
Parking problems in Loreto

fish101 - 10-7-2012 at 01:41 PM

On Monday, Oct 1st, 3 of my friends from Calif, parked their truck and boat trailer on the Malecon just north of the Navy Facility. Prior to parking their vehicle they had asked Pam Bowles and the API representative where they could park and were told that it was okay to park along the Malecon past the Navy Facility. Upon returning in the afternoon, both the truck and trailer had been towed to the Police yard. They were charged 100 dollars for illegal parking. The very next day the same area on the malecon had two vehicles with their trailers parked, however, both had Mexican plates on the vehicles. What do we need to do to bring this to the attention of the local city officials? These fishermen come to Loreto two different times a year and normally there are at least six of them with two different boats. On Oct 3rd they decided to go to Port Escondido, only to find out that they could not launch there as they did not have the proper documentation. Needless to say, they departed Loreto on Oct 4th, saying they would never return to fish here again. Is this just another "gringo tax" or can we do anything to stop the police from towing our vehicles?

[Edited on 10-7-2012 by fish101]

ncampion - 10-7-2012 at 02:10 PM

There is a sign on the Malecon right near the Navy post, but I thought it only applied to the area South of the sign. There is also a sign on Juarez just before Madero. Again I thougt it meant no parkng trailers West of the sign. We parked on Juarez and nothing happened, but now I'm concerned. If you can't park a trailer on either of these streets, where CAN you park?? This is not a good situation and the city needs to address it immediately. May be the Port Captian can be of some help????

luv2fish - 10-7-2012 at 06:51 PM

Originally posted by fish101
Needless to say, they departed Loreto on Oct 4th, saying they would never return to fish here again.
[Edited on 10-7-2012 by fish101]

I doubt that the Loreto Chamber of Commerce / Visitors Bureau gives two hoots about a few angry gringos not returning. You're not dealing with Nordstroms or Macys. Just saying, I hope they get a written letter of apology.

rhintransit - 10-7-2012 at 07:16 PM

I don't think I've ever heard of anyone being towed here (or even getting a ticket) it's not a form of gringo taxation.
with all the work on the Malecon, the usual lax rules may not apply . my guess would be that they managed to park somewhere that blocked construction or access to same.

boat parking in loreto

Bob and jane - 10-7-2012 at 07:20 PM

We were informed a week ago by a local panguero that boat trailer parking was now only being allowed on Agua Dulce, the east/west street between Juarez and the port captain's street. Even the local pangueros are required to park there now. This was confirmed by officials at the darcena. I notice that some trailers are being parked along the street running east/west along the old La Pinta. At some point, when the fishing improves, Agua Dulce will be maxed out. I don't know what will happen then. It IS frustrating, but those are the current rules. Pays to follow them. My advice--get there early to find a parking place. But not earlier than us :-)

ncampion - 10-8-2012 at 07:24 AM

That is pretty unacceptable. Last year there is the "Ramp Tax" and now there is nowhere to park a trailer. Not sure who they remodeled the Malecon for, but it was not for the boaters and fishermen. You can't have a town that depends on boaters and fishermen for income and then make it that unfriendly.

vandenberg - 10-8-2012 at 07:41 AM

Originally posted by ncampion
You can't have a town that depends on boaters and fishermen for income and then make it that unfriendly.

That's gringo thinking, doesn't apply in Mexico.:biggrin::biggrin:

Trailer parking

CJ - 10-8-2012 at 08:21 AM

Just go down and talk to Arturo's Sportfishing rent their boats and leave your's HOME........that's what they want you to do. Bienvenido a Loreto.

DaliDali - 10-8-2012 at 09:50 AM

Originally posted by rhintransit
I don't think I've ever heard of anyone being towed here (or even getting a ticket) it's not a form of gringo taxation.
with all the work on the Malecon, the usual lax rules may not apply . my guess would be that they managed to park somewhere that blocked construction or access to same.

Your guess is wrong....
The area north of the Marine base has always been open to parking of trucks and boat trailers and at that time, was not, nor has it been recently, closed for construction.

The curb area south of the Marine base yes....but NOT north of it.
There is a no trailer parking sign at the corner of Anastacio Carrillo and the malecon street but none farther north.

As of today, October 8th, the northern street (La Pinta side) that connects to the malecon is closed for repairs....yet not a sole around?

As of right this minute, the only parking area for boat trailers and tow vehicles is on Agua Dulce

To unilateraly tow a vehicle for parking in this "gray" area, where no signs are visible is a pure money grab.

A note on the windshield with a warning would be enough to twart future violations. To tow a truck and trailer away to the polica yard? way!!

Local gringo residents are still stinging from the ramp tax and now along comes the tow truck!!!!
Now were faced with parking on a dirt road (Agua Dulce) that has a history of truck breakins, vandalism and thefts.
Not to mention the big loads of sand and gravel in the roadway taking up space on that road, nearer the malecon.

If your not a local boat owner and fishermen, I guess it's no big deal to you or anyone else....but those of us who use that ramp and need to park a tow vehicle and is a HUGE deal.

We lost the roadway by the Port Capitan, the north end of the malecon, just south of Coco Loco on the malecon and inside the ramp area itself.

No more tow trucks please!!

[Edited on 10-8-2012 by DaliDali]

luv2fish - 10-8-2012 at 01:23 PM

Originally posted by vandenberg
Originally posted by ncampion
You can't have a town that depends on boaters and fishermen for income and then make it that unfriendly.

That's gringo thinking, doesn't apply in Mexico.:biggrin::biggrin:


Lengua - 10-8-2012 at 04:04 PM

That is exactly why I am done with Loreto.Ramp tax ? Crazy!!!!!!okay ,How about a wash down area, fish cleaning station , Palapa with misters and cold beer .

Loreto you are shooting yourself in the foot !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Magico status or not , you're going and have for the most part fall off the Radar for fisherman and tourist alike. It only takes one person to tell ten people how bad or asinine the situation is there .

DENNIS - 10-8-2012 at 04:06 PM

Originally posted by Lengua
That is exactly why I am done with Loreto.Ramp tax ? Crazy!!!!!!

Is that in addition to a ramp fee?


CJ - 10-8-2012 at 04:31 PM

Well said Lengua you are right on. We've been here long enough to get used to the ups and downs......but lately it's been down more than up. :(

DENNIS - 10-8-2012 at 04:40 PM

Originally posted by CJ
Well said Lengua you are right on. We've been here long enough to get used to the ups and downs......but lately it's been down more than up. :(

Hey CJ.....I'll ask you. Is the ramp tax in addition to a ramp fee, and how much are they?

gnukid - 10-8-2012 at 05:15 PM

Its possible to respond to the towing in front of a transit judge and present photos and the specifics to the case in order to show there was signage nor notice of no parking with trailer to get a clear determination on the legality. You could also take photos and make a case to file a denuncia against the police officer in question or send them to TV Azteca and Colectivo Perico or other news organizations. Certainly the fellow that towed is betting you won't but if you did if could likely be settled in your favor with sufficient evidence and witnesses. It's important to call attention to these types of things and name names and places and show photos or video of the circumstances to draw attention. Is there a transit judge to go to like in La Paz? We've won parking infraction cases there with photos and simply making a clear case that the cop was unfair. Be diligent, polite and persistent when dealing with these issues and you will win.

BajaBruno - 10-8-2012 at 05:44 PM

Dennis, when I was there a few months ago, there was a ramp use fee, though I cannot remember how much. . . ten or twelve dollars is my best guess. I'm also guessing that ncampion's "ramp tax" is referring to that ramp use fee.

I didn't mind paying the fee, but he does have a point though, in that the ramp and harbor do not have even a fish cleaning station, which is an issue given the new Mexican rule that fish cannot be filleted at sea.

rts551 - 10-8-2012 at 06:02 PM

10 dollar ramp fee doesn't seem to be too bad and should include parking... but to require a palapa with misters?????? Is the long term plan to include parking once the construction is done?

Fight Back!!!!

bajaguy - 10-8-2012 at 06:08 PM

From a post by Baja Blanca on 2-29-12:

Secretary Of Tourism Reaches Out To English Speakers

The Secretary of Tourism in Baja California Sur has started their English Facebook page with everything that one needs to know about this beautiful state.

The page has all kinds of helpful and great information on upcoming events, different attractions around the state and much more.

Don’t hesitate, and take a look. Let’s help support our state by liking their Facebook page. You can also follow them on Twitter.Facebook-

Twitter- Visit Baja Sur

Thank you so much. Secretary of Tourism, La Paz BCS - Olivia Brower, 612-117-8349

And from a post by DavidK on 3-1-12

If you don't make some noise, nothing will get fixed.......the parking, ramp fees, cleaning stations..........I'm sure the government fathers of Loreto don't like bad publicity.

DENNIS - 10-8-2012 at 06:14 PM

Originally posted by BajaBruno
Dennis, when I was there a few months ago, there was a ramp use fee, though I cannot remember how much. . . ten or twelve dollars is my best guess. I'm also guessing that ncampion's "ramp tax" is referring to that ramp use fee.

well....that price seems reasonable from what I've heard of prices here in Ensenada, but I'm just an observor.
Is that "in and out?"
Thanks, Bruno.

BajaBruno - 10-8-2012 at 07:56 PM

Dennis, that is "in & out." Several years ago I was launching at Acapulco and the rate was $100 each way, at the cheap launch ramp, which also had no services. It made more sense to leave the boat at the dock, which I did. So, I don't complain about the Loreto fees.

CJ - 10-8-2012 at 08:31 PM

The fees are $129.00 pesos to launch and retrieve your boat. And parking on Agua Dulce. Only problem is limited parking and not secure. Most of us can live with the ramp fees though not everyone pays the same fee. But it's Loreto get on with it

Lengua - 10-9-2012 at 10:51 AM

Dennis , ramp tax was referenced but is really a ramp fee.As CJ said , its only 129 pesos but the rub is that there is no parking for your trailer and truck except on Aqua Dulce. This ramp was free of charge for many years and conveinent for most pats living in Loreto. The other rub is that not everyone is paying the fee .However , they make sure every gringo pays.

DENNIS - 10-9-2012 at 11:04 AM

Originally posted by Lengua
Dennis , ramp tax was referenced but is really a ramp fee.As CJ said , its only 129 pesos but the rub is that there is no parking for your trailer and truck except on Aqua Dulce. This ramp was free of charge for many years and conveinent for most pats living in Loreto. The other rub is that not everyone is paying the fee .However , they make sure every gringo pays.

Thanks for filling us in. Are there any alternatives? Sounds like a good time for a rebellion.

LaTijereta - 10-9-2012 at 11:14 AM

Originally posted by Lengua
The other rub is that not everyone is paying the fee .However , they make sure every gringo pays.

The upside.. There is still only one line for launching we all wait in, and locals don't seem to mind as they spend time collecting our money...

DaliDali - 10-9-2012 at 11:33 AM

My take on all this and I may be way API (a form of a port authority) needed to make some security upgrades on the insistance of the cruise ships that come into Loreto several times in the fall and winter months.

Such as, pipe fencing on the northern side of the breakwater, moveable portable fencing directly in front of the path leading to the dock area, a "shade" affair directly at the top of the dock and a security gate directly at the mouth of the path leading to the dock area, and a padlocked iron gate directly at the top of the ramp.
None of which, by the way, benefits small boat fishermen who launch from the ramp.

All this is well and good but should the recreational boater be paying for all this? API is in charge of this security and needed some funds I suppose?

To those who don't live here and see 129 pesos as reasonable, you should remember that a one time president of Mexico GIFTED that ramp to the people of Loreto. Gifted!! in here you are people..from the Government to you!!

Now along comes some obscure government agency in charge of "ports" and collects 129 pesos each and everytime a recreational boater launches.
In fact, API has installed a motorhome at the side of the ramp where the enforcer hangs out and is at the ready with his receipt book.

Pangueros are cut a break because they make their living off the sea and the use of that ramp. They pay under 100 pesos a month from what I understand.
Even non panguero locals (Mexican) who happen to use the ramp to take the family out fishing or to the islands, get a calling it a "gringo tax" seems on the mark.

Loreto is no more a port than Los Cabos is a inexpensive destination.
API deemed it a "port" when the Dutch flagged cruise ships started anchoring off the harbor area. (assumption on my part)

La Paz is a port, Manzanillo is a port, Mazatlan is a port, Guaymas is a port, but Loreto?..yeah buddy!!

Since charging for use of the ramp, there is ZERO to show for it.
All there is, is a man in a dark blue uniform with a receipt book in hand and a old motorhome taking up space beside the ramp where he hangs out waiting to pounce on you.

I don't launch much anymore as I have lost some interest since this tax was put in place and I think more than a few are hostile about it also.
But in my heyday...I would use that ramp a couple of times a week.
Yeah your going to say "chump change buddy" and I would agree to a point but NOT when the full on President of Mexico GIFTED that ramp to me and everyone else who lives here.
Gifted is like FREE isn't it?

OK....I will take some cheese with my whine now thank you!!

[Edited on 10-9-2012 by DaliDali]

[Edited on 10-9-2012 by DaliDali]

[Edited on 10-9-2012 by DaliDali]

fish101 - 10-9-2012 at 12:26 PM

Nicely said "Dali Dali"...I'm cruising the areas of concern with camera in hand, see how many violaters that I can find over the next couple of weeks. My friends left Loreto without catching fish, but they did stop in Bahia de Los Angeles for a few days and caught plenty of Dorado to take home and didn't have to pay anything to launch their boat in BOLA..This 129 pesos may not be much to some, but trying to make ends meet on your Social Security check its enough to make you want to move elsewhere.
Even if they did provide parking for all of us, there wouldn't be any security and many of us have already had our vehicles either "keyed" or broken into when we did park on the Malecon.. I guess the only answer to all of this, is to hire someone to launch you in the morning, drive your vehicle and trailer back home and pick you up when you come back, in the afternoon. Might be a money maker..

rts551 - 10-9-2012 at 12:46 PM

Originally posted by DaliDali

But in my heyday...I would use that ramp a couple of times a week.
Yeah your going to say "chump change buddy" and I would agree to a point but NOT when the full on President of Mexico GIFTED that ramp to me and everyone else who lives here.
Gifted is like FREE isn't it?

OK....I will take some cheese with my whine now thank you!!

[Edited on 10-9-2012 by DaliDali]

[Edited on 10-9-2012 by DaliDali]

[Edited on 10-9-2012 by DaliDali]

Sorry but there isn't a gift from any government in the world that is free. someone payed for it! and now you are paying for the rest of the story.

DaliDali - 10-9-2012 at 12:50 PM

Originally posted by rts551
Originally posted by DaliDali

But in my heyday...I would use that ramp a couple of times a week.
Yeah your going to say "chump change buddy" and I would agree to a point but NOT when the full on President of Mexico GIFTED that ramp to me and everyone else who lives here.
Gifted is like FREE isn't it?

OK....I will take some cheese with my whine now thank you!!

[Edited on 10-9-2012 by DaliDali]

[Edited on 10-9-2012 by DaliDali]

[Edited on 10-9-2012 by DaliDali]

Sorry but there isn't a gift from any government in the world that is free. someone payed for it! and now you are paying for the rest of the story.

Are you kidding?...Obama himself told me he would take care of my entire life, just like a "gift" from the Government..and you and everyone else would pay for me....and now your telling me it was hogwash??.....damn it all!!!

Bob and jane - 10-9-2012 at 02:46 PM

We know at least one local who was being charged the full (129P) ramp fee to launch his panga at the darcena. He is now launching his boat in Zaragoza. FYI

acadist - 10-9-2012 at 05:51 PM

I used to love going to Loreto, just another reason now to go somewhere else and stop there for Pemex and tacos

ncampion - 10-9-2012 at 06:13 PM

Originally posted by Lengua
Dennis , ramp tax was referenced but is really a ramp fee.As CJ said , its only 129 pesos but the rub is that there is no parking for your trailer and truck except on Aqua Dulce. This ramp was free of charge for many years and conveinent for most pats living in Loreto. The other rub is that not everyone is paying the fee .However , they make sure every gringo pays.

I toungue-in-cheek referred to the "fee" as a tax, because, to me there is little difference between a government fee and a government tax. In theory the legislature has to vote on a tax, but government officials can levy a "fee" any time they like. It still amounts to money that moves from my pocket to their's.
Actually I've gotten used to the fee (like they know we would) as I only go out occasionally. I feel bad for guys like Fish101 and others who like to go out several times a week when the bite is good. The parking thing however is totally unreasonable. If you can't park your trailer in a reasonable distance from the ramp, you essentially can't use the ramp no matter what it costs. Something has to change.

DaliDali - 10-9-2012 at 06:50 PM

Originally posted by acadist
I used to love going to Loreto, just another reason now to go somewhere else and stop there for Pemex and tacos

Loreto is still a nice place Mr Acadist...really it is and I would hate to see you pass up a great time here.

The problem is IMO (sorry again) the town of Loreto is in a CREESUS....or crisis.
I live right next door to Mexicans and use Mexican labor and shop at Mexican stores and generally spread my pesos throughout town as best I can.

Every Mexican I come into contact with, tells me the same thing....there are NO jobs here. The Municipo has NO money...the town is in a CREESUS!!

Furthermore, these same people are telling me the Municipo has not paid the municipal workers for 6 quinsenas (6 two week pay periods or 2 1/2 months!!)
This comes from more than one person and actually several, so I dont' cast it off as "rumbles"

And to toss fire on all this is that the Presidente of the town is planning a quinceanera (15 birthday for a girl) his daughter in a Nopolo hotel (south of town 12 clicks) and that her dress is reported to cost 20 thousand pesos (20,000.00) Twenty thousand!!
That is just for the dress!!!
I have seen a photo of that dress and my gawd is it awesome!!! Flowing blue and for a queen actually!

I don't know about you or others but to me that flies in the face of the workers not being paid for 6 weeks!!! Or not....depending on your outlook.

I am not sure what this has to do with API charging boaters the tax, or the state of affairs with the parking, but it might give you or others an insight as to what is going on here locally....

Were a happy lot here...enjoying the Sea and the small town feel.
The cervesa is still cold and the Sea is still here to enjoy.
Come on down or up as the case my be.

Pescador - 10-9-2012 at 06:59 PM

For anyone who has read Zack Thomas's Book, "The Angler's Guide to Trailer Boating Baja" knows, the only ramps with fees that I am aware of is Cabo, Ensenada, Puerto Escondido and very high tourist use areas. To move Loreto into that position with it's rather questionable ramp is the definition of lunacy. I would pay a fee in the US but would recieve secure parking, cleaning stations, restrooms, and the like, but to pay because someone wants more money is nothing more than the ripoff that is justified on the part of some Mexicans who percieve all gringos as being rich and loaded. It is a part of the rich should pay more mentality that drives me nuts.

It was my understanding from talking to some of the locals on one of my trips down there that a large number of people who depended on the tourist trade were very upset because they thought that a small group of people were taking people out fishing which was cutting into the charter business. In my business experience, if that was happening to me, I would change some of the small things I did and make the chartering experience more enjoyable and beat my competition out of the possibility by providing more services or whatever.

acadist - 10-9-2012 at 07:20 PM

Originally posted by DaliDali
Originally posted by acadist
I used to love going to Loreto, just another reason now to go somewhere else and stop there for Pemex and tacos

Loreto is still a nice place Mr Acadist...really it is and I would hate to see you pass up a great time here.

The problem is IMO (sorry again) the town of Loreto is in a CREESUS....or crisis.
I live right next door to Mexicans and use Mexican labor and shop at Mexican stores and generally spread my pesos throughout town as best I can.

Every Mexican I come into contact with, tells me the same thing....there are NO jobs here. The Municipo has NO money...the town is in a CREESUS!!

Furthermore, these same people are telling me the Municipo has not paid the municipal workers for 6 quinsenas (6 two week pay periods or 2 1/2 months!!)
This comes from more than one person and actually several, so I dont' cast it off as "rumbles"

And to toss fire on all this is that the Presidente of the town is planning a quinceanera (15 birthday for a girl) his daughter in a Nopolo hotel (south of town 12 clicks) and that her dress is reported to cost 20 thousand pesos (20,000.00) Twenty thousand!!
That is just for the dress!!!
I have seen a photo of that dress and my gawd is it awesome!!! Flowing blue and for a queen actually!

I don't know about you or others but to me that flies in the face of the workers not being paid for 6 weeks!!! Or not....depending on your outlook.

I am not sure what this has to do with API charging boaters the tax, or the state of affairs with the parking, but it might give you or others an insight as to what is going on here locally....

Were a happy lot here...enjoying the Sea and the small town feel.
The cervesa is still cold and the Sea is still here to enjoy.
Come on down or up as the case my be.

I am not there all the time but it seems the Creesus seems to have started many years ago, prior to the ramp and parking troubles. I do love your little town, it was what got me loving Baja, but there were too many 'boat rides' and iffy fishing. I enjoy the town, the food, the shopping but have much better fishing in Mulege or La Paz. As a consumer with limited time and funds I just needed to optimize my Baja experience.

DaliDali - 10-9-2012 at 07:29 PM

Originally posted by acadist
Originally posted by DaliDali
Originally posted by acadist
I used to love going to Loreto, just another reason now to go somewhere else and stop there for Pemex and tacos

but there were too many 'boat rides' and iffy fishing.

Bingo!!....Many a day I have just taken a boat ride!!..
But hey...200 pesos for a few macs....129 pesos to launch...300 pesos to's all good!!!!