

DavidE - 8-22-2012 at 04:58 PM

A cut & paste from the San Diego Union Tribune

Several months ago news broke about the Beckmann family to be negotiating with the Diageo Company to sell the rights of “José Cuervo”, the #1 selling tequila in the global market distributed to over a 100 countries.

English newspaper “The Telegraph” announced that next Thursday Paul Wash, Diageo’s CEO, could confirm the acquisition in the company’s yearly report.

Diageo is already backing up important beverage brands like Johnnie Walker and Tanqueray. Now, with the purchase of José Cuervo, the company hopes to have a stronger presence in the Latin American market besides improving their stock prices in the London and New York stock markets with the idea of entering the Hong Kong stock market.

“José Cuervo” was born in 1978; its selling price is estimated to be around three billion dollars.

It seems like Mexican beverages have a strong appeal to foreigners, just a few months ago Grupo Modelo, the producer of the famous “Corona” beer was bought by Belgian group Anheuser-Bush.


captkw - 8-22-2012 at 05:14 PM



bajaguy - 8-22-2012 at 06:03 PM

I can't see anybody intentionally buying or drinking José Cuervo or Corona......that crap is swill :fire:

durrelllrobert - 8-23-2012 at 08:56 AM

Originally posted by bajaguy
I can't see anybody intentionally buying or drinking José Cuervo or Corona......that crap is swill :fire:
apparently people living ouside of Baja don't have our good tastes.

DENNIS - 8-23-2012 at 09:07 AM

I can recall when Cuervo and Sauza Gold were considered classy imports in US bars.
They still have their place in Margaritas. Anything better would be a waste of quality.

Lee - 8-23-2012 at 09:38 AM

Cuervo has it's place along side Rose's Lime Juice and other adulterated mixes passing as margs.

Hornitos Plata with fresh squeezed limes and a dash of triple sec or grand marnier beats Cuervo. Side by side you can tell the difference -- between a good marg and a great marg.

Tequila has grown up -- Cuervo is for people who are starting out and don't know the difference.

Sipping: Patron or Cabo Wabo.

durrelllrobert - 8-23-2012 at 10:16 AM

Originally posted by Lee

Tequila has grown up -- Cuervo is for people who are starting out and don't know the difference.

...and people are paying the going price of $55/liter in Alberta Canada

willardguy - 8-23-2012 at 10:34 AM

only a nomad with a superior educated palate would call the #1 tequila in the world and the #5 beer in the world, "swill" :wow:

bajaguy - 8-23-2012 at 12:52 PM

Originally posted by willardguy
only a nomad with a superior educated palate would call the #1 tequila in the world and the #5 beer in the world, "swill" :wow:

Thank you sir for the complement...........just because they are number 1 and number 5 (on somebody's list) shows a distinct lack of taste!!!!....:lol:

Lee - 8-23-2012 at 03:36 PM

Originally posted by bajaguy
Originally posted by willardguy
only a nomad with a superior educated palate would call the #1 tequila in the world and the #5 beer in the world, "swill" :wow:

Thank you sir for the complement...........just because they are number 1 and number 5 (on somebody's list) shows a distinct lack of taste!!!!....:lol:

I'd add that all tequila drinkers have taste. Some have more of a developed taste.

For example, some people probably can't tell the difference between Cuervo Gold and Patron. Or the difference between anejo, reposado or plata.


willardguy - 8-23-2012 at 04:01 PM

hey look, i'd rather drink patron than cuervo too. that doesnt mean that patron is any better than jose, it just means one suits our taste better.
jose cuervo is the best selling tequila in the world enjoyed by millions, what makes you so arrogant to think your choice of tequila means anything to anyone but you?
a more developed taste? give me a break! same goes for corona, your developed taste has propelled you all the way to pacifico?:rolleyes:

Lee - 8-24-2012 at 12:07 PM

Originally posted by willardguy
hey look, i'd rather drink patron than cuervo too. that doesnt mean that patron is any better than jose, it just means one suits our taste better.
jose cuervo is the best selling tequila in the world enjoyed by millions, what makes you so arrogant to think your choice of tequila means anything to anyone but you?
a more developed taste? give me a break! same goes for corona, your developed taste has propelled you all the way to pacifico?:rolleyes:

Patron doesn't taste any better than Cuervo? Oh my, you are out of touch.

Personally, I don't drink Patron but did years ago.

If you can't tell the difference between premium sipping tequila and Cuervo, you're an amateur.

Besides, who gives a flying F whether Cuervo is a top selling tequila? Sip your swill and I"ll enjoy my premium. If you don't like your swill, move up. (Cuervo is for those who can't afford better. Fact of life.)

Cypress - 8-24-2012 at 12:12 PM

:biggrin: We're gonna argue about what brand of alcohol is gonna get your buzz going?:lol: Taste?:biggrin:

[Edited on 8/24/2012 by Cypress]

bajaguy - 8-24-2012 at 12:55 PM

Originally posted by willardguy
well now settle down lee, you're sounding like a pompous blowhard. first of all I wasn't aware there were professional vs amateur tequila drinkers, obviously you consider yourself a "pro", congratulations! maybe you can advise as to how one reaches this level of,uh,sophistication? my guess is you start with an overpriced hand blown,numbered bottle, attach a famous name like paul mitchell (yup, the same guy that leaves your hair soft and silky makes your tequila soft and silky), or how about sammy hagar?
you're not a tequila aficionado, you're just a fool that bought into a slick madison avenue sales campaign. but then again, its just tequila!:spingrin:

Clearing the air............

In your response to me, you referred to me as arrogant.....yep, you are right, I am

Now you are calling Lee a pompous blowhard
and a fool who "bought into a slick madison avenue sales campaign"

You lose credibility when you start calling people names, Willard.......I'm sure that with your superior knowledge you can make a point without reverting back to third grade playground behavior.

Oh, and that little factoid about Jose Cuervo being "the best selling tequila in the world enjoyed by millions".........just goes back to your above post.....(millions of) "fool(s) that bought into a slick madison avenue sales campaign"

One more point........"you said ...."but then again, its just tequila".....actually, is more serious than "just tequila"... :lol:

DavidE - 8-24-2012 at 01:00 PM

"Get'cher Red Hot Peanuts And Popcorn Here...!"

willardguy - 8-24-2012 at 01:05 PM

you sir are correct. I apologize for the pompous blowhard and arrogant remarks.
the original story was simply about jose cuervo being sold, I took exception with the reply "that crap is swill".really?

prorader - 8-24-2012 at 01:53 PM

Just because I have been in Mexico 6 years does not mean I gave up on a sip of Jack Daniels, now and then

bajaguy - 8-24-2012 at 02:00 PM

Originally posted by prorader
Just because I have been in Mexico 6 years does not mean I gave up on a sip of Jack Daniels, now and then

Jack Daniel's Single Barrel :lol:

prorader - 8-24-2012 at 02:09 PM

charcoal flavor, nothing like that here. You have an extra $5,000.00 US we can split a few

[Edited on 8-24-2012 by prorader]

ballzcowboy - 8-24-2012 at 04:05 PM

José Cuervo being number one has nothing to do with taste. Any products rating comes from marketing efforts. Madison Avenue can put anything on top! I recall in my youth ads saying nine out of ten doctors preferred Chesterfield cigarettes . Given enough millions Madison Avenue can and will make the worst product in the world seem like the best. That is what they do. And they are very good at it. Therefore I say "NO WAY JOSE".

For my unrefined taste any Tequila that is 100 % agave is close enough. Lately the new "buss words" seem to be "blue agave" which can be very little agave and a whole lot of sugar induced alcohol which can kill off my few remaining braincells.

willardguy - 8-24-2012 at 04:31 PM

absolutely. after too many years being a bar owner and being at the mercy of the consumer who's at the mercy of the marketer I believe that what ever beer,tequila, whisky you are now drinking is hands down the best, and all other is swill. at least until marketers convince you theres a new cooler,hipper drink on the horizon!:tumble:

DavidE - 8-24-2012 at 04:43 PM

"Pork -- The Other White Meat"

My decades-old moonshine tequila housed in an 8 gallon Heitz Cellars pony barrel will knock the socks off of any 200 dollar a bottle tequila. It came to me in the back seat of a vochito (I wasn't allowed to go see the still), and into the barrel it went and off to Guadalajara se fue. There Luis my tee-totaling Cuban buddy and his spouse tended it. I buy 100 ml bottles at the farmacia and give the tequila away to friends on their birthday. It is a dark tea color now, and ancianos, people who know tequila declare it "padrisimo". Robert, a Canadian friend had a snifter of it in 2010 and said "My god! This nectar belongs in the record book". It's safe. It was moved (without my knowledge) this last spring to Eduardo's "basement" in Lazaro Card##as. I think it has 5 maybe 6 gallons left. To me it is way smoother than Remy Martin or Courvousier.

PS: I had a hell of a time getting that (empty) keg through Aduana at Nogales. Some 20,000 peso banknotes became involved.

willardguy - 8-24-2012 at 04:54 PM

sounds like there will be enough left over for the grandkids!:tumble:why was there a problem bringing down an empty keg?

DavidE - 8-24-2012 at 05:06 PM

"This Is Not Something A Tourist Would Bring"

I remember the words verbatim. Well, you know how it works. I had to get "special permission".

WideAngleWandering - 8-24-2012 at 07:03 PM

I have no stake in the game other than to say Cuervo is my tequila of almost last resort. If the only other option is Pepe Lopez I'll be grateful for Jose Cuervo but that doesn't make it good ... just slightly better than the stuff sold in gallon plastic jugs in the liquor stores near college campuses.

willardguy - 8-24-2012 at 07:12 PM

you guys just don't appreciate good swill!:tumble:

[Edited on 8-25-2012 by willardguy]

ballzcowboy - 8-25-2012 at 07:22 AM

Willardguy I agree. I recently discovered "El Compare". Under fifty pesos makes it a great buy. I continue taste test any and all below the hundred peso mark seeking compadres for my "El Compare"

Marc - 8-25-2012 at 07:31 AM

Originally posted by bajaguy
I can't see anybody intentionally buying or drinking José Cuervo or Corona......that crap is swill :fire:


Marc - 8-25-2012 at 08:21 AM

Does it really matter??

[Edited on 8-25-2012 by Marc]

lizard lips - 8-25-2012 at 09:08 AM

Been there, done that Marc! :wow:

woody with a view - 8-25-2012 at 09:19 AM

notice what's on the table?

Lee - 8-26-2012 at 07:40 AM

Originally posted by woody with a view
notice what's on the table?

I give up. What is it? The beer look's like a Foster's. What's the tequila?

And what's the locale?

DENNIS - 8-26-2012 at 07:50 AM

Originally posted by Lee
Originally posted by woody with a view
notice what's on the table?

I give up. What's the tequila?

My educated guess....PATRON.


[Edited on 8-26-2012 by DENNIS]

ballzcowboy - 8-26-2012 at 11:57 AM

Denis so much for your educated guess, Do you want to try for door number two or door number three next? At this point there is only a fifty fifty chance you will be wrong again.

woody with a view - 8-26-2012 at 12:07 PM

well, it is Villa Bahia in LA Bay. the beer is the chaser for the Patron. my boat on the hook this past may.

willardguy - 8-26-2012 at 02:15 PM

hey I thought patron was a chaser for beer!:spingrin:

woody with a view - 8-26-2012 at 02:38 PM

whatever works, the result should be the same.....