
The Beach, Birds and Bumps in Baja: July 17-20, 2010 (Part 2)

David K - 7-23-2010 at 06:54 PM

Continued from Part 1:

Overnight, maybe about 3 am, it started to rain… and we scrambled to put on the rain fly. It was very warm and with the fly on, quite a bit warmer in the tent. The rain drops soon ended, so we decided the next night to just take and drops that came through the screen ceiling!

The next day was beautiful (naturally, being our anniversary!) and I took my typical photos up and down the beach… Still there, after 32 years of camping, it remains unchanged despite global warming!



The view from my chair under our shade…

The pelicans were busier than usual diving for fish!

Usually, we just see them flying by…

One thing special about camping in Baja, is the days last forever, it seems! We had a calmer night (no rain) and after a campfire with total peace, we slept soundly!

Since this day (Sunday, July 18) was so perfect and lasted so long, we decided to enjoy that memory (the sunning and swimming we did was great) and check out the new road south and go to Baja Cactus in El Rosario for the last night of our little vacation.

To Be Continued…

Udo - 7-23-2010 at 07:30 PM


Bob H - 7-23-2010 at 07:47 PM

David.... your images are so relaxing here at home. Peaceful bliss.

Curt63 - 7-23-2010 at 08:53 PM

Very nice. Congratulations on your anniversary!

Cypress - 7-24-2010 at 06:39 AM


David K - 7-24-2010 at 10:33 AM

De nada amigos... Yes, Baja is a cure for civilization!:light:

David K - 7-24-2010 at 11:29 AM

Okay, Part 3 is posted:

hairwild - 7-24-2010 at 10:33 PM

Thank you for the pictures, I miss Baja already! How's the swimming at this beach? Rocks? Rays? And tell me, can we access it without a 4-wheel drive? Yes, I confess, I'd love to visit it! :saint:

David K - 7-25-2010 at 10:14 AM

Originally posted by hairwild
Thank you for the pictures, I miss Baja already! How's the swimming at this beach? Rocks? Rays? And tell me, can we access it without a 4-wheel drive? Yes, I confess, I'd love to visit it! :saint:

Swimming is great... in the summer, when the water is warm (about 90º). During full or New moons, the lagoon is deep enough to swim in, as well... there, the water is calm like a pool... other than the tidal filling and emptying current.

No rocks in front of our camp, or most of that beach. No sting rays... nothing bad in the water. We consider it perfect, and the finest beach within easy reach of home... about 6 hour drive.

Yes, 4WD is pretty important to feel secure... although I have seen 2WD cars and motorhomes out there with most of the air out of the tires! The access road from Hwy. 5 is even sandy enough now to have 4WD. The other condition is mud, salty, slimey mud... Which you need to drive through most of the lunar month. It is a true island during high tide with a full or new moon, so if you must access the beach then, you will need to drive through a few inches of sea water.

It is for these reasons, the place remains undeveloped and rarely occupied by campers. Some day visitors come to collect shells or enjoy the beach, but usually they stay close to the access road. We camp a couple miles away.

I have posted many trip report photos and you can see many past trip web pages if you go to my site: