics-- that being said-- i will delete that part of my post--

Thanks----makes it easy to agree with what you said.

chuckbolton - 6-14-2010 at 09:50 AM

its very easy to judge standards in mexico by what you are accustomed to in the states. reality is- kids work in mexico and most dont in the US. if i was a store owner and was inundated with kids wanting to work-- id probably let them in for tips- do you know they arent getting something from the store owner-- i know of several restaurants in ensenada where the waiters actually bid for the position and then work solely for tips-- we cannot change the customs of the entire country-- what is the current unemployement rate in mexico-- sure most are working at low wages, but they are working-- i know of a family that lost their house in the US because dad wouldnt take a job that paid less than he thought he was worth (100K) enjoy mexico and enjoy the differences--its not better or worse,its different- and for this im sure i will get some responses that berate me for my opinion--

- i tried to edit my earlier post-- could not seem to be able to do that- so i deleted it in its entirety and repost the other part

bajalera - 6-14-2010 at 11:34 AM

Hey look! It's taken four pages for this thread to get around to the exchange of personal insults.

Isn't this some sort of a record?

DENNIS - 6-14-2010 at 11:39 AM

Originally posted by bajalera
Hey look! It's taken four pages for this thread to get around to the exchange of personal insults.

Isn't this some sort of a record?

Worse than that. Research shows they have most effect on page one which makes these page four gems practically useless.
Oh, well....practice practice practice.

comitan - 6-14-2010 at 11:42 AM

When it gets to page four who looks at page one, who even knows what started it all.;D