
San Quintin: Another dead gringo

Mengano - 1-8-2012 at 08:43 PM

San Quintín, B.C. - Dos hombres, entre ellos un estadounidense de 90 años, fueron hallados muertos en el interior de sus viviendas; el extranjero fue encontrado amarrado de pies y manos, y con una herida en el abdomen hecha con un arma punzocortante.

En este caso específico, y según fuentes de la Policía Municipal, el reporte del hecho se recibió a las 8:00 horas de ayer sábado, efectuado por Martín Cervantes Fonseca, vecino del área.

Esta persona, de acuerdo con él mismo, es padre de un adolescente de 14 años, quien trabaja eventualmente con el hoy occiso, y quien descubrió el cadáver. Esto ocurrió cuando el joven se presentó al lugar con ánimos de laborar.

El anciano originario de Hawai, Estados Unidos, vivía solo en una vivienda ubicada en la orilla poniente del ejido Juan María Salvatierra, mejor conocido como Granjas Salvatierra, en los linderos con el muelle.

De acuerdo con datos proporcionados por vecinos del área, quien llevara el nombre de Wallace James Medeiros, tenía alrededor de 10 años residiendo en el lugar.

Fuentes ministeriales refirieron que el interior del domicilio estaba totalmente revuelto, por lo que cupo la sospecha, no confirmada, de que el o los presuntos autores del crimen buscaban algo en especial.

Tras calificar el hecho como “un crimen atípico”, el perito local pidió apoyo al Área de Criminalística de Ensenada para recabar la mayor cantidad posible de huellas dactilares que permitan dar con el o los responsables de la muerte del anciano.

El material empleado para amarrar las manos y los pies del estadounidense fue un tramo de cable eléctrico de color blanco. Este hecho habría ocurrido durante la noche del pasado jueves o madrugada del viernes.

La herida del abdomen midió 10 centímetros. Esta abertura provocó la salida de las vísceras.

San Quintín, B.C. - Two men, among them a 90-year old American, were found dead inside their homes. The foreigner was found tied hands and feet, and with a knife wound to the abdomen.

In this specific case, and according to municipal police sources, the report of the event was received at 8AM Saturday, and was made by Martín Cervantes Fonseca, a neighbor.

Fonseca is the father of a 14-year old adolescent who works part time for the deceased, and who discovered the body. The happened when the youth came to the house to work.

The elderly man, originally from Hawaii, lived alone in a home located at the Western edge of ejido Juan María Salvatierra, also known as Granjas Salvatierra, in the area of the jetty.

According to the data provided by neighbors, Wallace James Medeiros lived in the home about 10 years.

Ministerial sources said that the interior of the home was totally torn apart, for which they suspect, but have not confirmed, that the criminals were looking for something special.

After describing the event as "an atypical crime, " the local investigator asked for help from the Ensenada crime lab to collect the largest possible number of fingerprints to help identify those responsible for the death of the old man.

The material used to tie up the hands and feet of the American was a strip of white electrical cable. The crime occurred during the night of last Thursday or early morning hours of Friday.

The wound to the abdomen measured 10 centimeters. This opening caused the viscera to fall out.

Yeah, BUT .............

MrBillM - 1-8-2012 at 09:01 PM

Gringos in Watts, Barrio Logan or [insert EUA locale] aren't safe either.

As Somebody ALWAYS says on the subject.

Ateo - 1-8-2012 at 09:08 PM

If you don't want to go to Baja then don't go. That's what I say.

Mengano - 1-8-2012 at 09:58 PM

Originally posted by ateo
If you don't want to go to Baja then don't go. That's what I say.

What if you want to go to Baja because somebody here who operates a tourist business there told you it was safe to go to Baja?

What would you say then?

Sandlefoot - 1-8-2012 at 10:09 PM

Maybe you should focus your energy on something you CAN change!!!

San Quintin

captkw - 1-8-2012 at 10:19 PM

that are has been, a few,problem's for about ,,oh.I'll guess,,10 year's or so,,,and it's from non local's,,arriving from the mainland to work the recently ag/farm's,,That's ,What I have ben hearing,,and a couple of Isolated beach camp's were gringo's were robbed,a coulpe years ago,,,BUT,,calita linda (crab dinner),has,, ,,been good and on the north side is/was THE OLD MILL,,is that ,back up and running ?,,,,,I'll take my chance's in baja,,,better than,,.LA,,oakland,salinais,stockton,,,OH,sh-t,,this list can go on,and on.and on,and on...Keith & Lil tasha :cool:

David K - 1-8-2012 at 10:20 PM

Originally posted by Mengano
Originally posted by ateo
If you don't want to go to Baja then don't go. That's what I say.

What if you want to go to Baja because somebody here who operates a tourist business there told you it was safe to go to Baja?

What would you say then?

I feel safer camping in Baja than in the USA.

DAVID,look up 1..oops 2 up

captkw - 1-8-2012 at 10:23 PM

[Edited on 1-9-2012 by captkw]

Mengano - 1-8-2012 at 10:24 PM

Originally posted by David K
I feel safer camping in Baja than in the USA.

As if how you feel somehow correlates with reality.

well seasoned

captkw - 1-8-2012 at 10:30 PM

as a, very well, seasoned travel,guy, I find, baja,very safe and I have been a lot of mile's (klick's) and a hell of a lot of time all over baja,and I will stand tall, with this conviction !!! K&T...

Islandbuilder - 1-8-2012 at 10:31 PM

Mengano, how long have you worked for the Las Vegas Visitors Bureau?:lol:

[Edited on 1-9-2012 by Islandbuilder]

Island biulder

captkw - 1-8-2012 at 10:32 PM

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: THE beer is on me,,that was good !!

David K - 1-8-2012 at 10:32 PM

Originally posted by captkw

Was talking about me... and since I have been camping in Baja starting 45 some years ago without being a victim, perhaps that has more say? If Baja was dangerous, then I wouldn't have such good luck. The truth is crime can happen anywhere and Baja is way low of the dangerous places to camp, IMO. If you camp in a dangerous area, expect danger... Baja has many places to camp that will never be dangerous, so labeling the entire peninsula as dangerous is absurd.

Mengano - 1-8-2012 at 10:40 PM

Originally posted by David K
If Baja was dangerous, then I wouldn't have such good luck.

Is that what passes for logic with you? Let me show you how to use an actual event to reverse the conclusion.

"If Baja was safe, then I wouldn't have had my head bashed in, my jaw broken and my wife would not have been knocked unconscious and had her throat cut, while both of us were left for dead. Nothing like that ever happened to us in the US."
Ron Hoff

Which statement has a better ring of truth? By the way, is San Quintin on your list of safe places to camp in Baja?

[Edited on 1-9-2012 by Mengano]

David K - 1-8-2012 at 11:13 PM

Ron wasn't CAMPING. I was talking about MY experiences of 45 years camping in Baja... and where I camp it hasn't ever been dangerous. The same is true for maybe 95% of all other Nomad campers.


captkw - 1-8-2012 at 11:31 PM

HOLA,amigo,,dont know if you saw my post's,, up top,on this thread,,but,,no matter,,I have been ,,my whole life,,fighting, this,stupid,false,BS,,that baja is dangeress,,place and the us is safe,free,and no corruption and you are right,,and so am I,, that said,,,,I look forward to your, well writen post's and pic's,,let's ,,let, the fool's,sleep where they may,,The,tide ,will get high and they will,be woken with,,wet garmet's....K&T....:cool:

[Edited on 1-9-2012 by captkw]

paranewbi - 1-9-2012 at 04:21 AM

Tantrums such as this are better handled if you just ignore them. They tend to go away when they realize no one is listening to them.

Let’s run a test and not acknowledge this one.
Don’t respond when he/she posts.
If he/she responds to a posting – don’t acknowledge.

He/she will accuse us of many weak attributions but then we will see the strength of his/her self indulgence.

But things HAVE changed

SFandH - 1-9-2012 at 07:54 AM

Originally posted by David K
Ron wasn't CAMPING. I was talking about MY experiences of 45 years camping in Baja... and where I camp it hasn't ever been dangerous. The same is true for maybe 95% of all other Nomad campers.

Up until the War on Drugs spread to Mexico (2006 or so) we had no problem with camping by ourselves on a baja beach. We wouldn't do that now. In fact, we look for other campers to stay close to. If none are around, we move on before dark.

Safety in numbers.

And I noticed on our recent trip that most of the gringo communities along Bahia Concepcion now have 24/7 security guards and/or locked gates. The ones that don't are getting ripped off.

IMHO there is more crime on person and property in baja.

Sad but true.

[Edited on 1-9-2012 by SFandH]

Another dead gringo

MICK - 1-9-2012 at 08:49 AM

Dead body found on beach in oecanside. Probably floated in from mexico.

Ateo - 1-9-2012 at 08:57 AM

Haha. Funny response to Mengano. As someone who lives in Oceanside, I better think about moving. What's next - bodies hanging from overpasses? Jk.

Do you think the death of a 90 year old would even be noticed in this City?

Baja Bernie - 1-9-2012 at 09:35 AM

Please see the attached link an then decide if things are 'really' so bad in towns like San Quintin or any other place in Baja.

No camping or logic here just a video of Detroit...USA

Woooosh - 1-9-2012 at 09:48 AM

Originally posted by Baja Bernie
Please see the attached link an then decide if things are 'really' so bad in towns like San Quintin or any other place in Baja.

No camping or logic here just a video of Detroit...USA

The old man was bound and eviscerated. He died a long and painful death. I hope he could watch a last sunset from Baja as he died.

Sandlefoot - 1-9-2012 at 10:18 AM

What was the national origin of the second person that was killed, or because they were not gringo it does not help make the point that the baja is a dangerous place for gringos? Was it a murder suicide set up to look like another crime happened? Just looking for the facts and motives.

Happy Trails


Baja Bernie - 1-9-2012 at 10:20 AM

I understand the man died an unpleasant death...I believe you missed my point as stated in bold letters in subject heading...So here it is again...

"Do you think the death of a 90 year old would even be noticed in this City?"...Detroit USA

[Edited on 1-9-2012 by Baja Bernie]

Sandlefoot - 1-9-2012 at 10:27 AM


Sorry, My comment was for mengano. I looked at your video and totally agree with you!!!! (should have addressed it to mengano, opps)

mcfez - 1-9-2012 at 10:31 AM

Originally posted by ateo
Haha. Funny response to Mengano. As someone who lives in Oceanside, I better think about moving. What's next - bodies hanging from overpasses? Jk.


DENNIS - 1-9-2012 at 10:46 AM

This point, the geographical setting for gruesome crime, is one that evidently won't go away. That, to me, says very little for the sensitivities of our group, when the area is more important than the crime itself and when cruel murder has to pass rigid placement evaluations to have it considered important enough to be recognized as a key element of the report.

Sandlefoot - 1-9-2012 at 10:55 AM

Very well put!!!!

That does it, I'm changing my handle to "EastL.A.since 63"!!!

sanquintinsince73 - 1-9-2012 at 11:13 AM

There have always been a couple murders here and there in the "Valle De San Quintin". Often times land disputes end up with gunfire. A former "Funcionario" friend of ours always showed up armed when tending to disputes between landowners. To this day people still talk of the murders that took place just north of San Quintin at the Mormon colony known as "Zarambela"(sp).

What I have noticed is a marked increase in drug use in San Quintin, most notably methamphetamine. Sadly, even some people I knew when they were in diapers use the stuff. I don't know if there is any correlation between the drug use and the rise in crime. Some people say it's the outsiders from the mainland. I don't know but I am a bit more cautious when "in country".

Mengano - 1-9-2012 at 11:14 AM

Originally posted by David K
where I camp it hasn't ever been dangerous. The same is true for maybe 95% of all other Nomad campers.

Where are those safe camps, David? Why don't you tell everybody. How about a LAT and LON? What good does it do the BajaNomads to tell them there are safe camping spots in Baja, and then fail to tell us where they are?

Where's your list?

Mengano - 1-9-2012 at 11:32 AM

Originally posted by Baja Bernie
"Do you think the death of a 90 year old would even be noticed in this City?"...Detroit USA

It would not even be noticed on BajaNomads, since the news article was in a local paper in Spanish and not reported in the American press. Had I not posted it, you would still be ignorant and unaware of the death, wouldn't you?

Do you think the death of a 90 year old in Baja would even be noticed in Iceland? Tahiti? The Kamchatka Peninsula? I'm just pointing out the absurdity of your statement, Bernie.

...and how many people are sitting around the dinner table now trying to decide whether to visit Detroit or Baja? How many of them are reading BajaNomads?

sancho - 1-9-2012 at 11:34 AM

Originally posted by David K
I feel safer camping in Baja than in the USA.

DK, I know you camp for the most part on Shell Isle
so. of San Felipe. Where not a soul knows you
are there. Can you say for certain you
would feel COMFORTABLE camping alone off road, but
where you were VISABLE to passerbys?
I seriously doubt it

Another source says that there were 2 victims?

durrelllrobert - 1-9-2012 at 11:37 AM

The only other news source which has picked up these two stories coming out of San Quintin was El Vigia de Ensenada: Two men found dead in San Quintin, one of these was a U.S. citizen, 90 years old identified as Wallace James Medeiros who was a native of Hawaii and had lived in the Ejido Juan Maria Salvatierra of San Quintin (also known as Granjas Salvatierra) for roughly the past ten years. The father of the boy who worked for Medeiros discovered the body inside of Medeiros home which was bound hand and foot and had been stabbed in the stomach. El Vigia reports that the home of Medeiros had been ransacked and suggests the intruders might have been looking for something "special". Our take on this was that maybe they were just looking for money. In addition, the assassins stole the two vehicles owned by Medeiros which were later found burned. No arrests, suspects still at large.

The other victim was found inside of his living quarters in Benito Garcia. An autopsy is being performed to determine the cause of death in this case. It is under this article where one Mexican respondent states that there are murderers hiding out in Maneadero, on the run from places like Sinaloa, Guerrero and Chiapas.
There may also be more to this because before Wallace James Medeiros moved to Baja he, and 3 others, were convicted of conspiracy; computer and mail fraud; making, receipt, and transfer of a false obligation of the United States;1 and theft of government funds (in the amount of $9.5 million):

[Edited on 1-9-2012 by durrelllrobert]

[Edited on 1-9-2012 by durrelllrobert]

[Edited on 1-9-2012 by BajaNomad]

Eugenio - 1-9-2012 at 12:17 PM

Originally posted by Baja Bernie
Please see the attached link an then decide if things are 'really' so bad in towns like San Quintin or any other place in Baja.

No camping or logic here just a video of Detroit...USA

"Do you think the death of a 90 year old would even be noticed in this City?"

In answer to your question - yes - I think that the death (under these circumstances) would be noticed in Detroit - or South Central LA, or Los Mochis, or San Quintin, or Tijuana, or Mexico City. I don't see any difference in the degree of compassion/concern/grieving in either country.

Further I think that people who imply that there is less concern about violence and murder in cities that are not lily white are headed down the path of racism (or maybe just plain ignorance).

However I think that crimes in general are be more agressively investigated and prosecuted in the US.

With much respect - what say you as an ex Police Baja Bernie? (absolutely no disrespect intended sir.)

Eugenio - 1-9-2012 at 12:21 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
This point, the geographical setting for gruesome crime, is one that evidently won't go away. That, to me, says very little for the sensitivities of our group, when the area is more important than the crime itself and when cruel murder has to pass rigid placement evaluations to have it considered important enough to be recognized as a key element of the report.

Well said Dennis - I didn't see your post first time around.

Barry A. - 1-9-2012 at 12:23 PM

Originally posted by Eugenio
Originally posted by Baja Bernie
Please see the attached link an then decide if things are 'really' so bad in towns like San Quintin or any other place in Baja.

No camping or logic here just a video of Detroit...USA

"Do you think the death of a 90 year old would even be noticed in this City?"

In answer to your question - yes - I think that the death (under these circumstances) would be noticed in Detroit - or South Central LA, or Los Mochis, or San Quintin, or Tijuana, or Mexico City. I don't see any difference in the degree of compassion/concern/grieving in either country.

Further I think that people who imply that there is less concern about violence and murder in cities that are not lily white are headed down the path of racism (or maybe just plain ignorance).

However I think that crimes in general are be more agressively investigated and prosecuted in the US.

With much respect - what say you as an ex Police Baja Bernie? (absolutely no disrespect intended sir.)

"racism"???? How in the world did THAT word get associated with THIS thread??? Simply amazing!!!!


Eugenio - 1-9-2012 at 12:29 PM

Cities - or parts of cities - frequently used in crime stats on this board when people want to make a point are frequently cities that are not lily white - eg Detroit, South Central LA, Barrio Logan, etc. Check it out.

Barry A. - 1-9-2012 at 12:32 PM

Originally posted by Eugenio
Cities - or parts of cities - frequently used in crime stats on this board when people want to make a point are frequently cities that are not lily white - eg Detroit, South Central LA, Barrio Logan, etc. Check it out.

-----"cities, or parts of cities" are geographical facts--------any other associations those sites trigger in your mind are your's, not the author's.


tripledigitken - 1-9-2012 at 12:36 PM

Originally posted by Eugenio
Cities - or parts of cities - frequently used in crime stats on this board when people want to make a point are frequently cities that are not lily white - eg Detroit, South Central LA, Barrio Logan, etc. Check it out.

Nor is baja.

Eugenio - 1-9-2012 at 12:43 PM

The demograhics of these cities are also facts. Isn't that what racists do? - they make associations without stating their real view?

Look - I thought I softened my original statement enough - but maybe I shouldn't have gone that far. I'm certainly not implying any individual here is racist - especially Baja Bernie - in fact I would say just the opposite about him. It's just a trend on this board I've noticed that I think needs to be brought to light - I hope I'm wrong.

Dennis put it more succinctly and probaly better than I.

But this is still a pretty eclectic group - and you never my original post stands.

Barry A. - 1-9-2012 at 12:58 PM

Originally posted by Eugenio
The demograhics of these cities are also facts. Isn't that what racists do? - they make associations without stating their real view?

Wow, that statement alone adds volumes to the understanding of the mind-set of some. You say, "Isn't that what racists do?" You have GOT to be kidding--------talk about a no-win situation---------when people make these outragious assumptions about others "intentions" then nobody can possibly win.

I submit that you cannot have any factual idea what others are "intending" by their statements other than what they actually say, and by doing so you corrupt any possible meaningful dialogue!!!


wessongroup - 1-9-2012 at 01:07 PM

It WAS a "straight-line"... :lol::lol:

Barry A. - 1-9-2012 at 01:09 PM

Originally posted by wessongroup
It WAS a "straight-line"... :lol::lol:

Well, maybe----------------but I did not start the stray. However, being a humble guy, I will back away and let the thread straighten up again (if possible). :lol:


Eugenio - 1-9-2012 at 01:09 PM

Originally posted by Baja Bernie
Please see the attached link an then decide if things are 'really' so bad in towns like San Quintin or any other place in Baja.

No camping or logic here just a video of Detroit...USA

Do you think the death of a 90 year old would even be noticed in this City?

There is a lot more to the video presented by Baja Bernie than facts - there's "twist". Did you see any "nice" areas of Detroit in the video. Does that mean that nice areas of Detroit don't exist? Are there more "nice" areas in Detroit than "not nice"?

If you are limiting yourself to "facts" from videos and don't recognize "spin" then God help you.

bajabass - 1-9-2012 at 01:54 PM

Detroit has been trying to renew itself for 40 years. There are some very nice, exclusive areas outside of town, though most of Detroit proper is a hellhole!

EnsenadaDr - 1-9-2012 at 05:28 PM

On the positive side, I have never heard of the Baja Butcher, or the likes of Jeffrey Dahmer or Ed Gein in Mexico, seems like serial killers prefer the US...Juan Corona doesn't count, he did his dirty work in California..USA!!!

bajatravelergeorge - 1-9-2012 at 05:54 PM

Rest in peace Wallace James Medeiros. I didn't have the pleasure of knowing you, but I feel a kindred brotherhood to you because of our shared love of Baja. I hope those responsible burn in hell.

J.P. - 1-9-2012 at 06:00 PM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
On the positive side, I have never heard of the Baja Butcher, or the likes of Jeffrey Dahmer or Ed Gein in Mexico, seems like serial killers prefer the US...Juan Corona doesn't count, he did his dirty work in California..USA!!!

Dont tell us you never heard of the Stew Maker :o:O:O

Caldo de Res???

EnsenadaDr - 1-9-2012 at 06:03 PM

Ha please tell me about it...I love Caldo de Res..I hope I never ate in his restaurants...:barf:
Originally posted by J.P.
Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
On the positive side, I have never heard of the Baja Butcher, or the likes of Jeffrey Dahmer or Ed Gein in Mexico, seems like serial killers prefer the US...Juan Corona doesn't count, he did his dirty work in California..USA!!!

Dont tell us you never heard of the Stew Maker :o:O:O

Barry A. - 1-9-2012 at 06:04 PM

Nalley's or Dinty Moore???

J.P. - 1-9-2012 at 06:05 PM

There may also be more to this because before Wallace James Medeiros moved to Baja he, and 3 others, were convicted of conspiracy; computer and mail fraud; making, receipt, and transfer of a false obligation of the United States;1 and theft of government funds (in the amount of $9.5 million

COULD be his past caught up with him.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

[Edited on 1-9-2012 by durrelllrobert]

[Edited on 1-9-2012 by durrelllrobert]

[Edited on 1-9-2012 by BajaNomad]

Dinty Moore???

EnsenadaDr - 1-9-2012 at 06:07 PM

Doesn't sound Mexican to me...
Originally posted by Barry A.
Nalley's or Dinty Moore???

DENNIS - 1-9-2012 at 06:12 PM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr

Doesn't sound Mexican to me...

How about Pablo Pozolero??

J.P. - 1-9-2012 at 06:14 PM

Originally posted by Barry A.
Nalley's or Dinty Moore???

No it was Cartel Victum's disolved in drums of acid.:barf::barf:

Boy oh Boy!

Baja Bernie - 1-9-2012 at 07:18 PM

All I was attempting to do is show that Baja is no more dangerous, and in my mind much less so that many, many American cities. The fact that I picked Detroit was to show the rapid decay of many cities in the United States and that with this decay the reality of life becomes more and more brutal…not less.

I guess in retrospect that I would have preferred to remain ignorant of this sad death (s) and would have so had it not been for the original post by Mengano. What his motivations were I have no clue but to subscribe them to racism would truly be absurd on my part.

I will also say that the words—ignorant, racism, and absurdity are rather hot words that should not be bandied about as easily as they are by a few.

Mengano…to David K…”As if how you feel somehow correlates to reality.” These are rather harsh words for one who cloaks his words with the term logic. Do you think the death of a 90 year old in Baja would even be noticed in Iceland? Tahiti? The Kamchatka Peninsula? I'm just pointing out the absurdity of your statement, Bernie.

Please note that my “statement” was clearly NOT a statement BUT rather very pointed question. Mengano, look to your ‘logic’ sir!

Eugenio. I thank you for saying you do not think that I am a racist—but how do you know that for a fact?

Originally posted by Eugenio
The demograhics of these cities are also facts. Isn't that what racists do? - they make associations without stating their real view?

Response by Barry
Wow, that statement alone adds volumes to the understanding of the mind-set of some. You say, "Isn't that what racists do?" You have GOT to be kidding--------talk about a no-win situation---------when people make these outrageous assumptions about others "intentions" then nobody can possibly win. I submit that you cannot have any factual idea what others are "intending" by their statements other than what they actually say, and by doing so you corrupt any possible meaningful dialogue!!!

Barry I totally agree with your well thought out comments

Okay! so here is what I think/feel (and hope know) most of the gringo’s that I have met are not racists but rather they care more for their fellow man whether they be Black, Brown, or any other color one might choose than most..

It is sad that an old man was killed but it is a ‘fact’ that most of us have had to deal with during our lives. As a retired cop I would be more inclined to believe that the increased drug use, mentioned on other posts, in San Quintin will be determined to be the trigger to this senseless murder.

It is so sad that a few find it so easy to call others racists when they have little or no knowledge of the people involved.

I’ll now take paaranewhi’s advice and ignore the sentiments of one or two folks on this board. If I did not know better I might place the label of bigot on Mengano. But because I am a logical and thinking person I would never draw that conclusion at this point.

Viva Nomads…one and all

yellowklr - 1-9-2012 at 07:49 PM

I've always felt safe in Baja except the morning when two guys in a SUV tried to block my truck in, jumped out and pointed 45's at me...........really other than that I've always felt safe in Mexico. My incident of almost dying in Baja in 07 has
taught me to be extra careful................
Just don't tell me its just as safe as California or Nevada etc...............BS!


captkw - 1-9-2012 at 07:54 PM

HOLA,,a little more ,info ?not a book,,just a bit,more,,so,my small mind,can file it in the right,, file/cell,,,thank's K&T

Ateo - 1-9-2012 at 07:59 PM

Safety is yours until something bad happens. Never know when another human will act like an animal. Be prepared for the worst and hope for the best. If something bad does go down, try to survive, whether you're car jacked, mugged, or beaten. My daily routine involves many shady areas of LA. When in Baja I worry about cops and the random violence I read online. But I don't give a crap. Beautiful destinations lead me and if I die from violence -- I'm dead. I won't read about it. Screw it all!

I love Baja!


captkw - 1-9-2012 at 08:17 PM

I ,find baja sur,to be a whole ,hellof a lot safer than calif..I cant say about navada,,but calif.--I am a lost ,for word;s but,no guessing,just the fact's as I read um,,want to go spend a little bit of time in salinas,oakland south stockton,,I could names places all over calif. that you would not want to even drive thru,,,,I wont argue,,But I drive,,all over this part of the world,and I AM a REAL nomad,by all means....If ,you are like most ,american's ,that watch the boob tube,,I will understand your opinion,,ME.I travel,and fish and yes I do work, (mobile mec/elec) IM sorry you had a gun (rare) pulled on you,,and you,lived,,to talk about,,,but,how ,the hell can you say,,with a straight face,,calif is safer,,I dont get it,,Maybe ,its like airplane's... One wreck's & it's all,,over the new's..THE only problem,That ,I personally,have had SOB,is a drunk,and 99 percent of the time,a gringo:cool:

Mengano - 1-9-2012 at 10:31 PM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
On the positive side, I have never heard of the Baja Butcher, or the likes of Jeffrey Dahmer or Ed Gein in Mexico, seems like serial killers prefer the US...Juan Corona doesn't count, he did his dirty work in California..USA!!!

You have got to be kidding!! You never heard of El Pozolero? "El Pozolero del Teo." The guy who dissolved over 300 people in lye. He did it right in your neighborhood. You didn't hear about the 72 Central American immigrants killed all at one time near Tamaulipas? You need to get out and around more.

Driving in Safety North and South ?

MrBillM - 1-9-2012 at 11:12 PM

I drive all over in California USA and haven't had occasion to shoot anybody in the last 40 years or so.

But, I still carry take that option along even on a trip to the corner store. One of those things it's best not to find you need and not have.

Something not available south of the border.

At least since the time years ago when I came TOO close to being caught doing so.

Cartel Related

EnsenadaDr - 1-10-2012 at 12:42 AM

These killings appear to be political killings..cartel related...I am talking about the psychopaths that do it out of sheer sick enjoyment for themselves...yes, these individuals are sick too...but I don't see the serial killers who do it for more personal, selfish reasons...or sexual deviations...such as John Wayne Gacy...
Originally posted by Mengano
Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
On the positive side, I have never heard of the Baja Butcher, or the likes of Jeffrey Dahmer or Ed Gein in Mexico, seems like serial killers prefer the US...Juan Corona doesn't count, he did his dirty work in California..USA!!!

You have got to be kidding!! You never heard of El Pozolero? "El Pozolero del Teo." The guy who dissolved over 300 people in lye. He did it right in your neighborhood. You didn't hear about the 72 Central American immigrants killed all at one time near Tamaulipas? You need to get out and around more.

bajabass - 1-10-2012 at 06:10 AM

The soup maker was captured at Baja Seasons trailer park. His work was done on the mainland as I recall. Yes, that place is less than 3 miles from my house in La Mision. The local substation of the police was shot up in retaliation. A real mess, but over long ago.

Oddjob - 1-10-2012 at 08:22 AM

Originally posted by bajabass
The soup maker was captured at Baja Seasons trailer park. His work was done on the mainland as I recall. Yes, that place is less than 3 miles from my house in La Mision. The local substation of the police was shot up in retaliation. A real mess, but over long ago.

El Pozolero operated in the Tijuana area, not the mainland and admitted to dissolving over three hundred people. His boss, El Teo was arrested in La Paz.

Woooosh - 1-10-2012 at 09:34 AM

I was dropping off a package at the ESTAFETA office in Rosarito yesterday and got a glimpse of the Baja Times (Torres' rag in English) headline. "Americans to be protected in Baja". Yeah right, how?

J.P. - 1-10-2012 at 10:42 AM

Originally posted by Woooosh
I was dropping off a package at the ESTAFETA office in Rosarito yesterday and got a glimpse of the Baja Times (Torres' rag in English) headline. "Americans to be protected in Baja". Yeah right, how?

Thats a easy one the Baja Image Committee will deny anything happend. and sweep it under the rug.:lol::lol::lol:

Woooosh - 1-10-2012 at 11:38 AM

Originally posted by J.P.
Originally posted by Woooosh
I was dropping off a package at the ESTAFETA office in Rosarito yesterday and got a glimpse of the Baja Times (Torres' rag in English) headline. "Americans to be protected in Baja". Yeah right, how?

Thats a easy one the Baja Image Committee will deny anything happend. and sweep it under the rug.:lol::lol::lol:

Very easy when you run the media. They don't even have to sweep it under the carpet that way. I did mutter out loud about the old guy killed in San Quitting the night before and I wouldn't read or even allow the paper to come back home with us- not even to line the birdcages.

Here's the Baja Times link.. is that the image committee in the photo? There is no shame in Mexico.

[Edited on 1-10-2012 by Woooosh]

norte - 1-10-2012 at 08:25 PM

most of your camping was with your folks (who seem to have more sense) and out of other's books. . seems now your experience is 2 weeks a year on the beach in San Felipe. How can you advise other people now?

Originally posted by David K
Originally posted by captkw

Was talking about me... and since I have been camping in Baja starting 45 some years ago without being a victim, perhaps that has more say? If Baja was dangerous, then I wouldn't have such good luck. The truth is crime can happen anywhere and Baja is way low of the dangerous places to camp, IMO. If you camp in a dangerous area, expect danger... Baja has many places to camp that will never be dangerous, so labeling the entire peninsula as dangerous is absurd.

yellowklr - 1-11-2012 at 07:09 PM

Originally posted by captkw
I ,find baja sur,to be a whole ,hellof a lot safer than calif..I cant say about navada,,but calif.--I am a lost ,for word;s but,no guessing,just the fact's as I read um,,want to go spend a little bit of time in salinas,oakland south stockton,,I could names places all over calif. that you would not want to even drive thru,,,,I wont argue,,But I drive,,all over this part of the world,and I AM a REAL nomad,by all means....If ,you are like most ,american's ,that watch the boob tube,,I will understand your opinion,,ME.I travel,and fish and yes I do work, (mobile mec/elec) IM sorry you had a gun (rare) pulled on you,,and you,lived,,to talk about,,,but,how ,the hell can you say,,with a straight face,,calif is safer,,I dont get it,,Maybe ,its like airplane's... One wreck's & it's all,,over the new's..THE only problem,That ,I personally,have had SOB,is a drunk,and 99 percent of the time,a gringo:cool:

First I never said its California is safer than Baja Sur. I just don't form my opinions from TV I do have a clue. Tijuana and surrounding areas can be real dangerous. My Wife's family all happen to live there and they see lots of bad stuff. Another difference in the USA vs Mex is in Mexico when something does happen there is little or no investigation after the fact.
I still go to baja on a weekly basis so I'm not chickening out.....Lets just be real there are some real dangerous parts especially in Baja Norte.........NO way to compare safety Tijuana VS San Diego -

I love Baja
Have a Condo at La Mision
Spend lots of time BCS-La Bocana,Punta Chivato,Mulege,Santa Rosalia and Back to Los Cabos this year!!!!
Love it

[Edited on 1-12-2012 by yellowklr]

yellowklr - 1-11-2012 at 07:31 PM

Originally posted by captkw
HOLA,,a little more ,info ?not a book,,just a bit,more,,so,my small mind,can file it in the right,, file/cell,,,thank's K&T

Tijuana on Calle International on the way to Baja Sur.........
I said screw this, when they rushed me I gunned it and almost ran the dirtbags over...............My friends didn't get so lucky they lost their truck and all the belongings.
Wish there was a bridge to skip Tijuana and Rosarito!:lol:


captkw - 1-11-2012 at 07:46 PM

UnoMas - 1-11-2012 at 08:38 PM

Say what you want about safety in Baja for Gringos but it is NOT as safe now as it used to be. Poverty breeds crime and they look at Gringos as cash cows, hence the more crime towards them. Been traveling Baja for many years and own a home there. You can be robbed there, broken into and had all your possessions stolen, and even murdered and most likely no one will be caught and prosecuted for any said crime and the crooks know it. I agree that anything that does happen there gets a lot of press in the U.S and is a mere pittance of what happens in Los Angles on a daily basis which doesn't even make the news as it is so common, but there is a chance someone will be caught for the crime there.
Believe what you want, I will continue to travel there but to say it is as safe as it has always been is ludicrous. :light:


captkw - 1-11-2012 at 08:45 PM

YA,,you got right.!! I'll,,?: just stay in the us,it's safe !!!

You asked about the people in the picture

BobY - 1-16-2012 at 12:58 AM

Those were officials announcing a treaty that involves the rights of Americans that are arrested. One of the things is that they put posters up so Americans can read in English that they have the right to an attorney and to contact the Consul. Kaskett, the American Consul in Tijuana was there. I talked to a couple of the officials and went and had a look at the poster at the police station. There have been complaints by Americans of not being informed of their rights.

As for the Baja Times, you don't have to have a conspiracy theory to expect a free paper in English that has a lot of restaurant ads and such to focus on appetizing things about the area. Do you complain about The Reader not reporting enough on crime in San Diego? I don't see how either publication has a responsibility to meet some standard for crime reporting that you set for them. I know the lady that has been editor of Baja Times for a long time. She's definitely not beholden to any politicians. She thinks for herself.

In my news program,, I sometimes report on crime, but the main thrust is positive news and tips that help generate interest and participation in the community. I haven't taken on the position of crime reporter or investigative reporter, either.

Here's the Baja Times link.. is that the image committee in the photo? There is no shame in Mexico.


Licensed Psychotherapy

Freedom of Speech...

EnsenadaDr - 1-16-2012 at 07:23 AM

I say that we are still bound as Americans to freedom of Speech, and to this end, people are not obligated to discuss anything they don't feel is appropriate...or discuss issues because of peer pressure.
Originally posted by BobY
Those were officials announcing a treaty that involves the rights of Americans that are arrested. One of the things is that they put posters up so Americans can read in English that they have the right to an attorney and to contact the Consul. Kaskett, the American Consul in Tijuana was there. I talked to a couple of the officials and went and had a look at the poster at the police station. There have been complaints by Americans of not being informed of their rights.

As for the Baja Times, you don't have to have a conspiracy theory to expect a free paper in English that has a lot of restaurant ads and such to focus on appetizing things about the area. Do you complain about The Reader not reporting enough on crime in San Diego? I don't see how either publication has a responsibility to meet some standard for crime reporting that you set for them. I know the lady that has been editor of Baja Times for a long time. She's definitely not beholden to any politicians. She thinks for herself.

In my news program,, I sometimes report on crime, but the main thrust is positive news and tips that help generate interest and participation in the community. I haven't taken on the position of crime reporter or investigative reporter, either.

Here's the Baja Times link.. is that the image committee in the photo? There is no shame in Mexico.


Licensed Psychotherapy

Mengano - 1-16-2012 at 11:16 AM

Originally posted by BobY
I know the lady that has been editor of Baja Times for a long time. She's definitely not beholden to any politicians. She thinks for herself.

If you are talking about Laura Wong, she is the current president of the Rosarito Beach Convention and Visitors Bureau and the past president of the Comité de Turismo y Convenciones de Playas de Rosarito (COTUCO).

Dave - 1-16-2012 at 11:41 AM

Originally posted by Mengano
Originally posted by BobY
I know the lady that has been editor of Baja Times for a long time. She's definitely not beholden to any politicians. She thinks for herself.

If you are talking about Laura Wong, she is the current president of the Rosarito Beach Convention and Visitors Bureau and the past president of the Comité de Turismo y Convenciones de Playas de Rosarito (COTUCO).

The editor of the Baja Times is beholden to its owner, Hugo Torres Chabert owner of the Rosarito Beach Hotel and former mayor of Rosarito. ;D

Mengano - 1-16-2012 at 05:00 PM

Originally posted by BobY
I haven't taken on the position of crime reporter or investigative reporter, either.

That's MY job!

Unlicensed Psychobabble