
My wife caught the biggest Trigger I have ever seen!

mcfez - 8-11-2011 at 09:58 AM

I thought I would copy this over here in the fishy department...for those of you that don't read the other BN topics.


posted on 8-11-2011 at 11:17 AM

Mcfez; YES! we did the salted bait thing before we left for Gonzaga last may...My wife caught the biggest Trigger I have ever seen! She fought that thing for a half hour and told me she was ready to give up. I asked her what was she going to do, throw her pole in the water? 10 min. later she brought the pole around to me where I was able to grab her line (double kayak) and get a gaff in it...the thing was so big the open clasp on my steel fish chain was not big enough to reach out of the gill and lock (sorry we're not the best fishermen/women if this sounds off). I had a mother of a time getting a hole poked through it's armor like flesh nearer its mouth to get that chain clasp through (clasp is like 3 inches long). Ladies at Papafernandez cooked it up for us. Story is, we never went 10 minutes without a bite on that bait of yours!

Elite Nomad
posted on 4-12-2011 at 02:01 PM
Best bait you'll ever use!

From a post I did last year. Good luck with you and your rod :-)

Here's the secret

Best fish to use in this order:
Spanish mackerel
Sand Crab

Start with a box of kosher salt. Do not use iodized salt. Select a container with a flat bottom suitable for the size bait you want to cure.....Mayonnaise jar works great too BTW. Place twice the thickness of salt in the bottom as the thickness of the bait to be cured. If your bait is 1 inch thick, put 2 inches of salt in the bottom. Place the bait on the salt followed by another layer of salt over it the same depth as the starting layer. DONT GO CHEAP ON THE SALT! You can continue building layers a bait and salt until all the bait is covered in salt. Do not seal the container. If you want to cover it just place a towel over the top. It needs to be exposed to the air to dry out. Seal before you go on your be fine by then. Unseal when vacation is over.

Small pieces of shrimp can cure in a day or so. Whole fish can take several weeks. It all depends on how much of the raw meat is exposed to the salt. All the moisture has to be drawn out of the bait by the salt before it will be cured. That’s why a whole fish can take so much longer.

The bait stays on the hook....really nicely. It almost tough to get on the hook in matter of fact :-) Less bait being stolen......if any!

It's a knock out - got you boy - yahoooooo bait!

A true story:
Learned this bait trick, down in Point Mugu , Santa Monica Mountains ocean side, in the late 70's. Old man Murf was living in a beat up station off his catch and I assumed pension money. He was on the road for a long time...Point Mugu he was there for several years. We saw him every week end. Just a Irish of a guy. Lonely. Shaved needed. Wash clothes needed. I caution my first born about him.

He taught me how to surf fish...and boy did he! I never seen Surf Perch so big....Buttermouths....oh Gods! Without this bait...I caught zip. With it....whoa.

Old man Murf would fry the fish on his green camp stove...placed on the tailgate. Cooked to perfection! One night there as he was cooking, I asked him just what did he do for a living...he looked at me with a embarrassing smile and said "I was the VP of Firestone! was true for I checked it out.

Anyhow...enjoy the bait secret. Older it gets ....the better. Keep reading the fishing post here...I am bout ready to drop a secret fishing hole location that will blow your socks off :-) The big ones....

Trigger Fishing:

dtbushpilot - 8-11-2011 at 10:03 AM

So, where's the picture?

TMW - 8-14-2011 at 06:13 PM

No picture no believe you, pix, pix pix. NOW!! Draw it by hand if necessary.

scouter - 8-14-2011 at 06:19 PM

Originally posted by TW
No picture no believe you, pix, pix pix. NOW!! Draw it by hand if necessary.


JESSE - 8-14-2011 at 07:14 PM

No photo no good.

Bajaboy - 8-14-2011 at 07:27 PM

No pics = No credibility

BornFisher - 8-14-2011 at 07:42 PM

I`d love a pic too, the bait sounds great, but what i really love, is the story of Murf!! Hope it wasn`t Murf the Surf---

No really I remember you posting this story, and thinking "this guy is a true fisherman". Could afford the best, but prefers the challenge of the fish in the surf line!

baitcast - 8-15-2011 at 08:49 AM

I see the guys down here are on to you, never have seen a pic of anything resembling a fish from you?

On the beach or boat whatever,I,m sure you must have some great fishin storys to tell, the guys would love to have you share a few with us.

durrelllrobert - 8-15-2011 at 09:22 AM

Here's a picture of my last one that got away: :lol::lol:

[Edited on 8-15-2011 by durrelllrobert]

Bob H - 8-15-2011 at 11:48 AM

Mine was much bigger! :tumble::spingrin:

mcfez - 8-16-2011 at 05:16 PM

Originally posted by baitcast
I see the guys down here are on to you, never have seen a pic of anything resembling a fish from you?

On the beach or boat whatever,I,m sure you must have some great fishin storys to tell, the guys would love to have you share a few with us.

You referring to paranewbi or me?

baitcast - 8-16-2011 at 05:47 PM

Not the newbie,a old hand like yourself must have some great baja fishin storys and some pics to share with us.

paranewbi - 8-17-2011 at 05:53 AM

OMG! I would not want to be the one to cause questions of McFez’s credibility! Can you imagine if transiting San Felipe on the way to a good time he should find out we are the ones to cause such grief and we disappear into the sands of the Bahia Gonzaga trail?

I do have pictures but I lack the direction to post them…and I have read of some need to access another site, then lower the size, then drink something to relieve the stress as my photos are questioned for quality, camera type, use of photo enhancing programs, pixel recommendations, and how come my wife still has her top on in all of the photos.

Ok, I will wait for David K to refer me to multiple past postings on photo reproduction and posting techniques accompanied with a history of the exact point of acquisition of the aforementioned fish fight. With all of this as being baptized into the waters of the Bajanomad posting family! I love it all and please read this with the intention that all of this is said with tongue in cheek. I hope to post pictures of our traveling vehicle and kayak, as you will never miss us from 5 miles away! Also I know that living in San Diego, David K has probably seen us around…when the photos make it on, he will know why!

McFez rules! David K rules! Thanks to all the rest of you for the great reading over the years!

baitcast - 8-17-2011 at 07:36 AM

No pics no problem:lol: a fishin newbie is sometimes greeted in this way

A fisherman worth his salt should be granted a inch or two and a pound or two exaggeration from time to time.

Its Mcfez who,s credibility I question.

durrelllrobert - 8-17-2011 at 09:01 AM

Originally posted by dtbushpilot
So, where's the picture?

Anyone remember Doug Moss? He would never post a picture of his fish either but some of his friends had hia last one mounted for this shot:

baitcast - 8-17-2011 at 09:14 AM

I have a few friends who signed apacduring a few beers one nite to do a similar thing maybe a pic or something:lol:funny what you talk about after a few.

[Edited on 8-17-2011 by baitcast]

DENNIS - 8-17-2011 at 09:19 AM

Originally posted by paranewbi
I do have pictures but I lack the direction to post them…and I have read of some need to access another site, then lower the size, then drink something to relieve the stress as my photos are questioned for quality, camera type, use of photo enhancing programs, pixel recommendations, and how come my wife still has her top on in all of the photos.

Ok, I will wait for David K

Compliments of David:


A photo that is in your computer file can be displayed on Nomad pages in certain forums where it is allowed...

The photo's file size must be BELOW 50 kbs to post here. Open your photo file ('My Pictures' or ?) find the photo you want to share and move your mouse arrow onto the photo thumbnail... a pop up will tell you how big it is in kbs or mbs (1000 kb=1 mb).


Simply click the button labled 'Browse' just below where you type a message, and your pc will pop up a window of your photo files... simply click on the photo you wish to post (if it is under 50 kbs). The post must have a subject or some text with the photo to post.

IF your photo is over 50 kbs, then here is one method to reduce the size, and make it a duplicate (so the original full size photo is preserved). I thank Neal Johns for showing me.

(If the photo you want to post is already on another web site, then you may 'hot link' it to Nomad, and the size doesn't matter... unless it isn't too big and distorts the screen. Hot linking will be described below.)

PHOTOS IN YOUR PC OVER 50 KB, click on each step:

If 'paint' isn't on your deck top, do this (click on):

a) Start

b) All Programs

c) Accesories
1) Paint (start here if 'paint' is on your desk top)
2) File

3) Open...

3a) then click on the photo to get reduced (double click).

4) Image

5) Stretch/Skew... then change the % down from 100 in both boxes in sketch to a lesser number.... (if over 700 kb try 25%, if 400 kb try 35%, if 120 kb try 70%, if 60 kb try 90%)

Continue to Click on:

6) OK

7) File

8) Save As

8a) now type in a new name for the reduced photo or add -r to it to indicate it is the 'reduced' one... this is a copy so you don't mess with the original.

9) Save


Now, click on file and open again, move your mouse arrow over the reduced photo and see if it is between 25 and 50 kb.

When you move the mouse over the reduced photo in the files, the kb size will show and let you know if you didn't get it low enough, or too low! In either case, repeat the steps above... working with the original, large photo.

After you do a couple it gets pretty easy.

baitcast - 8-17-2011 at 10:02 AM

Should be smooth sailing from here on out guy,congrats

paranewbi - 8-17-2011 at 11:44 AM

Thanks Dennis!

Ok, I'm goin' in
You guys wait out here
This might not be so pretty

paranewbi - 8-17-2011 at 03:42 PM

WOW! if this works you guys are gonna be sorry!

Remember I said the biggest Trigger 'I' had ever experiance with them have been with a sling spear off an inside reef at KM83 out from San Jose on the cape while camping...

We used the shrimp with McFez's bait recipe by putting a good amount of Kosher salt over the surface of a paper plate. Then taking the deshelled small shrimp and laying them out in the salt. Then covering them with plenty of more salt and finally putting another paper plate over for a top and stapleing the crap out of it around the edges.

Left that sitting in the garage for 2 weeks before the trip and at about that time the stink was tolerable! Before we left I put the shrimp in a large plastic ziplock for transport on the kayak while fishing.

We brought some fresh shrimp and gave the plan a test by alternating fresh and then contest, the McFez recipe killed that competition. He could package and sell this stuff if he hadn't given the recipe away...just like his beer I hear.

Trigger Fish Catch nomad.JPG - 34kB

paranewbi - 8-17-2011 at 03:44 PM

OOPS...sent this one somewhere
Try again
A little closer

Trigger Fish Catch nomad 2.JPG - 41kB

paranewbi - 8-17-2011 at 03:47 PM

Hey David K...This is our rig here in San Diego (IB actually) Hope to get to meet you sometime!
Last year at BOLA

Our rig at BOLA nomad.JPG - 37kB

David K - 8-17-2011 at 03:51 PM

Hello Paranewbi...

That photo 'how to' is just one way (from many years ago) and not the best... I highly recommend a faster, and better photo quality method....


There is some misunderstanding about how to post photos... There are two methods...

One is direct onto Nomad from your PC files, using the 'Browse' button under the normal posting box... In that case you can only post one photo per post AND it MUST be UNDER 50 kb. is file size. Since this is smaller than most all photos you have on you PC, you need to make a duplicate file with the photo size REDUCED to under 50 kb.

The BETTER way to show your photos is to hot link to them stored on another website... such as It is free (to a certain limit) and has an automatic resizing service... In this case, Nomad requests photos to not exceed 800 pixels in width.

On Photobucket, to upload from your PC,

1) click the red button 'Upload now'.

2) In the next window you see, at the bottom of the big box, in small blue letters, click: Customize your upload options

3) In the pop up see these choices (and more to resize to):
1024x768 ...

>>Pick 640x480 for most photos... this is the selection refered to as 'Large'.
>>Pick 800x600 for maps or max. detail images max. size to fit on 15" screens.

Click SAVE

4) Select photos (press Select Photos button) from your PC to resize and store on Photobucket. You can have multiple files to organize them.

Now, to put on Nomad!

1) Place your mouse arrow over the photo you want and get a small pop up with some codes for linking them to various media.

See the one called 'IMG code'? Click your mouse on it to copy it.

2) On the Nomad posting box, paste that code.

You can have text above or below the image link... have several images perhaps a dozen max... and then do a reply post to add more... so as to not have too many on a single frame.

The photo url begins with http:// and ends with .jpg (usually) and the IMG code puts your photos url between the tags [img] and [/img]


If your photo is already on a web site, you can click this icon located above where you type onto Nomad (not quick reply):

and just put in the image url, and the tags are automatically added on to show your photo here. (make sure the http:// isn't in the url twice)

David K - 8-17-2011 at 03:54 PM

Thanks... We live up in Oceanside... way far from IB! See you in Baja perhaps!

mcfez - 8-18-2011 at 11:31 PM

Originally posted by baitcast
No pics no problem:lol: a fishin newbie is sometimes greeted in this way

A fisherman worth his salt should be granted a inch or two and a pound or two exaggeration from time to time.

Its Mcfez who,s credibility I question.

Dont make this into a Off Topics post. You have issues with me...take it out of here and back to Off Topics where you had exchanges with me . NO ONE here wants to read this junk you are pushing here.

My credibility is just fine and dandy....I need not have to prove anything to you solely.....or anyone else here. Now get off your trolling here.

mcfez - 8-18-2011 at 11:35 PM

Originally posted by paranewbi
WOW! if this works you guys are gonna be sorry!

Remember I said the biggest Trigger 'I' had ever experiance with them have been with a sling spear off an inside reef at KM83 out from San Jose on the cape while camping...

We used the shrimp with McFez's bait recipe by putting a good amount of Kosher salt over the surface of a paper plate. Then taking the deshelled small shrimp and laying them out in the salt. Then covering them with plenty of more salt and finally putting another paper plate over for a top and stapleing the crap out of it around the edges.

Left that sitting in the garage for 2 weeks before the trip and at about that time the stink was tolerable! Before we left I put the shrimp in a large plastic ziplock for transport on the kayak while fishing.

We brought some fresh shrimp and gave the plan a test by alternating fresh and then contest, the McFez recipe killed that competition. He could package and sell this stuff if he hadn't given the recipe away...just like his beer I hear.

Oh yeah!
Hey...that bait gets better with age. Up to a year! Did you get hits every 10 minutes or so?

On your photos....go to
So easy to use. Their software does all that you need. I can answer your questions about this site if you get in a jam. Email me:

[Edited on 8-19-2011 by mcfez]

redhilltown - 8-18-2011 at 11:54 PM

Sheeesh...lighten up! He just said it was a big trigger! Not a world record! And while a half hour seems a bit long with light tackle it is possible as triggers can "rock" you since they have a "trigger" that they can lock as they back into a cave/rocks/structure and try to wait you out. I just question a secret recipe for the damn things...they will hit a 40 year old Coors pull tab if ya thrown one out there.

baitcast - 8-19-2011 at 08:26 AM

Relax all I said was it would be fun if you would share a few fishin pics and a couple of storys with the guys,we don,t get enough of those in this section,like one of the guys said all we get is "where are the fish today"

Off topic no thanks,no more for me,to nasty.

mcfez - 8-19-2011 at 01:26 PM

Originally posted by baitcast
Relax all I said was it would be fun if you would share a few fishin pics and a couple of storys with the guys,we don,t get enough of those in this section,like one of the guys said all we get is "where are the fish today"

Off topic no thanks,no more for me,to nasty.

Excuse me? Read the post you issued (below). I highlighted the troll in red.

Originally posted by baitcast
No pics no problem:lol: a fishin newbie is sometimes greeted in this way

A fisherman worth his salt should be granted a inch or two and a pound or two exaggeration from time to time.

Its Mcfez who,s credibility I question..

Now.....that is clearly a troll and a insult. I dont want to get into a nasty mud fight with you again, like in O.T. last month. Again....stop the trolling.

Feel free to offer me a apology for the insult.....

[Edited on 8-19-2011 by mcfez]

Skipjack Joe - 8-19-2011 at 01:48 PM

Originally posted by mcfez
Originally posted by baitcast
Relax all I said was it would be fun if you would share a few fishin pics and a couple of storys with the guys,we don,t get enough of those in this section,like one of the guys said all we get is "where are the fish today"

Off topic no thanks,no more for me,to nasty.

Excuse me? Read the post you issued (below). I highlighted the troll in red.

Originally posted by baitcast
No pics no problem:lol: a fishin newbie is sometimes greeted in this way

A fisherman worth his salt should be granted a inch or two and a pound or two exaggeration from time to time.

Its Mcfez who,s credibility I question..

Now.....that is clearly a troll and a insult. I dont want to get into a nasty mud fight with you again, like in O.T. last month. Again....stop the trolling.

Feel free to offer me a apology for the insult.....

[Edited on 8-19-2011 by mcfez]

Well, I agree with baitcast.

A fisherman who is worth his salt doesn't soak bait.

And a recipe for salting bait is really for the casual fisherman or beginner or meatfisherman. An accomplished angler doesn't get very excited about triggerfish.

Cypress - 8-19-2011 at 02:59 PM

An accomplished angler doesn't get very excited about triggerfish.

They're good eating, but that's the only good thing about 'em. A triggerfish diet gets old in a hurry.:biggrin:

mulegemichael - 8-19-2011 at 03:14 PM

seems to me, mcfez, yer being a bit thinned skinned it really THAT important?

baitcast - 8-19-2011 at 03:17 PM

Well Cypress we agree on that:lol: don,t see you around much lately where you been?

[Edited on 8-19-2011 by baitcast]

Cypress - 8-19-2011 at 03:38 PM

baitcast, Been catching more Crappie and Bluegill than I can eat, fiberglass pole etc. Will be heading down to the marsh country around the first of Dec., Christmas with family, trotlines,catfish,speckled trout,red fish,oysters, shrimp, crabs, and flounders. Caught a few small mouth bass over at Priest Lake. You doing any fishing on Long Lake?;)

paranewbi - 8-19-2011 at 03:47 PM

Wow! was a few of those blows thrown at me? This is Great! You guys really do love me!
As for accomplished fishermen...I am the happy recipient of the trophy fish flesh when my friends bring home the bacon. They are of that 'accomplished' status and own the boats and gear to go with it.
Me, I hit the waves while their out and do what I do best. And when their in, some of them do that surfing stuff pretty well with me.
Barring those tidings of good fellowship from their catch...I paddle my wife around the waters and get what I get no where else...seeing my wifes face light up with that non-accomplished catch on the end of her line, Trigger, Pompano, does not matter to me as long as she is happy. That is the big catch to me.

baitcast - 8-19-2011 at 03:52 PM

Cypress I moved away from the lake 7 years ago I,m now out in the middle of nowhere AZ. and the fishin is crappy,I,m down to fishin for planters up around Flagstaff and some stripers in the Colorado river,miss Baja but a med problem keeps me from going south:(

Cypress - 8-19-2011 at 03:54 PM

Originally posted by does not matter to me as long as she is happy.

A wise man!:yes:

Cypress - 8-19-2011 at 03:58 PM

baitcast, They're all fun to catch and good to eat. Good luck with the med problems.:P

paranewbi - 8-19-2011 at 04:02 PM

non accomplished but a work of art to me.

baitcast - 8-19-2011 at 04:09 PM

;D This has nothing to do with you Paranewbi and your fishing this is something that started before your posting.

You can still catch some nice fish without a boat,I went for a number of years without anything that floated your ahead of the game,but I learned alot about fishing the beach and learned to love it,you want to fish with bait you go right on using bait:biggrin:

And yes you are a wise man

mcfez - 8-19-2011 at 05:51 PM

paranewbi ...
Dont let this close group bug ya. They are all buddies that think they are real fishermen. Many of us dont need to brag and bark about our fishing experiences.

There are major Trigger Fish tournaments throughout the United States. Dont let this Baitcast followers fool you with these remarks of theirs. Live bait and salted bait is the norm. Bringing in the fish counts. You did that.....

baitcast is just peeed off at me because he confessed to avoiding the Koren War draft by joining the Coast Guard or some lesser form of Military branch......I ripped him about that in the Off Topics. It's all in the link below. Now he wants to troll me because of that.
"Originally posted by baitcast
Thought I would drop in only to find Mcmouth still working his mouth:lol:

A few comments you made need to be addressed regarding national guard units in the front lines and guys using it to dodge the draft including me......"

Draft dodgers, worthless in my book.

It's too bad that baitcast turned this into a Off Topic from Baja Fishing & Hunting.

[Edited on 8-20-2011 by mcfez]

mcfez - 8-19-2011 at 06:30 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
baitcast, Been catching more Crappie and Bluegill than I can eat,

Oh Gods...and you said what earlier?

".....They're good eating, but that's the only good thing about 'em. A triggerfish diet gets old in a hurry......

Crappie? Crappie? What a joke!

They aint bigger than a Trigger...and less fight.

Perhaps you guys shouldn't troll either.....

[Edited on 8-20-2011 by mcfez]

baitcast - 8-19-2011 at 08:06 PM

138,000 national guard served in the Korean war,they could have taken us at any time! 52 to 54 then joined the navy for 4 more,six years is hardly draft dodging:rolleyes:

Ya you tore it with me,you seem to enjoy this sort of thing,if you want to travel hundreds of miles to catch triggers be my quest i,ve eaten many.

i,ve eaten many.

mcfez - 8-19-2011 at 09:24 PM

Originally posted by baitcast
138,000 national guard served in the Korean war,they could have taken us at any time! 52 to 54 then joined the navy for 4 more,six years is hardly draft dodging:rolleyes:

Ya you tore it with me,you seem to enjoy this sort of thing,if you want to travel hundreds of miles to catch triggers be my quest i,ve eaten many.

Yes Rob....I will indeed rip into you when you accuse me of being untrustworthy of my word. Dont think for a second you can spit into my face and get away with it.

Oh oh you have fished for Trigger Fish! You say one thing...and then change the whole story later......"i,ve eaten many". you have traveled many miles for Trigger fish too? :-)

You in your own words....laid claim of the year you enlisted.....the war was in high gear...bla bla bla.... I caught that being a falsehood in which YOU admitted. So....draft's all in the Off Topics for anyone to read your very own words. This subject was in OFF should stay in OFF TOPICS. It was your choice to go there...with a special password by the way. Dont drag it out here.

Now....perhaps in the future you'll just stop trolling me....stop using insinuating words of negativity against me...and I'll be a quiet guy. I can be loud too. Your call.

Perhaps back to my topic that was about Fishing.

[Edited on 8-20-2011 by mcfez]

Cypress - 8-20-2011 at 04:31 AM

mcfez, I'll take crappie and bluegill over triggerfish any day of the week. And a bluegill will outfight a triggerfish. You're welcome to all the triggerfish you can catch. They're good eating. Never targeted triggerfish, but have caught 'em while fishing for snapper and grouper. ;)

Cardon Man - 8-20-2011 at 07:56 AM

This thread is proof that BN has the lamest fishing forum in existence.

mcfez - 8-20-2011 at 08:02 AM

Originally posted by Cypress
mcfez, I'll take crappie and bluegill over triggerfish any day of the week. And a bluegill will outfight a triggerfish. You're welcome to all the triggerfish you can catch. They're good eating. Never targeted triggerfish, but have caught 'em while fishing for snapper and grouper. ;)

Well.....I am sooooo happy for you :lol:

So tell me.....just how did you come up with this idea that I fish only for Trigger? That list of fish you presented here in this topic...are those the ONLY fish you go after? I am

I know I am welcomed to all the Trigger fish I can catch, thanks for telling me that.

The problem with a few that you need to talk like you are full time professional fishermen. Perhaps a few here went to University Fish and got a master's in fishing. Maybe some of you....just plain fish and have fun at it, just like BN paranewbi.

Yet you have to tear her down earlier here. Then me. Why? Because there were no pictures posted? Get real. You should be helpful and available to give out answers and others in this sport...not ridiculing them!

Dont assume what my fishing expertise is......I may embarrass you in a tournament ....or whatever sort of fishing is your cup of tea. Hell.....I may advise you that if the water you are fishing is rather “tea-stained” or a bit dirty or “cloudy”, then the gold color lure would be your best choice. I just may know a little about lures too!

I'd be foolish to guess your level of fishing....sort of boat you may have....your fishing techniques. You shouldn't guess stuff about me.

[Edited on 8-20-2011 by mcfez]

Cypress - 8-20-2011 at 08:58 AM

mcfez, Jeez! Guess about you? For what? Nastiest nomad? Know more than I want to know already.:lol:

mcfez - 8-20-2011 at 12:41 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
mcfez, Jeez! Guess about you? For what? Nastiest nomad? Know more than I want to know already.:lol:

Truth hurt ya? Short retort...good. Nastiest nomad..... Better than a assuming Nomad. Just love it when guys like you have to revert to name calling as you just did....because I am able to box you in. You are like a sniffling kid on the playground.

....more than I want to know already.:lol:
Then why are you conversing with me? Dont bother keep contradicting yourself.

I leave you with this link to help improve your fishing skills:

[Edited on 8-20-2011 by mcfez]

BornFisher - 8-20-2011 at 01:01 PM

Now if y`all want to learn the proper was to catch, clean, and cook them pan fish, take a gander at this vid--- (the best 17 minutes you could spend today!!).

Skipjack Joe - 8-20-2011 at 01:30 PM

Originally posted by BornFisher
Now if y`all want to learn the proper was to catch, clean, and cook them pan fish, take a gander at this vid--- (the best 17 minutes you could spend today!!).

This is absolutely hilarious, BornFisher. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It deserves it's own thread. Don't bury it here.

mcfez - 8-20-2011 at 02:07 PM

Originally posted by Skipjack Joe
Originally posted by BornFisher
Now if y`all want to learn the proper was to catch, clean, and cook them pan fish, take a gander at this vid--- (the best 17 minutes you could spend today!!).

This is absolutely hilarious, BornFisher. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It deserves it's own thread. Don't bury it here.

Gods! Funny stuff. Txs for that!