

Ken Cooke - 6-9-2012 at 11:51 PM

My 9 yr. old Chihuahua "Frida" entered her pet cage and was cut wide open as a result. The cage was assembled as directed, but that is a matter I will take up with the manufacturer off-line.

Frida with open wound - in pain.:no: Resting in her Animal Planet indoor dog house.

After making sure that I could make her comfortable, I went to the local drugstore and purchased some products to clean and dress the wound. Then, to the liquor store to buy a $2 calling card to reach my friends in Tijuana.

The drive to San Ysidro was stressful for Frida as she suffered the entire way there.

Once I parked at Border Station, Frida was able to have a small lunch. Earlier, she hadn't eaten but El Pollo Loco burritos always seem to do the trick.:yes:

The Taxi cost $5 from the Border to CG's home in Soler. From there, we traveled to the vet by car within 10 minutes. Here is Frida in the Consultation Lab.

[Edited on 6-10-2012 by Ken Cooke]

Trip to the Coffee Shop

Ken Cooke - 6-10-2012 at 12:02 AM

De Volada - Café
Heraclio Bernal, #1 L-13 Fracc Soler
22530 Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico
01 664 630 2080

At age 16, I traveled to Amsterdam where I learned what a proper Coffee Shop is. Here in Tijuana, I talked to Tom K. about my European travels and joked about Coffee in different countries.

Tom K. originally from Denmark

'CG' is always contemplating an adventure. He would like for his next one to take place in Europe! I told him to check out Estonia for the lower prices - he is more interested in Holland - mainly for the Tulip Festival.

It isn't common that you will meet someone in Tijuana who speaks fluent English, Spanish, Danish, and German.

After an hour, it was time for Tom to return to work. He bid adieu from the drivers seat of his classic Ford pickup.:bounce:

After beverages at the Coffee shop, we went to 'CG's' place for lunch! I felt like I was at a Mexican restaurant with all of the good food I was served!

[Edited on 6-10-2012 by Ken Cooke]

wessongroup - 6-10-2012 at 12:03 AM

That's too bad.. Ken.. hate to see any one hurt... and it sure looks like she got a nasty tear from the cage...

Glad she is ok... my mother always had Chihuahua's ...

She doesn't any more, she is 93, but, my sis and her husband have a Irish Setter... so there is still a dog around the house... albeit some what larger

Ken Cooke - 6-10-2012 at 12:15 AM

Returning for Frida, I saw this classic muscle car parked on the street. This must be a fun ride in Tijuana!:bounce:

You simply cannot get lost in Soler with buildings painted with information such as this.

There are some very strange and interesting homes in Tijuana City!

Frida was in good spirits when we returned for her. I don't know why I was afraid she might die, but as you can see, she looked like she was ready to play.

I finally got to hold my Frida for the first time without worrying about her guts spilling out.

After picking up Frida, it was back to the 'CG' Casa for a quick nap, and plans for the evening in DOWNTOWN TIJUANA!:bounce:

Fast forward to 7 PM, and we picked up Cousin Alex (made famous by DIRT SPORTS MAGAZINE). We were off for a quality ITALIAN Dinner at Vittorio's on Calle Revoluccion.

Near the L.A. Cetto building is this massive Mexican flag.

It's a good thing Alex doesn't drive - I don't know where he would put his tablet and smartphone to change lanes!:o

As day turned to dusk, the fog began to slowly roll in to Downtown Tijuana.

Alex took a few calls while we waited to be seated.

After dinner, I had to put my camera away. During our walk down Calle Revoluccion, I snapped photos of this fun car show.

After a couple of programs, we picked up Frida, and I was dropped off at the border to cross into San Ysidro, CA. I arrived home at 2:15 a.m. PHEW! I WAS TIRED!

[Edited on 6-10-2012 by Ken Cooke]

The next day

Ken Cooke - 6-10-2012 at 12:22 AM

Back at home, Frida was looking better than ever. Sure, she needed a good nights sleep, but after that, she was as spunky and aggressive as ever.

Frida resting after her Dog Surgery.

Leidys was feeling terrible about Frida's wound. She played with our other Chihuahua 'TJ', who appeared sad while Frida was away on her Vet Adventure.

Frida felt happier and secure inside her own backyard. She doesn't like the random noise of the Tijuana streets. A quiet backyard is what she knows as home.

[Edited on 6-10-2012 by Ken Cooke]

Bajafun777 - 6-10-2012 at 12:25 AM

Ken sorry to hear about your dog's injury. A Mexicali Vet saved our boxer some years back when a car hit her breaking her leg. It required several days at the vet office, shots, screws put in her leg to hold it together and special care after we got her back home. The vet in mexicali was great and really loved animals. Glad you found a good vet in T.J. Take Care & Travel Safe----"No Hurry, No Worry, Just FUN" bajafun777

wessongroup - 6-10-2012 at 12:26 AM

That was a really bad cut...

astrobaja - 6-10-2012 at 10:00 AM

Ken, thats a nasty cut for poor Frida! You should see about getting some good antibacterial soap like Hibitane to keep the area clean as it heals. We always had some on hand at our horse barn cause horses were experts at getting hurt!

Hope you give that manufacturer a piece of your mind, they should at least cover your vet expenses!

Mula - 6-10-2012 at 10:04 AM

So glad to see Frida sewed up and happy again!

Worth her weight in Gold!

Ateo - 6-10-2012 at 10:44 AM

Great dog names! Glad Frida got the medical attention she needed. That ford truck was b-tchin.

Ken Cooke - 6-10-2012 at 10:47 AM

Originally posted by astrobaja
Hope you give that manufacturer a piece of your mind, they should at least cover your vet expenses!

I will send a letter along with glossy photos of Fridas pet visit to the vet and all related receipts. As I said, this particular cage was used as directed by the instructions, and this horrible accident still took place. Had I been away with Leidys on an extended Baja trip, we could very easily come home to a dead animal.

Ken Cooke - 6-10-2012 at 10:48 AM

Originally posted by Mula
So glad to see Frida sewed up and happy again!

Worth her weight in Gold!

This dog is like my own daughter. I raised her from 7 weeks until now. I would let nothing happen to her because she means so much to me.

Mula - 6-10-2012 at 11:42 AM

My husband's Candy is to him, also. So we know! So happy for the family and a good ending.

Udo - 6-10-2012 at 11:51 AM

Great story Ken!

Glad that Frida will be OK.

BajaBlanca - 6-10-2012 at 12:01 PM

whoa ... that's a lot of stiches for a little chihuahua ... we are also glad that she is OK now. what a day, what a night.

Ken Cooke - 6-10-2012 at 01:10 PM

Originally posted by BajaBlanca
whoa ... that's a lot of stiches for a little chihuahua ... we are also glad that she is OK now. what a day, what a night.

If necessary, I would do it again today. That little Chihuahua means that much to me. This is definitely a story with a happy ending.

David K - 6-10-2012 at 03:16 PM


Ken Cooke - 6-10-2012 at 05:44 PM

Originally posted by David K

No, Excellente!

Actually I think it is 'excelente'

thebajarunner - 6-10-2012 at 06:20 PM

Originally posted by Ken Cooke
Originally posted by David K

No, Excellente!

but, however you spell it we are all glad to see her home and in one piece

(I still say if you don't keep taking pictures of the gorgeous woman and posting them here your wife will find out and conk you)

Ken Cooke - 6-10-2012 at 06:25 PM

Originally posted by thebajarunner

(I still say if you don't keep taking pictures of the gorgeous woman and posting them here your wife will find out and conk you)

I completely agree! We're going back to Tijuana in a few days for a top secret (SHHH!) trip. We're traveling there with a model - I'll make sure both Women look like a Million Pesos! :lol:

chuckie - 6-10-2012 at 06:27 PM

No Vets in California?

Ken Cooke - 6-10-2012 at 07:05 PM

Originally posted by chuckie
No Vets in California?

Yes, there are Veterinarians not far from where I live. The issue was affordability. This trumped convenience in my case.

David K - 6-11-2012 at 12:47 AM

Did you include the 200+ mile round trip cost in gas, a day's auto insurance, etc. into the cost 'to save money'?

I am sure there were other good reasons to go, as well!

Ken Cooke - 6-11-2012 at 08:16 AM

Originally posted by David K
Did you include the 200+ mile round trip cost in gas, a day's auto insurance, etc. into the cost 'to save money'?

I am sure there were other good reasons to go, as well!

$51 gasoline for 250 mi/rt
$7 Parking at Border Station - San Ysidro, CA
$5 Taxi Fee
$40 Vet Fee
$20 Dinner at Vittorio's

CortezBlue - 6-11-2012 at 09:04 AM

I guess I'm a bit confused??

Did you take your dog to a vet in TJ?

Why would you do that instead of going to an emergency animal hospital near you?

Yes, I know it would cost more, but if I was concerned about the life of my dog, it seems that would be faster and lest tramatic.


Maybe it wasn't as bad of a wound as it looked and you had time

Either way I hope the little guy is on the mend

Ken Cooke - 6-11-2012 at 10:33 AM

Originally posted by CortezBlue
I guess I'm a bit confused??

Did you take your dog to a vet in TJ?

Why would you do that instead of going to an emergency animal hospital near you?

Yes, I know it would cost more, but if I was concerned about the life of my dog, it seems that would be faster and lest tramatic.


Maybe it wasn't as bad of a wound as it looked and you had time

Either way I hope the little guy is on the mend

My reason for going to a Veterinarian in Mexico was due to cost. The wound was very bad. Over one inch across and about 1 inch deep. I was concerned about my expense load and my personal financial trauma.

In the end, this is working out very well. Frida's wound is slowly healing very well. My out-of-pocket expenses were in the $140 range, and I had a fun dinner and couple of shows out on the town for only $20. When life serves you lemons, take those lemons and make lemonade!:yes:

chuckie - 6-11-2012 at 05:32 PM

Still dont get it, prolly wont..Dog is badly injured, waste all kinds of time to save a few bucks? Sounds more like an excuse for a party than taking care of the dog....just sayin...

Ken Cooke - 6-11-2012 at 07:20 PM

Originally posted by chuckie
Still dont get it, prolly wont..Dog is badly injured, waste all kinds of time to save a few bucks? Sounds more like an excuse for a party than taking care of the dog....just sayin...

When you have more time than money, why not use the time, to save the money - right?:yes:

Bajafun777 - 6-11-2012 at 07:46 PM

Ken, when our boxer was hit by a car due to fireworks in Brawley I took her to Vet in Brawley. The guy did X-Rays, shot, and then told me he could not fix the leg but had called another Vet in San Diego to do the job. I had already talked to my friend's Vet in Mexicali that told me he would fix the dog. The Vet in Brawley told me the other Vet wanted $1,500 up front and then it would be another possible $1,500 for the other possible work on the dog.

I told the Vet in Brawley I wanted the dog's X-rays to take with me and he wanted to know if I was going straight to his friends office in San Diego. Told him I was taking the dog to get fixed and just needed the X-rays, so the other Vet would have them. This Brawley Vet would not give me the X-rays telling me that he couldn't release them after I just got charge $100 dollars for the damn things. Told him it was B.S. but my dog was needing help so off to Mexicali I went. The Vet in Mexicali had to re-Xray the dog due to me not having the ones from Brawley and then he did surgery on my dog. He had to put a pin in her leg, put a makeshift cast on her leg along with pain medication and kept her for 3 days to make sure everything ok. It cost me $345 dollars total. That total cost for my dog also included going back to have the pin removed once it healed up which included another pain shot before taking it out. Have taken other dogs to this Vet in Mexicali afterwards and he is very good with animals and does great personal care for them.

So, for me I won't ever use the Vet in Brawley again. Like to point out that I also had to go into his back area to get my dog on that day. This was due to when I went to pick him up the Vet did not want to release my dog to me until I told him I was going to his friend's office in San Diego. Wrong Wrong Wrong and I just wrapped my dog up in a blanket and took off as fast as possible for the Vet in Mexicali. So, the cost thing you are talking about is very real on some issues with animal care but if you can get better care why not go for it in Mexico. By the way my dog recovered just fine and two years later had puppies and no problems with her broken leg. She lived to be 14 years old with good times and was a very loving dog. Take Care & Travel Safe------"No Hurry, No Worry, Just FUN" bajafun777

Ken Cooke - 6-11-2012 at 08:03 PM

Originally posted by Bajafun777
The Vet in Brawley told me the other Vet wanted $1,500 up front and then it would be another possible $1,500 for the other possible work on the dog.

$375 including incendentals or $3,000.00 - Definitely not "Chump Change" by any stretch of the imagination. I talk to people everyday who swear that they will NEVER visit Mexico - Being on a Baja-related forum, you would think that 90% or better would support your decision to cross the border in order to get needed pet services for your family favorite?? I don't understand, but I guess this is what separates me from the masses on this forum.

chuckie - 6-12-2012 at 06:56 PM

Thats about an 80 dollar sew up... No more....We get 2-3 a year like that...But maybe not in Kalifornia...

Ken Cooke - 6-12-2012 at 09:24 PM

Originally posted by chuckie
Thats about an 80 dollar sew up... No more....

Next time, I send the Chihuahua to you!LOL

chuckie - 6-12-2012 at 11:11 PM

Small box...

zoesterone - 6-13-2012 at 06:38 AM

Originally posted by Ken Cooke
My 9 yr. old Chihuahua "Frida" entered her pet cage and was cut wide open as a result. The cage was assembled as directed, but that is a matter I will take up with the manufacturer off-line.

Frida with open wound - in pain.:no: Resting in her Animal Planet indoor dog house.

After making sure that I could make her comfortable, I went to the local drugstore and purchased some products to clean and dress the wound. Then, to the liquor store to buy a $2 calling card to reach my friends in Tijuana.

The drive to San Ysidro was stressful for Frida as she suffered the entire way there.

Once I parked at Border Station, Frida was able to have a small lunch. Earlier, she hadn't eaten but El Pollo Loco burritos always seem to do the trick.:yes:

The Taxi cost $5 from the Border to CG's home in Soler. From there, we traveled to the vet by car within 10 minutes. Here is Frida in the Consultation Lab.

[Edited on 6-10-2012 by Ken Cooke]

Wondering, out of curiosity, why you had to travel a long distance for a vet? There are several very good ones in the Rosarito area as well as Primo Tapia. Glad everything turned out well as it is hard to see our best friends in pain.

David K - 6-13-2012 at 08:43 AM

Tijuana is closer to Ken's home than Rosarito or Primo Tapia.


Ken Cooke - 7-17-2012 at 10:42 AM


Frida was in pain, but with medication and doggie first aid, I cleaned her up and prepared her for her trip South of the border.

Wound is stitched up Professionally

Stitches have been out for 1 month, and her wound area is completely smooth/uniform.

rdrrm8e - 8-3-2012 at 12:43 PM

Nothing but red ex's for me.....?

Ken Cooke - 8-22-2012 at 08:04 PM

Originally posted by rdrrm8e
Nothing but red ex's for me.....?

Sorry - I shut down my Facebook account, deleted all files from Facebook, and as a result, you missed all of the great Tijuana photos.

Quck Synapsis

Ken Cooke - 8-22-2012 at 08:22 PM

Frida gets injured

Frida receives home First Aid treatment(, but still hurt/won't eat for 2-3 days).

I drive her to San Ysidro, CA where we walk across the border (she is carried in her pet carrier).

Having lunch

The trip across the border is non-eventful. Frida arrives in the Veterinarian's Office. Paperwork is filled out. She awaits her surgery.

Neat house near Vet's Office - This kind of originality is why I almost moved to Tijuana several years ago.

Frida is out of surgery, happy, and healthy!

Her wound after treatment.

At home, she readjusts quickly.