
Loreto Fishing

TMW - 12-3-2012 at 10:33 PM

What can be expected when fishing the Loerto area in the Spring out in a boat? What's the normal cost for a boat for 1/2 day and full day.

Mula - 12-4-2012 at 05:30 AM

LaTijereta - 12-4-2012 at 06:24 AM

Spring fishing here in Loreto is "Yellowtail Time"..
They could be up on the surface, and that means flyling mackrel for some great action!
You can expect to pay about $200 a day for a panga and guide to go out fishing..
Just stop by the marina and start talking to the captains about what they are catching and negociate your rate..

TMW - 12-4-2012 at 11:12 AM


acadist - 12-8-2012 at 03:38 PM

I prefer Pam, Baja Big Fish, too many 'boat rides' with Arturo

CJ - 12-9-2012 at 09:26 AM

ANYBODY BUT ARTURO! There are lots of great captains down at the boat ramp. Stop by the afternoon before and talk with them. And "yes" Baja Big Fish is a good choice as well.

[Edited on 12-9-2012 by CJ]

bill erhardt - 12-9-2012 at 10:07 AM

You will pay a premium at Baja Big Fish, Arturos, or any other outfitter.
It is a buyer's market in Loreto.
Spending a morning/afternoon at the marina talking to the local pangueros will definitely get you the best bang for the buck. And, you will learn a lot in the process, as well.

DaliDali - 12-9-2012 at 02:43 PM

I would second and third what CJ and Bill said.

Baja Big Fish lists their rates as a couple of bucks shy of $300 clams!!
That is about $100 clams more than what anyone can get a private panguero captain for.

Paula - 12-9-2012 at 09:42 PM

Baja Bigfish costs a bit more, but they specialize in flyishing, have excellent captains, and have great trips and exceptional service.
Arturo's-- meh-- you'll do better by just going down to the marina and talking, as Bill and Tijereta said.

at the marina you might ask for:

Captain Rigo Davis, boat name is Aranxa.
Captain Francisco Davis, "Pajaro"
Captain Adrian with panga "Berlin"
Captain Pedro Davis with Pedro III.

They are the best of the best.

weebray - 12-10-2012 at 08:54 AM

Many years ago we went out with a pangero by the name of Alejo Murillo. He was absolutly the best guide we have ever gone out to fish with. We returned for several years but since we have moved to La Paz we have lost track of him. If you get a chance to go out with him you will be most fortunate.

Loretana - 12-10-2012 at 11:49 AM

Originally posted by weebray
Many years ago we went out with a pangero by the name of Alejo Murillo. He was absolutly the best guide we have ever gone out to fish with. We returned for several years but since we have moved to La Paz we have lost track of him. If you get a chance to go out with him you will be most fortunate.

Alejo Murillo died this past summer......I fished with him and his son-in-law is our Captain, Jose Luis Mayoral Barreno.

Jose Luis is a great guide and a reasonable $200.00 for an 8+ hour day. His Loreto phone from the US is 01152-613-135-0405.

I have great memories of Alejo, he was a real "varon" with the most incredible flattop haircut. He will be missed!

bill erhardt - 12-10-2012 at 11:51 AM

Originally posted by weebray
Many years ago we went out with a pangero by the name of Alejo Murillo. He was absolutly the best guide we have ever gone out to fish with. We returned for several years but since we have moved to La Paz we have lost track of him. If you get a chance to go out with him you will be most fortunate.

I imagine that it is Alvaro Murillo of whom you speak. Alvaro is indeed a good fisherman, and a gentleman as well. He is still fishing on his panga Sofia, still catching fish, and leaving his clients with full coolers and smiles on their faces.

Skeet/Loreto - 12-10-2012 at 01:50 PM

Bill and to whom it may concern.

Alvaro Murillo Romero who fisheds the panga Syvia 111 has been my best friend for over 35 years, I first fisheded with him and his Brother Enrique in 1967, Later lived at San Nicholas with his Brother Enrrique for 4 years.

His Brother Alejo Murillowas also so a great fisherman and Bull chitter.

To me Alvaro Murillo is the best that I have ever known plus he is a Good man and has a wonderful family.

Try Him and tell him I sent you.


mulegemichael - 12-10-2012 at 02:21 PM

did i misread loretana's post that said this fine gentleman passed away this past year?

Loretana - 12-10-2012 at 02:48 PM


Alejo Murillo had the panga "Esgriselda" (you gotta love that name) and Alvaro Murillo is his brother.

And, yes, we lost Alejo to diabetes this past summer.

bill erhardt - 12-10-2012 at 02:50 PM

Originally posted by mulegemichael
did i misread loretana's post that said this fine gentleman passed away this past year?

I confused the issue when I assumed that weebray was referring to Alvaro Murillo. I did not know Alvaro's brother Alejo by name, but with Loretana's description can picture him with his perfect flattop. It was Alejo, who weebray apparently fished with, who recently died, not Skeet's best friend and Alejo's brother Alavaro. Alvaro is alive and well.

bill erhardt - 12-10-2012 at 02:54 PM

Loretana.....If we keep working at it, soon we will be able to post at precisely the same second......

BajaDanD - 12-10-2012 at 09:57 PM

I usually drive down to Juncalito and fish with Jose Torrez or one of his sons but its been a couple of years now. anybody know if he is still there.

fish101 - 12-30-2012 at 08:59 AM

Recent grumblings over Gringo's taking their "friends" and "family" out to fish has surfaced again. Those that are doing this should be punished and dealt with individually. Recent articles written by Javier Chavez Davis in the Sudcaliforniano (On line) newspaper states that we are taking work away from the locals and that something has to be done about it, even getting INM involved. His interviews were with President Alfonso Susarrey Amador and Poncho Susarrey. Read the articles written on December 29, 2012. Yes, I feel sorry for the locals not having tourists to take out fishing, but its apparent that they are trying to keep us from enjoying the sportfishing here.

dtbushpilot - 12-30-2012 at 09:36 AM

Originally posted by fish101
Recent grumblings over Gringo's taking their "friends" and "family" out to fish has surfaced again. Those that are doing this should be punished and dealt with individually. Recent articles written by Javier Chavez Davis in the Sudcaliforniano (On line) newspaper states that we are taking work away from the locals and that something has to be done about it, even getting INM involved. His interviews were with President Alfonso Susarrey Amador and Poncho Susarrey. Read the articles written on December 29, 2012. Yes, I feel sorry for the locals not having tourists to take out fishing, but its apparent that they are trying to keep us from enjoying the sportfishing here.

Is it an issue of people (gringos) taking people out fishing for pay and calling them "friends and family" or do they have a problem with gringos with a boat taking someone else fishing who actually is family or friends?

fish101 - 12-30-2012 at 11:50 AM

The locals feel that we are taking "friends" out and calling them our "family" , plus receiving some sort of payment for the ride..We know that there are a few that are doing it and they are even advertising to takeing people out for fishing trips..The last two times that I have been out, there is always someone there asking if I am taking my family out or friends, plus they offer to be my "Captain" for the day and on my boat..

Read the article and see what you think they are saying...I am sure we haven't heard the last of it..Also, parking you vehicle and trailer has really become a problem, as you can no longer park on the Malecon or any of the paved streets. You think they are trying to tell us something?? Maybe not, but at least when you launch at Porta Escondido you have plenty of parking spaces..

You can read the article at the El Sudcaliforniano website and form your own opionion on this subject....

dtbushpilot - 12-30-2012 at 01:47 PM

I went to the El Sud web site but couldn't find the article, couldn't figure out how to access yesterday's paper (not strong spanish skills). Can you post a link to the article? Thanks....

woody with a view - 12-30-2012 at 04:01 PM

" Reminds me of somewhere else."

i don't get it? good for the goose but not the gringo?

bajario - 12-30-2012 at 04:25 PM

Maybe some friends and family prefer to be on a ride a little more comfortable than a panga?

Isn't it $25 or so to launch at escondido?

The parking issue in town sounds like a nightmare.

fish101 - 12-30-2012 at 06:52 PM

It costs us 129 pesos to launch at the Marina in Loreto with no parking, no facilities and at Escondido it is 100 to 110 pesos with parking and bathroom facilities, plus insurance on the boat and the T.I.P...So, they get you one way or another..Friends that come down here every six months or so, just to fish have had their truck and trailer towed and impounded at the Police Station, costing them $100. dollars, so some of them will not return to Loreto next year..

Many are not returning !!!

captkw - 12-30-2012 at 06:59 PM

BajaBruno - 1-1-2013 at 10:16 PM

Bill Erhardt or some other resident can comment better than I, but as of the last time I was in Loreto, launching at Puerto Escondido was not an option for transient boats unless they had Mexican registration and boat insurance.

fish101 - 1-2-2013 at 07:40 AM

Yep, thats correct, BajaBruno...Thats what I said in my post that at least Puerto Escondido had parking and facilities there but you need a T.I.P (Temp Import Permit) and they got you either way..Go to Loreto and find no parking or very little..I wouldn't mind the 129 pesos if we had a secure parking area and facilities at the ramp..Its not all about the ramp fee this go around. With very few tourists the locals are out of work and are complaining that we are taking too many friends out on our boats..We'll see how this develops over the next few weeks..