
Online Mexican Fishing License

Iflyfish - 9-7-2010 at 11:37 AM

Mrsfish and I leave for Baja 1st of Oct for a few month trip. We plan to fish both Baja and the coast of the mainland.

We would love to meet other Nomad fishers on this trip so please U2U me if you are interested in getting together to flog the water. I have a ton of surf/panga tackle and will leave the fly rods at home this trip.

I would like to purchase our fishing licenses online before we go. I have read that others have done this and would like a link.



Bob and Susan - 9-7-2010 at 11:47 AM

Iflyfish - 9-7-2010 at 11:54 AM

Thanks Bob and Susan.

Like a kid in a candy store at christmas and easter I have been gathering tackle since my last trip down south. I am afraid, very very afraid of a tackle shop in SD! I am afraid like our fellow Nomad , I do what my tackle box tells me to do. IN this case that is mui pelegroso. Thanks for the tip, may do just that! Mrsfish is likely to blow a fuse and I no doubt will need to sit through many hours of bird photo shoots in return.


Bob and Susan - 9-7-2010 at 12:13 PM

Originally posted by fishabductor
My last fishing license stop cost me about $450 us. :tumble::tumble:

My wife sees it as a food investment...or at least that is what I think!

I give the majority of my catch to her family. Fishing is my only hobby these days and it is the only thing that keeps me sane.

Being the only working member of the family also gives me some leeway to buy what I want to buy.

somethings FISHY here:lol::lol:

th.jpg - 27kB

comitan - 9-7-2010 at 12:24 PM

I just renewed mine on line, after going to Tailhunter and found out the service charge. I was simple. The only way to go, also check my Bank account later that day they already gotten their money.:lol:

Iflyfish - 9-7-2010 at 12:42 PM

$531.36 here. OMG, thought that it was Pesos!! Fishing both Trancones and Baja this trip. I sincerly hope that is pesos or I just purchased a fleet of pangas!


Iflyfish - 9-7-2010 at 12:53 PM

Whew!! Had me going there. $531.36 M.N, Full year Federal Zones Coastal license.

Aquas de Jurisdiccion Federal


Iflyfish - 9-7-2010 at 02:36 PM

Had that happen on the Yucatan at a gas station, he did his little number with $20US and $20MN, slickest thing you ever saw!


3464james - 9-7-2010 at 08:25 PM

I like to use Falcon Lake Tackle, Falcon Lake, Texas. They are a Mexican agent. Just call, give them a credit card number, and they mail it to you, great service. Phone 956-765-4866. Check the web site: WWW.tackleand
Jim D.

dizzyspots - 9-8-2010 at 07:04 AM

Falco Lake seems like an extra $20 for the privilege?? $60 vs $41 for an annual permit?? correct?

My San Felipe experience took 15-10 minutes last year..and most of that was the short walk between the fisheries office and the bank and back

[Edited on 9-8-2010 by dizzyspots]

[Edited on 9-8-2010 by dizzyspots]

bajajurel - 9-8-2010 at 09:29 AM

Originally posted by Iflyfish
Mrsfish and I leave for Baja 1st of Oct for a few month trip. We plan to fish both Baja and the coast of the mainland.

We would love to meet other Nomad fishers on this trip so please U2U me if you are interested in getting together to flog the water. I have a ton of surf/panga tackle and will leave the fly rods at home this trip.

I would like to purchase our fishing licenses online before we go. I have read that others have done this and would like a link.



Look at this Post and Thread - Mexico fishing permits available online

bajajurel - 9-8-2010 at 09:32 AM

Originally posted by Iflyfish
Mrsfish and I leave for Baja 1st of Oct for a few month trip. We plan to fish both Baja and the coast of the mainland.

We would love to meet other Nomad fishers on this trip so please U2U me if you are interested in getting together to flog the water. I have a ton of surf/panga tackle and will leave the fly rods at home this trip.

I would like to purchase our fishing licenses online before we go. I have read that others have done this and would like a link.



The credit charge just came through today and it was U.S. $40.70 from Gobierno Del Edo B Cal Mexicali.

Iflyfish - 9-8-2010 at 11:31 AM

Mine came in at $41.14US. National license, Baja and Mainland coast.

Site available in English and easy to use.


jorgie - 9-8-2010 at 03:52 PM

isn't there a sporting goods store across the street from a Gov't office downtown where you can get fishing licences ........DENNIS would know the place Ensenada [sp]

[Edited on 9-8-2010 by jorgie]

[Edited on 9-8-2010 by jorgie]

bajaponderosa - 9-10-2010 at 01:11 PM

I have a question on the fishing licenses at the ebajacalifornia.gob site.
Can you print the permit right away or does it get mailed to you?

Reeljob - 9-10-2010 at 01:32 PM

Print it right away.

desertcpl - 9-11-2010 at 01:39 PM

can I get one here in yuma from the Mexican consulate

bajafam - 9-11-2010 at 10:26 PM

Do the can print up multiple copies and you are good to go. We did it for our last trip, although the site was down over the weekend, so I'd recommend getting it done during the week.

bajaguy - 9-11-2010 at 10:50 PM

Originally posted by jorgie
isn't there a sporting goods store across the street from a Gov't office downtown where you can get fishing licences ........DENNIS would know the place Ensenada [sp]

[Edited on 9-8-2010 by jorgie]

[Edited on 9-8-2010 by jorgie]

Port Captain's office......same office as Immigration

Iflyfish - 9-17-2010 at 02:29 PM

Pan comida!!


mulegemichael - 9-17-2010 at 02:39 PM

stop by in mulege when yer passing through...we are in the oasis, #54.

Pompano - 9-18-2010 at 04:48 AM

Originally posted by Iflyfish
Mrsfish and I leave for Baja 1st of Oct for a few month trip. We plan to fish both Baja and the coast of the mainland.

We would love to meet other Nomad fishers on this trip so please U2U me if you are interested in getting together to flog the water. I have a ton of surf/panga tackle and will leave the fly rods at home this trip.

I would like to purchase our fishing licenses online before we go. I have read that others have done this and would like a link.



Baja fishing licenses. Here's something funny for you.

Yesterday I was buying 2 annual fishing licenses, and was just about to click/pay..... when I realized..
Hey!.. last year's licenses are still good until December 2010.....sheesh. Is there a cure for stoopid?

Iflyfish and Nomad fishers, please note: Co-pilot & I are planning on crossing the border with our mini-caravan Sept. 29th or so...and be in Coyote Bay around Oct 1st or 2nd. We'll be fishing until stop by, visit, & fish with us. Also any other wandering non-fisher Nomads who need a refuge with cold beer. :yes:

Iflyfish - 9-18-2010 at 07:39 AM

Glad you listen to your tackle box. We look forward to meeting you and co-pilot, sounds like fun.

Pompano wrote "Yesterday I was buying 2 annual fishing licenses, and was just about to click/pay..... when I realized..
Hey!.. last year's licenses are still good until December 2010.....sheesh. Is there a cure for stoopid?"

I am flying to BC next week for a week of fly-fishing, discovered my passport expired in April and yup, Mrsfishes two years ago! No, there is no cure for stoopid!


mcfez - 9-19-2010 at 06:56 PM

vagabundos is fast and easy to get your license(s) and for other items of need (auto license-ect). Been doing business with them for years

dizzyspots - 9-21-2010 at 12:33 PM

i have tried x 6 to re-register and/or get my password re-sent from last Fri thru this AM and no response from the website...any ideas?

Bob and Susan - 9-21-2010 at 12:59 PM

i was in santa rosalia today...

you can still buy them in santa rosalia

the office is air conditioned and remodled

this is the same office you pay the car licenses
and the beach concession fees

RnR - 9-21-2010 at 01:00 PM

I may have had the same problem yesterday. The fishing site said that it had sent a confirmation email and also a confirmation that I had requested a password reset, (which I tried as a last resort.). Nada on my email. I checked the SPAM blocker and both emails had been corraled. I moved them from SPAM to the inbox and followed the instructions from the fishing license website. Had the liscenses printed and in hand in about five minutes.:)

Tbone - 9-21-2010 at 01:28 PM

Originally posted by Bob and Susan

I just used this site to buy a 1 week Permiso yesterday, this site works great. This is fast and easy to use and you print your permit out right then. They took about 22 us dollars from my visa.

cabo3100 - 9-21-2010 at 07:05 PM

A mexican fishing Lic is good from the day of purchase for one year if you buy a one year. Not like cali with expiration at the end of year regardless when purchased, correct???

dizzyspots - 9-22-2010 at 03:29 PM


Pompano - 9-22-2010 at 03:40 PM

Yes..mine says one full year from date of purchase.

dizzyspots - 9-24-2010 at 03:09 PM

still unable to retrieve password and no reply from the website in over a week?

any phone numbers?
or just wait until San Felipe?

msteve1014 - 9-24-2010 at 03:42 PM

Try with a different email address, if you can. That was a problem for me. It's all good now.

dizzyspots - 9-24-2010 at 10:16 PM

dont have a second e mail address

mulegejim - 9-25-2010 at 08:10 AM

Just renewed my license online at the below site. Fairly easy and one good item, I noticed, was I could pick a start date for the yearly license. Jim

dizzyspots - 9-27-2010 at 06:00 PM

I was able to re register with a different email, it took my money..shows a confirmation number, no permit number....when I try to view the permit with a "click" says there is no such web address
e mail queries to the host remain unanswered???


dizzyspots - 9-28-2010 at 04:32 PM the "permit" just a simple black and white copy of the transaction...or is it an "official" looking govt document?

[Edited on 9-28-2010 by dizzyspots]

bajajurel - 10-2-2010 at 12:07 PM

The credit charge just came through today and it was U.S. $40.70 from Gobierno Del Edo B Cal Mexicali.

Foreign transaction fee just came through on my Citibank Card for $1.22 so total cost was $41.92.

dizzyspots - 10-5-2010 at 07:14 PM

GOT IT! a friend over at contacted the Mex Fisheries person...technical glitch, got a personal email from the director (Hector)
He was very concerned about my difficulties, promised to fix it and in a matter of a couple of days...fixed...license in hand

thank You

BajaKeela - 10-5-2010 at 07:36 PM

On-line fishing license didn't work at all for me... Just wouldn't accept a canadian zip code ..Hopefully I can buy mine in B.O.L.A . Leaving for Baja soon...two more sleeps. Yeah!!!!

boe4fun - 10-7-2010 at 09:03 AM

I can't get a response. Tried everything, any suggestions? Thanks, Paul