
New Ford F series up in Flames

TMW - 8-6-2014 at 02:47 PM

Things not looking so good for Ford new F series. Back to the lab.

BooJumMan - 8-6-2014 at 03:10 PM

Wow! Crazy.

blackwolfmt - 8-6-2014 at 03:13 PM

Found On Road Dead I guess

DENNIS - 8-6-2014 at 03:17 PM

Looks like it was going to a funeral anyway. RIP

vgabndo - 8-6-2014 at 03:40 PM

Originally posted by David K
If it was a Toyota, this would be in the evening news, all newspapers, and organized labor union newletters! :rolleyes::yes: (Oh and here on Nomad channeled at all the Nomad Toyota drivers) :O

Let's see if it gets any air???

A prototype burns in testing, and it is a conspiracy by labor unions? You seriously need to get a grip! Perhaps you could saw off your left arm. Otherwise someone might think you aren't all right wing. Then it would be in all the papers,and on TV, and in the Union papers that your were a counterfeit conservative...having a left arm and all that goes with that deformity. SHEESH.

DianaT - 8-6-2014 at 03:41 PM

Originally posted by vgabndo
Originally posted by David K
If it was a Toyota, this would be in the evening news, all newspapers, and organized labor union newletters! :rolleyes::yes: (Oh and here on Nomad channeled at all the Nomad Toyota drivers) :O

Let's see if it gets any air???

A prototype burns in testing, and it is a conspiracy by labor unions? You seriously need to get a grip! Perhaps you could saw off your left arm. Otherwise someone might think you aren't all right wing. Then it would be in all the papers,and on TV, and in the Union papers that your were a counterfeit conservative...having a left arm and all that goes with that deformity. SHEESH.

DK -- I see you removed your post. Maybe you felt the huge weight from the giant chip on your shoulder?

Besides, it is all over the internet, including on your favorite FAUX news.

wessongroup - 8-6-2014 at 04:00 PM

Look what TW started ... .:lol::lol:

willardguy - 8-6-2014 at 04:05 PM

Originally posted by David K
YES! I did remove it... will you and Perry remove yours? Bet you won't! :lol:

It is just so plain to know what the left will do, I am tired of predicting it here, because non of you will accept it when you are proven wrong.

When a LOANER CAR at a Lexus dealer with TWO floor mats under the gas pedal caused the death of a family at the end of Hwy. 125 in Santee, GM, the Obama White House (which owned GM and is beholden to labor unions) could not wait to blame Toyota... then the easy money crowd all claimed their Toyotas had uncontrolled acceleration... Even YOU talked about selling your Tundra ... to support the punishing of this eveil corporation (and help union controlled GM)...

So, I did remove my reply, but you guys just couldn't be happy with that, so here you go!

rather than having to remove your posts ever considered just not spewing your ridiculous chit in the first place? :?:

DianaT - 8-6-2014 at 04:05 PM

Originally posted by David K
YES! I did remove it... will you and Perry remove yours? Bet you won't! :lol:

It is just so plain to know what the left will do, I am tired of predicting it here, because non of you will accept it when you are proven wrong.

When a LOANER CAR at a Lexus dealer with TWO floor mats under the gas pedal caused the death of a family at the end of Hwy. 125 in Santee, GM, the Obama White House (which owned GM and is beholden to labor unions) could not wait to blame Toyota... then the easy money crowd all claimed their Toyotas had uncontrolled acceleration... Even YOU talked about selling your Tundra ... to support the punishing of this eveil corporation (and help union controlled GM)...

So, I did remove my reply, but you guys just couldn't be happy with that, so here you go!


No, I won't remove it. You need to be responsible for your words that make no sense at all.

BTW-- please get your facts straight -- we sold our Tundra because first of all, we wanted a Subaru and we may buy another Toyota truck, or we may not. We love the Subaru, but living here we also want a truck.

The year Tundra we had did not have sufficient brakes and if we had known about it, we could have had it fixed for free. But instead of sending out recall notices, Toyota just sent out notices to the dealers, so if one happened to have some work done at a dealer who wanted to tell one that while under the warranty period they could have it fixed it could be fixed. We found out after the warranty period. That year also had some not so good rust problems.

So no, you once again have your facts totally screwed up.

DENNIS - 8-6-2014 at 04:07 PM

This effing place has gone berserk. :lol:

bajajudy - 8-6-2014 at 04:08 PM

Hey it comes with precooked popcorn

DianaT - 8-6-2014 at 04:10 PM

Originally posted by wessongroup
Look what TW started ... .:lol::lol:

Ah no, TW is totally innocent! :lol::lol:

willardguy - 8-6-2014 at 04:11 PM

how bout another poll?:bounce:

StuckSucks - 8-6-2014 at 04:34 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
This effing place has gone berserk. :lol:

Always fun to watch spot fires ignite.

Sandlefoot - 8-6-2014 at 04:40 PM

Yep!!!! That was one HOT Truck!!!!!!:yes::yes:

motoged - 8-6-2014 at 04:42 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
This effing place has gone berserk. :lol:

No, not really....just a few nomads are berserk :biggrin:....the rest of us just reply or comment on the observation :light:

rts551 - 8-6-2014 at 04:59 PM

Originally posted by David K
You see, I REMOVED my post, but... it is more important to pretend I didn't. Sure I think there was a HUGE scheme by the Obama regime to hurt Toyota in order to help GM... and Toyota paid a huge price even when it was proven there was not uncontrolled acceleration defect.

Oh and Diana, they are called TSBs (Tech or Toyota Service Bulletins) with free fixes on non dangerous issues. They are viewable on many web sites, I am sure... TSBs for Tacomas are posted on Tacoma World. You need to ask for them, even print them out to show. Factory recall notices are mailed to you, as they deal with safety issues usually.

Soooo....the latest recalls for GM are.....who's fault? (since there is a conspiracy every where). I guess President Obama just couldn't control it all, huh?

Get a life DK

DianaT - 8-6-2014 at 05:28 PM

Originally posted by rts551
Originally posted by David K
You see, I REMOVED my post, but... it is more important to pretend I didn't. Sure I think there was a HUGE scheme by the Obama regime to hurt Toyota in order to help GM... and Toyota paid a huge price even when it was proven there was not uncontrolled acceleration defect.

Oh and Diana, they are called TSBs (Tech or Toyota Service Bulletins) with free fixes on non dangerous issues. They are viewable on many web sites, I am sure... TSBs for Tacomas are posted on Tacoma World. You need to ask for them, even print them out to show. Factory recall notices are mailed to you, as they deal with safety issues usually.

Soooo....the latest recalls for GM are.....who's fault? (since there is a conspiracy every where). I guess President Obama just couldn't control it all, huh?

Get a life DK

Didn't you get the memo? Obama turned against GM and has caused all of their problems. We are not exactly sure how that happened yet, but Faux News is working on it. It HAS to be Obama's fault. In fact, he is now against Ford as we are sure he caused that new Ford to catch fire. :lol::lol::lol:

[Edited on 8-7-2014 by DianaT]

vgabndo - 8-6-2014 at 05:32 PM

How the hell could I have responded to your post if you had taken it down? I just get so tired of you using your expertise about Baja California as an opportunity to blame all the world's woes on progressive people. While you are educating me, please let me know how we can prevent the Obama administration from doubling the DOW again. Maybe you could explain how we can make him prosecute some of the criminals who brought down our economy. Explain to me how it would have been good for the country if this administration had let Detroit fail. Bush and Chaney are STILL not in prison, what the hell are you complaining about. In the old days, Obama would be a moderate Republican. DOUBLE SHEESH!

rts551 - 8-6-2014 at 05:35 PM

Latest on Faux news, President Obama is causing some people to flip out...completely. As they stick their head up their arse, they are asking to be ignored. Obama asked for Congressional help, but as action.

[Edited on 8-7-2014 by rts551]

DanO - 8-6-2014 at 06:18 PM

Originally posted by David KWhen a LOANER CAR at a Lexus dealer with TWO floor mats under the gas pedal caused the death of a family at the end of Hwy. 125 in Santee, GM, the Obama White House (which owned GM and is beholden to labor unions) could not wait to blame Toyota... then the easy money crowd all claimed their Toyotas had uncontrolled acceleration... Even YOU talked about selling your Tundra ... to support the punishing of this eveil corporation (and help union controlled GM)...

(Apologies to TW in advance for this continuation of a thread hijack.)

David, I don't usually wade into your BS, but this time you have insulted the memories, and the families, of innocent people who died horrible deaths because of an admitted defect that Toyota lied about. The actual facts are laid out in detail in these articles, among many others:

They speak for themselves, but let me boil it down for you: Toyota paid $10 million to the survivors of CHP Officer Mark Saylor, his wife, daughter and brother-in-law, who were burned beyond recognition because of a defective floormat that caused the accelerator in their loaner Lexus to stick (BTW, a car maker is responsible for injuries caused by defects -- including defective floormats -- in all of its cars, regardless of whether the cars are loaners). Would Toyota do that if the claimed manufacturing defect was bogus? No, they'd fight it because settling would be tantamount to an admission that they were at fault, which could seriously impact sales of their vehicles.

In fact, although it came too late for some poor souls, Toyota ultimately recalled over 8 million vehicles to rectify the problem you claim was made up by the government and the "easy money" crowd of survivors of Toyota crashes and of survivors of people killed in Toyota crashes. What kind of rational economic decisionmaker would do that if the defects didn't actually exist? None, that's what. Why? Because a recall is very expensive and can lead to claims by Toyota owners that the recall reduced the value of their vehicles (Toyota has in fact paid out over $1 billion to those folks).

Want more actual facts? Earlier this year, Toyota paid another $1.2 billion to settle the criminal charges against it relating to this manufacturing defect. Why would Toyota pay that much money if there really wasn't a manufacturing defect and the whole sudden acceleration claim was made up by the government and the "easy money" crowd? Why? Because Toyota knew about the defect and delayed a recall by failing to report it while still discussing it internally: "The criminal probe chronology shows that the problems were discussed within the company for some time without regulatory reporting." Then when Toyota finally instituted a recall to "fix" the defect, they lied about the supposed fix: "[C]ompany officials deceived regulators by saying the root cause of the stuck accelerator problems — which had plagued Toyota and Lexus vehicles for a couple of years before the crash — had been solved in a limited recall."

When Toyota settled the criminal charges, basically all they had to say was that they were happy to put an "unfortunate chapter" behind them. I'm sure Officer Saylor's survivors felt the same way. NOT.

Now let's turn briefly to your virtually incomprehensible juxtaposition of GM and Toyota. Are you arguing that GM, which at the time was partially owned by the government as a result of the bailout, was actually behind the prosecution of Toyota for admitted manufacturing defects and instigated all of the lawsuits filed by hundreds of Toyota owners? (That sounds completely insane to me, but I admit, I'm not a mental health professional.) How about some facts to back that up?

Or are you arguing that somehow GM, whose cars are made by UAW workers who voted for Obama, is immune from the same sort of prosecution for manufacturing defects and associated coverups that Toyota faced? If so, please read the USA Today article above, which notes that GM is in the prosecutors' cross-hairs for doing the same thing Toyota did -- knowing about manufacturing defects and covering them up.

You have a right to your oft-expressed opinion that Toyota vehicles are the greatest inventions since the toaster. However, I am completely disgusted by how you have chosen to express that opinion in this particular instance. You have made up "facts" and have smeared and disrespected people whose lives Toyota has effectively admitted were lost or forever altered because of its negligence. As my father used to say, if you don't have anything nice to say about someone, don't say anything.

mtgoat666 - 8-6-2014 at 06:27 PM

Originally posted by David K
You see, I REMOVED my post, but... it is more important to pretend I didn't. Sure I think there was a HUGE scheme by the Obama regime to hurt Toyota in order to help GM... and Toyota paid a huge price even when it was proven there was not uncontrolled acceleration defect.

Dk, seems like every third time you post here you subsequently remove or edit your post because so many people find your post offensive. What's up with that?

Your repetitive Obama conspiracy theories just keep reminding everybody you are bat chit crazy!

Toyota buried the data, and spun lies. They all do, even GM No car manufacturer deserves trust. They are all in it for the buck, you got to watch your own back.

Peace out!

Yes we can!

Lux sit!

rts551 - 8-6-2014 at 06:37 PM

He loves throwing zingers out there and then deleting them...Its how he operates. Easier than trying to back things up with facts...

Originally posted by mtgoat666
Originally posted by David K
You see, I REMOVED my post, but... it is more important to pretend I didn't. Sure I think there was a HUGE scheme by the Obama regime to hurt Toyota in order to help GM... and Toyota paid a huge price even when it was proven there was not uncontrolled acceleration defect.

Dk, seems like every third time you post here you subsequently remove or edit your post because so many people find your post offensive. What's up with that?

Your repetitive Obama conspiracy theories just keep reminding everybody you are bat chit crazy!

Toyota buried the data, and spun lies. They all do, even GM No car manufacturer deserves trust. They are all in it for the buck, you got to watch your own back.

Peace out!

Yes we can!

Lux sit!

chuckie - 8-6-2014 at 06:39 PM

David K, you are actually very easy to ignore as all your posts are so predictable...Toyota and BFG are god, everything else sucks, and all the worlds problems are the fault of "Liberals"...

KaceyJ - 8-6-2014 at 08:02 PM

Well , at least Ford was testing it , maybe a good thing it burned yet too bad as it looks like there is not enough left to do forensics. I doubt GM employees could even find a desert to test their vehicles.

I would never buy a GM product . Nothing political just junky engineering and quality!!!!!

rts551 - 8-6-2014 at 08:12 PM

Originally posted by KaceyJ
Well , at least Ford was testing it , maybe a good thing it burned yet too bad as it looks like there is not enough left to do forensics. I doubt GM employees could even find a desert to test their vehicles.

I would never buy a GM product . Nothing political just junky engineering and quality!!!!!

Please don't say "left". It gets some people on the right excited.

bajadogs - 8-6-2014 at 08:15 PM

Originally posted by David K
Oh, and I do not watch Fox news, used to some, but until the left sees the ruin that they are leaving our children to inherit, it serves no use to me.

You've gone mad dude!

BajaLuna - 8-6-2014 at 08:41 PM

Ok Dk, maybe not Faux news but probably Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck!

Sometimes factory recall mailings aren't always mailed to you in a timely manner, we just had one for our RV and the recall was in 2005. But I'm sure that's Obama's fault too, must be those overpaid government union postal workers slacking on the job!

bajadogs - 8-6-2014 at 10:21 PM

Originally posted by David K
Nobody here says much when there is outlandish leftist comments, but one thing is for sure you never hear me call to silence any of the leftists

Here is the problem David - You think that a statement like "CO2 levels rising in oceans caused by human pollution" is OUTLANDISH LEFTIST.

drip irrigation installer who's radio is stuck on AM believes otherwise...:?:

Pacifico - 8-6-2014 at 10:41 PM

A reminder of what this thread is about....

Originally posted by TW
Things not looking so good for Ford new F series. Back to the lab.

This thread is another example of why BN has really been putting me off lately. Almost all threads turn to crap quickly or people can't play nice in the sandbox. No wonder a lot of valuable nomads have bailed on this site over the years...

Sorry your thread got so jacked up, TW!

bajadogs - 8-6-2014 at 11:02 PM

Originally posted by chuckie
David K, you are actually very easy to ignore as all your posts are so predictable...Toyota and BFG are god, everything else sucks, and all the worlds problems are the fault of "Liberals"...

Correction Chuckie -
DK hates BFG because they are owned by a French company and France refused to join us (US) in our invasion of Iraq and David had a gushing lust for all things George Bush did. Also excluded from the "coalition of the willing" - Mexico, Canada and most of the world. When that dimwitted fool said "you're either with with us or you're against us" most of the planet and all of our neighbors were "against us". So much for "I'm a uniter not a divider" I'll spare you the map, it's embarrassing as an American.

Also.. How the hell is SHOCK AND AWE not the perfect definition of terrorism???

Gnite, sipping French wine.

bajadogs - 8-6-2014 at 11:18 PM

Originally posted by Pacifico
A reminder of what this thread is about....

Originally posted by TW
Things not looking so good for Ford new F series. Back to the lab.

This thread is another example of why BN has really been putting me off lately. Almost all threads turn to crap quickly or people can't play nice in the sandbox. No wonder a lot of valuable nomads have bailed on this site over the years...

Sorry your thread got so jacked up, TW!

I'm sorry too. Sincerely I am. BUT DK's rants should NOT get to go on unquestioned or unanswered or at least the coward should face the music in OT. That's the problem. He thinks he is too good for OFF-TOPIC and it kills the spirit of threads like this. I take FULL responsibility for dragging this one down too and I truly apologize but it's because DK is allowed to get away with it over and over again and it infuriates me.

I'm much nicer in person. Truly sorry. Carry on about trucks on fire...:saint:

DianaT - 8-6-2014 at 11:23 PM

Originally posted by David K

Sorry that I can't have an opinion that differs from the extreme leftists here, but I do. Nobody here says much when there is outlandish leftist comments, but one thing is for sure you never hear me call to silence any of the leftists... the people who are so 'open minded' and for freedom of speech (as long as only your version can be heard, right)???

Good night... too bad about the drama, but I know some of you live on it. I tried to stop it before it turned into this. Go back to the Marine in jail or Turtle Soup threads to continue please. Deleting the non-Ford posts, please do the same.

Please, who has tried to silence you? It is that chip on your shoulder again.

Drama? Yes, you are good at that! Funny that once you start something that is not going well for you, you want to stop it---

David K - 8-7-2014 at 09:22 AM

bajadogs, you don't know me and we have not met to the best of my memory. So, please don't pretend you do. I would like to be friendly but as long as my personal belief in people being smart enough to make their own decisions differs from the liberal's belief that only a government worker knows best, that prevents polite, friendly disagreement I guess?

I don't like BFG because I have seen too many sidewall failures on them. I have no problem with France, now. I have owned four sets of BFGs over the past 14 years and the last two were really disappointing in the way they easily get flats and wear out. The sidewall failures I have seen were on the All Terrain TAs.

I decided to say anything would be counter productive, so I removed my 'rant'. But, that wasn't good enough for those who like to put me down for expressing my freedom of speech. Again, if you don't want drama, then remove the drama posts, I did... Let it go.

rts551 - 8-7-2014 at 09:55 AM

Originally posted by DianaT
Originally posted by David K
YES! I did remove it... will you and Perry remove yours? Bet you won't! :lol:

It is just so plain to know what the left will do, I am tired of predicting it here, because non of you will accept it when you are proven wrong.

When a LOANER CAR at a Lexus dealer with TWO floor mats under the gas pedal caused the death of a family at the end of Hwy. 125 in Santee, GM, the Obama White House (which owned GM and is beholden to labor unions) could not wait to blame Toyota... then the easy money crowd all claimed their Toyotas had uncontrolled acceleration... Even YOU talked about selling your Tundra ... to support the punishing of this eveil corporation (and help union controlled GM)...

So, I did remove my reply, but you guys just couldn't be happy with that, so here you go!


No, I won't remove it. You need to be responsible for your words that make no sense at all.

BTW-- please get your facts straight -- we sold our Tundra because first of all, we wanted a Subaru and we may buy another Toyota truck, or we may not. We love the Subaru, but living here we also want a truck.

The year Tundra we had did not have sufficient brakes and if we had known about it, we could have had it fixed for free. But instead of sending out recall notices, Toyota just sent out notices to the dealers, so if one happened to have some work done at a dealer who wanted to tell one that while under the warranty period they could have it fixed it could be fixed. We found out after the warranty period. That year also had some not so good rust problems.

So no, you once again have your facts totally screwed up.

If you have ever listened to Rush Limblah you will recognize the soundbites used by David...and there is a reason that Limblah's show is called talk radio (as apposed to a news program). Much like David, facts are not required.

willardguy - 8-7-2014 at 10:26 AM

Originally posted by rts551
Originally posted by DianaT
Originally posted by David K
YES! I did remove it... will you and Perry remove yours? Bet you won't! :lol:

It is just so plain to know what the left will do, I am tired of predicting it here, because non of you will accept it when you are proven wrong.

When a LOANER CAR at a Lexus dealer with TWO floor mats under the gas pedal caused the death of a family at the end of Hwy. 125 in Santee, GM, the Obama White House (which owned GM and is beholden to labor unions) could not wait to blame Toyota... then the easy money crowd all claimed their Toyotas had uncontrolled acceleration... Even YOU talked about selling your Tundra ... to support the punishing of this eveil corporation (and help union controlled GM)...

So, I did remove my reply, but you guys just couldn't be happy with that, so here you go!


No, I won't remove it. You need to be responsible for your words that make no sense at all.

BTW-- please get your facts straight -- we sold our Tundra because first of all, we wanted a Subaru and we may buy another Toyota truck, or we may not. We love the Subaru, but living here we also want a truck.

The year Tundra we had did not have sufficient brakes and if we had known about it, we could have had it fixed for free. But instead of sending out recall notices, Toyota just sent out notices to the dealers, so if one happened to have some work done at a dealer who wanted to tell one that while under the warranty period they could have it fixed it could be fixed. We found out after the warranty period. That year also had some not so good rust problems.

So no, you once again have your facts totally screwed up.

If you have ever listened to Rush Limblah you will recognize the soundbites used by David...and there is a reason that Limblah's show is called talk radio (as apposed to a news program). Much like David, facts are not required.

if david wants to buy into all that crap, I say more power to him. all we ask is that he deposits his thoughts elsewhere, the OT, tacoma world, sprinkler pipe world, nutty republican world, HIS OWN WEBSITE, anywhere but here. is that too much to ask?

wessongroup - 8-7-2014 at 01:44 PM

Hey is this possible :biggrin::biggrin:

been lucky, have messed a few up ... but, never had one catch on fire

Did catch an old Indian Chief on fire once, backfired through the carb ... was able to get it out

[Edited on 8-7-2014 by wessongroup]

chippy - 8-7-2014 at 02:37 PM

That guy was winded just from getting down to film under the truck:lol::lol:

SFandH - 8-7-2014 at 02:46 PM

Originally posted by David K
the liberal's belief that only a government worker knows best

It's insulting remarks like that that gets people upset with you. I know you think you're just going for equal time but you constantly insult people who don't think like you. There are many intelligent, thoughtful people who are also politically liberal on this message board and throughout the country. You show no respect for, nor understanding of, their point of view.

Come on over to off-topic, we'll have lots of fun there, you'll get crucified. :lol:

In fact there's a thread about Michele Bachmann's new initiative. Join in the debate from the conservative side.

All replies to the OT section please.

[Edited on 8-7-2014 by SFandH]

chuckie - 8-7-2014 at 03:17 PM

Some of his statements are just dumb. I have always been a Republican, but I sure get sick of hearing that its all Obamas fault and the continual bashing. I didn't think George W. was the sharpest pencil in the box either. It seems that few of these political zealots have anything to offer in the way of a solution to the mess, too busy blaming each other.....I was amazed at the total destruction of that Ford pickup (back on topic). I guess aluminum has a lower melting point than steel.....

Bob H - 8-7-2014 at 03:33 PM

That poor truck was being tested in the hot desert and was totally wrapped up in a black leather coat. If they are going to wrap it up, at least use white leather (reflects the heat). Could be a great reason that it overheated and burned to the ground!

motoged - 8-7-2014 at 03:50 PM

Aside from the Ford being covered in what was more likely vinyl than leather, it was pulling a trailer loaded with weight (most likely water in those containers)....probably to see how it was working under load conditions.

If the fire started in the driver footwell area....most likely electrical failure (fuses/shorts? )

I guess they didn't have an on-board fire extinguisher.....this time.:light:

DanO - 8-7-2014 at 04:45 PM

Originally posted by David K
Toyota paid a huge price even when it was proven there was not uncontrolled acceleration defect.

Who proved it, David? When did they prove it? How did they prove it? Who verified their methodology and conclusions? Who published this astounding and definitive report that should have saved Toyota billions of dollars, not to mention a good chunk of its reputation?


That's right, no one did any of those things. To the contrary, Toyota admitted that the floor mat problem existed in a letter to 3.8 million Toyota owners advising them to take the floor mats out of their cars, even attempting to persuade them (falsely) that the floor mats were the sole basis for the unintended acceleration problems people were experiencing. But as it turned out, the floor mats were just the tip of the iceberg. The floormats and additional reasons for the unintended acceleration problem resulted in subsequent recalls of many more millions of cars and the implementation of specific repairs designed to eliminate the problem. It's all here, enjoy:

Anyway, your habit of stating things as facts without citing a single credible factual source and then deleting your posts is the adult (and I use that term very liberally in your case) equivalent of Ding Dong Ditch, flaming dog poop version. You put some dog poop in a bag on our porch, light the bag on fire, ring our doorbell and run, leaving us to stomp out the fire and deal with the consequences. Grow up.

David K - 8-7-2014 at 04:56 PM

Nice video Ged... I have seen it before, good to see it again, very informative. Long live the republic! Shortly after minute 9, you hear what happened to Rome and it sound like the USA today.

mtgoat666 - 8-7-2014 at 05:03 PM

Originally posted by SFandH
Originally posted by David K
the liberal's belief that only a government worker knows best

It's insulting remarks like that that gets people upset with you. I know you think you're just going for equal time but you constantly insult people who don't think like you. There are many intelligent, thoughtful people who are also politically liberal on this message board and throughout the country. You show no respect for, nor understanding of, their point of view.

Come on over to off-topic, we'll have lots of fun there, you'll get crucified. :lol:

In fact there's a thread about Michele Bachmann's new initiative. Join in the debate from the conservative side.

All replies to the OT section please.

[Edited on 8-7-2014 by SFandH]

The chief bloviator appears to relish debating politics and spouting absolute nonsense, so he will fit right in in the OT! For someone who seems to like spouting hyperbolic political statements, why won't he enter the OT? What is he afraid of? The OT would provide him a forum for his political rants, he could exercise his demons. :light:

chuckie - 8-7-2014 at 05:14 PM

WOW! Thanks...

willardguy - 8-7-2014 at 05:15 PM

Let me roll this by one more time......

if david wants to buy into all that crap, I say more power to him. all we ask is that he deposits his thoughts elsewhere, the OT, tacoma world, sprinkler pipe world, nutty republican world, HIS OWN WEBSITE, anywhere but here. is that too much to ask?

bajabuddha - 8-7-2014 at 05:18 PM

Spent an afternoon with DK at the bar. LISTENING to him the whole time. Hours of it. He only has one speed....... OUT.........

chuckie - 8-7-2014 at 05:23 PM

Ja. and I tried your Martini recipe...OUT

bajabuddha - 8-7-2014 at 05:25 PM

.... just had two, with Greek olives. Worked miracles. Next time, try GOOD booze, chuck. :biggrin:

bajabuddha - 8-7-2014 at 05:34 PM

Lencho, if you remember the not-so-distant-past, the USSR was the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic(ans?). Corn-fusin', ain't it. :?:

David K - 8-7-2014 at 05:42 PM

Originally posted by bajabuddha
Spent an afternoon with DK at the bar. LISTENING to him the whole time. Hours of it. He only has one speed....... OUT.........

Please don't make up stuff about me. I don't hang out at bars and I don't talk politics to people in person. Talking about Baja and four wheeling is much more enjoyable.

Lot's of Nomads have camped and traveled with me over the years, should you need verification.

motoged - 8-7-2014 at 05:46 PM

Originally posted by David K
Nice video Ged... I have seen it before, good to see it again, very informative. Long live the republic! Shortly after minute 9, you hear what happened to Rome and it sound like the USA today.

Glad you like the video.....

The Roman empire collapsed, not because of Obama or other progressive moderates....but because it was an imperialist nation spread over too large an area to be able to be maintained/sustained and was focussed on acquisitions by the 1%ers.

Perhaps the demise of your country's stature is not the result of liberals as much as unbridled greed by a few in power....your untried war criminals, for instance.

An interesting point is that one factor contributing to Rome's downfall was that the invading hordes from the north had stirrups with their saddles....the Romans didn't.....hence, the Hun horsemen were more effective in battle....:light:

[Edited on 8-8-2014 by motoged]

David K - 8-7-2014 at 05:48 PM

Perhaps Ged, perhaps? Have a nice evening!

rts551 - 8-7-2014 at 06:08 PM

Originally posted by motoged
Originally posted by David K
Nice video Ged... I have seen it before, good to see it again, very informative. Long live the republic! Shortly after minute 9, you hear what happened to Rome and it sound like the USA today.

Glad you like the video.....

The Roman empire collapsed, not because of Obama or other progressive moderates....but because it was an imperialist nation spread over too large an area to be able to be maintained/sustained and was focussed on acquisitions by the 1%ers.

Perhaps the demise of your country's stature is not the result of liberals as much as unbridled greed by a few in power....your untried war criminals, for instance.

An interesting point is that one factor contributing to Rome's downfall was that the invading hordes from the north had stirrups with their saddles....the Romans didn't.....hence, the Hun horsemen were more effective in battle....:light:

[Edited on 8-8-2014 by motoged]

I thought it was because Rome had to many strip clubs.

DanO - 8-7-2014 at 06:33 PM

Originally posted by David K
Sorry Dano, let me go back and say that everything I post on Nomad (other than history of Baja and my trip reports) is not meant to inspire anything but conversation...

This is a discussion forum, so let's see if things can be discussed with each other without the insults and hate of traditions such as freedom from oppressive government.

There was a ton of anti-Bush stuff here before I ever mentioned Obama... I guess I just had my fill and wanted the silent majority here to know at least some of us are not gong to be bullied into silence or off the forum. I value the greatness that once was America and created a system where I could enjoy vacations to another country... such as Mexico.

I appreciate the Founding Fathers for what they did, and it is with great sorry to hear how the current leadership finds the constitution as something that gets in their way from doing what they want to do! God help us all!!

I'll take your non-responsive answer as a tacit admission that you had no facts to back up your assertions and that I was right about your modus operandi. Thanks for playing.

bajabuddha - 8-7-2014 at 10:04 PM

Originally posted by David K
Originally posted by bajabuddha
Spent an afternoon with DK at the bar. LISTENING to him the whole time. Hours of it. He only has one speed....... OUT.........

Please don't make up stuff about me. I don't hang out at bars and I don't talk politics to people in person. Talking about Baja and four wheeling is much more enjoyable.

Lot's of Nomads have camped and traveled with me over the years, should you need verification.

Dear Mr. Pub-Tard,
we sat at Mark's BAR while you pounded beers and shots, and talked the whole time about every Baja experience you'd ever had, and by the time we were done you'd convinced us you were one of the MOD's on this site!! Either that, or you owned it. You were quite...errmm, impressive.

Don't call me a liar, and don't call me dumb, dude. You are QUITE memorable. Believe me, stick to maps and missions.

David K - 8-8-2014 at 07:58 AM

Originally posted by bajabuddha
Originally posted by David K
Originally posted by bajabuddha
Spent an afternoon with DK at the bar. LISTENING to him the whole time. Hours of it. He only has one speed....... OUT.........

Please don't make up stuff about me. I don't hang out at bars and I don't talk politics to people in person. Talking about Baja and four wheeling is much more enjoyable.

Lot's of Nomads have camped and traveled with me over the years, should you need verification.

Dear Mr. Pub-Tard,
we sat at Mark's BAR while you pounded beers and shots, and talked the whole time about every Baja experience you'd ever had, and by the time we were done you'd convinced us you were one of the MOD's on this site!! Either that, or you owned it. You were quite...errmm, impressive.

Don't call me a liar, and don't call me dumb, dude. You are QUITE memorable. Believe me, stick to maps and missions.

Definitely that was NOT ME. I din't pound beers, at any bar... and never have shots at any bar. Where is Mark's bar? If Buenaventura, I was only there twice and with my wife. Mark was there both times as well, so he can verify. Believe me Baja Angel would have no part of me being drunk or political. We sat outside at the table both times we were there, eating cheeseburgers... unless some other Mark, but still not my MO.

Plenty of Nomad business owners will also verify I am no blow hard drunk yakker... Shari, Antonio, Keri, solosports Kevin, and Nomads I have camped with: Ken Cooke, TW, dtbushpilot, Baja Tripper, The squarecircle, Amo Pescar, elgatoloco, MexRay, El Vergel, XR Phil, edm1, the list is more than I have time for before going to work...

I been getting calls from friends who can't believe what some of you think I am, and all from people who don't know me.

It is sad that you paint me with a broad brush because my political ideology believes in the greatness of people and self-responsibility being a better long term solution, over government programs and high taxes. I help people as often as I can to help themselves have a better experience with what I do for them at their properties or on their vacations.

I know who I am and those who know me know they can contact me anytime for assistance. I help anyone and their political affiliation means nothing to me...

Need help with camping, Baja travel, four wheeling, Old California history, irrigation systems, Baja maps and books? Just ask!

monoloco - 8-8-2014 at 09:21 AM

The only thing up in flames is this thread:fire:

rts551 - 8-8-2014 at 09:50 AM

hey, if all else fails, rally the chickens around the coup for protection.

rts551 - 8-8-2014 at 10:31 AM

Originally posted by David K
Originally posted by bajabuddha
Originally posted by David K
Originally posted by bajabuddha
Spent an afternoon with DK at the bar. LISTENING to him the whole time. Hours of it. He only has one speed....... OUT.........

Please don't make up stuff about me. I don't hang out at bars and I don't talk politics to people in person. Talking about Baja and four wheeling is much more enjoyable.

Lot's of Nomads have camped and traveled with me over the years, should you need verification.

Dear Mr. Pub-Tard,
we sat at Mark's BAR while you pounded beers and shots, and talked the whole time about every Baja experience you'd ever had, and by the time we were done you'd convinced us you were one of the MOD's on this site!! Either that, or you owned it. You were quite...errmm, impressive.

Don't call me a liar, and don't call me dumb, dude. You are QUITE memorable. Believe me, stick to maps and missions.

Definitely that was NOT ME. I din't pound beers, at any bar... and never have shots at any bar. Where is Mark's bar? If Buenaventura, I was only there twice and with my wife. Mark was there both times as well, so he can verify. Believe me Baja Angel would have no part of me being drunk or political. We sat outside at the table both times we were there, eating cheeseburgers... unless some other Mark, but still not my MO.

Plenty of Nomad business owners will also verify I am no blow hard drunk yakker... Shari, Antonio, Keri, solosports Kevin, and Nomads I have camped with: Ken Cooke, TW, dtbushpilot, Baja Tripper, The squarecircle, Amo Pescar, elgatoloco, MexRay, El Vergel, XR Phil, edm1, the list is more than I have time for before going to work...

I been getting calls from friends who can't believe what some of you think I am, and all from people who don't know me.

It is sad that you paint me with a broad brush because my political ideology believes in the greatness of people and self-responsibility being a better long term solution, over government programs and high taxes. I help people as often as I can to help themselves have a better experience with what I do for them at their properties or on their vacations.

I know who I am and those who know me know they can contact me anytime for assistance. I help anyone and their political affiliation means nothing to me...

Need help with camping, Baja travel, four wheeling, Old California history, irrigation systems, Baja maps and books? Just ask!

Seriously David, if you do have a problem it might explain some of your erratic behavior, inability to find work, and general feeling of insecurity. I'll bet your wife's medical insurance has a referral where you can get help. Check it out. Remember, the first step to a cure is admitting you have a problem.

TMW - 8-8-2014 at 03:26 PM

Originally posted by bajabuddha

Dear Mr. Pub-Tard,
we sat at Mark's BAR while you pounded beers and shots, and talked the whole time about every Baja experience you'd ever had, and by the time we were done you'd convinced us you were one of the MOD's on this site!! Either that, or you owned it. You were quite...errmm, impressive.

I have met David several times over the years and camped with him and what you say does not match the person I know. I've never seen him pound beers and shots. That sounds more like me. I think you made a mistake.

bajabuddha - 8-8-2014 at 03:59 PM

Originally posted by TW
Originally posted by bajabuddha

Dear Mr. Pub-Tard,
we sat at Mark's BAR while you pounded beers and shots, and talked the whole time about every Baja experience you'd ever had, and by the time we were done you'd convinced us you were one of the MOD's on this site!! Either that, or you owned it. You were quite...errmm, impressive.

I only met him once, and that was enough. Sowwy. I'm NOT mistaken. And, it wasn't as much of 'pounding shots and beers' as much as just running the gums overtime. He wasn't over-boozing, just a little over-bearing. OK???

I have met David several times over the years and camped with him and what you say does not match the person I know. I've never seen him pound beers and shots. That sounds more like me. I think you made a mistake.

ncampion - 8-8-2014 at 04:24 PM

Originally posted by bajabuddha
Originally posted by TW
Originally posted by bajabuddha

Dear Mr. Pub-Tard,
we sat at Mark's BAR while you pounded beers and shots, and talked the whole time about every Baja experience you'd ever had, and by the time we were done you'd convinced us you were one of the MOD's on this site!! Either that, or you owned it. You were quite...errmm, impressive.

I only met him once, and that was enough. Sowwy. I'm NOT mistaken. And, it wasn't as much of 'pounding shots and beers' as much as just running the gums overtime. He wasn't over-boozing, just a little over-bearing. OK???

I have met David several times over the years and camped with him and what you say does not match the person I know. I've never seen him pound beers and shots. That sounds more like me. I think you made a mistake.

Well maybe before you slander someone you should try to get your facts straight. You lose all credibility in my eye.


mtgoat666 - 8-8-2014 at 05:08 PM

Originally posted by ncampion
Originally posted by bajabuddha
Originally posted by TW
Originally posted by bajabuddha

Dear Mr. Pub-Tard,
we sat at Mark's BAR while you pounded beers and shots, and talked the whole time about every Baja experience you'd ever had, and by the time we were done you'd convinced us you were one of the MOD's on this site!! Either that, or you owned it. You were quite...errmm, impressive.

I only met him once, and that was enough. Sowwy. I'm NOT mistaken. And, it wasn't as much of 'pounding shots and beers' as much as just running the gums overtime. He wasn't over-boozing, just a little over-bearing. OK???

I have met David several times over the years and camped with him and what you say does not match the person I know. I've never seen him pound beers and shots. That sounds more like me. I think you made a mistake.

Well maybe before you slander someone you should try to get your facts straight. You lose all credibility in my eye.


Dk slanders every liberal in his posts, the crap he writes is so over the top offensive that he better be able to deal with a little comment like "he pounds shots"

chuckie - 8-8-2014 at 05:15 PM

He works that "holier than thou" thing to death..reminds me of Ernest Borgnine in from Here to eternity...I'm here to help ya son"

wessongroup - 8-8-2014 at 06:26 PM

WOW and I thought Dennis had the "hot" threads

Do I have to take a position on F-150s catching fire ... or, DK :biggrin::biggrin:

Tit for Tat ... sometimes gets a little out of control ...

It's important to keep things in perspective :):)

especially on weekends .. .

[Edited on 8-9-2014 by wessongroup]

wessongroup - 8-9-2014 at 12:30 AM

Some of us have thicker skins ... thats all .. comes with age, I've found ...

Was going to suggest going for a ride in your truck and have a beer .... Used to be able to get away with that ... not today .. OMG ...

When young, I don't remember anyone that didn't drink on our block ... even the Dr. across the street would have a beer with the old man

He and his partner had started a medical practice, (both were in WWII in the Navy, got out went to school and became Dr.'s), which we went to, and his partner a Dr Johnson .. Smoked cigarettes ... :lol::lol:

The old man took them down to Baja in the early 50s ... they fell in love with the place .. used to spend time helping folks RIP

Guess I was just brought up a long time ago ... when things were just viewed differently and yeah and know it wasn't perfect ... or I wouldn't have been in a lot less trouble :biggrin::biggrin:

OK guys back to action ...

[Edited on 8-9-2014 by wessongroup]

Tioloco - 8-9-2014 at 12:22 PM

Seems one can't have an opinion on politics these days and not get attacked. Pretty sad. Oh, and I am a Republican. And proud! Have a nice day

willardguy - 8-9-2014 at 12:39 PM

Originally posted by Tioloco
Seems one can't have an opinion on politics these days and not get attacked. Pretty sad. Oh, and I am a Republican. And proud! Have a nice day

if its not an opinion on MEXICAN POLITICS it has no business here, RIGHT?:?:

Tioloco - 8-9-2014 at 12:52 PM

You are right, Willard. :) Now let's see if we can ALL remember that.

Bajafun777 - 8-13-2014 at 06:49 PM

The problem with dangerous issues with vehicle recalls are that it seems unless you are getting service for your vehicle at a dealership you may never know about them. I have received
some notices in the mail but once you move those letters ,if mailed ,may never reach you. Everyone should check online about vehicle recalls each year as it takes years sometimes before the auto companies will advise customers about problems.
I have said it before & I will say it again a few people on this site need to lighten up. It is OK for people to agree they will always disagree on certain subjects. However we have some people on this site that just look for something to fight about with hard attacks on others. I get it some that do this are sick, old with limitations & feel they gain their youth & possible strength abilities back by making some really challenging call out to others, however if face to face they would keep quite but online bullying is fun to them. Again. Life is too short to walk around MAD & HATING others. So live life don't waste it trying to pick verbal fights that nobody cares about nor can change. It is what it is-- Now. EASY ON THE EASY!! Take Care & Travel Safe-----"No Hurry, No Worry, Just FUN!!" bajafun777

bajabuddha - 8-13-2014 at 07:26 PM

Originally posted by chuckie
He works that "holier than thou" thing to death..reminds me of Ernest Borgnine in from Here to eternity...I'm here to help ya son"

Kinda reminds me of someone else that grabs a 4-day-old post to throw in his 2lb. bag... but I daren't contradict...

[Edited on 8-14-2014 by bajabuddha]

Bajafun777 - 8-13-2014 at 09:12 PM

We need to have a bajanomads FUN outing in Baja like the book signing events we use to have. Maybe doing these again would make the negative attacks towards others go away. Yeah, maybe actually being around other bajanomads in person would help change some of it. On the other hand the face to face rants not behind a computer might make for some interesting feedback right on the spot. Again, get a life that lets you & others have FUN. Like a majority of bajanomads, we have friends, family, & other activities that keep us having FUN & not on this site every day. Take Care & Travel Safe----"No Hurry, No Worry, Just FUN!" bajafun777