
Lo Bueno, Lo Malo y Lo Feo

motoged - 1-26-2014 at 09:26 PM

I entered Baja Dec 18th and am now in San Felipe getting ready to cross the border for the long drive back to Canada and what that entails once back to that form of reality.

I will offer a trip report with pics and videos over time once back home sharing my most excellent adventure.

The trip has allowed me to meet some new Nomads up and down this extraordinary the social encounters enriched my focus on places to ride and explore: that was "the good" .... Lo Bueno.

The bad and the ugly happened to me in San Felipe Saturday night: my motorcycle was stolen.

Lo Malo y Lo Feo !!!

My loss of cameras in Loreto was due to my carelessness....the theft was due to a motorcycle theft ring that is known in town.

I have made a police report and a report to a Community Justice official ....and am making posters offering a $15,000 MP reward for the return or info leading to the return...."No questions asked".

I am staying at Kiki's Hotel and he is being very helpful with my efforts as he has encountered this issue with previous guests over the past few years, some of whom are friends of Kiki and myself.

So....if you want to keep it....lock it up.

I will need to leave San Flippedme in a few days and am at the mercy of my contacts keeping their ears to the ground as they know who the theft ring is but can't catch them red-handed: No evidence=no charges.

The bike is a 2009 KTM 690 and I will try and post a pic later.

Ateo - 1-26-2014 at 09:40 PM

Man............That sucks about both thefts! How could they take your BIKE! I'm sorry to hear that Ged. Hoping this story ends a tad better.

We are rooting for you.

[Edited on 1-27-2014 by Ateo]

willardguy - 1-26-2014 at 09:41 PM

:o:fire:my condolences my friend, thats awful!:(

Bajaboy - 1-26-2014 at 09:42 PM

Hopefully the kharma police will help you out. Sorry about your loss.

motoged - 1-26-2014 at 09:46 PM

The bike:

[Edited on 1-27-2014 by motoged]

willardguy - 1-26-2014 at 09:52 PM

if it helps, picture a new duke in the back of your truck!...?

monoloco - 1-26-2014 at 10:02 PM

That totally sucks! Sorry for your loss.

tripledigitken - 1-26-2014 at 11:09 PM

So sorry about your bike GED. Hopefully the thieves will be caught.

vgabndo - 1-26-2014 at 11:12 PM

Jeez Ged, I'm sorry to hear that. That was a sweet ride, and really an ugly bad way to have to end your trip. A Baja Boohoo for sure.:fire:

Que feo!

Whale-ista - 1-26-2014 at 11:29 PM

That sucks, so sorry to hear. I hope the rest of your trip went better.

Please tell us the motorcycle was insured. :(

I can relate: while I was living in Ensenada I had all my scuba gear stolen. Such a violation. Really sorry it ended this way for you.

David K - 1-26-2014 at 11:37 PM

:o so so sad to read this Ged... wow, the amigo country no mas???

DianaT - 1-27-2014 at 12:08 AM

Dang! This is terrible.

Besides the material loss, having something like this stolen is such a personal violation. I so remember walking out of small shopping center in Guatemala and our truck was gone. At first, you just can't believe it, and then the other emotions arrive in a flood.

So very sorry this has happened. You mentioned lock it---but if it was a well organized group, that might not have helped.

One of my sons had a car stolen in Vista, CA, and the other one had one stolen in Huntington Beach, CA., so it can and does happen in many places. But no matter where it happens, it is the sh****ts.

[Edited on 1-27-2014 by DianaT]

Skipjack Joe - 1-27-2014 at 12:19 AM

I've had several cameras stolen in baja. Years later you realize that it's the images that you regret more than the camera. Hopefully you downloaded them somewhere prior to the theft.

willyAirstream - 1-27-2014 at 06:45 AM

Wow. That really sux, big time. You spread your karma everywhere you go, hopefully it will be returned.

shari - 1-27-2014 at 06:47 AM

OH very sorry for your times like this I shake my head in wonder and one side of my brain thinks...nice guys finish last...

But the other side of my brain and my heart remind me that things happen for a reason and perhaps the Great Spirit had a hand in this...and prevented a fatal accident. You are well loved in Baja sir and we look forward to your presence next season.

It sounds as this has been a problem before in San Felipe...have others here heard of this moto theft ring? It would have been nice to know in advance so you could have taken more precautions in San Felipe. Perhaps the ride boards are onto it to warn others...maybe a decoy bike needs to be left with a remote camera aimed at it.

Cappy - 1-27-2014 at 07:53 AM

So sorry bout that. Every so often I get a little to comfortable. If you love it lock it. If you really love it sleep with it

Mula - 1-27-2014 at 08:06 AM


What rotten luck. So very sorry.
Hope they find the bike and the rotten guys.

Have a safe drive back north!

We are heading south from Portland Oregon today.

See you next year, we hope!

TMW - 1-27-2014 at 10:27 AM

Wow, I am so sorry. I do know how you feel as I had my truck stolen at Rene's restaurant in Rosarito. In my case I got it back a week later.

BajaBlanca - 1-27-2014 at 11:49 AM

Very sad incident indeed. I bet you get it back with the reward you offered. At least, I hope so.

Whale-ista - 1-27-2014 at 12:03 PM

Thinking of your situation. Have you considered putting out a BOLO on various offroader forums? Perhaps someone would see it in use, or even be approached to buy it, while visiting Baja? If they are moto afficianados they might recognize the equipment more readily and understand the desire to have it returned.

I realize this is a long shot, but, well.... quien sabe? Stranger things have happened in recovering lost/stolen items.

Here's one forum I visit often for ideas on adventurous travel (international and domestic), equipment, modifying my truck camper etc., and to refer people to Nomad when they get the Baja travel bug:

I believe they have a motorcycle forum.


PS- I was thinking of posting a notice on the forum, and linking to this thread, but I don't speak technical motorcycle so thought it would be best for you to consider this approach.

PPS- is there a small, lo-jack device that could be attached or concealed on a motorcycle to track it? Not just for theft recovery, but in case a rider is lost/injured?

[Edited on 1-27-2014 by Whale-ista]

willardguy - 1-27-2014 at 12:12 PM

not that it helps now:rolleyes: but how about lojack for your scoot! in mexico!

motoged - 1-27-2014 at 12:16 PM

Thanks for the support....and I am doing all I can to make an effort to get it back: Posters, reward, local business man with his ear to the ground, etc.

Shari, I am looking at this in different ways....trying to both make sense of it and learn from it....

Barbareno - 1-27-2014 at 01:11 PM

So sorry to hear this Ged. Sounds like you're doing every thing possible to get this baby of yours back. I have a feeling, a strong feeling there will be a happy ending.

Pompano - 1-27-2014 at 03:31 PM

My sincere sympathies, Ged. Being robbed also robs some of your compassion for your fellow man, no matter where it happens.

I can say from personal experience that rewards do indeed work. My home was burglarized just once.... a long time ago when I had to fly north for a funeral. Home invasion hurts, and I don't like being a victim, so I offered a big reward for the capture and imprisonment of the criminal. Word spread via my reward posters, plus mi amigos in Coyote and Mulege helped to spread the word, locals and foreigners alike. He was soon captured and all of the stolen items were returned. Oddly, this character turned out to be a US citizen...bumming around Baja and robbing homes. Many residents thanked me for doing what they believed was a deterrent to crime. I hope the same happens in your case.

sarkmych - 1-27-2014 at 05:57 PM

Ged, I'm just sick to my stomach about this....I'm so sorry this had to happen to you. F'n Basturds!!

bajadogs - 1-27-2014 at 07:53 PM

Dang GED! That hurts! Best of luck resolving this. It's amazing, at least to me, the bond you can develop with a piece of machinery like an adventure bike. Have you posted info on I'll throw a "heads-up" on the KLR forum.


motoged - 1-28-2014 at 02:08 AM

My bike has been returned and I have paid the $15,000 peso posted reward for the "no questions asked" posters I put up this morning at 5 places (mostly garages that work with off-road vehicles)....but more probably because of the help from Kiki here at his RV Camp Hotel and his connections and involvement.

I can't express the range of emotions I have experienced since the theft Saturday night....and the amazing event of its return...and all those personal internal and external experiences in the time between.

I thank you for your empathy and support regarding this part of my adventure here in this place we all love....for its blessings and challenges.

From the depths of my heart, I appreciate the understanding and well-wishing from you. :saint::saint::saint::saint::saint::saint::saint::saint::saint::saint::saint::saint::saint::saint::saint::saint::saint::saint::saint::saint::saint:

[Edited on 1-28-2014 by motoged]

BeemerDan - 1-28-2014 at 03:03 AM

Glad to hear you got the bike back, Thats one of my biggest concerns no matter where I'm riding.
15.000 peso's to get back what you own has gotta sting.


John M - 1-28-2014 at 05:28 AM

Happy you got the bike back, dirt bags obviously like the cash.

Seems as though I should know about Kiki's - but obviously I've forgotten. Is it a campground/RV place? Out by Reuben's?

John M

Barbareno - 1-28-2014 at 05:41 AM

What a great post to wake up to :D So happy for you Ged.

nobaddays - 1-28-2014 at 05:46 AM

Kiki's is the north half of the old Rubens camp and restaurant. Kiki is the son of Rubens brother Alvaro.

Skipjack Joe - 1-28-2014 at 05:47 AM

I'm so glad to read this and happy for you GED. I can only imagine how it feels.

chuckie - 1-28-2014 at 05:55 AM

Great news!

woody with a view - 1-28-2014 at 06:25 AM

Ged, you did hand over those experimental, self igniting $100 bills i gave you, right?

shari - 1-28-2014 at 06:36 AM

Woooo THAT is some good news this morning!!! Yup...rewards sure work and diligent ground work...being a good guy helps as others will want to go the distance to help you. Well done on all fronts...whew.

Pacifico - 1-28-2014 at 07:18 AM

Great news!!!!!

Just curious, where was the bike when it was stolen? Were you at Kiki's, was it in the back of your truck or out (I'm guessing out), etc...

Thanks, and I'm sooo glad you got it back!

gnukid - 1-28-2014 at 07:44 AM

Excellent. So happy for you! Now on to trapping the rats!

Pescador - 1-28-2014 at 08:02 AM

Glad we had the chance to "scarf Pizza" together and was really glad that you got the bike back. That is some expensive tuition but it helps to bring closure.

vgabndo - 1-28-2014 at 09:56 AM

Originally posted by Pompano
My sincere sympathies, Ged. Being robbed also robs some of your compassion for your fellow man, no matter where it happens.

I can say from personal experience that rewards do indeed work. My home was burglarized just once.... a long time ago when I had to fly north for a funeral. Home invasion hurts, and I don't like being a victim, so I offered a big reward for the capture and imprisonment of the criminal. Word spread via my reward posters, plus mi amigos in Coyote and Mulege helped to spread the word, locals and foreigners alike. He was soon captured and all of the stolen items were returned. Oddly, this character turned out to be a US citizen...bumming around Baja and robbing homes. Many residents thanked me for doing what they believed was a deterrent to crime. I hope the same happens in your case.

Roger, after Julio when I was able to return to San Nicolas to pick up the pieces of those 15 years, the only theft I could prove was by a gringo of a similar description. Your thief wasn't a tall thin, almost certainly undocumented, alcoholic whose name is both a proper noun and an adjective, was he? The "dick" I'm talking about still lurks in the area.

My hope for San Filipe is that while Ged didn't ask questions, SOMEONE who didn't make that promise is asking questions and and there is the possibility that someone will get burned at the stake for their lifestyle.

After Julio,when I arrived, my Mexican neighbors came to me to ask if they could BUY the things that hadn't been stolen. They knew what was there and hadn't touched it literally for months. The loss of personal treasures without much monetary value still breaks my heart.:fire:

Ged, I'm happy for you brother!

[Edited on 1-28-2014 by vgabndo]

KurtG - 1-28-2014 at 10:02 AM

Ged, happy for the good outcome. I know how I would feel if one of my bikes were stolen.

David K - 1-28-2014 at 10:03 AM

Wonderful news Ged... the sun rose and it was good!

Mark_BC - 1-28-2014 at 10:15 AM

That's great. I get very attached to my equipment and would be very distressed if this happened. I have learned to never trust and leave my stuff vulnerable because it's always when you're least expecting it that things go missing. Interestingly, I had nothing stolen on my whole Baja trip last month, and then we went camping up to Jalama Beach, California, near Point Conception, and I had my bicycle pump stolen. I locked the bike to a tree but some prowlers were in the campsite overnight stealing ice chests of beer. The sites are tight and the wind was howling, so they went to my bike and unzipped a pocket and took the pump. Luckily they didn't take the Gopro camera bolted to the front rack. I guess they didn't know how to open the housing.

This is the anti-theft measure I took when I left the rental car in the desert. Just make sure not to lose the key to the bike lock!

mtgoat666 - 1-28-2014 at 10:25 AM

Originally posted by Mark_BC
This is the anti-theft measure I took when I left the rental car in the desert. Just make sure not to lose the key to the bike lock!

that looks like it makes the seat all messy. i find it easier to use the "club" AND open hood and remove an ignition wire. i wonder how easy it would be to buy a "boot?"

willardguy - 1-28-2014 at 11:03 AM

that is truly GREAT news!:coolup: now tell us the thought of a new Duke in the garage never crossed your mind?:lol:

motoged - 1-28-2014 at 06:24 PM

The bike was returned and the reward of $15,000 pesos was paid. The bike was in good shape and did not seem to have been thrashed. I believe that it's recovery was not a result of me putting up 5 posters re:reward, but was due to Kiki (motel owner)contacting his network. It seems that someone across the street from the bakery where the bike was stolen saw the bike being taken (wheeled away). As it is, that place is the home/shop of a motorcycle/quad repair shop....

The owner of the shop (Jaime) is the man who returned the bike and received the reward. It may have been one of his kids who witnessed the theft. I may learn more details of that process from Kiki when I talk with him later....but they are less important than the fact I have the bike back.

Lessons learned:
1) Lock bike when leaving it (cable lock or padlock on brake rotor);
2) Pursue the matter and make effort to retrieve stolen property;
3) Accept the help of others when needed;
4) I stopped for a donut at the bakery ....I should cut down my carb intake.

I am overjoyed and in almost as much shock now as when it was taken. What a roller-coaster ride of emotion and scurrying thoughts. It was returned at 10:30 last night.

I will leave Baja Thursday and be home about Monday...

Whew !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

BornFisher - 1-28-2014 at 06:43 PM

Whoaaaaa............very stoked for you!!
Time for a cerveza, and get one for yourself too!!!


Whale-ista - 1-28-2014 at 06:45 PM

so happy to hear this news. Glad your friends were able to help.

Still curious about a lo jack type of device... just found Information about this one

bajadogs - 1-28-2014 at 08:01 PM

WOW! I can't believe it! I am SO happy you got it back Ged!!! I sure would like to know all the details, but hell, get out of town and drive safe. I can't wait for the complete trip report.

motoged - 1-29-2014 at 08:34 AM

A sincere BIG THANK YOU to all nomads who expressed their caring and well-wishing and prayers. This turn of events has been quite the whirlwind...

I see the theft as a theft issue, not a San Felipe issue.

And I see Kiki as an angel....the reward sweetened the pot for the chain of witness(s) and thieves....and Kiki's knowledge of his community made that work VERY quickly.

When I spoke with Kiki this morning he said that the result was VERY last year when a friend has his bike stolen here, after a while they knew who had it, but one person in the chain was afraid to provide the last link for fear of repercussions.

Glad that goodness has prevailed.

I will take my baby for a ride to Coco's today and leave for home tomorrow.

It will take a bit before I write a ride report, but I will....:coolup:

Ateo - 1-29-2014 at 09:09 AM

Glad to here that Ged. Perseverance pays. Have a safe trip back home.

Sweetwater - 1-29-2014 at 10:39 AM

Wow Ged,

I've been away from this board for several days and it looks like they were very busy days for you. I'll be heading south with another biker in 3 weeks so it's very bad news to hear about moto thieves anywhere in Baja. Glad to hear you got it back but sorry to hear the price was high. I'm not clear about your donut stop and how the bike was wheeled away, please tell the detailed story when you get the time.

It's a long drive to Canukistan, travel safely.

Support Your Local Burglar

Pompano - 1-29-2014 at 10:39 AM

Originally posted by vgabndo
Originally posted by Pompano
My sincere sympathies, Ged. Being robbed also robs some of your compassion for your fellow man, no matter where it happens.

I can say from personal experience that rewards do indeed work. My home was burglarized just once.... a long time ago when I had to fly north for a funeral. Home invasion hurts, and I don't like being a victim, so I offered a big reward for the capture and imprisonment of the criminal. Word spread via my reward posters, plus mi amigos in Coyote and Mulege helped to spread the word, locals and foreigners alike. He was soon captured and all of the stolen items were returned. Oddly, this character turned out to be a US citizen...bumming around Baja and robbing homes. Many residents thanked me for doing what they believed was a deterrent to crime. I hope the same happens in your case.

Roger, after Julio when I was able to return to San Nicolas to pick up the pieces of those 15 years, the only theft I could prove was by a gringo of a similar description. Your thief wasn't a tall thin, almost certainly undocumented, alcoholic whose name is both a proper noun and an adjective, was he? The "dick" I'm talking about still lurks in the area.

My hope for San Filipe is that while Ged didn't ask questions, SOMEONE who didn't make that promise is asking questions and and there is the possibility that someone will get burned at the stake for their lifestyle.

After Julio,when I arrived, my Mexican neighbors came to me to ask if they could BUY the things that hadn't been stolen. They knew what was there and hadn't touched it literally for months. The loss of personal treasures without much monetary value still breaks my heart.:fire:

Ged, I'm happy for you brother!

[Edited on 1-28-2014 by vgabndo]

Firstly, glad you got the bike back, Ged. And sorry you had to resort to a reward. But, as you know, getting back on the bike and on with life is the main thing.

To answer vgabndo's question. Perry, your burglar is a different crook than mine. Here's a photo that I took of him standing in a police impound area. He's shorter and stockier than what you he is no longer in the area. Like Ged, I paid a large reward and saw him brought to justice with the return of my stolen items. (One of which turned up in the home of a prominent and embarrassed citizen in a larger Baja Sur town, but that's another story and hilarious to boot.)

Baja justice is hard on the perp ...and even the victim. This fellow was very roughly handled and sent to prison, and Mexican prisons are no country clubs like a lot of ours up north. The ones in Mexico can actually punish you for your crimes. Anyway, the prisoner appealed to me for humanitarian reasons and I was compelled to help deport the crook back to the US or he was not going to make it very long in the cereso. You can replace stuff, but not a life. It all worked out for the best, though. I'm sure when they dropped him at that border gate he got down and kissed the ground. Not the guy you described...sorry, and I'm sure we won't see my crook in Mexico again. Not after a few months in that lockup.

I've blocked out identification...because I think this person may have suffered enough, and I have no need to beat a dead horse. But…I’m thinking of writing an account on the entire event….it was a real Baja Hoot with all the usual wide cast of characters. I still laugh when I recall having to buy film for the investigator’s camera to take photos of footprints, and then paying for the film developing…..riding with some feds to identify some goods at a mansion...spotting my tv in a certain officials office...a vhf in another across the hall...classic Baja!! Hoo Boy! Got to be sure I don’t singe any feathers, though. I’d have to check with various cops, federales, lawyers, a judge, a certain politician who knowingly bought stolen goods…ah well, best forget about it....for now. :rolleyes:

Sometimes when back Up North, a friend will ask..."Whatever do you find to do down there? ....And why are you grinning?"

"Welcome to Baja ...back in the day anyway."

p.s. Ged, sorry about this little hijack, but thought you would appreciate hearing my story. Laughing always helps..

TMW - 1-29-2014 at 11:30 AM

Great news Ged, all is well that ends well.

BajaBlanca - 1-29-2014 at 04:09 PM

amazing outcome! I told ya !

motoged - 1-30-2014 at 12:07 AM

You guys are great !!! :saint::biggrin:

durrelllrobert - 1-30-2014 at 09:48 AM

Originally posted by motoged
The bike was returned and the reward of $15,000 pesos was paid. The bike was in good shape and did not seem to have been thrashed. I believe that it's recovery was not a result of me putting up 5 posters re:reward, but was due to Kiki (motel owner)contacting his network. It seems that someone across the street from the bakery where the bike was stolen saw the bike being taken (wheeled away). As it is, that place is the home/shop of a motorcycle/quad repair shop....

The owner of the shop (Jaime) is the man who returned the bike and received the reward. It may have been one of his kids who witnessed the theft. I may learn more details of that process from Kiki when I talk with him later....but they are less important than the fact I have the bike back.

Lessons learned:
1) Lock bike when leaving it (cable lock or padlock on brake rotor);
2) Pursue the matter and make effort to retrieve stolen property;
3) Accept the help of others when needed;
4) I stopped for a donut at the bakery ....I should cut down my carb intake.

I am overjoyed and in almost as much shock now as when it was taken. What a roller-coaster ride of emotion and scurrying thoughts. It was returned at 10:30 last night.

I will leave Baja Thursday and be home about Monday...

Whew !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
With a good story to tell the villagers in Kamloops.

willyAirstream - 1-30-2014 at 09:53 AM

Karma Ged.
So glad to hear the happy news!!
Sweetwater, maybe a trip to the west coast while you are here? Planning a trip about the sametime you will be here. Boogies and motos. U2u later