
BajaCactus-El Rosario-What a Dump!

Cielomar - 6-25-2011 at 08:41 AM

After reading all the raves about BajaCactus we decided to stay there the first night going south rather than push on to Catavina as we usually do. Was pulling a trailer so a bit slower going. I had heard so many good things about the motel I was looking forward to some place decent along the road for a change. Wow-what a surprise. I got stuck in room # 6 and it reminded me of a backpacker $2 motel in India. What a filthy dump!! Worst bed I ever paid for. Looking around the next day it appears that there is an old section (rooms 1-8) and the newer section.
Bottom line-if there's no room in the new section, move on. I would have done better sleeping on the beach that night. Of yea, and the charge the same as the new section for the pleasure of a miserable night in a lumpy bed.

woody with a view - 6-25-2011 at 08:43 AM

you could have always got your money back and went to the beach, or anywhere else. it was your choice.

the other rooms are incredible......


BajaBlanca - 6-25-2011 at 08:47 AM

ohhhh Cielomar, what a shame .... it is always frustrating to have a vision and have it deflated .... I have persoanlly never stayed at Baja Cactus since it is just on our way and not a stopping point, but perhaps check out thenew room next time ... CHECK OUT THE PICS .... they look simply fantastic.

[Edited on 6-25-2011 by BajaBlanca]

drarroyo - 6-25-2011 at 08:53 AM

Originally posted by woody with a view

the other rooms are incredible......

ook. that might be a wee stretch.
my experience has been clean / affordable rooms (with trucks braking on the hill but hey)
incredible?? best you lay off the Tacoma guy's kool-aid

woody with a view - 6-25-2011 at 08:56 AM

well, i don't expect a ritz carlton. i guarantee there is no better room for the price anywhere.

what's a tacoma?:lol::rolleyes::lol:

drarroyo - 6-25-2011 at 09:00 AM

Originally posted by woody with a view

what's a tacoma?:lol::rolleyes::lol:

:lol: it's a reliable machine I've owned since 2000, but don't find any need to CLUTTER cyber-space with endless photos. YAAAWN :P

woody with a view - 6-25-2011 at 09:03 AM

copy that!

gnukid - 6-25-2011 at 09:03 AM

Very nice place, reliable, affordable and in the right place-next to Mamas! I like the cheap rooms! Makes me feel like a commercial trucker.

jenny.navarrette - 6-25-2011 at 09:07 AM

Originally posted by Cielomar
BajaCactus-El Rosario-What a Dump!

...I would have done better sleeping on the beach that night. Of yea, and the charge the same as the new section for the pleasure of a miserable night in a lumpy bed.

Welcome to BajaNomads, grasshopper, where hyperbole and outright lies about Mexico have risen to a higher art form. If you came here for any useful information, you're in the wrong place. There is a close-knit group here who will pee on your head and tell you it is raining.

drarroyo - 6-25-2011 at 09:17 AM

Originally posted by jenny.navarrette
Welcome to BajaNomads, grasshopper, where hyperbole and outright lies about Mexico have risen to a higher art form. If you came here for any useful information, you're in the wrong place. There is a close-knit group here who will pee on your head and tell you it is raining.

well, maybe minimal useful information, in the big picture ... but outright lies??
you sure have a beef. wonder what crisis fermented this in you.(?)
truly sorry, whatever it was

Russ - 6-25-2011 at 09:18 AM

About 2 years ago I stayed in one of the older rooms and it was as bad as you described. All the bathroom fixtures were broken and no hot water. The bed sucked to the point the dog slept on the floor. I've been back a few time since a got a newer room that I liked very much. Antonio, you really need to bring the bad rooms up to date! Bad experiences spreads faster than the good ones.

KurtG - 6-25-2011 at 09:18 AM

Originally posted by Cielomar
After reading all the raves about BajaCactus we decided to stay there the first night going south rather than push on to Catavina as we usually do. Was pulling a trailer so a bit slower going. I had heard so many good things about the motel I was looking forward to some place decent along the road for a change. Wow-what a surprise. I got stuck in room # 6 and it reminded me of a backpacker $2 motel in India. What a filthy dump!! Worst bed I ever paid for. Looking around the next day it appears that there is an old section (rooms 1-8) and the newer section.
Bottom line-if there's no room in the new section, move on. I would have done better sleeping on the beach that night. Of yea, and the charge the same as the new section for the pleasure of a miserable night in a lumpy bed.

I have rented one of the old rooms when motorcycling alone and last paid 200 Pesos for it as opposed to the 350 Pesos paid for the newer rooms we take when there are two of us. We have also stayed at the Turista Motel on the other side of town and their rooms for 300 Pesos are very nice with a good king size bed.

bajajazz - 6-25-2011 at 09:22 AM

Baja Cactus and the Espinosa joint together can't hold a candle to the new "Tourista" motel at the south end of El Rosario and the gringo-run restaurant across the road from it.

ElCap - 6-25-2011 at 09:25 AM

One time I was traveling north with friends (a couple), and they got one of the new upper rooms and I got one of the old rooms (I think it was room 6). I was a bit jealous of them as they bragged about their 'honeymoon suite', but my room was your basic Baja accommodation - not bad at all and very clean. I don't think Cielomar has stayed in many Baja hotels - you can do alot worse and spend more pesos. And speaking of that - anyone stayed at the latest Catavina incarnation yet - and can give a report & prices?

J.P. - 6-25-2011 at 09:37 AM

The Cactus is what it is. Used to be there wasnt that many choices up and down Highway One, not that way any more.every time we go south seems like we see new ones especially in San Ouinten there is 2 or three I would not pass up to spend the night in El Rosario.

David K - 6-25-2011 at 09:38 AM

Originally posted by Cielomar
After reading all the raves about BajaCactus we decided to stay there the first night going south rather than push on to Catavina as we usually do. Was pulling a trailer so a bit slower going. I had heard so many good things about the motel I was looking forward to some place decent along the road for a change. Wow-what a surprise. I got stuck in room # 6 and it reminded me of a backpacker $2 motel in India. What a filthy dump!! Worst bed I ever paid for. Looking around the next day it appears that there is an old section (rooms 1-8) and the newer section.
Bottom line-if there's no room in the new section, move on. I would have done better sleeping on the beach that night. Of yea, and the charge the same as the new section for the pleasure of a miserable night in a lumpy bed.

I am sure you were told that the new rooms were full before being offered the original room? Most here already know that the raves are for the new rooms at Baja Cactus. However, the old rooms are cleaned to the same degree as the new ones... so calling the motel a filthy dump because you diodn't reserve a room or got there after they filled up is a bit unfair, don't you think?

Also, they are not the same price as the new rooms.. a new room single bed is a wopping $35 and the one you stayed in was $20 approx.

Juan and Shari of Bahia Asuncion have raved about Baja Cactus and they have only stayed in the OLDER ROOMS (at the time)... So, really bad you felt ripped by not getting a newer room (new since 2004), but is it the motel's fault and is it fair to title your post as the whole place being filthy?

Next time stay at the Sinahi Motel or Mama Espinoza's and check it over real well... If Baja Cactus is full, we have stayed at the Turista Motel and it is VERY NICE, as well... Then there is some luxury at Baja's Best Bed and Breakfast, across from the Turista.

If the economy perks back up, the old rooms will be removed when more new ones can be built. The mini market/ taco shop is next on the construction list for Baja Cactus, however.

(PS does someone want to see my truck in this thread? :lol: )

goldhuntress - 6-25-2011 at 09:59 AM

We have stayed in both new and old rooms. The new rooms are awesome and beautiful for the price especially. The old room I didn't think was bad at all, I've stayed in WAY worse, and the right price, about $21 usd at the time. It was March 1 and a bit cold out, we were glad we had a space heater with us, other than that, happy with the deal. Make a reservation to be sure to get a newer room.

JESSE - 6-25-2011 at 10:04 AM

Originally posted by jenny.navarrette
Originally posted by Cielomar
BajaCactus-El Rosario-What a Dump!

...I would have done better sleeping on the beach that night. Of yea, and the charge the same as the new section for the pleasure of a miserable night in a lumpy bed.

Welcome to BajaNomads, grasshopper, where hyperbole and outright lies about Mexico have risen to a higher art form. If you came here for any useful information, you're in the wrong place. There is a close-knit group here who will pee on your head and tell you it is raining.

Nice comment, specially coming from a person banned several times that keeps coming back like a bad cold under different aliases.

jenny.navarrette - 6-25-2011 at 10:14 AM

Originally posted by JESSE
Nice comment, specially coming from a person banned several times...

Why don't you ask Dennis why I'm here. Be sure you are sitting down.

luv2fish - 6-25-2011 at 10:23 AM

Originally posted by JESSE
Originally posted by jenny.navarrette
Originally posted by Cielomar
BajaCactus-El Rosario-What a Dump!

...I would have done better sleeping on the beach that night. Of yea, and the charge the same as the new section for the pleasure of a miserable night in a lumpy bed.

Welcome to BajaNomads, grasshopper, where hyperbole and outright lies about Mexico have risen to a higher art form. If you came here for any useful information, you're in the wrong place. There is a close-knit group here who will pee on your head and tell you it is raining.

Nice comment, specially coming from a person banned several times that keeps coming back like a bad cold under different aliases.

Could not of put it better Jesse and drarroyo.:fire::fire: I can't see myself going to a website for the sole purpose of spreading hatred..

jenny.navarrette - 6-25-2011 at 10:26 AM

Here is the proof of what I mean when I said: "There is a close-knit group here who will pee on your head and tell you it is raining."

People who did not like Baja Cactus and the number of posts they have made:

Cielomar - 12
Russ - 3678
bajajazz - 330

Here are the close-knit groupies with group-think who like and recommend Baja Cactus to any fool who drops in here:

gnukid - 2183
woody with a view - 6794
david K - 27785

Cielomar - 6-25-2011 at 10:26 AM

Pictures of room 6. I'm not trying to simply dis BajaCactus but to warn other unsuspecting travelers that there are two sides to BajaCactus. Yes, we have all stayed at places like this but weren't lead to believe they were anything but what they appear to be....

BajaCactus June 2011 2.JPG - 17kB

DENNIS - 6-25-2011 at 10:26 AM

Originally posted by luv2fish
Could not of put it better Jesse and drarroyo.:fire::fire: I can't see myself going to a website for the sole purpose of spreading hatred..

It's only hatred if your mind is so closed that it won't tolerate a different point of view.
Time for a puppy picture.

Cielomar - 6-25-2011 at 10:27 AM


BajaCactus June 2011 1.JPG - 18kB

jenny.navarrette - 6-25-2011 at 10:31 AM

Originally posted by luv2fish
Nice comment, specially coming from a person banned several times that keeps coming back like a bad cold under different aliases.

Could not of put it better Jesse and drarroyo.:fire::fire: I can't see myself going to a website for the sole purpose of spreading hatred..

When is Doug going to wise up and ban your luv2fish ID? He has a rule against using two ID's to post on this forum.

TMW - 6-25-2011 at 10:43 AM

I have stayed twice at BajaCactus in the past six months. I must have stayed in the new section. I thought everything was really good. One time I got the top floor room closest to the hwy and the window was open and I was woken up by a truck come down the hill. I closed the window and never heard any more trucks.

David K - 6-25-2011 at 10:48 AM

Wow, you even got toilet paper in your bathroom! :rolleyes:

Cielomar, being new I am guessing you have no clue to how Baja Cactus (a member here) has helped so many travelers, including those who don't stay at his motel. Non of the other area motel owners (San Quintin included) go out of their way to see to the needs of Baja travelers the way Antonio has... He has been awarded by the Dept. of Tourism for his hospitality.

Now, if that was the only good thing, it still should be enough to reward him with our business... but it isn't... the high standard motel that out-shines most U.S. motels still makes Baja Cactus an awesome stop. His staff are trained by the top hotel industry standards and the ammenities alone really rate... Free bottled water, free coffee maker, free shampoo/lotion, international calling phone in each room, heating and AC, pressure boosted water for nice showers and unlimited hot water, statellite TV with English and Spanish channels. Now, a few of those things are standard in U.S. motels, but most are not in Baja ones. Once you actually stay in a few Baja roadside motels, you will appreciate a place like Baja Cactus.

Again, you were in the older/ commercial rooms... that await being torn down... I have seen them and they are clean, have a TV, and are cheap... not that $35 for the newer rooms is expensive!

If you study this web site, you will see that the raves are all for the NEWER rooms (except for Shari who raves about the ones you stayed in)... So, if they were sold out (wonder why they sell out if they were bad?)... then you would have read here that Turista Motel or Baja's Best B&B are great alternatives... but there is also Sinahi Motel and Mama Espinoza's Las Cabaņas Motel if you want a lesser quality room, on par with the older rooms at Baja Cactus.

I look forward to your reviews of other Baja motels!:light::rolleyes:

[Edited on 6-25-2011 by David K]

absinvestor - 6-25-2011 at 11:05 AM

To Jenny.Navarrette- I see the close-knit group differently. Everytime I have asked for info (in the question section) I have gotten information. Most of the information turned out to be accurate but I believe that even the inaccurate information was given in good faith. I have never stayed at BajaCactus but I do know that Antonio's willingness to help stranded strangers has been well documented. Personally I love this site but if I didn't I wouldn't bother visiting it. Ron

shari - 6-25-2011 at 11:50 AM

ummm...I dont know about me RAVING about the old rooms...I sure thought it was good value for the pesos for sure but it was like...maybe over 10 years ago I stayed in one so perhaps things have changed in the old rooms...sounds like the beds need replacing all right. I dont want to give the impression I am raving about something that happened many years ago and would hate to give a recommendation based on outdated take my so called raving with a grain of sal please.

Having said that...the new rooms are lovely, service has been excellent...maybe not perfect but sure awesome for the money indeed...thanks for the heads up on the old rooms as we may have rented one some day.

I certainly DO appreciate how Antonio goes above and beyond the call of duty to help travellers in distress and would choose his business to support over other hospitality folks who only care about themselves.

I havent knitted in years.

rts551 - 6-25-2011 at 12:05 PM

There are other good values available in the San Quintin/El Rosario area/ check them out.

Jardines, Santa MAria, etc

toneart - 6-25-2011 at 12:11 PM

I have stayed at The Baja Cactus Motel many times going North and going South. For one thing, the distance seems to work out right for the pace that I drive. I am usually towing something so I take it easy, with two overnights south of the border before reaching Mulege.

I love the architecture, the luxurious accommodations in the rooms and the courteous staff. Antonio, the owner, is a very nice person. He and his staff personally looked in on me a few years ago when I got deathly sick from eating Crab Burritos at Mama's. I had to extend my stay two extra nights before I knew I could make it to the border...alive.

Antonio has also organized and/or facilitated fund raisers (for which I contributed) to benefit people who were in dire straits.

While I think it is fair to report dissatisfaction with a room in the old section, I think the title of this string was inappropriate. It depicted the whole hotel in a bad light and that is not fair.

As to the BajaNomad being a "close Knit" group, what is wrong with that? It is a community. Close knit may not be accurate either. Like any community it has its share of nice people, rude people and a few(perhaps the same person?) detractor(s) with an anti-anything to do with Mexico, Mexicans and The BajaNomad Website agenda.


ELINVESTIG8R - 6-25-2011 at 12:22 PM


DianaT - 6-25-2011 at 12:33 PM

We are looking forward to the planned remodel of the bathrooms at the Antonio's gas station!

Someone mentioned Catavina. We stopped there quickly a few weeks ago and they are doing a lot of work---should be nice. The posted prices were the same as before.

We still wish someone would pick up Jardins, or Don Diego's or Baja Cactus and drop it in Catavina----nice places and very well priced!

[Edited on 6-25-2011 by DianaT]

David K - 6-25-2011 at 12:37 PM

Originally posted by shari
ummm...I dont know about me RAVING about the old rooms...I sure thought it was good value for the pesos for sure but it was like...maybe over 10 years ago I stayed in one so perhaps things have changed in the old rooms...sounds like the beds need replacing all right. I dont want to give the impression I am raving about something that happened many years ago and would hate to give a recommendation based on outdated take my so called raving with a grain of sal please.

Having said that...the new rooms are lovely, service has been excellent...maybe not perfect but sure awesome for the money indeed...thanks for the heads up on the old rooms as we may have rented one some day.

I certainly DO appreciate how Antonio goes above and beyond the call of duty to help travellers in distress and would choose his business to support over other hospitality folks who only care about themselves.

I havent knitted in years.

Hi Shari,

Sorry if I over-stated your reviews... but I was surprised how much you liked it after you posted them when you told me
they were for the older rooms, as you hadn't yet stayed in the newer ones (yet)... for example, here is some posts from you the past 6 years:

posted on 7-21-2006 at 06:16 PM

Mucho Felizidades to the Baja Cactus amigos....we rarely stay in hotels but we did last week and the muchacha who attended to us was wonderful...this is by far the best service I have ever had at any hotel in Baja and we will recommend it to everyone. Excellent service is so rare here and the rooms as everyone mentioned are terrific. Bravo!

posted on 1-16-2007 at 06:56 AM

Baja Cactus is one of the only hotels we stay in (we usually camp) when we want to spoil ourselves. We LOVE the dim lighting and excellent service. But I admit that it's the reasonably priced nice rooms that attract us. Most baja hotels are way out of our price range and so we appreciate the availablility of a less expensive rooms. Muchas gracias Antonio.

posted on 11-11-2008 at 07:46 AM

Wow, sounds like you are heading here at the right time...we had a lovely swim in 78 degree water yesterday! hurry down...but drive carefully and will like the new highway improvements.
Baja CActus is a MUST in El Rosario...then in GN, there are lots of hotel...Los Caracoles is very nice...Posada Don Vicente is nice and cheap too and on the entrance to town...but if it's still light when you get to GN, you can continue another 45 minutes to Vizcaino...Motel Olivia across from the Pemex is cheap and nice too and there is a fantastic restaurant just a block down on the same side of the road...Martitas...excellent... Let us know when you arrive so we know you got here safely...buen viaja amigo!

posted on 9-12-2009 at 01:44 PM

I really liked Antonios gracious response...and LOVE Baja Cactus...

posted on 7-3-2010 at 07:12 AM

A great big baja welcome to you Gerald to "Nomadlandia" would be nice to know a bit about you...many new members tell us a bit about themselves so we can get to know each other better.

At first I thought this question was a joke....because nearly everyone here knows how awesome Baja Cactus is!!!! It is our absolute favorite hotel in that area...actually...anywhere as you get a fabulous room for an affordable(for us) price...dont forget to ask for the Bajanomad discount!!! and get a massage from their wonderful massuese there.


So, while I would say that every year you have indeed given Baja Cactus a rave review, maybe it isn't so rave to you?

Anyway, the rooms consistantly sell out so I recommend a reservation if you want some 'luxury' compared to other places for a tiny price on your trips or even to make El Rosario a destination... there is so much to see and do around there!

drarroyo - 6-25-2011 at 12:41 PM

oh krist

BajaGringo - 6-25-2011 at 12:56 PM

This is a close-knit group in the sense that most here do come together in times of crisis to help others. Numerous examples of that in countless threads over the years.

But to imply that everybody here thinks alike or a single, lock-step agenda? I doubt we could get everybody here to even agree on what day it is...


goldhuntress - 6-25-2011 at 12:59 PM

Hey Diana, Is Jardins dog friendly? I know you travel with dogs, me too and I'm thinking about staying there next trip down. I want to have dinner at the restaurant there, Carlos was super cool to us last trip when we tried for a late breakfast but discovered they don't serve breakfast and don't open til noon. He opened an hour early and made us an absolutely beautiful breakfast and fresh coffee that cost about $18.00 usd. I wish I'd taken a picture! Not familiar with Don Diego's?
Originally posted by DianaT
We are looking forward to the planned remodel of the bathrooms at the Antonio's gas station!

Someone mentioned Catavina. We stopped there quickly a few weeks ago and they are doing a lot of work---should be nice. The posted prices were the same as before.

We still wish someone would pick up Jardins, or Don Diego's or Baja Cactus and drop it in Catavina----nice places and very well priced!

[Edited on 6-25-2011 by DianaT]

shari - 6-25-2011 at 01:23 PM

OK, I stand corrected....I did rave a bit....baja cactus is anything BUT a dump.

David K - 6-25-2011 at 01:43 PM

Originally posted by shari
OK, I stand corrected....I did rave a bit....baja cactus is anything BUT a dump.


David K - 6-25-2011 at 01:46 PM

Originally posted by goldhuntress
Hey Diana, Is Jardins dog friendly? I know you travel with dogs, me too and I'm thinking about staying there next trip down. I want to have dinner at the restaurant there, Carlos was super cool to us last trip when we tried for a late breakfast but discovered they don't serve breakfast and don't open til noon. He opened an hour early and made us an absolutely beautiful breakfast and fresh coffee that cost about $18.00 usd. I wish I'd taken a picture! Not familiar with Don Diego's?
Originally posted by DianaT
We are looking forward to the planned remodel of the bathrooms at the Antonio's gas station!

Someone mentioned Catavina. We stopped there quickly a few weeks ago and they are doing a lot of work---should be nice. The posted prices were the same as before.

We still wish someone would pick up Jardins, or Don Diego's or Baja Cactus and drop it in Catavina----nice places and very well priced!

[Edited on 6-25-2011 by DianaT]

It is Posada Don Diego (RV Park, Restaurant) in Colonia V. Guerrero... turn west next to the propane distributor. The owner is a Nomad 'Irene'... search for more.

DianaT - 6-25-2011 at 02:07 PM

Originally posted by goldhuntress
Hey Diana, Is Jardins dog friendly? I know you travel with dogs, me too and I'm thinking about staying there next trip down. I want to have dinner at the restaurant there, Carlos was super cool to us last trip when we tried for a late breakfast but discovered they don't serve breakfast and don't open til noon. He opened an hour early and made us an absolutely beautiful breakfast and fresh coffee that cost about $18.00 usd. I wish I'd taken a picture! Not familiar with Don Diego's?

Yes Jardins is dog friendly. They have become so popular that it is wise to make reservations especially for the weekends.

Also, the restaurant is closed on Mondays. And they do not do breakfast anymore, but they have the other restaurant in town that serves a good breakfast. Dang, I forget the name of the other restaurant, but I sure BajaGringo remembers?----It is on the west side of the highway near the park---how is that for exact directions. :lol:

goldhuntress - 6-25-2011 at 03:02 PM

Yes, Carlos told us about the breakfast he has so I know where it is. I love to find nice dog friendly places. It seems it's easier than ever to get one in the US now and harder than it used to be in Baja, lol. Thanks Diana:biggrin:

Thanks David, I know the place, didn't know that was the name though.

[Edited on 6-25-2011 by goldhuntress]

msteve1014 - 6-25-2011 at 03:10 PM

Originally posted by shari
ummm...I dont know about me RAVING about the old rooms...I sure thought it was good value for the pesos for sure but it was like...maybe over 10 years ago I stayed in one so perhaps things have changed in the old rooms...sounds like the beds need replacing all right. I dont want to give the impression I am raving about something that happened many years ago and would hate to give a recommendation based on outdated take my so called raving with a grain of sal please.

I havent knitted in years.

Be carefull what you post on the internet. It WILL come back. DK never forgets.
Now, how about a picture of your Toyota.;D

David K - 6-25-2011 at 03:15 PM

I hope people are here to read facts not fantasy.

toneart - 6-25-2011 at 03:23 PM

Originally posted by msteve1014
Originally posted by shari
ummm...I dont know about me RAVING about the old rooms...I sure thought it was good value for the pesos for sure but it was like...maybe over 10 years ago I stayed in one so perhaps things have changed in the old rooms...sounds like the beds need replacing all right. I dont want to give the impression I am raving about something that happened many years ago and would hate to give a recommendation based on outdated take my so called raving with a grain of sal please.

I havent knitted in years.

Be carefull what you post on the internet. It WILL come back. DK never forgets.
Now, how about a picture of your Toyota.;D

He does seem to spend a lot of time of the BajaNomad Hobby horse, but that's part of his passion. He is a walking (or probably sitting) enclyclopedia of Baja and Nomad history.

However, he is not malicious. He will not call up archives to ridicule you or do even worse. :o There are those who will though. So, the caution is warranted, if you care.

Woooosh - 6-25-2011 at 04:37 PM

Originally posted by jenny.navarrette
Originally posted by Cielomar
BajaCactus-El Rosario-What a Dump!

...I would have done better sleeping on the beach that night. Of yea, and the charge the same as the new section for the pleasure of a miserable night in a lumpy bed.

Welcome to BajaNomads, grasshopper, where hyperbole and outright lies about Mexico have risen to a higher art form. If you came here for any useful information, you're in the wrong place. There is a close-knit group here who will pee on your head and tell you it is raining.

I believe it goes: "Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining" At least that's Judge Judy's version. I can't fix the rest of your statement.:saint:

Roberto - 6-25-2011 at 05:38 PM

Originally posted by jenny.navarrette
If you came here for any useful information, you're in the wrong place. There is a close-knit group here who will pee on your head and tell you it is raining.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Indeed. Mostly from armchairs behind computers NOB.

Roberto - 6-25-2011 at 05:44 PM

Originally posted by drarroyo
:lol: it's a reliable machine I've owned since 2000, but don't find any need to CLUTTER cyber-space with endless photos. YAAAWN :P

Well, you can always update the unwashed with the LATEST STICKERS on said Tacoma, can't you? Please? :lol::lol:

mtgoat666 - 6-25-2011 at 07:30 PM

Originally posted by shari
OK, I stand corrected....I did rave a bit....baja cactus is anything BUT a dump.

if the maid did a bad job before the OP checked in, perhaps the room was a dump.
just sayin' you never know.

anywho, if driving south, stay at catavina, much nicer joint, and not a motel design, is a hotel design, with a pool!
baja cactus is a motel with no grounds that would make one want to linger...

mtgoat666 - 6-25-2011 at 07:34 PM

Originally posted by msteve1014
DK never forgets.

in many ways he is indeed like a woman, never forgets, and always retelling her version.

wilderone - 6-25-2011 at 08:18 PM

Jenny - you're so funny. Yeah, a rose-colored glasses crowd to some extent. But isn't that preferable in Mexico?

krafty - 6-25-2011 at 08:30 PM

Goat-is like a woman? There are several dudes here that fit this description to a tee

Bajahowodd - 6-26-2011 at 06:32 PM

Originally posted by DianaT
Originally posted by goldhuntress
Hey Diana, Is Jardins dog friendly? I know you travel with dogs, me too and I'm thinking about staying there next trip down. I want to have dinner at the restaurant there, Carlos was super cool to us last trip when we tried for a late breakfast but discovered they don't serve breakfast and don't open til noon. He opened an hour early and made us an absolutely beautiful breakfast and fresh coffee that cost about $18.00 usd. I wish I'd taken a picture! Not familiar with Don Diego's?

Yes Jardins is dog friendly. They have become so popular that it is wise to make reservations especially for the weekends.

Also, the restaurant is closed on Mondays. And they do not do breakfast anymore, but they have the other restaurant in town that serves a good breakfast. Dang, I forget the name of the other restaurant, but I sure BajaGringo remembers?----It is on the west side of the highway near the park---how is that for exact directions. :lol:

Viejo San Quintin. It's North of the turn off to Jardines, by several miles. And it's next to the hospital on the West side, slightly set back and easy to miss.

Just perhaps, folks traveling S/B, might not wish to double back North for breakfast. But, they do it well.

[Edited on 6-27-2011 by Bajahowodd]

mcfez - 6-26-2011 at 09:29 PM

Originally posted by jenny.navarrette
Originally posted by Cielomar
BajaCactus-El Rosario-What a Dump!

...I would have done better sleeping on the beach that night. Of yea, and the charge the same as the new section for the pleasure of a miserable night in a lumpy bed.

Welcome to BajaNomads, grasshopper, where hyperbole and outright lies about Mexico have risen to a higher art form. If you came here for any useful information, you're in the wrong place. There is a close-knit group here who will pee on your head and tell you it is raining.

Never mind this card carrying racist jenny.navarrette. This idiot stick thinks of "darkies"(his words) going "boooo" to him..... in the middle of the night. Not much brain matter is involved...if any.

The closest thing to a motel room jenny.navarrette knows about any outhouse that's available for a overnight stay.

Like that Fulano?

[Edited on 6-27-2011 by mcfez]

out.jpg - 8kB

jenny.navarrette - 6-26-2011 at 11:07 PM

Hey McFuzz! Wazzup, short round?

room at the inn

EdZeranski - 6-28-2011 at 07:44 AM

Originally posted by J.P.
The Cactus is what it is. Used to be there wasnt that many choices up and down Highway One, not that way any more.every time we go south seems like we see new ones especially in San Ouinten there is 2 or three I would not pass up to spend the night in El Rosario.

We've stayed at Cactus and I guess we lucked out because we always got a newer room upstairs. Pretty nice really by Baja standards and the staff was very nice. They even refunded, in cash, for a room I'd reserved by credit card but had to cancel after an accident. In San Quintin 'Villa San Quintin' is our stop now on the way north.

OB,Borrego and Baja!!!