
The FamGurp Fire Fund

SiReNiTa - 1-19-2014 at 04:12 PM

Hello everyone, as some of you may know, our dear friend's camper was burned down by some inconsiderate criminal. They've lost everything they spent 4 years bringing down/building up so they could have a home in Bahia Asuncion. This was devastating news of course.

I've recently started my Scentsy business as an escential consultant, so instead of reaching my goals and getting the commissions for myself, I've set up an online fundraising scentsy party where all of the commissions from all of the sales in that party will go to Michelle, Lionel, Erin & Tristan.
Michelle also has her own Scentsy business, for people shopping in the U.S.A. But if you want to order something that will arrive directly to your home in Mexico, knowing that all commissions go to the FamGurp Fire Fund, please don't hesitate. Every single cent counts so that these amazing people and dear friends of mine can rebuild their lives down in Baja.
Here is the link to my Scentsy website and the party link. Make sure the party that is selected is The FamGurp Fire Fund.

I know they would do the same if it were me in time of need^-^
Thank you all before hand!

Bajaboy - 1-19-2014 at 04:40 PM

Sirena, that is really thoughtful of you. Nice gesture. The whole deal seems a bit surreal...the fire that is...and really, really sucks!

SiReNiTa - 1-19-2014 at 04:42 PM

It does really really suck. I can't imagine how it one deserves to loose a home like that. Because even if it was a camper and they only spent a little itme in it every few months, it was still their home away from home, with memories and stuff...
I just hope this helps, even if it's just a bit ^-^

DianaT - 1-19-2014 at 04:56 PM

That sucks! The pictures are awful. Besides being just horrible for Michele and family, it is awful for the community. We never worried about leaving our place.

It is a nice thing you are doing Sirena, a very nice thing.

If someone does not wish to purchase something, but wishes to make a donation to help them rebuild, check this out.

Go Fund

You can use your name or not. Hopefully, this will just be a set-back and they can continue to pursue their dream.

[Edited on 1-20-2014 by DianaT]

bajafam - 1-21-2014 at 10:03 AM

hey all ~ first of all, thank you to Sirenita, always there for us, much love, my dear, dear friend.

Second, I was hesitant to post in here, as I have a hard time asking for help and much prefer being on the giving end. However, I've never had to deal with anything this heartbreaking, and the entire situation is compounded by the fact that we are over 1000 miles away.

We are blessed to have good friends in Asuncion, that have kept us as up to date as possible about the whole thing, and we will continue to do what we can, as we can. Unfortunately, we aren't in a position to rush back to BA and start from scratch. We just don't have the resources. It took us nearly four years to accumulate what we did have, and now all of it is gone. It's one thing to hear over the phone that your beloved home is gone, but to see pictures, it was absolutely devastating. I'm not looking forward to seeing her in person, I know that will crush me.

She was a good, strong home, a precious part of our lives and forever sealed in our memories. Many of you here even shared a beer or two from her frosty fridge, in her cool shade.

Thank you to Shari, for documenting her demise. As painful as it is, she received her Viking Burial. :(

If anyone is able to help us out, even with just a buck or two, please take Sirenita up on her Scentsy offer, or as Diana posted, we have a GoFund page.

With a little help from our friends, we will Rise From the Ashes....and begin our Baja dream again.

mcfez - 1-21-2014 at 01:32 PM

Wow! This is a real bummer. At least this did not happen while your family were sleeping in it.........

Let me add that these folks have a GREAT blog that is worth the time to read.

[Edited on 1-21-2014 by mcfez]

bajafam - 1-21-2014 at 01:47 PM

From the bottom of my heart, to the depths of my soul, thank you....everyone. I can feel the support and love from just your thoughts, can feel the burden of grief lifting as you read our story and see our lovely Matilda in all her glory. It's amazing how something so simple, something so seemingly insignificant can make you feel so terribly sad.

"it's just stuff, they say. it's just stuff.
it's just things, they say. just things.
but when the stuff is present in every single memory of that place, that time, it becomes more than stuff, more than things. it's part of an intricately woven dream, a tight web of hope and love and peace and happiness....and now it's gone.
she may not have been a person, but she had a soul, a blessed soul that we were fortunate enough to see, to feel, to breathe in. she wrapped her walls around us, and kept us safe and warm. she was our womb on the beach, our mothership in a foreign land. she was our home, our heaven on earth, our happy place.
you may be ashes and rubble to some, stuff and things to others, but to us, you were and will always be our friend, our sister."

rts551 - 1-21-2014 at 02:47 PM

since this was arson, was the "criminal" caught and can he/she pay for damages?

bajafam - 1-21-2014 at 03:25 PM

the suspect has been apprehended, whether we would ever see restitution is something that can only be determined by time. I highly doubt it, and my only hope is that he will spend time in prison so that this won't happen to anyone else.

rts551 - 1-21-2014 at 03:53 PM

From what I have seen with burglars in our area, the requirement for restitution from the family happens quiet often.

bajafam - 1-21-2014 at 04:21 PM

and it may, indeed. However, right now, we are only hoping for justice, that he serves time, that this doesn't happen to anyone else. It's difficult enough being 1000 miles away, having to deal with it by proxy. I don't wish to be a burden on his family, if there is family in the village, I don't know. It is not their responsibility, and therefore not my desire to make them pay. The investigation is really just beginning, and since I have no prior experience with how the law and criminal investigations work in Mexico, we are just doing all that we can to provide information and documentation; all the while praying for the best. It's really all we can do at this point.

bajafam - 1-22-2014 at 04:32 PM


David K - 1-22-2014 at 05:24 PM

I am so sad and shocked at this act against such wonderful people as 'bajafam', whom I have had the pleasure of meeting Lionel and the family at Mama Espinoza's and Baja Cactus.

They so wanted to be a part of the Bahia Asuncion community and it is hard to imagine that anyone the 'Amigo Country' would harbor such hate to do this?

Thank you Sirenita for all that you do!

bajafam - 1-22-2014 at 06:19 PM

I don't think it was done in "hate". I truly don't feel that way, at all. It sucks, whatever the circumstances.

David K - 1-22-2014 at 06:29 PM

It wasn't done out of love...

Great attitude you have Lionel, and I wish you guys a speedy recovery to your losses.

The Viking connection is great, by-the-way!

tiotomasbcs - 1-22-2014 at 06:37 PM

Amigos, Stay Strong, Be Strong! Your property on the bay is beautiful and that is Yours! I've experienced your resiliency and strength so I know you will succeed! Stan would want you to kick ass! Give Peace and know this is not a normal occurence in your Pueblo. Tecate stock is Up so give your Best, ha,ha! Hope to see you this summer and share the Onda! Lionel, keep the Cerveza cold! Su Amigo, Tomas.

bajafam - 1-22-2014 at 06:38 PM

It's Michelle, actually :)
and I guess what I meant is that I don't think whoever did it was all, "I hate this family!!". I think it was stupid and careless, maybe even accidental. I'll probably never know, but I can't dwell on thinking that someone in our town, where we have been welcomed with open arms and hearts, and where we give all we can, hates us. That's all.

tiotomasbcs - 1-22-2014 at 06:44 PM

Amiga, Michelle, that's not happening. Roberto and familia et al Love you guys! The major Problema in all our Pueblos is amethAmphetamines! Stay strong and know you are loved! Tomas

DianaT - 1-22-2014 at 07:00 PM

Originally posted by tiotomasbcs
Amiga, Michelle, that's not happening. Roberto and familia et al Love you guys! The major Problema in all our Pueblos is amethAmphetamines! Stay strong and know you are loved! Tomas

From all I have heard, it sounds like Michele is correct that it was drugs and not hate. And from what I am hearing, many in the community are really upset this happened as it is NOT who they are.

Move forward and you will rebuild your dream.

[Edited on 1-23-2014 by DianaT]

mcfez - 1-22-2014 at 10:45 PM

bajafam plan to replace with another RV or trailer? There are lots of great deals on trailers on the Cortez side.......

boe4fun - 1-23-2014 at 09:13 AM

Michelle, Lionel, and kinder, Shelley and I are in Poway for the last few and next few days to help with the grand-boys. How shocked we were to hear of your situation and your loss. We send much love and positive energy your way.

bajafam - 1-23-2014 at 10:18 AM

Originally posted by mcfez
bajafam plan to replace with another RV or trailer? There are lots of great deals on trailers on the Cortez side.......

That is the plan, though it may take longer than we hoped. We'd like to get another just like Matilda, but she's a rare breed. Not many 73 Superiors out there :(

In the meantime, we keep going back and forth in the stages of grief. Tuesday was a good day full of hope, yesterday, another crushing blow, and today...well, I feel like I'm drowning.

Thanks again for everyone's well wishes....

bajafam - 1-25-2014 at 03:59 PM

Hi Friends ~ another day passes....
We've started making a list of items that were lost in the fire, which is proving to be almost as difficult as seeing the pictures of the fire itself.
If anyone would like to donate any items to us, please U2U me for the list. If you'd like to join in on the fundraising event I have going on Facebook, please click this link and come on over! I've got auctions, shopping, and much more going on....all in the name of helping us get back on our Baja dream!!

bajafam - 2-3-2014 at 04:56 PM

Our daughter has just one wish. Can you help her??

Sis has been a basket case since she heard the news. She wept openly and with such deep sadness when she saw the pictures. I don't know how she is processing it all, but I know she's taking it very hard. We remind each other that our family is safe, and that it's okay to be sad. I wish she didn't have to feel such raw emotion at such a young age.

She came up with a plan to help us all heal, and I want to share it with you all, so that you can share it with the world, because I think it's simply beautiful. She has been wanting her own sewing machine, has been saving her money and now she has enough to buy it, and she has been wanting to quilt. Her idea? Have people from around the world send her fire department tee shirts, and tee shirt with fire related themes so that we can make a tee shirt quilt from them for each of our beds in our new Baja home. Her hope? That the love sent from everyone in the form of their tee shirts, will keep us warm and help us heal, and that we will always be comforted by the love of family, friends and strangers when we need it the most.

As you may know, her Daddy is a firefighter, and I do believe he may be taking it harder than anyone else. Of course, he internalizes it and puts up a brave front. He is our rock. But, I know that the fact that he fights fires for a living, that he helps others in their time of need, and yet, he wasn't able to help us, has shattered him. I think that an outpouring of love and friendship from the fire community would do his heart good as well.

So, if you would be so kind as to grant a sweet 8 year old's wish, to bring healing and hope back to her family's hearts through a simple donation of a fire tee shirt, please send one her way. I promise to take pictures of the progress and the final results. And if there are too many shirts, we'll make extras to give to other children that are the victims of fire loss. Please share this post and her wish far and wide!
If you'd like to help, please send the shirts to ~ Erin VanGurp
PO BOX 401
Pinetop, AZ 85935

BajaLuna - 2-4-2014 at 02:48 PM

Wow so saddened to hear about the fire, So very sorry for your loss.

May the heartbeat of the land hold you and your family and support you all as you transition through this.

Your daughter is an amazing little girl, a wise old soul!

Sending healing thoughts your way!

BajaBlanca - 2-4-2014 at 06:46 PM

I don't know how I missed seeing this post .... I am so sorry for your suffering.

However, one must move on and pick up the pieces, so, I have stuff to donate when you are ready:

Dishes, silverware, kitchen utensils and more.

bajafam - 2-4-2014 at 09:47 PM

Many thanks Blanca!! We will definitely be coming to visit this summer.

BajaBlanca - 2-5-2014 at 11:36 AM

So, i started separating some stuff and I found a small but perfect rice cooker, so it already went into the box!

bajafam - 2-5-2014 at 07:32 PM

You're awesome!

BajaLuna - 2-5-2014 at 08:00 PM

and we have some stuff we can pass along to you as well. We are just over the hill from your place there. Next time we are there I will box some things up for you and put them in the garage!

bajafam - 2-6-2014 at 11:42 AM

many thanks, Luna!!

Kgryfon - 2-6-2014 at 06:01 PM

Wonderful sentiment in your daughter's idea! But...I think it will be hard for her to make a quilt out of t-shirt material. The fabric rolls up and in small sections like in a quilt it will be difficult to work with. Since she is a new seamstress you might consider a different kind of fabric to work with so she is successful. Or, get some of that magic web stuff to iron/bond the t-shirt fabric onto cotton fabric. Best of luck!

bajafam - 2-7-2014 at 04:47 PM

It's an experiment. I've seen many tee shirt quilts made (and there are even some places you can send the shirts and they make the quilt for you) and I know it may prove difficult, but that's okay :) We are in this for the togetherness and healing. We aren't planning to enter any shows!

Here's a cool web site that breaks it down step-by-step, and it looks pretty simple (haha!!) ~

She received her first package today from Doc Rey! Thanks so much, sir!! She was tickled.

Kgryfon - 2-7-2014 at 05:25 PM

After I posted I clicked on your link and saw a sample - yes, very cool! Maybe I'm just projecting my own difficulties working with knits! :lol: Best of luck to you all!

DocRey - 2-7-2014 at 05:42 PM


bajafam - 2-9-2014 at 06:29 PM

Please forgive me for bumping this to the top, but I know a lot of people haven't seen or read it. We appreciate everyone's help, with whatever you can give... tee shirts for Sis, donations to the fund (, and we have a list of items that we lost if anyone would like to donate anything there....please U2U me for the list.

Thanks again, amigos!!

bajafam - 3-17-2014 at 05:31 PM

Looks like we are the butt of the joke in crazy town.


coolhand - 3-19-2014 at 12:47 AM

Not to be an A-hole.... But it is a "second home". I mean, they are not homeless, right? And if this is a second home, shame on them for taking donations!!!! Their are plenty who need a primary "shelter" to keep them alive!

mtgoat666 - 3-19-2014 at 02:40 AM

Originally posted by bajafam
Looks like we are the butt of the joke in crazy town.


Well, there is some humor in people seeking charity to finance their vacation home :lol:

norte - 3-19-2014 at 09:16 AM

People who would never think about begging on a street corner have no problem on the internet. Whole web sited devoted to begging. What I dont understand is the people who are begging to benefit school kids on the one hand but donating their own stuff to furnish a vacation home. Why wasn't the stuff given to the school kids in need?

what ever. Its a different world.

BajaBlanca - 3-19-2014 at 12:31 PM


speading the fun is all. there is enough for everyone norte (((: The school I teach at needs pencils pens notebooks rulers erasers

the stuff I am more than happy to donate to the family are plates and rice makers, cups and glasses - not new and certainly not needed by the school

I wish I could explain better. If we all did a little to make others' lives better, this would truly be a spectacular world.

and interesting take that anyone would call it internet begging - I see it as posing a need and I have openly asked for help all my life -someone to babysit the kids, someone to cook when I was ill, someone to drive the kids to school when I had a meeting......guilty guilty guilty. And in return I have taken many a friend to the hospital in the middle of the night or what ever.

at any rate, I did put together a nice little care package and it is waiting for the bajafam to visit (((:

[Edited on 3-19-2014 by BajaBlanca]

MrAdamas - 3-19-2014 at 12:34 PM

Originally posted by bajafam
Many thanks Blanca!! We will definitely be coming to visit this summer.

How can you afford the gas money to get down there?

mcfez - 3-19-2014 at 01:11 PM

No are not. Less than a few...actually reads their dog poop lies and slander. Stop going there!

Originally posted by bajafam
Looks like we are the butt of the joke in crazy town.


norte - 3-19-2014 at 01:16 PM

I am sure you mean well but I'll stand by my statement. Maybe those things should go to deserving students.

Originally posted by BajaBlanca

speading the fun is all. there is enough for everyone norte (((: The school I teach at needs pencils pens notebooks rulers erasers

the stuff I am more than happy to donate to the family are plates and rice makers, cups and glasses - not new and certainly not needed by the school

I wish I could explain better. If we all did a little to make others' lives better, this would truly be a spectacular world.

and interesting take that anyone would call it internet begging - I see it as posing a need and I have openly asked for help all my life -someone to babysit the kids, someone to cook when I was ill, someone to drive the kids to school when I had a meeting......guilty guilty guilty. And in return I have taken many a friend to the hospital in the middle of the night or what ever.

at any rate, I did put together a nice little care package and it is waiting for the bajafam to visit (((:

[Edited on 3-19-2014 by BajaBlanca]

DianaT - 3-19-2014 at 01:52 PM

Internet begging I divide into a few categories. JMHO, -- I have no problem with the first three. The fourth one, well...........

1. Those who really are asking for some heartfelt help when in need. The help thy neighbor types. And yes, there is ALWAYS someone worse off.

2. Those asking for help for people and causes in their community; worthy causes or activities.

3. Those who request that someone help them out by delivering something from the states and immediately, if not before, pay for the item or items requested.

4. Those who request many things from everyone coming their way and know that they will probably not have to pay for their personal items. They take advantage of the good and generous nature of other people. They like to brag about how they scored.

Not sure the label of begging should be applied to the first three. I see those as requests for help. :biggrin:

[Edited on 3-19-2014 by DianaT]

Bajaboy - 3-19-2014 at 03:19 PM

Originally posted by DianaT
Internet begging I divide into a few categories. JMHO, -- I have no problem with the first three. The fourth one, well...........

1. Those who really are asking for some heartfelt help when in need. The help thy neighbor types. And yes, there is ALWAYS someone worse off.

2. Those asking for help for people and causes in their community; worthy causes or activities.

3. Those who request that someone help them out by delivering something from the states and immediately, if not before, pay for the item or items requested.

4. Those who request many things from everyone coming their way and know that they will probably not have to pay for their personal items. They take advantage of the good and generous nature of other people. They like to brag about how they scored.

Not sure the label of begging should be applied to the first three. I see those as requests for help. :biggrin:

[Edited on 3-19-2014 by DianaT]

I tend to agree with your assessment.

I do find it objectionable when one claims to be needy yet has money for beer, sodas, smokes or whatever the case. But that holds true for either side of the border. One other objection is when one must show boat their donations. People should give for the sake of giving.

But those are only my opinions which don't really matter in the big picture I suppose.:biggrin:

Terry28 - 3-19-2014 at 05:12 PM

Yeah dude, they matter....People need to know the difference between "needs" and "wants" It doesn't look like these folks "need" to replace their vacation home, they just "want " to...big difference......I want a new Porsche, I don't need it, but I still want it....anybody want to pony up??

[Edited on 3-20-2014 by Terry28]

BajaBlanca - 3-19-2014 at 06:44 PM

very well put Diana, me gusta.

anyways, below is a pic of what I set aside for the family - just odds and ends that somehow ended up in my lap and I am happy to pass along. I guess my take is:

I believe vacations are important and healthy for families. I was a single mom with 2 kids and we only took one vacation together, the 3 of us, when a kind soul who was not even a close friend lent us his trailer in Rosarito. Boy did we have fun and I remember enjoying every second of it with my boys.

So, in order to help this family have their dream back, I can give a little.

DianaT - 3-19-2014 at 11:14 PM

Originally posted by Bajaboy

But those are only my opinions which don't really matter in the big picture I suppose.:biggrin:

Opinions simply stand alone. :biggrin:

bajafam - 3-20-2014 at 11:31 AM

Let me clarify something first and foremost. This was not a vacation home. Our home in Baja is just that, our home. We purchased the land for our son, who is a Mexican national, so that he could have a head start on his future. We fully intend to live in Baja full time in the very near future. At the present, we live there part time, spending at least 5 months out of the year there. Secondly, I don't see a need to present every donation that I have made over the past 4 years, suffice it to say, we have given much to the communities up and down the peninsula, as well as within the borders of the US and even Canada. I am a huge believer of giving more than I take, and it was very difficult for me to set up the funding page in the first place. I had many friends online suggesting a central location where they could help, I was merely swallowing my pride and giving in to their desire to help. If you don't want to help, that is your choice. Those that want to help, and have, thank you so very much. If asking for help in a situation that was completely unexpected is wrong, I implore you to think about who this really affects, and that is my children. They have been deeply affected by this, and we are working very hard to figure out a way to regain what was really lost in this fire - our sense of hope and their sense of innocence.

David K - 3-20-2014 at 11:39 AM

You don't need to explain a thing... Your home was destroyed by a vandal in a town where we all get a sense (from posts here or staying there) is friendly to foreigners as well as locals. Bad stuff happens. Nomads are supposed to be people helping people in whatever way they can or desire. If a Nomad doesn't want to help, then he need not spoil the actions of others. Sour grapes.

I wish your whole family a speedy recovery to the life you intended to have at Bahia Asuncion!

bajafam - 3-20-2014 at 11:46 AM

Originally posted by MrAdamas[\i]
How can you afford the gas money to get down there?

The same way you do. By working. Unfortunately, all of the gas money will now be channeled into a fund to purchase or build my son's second Baja home. That means that we won't be able to come down for a while, but that's the deal, I suppose.

Like the thread on Fulano, you assume much. I never once said we were completely homeless (though we are in Baja) or destitute. But we invested a lot of time, money, heart and soul into our little piece of a dream, and that was unfairly destroyed. It's not as if we are rolling in dinero. We live simply, on one income, and everything that we have we worked for. If you noticed, on the funding page, I asked for everyone to shop my businesses FIRST. I also asked for used, unwanted items if folks wished to give that way. I consider many on this board to be friends, and would reciprocate in the same manner if the roles were reversed.

BajaBlanca - 3-20-2014 at 07:10 PM


DocRey - 3-20-2014 at 10:03 PM

"Charity" - the practice of benevolent giving and caring. Just my take on it.:cool:

DianaT - 3-21-2014 at 10:14 AM

Michelle, you don't need to explain; not at all IMHO.

I think of you as fitting into the number one category.

1. Those who really are asking for some heartfelt help when in need. The help thy neighbor types. And yes, there is ALWAYS someone worse off.

Plain and simple. :yes:

BajaBlanca - 8-16-2014 at 07:02 AM

taking all the goodies to Asuncion today!

durrelllrobert - 8-16-2014 at 08:03 AM

Bajaboy posted:
I tend to agree with your assessment.

" I do find it objectionable when one claims to be needy yet has money for beer, sodas, smokes or whatever the case. But that holds true for either side of the border. "

..and I'll add, especially cell phones!
I can't even afford one and yet I see people with their hand out asking for money while they are talking on their phone :fire:

norte - 8-16-2014 at 08:46 AM

Thats OK. kids are growing up learning the finer points of living off of others.

mtgoat666 - 8-16-2014 at 08:53 AM

Originally posted by durrelllrobert
Bajaboy posted:
I tend to agree with your assessment.

" I do find it objectionable when one claims to be needy yet has money for beer, sodas, smokes or whatever the case. But that holds true for either side of the border. "

..and I'll add, especially cell phones!
I can't even afford one and yet I see people with their hand out asking for money while they are talking on their phone :fire:

Why shouldn't a poor person buy a phone? Should the poor be prohibited from communication? I consider a phone a basic necessity.

You can help the poor or not. You should not expect to micromanage every decision for the poor.

norte - 8-16-2014 at 09:05 AM

Originally posted by mtgoat666
Originally posted by durrelllrobert
Bajaboy posted:
I tend to agree with your assessment.

" I do find it objectionable when one claims to be needy yet has money for beer, sodas, smokes or whatever the case. But that holds true for either side of the border. "

..and I'll add, especially cell phones!
I can't even afford one and yet I see people with their hand out asking for money while they are talking on their phone :fire:

Why shouldn't a poor person buy a phone? Should the poor be prohibited from communication? I consider a phone a basic necessity.

You can help the poor or not. You should not expect to micromanage every decision for the poor.

And just what makes you think these people are poor?


J.P. - 8-16-2014 at 09:06 AM

There's Begging and then There's Begging.
In our local there's a conveniently placed tope that everyone from everywhere stands on to Beg. like Robert Durrell said the School kids stand there and Beg for every thing under the sun and most are very well dressed and yacking on a cell phone.
I can't see that as a positive thing for their work ethic Yes most people that live in the area can afford a few Pesos.
but I would rather see them offer some kind of service for funds received. like we all did when we were growing up it's time they start learning there's no Free Rides in Life instead of viewing the locals and tourist alike as a cash cow.

gnukid - 8-16-2014 at 09:33 AM

Forever in time, people have designed and built their own things from resources and labor on their own backs, homes, clothes, machines, computers, and transportation.

It makes very little sense to base one's goals on time dedicated to begging for charity vs time spent focused on achieving the goal from one's labor and resources.

This living on charity idea, it seems, fuels a culture of people who believe someone else to fund their vacation life-style in Baja, which leads to a poor example, mirrored by others. From those who want to be paid to live in your house while you work, to those who want to receive donations to further their sports amusements and vacations-it's a losing game for all because it's unsustainable.

Baja is full of resources that can be used to build a life that's your own. Invest in yourself to learn how to design a plan within your planned budget to build a home from local resources to withstand the elements, such as stone and cement and do the all work yourself and be a proud example for others. It will be really hard work and really worth it and be done before you know it, as opposed to a multi-year charity campaign that is truly unsustainable.

[Edited on 8-18-2014 by gnukid]

DianaT - 8-16-2014 at 11:46 AM

Originally posted by DianaT
Internet begging I divide into a few categories. JMHO, -- I have no problem with the first three. The fourth one, well...........

1. Those who really are asking for some heartfelt help when in need. The help thy neighbor types. And yes, there is ALWAYS someone worse off.

2. Those asking for help for people and causes in their community; worthy causes or activities.

3. Those who request that someone help them out by delivering something from the states and immediately, if not before, pay for the item or items requested.

4. Those who request many things from everyone coming their way and know that they will probably not have to pay for their personal items. They take advantage of the good and generous nature of other people. They like to brag about how they scored.

Not sure the label of begging should be applied to the first three. I see those as requests for help. :biggrin:

I know all the arguments that there are those who are in more need, but I still put Michele and family in the number one category. It is simply helping out a neighbor.

And I find no fault with those who feel that this is not a worthy cause for all kinds of reasons. It is simply a matter of choice.

mcfez - 8-16-2014 at 12:58 PM

Bunch of whiners and old geezers at work here.

Never mind the self- righteousness of the few here......I am sure that greed got them to where they are these days.

Listen to need not explain to these few. I donated to your fund not because you needed needed your dream back.

luv2fish - 8-16-2014 at 06:49 PM

Just an idea, but why not use some of the money that is being used for a cruise to Puerto Rico, and build with it ?? By the way not to sound like a cheap sob but my Merc 225 o/b needs rebuilding and I don't feel like paying for it, can you all pay the $6000.00 to rebuild the top end ?? after all I did donate for the young Doc. and also for the young child that was to have open heart surgery and visit DisneyLand.....

Michelle Marie Salch VanGurp shared a link.
August 10
I'm SOOO excited for what's to come with Scentsy! Every season gets more and more exciting. You've seen my passion for Scentsy, you've seen the support I get from my Scentsy Brothers and Sisters! Come be a part of this wonderful family! Join my team! Come with us to Puerto Rico! Here's where we'll be next summer! HOW ABOUT YOU?

durrelllrobert - 8-16-2014 at 07:06 PM

Originally posted by norte
Originally posted by mtgoat666
Originally posted by durrelllrobert
Bajaboy posted:
I tend to agree with your assessment.

" I do find it objectionable when one claims to be needy yet has money for beer, sodas, smokes or whatever the case. But that holds true for either side of the border. "

..and I'll add, especially cell phones!
I can't even afford one and yet I see people with their hand out asking for money while they are talking on their phone :fire:

Why shouldn't a poor person buy a phone? Should the poor be prohibited from communication? I consider a phone a basic necessity.

You can help the poor or not. You should not expect to micromanage every decision for the poor.

And just what makes you think these people are poor?

[Edited on 8-17-2014 by durrelllrobert]

bajafam - 8-16-2014 at 07:21 PM

Originally posted by luv2fish
Just an idea, but why not use some of the money that is being used for a cruise to Puerto Rico, and build with it ?? By the way not to sound like a cheap sob but my Merc 225 o/b needs rebuilding and I don't feel like paying for it, can you all pay the $6000.00 to rebuild the top end ?? after all I did donate for the young Doc. and also for the young child that was to have open heart surgery and visit DisneyLand.....

Michelle Marie Salch VanGurp shared a link.
August 10
I'm SOOO excited for what's to come with Scentsy! Every season gets more and more exciting. You've seen my passion for Scentsy, you've seen the support I get from my Scentsy Brothers and Sisters! Come be a part of this wonderful family! Join my team! Come with us to Puerto Rico! Here's where we'll be next summer! HOW ABOUT YOU?

The quote you posted from my Facebook is from a recruiting drive for my Scentsy business, which includes the company's sales incentive to EARN a cruise for having high sales and a large number of recruits. I posted that to entice my friends and followers to join my team and work to earn a free trip. I'm not sure how that, in any way, has anything to do with our gofundme page, except from the beginning when I encouraged my friends and family to shop my home businesses so that I could contribute to our rebuilding. I assure you, I'm not paying for a trip anywhere, I am trying to earn it, though, through recruiting new team members and helping them grow a thriving Wickless candle business. I'm not really sure what you were trying to accomplish by this post, but thanks.

[Edited on 8-17-2014 by bajafam]

BajaRat - 8-16-2014 at 07:39 PM

What you have done luv2fish is to open up a painful wound and distort what Michelle does with her home business, I'm just glad you didn't say these hurtful things in front of my children, we are still not over it. Neither I nor my children have even asked you for a glass of water but this to you is some kind of joke ? Thanks.
I hope you never know the finality of fire and what it leaves in its wake.
IT NEVER GOES AWAY.......... You just learn to live with it :cool:

[Edited on 8-17-2014 by BajaRat]

bajafam - 8-16-2014 at 08:29 PM

In case anyone is interested in the above quotes actual context -

norte - 8-16-2014 at 08:42 PM

Had you not begged for money that might be better spent on the truly needy this would not be an issue.

bajafam - 8-16-2014 at 08:57 PM

Had someone not burned my home to the ground I wouldn't have asked. I'll gladly send anyone their money back. Just message me the Paypal information. I hope that no one ever has to feel the complete devastation of losing a home and a dream, especially with young children involved. I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy, I wouldn't even wish it upon the man that did it to us.

[Edited on 8-17-2014 by bajafam]

BajaLuna - 8-17-2014 at 12:15 AM

very well put, Diana...."It is simply helping out a neighbor".

I will be down in BA this Fall and will leave some donated items for your family.

I will keep holding you and your family in my heart, BajaFam. Please know there are some of us out here who care.

I am seriously stunned by some people's comments, gross just freaking gross and appalling.

[Edited on 8-17-2014 by BajaLuna]

bajafam - 8-17-2014 at 07:33 AM

I would like to remind you, that we didn't start a gofundme page because we didn't feel like paying for something that broke down. Our beloved Baja home, humble as she was, was broken into, our possessions were sold for drug money, and then to cover the evidence, she was torched like trash. We received a phone call and were sent pictures and a video, a video that made me vomit and my children sob. This was in January, at the beginning of what was supposed to be a glorious new year. Instead these past 8 months have been us struggling to move past this violent occurrence, to attempt to rebuild all that was lost, and the hardest part of that is the emotional devestation. My kids don't want to leave the houset for more than a couple of hours because they are afraid someone might come and burn it down. How do you replace the loss of innocence in a 6 year old???? I'm trying my best, and I'm working my Scentsy business as hard as I can, so that I can be home with my children and help them to forgive and move forward; that isn't an easy task. When my husband calls me to tell me what was posted on here, that someone has said such things, I felt violated all over again. Over what?? I'm crushed. I'm devastated. Yes, I set up a funding page, no, I didn't post it in here because I knew you people would find some way to make it awful, and I was right. If you look at the beginning of this thread, which was started out of kindness and light by Sirenita, and followed by DianaT trying to help by posting our go fund page, you'll see that I'm not the bad guy. My family was victimized, violated, my children's innocence destroyed by some jerk that we don't even know; some nameless, faceless bad guy that thankfully has been caught. However, the violation doesn't end there, it continues here and you know what, that's even worse because you aren't nameless, faceless jerks. You're just jerks.

[Edited on 8-17-2014 by bajafam]

[Edited on 8-17-2014 by bajafam]

dtbushpilot - 8-17-2014 at 10:38 AM

I feel sorry for your children, they have been seriously dramatized...

[Edited on 8-18-2014 by dtbushpilot]

[Edited on 8-18-2014 by dtbushpilot]

gnukid - 8-17-2014 at 07:02 PM

Good advice and support across the board from all posters. Focus on the goal (what is the goal), build a plan (what is the plan), with a budget (what is the budget). Make it happen with a schedule? Don't give up!

HollowPeaks - 8-17-2014 at 08:25 PM

Well I was going to "donate" then I noticed your avatar and decided not too :barf:
Good luck though..

dtbushpilot - 8-20-2014 at 09:06 AM

How is the quilt coming along? Still need shirts?

Please help the word police

durrelllrobert - 8-20-2014 at 09:35 AM

Originally posted by dtbushpilot
I feel sorry for your children, they have been seriously dramatized...

[Edited on 8-18-2014 by dtbushpilot]

[Edited on 8-18-2014 by dtbushpilot]


verb (used with object), dramatized, dramatizing. put into a form suitable for acting on a stage. express or represent vividly, emotionally, or strikingly:
He dramatizes his woes with sobs and sighs.
verb (used without object), dramatized, dramatizing. express oneself in a dramatic or exaggerated way.
to put into a form suitable for acting on a stage.

verb (used with object), traumatized, traumatizing.
1.Pathology. to injure (tissues) by force or by thermal, chemical, etc., agents.
2.Psychiatry. to cause a trauma in (the mind):
to be traumatized by a childhood experience.

dtbushpilot - 8-20-2014 at 09:40 AM

No "word police" needed Bob.....

vgabndo - 8-20-2014 at 12:53 PM

Originally posted by soulpatch
This is an interesting thread.
I like how it started: a friend helping a friend and soliciting help on behalf of that friend.
Page 2 it kind of augers in with direct solicitation and that, clearly, opens the door for critique.
If you're in the public eye you have to be prepared for a hammering.... we've had our share so developing a thick skin is pretty important when you solicit funds.
We've all had our losses, some that have had probably more than a few of us wondering how we were going to put a roof over our family's heads.....
I guess some of us deal with them differently.

I will say this: It might be better to let friends solicit funds for a second home as charity rather than to do so directly yourself... that would be a true measure of friendship.
I rarely offer unsolicited advice but, in this specific case, I would consider removing any post that states anything more than thank you and this is what happened.
I, in all good conscience, could not bring myself to take it further than that.
I am not faceless, nameless or a jerk so please don't take this negatively.
It is a semi-public forum and people will offer opinions.

"We'll all had our losses..."

I judge that quite a number of us have lost at least the value of a vintage motorhome to the whims of Baja. I think of Sharks Baja and the brutal beating he took in Mulege. He asked only that he not be reminded of his loss. (if you're lurking Brother I'm sorry.)

In my Bodega, awaiting a wall of water generated by TS Julio, I had 15 year's accumulation of the tools and hardware Baja proven to keep my casita and my boat and motor, generator, and water system going. The water moved the slab 20 feet from where I poured it. The loss was as devastating as a fire...except the fire wouldn't knock down 650 feet of good hog fence on concrete posts.

Even though I was just a guy working for wages, I understood that I was acting like a rich American with a vacation home in a foreign country. I already had some place to live. Although emotionally stunning and still very painful, we didn't have more invested than we could afford to lose. I guess, Lionel, that I find your position difficult to support because it never occurred to me that my losses were anyone's but mine. This was my personal luxury. A vacation place in the palms. If I had had enough money I might still be there. I didn't, I'm not. Does that make sense?

elgatoloco - 8-20-2014 at 01:36 PM

Makes sense to me.

bajafam - 8-21-2014 at 03:58 PM

Originally posted by dtbushpilot
How is the quilt coming along? Still need shirts?

The quilt is slowly coming together. Shirts are still greatly appreciated. We've decided that a combo of fire shirts and Baja shirts would really bring the whole deal together nicely.

Thanks dt.

bajafam - 8-21-2014 at 04:09 PM

It makes sense, vgabndo, but it's not the same. A bodega and a residence aren't comparable to me. A natural disaster and a human caused violation aren't the same to me. A vacation home and my son's future aren't the same to me. And, it's not Lionel, it's Michelle.
I'm sorry for your loss, as I am for Sharks Baja's and anyone who has had to deal with the wrath of mother nature. I lived through countless hurricanes as a child growing up in Florida....I am all too familiar with the devastation, which may explain why I now live in the desert, and I have given both time and money throughout my life to those attempting to rebuild after such disasters.
As I said before, I set up the fund because some of my friends on Facebook wanted to help. This thread began because some of our friends wanted to help. If it's offensive, please, move along, then. There are many more worthwhile pages on gofundme to support, and I implore you to find one....or donate to Mama Espinoza's orphanage, or where ever you see fit.
We all get by with a little help from our friends, and I am just as appreciative to those that have messaged me with kind words, a hug and a prayer. Thank you to all that have supported us, emotionally, by a donation, by a happy thought to the universe. It truly means the world to our family that there are people around the world that care for our well being.