
How's easter shaping up in Mexico ?

ligui - 4-13-2014 at 08:07 AM

Beaches starting to fill up ? Anybody on the Roads ? Price of seafood go up a bit ?

I'm stuck up here in the snowy mountains ... How about some baja up dates from those of you in mexico

Always loved easter week everyone having a good time . Lots of new friends .


Hook - 4-13-2014 at 08:31 AM

In the last two days, I've been to the beach area we are going to camp out for two nights this coming week. So far, it's only 2-3 tents in about a mile of beach. But I expect an influx today. By Thursday, finding a spot on the sand might be tough. Will report back later.

This will be the first year we will be camping with the throngs. And I do mean throngs. Conservatively speaking, 100,000+ people sometimes descend on San Carlos, Sonora. People from all over Sonora and even northern Baja come here. The streets are wall to wall people and the cruisers are bumper to bumper for two nights; Friday and Saturday. We enjoy walking with all the young people and they are remarkably well behaved and courteous.

Our camping nights will be Wed and Thur and will head back to the house for the weekend, so we can join the street revelry. We considered loading up the truck camper but decided to do it the way all the Mexicans will; shade structures, tents, ice chests and outdoor kitchen.

EnsenadaDr - 4-13-2014 at 08:33 AM

Beautiful area. Do they still have that Club Med there?

Hook - 4-13-2014 at 08:37 AM

It's still there but it hasnt been a Club Med in many years. Now, it's a poorly run hotel owned by a Dutch family. But they have the only real grass field in the area and that's where we play softball each week.

EnsenadaDr - 4-13-2014 at 08:42 AM

I was there with my husband around the year 2000. It was very nice. There was virtually no one on the beach when we were there.

Today is Domingo Ramos

durrelllrobert - 4-13-2014 at 08:56 AM

Palm Sunday is first day of Semana Santo

chippy - 4-13-2014 at 09:04 AM

People are pouring in here in SMA.

Udo - 4-13-2014 at 09:24 AM

We were planning to drive down to BA this weekend and stay until Friday, but change our minds when some friends told us to stay away from the roads because our normal drive will be increased by about 4 hours.

David K - 4-13-2014 at 09:48 AM

Udo, never let friends keep you from going to Baja! My kids and I always went to Baja for Easter vacation, and that was before Americans were made afraid of Mexico and went south for the holiday. Never had problems or found hours added to drive times... We went to Bahia de los Angeles usually.

steekers - 4-14-2014 at 05:50 PM

hey david,

are you coming down this week? if you need a place to stay, I can set you up.

Hook - 4-15-2014 at 02:28 PM

Just went by the beach about an hour ago. My "secret" spot is still available!

The truck and the jeep are loaded up with the gear, including dropping the load range E tires to a dangerously low 20 psi:

Frisbees, check.
Baseball gloves, check.
Testicle toss, check.
Horseshoes, check.
Surf-fishing gear, check.

-Got the Heb dogs and the chili ready.

-The killer heirloom tom salad with the rice wine vinegar, the cucs and the cebolla morada is made.

-The sangrita is steeping.

-Still need to choose the beers, the wines and the tequila.

D-Day and H-Hour approaches for the planned gringo storming of San Francisco beach in San Carlos...........