
Disrespectful and in poor taste

CaboMagic - 5-6-2014 at 06:04 PM

Dennis, and whomever continues to post nonsense on there - please consider when and what you post on the PATTON thread ..

I would think the family has enough to deal with, without smart-ass remarks .. especially since they were looking to print our information that would be useful to them.

tiotomasbcs - 5-6-2014 at 06:08 PM

And, Ensenadadr!! I have not commented because of the madness--mostly hers. I agree that we should mellow out!!!! Let's hope for the best. Tio

DENNIS - 5-6-2014 at 06:37 PM

Why would the family even read the thread if not waiting for an answer to a question? If certain posts don't concern them....well, they don't concern them. Why act as though they're attacks on the family's sacred space when they don't even address the issue at hand....the missing person?

If the family needs to avoid the lame banter born of boredom, they are in control of that option.
Use it.


[Edited on 5-7-2014 by DENNIS]

JZ - 5-6-2014 at 08:40 PM

OP, about 3 weeks ago I spent 2 hours reading the thread all the way through.

If I was the family I'd want to punch Dennis in the face. His comments throughout were very insulting and uncalled for. Especially factoring in the suffering they were going through.

[Edited on 5-7-2014 by JZ]

bajabuddha - 5-6-2014 at 09:26 PM

Ditto, Denny... grow down a peg. You've grown up, now go the opposite direction. You're out of line. PERIOD.

Sowwy, but I've been reading and you need to back the fuque off.

Enough of you is enough.

mtgoat666 - 5-6-2014 at 10:07 PM

Do as I say, not as I do

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone

Aren't we special?

grizzlyfsh95 - 5-7-2014 at 07:22 AM

Wow. Now the "Heavies" are bashing each other. Yeah...peace, love and all of that BS.

DENNIS - 5-7-2014 at 07:43 AM

Originally posted by grizzlyfsh95
Wow. Now the "Heavies" are bashing each other. Yeah...peace, love and all of that BS.

It's just a bunch of ridiculous control freaks trying to get everybody lined up their way with censorship. They just spend too much time lingering around the cemetery.
"The Family," as they have become known here, lets their issue go dormant for periods of time, then reaches out again for assistance, which everybody is glad to give.
In those interims, we, according to some, are required to sit idly by in silence, but some others prefer to chat. It keeps the issue alive and at hand. The family should be thankful for that.
Eventually, the process will be completed.....over, and everyone will be able to grieve and move on. That would be the best result. Endless grieving is morbid and unhealthy.

In closing....all you who consider my occasional post to be disrespectful, can go screw yourselves. I'll continue to approach life, and death, as I see fit, so quit trying to tell me what I'm allowed to say....or not.

chuckie - 5-7-2014 at 07:59 AM

Dennis, ya got something to say, just say it, dont beat around the bush like that...:lol::lol::lol:

EnsenadaDr - 5-7-2014 at 08:03 AM

I'm with you on that, DENNIS. You know the family seems very appreciative in their last post and even with all the bantering they are human beings too and appreciate a little levity and diversion. After all Gary was social and a fun-loving guy as well.

DENNIS - 5-7-2014 at 08:21 AM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
I'm with you on that, DENNIS.

Stay out of this, Janene. OUT

CaboMagic - 5-7-2014 at 08:32 AM

Dear Dennis, I could care less what all-a-y'all think, or do. So bravo to you for your 'approach to life, and death. .."

I suspect that if you who were the subject of that missing person, rather than Gary Patton, and it were your family who came to Nomad-land looking for input and help, and they were like the Patton family (define that as you wish) your level of understanding of my post would be far different than telling me to go screw myself. This is a subject painfully near and dear to me, so my sensitivity is directly related to that. I cannot imagine in 2014 going thru what the Patton's are ..

Having said that, I will add I think its unfortunate that some threads on discussion boards turn into free-for-all f*uck-you sessions ...

I still consider it disrespectful to post on that thread .. I do think there is nothing wrong with entertaining 'your-self/ves' with discussions of all kinds, related or not - on their own thread ..

Ever been to a cemetery? Do you walk across the mounds knowing there is someone buried below? I don't.

Doesn't make me right and you wrong, anymore than what/where you post on this, or any other discussion .. just as you express yourself I did the same.

Back to peace, love and fish tacos. LG

absinvestor - 5-7-2014 at 08:35 AM

CaboMagic- good idea to start a new thread vs making a comment on Gary's thread. Personally I think the parties in question have a right to post their suggestions. If another poster thinks the suggestion is a bad idea a respectful rebuttal is fine. The personal attacks are not helpful to the family and don't advance the discussion. If they want to attack each other how about using the u2u option vs clogging up the thread?

Skipjack Joe - 5-7-2014 at 08:42 AM

Originally posted by DENNIS

Why act as though they're attacks on the familie's sacred space when they don't even address the issue at hand....the missing person?

I have to agree with this statement. The family's behavior in all this has been 'puzzling'. I've never commented on it before because they have a right to pursue their goals in their own manner.

rts551 - 5-7-2014 at 08:43 AM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
I'm with you on that, DENNIS. You know the family seems very appreciative in their last post and even with all the bantering they are human beings too and appreciate a little levity and diversion. After all Gary was social and a fun-loving guy as well.

and how well id you know Gary?

EnsenadaDr - 5-7-2014 at 08:49 AM

This is what I have gathered from the family who knew him. There have been statements on this board made that people that knew him said he was a talker and social. Don't we all go to Mexico to enjoy life and have a good time?

[Edited on 5-7-2014 by EnsenadaDr]

rts551 - 5-7-2014 at 09:12 AM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
This is what I have gathered from the family who knew him. There have been statements on this board made that people that knew him said he was a talker and social. Don't we all go to Mexico to enjoy life and have a good time?

[Edited on 5-7-2014 by EnsenadaDr]

Oh you made a statement of fact as if you knew him very well.

Some go to escape whatever, some go because that is all they can afford, and some go because they enjoy the culture and people. Some go to specialty schools after being denied entry in the US. Turns out there are lots of reasons people go to Mexico.

EnsenadaDr - 5-7-2014 at 09:29 AM

I wouldn't know. I never applied to a US Medical school. And with a young daughter to support, I couldn't have afforded to go in the states anyway. I never said I knew Gary well. It would seem to me that Gary didn't go for a specialty school. He was retired. He probably enjoyed the culture and the people. But then again, I am not saying any of this as a statement of fact, just from what has been posted about him.

Doctoring the Discussion

MrBillM - 5-7-2014 at 09:33 AM

Calls for her chewing the FAT !

Or Cud ?

greengoes - 5-7-2014 at 09:48 AM

Would someone call security and get that door fixed?
I would but they took all my electronic devices away.

A desal plant by Caliente Casino? That is funny.

bajaguy - 5-7-2014 at 10:10 AM

Originally posted by greengoes
A desal plant by Caliente Casino? That is funny.

That is exactly where it is going

JoeJustJoe - 5-7-2014 at 10:46 AM

Cabo Magic wrote:I would think the family has enough to deal with........

You know what I'm tired of is others speaking for the family, and claiming they know how the family is feelings, or going though, and then they used it as a club to hit other Nomad's members that they feel get out of line.

Yeah, a few members have posted a few insensitive remarks, and some of the theories of what happened to Gary, and how to search should be conducted are down right comical. I especially love how some site members, seem to think, if they could get the most posts in the Gary's missing thread, that they are the de facto leader of the of the cyber Gary search party.

The problem here as I see it, is this thread has gone on too long. Somebody should have called out the search party months ago, and I think Dennis even tried to do that, with some phony heart felt plea, it's time to let go. ( I said the same thing about Dennis, but he still comes back)

At this point is there anybody here that thinks Gary is sill alive, maybe holed up behind some rocks injured or something? Oh wait, lets not say that.....lets think of the family.

Well if the family actually thought Gary was still alive, would they wait this long to go looking for him, once the 4-Runner was found?

At this point this is a recovery operation, and the family should spend as little money as possible here in their attempt to locate Gary's body, because their are many people that would attempt to take advantage of the family's grief for their own gain, and I'm not just talking about Mexicans.

Thousands of people go missing every day, and that's a real tragedy for the family, but do the rest of you really care, or could perhaps a few people could be using Gary's missing thread to pat themselves on their backs, or use it in a way to promote their own businesses in Baja, by showing what a good person they are, because they really care about Gary, and are praying for Gary.

Well, personally I hope the family finds Gary, but the whole thread borders on the ridiculous now, and it's no surprise that a few people would want to add some morbid humor, it happens all the time, in high profile cases, for example, in the OJ and Nicole murder trial, Natalee Holloway, where white teen goes missing, and the media goes nuts, but later comes the morbid jokes. Back then if I recall, some people got upset about the jokes over Nicole and Natalee, and said things like,'think of the family,' but the morbid humor went on anyway.

willardguy - 5-7-2014 at 11:02 AM

im lost. what does the de-sal plant by the caliente have to do with this???:?:

Right here, Willard

bajaguy - 5-7-2014 at 11:19 AM

Originally posted by greengoes
Would someone call security and get that door fixed?
I would but they took all my electronic devices away.

A desal plant by Caliente Casino? That is funny.

willardguy - 5-7-2014 at 11:28 AM

oh when you put it that way:lol: ties right in!:no:

EnsenadaDr - 5-7-2014 at 01:50 PM

well then Joe why not tell the Chinese that lost their family in the Malaysian Jet mystery to forget it as well. Recovery of a loved one is just as important to closure as finding the person alive. I don't know that personally but many people who have lost loved ones feel that way. The family has requested to not discuss the gruesome details. You can't assume people are in this for money and that is not a very nice thing to say. I happen to have always had an interest in missing persons casex and forensics, many people wondered why I chimed in on the McStay case but I find the situation to be very interesting and compelling. Lizard Lips is in this area of expertise, so it would seem logical he would get involved, as well as any other law enforcement people that are living in Baja. You are the master champion poster on OT, and it might seem that you are trying to get the most posts but you are interested in what you are saying, so who am I to criticize your hundreds of posts on OT? I respect where you are coming from even though I might not approach the situation the same with the people you are discussinb.

[Edited on 5-7-2014 by EnsenadaDr]

DavidE - 5-8-2014 at 12:15 PM

When ya crosses that border southbound there is always a chance you ain't gonna go back. It doesn't take much - a heart attack, a stumble and fall fracturing a leg, snapping a neck, whatever. This ain't Disneyland. And 300 peso a day transitos and preventivas ain't gonna go looking.

Smear all the chocolate and saccharin you want on the subject. The end result is Zopilotes, coyotes, and various carnivorous insects. There is no easy way for a family to deal with death. I'm an expert at enduring it. Yeah, five freakin' stars. Sue me. After several months of being "misplaced" the family has to come to grips with it (or not).

lizard lips - 5-8-2014 at 12:29 PM

Thanks for accolade Janene about area of expertise however I don't know about the Baja desert or what happened to Gary. I want to think he is alive but after discussing this in person with the family last Saturday in Orange County I believe what they want now is closure. I would for sure….

I know the Doc and Dennis personally. I must say Janene is a rare breed. You don't meet many people like her and from her posts you can see what I mean. I know she is very intelligent and wants people not to disrespect her thoughts or feelings. Who does? Her posts are welcome as far as Im concerned as is everyone else's. Now we come to Dennis---- I have been to his home a few times and even went to see him after his stoke a few years ago in the hospital. Dennis is from Newport Beach not very far from where I grew up. So many of us look at him as posting nasty little things about every subject that is posted but if you really knew this guy he has a heart of gold but when he sees someone making no sense at all be ready to take it. Of course he has posted on the Patton site that made me swallow hard and shake my head but he keeps things interesting.

We all have the right to post our thoughts on this board and Lori, I know what you are talking about, I do, and respect that as well.

The Pattons have told me that they were shocked when they saw some disrespectful statements made that they read and it did make them feel bad. I told them just to relax and consider the fact that so many people writing posts don't have a clue of what they are saying and certainly would never say it to your face. They just want to be cute.

If this board was to censure every post made I would not want to be part of it. Everyone has a voice-Good or bad…Lets just remember that the family is viewing this so please just keep it right.

DENNIS - 5-8-2014 at 12:49 PM

Thanks, Big D.