
Roosters in the surf Dec/Jan?

castaway$ - 11-6-2012 at 04:36 PM

I think last time I went down this time of year I was told los Frailles was one of the better spots to hook up surf fishing, is this still one of the best places to score? I didn't make it there last time however I hooked a dandy at Tecolote. Any suggestions are helpful we have the camper and pickup so we are mobile, got the 20' boat too.:bounce:

striperphil - 11-6-2012 at 07:21 PM

I'll chime in with what little I know about it. We were on the east cape a couple of weeks ago, and most of the roosters, other than small fish, seemed to have moved on. The people I talked to said they would be back in the spring. I don't know if that is true in all parts of Baja or just the area we were in, but that was what we found on the east cape. The small ones were fun, but I sure would have liked to try on a 30 lber. Good luck, Phil

Cardon Man - 11-10-2012 at 08:42 AM

There's a new guy working as guardaparque in Cabo Pulmo...and he's a ball buster. Proceed with caution if you're shore fishing anywhere near the park boundary. I know guys that have been hassled both on shore and even on anchor. Plenty of other water to fish.

Osprey - 11-10-2012 at 09:41 AM

Saw some huge roosties chasing lisone right up on the sand yesterday just a click west of Cabo Riviera marina. I was fishing the jetties for sierra but it's still too early with 86º water and few sardines. Did get a nice dorado at the lighthouse and felt lucky for that because we didn't see another fish caught by any boat in the fleet. Water is clean and blue and warm but no bait, no fish.