
Stayin Legal in BCS

boe4fun - 12-2-2013 at 05:33 PM

I just read in the latest Chubasco Magazine from the Vagabundos del Mar travel club that if you're planning on fishing from a boat in Mexico waters within 23 miles from land you'll need an FMM for fishing boats (a cost of $295 Pesos, valid for 180 days/single entry) . The FMM's for land or air entries into Mexico will not be adequate for fishing. The Mexican Officials have created a website (in Spanish) to process these fishing boat FMM's online at:
So I guess to stay legal and fish from my boat in Bahia Asuncion I will need: 1).An FMM for land entry into Mexico (valid for 180 days at about $240 pesos last time I checked). 2). A TIP for my boat, 3). A Mexican fishing license for myself and all passengers on board, 4). A wrist band for the biosphere for any passenger on board, and 5). A fishing boat FMM for anybody fishing on board. Is it just me, or does this seem like bureaucratic overkill?

vgabndo - 12-2-2013 at 05:44 PM

I didn't read it that way, and can't imagine that duplicate visas would ever be required. From the paragraph below:

In the same email, the head of the boat must attach proof of payment of fees for immigration services, as appropriate, in accordance with the total number of foreigners who will enter national waters aboard the boat. This payment can be made ​​individually or collectively, by accessing the website: .

INCLUDES THIS: "...enter national waters aboard the boat."

I think a terrestrial FMM is gonna' do fine. You aren't going to drive that skiff from the States, right? :lol:

[Edited on 12-3-2013 by vgabndo]

Bajahowodd - 12-2-2013 at 05:59 PM

Thanks for my Fox News moment, DK.:biggrin:

David K - 12-2-2013 at 05:59 PM

Oh, do they report the truth, too? How refreshing!

shari - 12-2-2013 at 08:10 PM

I thought this was for anglers who enter Mexico on a sportfishing the long range boats from San it?

mtgoat666 - 12-2-2013 at 08:12 PM

Originally posted by David K
More government and less freedom (money in our pockets) seems to be in fashion..

Always entertaining when nomads talk fashion, such a sartorial bunch! With Xmas coming the mailbox is full of clothing catalogs,... I was observing that down vests are back in style (actually, they seem to have been in style for several years running) reminds me of the 1970s, but the vests are a bit less "puffy".

Dk, don't worry, you are still free to wear cargo shorts!

churro - 12-2-2013 at 08:25 PM

Originally posted by shari
I thought this was for anglers who enter Mexico on a sportfishing the long range boats from San it?

Thats how i understand it Shari... If you go on a multi day fishing trip from H & M Landing in San Diego into Mexican waters , they charge you $73.00 plus $2.00 per day. They call it a "Mexican Excursion Fee" ... I think the fee includes the cost of the FMM and fishing license... before you only had to pay for the licence

woody with a view - 12-2-2013 at 08:25 PM

it is meant for anglers entering Mex by boats. previously, they would get on the 3/4 day boats and fish the Coronado Islands and go home. Mex wants them to get FMM to be in the country. the landings sell the FMM's (or did!).

don't worry Pablito, just go fishing with the other 5lbs of doucments. 1 FMM is enough.

Bajaboy - 12-2-2013 at 09:36 PM

Originally posted by David K
More government and less freedom (money in our pockets) seems to be in fashion... That is until they run out of other people's money (and destroy the local economies).

vgabndo - 12-2-2013 at 10:45 PM

"...on board a vessel intended solely for the personal pleasure of their owners or possessors, without pursuing profit."

I don't know Shari, this is a Google translation of the introduction to the regulation in the link that Paul posted. It doesn't sound like a long range boat to me. There must be another law?

Si usted es extranjero y desea ingresar a Territorio Nacional vía marítima, con fines recreativos, deportivos, de descanso o para la práctica de alguna actividad acuático recreativa y que se encuentre a bordo de una embarcación destinada exclusivamente al placer personal de sus propietarios o poseedores, sin perseguir fines de lucro.

vgabndo - 12-2-2013 at 11:05 PM

Here you go Zack...

it-is-obamas-fault.jpg - 26kB

shari - 12-3-2013 at 07:02 AM

Originally posted by vgabndo
"...on board a vessel intended solely for the personal pleasure of their owners or possessors, without pursuing profit."

Si usted es extranjero y desea ingresar a Territorio Nacional vía marítima, con fines recreativos, deportivos, de descanso o para la práctica de alguna actividad acuático recreativa y que se encuentre a bordo de una embarcación destinada exclusivamente al placer personal de sus propietarios o poseedores, sin perseguir fines de lucro.

this law applies to people entering Mexico from the water like sailors, cruisers, long range sportfishers etc...the key word is Maritime...meaning entering via water. I think this is fair and long overdue...visitors to Mexico need a visa to be here...period.

monoloco - 12-3-2013 at 07:22 AM

Originally posted by shari
Originally posted by vgabndo
"...on board a vessel intended solely for the personal pleasure of their owners or possessors, without pursuing profit."

Si usted es extranjero y desea ingresar a Territorio Nacional vía marítima, con fines recreativos, deportivos, de descanso o para la práctica de alguna actividad acuático recreativa y que se encuentre a bordo de una embarcación destinada exclusivamente al placer personal de sus propietarios o poseedores, sin perseguir fines de lucro.

this law applies to people entering Mexico from the water like sailors, cruisers, long range sportfishers etc...the key word is Maritime...meaning entering via water. I think this is fair and long overdue...visitors to Mexico need a visa to be here...period.
Exactly! I wonder what the reglas for a Mexican sport fishing operator entering US waters to fish would look like.

gnukid - 12-3-2013 at 07:22 AM

Originally posted by boe4fun
I just read in the latest Chubasco Magazine from the Vagabundos del Mar travel club that if you're planning on fishing from a boat in Mexico waters within 23 miles from land you'll need an FMM for fishing boats (a cost of $295 Pesos, valid for 180 days/single entry) . The FMM's for land or air entries into Mexico will not be adequate for fishing. The Mexican Officials have created a website (in Spanish) to process these fishing boat FMM's online at:
So I guess to stay legal and fish from my boat in Bahia Asuncion I will need: 1).An FMM for land entry into Mexico (valid for 180 days at about $240 pesos last time I checked). 2). A TIP for my boat, 3). A Mexican fishing license for myself and all passengers on board, 4). A wrist band for the biosphere for any passenger on board, and 5). A fishing boat FMM for anybody fishing on board. Is it just me, or does this seem like bureaucratic overkill?

A wrist band for the biosphere for any passenger on board or entering from land is voluntary, there is no law requiring participation in Biosphere programs and no one can block your access. Beware of people claiming to work for Biosphere requesting fees.

shari - 12-3-2013 at 08:07 AM

I believe the Biosphere Reserve bracelets are required only if in I do know that if our passengers dont have them, the Reserve can cancel our permits to operate...which is why our clients are required to have them.

boe4fun - 12-3-2013 at 10:38 AM

It's all soooooooo confusing...

durrelllrobert - 12-3-2013 at 12:10 PM

Originally posted by vgabndo
"...on board a vessel intended solely for the personal pleasure of their owners or possessors, without pursuing profit."

I don't know Shari, this is a Google translation of the introduction to the regulation in the link that Paul posted. It doesn't sound like a long range boat to me. There must be another law?

Si usted es extranjero y desea ingresar a Territorio Nacional vía marítima, con fines recreativos, deportivos, de descanso o para la práctica de alguna actividad acuático recreativa y que se encuentre a bordo de una embarcación destinada exclusivamente al placer personal de sus propietarios o poseedores, sin perseguir fines de lucro.

Doesn't even sound like it has anything to do with fishing. I'm sure that a " vessel intended solely for the personal pleasure of their owners" usually alludes to something else. :lol::lol:

dasubergeek - 12-3-2013 at 12:50 PM

Nothing at all about the kind of boat, only that it not be for-profit. It sounds like exactly the same FMM you get if you land at Ensenada (the one where they don't like giving it to people who drove over), only done electronically. Now, if only they could do this for other ways of entering the country so you wouldn't have to stop at the border!

Also, I put the translation (my own, not an automatic online translation) below... notice it does not mention that it's only for BCS.


If you are a foreigner and you wish to enter the National Territory via maritime methods, for recreational, sporting, or leisure purposes, or for the practice of any recreational aquatic activity, and which is carried out on board a vessel destined exclusively for the personal pleasure of its owners or possessors, and not for profit, it's never been so easy!


1. The commanders of these vessels must remit to the INM information about the arrival in and departure from the country, along with the list of people aboard, in the format established for that purpose and which is published at the following electronic address: <website>

2. The file generated must be sent to the following e-mail box: <e-mail>, which corresponds to the Local Delegation of the INM in Ensenada, Baja California.

3. In the same e-mail, the commander of the vessel must attach the corresponding fee payment receipt for immigration services, according to the total number of foreigners who will enter national waters on board the vessel. This payment can be made individually or collectively by accessing the Internet page <website>.

4. The fee to be paid will be that established in Article 8, Section I of the Federal Fee Law, which specifies the tariff of $295.00 (two hundred ninety-five pesos and 00/100) for each foreigner.

5. The INM will inform the remitter, via e-mail, the authorization for the trip or the prohibition to enter of any person who intends to enter national waters on board said vessel.

6. In the authorization e-mail, the INM will award a visa status of Visitor Without Permission To Carry Out Lucrative Activities for the duration requested, which shall not exceed 180 days and shall not allow multiple entries or exits, and will send a copy of the acknowledgement to the Marine Secretary and the Communications and Transport Secretary.

[Edited on 12-3-2013 by dasubergeek]

This is interesting

bajaguy - 12-3-2013 at 01:10 PM

6. In the authorization e-mail, the INM will award a visa status of Visitor........for the duration requested, which shall not exceed 180 days and shall not allow multiple entries or exits............

This seems to clarify the single or multiple entry question for the "entry by land" visa


neilm81301 - 12-3-2013 at 04:12 PM

think I'll just stay on the shore and surf fish.

BajaRat - 12-3-2013 at 06:05 PM

Originally posted by bajaguy
6. In the authorization e-mail, the INM will award a visa status of Visitor........for the duration requested, which shall not exceed 180 days and shall not allow multiple entries or exits............

This seems to clarify the single or multiple entry question for the "entry by land" visa

Let's go fishin Paul :cool: