
Outboard King

woody with a view - 5-20-2012 at 09:49 AM

after our trip to BOLA a couple weeks ago it was time to take the boat motor in for service. see, when i started it the last day on the water, about 5 miles from the beach (way too far to swim) it wouldn't find the forward or reverse normally. after 2-3 tries it went into forward and we bee-lined for the beach as Neptune was warning me. turns out we avoided a potential disaster.

i took it to a friend of a friend who buys/sells/services outboards in Santee. when opened the hood the tool pouch had wedged into the linkage for the gear rod and lifted the catch off the rod. LUCKILY, the rod wedged into the housing and was forced down into forward gear. if i would have kept fishing that day it would have ultimately left us stranded on the water.

long/short is $150 got the rod straightened, the tool pouch out of the housing, a new impeller, new water pump, new gear oil and the knowledge that everything is working like it should.

if you need a good outboard mechanic for your baja boat and are in the San Diego area give Fernando a call 619.887.1532 or

surfdoc - 5-20-2012 at 10:07 AM

I've known and trusted Fernando for many years!!! As honest a mechanic as there is for sure!

Both of Juans boats are powered with motors Fernando helped me score!!!
Glad your useing him Woody, next time ya see him tell him Stan/Surfdoc said hi!!!

Terry28 - 5-20-2012 at 10:40 AM

5 miles out....and 62 degree water....not fun at would have been singing soprano by the time you got in....

woody with a view - 5-20-2012 at 11:00 AM

Originally posted by surfdoc
I've known and trusted Fernando for many years!!! As honest a mechanic as there is for sure!

Both of Juans boats are powered with motors Fernando helped me score!!!
Glad your useing him Woody, next time ya see him tell him Stan/Surfdoc said hi!!!

he told me some stories about getting motors down there, and where they came from!:light: you prolly know what i'm talking about.

Fishmagician - 5-21-2012 at 10:01 AM

It's great when you're able to find a trustworthy mechanic for marine repairs. When I owned my Blackman I had another outfit work on my boat - BIG MISTAKE...So, when you find a good one keep him, they're worth their weight in gold.

Skipjack Joe - 5-21-2012 at 11:29 AM

There is too much at stake for me, Woody. When a motor starts to break down I just buy a new one. I've had too many experiences where the motor has been repaired and in baja I find it hasn't been repaired. There goes half of my vacation. When you figure what your yearly vacation (not to mention your life) is worth to you the extra dollars are worth it. That is one piece of equipment I fuss over more than anything else.

All the larger boats have backup motors, Woody, but our tin boats have nothing. I was looking into a 2hp outboard that only weighs 25lbs but it takes up a lot of room.

Taco de Baja - 5-21-2012 at 11:55 AM

Originally posted by Skipjack Joe
All the larger boats have backup motors, Woody, but our tin boats have nothing. I was looking into a 2hp outboard that only weighs 25lbs but it takes up a lot of room.

Well there's always oars.....
Although it was no fun at the time, my dad always liked to tell the story about the time as a teenager he and his dad were fishing off Dana Point in the late 1930s and their outboard died. They had to row home to north Laguna; over 7 miles in a heavy tin boat. He claimed his dad made him do most of the rowing. :lol:

Skipjack Joe - 5-21-2012 at 12:07 PM


hypothermia-chart.gif - 16kB

Skipjack Joe - 5-21-2012 at 12:26 PM

How long would you survive in a boat without water? Looks like about 3 days.

120 F / 48.9 C
2 days

110 F / 43.3 C

100 F / 37.8 C

90 F / 32.2 C

80 F / 26.7 C

70 F / 21.1 C

60 F / 15.6 C

50 F / 10.0 C

baitcast - 5-21-2012 at 01:51 PM

One thing about oars they are very reliable and have never failed me,a 12' 14' light weight tin boats is very easy to get moving and keep moving.

If your in a 12' you should not be to far in the first place and in a 14' you can atleast hold your own,I,ve seen to many down there without oars:o

Ive spent many many hours providing my Father go power to his boats while trolling and we had a motor on the the boats:lol: he said they make to much noise and would scare the fish.

Last time I was out in a small boat 12' porta Bote we were at the south end of Carmen having a great time,on the way back I got to thinking what would we do if the motor guit?

We could have made for the east side of Danzante and waited for company,thats one of the many things I have liked about the gulf,its small boat heaven lots on little islands .

Well there you have it either have a new motor or a good set of oars and you will have it made.

Skipjack Joe - 5-21-2012 at 03:10 PM

That small gap between the north end of Danzante and Pt. Escondido is very doable with oars. It's probably less than 2 miles there.

BTW have you noticed that in all the pics posted nobody is ever wearing a life jacket? We don't either but I'm now thinking of making it a situational thing - stop and put them on when the winds come up.

baitcast - 5-21-2012 at 05:14 PM

Ya but when its 110 who wants to wear one of those things only put one on once,we were out in the channel at BOLA lookig for Dorado in my 14'when a damn westerly came up and by the time we got near Smith they were 4' or 5' and we were very wet,never even tried to go around the Island I just beached it and we spent the better part of the nite setting under a big rock.
Rob Didn't catch a fish.

Barry A. - 5-21-2012 at 05:25 PM

Originally posted by Skipjack Joe

BTW have you noticed that in all the pics posted nobody is ever wearing a life jacket? We don't either but I'm now thinking of making it a situational thing - stop and put them on when the winds come up.

What????????? We ALWAYS wore our life jackets when the wind came up, and usually even when it didn't. Man, you cannot tread water for very long, normally. I learned when running rivers in Utah that life jackets should be just second nature to you, and eventually you don't even know you have one on. I personally ALWAYS wear my life jacket, even when boating around on Shasta Lake, and I just ignor the laughs from others. :lol:


Skipjack Joe - 5-21-2012 at 05:35 PM

Originally posted by baitcast
Ya but when its 110 who wants to wear one of those things only put one on once,we were out in the channel at BOLA lookig for Dorado in my 14'when a damn westerly came up and by the time we got near Smith they were 4' or 5' and we were very wet,never even tried to go around the Island I just beached it and we spent the better part of the nite setting under a big rock.
Rob Didn't catch a fish.

I probably should have done that as well last time. But I was afraid of getting too cold at night. It would have scared Beto half to death as well.

ssiixx - 5-22-2012 at 03:58 PM

thanks for the lead on the outboard repair...I have a lower unit that sounds like its about to go.

woody with a view - 5-23-2012 at 04:47 PM

well i don't consider an impellor and a water pump and new oil and even a cleaned out fuel filter bowl to be reasons to ditch this motor..... to each their own. i carry life jackets, oars, handheld vhf w/ spare battery pack, and a flare gun. just hope to never need them.

it's not like i'm going around back of smith or way outside! the west side of smith or the inner islands has alot of traffic, especially towards the end of the day when everyone is coming in. in fact, i got a radio check at gringa from a guy in the south bay-loud and clear....

Skipjack Joe - 5-23-2012 at 05:38 PM

Originally posted by woody with a view
well i don't consider an impellor and a water pump and new oil and even a cleaned out fuel filter bowl to be reasons to ditch this motor.....

I would agree with you with everything except the water pump. And I would find out why the water pump is being replaced.

My experience has been that once an engine has been run real hot there are all sorts of things that become partly damaged but are not evident yet. Your mechanic runs the engine in his drum and everything seems fine and passes inspection. But in baja it was different out there.

Even when I took my engine to mechanics in La Paz they couldn't reproduce the problem. It turned out to be the electric system that worked with the coil.

But the point is that I had partly fried the motor and damaged that water pump. Once it got hot the internal wiring got damaged. The water that came out of that vent hole would burn your hands but nobody thought that was a problem. The new motor runs lukewarm after trolling for hours. The old one had been like that before the damage.

BTW, I may as well tell you how I think I fried it. It's recommended to flush the motor with freshwater often. I would flush the running motor at San Lucas Cove with a hose that had virtually no pressure. Very little water was going through during the cleaning and it got hot, too hot. The water pump got damaged. The new Honda can be flushed without running the engine so this can't happen.

My outboard mechanic was supposedly the best in the bay area. Honda certified and all that. As with auto mechanics, they often can't fix a problem until they see it. The problem was intermittent. I guess he couldn't run it hard enough to simulate it.

Story about the breakdown:

woody with a view - 5-23-2012 at 05:54 PM

the motor is a 96 mariner 25hp. it prolly has 50 hours MAX. it was used as a Hollister Ranch vehicle for 2 years (5 trips), went to oahu for 3 years (0 trips), came back to SD and used MAYBE 2-3 a year since.

it has been rinsed for 10 minutes after every trip, or after returning from baja. it threw a prop once, had the plugs changed once about 4 years ago. THAT'S IT as far as service. the Outboard King said to change the water pump as preventive measure. impellor every 2 years with not a lot of usage (applies here) and the oil just because. inside the lid it looks BRAND NEW. he told me to run it for 5 minutes every 2 weeks to keep the hoses and gasket in good shape. both cylinders were within 5 psi, around 130 i think.

compared to alot of motors i see the pangueros use, i think this one is pristine. and if i'm wrong, well, at least i know how to swim which is more than some people.....

[Edited on 5-24-2012 by woody with a view]

Skipjack Joe - 5-23-2012 at 06:00 PM

Sounds like a great buy. 25HP? I'll bet you don't have any problems planning that 13' valco.

Read the linked story when you get a chance. Good times.

woody with a view - 5-23-2012 at 08:10 PM

no problems. it planes real fast and goes that way too! the boat is undersized for the motor but i've always heard bigger is better so no complaints...

oh, the motor belongs to my best buddy. he takes my boat when he wants to and i take his motor when i want to. the best part is the motor stays attached to my boat, at my house.....:light:

i'll check the link in the AM.

Fishmagician - 5-24-2012 at 10:30 AM

How many of you have a ditch bag...if you have to into the water...every skipper should hae one.

woody with a view - 5-24-2012 at 11:34 AM

the pic of Alex beaming with that dorado is priceless. you're a lucky man!

baitcast - 5-24-2012 at 12:38 PM

Enjoyed reading the report again,always felt you should do that more often Igor,204 ye gods!

Cypress - 5-24-2012 at 12:47 PM

Skipjack Joe, Intermittent? The ghost in the machine.:O

Skipjack Joe - 5-24-2012 at 12:56 PM

I should but I can't.

2004 was the first time we saw asuncion. There were no gringos back then with the exception of shari who was in canada at the time. There was a sense of discovery. It was isolated and the people were wonderful. We were an anomaly and people went out of their way to meet you and befriend you.

woody with a view - 5-24-2012 at 01:00 PM

i say we get Igor and Rob together and go fishing!

woody with a view - 4-1-2015 at 06:10 PM


I let my fuel go bad. and it won't start.....

carlosg - 4-1-2015 at 07:53 PM

Quote: Originally posted by surfdoc  
I've known and trusted Fernando for many years!!! As honest a mechanic as there is for sure!

Both of Juans boats are powered with motors Fernando helped me score!!!
Glad your useing him Woody, next time ya see him tell him Stan/Surfdoc said hi!!!

I met Fernando last year soon after I bought my 1989 Larson Boat: I took it to a mechanic over in Santee by Mission Gorge Rd at a shipyard, I wanted the motor inspected... wow!!! this guy (not Fernando the guy at the shop) wanted to do a hard sell on me, then Fernando arrived and saw what was going on and he told me he could probably help me, but we couldn't exchange our info. because the guy at the shop (who now I know is a motor broker) wouldn't step away and I had to leave... so many months later... HERE!!!! I find his number, I just talked to him, he remembers the whole situation and we're going to set up an appointment to service my motor.... small world!!!!:bounce:

woody with a view - 4-1-2015 at 07:56 PM

he's a great mechanic.


captkw - 4-2-2015 at 06:54 AM

any and all marine motors of any size,shape,hp need to replace the impeller and gear oil (I/O'S..outboards)..and if little or no hrs of service; then it MUST be replaced...running a motor on a flush kit (muffs) don't mean peanuts about can remove the impeller and run it all day on a hose..The three biggest issue's I sea on outboards is,,,,wrong battery (deep cly)...lack of service (fresh impeller) fuel system from tank to motor...if its not made by serria or OEM don't take a chance...Worst marine used to sell TEMPO and now sell MOELER Crap and also not buy or use this junk on your boat motor...its asking for trouble....Hi, BOB whats your pro take on this....LOL..:lol:

SFandH - 4-2-2015 at 07:19 AM

I bought a reconditioned 1985 40 hp Evinrude from the Outboard King in Santee a few years ago on recommendation from Woody and the motor runs great. And, he's a nice guy too!

How do you know when the impeller needs replacing? Is it just based upon the strength of the stream from the pee hole? On my motor at least, that's fine. ;)

SF & H

captkw - 4-2-2015 at 08:45 AM

Good Question and not a easy general at the beginning of each season would be my first reply,,but there are many varibles,,,duty clycle,,water PH and alkalinity..beaching,,setting out in the sun and the biggest factor is lack of use..A impeller gets a "set" from sitting and lack of use..and not understanded is the fact that at higher speeds the "vanes" must also be soft enough to bend/flex to allow the water that is now being "shoved/pushed" to go past and cool the higher speeds you can over heat from a impeller that is "stiff"..also the PRV and also called "popitt" valve needs to be serviced...My good friend 'BoB' would argue that your wasting good money...but, when your motor over heats and wipes out a perfectly otherwise good motor..its in a little now or a lot later !! I also see many folks and even other shops/mech's impeller replacement done WRONG and even like WTF was they doing in there...sorta like "Big Sign/ little brain"

SFandH - 4-2-2015 at 04:31 PM

Thanks for the info. But my question is:

If the stream of cooling water coming out of the motor is strong, can I assume the impeller is OK? Do they go bad slowly, indicated by a weak stream, or are they good one moment and broken the next?

woody with a view - 4-2-2015 at 04:48 PM

It's a crapshoot. Cheap insurance to do every year if you do your own or every other year if you don't.

SFandH - 4-2-2015 at 05:02 PM

The boat is kept in Mulege and used almost daily for a couple of hours for 5 months of the year. I'd like to tackle the repair myself. I have the tools and am smarter than the average bear by a bit when it comes to machines. Need to buy the parts in San Diego and take with me.

Suggestions/comments appreciated.

[Edited on 4-3-2015 by SFandH]

SF and H

captkw - 4-2-2015 at 05:34 PM

Hola,yes you can do it yourself..but that one has a three part s/s inserts in the housing and a "o" ring seal on top with a sorta "o" ring seal of the bottom of the w/p housing and a gasket under the "wearplate"...I highly recommend you by a complete kit minus the w/p plastic housing if it has not run hot..if ran hot, get a complete w/p pump kit,,,the OMC impellers are locked on the drive shaft with a small plastic cam..strike with a brass drift in a clockwise direction to loosen..and always bye and use the evinrude....(went to trunk for the can,,,LOL) gasket sealing compound on the top and sides of the s/s insert (2) of the pump so it wont suck air.....the bottom sealing "o" ring I glue in place with "gasket cinch" and let dry GOOD..then when lowering pump housing onto impeller spin the driftshaft with a pair of vicegrip in a clockwise direction while keeping a sharp eye on the bottom seal "o" ring then pour a little soapy water down the pump discharge/outlet port...NO GREASE !! the you tube vids are WRONG...and don't forget the shift lincage...oops always disconnect all spark leads and have friend slighty turn the flywheel for spline alignment...hope that helps...K&T..PS and use a spline grease on the side of the shaft splines ..BUT not on the top,,just the sides..and YES spline grease is hard to find but ask your part man (not worst marine) if a small tube comes with w/p kit

[Edited on 4-3-2015 by captkw]

[Edited on 4-3-2015 by captkw]

[Edited on 4-3-2015 by captkw]

SFandH - 4-2-2015 at 05:42 PM

thanks for the reply captkw, I'll copy and paste to a text file so I have it when the time comes. I'll also watch some youtube vids keeping in mind what you said. It's time for me to figure this out.

Now to find a parts kit online.

old saying

captkw - 4-2-2015 at 05:45 PM

there is no stupid boat questions !!