
Record Roosterfish!

Mariz - 7-10-2012 at 04:26 PM

A new line class record from the East Cape!

woody with a view - 7-10-2012 at 04:29 PM


capt. mike - 7-10-2012 at 05:08 PM

that sure is a lot of inedible pez.

Ken Bondy - 7-10-2012 at 05:30 PM

Agree mike. Sad to see a beautiful old animal like that killed just to be thrown in a dumpster. Sportsmen, give me a few seconds while I put on my flame-retardant suit :)

woody with a view - 7-10-2012 at 05:50 PM

c'mon guys, a fish like that is a trophy. it isn't tuna, but i sure would take a bite! BTW, it has reproduced numerous times already sending it's big DNA out into the water.

AND, it's just one fish in the ocean......

classicbajabronco - 7-10-2012 at 05:52 PM

Originally posted by Ken Bondy
Agree mike. Sad to see a beautiful old animal like that killed just to be thrown in a dumpster. Sportsmen, give me a few seconds while I put on my flame-retardant suit :)

Some of these big fish have heart attacks in the fight, especially a big fish taken on light tackle such as this case. If this was taken off the beach, very good chance for along fight, not all fish can be successfully released especially a extremely tired fish like this one would have been.

I had a 75lb rooster come in dead on 20lb a few yrs back, it did not go to the dumpster, nor will this fish more than likely. The locals of the eastcape love roosters, grilled, boiled or made into machaca. My fish fed 10 people machaca wise for a month!

Just saying

[Edited on 7-11-2012 by classicbajabronco]

BajaRat - 7-10-2012 at 06:09 PM

Originally posted by classicbajabronco
Originally posted by Ken Bondy
Agree mike. Sad to see a beautiful old animal like that killed just to be thrown in a dumpster. Sportsmen, give me a few seconds while I put on my flame-retardant suit :)

Some of these big fish have heart attacks in the fight, especially a big fish taken on light tackle such as this case. If this was taken off the beach, very good chance for along fight, not all fish can be successfully released especially a extremely tired fish like this one would have been.

I had a 75lb rooster come in dead on 20lb a few yrs back, it did not go to the dumpster, nor will this fish more than likely. The locals of the eastcape love roosters, grilled, boiled or made into machaca. My fish fed 10 people machaca wise for a month!

[Edited on 7-11-2012 by classicbajabronco]

Agreed, VIVA Baja!

Ken Bondy - 7-11-2012 at 06:03 AM

Originally posted by classicbajabronco
Originally posted by Ken Bondy
Agree mike. Sad to see a beautiful old animal like that killed just to be thrown in a dumpster. Sportsmen, give me a few seconds while I put on my flame-retardant suit :)

Some of these big fish have heart attacks in the fight, especially a big fish taken on light tackle such as this case. If this was taken off the beach, very good chance for along fight, not all fish can be successfully released especially a extremely tired fish like this one would have been.

I had a 75lb rooster come in dead on 20lb a few yrs back, it did not go to the dumpster, nor will this fish more than likely. The locals of the eastcape love roosters, grilled, boiled or made into machaca. My fish fed 10 people machaca wise for a month!

Just saying

[Edited on 7-11-2012 by classicbajabronco]

I emphatically disagree with the "eastcape locals love them" story. Nice thought, but not true. I have had many discussions with "eastcape" locals and with Mexican management at Punta Pescadero, Las Arenas (when it was operating), Punta Colorada, Rancho Buena Vista, Rancho Leonero about the desirability of pez gallo as a food fish, and no-one ever said anything about the locals "loving" them. Obviously they will eat them when nothing else is available, (unlikely in this area rich with truly good food fish), but "loving them" is a huge stretch.

I am not proud to say this, but I have caught many roosterfish in my 20 years and 100+ flying trips to Baja. Most were released but some were not. But none of them were dead when they hit the beach or the boat.

bigmike58 - 7-11-2012 at 06:37 AM

Geez, here we go again.... You can't even keep a record fish without someone spouting BS... Ken, believe what you want (and I have no doubt you will) but hungry locals eat roosterfish and your assumption that it is going in the garbage is just that. Congrats on you getting to fish for 20 years and for admonishing those that want to do what you have had the privledge to have already done.

Congrats to Jack Kautz on the catch of a lifetime... flame on.

pic added

[Edited on 7-11-2012 by bigmike58]

Ken Bondy - 7-11-2012 at 06:58 AM

Originally posted by bigmike58
Geez, here we go again.... You can't even keep a record fish without someone spouting BS... Ken, believe what you want (and I have no doubt you will) but hungry locals eat roosterfish and your assumption that it is going in the garbage is just that. Congrats on you getting to fish for 20 years and for admonishing those that want to do what you have had the privledge to have already done.

Congrats to Jack Kautz on the catch of a lifetime... flame on.

bigmike read my posts more carefully. I am not admonishing anyone for fishing. I am just expressing my opinion (I think I get to do that, right?) that seeing a magnificent old animal like that hanging dead by its tail for no significant benefit other than pumping up the ego of the angler, is, well, sad.

classicbajabronco - 7-11-2012 at 07:17 AM

Originally posted by Ken Bondy
I am not proud to say this, but I have caught many roosterfish in my 20 years and 100+ flying trips to Baja. Most were released but some were not. But none of them were dead when they hit the beach or the boat.

...I've been driving and riding in automobiles for about 40 yrs and 1000's of trips and have never been in an car accident....does that mean automobile accidents don't happen either. :?:

Ken Bondy - 7-11-2012 at 07:22 AM

Originally posted by classicbajabronco
Originally posted by Ken Bondy
I am not proud to say this, but I have caught many roosterfish in my 20 years and 100+ flying trips to Baja. Most were released but some were not. But none of them were dead when they hit the beach or the boat.

...I've been driving and riding in automobiles for about 40 yrs and 1000's of trips and have never been in an car accident....does that mean automobile accidents don't happen either. :?:

Of course it doesn't classic...but it does strongly suggest that roosterfish heart attacks and car accidents are the exceptions, not the norms.

woody with a view - 7-11-2012 at 07:24 AM

and that big old rooster lived a long life. why should it not want to go out putting a huge smile on some random guys face?

reality is in the eye of the beer holder. your version is just as valid, but no more than anyone else's.

bigmike58 - 7-11-2012 at 07:37 AM

Someone here deserves an award today.... Fill in your name and today's date if you feel like you've earned it.;)

watizname - 7-11-2012 at 07:45 AM

A nice fish whose time had come. We all gotta go sometime. :coolup:

Skipjack Joe - 7-11-2012 at 07:51 AM

As I've stated many times before a good fisherman doesn't need a trophy. Trophy hunters are mentally immature men proving their own virility.

And feeding the Mexicans with roosterfish is usually what's done when you don't know what to do with it. The Mexicans eat it so as not to waste the meat.

Ken Bondy - 7-11-2012 at 07:51 AM

bigmike I assume the Certificate is for me. You perhaps need to know a few more things before you tag me as a hypocrite. Yes, I fished, but I haven't fished for over twenty years. I simply decided that I couldn't kill anything any more. Part of that change I'm sure came when I started diving. I have seen pez gallo a few times underwater and they are spectacular. I think maybe if you saw one underwater with their great speed and agility, dorsal rays flicking, colors changing, then maybe it would change your mind about killing one. Yes I changed my mind about fishing, but that was 20+ years ago and I have been completely consistent since then. Am I still a hypocrite or do you condemn anyone who changes their mind?

bigmike58 - 7-11-2012 at 08:49 AM

Condemn? maybe. I have a hard time listening to anyone that appears to have gone from one extreme to another and then preachs thier self righteousness on others.

Congrats again to Jack and his catch of a lifetime,

watizname - 7-11-2012 at 08:50 AM

Com'on Joe,
The guy doesn't look like he was out "hunting" a trophy. Just a guy fishing from shore with 20# line who hooked up bigtime. Can't blame him a bit for the smile, and the photo.

Skipjack Joe - 7-11-2012 at 09:14 AM

To me he looks like a muscle bound youngster that has some growing up to do.

Fishing ethics have changed over the years. A hanging dead corpse like this is not that attractive to sportsmen any longer.

Osprey - 7-11-2012 at 09:53 AM

I won't tell you where or when but is was a very long time ago right down here in Baja Sur. I caught a rooster from shore on a roll of twine. Don't know the test, couldn't weigh the fish. It was big. Bigger than the one in the picture.

I gave it to the villagers. Four days later they began to get sick. Half the people in the village died. I had to make a midnight retreat.

Now I'm conflicted; not a sportsman and not really a "good" samaritan. I'll just have to live with it or make up some excuses or lies to hide it. I'll figure somethin' out.

Cardon Man - 7-11-2012 at 11:42 AM

Originally posted by watizname
Com'on Joe,
The guy doesn't look like he was out "hunting" a trophy. Just a guy fishing from shore with 20# line who hooked up bigtime. Can't blame him a bit for the smile, and the photo.

Awesome fish. But this catch was made trolling from a panga NOT casting from shore. Huge difference. Not knocking the catch. Just sayin...

Cypress - 7-11-2012 at 11:50 AM

It's a huge fish. A major catch! Congratulations.! Have caught a lot of Jacks over in the Gulf of Mexico, nothing close to that size.;D

sd - 7-11-2012 at 12:15 PM

Let me jump in here. I love to fish the East Cape. I have visited and stayed at several of the resorts. I find that most strongly encourage catch and release of all billfish. Rooster fish are great fun, and only twice have I seen them kept, one local syaing he liked to eat these. I don't have any issue with this.

I do not know how old a 100 lb fish is, and if it disrupts the number of roosters. Fill me in what you know please.

I often have the hotel prepare one of our fish each day (Dorado is the desire), and release the rest. If others keep their catch and consume it that is their choice. I find most everyone is now staying within the limits and buying a license. In my opinion there is more conservation now than 10 years ago.

I enjoy reading the posts. It is a nice trophy fish.

Ken Bondy - 7-11-2012 at 03:22 PM

Originally posted by bigmike58
Condemn? maybe. I have a hard time listening to anyone that appears to have gone from one extreme to another and then preachs thier self righteousness on others.

One "extreme" to another??? What the hell are you talking about?

dtbushpilot - 7-11-2012 at 08:05 PM

The picture would have been better if he had "photo shopped" out the rope, standing there smiling and holding that beast up by the tail would be more inpressive than the record breaking catch.

Congrats on a world's record catch.......dt