
How not to change one's impeller on a 4-stoke Merc

Santiago - 9-3-2012 at 08:43 AM


Look carefully at the above photos. Every single major Mercury dealer, especially the 'plantinum' dealers who only sell Mercs have either done this themselves or have repaired these. The 70/90/115 hp 4-strokes that have the Yamaha power head (2010 and earlier) all have this flaw in the design of the shift shaft linkage. When bolting the lower unit to the midsection, it is very easy to mis-align the shift linkage as one's focus is getting the drive shaft in without damaging the seals on the oil pump.
If you are mis-aligned on the shift-shaft, the lower end will go to within 1/4" of being completely mated to the mid-section cowling, and then the bolts will get a little stubborn - if you don't know what this means, then you will simply drive the steel shaft into the bottom of the aluminum casing. This is what I did, pretty much ruining my day.
The my-folks-grew-up-in-the-depression-and-beat-frugality-into-me fix, which runs about $500-600 total is to either weld or epoxy a plate over this hole as it is in a place of little stress - basically at the bottom of the sump or 'pan', if you will.
Every shop involved in this repair claims that none of the motors have come back and some are on daily use boats.
Here are the financial considerations:
$600: epoxy the hole (no warranty - you're on your own here)
$5000-7000+: order a new short block, unbolt the head and everything else, transfer it to the new block. 1 year warranty.
$11,000-$14,000: New engine, pick your brand, 5-6 year warranty.

After consulting with the welder (certified aircraft welder with lots of aluminum experience) and the shop foreman, it was agreed that epoxy would be better because the heat could damage the main seal; they have run into this when welding new skegs to lower ends. We do not want to split the block to remove the "pan" to get to the inside as this is just more work and money and so far, no other shop has done it. They have simply welded or epoxied from the outside.

This leaves the issue of 'where is the metal piece'? It has either shattered or is one piece, laying in the oil sump. Shop says it will never come out in an oil change and if it did get caught up in the crank would be pulverized by the steel. At any consideration, it has never been an issue with the previous motors.

I am going to try this repair with the following understanding with the shop:
1. Over the next few weeks I will put over 100 hours on my local lake; changing the oil after every run.
2. If the engine fails during these two weeks, then they have a short block on order from Mercury that they will install in just a few days or I may decide to re-power completely.
3. October 7th I'm back at BOLA piscatorial, one way or another.

You are free to fire away.......:coolup:

Please do not go all goofy, here; I'm not as stoopid as I look. Unbelievably, the same shop is the preferred shop for my insurance company and THIS IS COVERED!! I have received and deposited a check for $7254.99 so I'm good to go if this does not work.
As for safety, I have a kicker that will get me home and has once or twice before.

larryC - 9-3-2012 at 10:38 AM

Sorry for your problem. As for the repair, why not make the cover for the hole and drill and tap the block so that 2 screws and the epoxy will hold the cover in place? Just a thought.


captkw - 9-3-2012 at 07:05 PM

WOW !! I DO A COUPLE INSHURE JOBS A YEAR AND I WOULD NOT THINK THAT WOULD BE COVERD...BUT THAT GOES TO SHOW I DONT KNOW MUCH ABOUT IN. COMPANYS...WHEN WORKING WITH THESE MOTORS (SS&ALUM.) IF THEY DONT SLIDE TOGETHER WITH A LIGHT TAP.. STOP AND RECHECK!!! I HAVE HEARD OF THE SITUATION BUT HAVE NOT SEEN IT MYSELF..THATS UGLY !!! K&T:cool: this is posted much later;;; Psst ,I'LL TELL YOU A SECRET..RUN A 2 STROKE !!! 4 STROKE ARE CR__!! and heavy,costly,and are not "muy duro" go ahead and try and tell me how good 4/strokes are..sorry you got talked into them as they have been shoved down the throats of cali anglers !! a dealer in ca. cannot sell you a real motor anymore (2str) Ive had to run out of state to buy motors for my boats..Tight lines..OUT

[Edited on 9-4-2012 by captkw]

[Edited on 9-4-2012 by captkw]

[Edited on 9-4-2012 by captkw]

vandy - 9-4-2012 at 01:19 AM

I hate it when that happens!

Whenever I have a car/boat/washing-machine/computer/etc problem, I do a quick search on youtube.

People put EVERYTHING on there.
Santiago, your prob is mentioned from 8:40 to 9:40

I know, too little, too late

Bob and Susan - 9-4-2012 at 05:18 AM

i think the epoxy might work...i also like the idea of a bolt AND epoxy...that will work

NEVER get a 2 stroke...old school

they are loud and stink AND are banned in many locations
plus they suck gas

later the parts will be impossible to get...
thats how "they'll" eliminate them totally

4 strokes do break and "old mechanics" hate to learn the new technolgy but the 4 stroke is a better machine

bob and susan

captkw - 9-4-2012 at 08:19 AM

HOLA, first off 4 strokes are not new tech.... and dirty 2 stokes are not banned any where in cali except lake tahoe and a few muni ponds..the new 2 strokes are very quiet and not smokey..and fuel efficent...being that I repair all of these motors and stay WAY ahead of the curve in training and tech, I can say without a ? the 4 strokes are not that great NEW answer..they breakdown so easy and need so much care and pampering!!! yes over all they used to get a better range. but that gap is getting very instead guessing that you know something about my job and life... you might try to learn or ask...guessing that you know motors like most guys assume .. one of my favs..."we all love boats !!! but like a women..they are so misunderstood" have a great day...K&T

[Edited on 9-5-2012 by captkw]

[Edited on 9-7-2012 by captkw]

[Edited on 9-7-2012 by captkw]

55steve - 9-4-2012 at 08:22 AM

You obviously don't know squat about the new generation 2 strokes...I have a 90 HP Etec and it is quiet, doesn't smoke, weighs 100 lbs less than a comparable 4 stroke and actually has cleaner emissions than a 4 stroke. It is also legal to run on ANY waters on this planet. The fuel economy is the same as a 4 stroke - I'm getting a bit better than 5 NMPG with mine.

The most stringent rules in the U.S. are at Lake Tahoe and the environmental police use 2 stroke Etecs to patrol this lake.

Back on topic: Sorry about the mishap Jim - the epoxy/drill & tap method would be my choice.
See you in BoLA in Oct.

Originally posted by Bob and Susan
i think the epoxy might work...i also like the idea of a bolt AND epoxy...that will work

NEVER get a 2 stroke...old school

they are loud and stink AND are banned in many locations
plus they suck gas

later the parts will be impossible to get...
thats how "they'll" eliminate them totally

4 strokes do break and "old mechanics" hate to learn the new technolgy but the 4 stroke is a better machine

[Edited on 9-4-2012 by 55steve]

thank you steve!!

captkw - 9-4-2012 at 08:48 AM

HOLA, alot of the"boys" just dont get it !!! BTW I repair all outboards 7 days a week this time of year and the 4 stroke are crap !! the new mercury VERADO is showing some promises..that said..understand that dealers in calif. cannot sell a dirty 2 stroke motor..thats the law (carb)calif air resource board... and have made the blight of 2 stokes look bleak!! that is not the case at all...MERCURY, the big badboy of marine motors did not,has not, will not stop making a awsome 2 stroke motor..and if you think about the fact that on a 2 str you get a pwr str once on spin vs one every 2 spins..its rather simple !! also when a guy forks over 10k and up he does not want to hear that he bought a peice of crap..fact is 4 strokes are pricey,heavy,have a whole bunch more moving parts,,need much more care,service and in the salt get eat up much more unless you breath,sleep,repair,and service these motors like I do for a might be advised to listen to the guy that knows what the hell he is talking about...and please ck out the new 2 strokes for yourself..they ARE NOT GOING AWAY !!!! ps and thank you bombadier for the E-TECS

[Edited on 9-4-2012 by captkw]

[Edited on 9-4-2012 by captkw]

[Edited on 9-5-2012 by captkw]

55steve - 9-4-2012 at 08:55 AM

Evinrude sells a lot of 2 strokes in Calif - their engines are CARB certified and have the 3 star certification and EU (European Union) certification.

Originally posted by captkw
HOLA, alot of the"boys" just dont get it !!! BTW I repair all outboards 7 days a week this time of year and the 4 stroke are crap !! the new mercury VERADO is showing some promises..that said..understand that dealers in calif. cannot sell a 2 stroke motor..thats the law (carb)calif air resource board... and have made the blight of 2 stokes look bleak!! that is not the case at all...MERCURY, the big badboy of marine motors did not,has not, will not stop making a awsome 2 stroke motor..and if you think about the fact that on a 2 str you get a pwr str once on two spins vs one every 4 spins..its rather simple !! also when a guy forks over 10k and up he does not want to hear that he bought a peice of crap..fact is 4 strokes are pricey,heavy,have a whole bunch more moving parts,,need much more care,service and in the salt get eat up much more unless you breath,sleep,repair,and service these motors like I do for a might be advised to listen to the guy that knows what the hell he is talking about...and please ck out the new 2 strokes for yourself..they ARE NOT GOING AWAY !!!!

oops, I messed up !!

captkw - 9-4-2012 at 09:13 AM

they do sell 2 strokes now that carb set up the star compliant system after the big guys showed them that 2 strokes are good and are not going away !!! thank you MERCUY MARINE and BOMBARDIER !!! LOL had to grab a water pump kit for a FICHT motor to spell BOMBARDIER:lol: I AM A FUEL INJECTION AND ELECTRICAL SPECIALIST and getting tried of this 4 stroke Bs and thank you STEVE for pointing out the (carb) star system>>> and myself dont like to see stars on a great motor,,,reminds me of 2nd grade !!

[Edited on 9-4-2012 by captkw]

Bob and Susan - 9-4-2012 at 10:47 AM

two strokes ARE on their way'll see

the future is the emissions and a two stroke cant comply to the future regs...

and motors last what they last...they all wear out...then..we NEED to buy a new one not fix an endless money pit

55steve - 9-4-2012 at 10:50 AM

We will have to agree to are definately misinformed. Do a quick internet search - maybe try HPDI 2 stroke...just a suggestion.

If that's too much work, click on the link below....HPDI 2 stroke technology is the future.

A report comparing the technologies.

Originally posted by Bob and Susan
two strokes ARE on their way'll see

the future is the emissions and a two stroke cant comply to the future regs...

and motors last what they last...they all wear out...then..we NEED to buy a new one not fix an endless money pit

[Edited on 9-4-2012 by 55steve]

RnR - 9-4-2012 at 11:03 AM

Originally posted by captkw
HOLA, alot of the"boys" just dont get it !!! BTW I repair all outboards 7 days a week this time of year and the 4 stroke are crap !! the new mercury VERADO is showing some promises..that said..understand that dealers in calif. cannot sell a 2 stroke motor..thats the law (carb)calif air resource board... and have made the blight of 2 stokes look bleak!! that is not the case at all...MERCURY, the big badboy of marine motors did not,has not, will not stop making a awsome 2 stroke motor..and if you think about the fact that on a 2 str you get a pwr str once on two spins vs one every 4 spins..its rather simple !! also when a guy forks over 10k and up he does not want to hear that he bought a peice of crap..fact is 4 strokes are pricey,heavy,have a whole bunch more moving parts,,need much more care,service and in the salt get eat up much more unless you breath,sleep,repair,and service these motors like I do for a might be advised to listen to the guy that knows what the hell he is talking about...and please ck out the new 2 strokes for yourself..they ARE NOT GOING AWAY !!!! ps and thank you bombadier for the E-TECS

[Edited on 9-4-2012 by captkw]

Tend to agree with everything you have posted/discussed except:

2 stroke cylinders get a power stroke on EVERY complete revolution and 4 stroke cylinders get a power stroke on every other revolution. One revolution = two strokes, up, and down.

RnR uh........ok

captkw - 9-4-2012 at 11:32 AM

a four stroke has on pwr stroke for every 2 revs of the crank and I also LOVE wankels. a 1/3 stroke of these days I will make a wankel outboard..K&T

[Edited on 9-4-2012 by captkw]

[Edited on 9-5-2012 by captkw]

Bob and Susan - 9-4-2012 at 12:35 PM

how many 2 stroke motorcycles are there licensed on the road today...
...again old tecnology...

2 strokes will be around for awhile but they ARE on their way out

dont fight the wave

Santiago - 9-4-2012 at 12:44 PM

I have been looking at the E-techs; my understanding is that they are the highest selling engine in Florida. They are cleaner than the 4 strokes and don't even require 2 stroke oil - or so I've been told. The only power head maintenance is to change the spark plugs every 3 years.

bigmike58 - 9-4-2012 at 12:56 PM

Originally posted by Santiago
I have been looking at the E-techs; my understanding is that they are the highest selling engine in Florida. They are cleaner than the 4 strokes and don't even require 2 stroke oil - or so I've been told. The only power head maintenance is to change the spark plugs every 3 years.

They still inject oil. xd100 full synthetic. They don't smoke and get excellent fuel mileage and are quiet like the 4 strokes. You can't go wrong with the ETEC's. I have the first gen 150hp "ficht" , it uses xd-50 doesnt smoke and trolls at 2k rpms using 1.7 gph on a 23' boat.

[Edited on 9-4-2012 by bigmike58]

55steve - 9-4-2012 at 01:07 PM

Hi Jim,

They are pretty much in a dead heat as far as emissions vs a 4 stroke - the 2 stroke beats the 4 stroke at idle & lower end and the 4 stroke is slightly better at WOT.

The Etec certainly does use oil...very expensive oil at that! I pay $35/Gal for oil - the good news is that it uses very little of it.

Yep, the 1st scheduled maintenance is 3 years down the road and it consists of changing the spark plugs, new fuel filter and changing out the lower unit lube. A Yamaha 4 stroke would need to go to the dealer at least 6 times during this time to maintain their warranty.

I am not anti 4 stroke by any means but it's hard to argue that the 2 strokes are going away.

Originally posted by Santiago
I have been looking at the E-techs; my understanding is that they are the highest selling engine in Florida. They are cleaner than the 4 strokes and don't even require 2 stroke oil - or so I've been told. The only power head maintenance is to change the spark plugs every 3 years.

55steve - 9-4-2012 at 01:09 PM

Originally posted by bigmike58
Originally posted by Santiago
I have been looking at the E-techs; my understanding is that they are the highest selling engine in Florida. They are cleaner than the 4 strokes and don't even require 2 stroke oil - or so I've been told. The only power head maintenance is to change the spark plugs every 3 years.

They still inject oil. xd100 full synthetic. They don't smoke and get excellent fuel mileage and are quiet like the 4 strokes. You can't go wrong with the ETEC's. I have the first gen 150hp "ficht" , it uses xd-50 doesnt smoke and trolls at 2k rpms using 1.7 gph on a 23' boat.

[Edited on 9-4-2012 by bigmike58]

Hi Mike,

I had the option of setting my 90 Etec for XD-100 but opted for the XD-50 setting.

55steve - 9-4-2012 at 01:13 PM

Originally posted by Bob and Susan
how many 2 stroke motorcycles are there licensed on the road today...
...again old tecnology...

2 strokes will be around for awhile but they ARE on their way out

dont fight the wave

Yamaha is currently testing a 2 stroke direct injected 250 - Looks like the YZ 250 is going to come back!

BRP (Bombardier Racing Products) is using direct injected 2 strokes in virtually all its snowmobiles and PWC's.

The 2 stroke technology has come of age and you will be seeing more of them now that the emissions are no longer an issue.

Here's a link to BRP website...

[Edited on 9-4-2012 by 55steve]

larryC - 9-4-2012 at 01:54 PM

Originally posted by captkw
a four stroke has on pwr stroke for every 4 revs of the crank and I also LOVE wankels. a 1/3 stroke of these days I will make a wankel outboard..K&T

[Edited on 9-4-2012 by captkw]

Sorry Capt but I can't agree with you on this one. A piston starts at the top of the cylender and goes to the bottom of the cylender on the intake stroke, that is one half revolution of the crank. Then the piston goes to the top of the cylender for the compression stroke, that is another half revolution of the crank. Now starts the power stroke and the piston goes to the bottom of the cylender again another half stroke, and finally the exhaust stroke completes when the piston gets to the top of the cylender. 2 complete revolutions of the crank. Lets hear your theory.

bigboy - 9-4-2012 at 02:43 PM

A two stroke has a power stroke every revolution. A four stroke every other revolution!

bigboy - 9-4-2012 at 02:47 PM

Four stroke animation!

big boy& nomads

captkw - 9-4-2012 at 04:39 PM

HolA,,yep your correct !! I was on the phone to my part's warehouse at the time and posted wrong..ooops!!! being on HOLD makes my brain shallow and not all there..I stand corrected..and since I have been building and repairing 2 and 4 strokes and diesels for over 40 years..I should be the last one to say what I well PLEASE someone fire me !!! I could use a day off!!! and also on that note we also have 2 and 4 stroke diesel's..I didn't watch the vidio...hanging my head low!!:lol: K&T:cool:

[Edited on 9-4-2012 by captkw]

bigboy - 9-4-2012 at 04:51 PM


No problem, welcome to the human race. I make simple mistakes daily.

I agree with you on two strokes. With just a little care they just about last forever. I have a 70hp Evinrude 3 cylinder looper that probably has over two thousand hours and still runs great. My 150 Yamaha has over 800 hours and has never been in the shop. Just new plugs and gear oil about every 200 hours.

Everyone tells me to get a new four stroke 150 because they get about 25% better fuel mileage, I just tell them I can buy a lot of gas for $14,000. I would take me about twenty years to pencil out not counting increased maintenance!

a story

captkw - 9-4-2012 at 05:06 PM

wish I had osprey'S touch,but I dont..any way about 8 years ago Im in the machine shop (2nd home) and see a nasty ate up pair of heads..ask my machinest whose they were..with a chiteating grin he states HP (harbor patrol) what !! I say!! looking at them with a trained god they only have had these like 2 yrs or less I stammer..machinest says 1 and a half yrs to be exact..and strangly enough I had there old commercial johnson 150's in my boat yard that were run hard for over 5 years and were still good motors..those heads were off a pair of yammys 200hp 4 any time HP use the boat they flush !! (duh) and the johnson two strokes were never flushed..just a tougher build and I anit got nothing to say that is biased.... being a marine tech for over 30 years and also work on a homeland secruity vessels I have most of all the latest training, tools and know when I say a four stroke takes more care than a 2 stroke !! listen to the man that knows....OUT

[Edited on 9-5-2012 by captkw]

[Edited on 9-5-2012 by captkw]

[Edited on 9-5-2012 by captkw]

[Edited on 9-5-2012 by captkw]

willardguy - 9-4-2012 at 05:44 PM

Originally posted by Bob and Susan
how many 2 stroke motorcycles are there licensed on the road today...
...again old tecnology...

2 strokes will be around for awhile but they ARE on their way out

dont fight the wave
news is slow to get to mulege! the big buzz in the motorcycle community is all about the new husqvarna direct injected 2 stroke dual purpose bike. ktm is also scrambling to get theirs out. take a look at the awesome snowmobile and jetski 2 stroke power plants! go out to a district race and see all the ktm 300 xc's on the start line. 2 strokes arent going away, they,re making a huge comeback:spingrin:


captkw - 9-4-2012 at 05:48 PM


willardguy - 9-4-2012 at 06:14 PM

Originally posted by Bob and Susan
i think the epoxy might work...i also like the idea of a bolt AND epoxy...that will work

NEVER get a 2 stroke...old school

they are loud and stink AND are banned in many locations
plus they suck gas

later the parts will be impossible to get...
thats how "they'll" eliminate them totally

4 strokes do break and "old mechanics" hate to learn the new technolgy but the 4 stroke is a better machine
STINK!!!! nothing matches the sweet smell of bean oil! ahhh castrolR:spingrin:

55steve - 9-4-2012 at 06:33 PM

The YZ250 is back!

stink !! what stink..thats not stink!!

captkw - 9-4-2012 at 07:03 PM

on my small cat I run bullet proof 2004 merc's 75 hp two stroke motors (2) and I increased the oil injection a bit !! for me a cup of coffee. heading out the"jaws" with a bit of 2str oil is a smell that I cheresh with the first sign of the sun coming up and the gulls moving out of my way !! and 55steve.. I have the software for your E-tec..a sweet motor and a hell of a leap up from the FICHT !! our friend BOB sounds like a nice guy and hell any one that has a light house (el farro) is OK in my book if its next to a point and the right markings of us needs to take him for spin so that he catches up with the wave..its amazing at tahoe with the newer two strokes !!! to run mine as a dealer (a) I can put on a 4 star stickeeer,turn down the oil injection and run !! JUST KIDDING !!!!they will be knocking on my door in the morning!!:lol: K & T:cool: (a) retailer would be more fit!!

[Edited on 9-5-2012 by captkw]

[Edited on 9-5-2012 by captkw]

aguachico - 9-5-2012 at 07:17 AM

tough one on the motor santiago, pero I don't know chit about engines.

This conversation is interesting and informative. I've had a GW22 for over a year now. It came with a 225 SWS. Damn was that thing loud and smelly and the gas usage was crazy. Sold it and got a 4 stroke 225 with about 600 hours on it for $5000 on topof what I sold the two stroke for.

4stroke get 50% better mileage, quiet and allows, allows allows starts on the first crank. My bilge is clean since removing that oil tank. DId I mention you can have a normal conversation while under way.

4 stroke is a big heavy b-tch. Trim tabs helped getting it on plane, but the increase in weight has dimished the MPG's because it's hard to stay on plane a slower speeds like the 2stroke did without trim tabs.

100 hour maintenance is expensive.

No chance of installing twin 4 strokes due to weight

It's really just too dam heavy for my older Grady, so the new two strokes be great in a twin 100's if they weigh 250#'s each.


[Edited on 9-5-2012 by aguachico]


captkw - 9-5-2012 at 07:19 AM


[Edited on 9-5-2012 by captkw]

bigmike58 - 9-5-2012 at 08:07 AM

Originally posted by captkw

[Edited on 9-5-2012 by captkw]

I'm gonna guess a yamaha ox 225 Salt Water Series.. any other guess's?

bet your right!!

captkw - 9-5-2012 at 04:10 PM

Hola, and the stupid me worked on a 2001 ox 225 sws w/red strpe thing just last thiswht hapens as we age ?? only 52 ..huh !! must be low on beer !! *santiagao* please give a fix report !! thanks ..K&T

Santiago - 9-5-2012 at 04:44 PM

Originally posted by captkw
Hola, and the stupid me worked on a 2001 ox 225 sws w/red strpe thing just last thiswht hapens as we age ?? only 52 ..huh !! must be low on beer !! *santiagao* please give a fix report !! thanks ..K&T

Current status:
Installed today and test run in the shop, will sit overnight and they will scope it in the morning; they have small scope with a light that they can get into this area. If no leaks, then I will pick it up and start my on-the-water test runs next week.

Question: the shop says this motor has a low oil pressure warning buzzer but not automatic shut-off. Sooooo, if I'm running at 5000rpm and there is sudden failure of the patch, the warning will come on but the shop thinks probably too late to save the engine. I'm thinking they are being too conservative; if I immediately shut the engine off when I hear the buzzer, there would still be some oil pressure and some oil circulating, right?

bigmike58 - 9-5-2012 at 06:17 PM

If it was repaired with epoxy and a plate I doubt it could lose the oil very fast if it developed a crack or hole. I would think you would see the oil slick or mess in your engine well before it siezed. I would feel pretty confident as long as it was done right. I've had JB weld out last aluminum on past emergency repairs...even on coolant tubes that are under pressure. Good luck, let us know how it does... BTW. Boat tow insurance is cheap..

willardguy - 9-5-2012 at 06:21 PM

Originally posted by bigmike58
If it was repaired with epoxy and a plate I doubt it could lose the oil very fast if it developed a crack or hole. I would think you would see the oil slick or mess in your engine well before it siezed. I would feel pretty confident as long as it was done right. I've had JB weld out last aluminum on past emergency repairs...even on coolant tubes that are under pressure. Good luck, let us know how it does... BTW. Boat tow insurance is cheap..
what would senor sanchez do?:lol:


captkw - 9-5-2012 at 06:30 PM

HOLA, whats the ser. # of your motor ??? K&T:cool: ps about ten min later..I watched the vid that vandy posted and as always not done right..merc gaskests NEVER use sealant and NEVER put grease on a impeller !!! I have yet to see a you tube vid about boat repair that is correct and dont know any mec that is master in this biz that would make/post/produce a vid !!! also that motor is a 2 stroke and does not have the issue that santiago is dealing with..but thanks anyway vandy (hows the toyota?) sigh!! K&T:cool:

[Edited on 9-6-2012 by captkw]

Bean oil

baja09 - 9-5-2012 at 08:36 PM

Willard guy...yea that smell of bean oil reminds me of my nights at Ascot park...on the half mile.. best of times the #6 plate in 1970 , those were best times now its Fishing the sea of cortez!

willardguy - 9-5-2012 at 08:42 PM

then the slick track afterwards!:tumble:

[Edited on 9-6-2012 by willardguy]

Bean oil

baja09 - 9-5-2012 at 08:50 PM

Willard guy, yea your right ! you have been around!........those Agajanians knew how to promote.

Santiago - 9-5-2012 at 08:51 PM

Yes, Captkw, you are correct on the motor in the Youtube - I have watched that many times but the shift shaft in the video is very short, only maybe 2 or 3 inches long, allowing you to see the female end of the shaft in the cowling. The 4 strokes have about a 12" long shift shaft, and it has long disappeared into it's cowling space - you have to 'feel' it.
By the way, the Mercury manual for the 4 stroke is incorrect also, it shows the shift shaft in the lower end to be very short. They may have used the drawings from the 2 stroke. In 2003-1/2, they changed the gear linkage a little as there were a lot of complaints about difficult shifting from forward to reverse. Mine was 2005, post fix, and maybe they never updated the manual. Also, it's instructions on the position of the gear lever is confusing:
1. before you remove the lower end put it in forward.
2. During the time your are repairing the impeller, it says to put it in neutral.
3. Before reinstalling the lower end, put it back in forward.
This makes no sense to me, but then, neither does why one day a Adams gets then and the next day only a coachman. I just makes sure I have both.


captkw - 9-5-2012 at 09:18 PM

HOLA,I'm more than familar with all these motors !! What is your ser. # on your motor ????? its on the L braket (mounting) outside of the transom !! K&T:cool: WELL I GUESS HE IS GONE FOR THE NIGHT !! PLEASE DO NOT WATCH YOU TUBE VIDS FOR MARINE MOTOR REPAIR !! THAT WILL BITE YOU IN THE ASS!! NEED A DAMN SER.#...... TECH TIP 1. FOR ALL BOAT OWNERS..FIND YOUR SER.# & MODEL FOR SOME ..MERCS ITS THE SER.# IF ITS STILL READABLE AND WRITE IT DOWN IN SEVERAL PLACES..OUT!

[Edited on 9-6-2012 by captkw]

[Edited on 9-6-2012 by captkw]


captkw - 9-6-2012 at 07:24 PM

Santiago - 9-6-2012 at 08:31 PM

No run yet - it has been shop tested. Will do my first hard core run on Sunday, but only after first going to church for the first time in many, many years. Might as well get all the help I can. What would be the appropriate amount to put in the hat when it passeth? I'm a little out of practice on this stuff and don't want to offend.

willardguy - 9-6-2012 at 08:34 PM

ohhhh, you're supposed to put money "in"?

Santiago - 9-6-2012 at 08:51 PM

That's funny because SWMBO just mentioned that since I got a rather large REFUND this year, and under the theory of 10% giving, I should take out $88.32. I'm pretty sure this will be a problem. Maybe I'll ix-nay the church thing and just go for it. Anyway, I gave away my last suit to Goodwill 10 years ago - if one of my friends die I'll go to the funeral, as long as there is an open bar of course, but in black Dockers, black shoes and a freshly washed and ironed long sleeve shirt. I'll try and not wear white socks. That's it.

santiago im a looking up your ser #

captkw - 9-6-2012 at 08:53 PM

what HP & your u2u..K&T:cool: WOW,,have not heard IX-NAY in a long,long time LOL..K&T

[Edited on 9-7-2012 by captkw]

[Edited on 9-7-2012 by captkw]


baja09 - 9-6-2012 at 09:40 PM

Soulpatch , that name doesnt ring a bell.....and I knew alot of racers.........who is that?.............


captkw - 9-6-2012 at 10:40 PM

when I was a young lad I passed the airframes and power plant's with "flying colors"..hence the A&P.,.. but no diagnostics?? ?troubleshooting..upgrades..better working motors.....thats when I feLL IN LIKE with marine systems......IT'S A NICE DAY WHEN YOU SHUT DOWN YOUR MOTORS AND HEAR NOTHING...............................NO..?

Bob and Susan - 9-7-2012 at 04:30 AM

Originally posted by captkw

i to youtubes are GREAT!!!

the future is learning from the internet not books...
schools will use youtubes or something like that to teach kids
it''s the future 4 strokes:lol:

how else could you learn this kind of stuff
a paid boat mechanic hahahaaha

if you do-it-yourself ...boat mechanics would go broke


captkw - 9-7-2012 at 09:10 AM

HOLA, I have watched many boat repair vids on you tube and read a lot boat forums and its crazy what guys tell other guys to do to thier boat motors and your welcome to do what you want!!!! santiagos story happens many times a day in the state of cali.... let alone the the world (mundo) marine motors are a rare breed and if you do not know them inside and out you will not get attention to detail and performance...I will always be booked a month out as these are not your grandpals motors of yesteryear,,they take lots of training,study,know how,and if you dont know what your doing you F-UP a very pricey motor...BOB do you have a boat?? and are willing to take another look at 2 strokes or are you gonna stay in the dark and not catch the wave!! so far you have been rude to me me and keep saying what the hell is the real might start to learn,ask.listen instead of shooting you mouth off about things that are way over your head...have NICE day...K&T:cool:

[Edited on 9-7-2012 by captkw]

question ??

captkw - 9-7-2012 at 09:32 AM

do you want the guy fixing the 747 watching youtube vids about 747 repair to fix the jet your taking to new york city tommorrow ?? boat motors cost a hell of alot of money !! and if you want to watch you tube vids about marine motor repair...please knock yourself out..but it will cost you in the long run!! and if you take kids out on the ocean

willardguy - 9-7-2012 at 09:52 AM

hey cappy, check out this 3.6L 2stroke evinrude on the dyno IN A SAND BUGGY!
(bob this isnt for you its kind of loud):tumble:

[Edited on 9-7-2012 by willardguy]

[Edited on 9-7-2012 by willardguy] Im off to the marina!!

captkw - 9-7-2012 at 09:58 AM


captkw - 9-9-2012 at 09:30 PM



baja09 - 9-9-2012 at 10:25 PM

Hey Capt........been reading some of your posts you are a real mechanic...I can tell ..been doing the same thing since I was 14..learning far as A+P goes, I did it so I could fix my own Airplane ...didnt really want just anyone touching my I learn from your posts and others.... keep up the good work! Marine work pays more! and yes we still use Magnetos and points

Bob and Susan - 9-10-2012 at 05:56 AM

oopps...someone is mad at me:lol::lol:

Santiago - 9-10-2012 at 06:28 AM

I've been tearing around Folsom Lake these last few days, motor works just fine. Folsom is formed by damming the confluence of the south and north forks of the American rivers and as such, forms a large 'V' and as is normal for this time of the year, the lake is low with lots of hazard buoys out. Plenty of water for skiers and power boaters, just need to keep an eye out. No alcohol allowed on this lake, by the way.
Anyway, while zipping around, the 'evil' Santiago realized that if I did it just right, I could totally destroy the lower end if not the entire drive chain by hitting on of these submerged rocks at full speed.
Let's see, insurance company pays Santiago $7000+ for putting a hole in the bottom of his engine and then would have to pay for major damage to the lower end, at the very least. Evil Santiago did the math and figures that would pay for a new 115HP Evinrude E-tech, sweeet. Now, 'honest' Santiago will win this debate, but still, it's comforting to know that Progressive's got my back.


captkw - 9-10-2012 at 06:59 AM

HOLA, glad to hear your on the water...but you are soo close to some of the best waters of the world for boating !!!! hell pull that boat and drive a bit west a chk out the DELTA'S or drive east and do TAHOE!! donuts for all boaters !!!:lol:till 9:45am....... .P.S....baja09, ya guess I missed doing a mag drop on my pre flyt LOL my EGT went a little high !!!!::light:

[Edited on 9-10-2012 by captkw]

[Edited on 9-10-2012 by captkw]

santiago !!

captkw - 9-15-2012 at 08:40 PM

is she holding up?? K&T:cool:

Santiago - 9-15-2012 at 09:07 PM

Yes, runs fine.


captkw - 9-15-2012 at 09:17 PM


[Edited on 9-16-2012 by captkw]

Santiago - 9-16-2012 at 06:16 AM

Did not tap and screw. Acid wash (etched) the aluminum and , believe it or not, JB Weld for aluminum. We shall see.
By the way, I finally understand why the videos and the shop manual show the shift shaft as being only a few inches long instead of at least a foot long like mine is - I have the extra long model (25"). Duh, everything will be 10" longer than the standard 15".


captkw - 9-26-2012 at 06:36 PM


Santiago - 9-27-2012 at 01:25 PM

I prolly have 20-30 hours on it and A-OK. donuts......I don't think I've had one of those in 10 years.