
Punta Chivato - Justice ??

Russ - 6-1-2013 at 07:53 PM

I wasn't able to get a good translation but even in Spanish I understand this hated person is in big trouble. Then again $$$ talks here. Some are hoping for justice. It would be nice to have the Hotel back to serve the folks here. Maybe the Luhans will pick this perfect location up.

Detenido empresario Giuseppe Marcelletti Pandolfi!
Publicado el junio 1, 2013| 11 comentarios
Arrested businessman Giuseppe Pandolfi Marcelletti!
Posted on June 1, 2013 | 11 Comments
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It was another protégé of GROUP THE ROPES
After six years of impunity
CERESO is now moved to the Valley
2-1 giuseppe stopped Marteletti group Reporters Without Borders to urgenteLa Pericu Paz, BCS-Reporters Without Borders has confirmed that this morning in Los Cabos was arrested Marcelletti Italian businessman Giuseppe Pandolfi, by members of the state police and who made properties under the protection of known and oft corrupt political group called THE ROPES.
After six years of living in impunity, finally found enough evidence to arrest him at the outrages committed by a company called SNEAK TIP SHORES, to protecting the previous administration known politicians who considered it as an exemplary character.
At present, it is moved to the north of the state, without knowing even if CERESO be admitted to the Constitution or the City of Santa Rosalia.
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Era otro protegido del GRUPO LOS CABOS
Después de seis años de impunidad
Ahora es trasladado a CERESO del Valle
2 - 1 giuseppe marteletti detenido reporteros sin fronteras a colectivo pericu urgenteLa Paz, B.C.S.- Reporteros Sin Fronteras ha confirmado que la mañana de hoy en Los Cabos fue detenido el empresario italiano Giuseppe Marcelletti Pandolfi, por elementos de la Policía Ministerial y quien se hizo de propiedades bajo la protección del conocido y multicitado grupo de políticos corruptos denominado LOS CABOS.
Luego de seis años de vivir en la impunidad, por fin se encontraron evidencias suficientes para aprehenderlo ante los atropellos cometidos a través de una empresa denominada PUNTA CHIVATO SHORES, con la protección de reconocidos políticos del sexenio anterior que lo consideraron como un personaje ejemplar.

[Edited on 6-6-2013 by Russ]

Pescador - 6-2-2013 at 06:08 AM

Russ, where did you find this. I can not find it in Sudcalifonia.

Pescador - 6-2-2013 at 06:35 AM

OK, Russ, thanks for the heads up. This is from ZETA.


With a fortune unclear in the pocket, the owner of three hotels in La Paz, Loreto and Punta Sneak, built a scaffold of personal and political relationships that have earned him impunity, despite having been caught in flagrante delicto, drawing water illegally a well concession to the company Punta Sneak Shores, SA de CV The fact was recorded in the preliminary LPZ/009/AES/2010 on charges of diversion, theft and theft of water

Punta Sneak, Baja California Sur. Owner Posadas hotel chain Flowers, Giuseppe Marcelletti Pandolfi, "The Italian" came to this tourist destination in the northern part of the organization in 1999.

Skillful and adept at handling public relations ejidatarios quickly duped and employers in the area, but also disappoint his confidence, quickly drifting in separate criminal complaints filed two years.

With a fortune unclear in the pocket and owner of three hotels in La Paz, Loreto and this heavenly beach destination town of Mulege, "The Italian" built a scaffolding of personal and political relationships during this time have allowed him to remain untouched and unpunished, despite being caught red handed illegally extracting water from a well in concession to the company Punta Sneak Shores, SA de CV The fact was recorded in the preliminary LPZ/009/AES/2010, for the crimes of embezzlement, theft and theft of water, whichever is more.

The August 30, 2010, the Public Prosecutor of the Common Jurisdiction of the Attorney General of the State (PGJE) ordered an inspection and found that Marcelletti had clandestinely installed pipe 1 ¼ "aqueduct leading to a stack secret storage capacity of 180 cubic meters, covered with metal doors and locks, which was within the overseas property.

However being spotted making clandestine Marcelletti was not arrested despite the flagrant, even when I was in the place, surrounded by judicial police and Public Prosecutor of the Common Jurisdiction, arguing that the then head of the PGJE Karim Martínez Francisco Lizarraga, denied the arrest warrant for being a "distinguished investor" and friend of former Gov. Narciso Agúndez Montaño.

The transcribed portion of the inspection and, according to estimates by researchers and water experts, "Giuseppe Pandolfi Marcelletti have stolen about 150 thousand cubic meters of drinking water between 2004 and the second two months of 2005, which caused a huge financial loss as the economic position of the exploitation of liquid fell not abroad but automatically passed to the concessionaire of the well ".

Obviously, water extraction caused Punta Sneak Shores, SA de CV, owned by businessman Raul Lujan Soberanes, defaulted on its payment obligations of the concession granted by the National Water Commission (CNA), under 01BCS102347/05EMGE06 permit number, issued on June 19, 2006.

Data collected by ZETA research report that water shortages have begun in 2008, after the owner of the concession company found large differences between cubic meters of pumping the well with the main meter readings at the output, rigorously monitored by CNA staff.

During that time, "the company carefully reviewed the water and the pipes coming out to ejido parcels foreign and private homes in search of a leak, which caters to the nearly 100 residents of the area in various subdivisions".

However, it was not until February 2010, after intense work measurements and surveys, when it was discovered that Giuseppe Marcelletti abroad, allegedly had a theft that was the well to the hotel property, and therefore, was drawing water illegally. The only way to find out for sure was to request an inspection.

For this situation, Punta Sneak Shores, Inc. de CV brought criminal charges against "The Italian" and, two months later, he ordered an inspection of the area that led to the dismantling of the clandestine network.

However, the case was recorded until February 16, 2011, ie, six months later, the Third Criminal Court in the city of La Paz, registered under file 31/2011.

Contravention of the Criminal Code of Baja California Sur, which clearly sets a maximum of 15 days to resolve the case, suspiciously the judge took three months-from February 16 to May 2, 2011 - to return the file to the PGJE citing "judicial incompetence." That is, "I could not hear the case, because I had to be the only Mixed Court of First Instance of Santa Rosalia, being the closest to the area of ​​legal dispute."

According ZETA consulted a lawyer, the court "should have referred the case to the Superior Court of the State, and from there, immediately should have been sent to the Court of its jurisdiction", since by this procedure, and in fact clearly premeditated lost three more months, until finally the matter fell in August 2011 in the Mixed Court of that population, then presided by Judge Barbarian Valenzuela then being registered under the criminal case 111/2011.

But not all stop there. The real ordeal began when the case was left in the freezer from that date until May 2012, ie nine months later, and spent four judges whose criminal court. None ruled until he came Gallegos Judge Hiram Edgar Card##as, and a decision "highly questionable", depending on the version of the victim, Raul Lujan Soberanes abroad exonerated of the crime, considering that the case "had already prescribed".

The judge did not solve the crime background, and oddly settled the case. The next day was removed and changed to a Court of Los Cabos, where incidentally, his father and his mother faced a criminal complaint in the Court of jurisdiction for the crime of plunder.

The judge's verdict caused the PGJE Gallegos appealed the decision, so, again and as usual, the file was sent to Room One of the Superior Court of the State (TSJE) by Judge Alejandro Santoyo Padilla, which strangely suspicious and six months later, declined to hear the case because in their agreement recognized "have some friendly relationship with the lawyer of the accused".

The case went to Room Two TSJE by Judge Homer Bautista Lopez, who reversed the decision of the judge last November and ordered "into the study of crime", for its consideration, "there are no legal elements prescribing the case. "

At press time, the judge had not solved the case because the TSJE was entering a holiday period of December 14 to January 7, and practically prepared his "vacation

BajaBlanca - 6-2-2013 at 06:36 AM

Looks like it was posted by REPORTERS. WITHOUT. BORDERS, if that helps.

shari - 6-2-2013 at 07:06 AM

Pescador...the Sudcalifornia is extremely lacking in most news...try Colectivo Pericu for the hot stuff...they are usually right on top of real news.

watizname - 6-2-2013 at 09:09 AM

Boy Oh Boy. Could be a game changer for the whole Chivato area. :D:D

Pescador - 6-2-2013 at 02:07 PM

Thanks for the link Shari. I found that one but the best story came from

And the posting was a google translation. The funny side of the translation thing is that Punta Chivato was translated as Punta Sneak. How did Google know?

shari - 6-2-2013 at 02:27 PM

hahaha...just what I thought about the translation...hilarious.
Folks say el Italiano wont be incarcerated for long with all his connections & wealth.
YES Zeta is also very good but I find for late breaking news, Pericu is excellent but Zeta has more in depth reporting.

PCbaja - 6-3-2013 at 09:33 AM

gallesram - 6-3-2013 at 10:02 AM

Sorry but I guess I couldn't quite follow this; does this mean that the hotel is closed in Punto Chivato?

güero - 6-3-2013 at 10:18 AM

I don't really like the guy. I was slowing to join the line at a military check station and he roared past and cut in front.

Russ - 6-3-2013 at 10:41 AM

The way Marcellette ran the hotel no one ever knew if it was open or not. And he definitely didn't want our business.

quote]Originally posted by gallesram
Sorry but I guess I couldn't quite follow this; does this mean that the hotel is closed in Punto Chivato?

Pescador - 6-3-2013 at 10:43 AM

Not any more than it means the Flores hotels in La Paz or Loreto are closed. He is the big cheese and the workers will still be running things. We will have to wait and see what it means in the long term.

desertcpl - 6-3-2013 at 01:28 PM

I am not sure if the same owner that I encountered about 25yrs ago. but the one I meet was a piece of shi,,,,

I was delivering a boat to Cabo with my then boat broker, the owner knew my broker and asked him if he could bring down a TV for the Hotel,, so we went out and bought one I think Cosco
loaded it in the boat, when we arrived at the hotel and going over that road from hell,,
the owner never comp us or drinks or food,, just a very cool thanks and walked away

Russ - 6-3-2013 at 02:29 PM

The following was forwarded to me and asked that I post it here.

La Paz, BCS-Agents Research State Ministerial Police assigned to the Commander in Ciudad Constitucion, Baja California Sur, executed Apprehension and Detention Order, drawn by the Second Court of First Instance Joint Judicial Comondu party, Baja California South against Marcelletti Giuseppe Pandolfi and / or Giuseppe Macelleti, 59 years old, originally from Italy, for his alleged responsibility in the crime of Dispossession, being internal to the Social Rehabilitation Center of the City, before the Judge Causes of the claims.

FACTS: Complaint filed before the Public Prosecutor of the Common Jurisdiction Researcher, against the person named Giuseppe Marcelletti Pandolfi and / or Giuseppe Macelleti, to the detriment of the firm called "SNEAK TIP SHORES" SA de CV, stating the legal representative of the same since 1999, acquired the rights to the water well, introducing distribution services and water supply every human settlements is located within the region known today as "SNEAK TIP" in the Municipality of Mulege, Baja California Sur, in 2005, the company was deprived of his right of access to a portion of the aqueduct of water distribution is property on a stretch of about 200 meters, it is located within the plot which is located on a street legally constituted and recognized by the competent authorities, so that the aforementioned person by choice, so illegal, building a fence and / or construction of the same, and that after this, sent fencing and therefore finally closed all the roads, causing deprivation aqueduct access Punta Sneak property and giving maintenance of this, despite multiple requests to be allowed access to this area to carry out maintenance and repair.

In addition to track extraction of water, the National Water Commission carried out the installation in various parts of the aqueduct of measuring devices (meters, etc.) to monitor extraction that which has been lost for reasons of because there is a leak or clandestinely taken by which someone is illegally and improperly removing water, the above is and has been denied access to an important section of the aqueduct in question and located within the property of the company " Inmobiliaria Punta Sneak, SA de CV ", estate within which is operating a hotel, also in the month of August 2009, this stone built some fences and cement, completely blocking the last access to the main street through which pass aqueducts above.

Reason for this was derived Apprehension Order.

Collective Pericú appointment OFFICIAL PART OF JUSTICE ATTORNEY

[Edited on 6-3-2013 by Russ]

shari - 6-5-2013 at 07:51 AM

and HEEEEEEEE'S OUT!!! on 414,000 pesos bail...well duh.

Russ - 6-5-2013 at 09:00 AM

Absolutely expected.
Thanks for the update Shari!

KaceyJ - 6-5-2013 at 09:03 AM

30 million pesos of damages , that's a hoot. All this is a perfect example of a knuckledragging legal system of being guilty unless you can prove /pay your innocence.

There are too many rumors and much hearsay surrounding Marceletti and his operation at Punta Sneak. I can say that I always found him cordial , pleasant yet very private in his own sort of way. He certainly brought back the condition of the hotel to a never seen before level. He put a lot of effort and money into a dilapidated structure, that the ejido wanted nothing to do with, and turned it into a respectable establishment. I believe he has a very focused idea on the type of clientele he wishes to attract there and that may put off some judgmental types.

To me making a big deal out of some water is crazy. I know how water is viciously protected in Mex but keep in mind it was the hotel that originally brought it there 10 miles across the desert in the first place.

What this case really is about is total control of the area. That was pretty obvious when the beautiful 6 ft. chain link fence went up that stretched across the entire Sneak peninsula and the installation of a guard shack. Other things have gone on , some of which don't make any sense , like discouraging visitors by trying to close the camp beach and more recently the launch ramp. I can't help but wonder what is in store in the future for the property owners near the hotel.

mtgoat666 - 6-5-2013 at 09:10 AM

Originally posted by KaceyJ
To me making a big deal out of some water is crazy.

when you live in the desert water is a BIG DEAL! nothing else is bigger deal!

Russ - 6-5-2013 at 10:13 AM

KaceyJ, First, you are correct about "The Italian" making a beautiful first class hotel. However I don't believe he ever intended to run it as such.
"Punta Sneak" is a term from a Bad translation. Posada de las Flores is what many here use. Or, of course, Hotel Punta Chivato.
I wrote a very long tirade about my thoughts about Marcellette but decided to not go there and deleted it. We are all entitled to our opinions.

Originally posted by KaceyJ
30 million pesos of damages , that's a hoot. All this is a perfect example of a knuckledragging legal system of being guilty unless you can prove /pay your innocence.

There are too many rumors and much hearsay surrounding Marceletti and his operation at Punta Sneak. I can say that I always found him cordial , pleasant yet very private in his own sort of way. He certainly brought back the condition of the hotel to a never seen before level. He put a lot of effort and money into a dilapidated structure, that the ejido wanted nothing to do with, and turned it into a respectable establishment. I believe he has a very focused idea on the type of clientele he wishes to attract there and that may put off some judgmental types.

To me making a big deal out of some water is crazy. I know how water is viciously protected in Mex but keep in mind it was the hotel that originally brought it there 10 miles across the desert in the first place.

What this case really is about is total control of the area. That was pretty obvious when the beautiful 6 ft. chain link fence went up that stretched across the entire Sneak peninsula and the installation of a guard shack. Other things have gone on , some of which don't make any sense , like discouraging visitors by trying to close the camp beach and more recently the launch ramp. I can't help but wonder what is in store in the future for the property owners near the hotel.

[Edited on 6-5-2013 by Russ]

KaceyJ - 6-5-2013 at 10:37 AM

Originally posted by Russ
KaceyJ, First, you are correct about "The Italian" making a beautiful first class hotel. However I don't believe he ever intended to run it as such.

Originally posted by KaceyJ
30 million pesos of damages , that's a hoot. All this is a perfect example of a knuckledragging legal system of being guilty unless you can prove /pay your innocence.

There are too many rumors and much hearsay surrounding Marceletti and his operation at Punta Sneak. I can say that I always found him cordial , pleasant yet very private in his own sort of way. He certainly brought back the condition of the hotel to a never seen before level. He put a lot of effort and money into a dilapidated structure, that the ejido wanted nothing to do with, and turned it into a respectable establishment. I believe he has a very focused idea on the type of clientele he wishes to attract there and that may put off some judgmental types.

To me making a big deal out of some water is crazy. I know how water is viciously protected in Mex but keep in mind it was the hotel that originally brought it there 10 miles across the desert in the first place.

What this case really is about is total control of the area. That was pretty obvious when the beautiful 6 ft. chain link fence went up that stretched across the entire Sneak peninsula and the installation of a guard shack. Other things have gone on , some of which don't make any sense , like discouraging visitors by trying to close the camp beach and more recently the launch ramp. I can't help but wonder what is in store in the future for the property owners near the hotel.

I don't know what his intentions are either Russ. I doubt many do, and don't personally care nor am I willing to take any side, but all that leads to is speculation and thus rumor.

I do know that his "improvements" at least seemed to better PC

capt. mike - 6-5-2013 at 10:41 AM

glad i had good times there when Bill Alvarado owned it. Marceletti made nice physical improvements but i think otherwise ruined it. Sams stopped using it for a base.

monoloco - 6-5-2013 at 10:47 AM

Over the years since he's been there, I know several people who have tried to stay there or eat in the restaurant, and he's managed to drive them all away. A friend that lives there wanted to take some visiting friends there for dinner, and they wanted him to pay the full price in advance just to make a reservation.

KaceyJ - 6-5-2013 at 10:54 AM

Re: Punta Sneak

Russ , I know it wasn't too obvious but I was being facetious.

gallesram - 6-5-2013 at 11:18 AM

We actually had dinner there as non-guests and it was great; we just had to call to let them know we were coming over. Hard to beat the setting and the food was delicious. I was thinking of doing it again when we're down next week but now I'm not so sure given the turmoil going on.

Russ - 6-5-2013 at 11:35 AM

"termoil" Perfect word choice!

msteve1014 - 6-5-2013 at 11:57 AM

Everyone has their story about the change in the hotel over the years. If you were camped on the beach you used to be welcome. After the change we were never treated "cordial". Once when he was showing a couple of guests the beach, he told them he would be " getting rid of all those people " right in front of my camp. They were so embarassed by him that they came back later with some beers to tell us how they felt about the meeting. I will not miss him.

capt. mike - 6-5-2013 at 01:27 PM

Charles Barkley has just weighed in on this. He called the situation turrible.

Meany - 6-5-2013 at 03:44 PM

I dont know if anybody has noticed...but the Hotel Punta Chivato is listed for sale for $6 million dollars. His hotels in Loreto and la Paz are also for sale too...check out "" Im not sure who'd be willing to pay 6 mil for a hotel that doesnt make any money...but you never know.

Trueheart - 6-5-2013 at 04:37 PM

We've gone to that bar/restaurant/hotel on about 10 occasions in the last 6 years. Most of those were just to have margaritas and chips with salsa on the veranda. We did eat a meal (lunch) there about three years ago. It was very good. We have been invited to use their pool a couple of times, and did, no charge. Each time we were treated very well by the staff, welcoming actually, and we came away not only pleased but charmed by the experience. The view from that veranda is stunning. The staff shows the rooms off if you'll just ask to see them, and some at the far west end are spectacular. We've never seen many folks stay there however. Leads to questions about what is happening there from a revenue standpoint.

We've met the man only one time on our visits there. He was pleasant and gave me an extremely good exchange rate as I was paying with USD.

I'm not defending him in any way, just saying that we've had pleasant experiences there.

It's a fantastic property. So, while it doesn't make any $$$ the way he runs it apparently, the value of the real estate has got to be substantial. Some day someone will run it right and we will all see it get tremendous use.

gallesram - 6-17-2013 at 09:48 AM

We took our boat over to the hotel on Friday hoping to have some lunch & drinks. Place is totally locked up; pool is empty, looks pretty sad. We ended up walking over to the Hotelito and had a great lunch; the owner let us use the pool too even though we weren't guests. Cool little spot!


durrelllrobert - 6-17-2013 at 10:30 AM

Originally posted by Trueheart
We've never seen many folks stay there however. Leads to questions about what is happening there from a revenue standpoint.

BajaBlanca - 6-17-2013 at 03:09 PM

We actually had a nice breakfast there last February. The view is spectacular. Too bad for the employees that it has closed, i think some had worked there for a long time.