Originally posted by gnukid
Quote: | Originally posted by Loretana
This article about the incident is in today's Wall Street Journal.
It does offer some further details. |
From my reading this article isn't reporting, it's entirely a farce, insinuations about what was in the mind of the alleged shooters, this is not a
report as much as a theatrical written interpretation and its not based on facts-more like a conversation on BN between campers arguing about what is
in the mind of a turtle.
From the WSJ article, which we can assume is authorized and approved by top officials as is SOP, that the observed intent of the story is a
psychological operation for counter intelligence operations in order to achieve a greater goal than can be achieved with actual hand to hand warfare,
a more efficient form of warfare-which is the policy of COIN our geo-political strategy. The result is to cause broad trauma, insecurity, fuel the
chaos and further destabilize both regions by reducing confidence in their security forces. Through this hegelian dialect, problem-reaction-solution,
they cause the problem-they offer the solution. As old of a competitive strategy that ever existed, to beat the enemy, to be smarter than the enemy,
be the enemy otherwise known as controlled opposition.
To the readers here, I apologize for being long winded, again, but these actions, the reported tragedy, the reporting, they are all so transparent,
these COIN self-defeating strategies will only end, if and when the people join in a coalition and end these tyrannical policies, or through the
achievement of the intended goal, massive collective global tyranny.
[Edited on 2-18-2011 by gnukid] |