
Steve Jobs boat

El Jefe - 3-14-2013 at 12:14 PM

Here is a link to photos of Steve's boat. We saw it drive by from our house on the east cape the other day. That was cool! It was headed towards Cabo.

DENNIS - 3-14-2013 at 12:27 PM

Insane. Sometimes he was just too practical. That thing may really work well, but it doesn't look very good........a floating building.
He's lucky he died before he had to paint the topsides.

capitolkat - 3-14-2013 at 12:47 PM

The boat was docked at Marina Costa Baja in La paz for about the last 3 weeks. I got several good looks at it and as a $140,000,000 boat it is really ugly. My wife took a couple of photos while we were at the marina office and a guard asked her to stop-nicely- I guess they just didn't want too much more to confirm how really ugly it is.

DavidE - 3-14-2013 at 12:49 PM

I love the author's description of this thing as being descriptive of Job's "minimalist mentality". Like describing Qatar as offering "minimalist survival"

El Jefe - 3-14-2013 at 01:13 PM

It cut a nice wake going by and I thought it looked rather of elegant from two miles away.

But minimalist, ah I don't think so....

That is One Fugly Monstrosity

Gypsy Jan - 3-14-2013 at 01:32 PM

Hubby and I love to sail.

He has had many boats, some of which he built/reconstructed himself.

The best thing about being on a boat in the water is feeling the connection to the wind and the waves and getting a feeling for the enormous forces that control our environment.

I won't get into the rag versus stink potters thing here; there are many beautiful, sleek and efficient power boats.

But. my question is: Why do obscenely rich people (the Oracle guy, the other guy that was Steve Jobs partner, and others} feel the need to build these behemoths?

vandenberg - 3-14-2013 at 02:36 PM

Originally posted by Gypsy Jan
But. my question is: Why do obscenely rich people (the Oracle guy, the other guy that was Steve Jobs partner, and others} feel the need to build these behemoths?

Maybe because they can and have the funds:?::biggrin::biggrin:

CortezBlue - 3-14-2013 at 02:43 PM

Originally posted by El Jefe
Here is a link to photos of Steve's boat. We saw it drive by from our house on the east cape the other day. That was cool! It was headed towards Cabo.

I think calling it a boat is, umm, a mistake. This bad boy is a Ship!!!:o:O

DENNIS - 3-14-2013 at 02:47 PM

Originally posted by Gypsy Jan
But. my question is: Why do obscenely rich people (the Oracle guy, the other guy that was Steve Jobs partner, and others} feel the need to build these behemoths?

It's an ego thing. Much less painful than penis enhancement. :o

Yeah, Oh Well

Gypsy Jan - 3-14-2013 at 03:38 PM

I guess I already knew that this was the obvious explanation.

USB port on Jobs' boat...or is it a ship?

Whale-ista - 3-14-2013 at 03:42 PM

Is this a USB port?;)

Or do only PCs have those...? (I have an Ipad mini...)

And given its size isn't it really a "ship"?

I've had sailboats (28' and 34') and those were "boats." This... I'm thinkin' ship. (cuz it can carry another boat, not just a dingy/tender)

Inquiring minds want to know...

DavidE - 3-14-2013 at 03:43 PM

I watched a television special that featured "The Fastest Mega Yacht In The World". It would do something like 60 - 70 knots. Twin titanic gas turbines. Fuel consumption of 130 gallons per MINUTE.

Too many of these folks have a mentality bordering on psychotic. They will close a factory or engage in buying offshore or hiding billions in offshore accounts so they can indulge themselves in meaningless hideously expensive nonsense. It would be funny if it did not hurt so many innocent people.

How an extremely wealthy person utilizes their wealth tells me a lot about their intelligence or lack thereof. A human can occupy about a yard square. That their ego demands tens of thousands of square feet says volumes. It says to me the individual would be otherwise thought of as being less than their due by peers.

The problem is "The Fever" is now running rampant. TeaBaggers want to monopolize all the money, liberals want to spend everyone else's money and "normal" people with any common sense at all are bent on fleeing the madness.

SwissFrank - 3-14-2013 at 03:58 PM

Originally posted by Gypsy Jan

But. my question is: Why do obscenely rich people (the Oracle guy, the other guy that was Steve Jobs partner, and others} feel the need to build these behemoths?

The smell of jealousy is quite putrid in the above post/question.

DENNIS - 3-14-2013 at 04:05 PM

Originally posted by DavidE
It would be funny if it did not hurt so many innocent people.

On the other hand, the construction and ongoing maintenance of this tub has put a lot of people to work. At least the wealth is going back into the economy and Jobs is a fresh example of the old axiom, "You can't take it with you."

grizzlyfsh95 - 3-14-2013 at 04:24 PM

Comrads here are correct. We should kill all of these rich people, take their money for us who deserve it. It has worked really well in Cuba and So.Africa.

DavidE - 3-14-2013 at 04:45 PM

Italian marble, French fixtures, Thailand teak, and I'll bet the rest of the vessel resembles the inventory origin akin to a Wal-Mart. Does any of the maintenance crew speak English?

I'll not forget the couple arrested in Aspen who had "undocumented aliens" installing fifty thousand dollars worth of bathroom fixtures (Platinum in his - Gold in hers). They were paying the help less than minimum wage.

"You Can't Take It With You?"
Ever see a half-million dollar mausoleum constructed of Italian marble with gold adornments, and a Chinese rosewood casket worth more than your entire neighborhood? Ever see a pet cemetery for mascots of the "Obviously Comfortable"? Where a plot costs more than your house, and the animal is buried wearing precious stones and more gold than Mr. T?

This is the world of the Leona Helmsleys. Where only little people pay tax, and local supermarkets price things three to four hundred percent higher than retail in order to keep "Ordinary People Out".

I do not begrudge wealth. I begrudge the air of aristocracy begot by wealth that proclaims people of lesser position are not worthy of consideration. Especially more than a bare minimum of money.

What this is leading to is an inevitable creation of a financial and economic Serengeti, where lions are going to have to learn the hard way that packs of jackals are actually the true pinnacle of the food chain.

monoloco - 3-14-2013 at 04:54 PM

It's curious that a guy who lived an otherwise unassuming lifestyle would have built a vessel like that.

Ateo - 3-14-2013 at 05:04 PM

I'd take it. Think of the chicks you could get with a boat like that. JK.

willardguy - 3-14-2013 at 05:11 PM

I think you guys are missing the "boat", this was just El Jefe's way of introducing us to the CHIVE. my new favorite site! gracias El Jefe!!!:bounce:

El Jefe - 3-14-2013 at 05:34 PM

Heh. I hadn't a clue about CHIVE and just googled the boat (ship, whatever!) and it popped up.

And damn, that is a pretty wild site. Will have to look further into that craziness..... but first, it's c-cktail hour.

Skipjack Joe - 3-14-2013 at 06:27 PM

Originally posted by monoloco
It's curious that a guy who lived an otherwise unassuming lifestyle would have built a vessel like that.

I was surprised as well. This is not the Jobs I read about in all those magazine articles.

Larry Ellison, on the other hand, is the most reviled citizen in the Bay Area. All respect him but nobody loves the man.

Jobs was a genius, Ellison is just good in business. He knows how to grab and hold on.

mtgoat666 - 3-14-2013 at 07:16 PM

Originally posted by vandenberg
Originally posted by Gypsy Jan
But. my question is: Why do obscenely rich people (the Oracle guy, the other guy that was Steve Jobs partner, and others} feel the need to build these behemoths?

Maybe because they can and have the funds:?::biggrin::biggrin:

Smoke 'em if you got 'em!

Personally, I like classical and art deco inspired early 20th century styles of naval architecture. That steve jobs boat looks like a sterile glass sky scraper on its side. Looks cold and unwelcoming. Might make a good party boat, but would be depressing to spend time on it sober.

monoloco - 3-14-2013 at 07:52 PM

Originally posted by Skipjack Joe
Originally posted by monoloco
It's curious that a guy who lived an otherwise unassuming lifestyle would have built a vessel like that.

I was surprised as well. This is not the Jobs I read about in all those magazine articles.

Larry Ellison, on the other hand, is the most reviled citizen in the Bay Area. All respect him but nobody loves the man.

Jobs was a genius, Ellison is just good in business. He knows how to grab and hold on.
Maybe it was just Steve's first attempt at re-inventing the yacht. iyacht? Personally, I don't think I'd want to be on that thing in heavy seas with all that glass, unless it's Gorilla Glass.

Islandbuilder - 3-14-2013 at 10:43 PM

A singularly ugly vessel. But I'm sure that the craftspeople who built her, and maintain her, and those who crew her, like her just fine.

A bit predictable the bashing of the lives of the mega rich.

As some pointed out, all the money spent went to provide jobs for people who needed them, and also raised the bar on their skill sets which will help them get the next job and the one after that.

Several years ago a local rich guy bought an island for $14,000,000. It was, at that time, the largest real estate sale ever recorded in our county. I was talking about the ostentacious quality of the guy buying his own island, and the guy I was talking to told me that he not been hired to provide barge tansportation to the island for the ensuing construction project, he would have lost his boat, business and home.

He was very happy that a rich guy was able to buy his own island!

When I commented on the price, he told me that the island cost the guy about 1/4 of his annual investment income. To me, that would be about $500.

It's all relative.

grizzlyfsh95 - 3-15-2013 at 12:26 PM

What this is leading to is an inevitable creation of a financial and economic Serengeti, where lions are going to have to learn the hard way that packs of jackals are actually the true pinnacle of the food chain.

You sound just like the right kind of Jackal! Kill 'em all.

RnR - 3-17-2013 at 03:12 PM

Job's boat (yacht, ship, whatever) just passed by on the inside of Cerralvo, going north.

That is one UGLY boat!

El Jefe - 3-17-2013 at 05:47 PM

Must be heading back to La Paz after partying down in Cabo.

I think it looks good going by out there. Fast too. Different from the run of the mill 200 ft plus yacht for sure.

RnR - 3-17-2013 at 05:55 PM

Originally posted by El Jefe

I think it looks good going by out there. Fast too. Different from the run of the mill 200 ft plus yacht for sure.

Yes, it is fast. That was my impression, also. Much faster than the usual boats/ferries passing by the island.