
A stop in Bahia Asuncion

BajaNomad - 1-9-2011 at 01:40 AM

After getting a needed chance to sleep in at Guerrero Negro, we headed to Asuncion Monday morning, December 27th.

When we stopped for gas in Vizcaino, it was apparent there'd been some "major" construction to the road through town - and instead of 2-lane highway with a couple of speed bumps in the road... the town was now setup similar to how they have it in Constitucion, with a main 2-lane, with an additional side 2-lane on each side (that almost everyone takes).... with traffic signals (that worked), etc. That was certainly a surprise for us to see.

The road to Asuncion was indeed paved all the way into town with a slight diversion where they were finishing their work along the last hundred to two-hundred yards of roadway. My roundtrip mileage from/to the Vizcaino Pemex where I topped off the tank both going in and coming out - was 146 miles.... again, that's round-trip.

The main highway west from Vizcaino to the B. Asuncion turn off was somewhere around 40-43 miles if I remember correctly, with the B. Asuncion highway being right around 30-33 miles long.

The main highway before the junction, we passed some salt flats, and there were some sand dunes moving onto the highway edges, and a few potholes to contend with (mostly just in one particular section of this highway stretch).


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BajaNomad - 1-9-2011 at 01:42 AM

Sand on the highway...

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BajaNomad - 1-9-2011 at 01:49 AM

Salt flat...

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BajaNomad - 1-9-2011 at 01:50 AM

Turnoff for B. Asuncion....

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BajaNomad - 1-9-2011 at 01:52 AM

The last few miles into Asuncion with the Pacific Ocean on the horizon....

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BajaNomad - 1-9-2011 at 01:54 AM

They had cones up on the highway over the last 200 yards or so where work was still taking place on the side of the highway, but the workers didn't seem to mind us just driving by them rather slowly while still on the highway. Looked as though that's what most others were also doing. FYI. This was December 27th.

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BajaNomad - 1-9-2011 at 02:05 AM

Pretty much just go through the end of town and turn left out to the point - and you'll find Juan and Shari.... I didn't even have to stop to ask directions in town....

When we arrived, Juan was there, but Shari was in town having to do with the preparations for Micah and Jeremiah's wedding the following day. Juan entertained us until Shari arrived back home, and in the interim we got a chance to meet and chat with Surfdoc, who's very happy to have moved from the Todos Santos area to Asuncion.

When Shari arrived, she had octopus ceviche in hand to share. Yum!

The wedding thread:

Photo of Sirena and Shari, sitting by the bowl of octopus ceviche.

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BajaNomad - 1-9-2011 at 02:14 AM

OH... also want to mention meeting David (of Nomad user Nan&D - father of the bride) who stopped by at this time - and personally hand-delivered an invitation to us for the wedding reception the following day.

We very much appreciated this considerate offer and opportunity.

After discussing the matter with Michelle, it was decided we needed to continue our progress south though - and unfortunately miss the wedding festivities on the 28th. We are very grateful for the invitation though. Thank you very much. It was a great pleasure to meet you.

[Edited on 1-9-2011 by BajaNomad]

BajaNomad - 1-9-2011 at 02:18 AM

After a little while of meet & greet, Shari offered to drive us on a little tour around town... which was very helpful to learn a lot of the town layout, and who's where, etc.... in our very brief stay.

Pic: Shari answering fishing and room availability questions...

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David K - 1-9-2011 at 02:19 AM

Originally posted by BajaNomad
OH... also want to mention meeting David (of Nomad user Nan&;D - father of the bride) who stopped by at this time - and personally hand-delivered an invitation to us for the wedding reception the following day.

We very much appreciated this considerate offer and opportunity.

After discussing the matter with Michelle, it was decided we needed to continue our progress south though - and unfortunately miss the wedding festivities on the 28th. We are very grateful for the invitation though. Thank you very much. It was a great pleasure to meet you.

[Edited on 1-9-2011 by BajaNomad]

What do I say? "So much Baja... So little time!"

BajaNomad - 1-9-2011 at 02:22 AM

We had the good fortune of meeting Bajaboy and family, who were out front of their home as Shari was giving us our "tour". We asked to stop and say hello....

Here's Bajaboy's report from their 2-week trip over the holidays:

Pic of us out front of the Bajaboy-family home.

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BajaNomad - 1-9-2011 at 02:32 AM

Was just thinking back.... before our tour, and in meeting Surfdoc, then David, we also at that time also got the opportunity to first meet Mike Younghusband.

When Shari took us on the "tour", Mike and Surfdoc took a separate vehicle over to the campground, which is where we then ended up at the "completion of the tour". The campground is closer to where the new paved highway comes into town.

The purpose of going by the campground was to see Don-Kay and Solo, who were staying there.

Can you say "photo-op" time? :lol:

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BajaNomad - 1-9-2011 at 02:32 AM


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BajaNomad - 1-9-2011 at 02:34 AM

Figured out where Don-Kay really likes getting scratched on his head - and behind his ears....


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BajaNomad - 1-9-2011 at 02:34 AM


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BajaNomad - 1-9-2011 at 02:38 AM

Special dinner prepared for us by Juan and Shari upon arriving back at their place.

We were very appreciative of the time, efforts, and hospitality put forth for our very brief visit by Shari and Juan. Thank you so much.


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BajaNomad - 1-9-2011 at 02:40 AM

Mike showing us a bottle of his "two buck chuck" for Mexico....


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BajaNomad - 1-9-2011 at 02:44 AM

The morning of Dec 28th. I was up before Michelle and Ryland, and came in to check email and Nomad board in the morning using their wifi connection. Here, talking with Shari who's cooking breakfast.

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BajaNomad - 1-9-2011 at 02:47 AM

And I thought this was a great, creative breakfast.... Shari used a grain(y)-type bread, prepared in a french-toast type of mix (I didn't see if that was it exactly, or what was in her mix), and then used a waffle iron on the toast to make us waffles, with syrup, raspberries, cream, and apples on the side).

I showed Ryland this picture earlier tonight, and he said "YUM!" - that it had been delicious.


[Edited on 1-9-2011 by BajaNomad]

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BajaNomad - 1-9-2011 at 02:51 AM

Needed to start getting our things packed back up. Thought I'd share a couple of pics showing how great the room is here at Shari & Juan's place.... don't mind our own personal mess on the bed as we get packed.


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BajaNomad - 1-9-2011 at 02:53 AM

Considering the "remote" location, the accommodations here are quite nice indeed.

[Edited on 1-9-2011 by BajaNomad]

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BajaNomad - 1-9-2011 at 03:07 AM

As we were leaving, wedding guests were starting to arrive, and Juan and the band began playing... fun stuff...

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BajaNomad - 1-9-2011 at 03:08 AM

While Ryland checked out people over at the "blowhole" here....

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BajaNomad - 1-9-2011 at 03:12 AM

One more stop over at the campground to say farewell for now to Mike, Don-Kay and Solo... and we found them all over at redmesa's place... Don-Kay grazing about 100 yards away.

Mike and I spoke, and Michelle and Ryland went to visit with Don-Kay.

Mike was all set to leave Asuncion the following morning and had (I believe) packed most everything up he needed to in order to be ready to go.

[Edited on 1-9-2011 by BajaNomad]

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BajaNomad - 1-9-2011 at 03:13 AM


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BajaNomad - 1-9-2011 at 03:14 AM


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BajaNomad - 1-9-2011 at 03:16 AM

Thank you again to Shari, Juan, Sirena & Izaak for your very warm hospitality. We appreciated being welcomed with open-arms by all of you.


Doug, Michelle & Ryland

BajaNomad - 1-9-2011 at 03:19 AM

Originally posted by BajaNomad
and we found them all over at redmesa's place...
And Suzanne, it was very much a pleasure to meet you on our visit. Thank you for the offer of tea. Wish we had more time.


Bajaboy - 1-9-2011 at 07:57 AM


It was a great pleasure to me and the family. Glad you enjoyed your stay. Shari does a great job of showing the town off.


shari - 1-9-2011 at 08:22 AM

I felt kinda bad as I couldnt give you the royal tour as we were super busy preparing for the wedding. It was indeed a pleasure to finally meet and host your family to show our appreciation for all you provide through your baja nomads!!! Hope you return to spend more time.

Nan&D - 1-9-2011 at 09:36 AM

Hi Ryland, Micah and Jer thank you for your cool wedding gift. They'll take that back to Canada!

David K - 1-9-2011 at 10:56 AM

Very Nice Doug!

BajaNomad - 1-9-2011 at 08:49 PM

Originally posted by Nan'&'D
Hi Ryland, Micah and Jer thank you for your cool wedding gift. They'll take that back to Canada!

I admit scratching me head on this one. With my curiosity - and almost certainty it would be something interesting to find out - I just went and asked him if he'd given a gift.

Ryland: "Yes I did - I gave them a wedding gift".

Me: Really? Very thoughtful of you. Just out of curiosity, care to share with me what your gift was?

Ryland: "Sure dad. I gave them a BajaNomad sticker."


[Edited on 1-10-2011 by BajaNomad]

David K - 1-9-2011 at 09:50 PM

It's the little things sometimes!:biggrin::light:

[Edited on 1-10-2011 by David K]