
Whalshark Caught in Gill Net in Front of Alfonsinas

BajaWaverunner - 11-6-2012 at 05:44 PM

I have been coming down to Gonzaga Bay about 5 times a year for many years and I'm always amazed by the amount of marine life I see when I'm there. This place is an ablsolute marine life paradise. I have seen sea turtles, manta rey doing back flips and humpback whales swimming so close to shore you can literally wade into the water while holding a pacifico and touch them as they go by. The whalesharks are especially amazing - I see them there year round. But this last Sunday I was horrified to find that panga fishermen had accidentaly snared a whaleshark right in front of the hotel with their gill nets. The fishermen dragged the snared shark over to the narrow sand spit just past the hotel and left the shark to die there for 5 hours before guests at the hotel noticed. A group of us started trying to free the shark while the 8 fishermen taunted us, cursed at us, and laughed at us. After an hour we were able to free the exhausted shark - and it slowly swam away. Hopefully it lived.

I have never been so peeed. It is illegal for these fisherman to put gill nets in the bay but they do it anyway because they pay off the local fish and game people. The folks at Alfonsinas say they have tried to speak to the government to enforce the regulations but it does no good.

These fishemen are an absolute disgrace and need to be stopped. This place ia a paradise and it is being destroyed in front of our eyes and nobody seems to be doing anything about it. I have phots but no idea how to load them here.

bajario - 11-6-2012 at 07:11 PM

One whale shark may not be destroying his paradise but it sure as hell doesn't make it better.

What good can come out of killing this creature? It won't get stuck in there net? The net that was placed in an area that it was supposedly illegal to throw a net?

I'm with waverunner on this, and I would of been peeed too.:mad:

panga boys

captkw - 11-6-2012 at 07:18 PM

There is IMO a BIG difference between haveing a boat and killing fish without thought or concern .. that is not a fisherman in my eyes !!!! and should not be addressed as such!!!!............and for you folks that dont know a whale shark is BIG and very nice looking unit !!! and very passive !! K&T

Paulina - 11-6-2012 at 07:36 PM

For what it's worth, I shared your post on Tiburon Ballena's facebook page. I'd love to see photos, and thank you for saving that animal, for being human.


desertcpl - 11-6-2012 at 08:18 PM

Originally posted by Paulina
For what it's worth, I shared your post on Tiburon Ballena's facebook page. I'd love to see photos, and thank you for saving that animal, for being human.


very nice,, the fisherman in this instant was very irresponsible and lacked any and all compassion for the beautiful creature,
I also had a very close encounter with one when divng off of La Paz in an area that they call the " Sea Mounts "

fandango - 11-6-2012 at 08:25 PM

Wave runner, I hope while saving the shark you cut the net into shreds!!!

bajadogs - 11-6-2012 at 08:35 PM

Originally posted by fandango
Wave runner, I hope while saving the shark you cut the net into shreds!!!

I hope so too!!!!! :fire:

Paulina - 11-6-2012 at 09:15 PM

Got a response right away! If you could post some photos, it might be helpful to them.

"Thanks Paulina for the heads up , we will be at Gonzaga bay friday , hopefully will be able to get some data before they chase them away or worse ."


Thanks paulina

captkw - 11-6-2012 at 10:41 PM

If you ever get a veiw of this (biggest knowned) fish it is truely life changing !!..................nothing should die for lack of .....and I use the word loosly mankind !!! as a FISHERMAN we do not waste the resource..and as U age you see the deplentage of stocks and size/weight.......going down

[Edited on 11-7-2012 by captkw]

[Edited on 11-7-2012 by captkw]

fandango - 11-6-2012 at 10:45 PM

Originally posted by BajaWaverunner
while the 8 fishermen taunted us, cursed at us, and laughed at us. Hopefully it lived.

These fishemen are an absolute disgrace and need to be stopped. This place ia a paradise and it is being destroyed in front of our eyes and nobody seems to be doing anything about it. I have phots but no idea how to load them here.

Do you have photos of any of the 8 fishermen and/or their boat name? Pass that along and Paulina can then pass it along.


captkw - 11-6-2012 at 10:53 PM

Originally posted by BajaWaverunner
I have been coming down to Gonzaga Bay about 5 times a year for many years and I'm always amazed by the amount of marine life I see when I'm there. This place is an ablsolute marine life paradise. I have seen sea turtles, manta rey doing back flips and humpback whales swimming so close to shore you can literally wade into the water while holding a pacifico and touch them as they go by. The whalesharks are especially amazing - I see them there year round. But this last Sunday I was horrified to find that panga fishermen had accidentaly snared a whaleshark right in front of the hotel with their gill nets. The fishermen dragged the snared shark over to the narrow sand spit just past the hotel and left the shark to die there for 5 hours before guests at the hotel noticed. A group of us started trying to free the shark while the 8 fishermen taunted us, cursed at us, and laughed at us. After an hour we were able to free the exhausted shark - and it slowly swam away. Hopefully it lived.

I have never been so peeed. It is illegal for these fisherman to put gill nets in the bay but they do it anyway because they pay off the local fish and game people. The folks at Alfonsinas say they have tried to speak to the government to enforce the regulations but it does no good.

These fishemen are an absolute disgrace and need to be stopped. This place ia a paradise and it is being destroyed in front of our eyes and nobody seems to be doing anything about it. I have phots but no idea how to load them here.


captkw - 11-6-2012 at 10:58 PM

I have only seen two...but the Gods did a good job on this Model.............

redhilltown - 11-7-2012 at 01:36 AM

Good for you Waverunner. I was fishing in Gonzaga Bay last month and the gill netters just dont seem to care any more where they set up shop...right in the mouth of the bays. We would come across lines of dead fish in the scum lines and I can only assume it was their by catch. You can say they need to make a living...blah can say it is just the way it is...blah blah...but it is marooonIC to think it can last. To me it is the final curse of the new road in that they can now get their catch to San Felipe or Mexicali quickly. And what were they catching? Sierra. And what a glorious shelf life those fish have... It is just sickening.

BajaWaverunner - 11-7-2012 at 03:15 AM

Originally posted by willardguy
don't kid yourself, pesca has a huge presence in gonzaga bay, and commercial fishermen are scrutinized like never before.
and one whaleshark isnt destroying your paradise!:rolleyes:

I've been watching this site long enough to know I'd get at least one retarded response like this. The fact of the matter is that there are 6 agents based out of SF who are supposed to monitor this but they are all on the take - paid off by the panga owners to look away. It is pointless to call their office and make a report. Ive been making some calls to ensendada and they seem interested but we'll see. Many of the gill netters are from Sonora-crossing the gulf just for the Sierra that are in the bay this time of year. You'll notice right now there are about 4 times the number of pangas normally seen in the bay. You can see them camped all over the place. They are not even from the area and so especially don't give a crap.

I motored out of the bay and ran over no less than 3 gill nets in 5 minutes so it's pretty obvious that the situation is not being "scrutinized like never before". With that many nets in the bay, My guess is that there will be no more sharks left in the bay in 5 years. What a f'ing disgrace.

I have a few photos. Someone give me an email address and I'll send them for upload. Other hotel guests took video which I should have in a day or two.

shari - 11-7-2012 at 06:25 AM

you can file a denuncia at this link and fisheries is legally bound to respond within 72 hours. It has worked before and is a good idea to file the complaint...even if it doesnt get results...keep a copy of the complaint on file for future pesca officials who arent cant hurt.

click on the yellow hat...get someone who speaks spanish to help you.

BajaNomad - 11-7-2012 at 06:41 AM

Originally posted by BajaWaverunner
Someone give me an email address and I'll send them for upload.

watizname - 11-7-2012 at 09:28 AM

Originally posted by shari
you can file a denuncia at this link and fisheries is legally bound to respond within 72 hours. It has worked before and is a good idea to file the complaint...even if it doesnt get results...keep a copy of the complaint on file for future pesca officials who arent cant hurt.

click on the yellow hat...get someone who speaks spanish to help you.

You should push this to the limit. Maybe we'll get a straight official that can help. These fish are magnificent, and so peaceful, they must be protected. The first one I ever saw swam under the boat as we were in shallow, jigging bait. It was so big that I thought the bottom was moving at first glance. Wow. That's a Baja memory I'll never forget. He or she was much bigger than the panga we were fishing on. :coolup:

BajaNomad - 11-7-2012 at 12:29 PM

Originally posted by BajaWaverunner
Someone give me an email address and I'll send them for upload.

Here's what I received:

whaleshark-in-net.jpg - 49kB

Good on ya mates !!

captkw - 11-7-2012 at 01:11 PM

and I hope you had a big bonfire and tossed the net on top !!! that whale is still swearing to his/her buddys thats some aliens saved him from a net !!!:lol: K&T:cool:

Cypress - 11-7-2012 at 02:46 PM

So the whale shark was cut free of the gill nets and ......?

David K - 11-7-2012 at 03:01 PM

.... swam away to live another day?

Cypress - 11-7-2012 at 03:15 PM

or was it just left to die in the shallow water?

BajaNomad - 11-7-2012 at 03:28 PM

Originally posted by BajaWaverunner
After an hour we were able to free the exhausted shark - and it slowly swam away. Hopefully it lived.

Cypress - 11-7-2012 at 03:37 PM

BajaNomad, Thanks. Glad to know the whale shark swam away.:yes:

Paulina - 11-7-2012 at 05:59 PM

Bajawaverunner, Please check your u2u. Time sensitive material. Thanks!


brewer - 11-28-2012 at 10:18 PM

Just got back from that area. The gill netters are fishing 24 hours a day. You hear them all night long. No running lights. Just completely fishing the area out. There is NO enforcement whatsoever. A disgrace.

There is a sea lion with a piece of net over it's neck. We first saw her in Feb. The rope is cutting in real bad now. A living hell to a slow death.

Does anyone know the official law of gill netting in that area? Us gringos should pitch in and pay an enforcement presence. It is truly a crying shame to see that area being so depleted. Maybe if we all reported this to right authorities, something might happen.

Until then, or anything, kiss it goodbye.


A trip report with pictures soon.

[Edited on 11-29-2012 by brewer]

[Edited on 11-29-2012 by brewer]

Thanks for the heads up/post !!

captkw - 11-28-2012 at 10:32 PM

CarlVon - 11-28-2012 at 11:19 PM

Happens alot. Look at this one.

Pacifico - 11-29-2012 at 08:27 AM

GREAT JOB, Bajawaverunner! These gill netters need to be taken care of.....:fire::fire::fire:

[Edited on 11-29-2012 by Pacifico]

brewer - 11-29-2012 at 11:52 PM

Originally posted by CarlVon
Happens alot. Look at this one.

So happens a lot really means that gill nets are the problem. The gill netters are not supposed to be there. So somehow they need to be chased out. This area needs that to happen.

Anyone have any ideas?

CarlVon - 11-30-2012 at 10:12 AM

Yes, the gill netters cause mucho problemos!
I have a boat in Rocky Point and it seems every time I go out at night, I get hung up in some guys net. No patrols at night I guess.
Plus side is, I get a lot of hookah diving time and get to inspect the bottom of the boat.

cabokid - 12-1-2012 at 08:36 AM

Make up rebar hook drag line . Toss into net drag net to place where u can safely burn with a little gas. They will get the message .

freediverbrian - 12-1-2012 at 03:02 PM

last time I was fishing gonzaga I was checked by the feds almost every day for lic and reg until they knew my boat. Now no feds checking gill netters???? Something stinks

CarlVon - 12-2-2012 at 01:47 PM

Gringos = dinero
Locals = nada

brewer - 12-3-2012 at 08:00 AM

Originally posted by CarlVon
Gringos = dinero
Locals = nada

But they are not locals fishing the area. They are from Sonora and other places.

In my 6 days there, I saw no enforcement boats. Just pangas gill netting.

Yea, something stinks when officials will target gringos for possible cash and look the other way at gill netters who have no money.