
Restaurant Equipment in Mulege

divemulege - 3-3-2014 at 09:05 AM

We are closing our restaurant and have a lot of imported commercial restaurant equipment for sale. Here is a partial list:
Double stack convection ovens
Commercial Proofer
Univex 30 qt mixer
3 tables
Beverage Air refrigerated 60" prep table
Meat slicer
Single Commercial Stainless refrigerator
Double Commercial Stainless refrigerator with rolling rack and trays
King Commercial Donut fryer
2 Warmers
Heated glazing/warming table
Expresso Machine
Coffee grinder
Commercial single sink
Commercial Grill
Misc bowls, pizza utensils, etc
Glass prep table for donas
Cash Register
Wood counter
Respond by email or call 615 107 84 07, 615 110 58 48 or USA 949 544 1111. English and Spanish spoken

[Edited on 3-3-2014 by divemulege]

desertcpl - 3-3-2014 at 01:00 PM

so sorry about your closing,

which restaurant was it

motoged - 3-3-2014 at 01:30 PM

No more pizza for you, Mulege :O :(

Mulegena - 3-3-2014 at 01:37 PM

Will truly miss your presence in town, dear folks.
Thank you for all that your presence has brought to us.

chuckie - 3-3-2014 at 02:01 PM


vandenberg - 3-3-2014 at 02:14 PM

Well, that didn't last long.

motoged - 3-3-2014 at 02:53 PM

The thrill of wearing a scarf to a pizza outing clearly wore thin with this crowd of gourmands....the good places to eat in Mulege remain as the traditional local stand-byes....and can be counted on one hand....

No gourmands here...

Mulegena - 3-3-2014 at 03:18 PM

but Mulegin@s with a nose for extraordinary pizza and good wine & beer we may be-- and a flair for the well-chosen scarf perhaps.

Mulege has wide and extraordinary dining options known to the locals and year-rounders who have integrated more deeply into the community. The winter crowd, unfortunately, tends to venture into their few known venues.

chuckie - 3-3-2014 at 03:21 PM

Too lemmings.....

motoged - 3-3-2014 at 03:29 PM

Originally posted by Mulegena
but Mulegin@s with a nose for extraordinary pizza ......The winter crowd, unfortunately, tends to venture into their few known venues.

Ooooohhh.....Ouch !:lol::lol:

That pizza was pedestrian at best....but a highlight for the upper class of year-rounders , it seems.

I have tried most places there are to eat in Mulege over the past 25 years of enjoying pointed out to me by locals as well as ex-pats lounging around who sometimes present themselves as the experts on local knowledge.

The places that remain in business seem to be those operated by locals, not ex-pats who blast in with great expectations and fold within a season or two. Scotty's has done well in terms of food and reputation, but seemed to be suffering from the downturn in tourism (at least in my short carpet-bagging stay this winter).

The scarf thing was fun as was briefly meeting with some of you when I was there in January. :saint:

Hook - 3-3-2014 at 03:49 PM

.....and your email address is? The one on the dive mulege website?

What about the dive business? Is that going, too?

Mulegena - 3-3-2014 at 07:15 PM

Geez, people, can't we just be kind here? If ya' don't have anything nice to say about something why say anything?

chuckie - 3-3-2014 at 07:20 PM

Where is Sonora?

divemulege - 3-3-2014 at 07:56 PM

Originally posted by Hook
.....and your email address is? The one on the dive mulege website?

What about the dive business? Is that going, too?

Dive business is not going anywhere.

GatoGordo - 3-3-2014 at 08:35 PM

Mr. Motoged, I don't know who you are, I just want to let you know that I always try to do my best and every time I cook I do with my heart to give people some part of me, cause I love to cook.
pay attention to what you said because I don't think I deserve that kind of rudeness from anybody.
Gato Gordo is me, Laura and my daughters and we don't hurt people.

motoged - 3-3-2014 at 10:03 PM

I was not trying to be hurtful to you...I enjoyed pizza at your place and am sorry you are forced to close down your place. I do not doubt that you cook from the heart....

Mulege deserves your efforts....and I am sincere when I say that it is unfortunate that you aren't able to continue to enjoy feeding folks at this time, as I believe that you were starting out on a venture with a passion and the hope that it would develop into something as strong as a tradition. It takes time to develop a good restaurant....even the best food cannot overcome a small number of clientele.

It seems that I have waded into something with my comments that were not intended to be as hurtful as you and your husband have taken them.

I wish you luck with your next venture in Mulege.

Cliffy - 3-3-2014 at 11:36 PM

If I may-
As one whose family has/was in the "pizza" restaurant business (all be it many decades ago) it is a tough, rewarding, heart breaking, dream building and dream breaking business. Restaurants in the USA are the most often started business and also the most often closed business historically. About 95% close within 5 years for many many different reasons. I look up to anyone who has the guts to even try such an endeavor. What ever the reasons are for starting in the business there are just as many for bailing out. Many times it is not the fault of the owner. Most everyone I know of who has done it worked their butts off trying to deliver the best product they could to their customers and I suspect that is the case here also. I just wish I could have tried the place before it came to closing, I know I would have enjoyed it.
My hat is off to the owner and my best wishes for the future.

Pescador - 3-4-2014 at 07:29 AM

Geez, restaurant critics are a dime a dozen and most have an over bloviated opinion of themselves and their supposedly educated palates. And yet, we got and continue to get a string of critique which probably is a close reflection of peoples dissatisfaction with themselves and they just want to spread the misery around a little bit.

Laura and her daughters did better than a wonderful job with pizza, ambience, and a good warm feeling when going to the restaurant and I for one will miss them.

chuckie - 3-4-2014 at 07:33 AM

Well spoke...

absinvestor - 3-4-2014 at 08:34 AM

We have moved from Mulege and never had a chance to try the restaurant. However, based on the general comments I'm sure the food, atmosphere etc was great. The summers in Mulege are brutal and most Americans/Canadians leave in May(and many before Semana Santa) and don't return until October. Trying to make any new business go is difficult and when you only have half a year to make a full year's profit it becomes nearly impossible. (Even Scottie,, who most would agree runs a very good restaurant, closes shop for several months a year.)

divemulege - 3-5-2014 at 07:48 AM

We actually did better during summer with the locals. Average 20 pizzas a day on weekends. Tourism has not been here this year and all restaurants are hurting. What kills summer is the high price of electricity for the A/Cs. We will still be open until either all the equipment sells at once or until the season is over which will be after Semana Santa. Thanks everyone that had something good to say.

Originally posted by absinvestor
We have moved from Mulege and never had a chance to try the restaurant. However, based on the general comments I'm sure the food, atmosphere etc was great. The summers in Mulege are brutal and most Americans/Canadians leave in May(and many before Semana Santa) and don't return until October. Trying to make any new business go is difficult and when you only have half a year to make a full year's profit it becomes nearly impossible. (Even Scottie,, who most would agree runs a very good restaurant, closes shop for several months a year.)