
How's the fishing in Mulege?

htnfool - 10-30-2011 at 12:30 PM

Heading down in 4 days to fish,drink and generally be merry for the next 4 months.

Any DODO's still in the mix or is the water cooling of?

YT on wilburs? the slide? the mine? the ranch?

grouper anyone?

Poker at Ana's?

Drinks at the jungle?

and a partridge in a pair tree....

Can't wait to get down.

Anyone need something I can throw in the back of the truck?

Cypress - 10-30-2011 at 12:35 PM

Without being down there since 2008, I'd say everything with the exception of the fishing is "Super-Duper". The fishing? If you're using gill nets you might catch a few as long as your net is small mesh.:spingrin:

mulegejim - 10-30-2011 at 02:21 PM

Originally posted by htnfool
Heading down in 4 days to fish,drink and generally be merry for the next 4 months.

Any DODO's still in the mix or is the water cooling of?

YT on wilburs? the slide? the mine? the ranch?

grouper anyone?

Poker at Ana's?

Drinks at the jungle?

and a partridge in a pair tree....

Can't wait to get down.

Anyone need something I can throw in the back of the truck?

Just got back: Some Dorado most small - some YT at Wilbers, however, there was a sea lion making things difficult - didn't see any grouper - not sure about Ana's- Jungle was fine - no partridge that I saw. To sum it up the fishing was as bad as I have ever seen it. Sorry for the bad report. Jim

Pompano - 10-30-2011 at 02:51 PM

fishingfool...a good fisherman makes his own luck......

and it's a partridge in a 'pear' tree, rookie.

Poker at Ana's has already begun with the first game originated by non other than River Wendy.

The best fishing is right there at Ana's poker room.

hgtfool: visit with nomad BajaBlanca...she needs some t.p.

Some angling directions: go north, young man...go north, then east, then south. Seek and ye shall find....somewhere way, way out there...) :rolleyes:

[Edited on 10-30-2011 by Pompano]

htnfool - 10-30-2011 at 05:48 PM


What idiot would write PAIR and not pear tree.:spingrin:

OKAY you got me, I am still a little new at this.

Are you down there? Let's get the lines wet and our whistle.

See ya in a few.

Pompano - 10-30-2011 at 06:09 PM

Originally posted by htnfool

What idiot would write PAIR and not pear tree.:spingrin:

OKAY you got me, I am still a little new at this.

Are you down there? Let's get the lines wet and our whistle.

See ya in a few.

Scott, I thought it was cute...pair, pear..who cares?

An old amigo, a Nomad... once gave me a Xmas card along with a dead tree branch stuck in a Folger's can full of sand.. with an 12ga. shotgun shell hanging from one of the branches.

"Hmm..kind of a strange gift, but that's 'aquaholic' for you.." I thought.

Then I read the card:

la-la-la "....And a cartridge in a bare tree....." THAT made me smile from ear to ear. (that's an old prank played on hunting friends from WAY back...and I loved it.)

We are trying to get to Baja as soon as possible...but I need one of those Star Trek transporters..

.....Hey!!...Beam me up, Scotty!

We will fish, play poker, and wet whistles...and stay away from rum....:rolleyes:

And don't sweat the bad catch reports coming out of Mulege. Fishing is fishing...and catching is something else entirely.

Hasta pronto, amigo.

[Edited on 10-31-2011 by Pompano]

Hook - 10-30-2011 at 07:33 PM

MANY dorado caught today in snotty conditions over on the San Carlos, Sonora side. Approximately the same latitude as Mulege. We personally landed five in about 2 hours fishing in a single square mile area. These were 15 miles offshore. Many birds marked the spot. Two were between 25-30 lbs. While landing one, a huge school of 15-25 lb. dorado came under the boat. But finding them again in the snot wasn't easy.

But the water has turned in the last few days. Lots of green water out at least 22 miles. I think the epic tuna season (two over 200lbs., dozens and dozens between 25-75 in the last two weeks) is probably over. Gonna give the tuna one last shot on Tuesday.

[Edited on 10-31-2011 by Hook]

[Edited on 10-31-2011 by Hook]

Pompano - 10-30-2011 at 07:40 PM

Good report, Hook...and some decent dorado. I was thinking of stink-potting over that way for some memory jogging and fishing, maybe even some catching. I'll keep an eye on the horizon for bird action...and that lone frigate dive-bombing the big bull.

.........just have to get to Baja first!

Hey Scott...we can pull your Triumph behind as the chase boat. ;)

[Edited on 10-31-2011 by Pompano]

htnfool - 10-30-2011 at 08:36 PM

Thanks for the report, HOOK. I wish those tuna would come over to our side of the SOC. Sounds like a great season. Who says the SOC is done, still pretty good IMHO. Good luck on Tuesday. I'll pay the shipping on some of that sashimi, yummy.

Keeping my fingers crossed on the dorado. They usually are gone by the 2nd week in November. But that's fishing.

Roger, My boat is always up for a challenge.

'cartridge in a bare tree' great stuff.

How was the hunting season up north?

Shot this guy at 56 yards, fun hunt. Thought you might like this one.

[Edited on 10-31-2011 by htnfool]

rsz_rsz_1rsz_hunting_unit_41-42_sept_16th-19th_way_cool_junior_dead_083.jpg - 23kB

Loreto Report

LaTijereta - 10-31-2011 at 07:50 AM

We made it up to Pulpito on Sunday...
Picked up three nice yellowtail.. deep.. They are moving down to Loreto as the water cools..

Then dorado showed around the boat.. Nice "pair" of dorado flyling bigeye..

I like my table odds better here, than at Anna's..

Hook - 10-31-2011 at 08:55 AM

I should note that the last two weeks have been the Perfect Storm of fishing over here. Large bonito, yellowtail and sierra have arrived early at their usual winter haunts, while there have been yellowfin, dorado and billfish not too far from shore.

This was probably the best overall year fishing here, since I moved here in '08.

shari - 10-31-2011 at 06:21 PM

We've had quite a few Mulege anglers here this's amigos Randy & Jim limited out on nice over 21 lbs. ....they told me they came here while they are waiting for Pompano's return to fleece him at poker! a couple of fun guys for sure

Pompano - 10-31-2011 at 07:51 PM

Nice bait there, JB....did you catch any yellowtail?

htnfool - 11-1-2011 at 06:18 AM

Nice fish there JB, Was hoping that you were down.

Catching that many in one day will spoil ya

shari - 11-1-2011 at 07:08 AM

oh yeah...I bet they are hurtin this morning...gonna shore fish and take it easy today...too bad...another perfect fishing to secret beach to fish on Juan's day off...jajajaja

Pompano - 11-2-2011 at 06:56 AM

Originally posted by htnfool
Thanks for the report, HOOK. I wish those tuna would come over to our side of the SOC. Sounds like a great season. Who says the SOC is done, still pretty good IMHO. Good luck on Tuesday. I'll pay the shipping on some of that sashimi, yummy.

Keeping my fingers crossed on the dorado. They usually are gone by the 2nd week in November. But that's fishing.

Roger, My boat is always up for a challenge.

'cartridge in a bare tree' great stuff.

How was the hunting season up north?

Shot this guy at 56 yards, fun hunt. Thought you might like this one.

[Edited on 10-31-2011 by htnfool]

THAT'S A REALLY NICE MULEY BUCK, SCOTT...and a 'high' rack. Congratulations on what looks..and a great stalk. That's what makes hunting so worthwhile.

56 yards? Hmm..was he taking a siesta?...or does Idaho have a lance season? ;)

Hunting season at my Up North place are always great..but then, we've always paid proper homage to Diana, Goddess of the Hunt...or Zulema ..or whoever is at hand. If you want a long, boring report some recent times in the this:

Ducks, geese, & birds were outstanding this year, plus I harvested enough venison (1 muley, 1 whitetail, 1 antelope, 1 elk, & 1 oddball angus on the centerline (collateral damage) keep us in jerky, steaks, and chops thru this Great Depression.

Bet you never knew about our ND high plains elk? Rolling wooded hills near Valhalla...Norsk Heaven. Like you, I got up close & personal with this young bull, too..about 100 yards, iron sights, .264 Win. magnum.

On big muleys and elk, I ranged out to Montana's Missouri Breaks & Judith Mts...but that's quite different, with some VERY long-distance shooting.

For those opon range hunts, I shoot my own reloads... using bullets made from rock salt that will preserve the meat until I can hoof it out to the carcass. :rolleyes:

Finest kind of steaks...tender!

I hope to bug out from Tecate soon....hope you have a fine and safe trip...Hasta pronto en Mulege, amigos. We WILL find those Mulege fish...and pay for the fuel with Jim's poker losses.

desertcpl - 11-2-2011 at 02:58 PM

watch out for the fires in and around Tecate

htnfool - 11-2-2011 at 03:30 PM

I'm all in Brother!!!!

Leaving in the a.m. for the south.

See ya at the loser's lounge..


Cypress - 11-2-2011 at 03:31 PM

Open range shooting? Just got a 338 that will reach out and ring their bell.:D