
need your knowledge for trip to Gonzaga from La Mision, Pacific side

cjesme - 2-25-2012 at 08:46 AM

Hi My friends,
We are leaving for Gonzaga on March 9th. What knowledge do you have that would help us with our trip. We are taking one vehicle, want to fish and see the land. Is there a hotel in Gonzaga or strictly camping.Any info you have would be great! We will go to San Felipe first, which we have done many times. South of that will all be new to us. Any other Nomads in the area??

Thank You

this might help

desertcpl - 2-25-2012 at 09:01 AM

cjesme - 2-25-2012 at 11:58 AM

WOW, Thank You!

Alfonsina's Motel, Gonzaga Bay

David K - 2-25-2012 at 12:22 PM

1970 Map:

[Edited on 2-25-2012 by David K]

David K - 2-25-2012 at 12:51 PM

Here is a road log from San Felipe to Laguna Chapala, via Gonzaga. From La Mision, you could go to Gonzaga from the north or the south and make it a loop trip to see the most!

The following road log was made on the July 4th weekend, 2011.

MILE / KM. Marker

0.0 San Felipe (Traffic Circle by Pemex stations, south turn)

0.8 Pemex station and market on south side of town

6.0 Left Turn off Airport Road, Km. 0
(add 6.0 miles to following for distance from traffic circle)

The next 45 miles are well paved, but many short, steep and unmarked dips will require reduced speed to avoid damage.

0.0 / Km. 0 Airport Road/ Puertecitos Road Jcn.

12.5 / Km. 20-21 Rancho Percebu Road

15.7 / Km. 26+ Shell Island Road

18.6 / Km. 31 Bahia Santa Maria Road

19.3 / Km. 32+ Nuevo Mazatlan Road

21.5 / Km. 35.5 Colonia Delicias (markets/ restaurants)

29.6 / Km. 49 El Coloradito Road

32.8 / Km. 54 Campo Cristina Road

35.4 / Km. 58.5 Los Olivos Road

36.1 / Km. 60 Arroyo Matomi

36.3 Rancho San Rafael (well)

43.4 / Km. 72 Playa Destiny

44.9 / Km. 74+ PUERTECITOS (paved) Road
The newest paved additions to Hwy. 5 are well engineered, wide and are designed and signed for high speed. However, frequent rock slides onto pavement require caution.

0.0 / Km. 74+ Puertecitos Road

5.0 / Km. 83 Bahia Cristina

6.1 / Km. 84.5 La Costilla

7.2 mine road

16.4 El Huerfanito Road

18.9 Bridge at previous end of pavement (July 2010)

20.1 / Km. 311 Change of Km. markers, distance from Mexicali

23.6 / Km. 317

24.1 / Km. 318 END OF PAVED DRIVE JULY 3, 2011, detour onto older road, regraded smooth. Pavement ends just ahead on new roadbed.

25.5 Okie Landing site.

32.0 END OF NEW ROAD CONSTRUCTION and end of smooth dirt detour on older road. *APPROX. END OF PAVED DRIVE JAN. 1, 2012

32.4 Campo Delfines Road

35.6 Las Encantadas Road

37.7 Punta Bufeo Road

42.4 Papa Fernandez' Road, roadbed south of here is better/ faster.

43.6 Miltary Checkpoint

45.0 GONZAGA BAY PEMEX/ ALFONSINA'S ROAD/ RANCHO GRANDE MARKET (Pemex closed from 2-4 pm for siesta)

0.0 Gonzaga Bay Pemex

1.2 Road left to Campo Beluga (2.0 mi.) and El Sacrificio (4.2 mi.)

7.1 Road right to Las Palmitas Oasis (4.7 mi.) and Santa Maria Canyon (4.0 mi.).

14.4 First Boojum Trees on Hwy. 5.

14.6 La Turquesa Canyon Road, right.

18.4 Las Arrastras (site) Road, right.

22.1 Coco's Corner (Puerto Calamajue and Mision Calamajue road left).

34.8 Hwy. 1, Laguna Chapala (Cataviņa is 33 miles north).

cjesme - 2-26-2012 at 04:32 PM

desertcpl and David K, you two are the best! I do not think we will need anything else except to get started! I can't wait to see another new part of Baja.
I am a Baja lover and can't imagine living anywhere else!!!

David K - 2-26-2012 at 06:27 PM

De nada... and if there is anything else we can help with... just ask!:light::yes:

mrfatboy - 2-26-2012 at 06:29 PM

Great info. Does anybody know what the motel room and beach camping costs are per night. I'm looking at doing the same trip in a couple of months. I never been there. Looking forward to it

David K - 2-26-2012 at 06:58 PM

The motel is at Alfonsina's and there are cabins at El Sacrificio... upwards from $50 for both places... Alfonsina's is MUCH more desireable.

Camping at Papa Fernandez', Rancho Grande and Campo Beluga... Expect $10-20 range per night. Beluga is nice and has showers (not heated) and flush toilets.

Campo Beluga:


Drive to Gonzaga last July, Rancho Grande beach and El Sacrificio cabins:

Rancho Grande

El Sacrificio

[Edited on 2-27-2012 by David K]

mrfatboy - 2-26-2012 at 07:16 PM

Thanks david. Beluga looks nice. I want to try something different than Percebu this year.

[Edited on 2-27-2012 by mrfatboy]

David K - 2-26-2012 at 07:21 PM

Originally posted by mrfatboy
Thanks david. Beluga looks nice. I want to try something than Percebu this year.

?? is the missing word 'Different'

mrfatboy - 2-26-2012 at 07:30 PM

Yes. Damn iPhone ;)

cjesme - 2-27-2012 at 06:31 PM

You guys need to write a book!!