
Panga Sharing Fishing Group - La Paz

MitchMan - 10-4-2013 at 10:09 AM

I am interested in starting a “Panga Fishing Group” in La Paz for those who wish to fish more by spending less on panga fishing trips. Sharing a panga and splitting the cost two or three ways for a day’s fishing can dramatically cut the cost of panga fishing. The “Group” is really just a list of Nomads and the future dates that they are available to go fishing. Participation is completely voluntary and limited to active Nomad forum members only.

The way it works is one volunteer member of the group (to start, I hereby initially volunteer myself to get this Group stated) will maintain a ‘master list’ containing each member’s “availability” for future panga fishing trips. Each member can then request the list and then contact each other to set up a fishing trip. The list is held confidential to group members only…not to be distributed to anyone who is not already on the list.

To get the Group started, I propose an informal meeting next week (time and place TBD) at a local restaurant or bar for La Paz fisherman to meet and greet, have a few beers and tacos, and talk fishing.

Want to be a member? Come to the meet and greet and/or contact me by way of U2U. I will announce the time and place of the meeting by a future post in this thread and by U2U to those who have contacted me.

Remember, details of arrangements or actual fishing trips are not part of the list. All that stuff is strictly between the Group members themselves. Contact info like phone numbers and email addresses will not be on the list. However, Nomads are free to use U2U to get the contact going.

Let me know what you think. Anybody out there interested?

[Edited on 10-4-2013 by MitchMan]

durrelllrobert - 10-4-2013 at 10:41 AM

Hope you don't get too many members in your group :lol:

Jack Swords - 10-4-2013 at 12:27 PM

Lots of abandoned pangas up here in Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo, CA counties. Most have 3 motors, stuck up on the beaches. Seem pretty nice, cargo is gone.

jimgrms - 10-5-2013 at 07:49 AM

Originally posted by Jack Swords
Lots of abandoned pangas up here in Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo, CA counties. Most have 3 motors, stuck up on the beaches. Seem pretty nice, cargo is gone.

Wonder if the square grouper can be found floating around the area ??

Ateo - 10-5-2013 at 10:26 AM

THis is a great idea MitchMan. Wish I lived closer.

MitchMan - 10-5-2013 at 10:38 AM

Thanks, Ateo

The cost for going panga fishing for one day can be as high as $325 USD for one person. I usually pay no more than $150 USD for one person for one panga for the day out of Los Muertos with really experienced pangueros with 22 ft flat bed fiber glass pangas who always put me on fish (that includes the cost of bait, fileting, and tip for the panguero as well). Splitting that cost two ways or even 3 ways is a tremendous deal.

The math: Split the cost between two people = $75 USD per person; Share with two other guys = $50 USD per person. Man, that’s reflects huge savings.

Osprey - 10-5-2013 at 10:45 AM

A swingin' deal for everybody. I've done it a few times >>> pay a few more bucks for bait and gas and you can run the whole buoy line out to 88.

So maybe 3 guys split $180 bucks. Best deal on the planet -- chance to be in deep water where the tuna/marlin/sail run with a chance to catch dorado and wahoo as a bonus.

Alan - 10-6-2013 at 07:28 AM

I'm in!!

see my PM to you

capitolkat - 10-7-2013 at 09:40 AM

I wrote you a private message

Tony's will host anything to do with fishing

akmaxx - 10-7-2013 at 12:48 PM

Tony's would be happy to be your meeting point...(Pangas park right across the street). U2U me and I would be happy to help.

Tony's also offers "You Catch It - We Cook It" service if you are too tired at the end of your trip to deal with it and just want to relax and drink beer while your catch is prepared.

Can't get any simpler.


MitchMan - 10-7-2013 at 03:42 PM


I'll be contacting you by U2U shortly. I will be arriving in La Paz tomorrow to get the group under way. Meeting at Tony's has good potential.

captain4tuna - 10-8-2013 at 07:43 AM

Great idea.....Can we be on this list for when we're in La Paz

MitchMan - 10-8-2013 at 04:15 PM

Originally posted by captain4tuna
Great idea.....Can we be on this list for when we're in La Paz


If you are a Nomad on this forum, you certainly can be on the list. What you will need to do is contact me with your availability info sooner rather than later. The idea is for me to produce an active list of Nomads with their respective availability dates. These dates can be a year into the future. Not a problem.

Also, it goes without saying that future dates will often and frequently change as member circumstances often change. Again, not a problem. Just keep me informed when the changes occur, and, I expect many changes on an ongoing basis. Not a problem.

I have been contacted by several Nomads that have their own boats and would like to be members of the Panga Group to offer fishing trip spots on their boats in exchange for sharing costs for gas, bait, and marina launch fees and maybe lending a helping hand in the launch duties. Pretty darn good deal.

More to come.

[Edited on 10-8-2013 by MitchMan]

vandenberg - 10-8-2013 at 05:21 PM

Originally posted by MitchMan

I have been contacted by several Nomads that have their own boats and would like to be members of the Panga Group to offer fishing trip spots on their boats in exchange for sharing costs for gas, bait, and marina launch fees and maybe lending a helping hand in the launch duties.

[Edited on 10-8-2013 by MitchMan]

You may get yourself into some serious trouble with the local pangeros having gringo owned pangas sharing with outsider/visiting/tourist gringos.

Always have this problem here in Loreto.

Phil C - 10-8-2013 at 07:53 PM

I agree with Van, if you're going to form a "corprativo" best stick with the Mexican owned pangas, just makes sense.

MitchMan - 10-9-2013 at 06:21 AM

Vandenberg, Phil C,
Much appreciate the heads up. There is no intent for the Panga Sharing Group to either diminish or compete or interfere with the local panguero industry. If anything, it would be best to increase their business.

This Group is strictly limited to participation by Nomads only, that is to say expressly that this group both directly and indirectly is NOT available to "sharing with outsider/visiting/tourist gringos".

Furthermore, the group is not to be considered a "corprativo" in any formal sense. The Group's function is limited to facilitating Nomads in their communication with each other of their mutual availability to share costs for local panga fishing trips and not to steer business in any alternate or specific other direction.

MitchMan - 10-10-2013 at 02:42 PM

You don't have to have a home or perpetual presence in La Paz to participate in the group, all you have to have is "availability" to share a panga when you are in La Paz...whenever that is, be it on vacation or for whatever reason and no matter how short or infrequent your visits. Could be a one-time-thing. Not a problem.

To get a list, you have to be on the list with your future dates of availability; can be up to a year into the future.

I've gotten a lot of feed back and there is plenty of interest in the group.

Just got into La Paz last night. I was scheduled to be in La Paz on Tuesday, but Volaris lost my reservation and they were no help at all at the counter at the Tijuana airport. Had to buy brand new tickets to get here on Wednesday.

Looking to set the Meet and Greet for Tuesday next week (Oct 15, 2013) at 5pm (c-cktail hour).

No reason to wait for Tuesday's Meet and Greet to get on the list today. If you are interested, U2U me with your availability. All you have to do is tell me the future dates that you are available to go fishing and share a panga in La Paz.

For example, I am here in La Paz now and I am available to go fishing two or three times from this Saturday Oct 12, 2013 to Saturday Oct 19, 2013. I'll be back in La Paz January 7 thru January 21, 2014, then again in March 19 thru to March 28, 2014, and again May 27 thru to June 15, 2014. I'll be available for 2 to 4 fishing trips for each of those latter periods.

You can list your availability as I have done above, but it makes sense that your available period doesn't mean that you intend to fish every single day. When you know that you have scheduled all the actual fishing trips that you want, just U2U me to change or eliminate your dates off the list.

That simple.

[Edited on 10-10-2013 by MitchMan]

Mitch - Check your u2u.

akmaxx - 10-10-2013 at 02:50 PM

MitchMan - 10-11-2013 at 08:55 AM

For the Meet and Greet,
Send me a U2U to let me know if you intend to be there. I have it tentatively set for this Tuesday at 5 pm, but let me know if that works for you. I am going to Tony's on the Malecon to take a look at it for the Meet and Greet.

Also and FWIW, I am going fishing tomorrow and Monday out of Los Muertos. If anybody wants to split a panga, U2U me. I hear the Dorado are biting good.


[Edited on 10-11-2013 by MitchMan]

disagree with Van and Phil C

capitolkat - 10-12-2013 at 11:53 AM

I'm one of the guys with a boat in la Paz. it's a nice size boat, in a marina, and I just don't get to use it enough- so looking for locals who maybe want to share gas and fish maybe one day a week until the weather turns. The fair thing is to share gas if a fishing buddy goes out on my boat and that's all I ask. I'm not competing with locals as I'll not advertise, look for anyone to come to La Paz to go out- just some fishing buddies who want to hit the water and share costs.

It might have been a problem in Loreto as gringos who rent out their boats are in competition with a more cohesive co op. That's not me and sharing my boat with like minded local gringos, who might otherwise not go out just makes economic sense.

If it works out fine, as I'd like to have some local fishing friends, who have good senses of humor, like to fish, and are willing to share gas expenses. If not that's OK too. Norm

monoloco - 10-12-2013 at 12:10 PM

Originally posted by capitolkat
I'm one of the guys with a boat in la Paz. it's a nice size boat, in a marina, and I just don't get to use it enough- so looking for locals who maybe want to share gas and fish maybe one day a week until the weather turns. The fair thing is to share gas if a fishing buddy goes out on my boat and that's all I ask. I'm not competing with locals as I'll not advertise, look for anyone to come to La Paz to go out- just some fishing buddies who want to hit the water and share costs.

It might have been a problem in Loreto as gringos who rent out their boats are in competition with a more cohesive co op. That's not me and sharing my boat with like minded local gringos, who might otherwise not go out just makes economic sense.

If it works out fine, as I'd like to have some local fishing friends, who have good senses of humor, like to fish, and are willing to share gas expenses. If not that's OK too. Norm
I agree, there is absolutely no law against friends sharing expenses to go fishing on a foreign owned boat. I have heard the complaint from the Loreto fishermen, but I don't know if they're being cry babies because there aren't enough tourists to support their industry or if there really is a big problem with gringos arranging off the books charters for profit. I know that we have got the stink eye from the Loreto fishermen while fishing with a friend from San Nicolas. If anyone ever wants to brave the surf in a tin boat, I'd be happy to take them out here in the Pacific, or maybe trade trips with someone who has a boat in La Paz or Los Muertos.

[Edited on 10-12-2013 by monoloco]

Mula - 10-12-2013 at 12:19 PM

If the officials think you are taking work away from the locals, you could lose your boat, motor, gear, etc.

Make sure you know the people you are taking out and are friends and that they have fishing licenses.

Once accused, you are fighting an uphill battle to prove the officials wrong in Mexico and maybe get your stuff back. . .

Just sayin'. . . .

monoloco - 10-12-2013 at 12:42 PM

Originally posted by Mula
If the officials think you are taking work away from the locals, you could lose your boat, motor, gear, etc.

Make sure you know the people you are taking out and are friends and that they have fishing licenses.

Once accused, you are fighting an uphill battle to prove the officials wrong in Mexico and maybe get your stuff back. . .

Just sayin'. . . .
Good advice Mula. I certainly don't condone people who are doing under the table charters, but if you own a boat you have the legal right to take anyone out as long as you're not charging them for the privilege.

DianaT - 10-12-2013 at 12:53 PM

Originally posted by monoloco
Originally posted by Mula
If the officials think you are taking work away from the locals, you could lose your boat, motor, gear, etc.

Make sure you know the people you are taking out and are friends and that they have fishing licenses.

Once accused, you are fighting an uphill battle to prove the officials wrong in Mexico and maybe get your stuff back. . .

Just sayin'. . . .
Good advice Mula. I certainly don't condone people who are doing under the table charters, but if you own a boat you have the legal right to take anyone out as long as you're not charging them for the privilege.

Taking friends out fishing seems like a very reasonable thing and if they share some of the costs, well that is just being a good friend. We have heard complaints from fishing guides, but then again, we have heard complaints about people who allow people to stay in their homes for free saying it takes away from the rental owners. :biggrin:

On the legitimate side of the complainers, we have known people who are working and even running corporations and businesses who do not have the proper immigration papers for working. Many get away with it, but they are running the risk of big trouble if someone complains. And the complaints would be legitimate.

friends sharing

capitolkat - 10-12-2013 at 01:30 PM

I'm baffled here- a few months back I came back from a day on the water and was having a beer in the restaurant at the marina. A fellow and his son were there and the talk turned to boats, fishing, and he said his boat was having problems with the fuel pump and the mechanic couldn't get to it until the next week. we talked a little more and since my wife didn't want to go out the next day, maybe he did?? Sure and we'll share the gas-- crime committed?? I made no money- I didn't go looking to share my boat , he got to fish when he thought it was out.

I know a couple of local Mexican workers who sometime do work for me. They all like to fish. Their economic circumstances are different from mine, so I ask them go out with me - no sharing of costs, we split the fish. They certainly didn't go rent a panga so did something illegal happen in either case.

I've got a couple of neighbors who are sometimes fishermen, not really into it but a couple of times a year they ask to go out and they share the gas and bait costs, and we split the fish. They didn't hire any local pangero-so is there a lost opportunity they could claim??

I think a lot of folks look under the bed for boogiemen when there really is nothing but innocent friendly sharing going on. But, to avoid anyone getting the wrong idea-- if anyone is interested contact me offline, we'll share a beer, talk fishing, become friends, and I'll be glad to take my friend fishing. Norm

Alan - 10-13-2013 at 01:18 PM

Do we have a date, time and location to at least get together, have a beer and swap lies?

MitchMan - 10-13-2013 at 04:34 PM

Panga Sharing Meet and Greet" is firm for Tuesday at 5pm October 15, 2013 at Tony's on the Malecon.

I tend to agree with capitolkat as he described his views on the matter of sharing gas cost to go on his boat for a fishing trip.

It seems to me that sharing one's boat does not represent entering into competition for income with pangueros for many reasons. There is no profit in what capitolkat is proposing. There is no competing advertising, there is no profit at all in only sharing the variable cost of a trip such as gasoline as opposed to the charge that pangueros get which not only includes 100% coverage for all variable cost such as maintenance and repair, docking or marina fees in addition to 100% of gasoline but also 100% coverage for fixed costs like licensing, and depreciation for the boat, the motor and accessories plus a significant element for profit. Capitolkat is only asking to share in the gasoline cost.

As to what is considered true business activity, there is no comparison. I am sure that the Hacienda wouldn't and couldn't call what capitolkat is proposing as business that requires income reporting. Even the IRS considers activity that doesn't produce profits as a "hobby" and then denies that ostensible business any loss deductions against other income.

It is a slippery slope and a stretch to take the position that sharing gas on a fishing trip constitutes competition to the business activities of pangueros. I mean, there are many things that can "take work away from locals (i.e. pangueros)" such as football games on TV, going to Church, going surfing and everybody chipping in to pay for gas for the trip, or buying your own panga and using that to go fishing instead of paying a panguero. How about buying your own vacation home instead of going to hotels, or even allowing acquaintances and friends and extended family to stay at your vacation home in Mexico? What about having a pot luck dinner at your baja house; would all these things be considered by officials as "taking work away from locals (i.e. hotels and restaurants)"? If it does, then all I can say is there is no cure for unreasonableness where it exists, and how someone deals with unreasonableness is up to each individual.

[Edited on 10-13-2013 by MitchMan]

[Edited on 10-15-2013 by MitchMan]

Tony´s Malecon La Paz on Facebook

akmaxx - 10-14-2013 at 03:04 PM

If you friend Tony´s Malecon La Paz on Facebook you will get an idea of where the meeting is. Right next door to the only OXXO on the Malecon and very close to the Hotel Perla (about 200 ft. North) with a big blue tri-maran on the water in front.

We have plenty of inside seating with a view so it doesn't matter if it is raining (a couple of full tables now enjoying the rain and happy hour dark draft beers).

Green go

EdZeranski - 10-15-2013 at 01:59 PM


You may get yourself into some serious trouble with the local pangeros having gringo owned pangas sharing with outsider/visiting/tourist gringos.

Always have this problem here in Loreto.

We fish with an independent guy from Colonia Zaragossa, have for years, but remember a while back when the economy tanked cutting back visitors. Locals accused the gringos of under cutting them by taking out friends. Sam whoo-haw about renting or loaning out your house.

EdZ Colonia Zaragossa

FWIW The meeting was a success

akmaxx - 10-15-2013 at 05:08 PM

A great informal way to meet friends who share your love of fishing.

Kudos to Mitch for setting up this meeting and I hope to see another meeting soon with even more (there were eight for the first) people looking to meet like minded folk.


[Edited on 10-16-2013 by akmaxx]

Alan - 10-15-2013 at 06:56 PM

Any time we get Nomads together it is a good time.

MitchMan - 10-16-2013 at 09:51 AM

The Panga Sharing Group meeting was a success. Thanks to all the Nomads who were there and thanks to Tony´s for their attentive service.

The list of Nomads wanting to share a panga with other Nomads is up and running.

To get the List, you have to be on the list.

To get on the list you need to send me a U2U with your availability dates out into the future. Your dates can cover any time in the next rolling 12 months. After that, you can request a list anytime and I will send it to you.

I shared a panga this past Saturday and we caught our limit of Dorado. Sharing cut our cost in half for each of us. I am going out again this Friday. Any Nomad want to spit the panga with me, just U2U me.

Costs for panga fishing can be anywhere from $120 USD to $375 USD...depends who you go out with and where. Splitting those prices is quite a savings. I always go out on pangas at the lower end...have for years. Now, I will fish more and am willing to spend more to fish more. I am on a budget.

I quit golfing when the prices went crazy. They are not getting any more of my money.

The Group will not and shall not be connected to any private profit making by Nomad boat owners or any other non-panguero boat owners.

The effect of the group sharing will actually increase business and revenues for the pangueros as they will now get business from those who have refrained from fishing due to cost considerations. That money will now be spent on pangueros. Simple supply and demand Economcis 101.

See you on the water.

[Edited on 10-16-2013 by MitchMan]

Lo siento, K F'n Lastima

EdZeranski - 10-16-2013 at 08:04 PM


On the legitimate side of the complainers, we have known people who are working and even running corporations and businesses who do not have the proper immigration papers for working. Many get away with it, but they are running the risk of big trouble if someone complains. And the complaints would be legitimate.

Darn! Don't we have about 20 million in the US, mostly from mexico (small m), pulling that crap daily...doing crimes Americans just won't do???