
Los Cabos - Rated "R"

vseasport - 10-4-2014 at 04:03 PM

Los Cabos - Rated "R"
I'm going off on a rant! If a couple of swear words or a very pointed view offend you just click on by.

Hurricane Odile is old news now and thanks to the Mexican government and the hard working people of Baja the best part of the mess it made has been cleaned up. Yes, there was impact that will take more time for some things to get back to normal but a huge percentage of the businesses that serve our tourist trade in Los Cabos are ready to rock and roll.

What has impacted many of these businesses most is the closure of SJD airport. Yesterday the airport opened for domestic flights but won't open until the 8th for international. With SJD closed for more than 2 weeks La Paz airport is the only option to fly here. The problem with that is no direct flights are offered from the US so travelers have to get to San Diego and make their way across the border to Tijuana or fly through Mexico City or Guadalajara to get to La Paz. Whichever route you choose, it is just not easy and then there is the couple hour taxi ride to Los Cabos. That is not to mention what an armpit the La Paz airport is.

Alaska and Southwest made a huge deal and tooted their horn about the humanitarian flights they provided to evacuate stranded tourists out of Cabo. I say big woop! They brought them in, and in my mind, had some duty to jump in and help get them out. Once the evacuation was over Alaska showed their true colors and suspended all flights to Los Cabos until November. Other airlines have jumped on the band wagon canceling flights throughout October. Now Alaska has thrown Los Cabos a bone offering one flight a day from Los Angeles but San Diego and all other destinations are still cancelled.

The bulk of Los Cabos economy is tourist driven and everybody is choking. Worse yet, even after the airport opens the greed of many airlines has made them choose not to fly. If they can't fly full they are just canceling flights. Few tourists are here so the first planes in will have to dead head back empty. The airlines would rather just cancel flights and drop the good people of Los Cabos on their heads, cutting off their life blood until a fat profit can be made.

For Christ sake! Yesterday a cruise ship made port in the Cabo Marina and the airlines don't want to fly. I know in time this will become a distant memory but hope this writing will remind some how poorly the airlines treated us.

Copied here is an email I woke up to yesterday:

[I]Hi Guys,
I took my wife to dinner last night to celebrate putting the tournament to bed and the great response we have had in light of all that has stood in our way.
Then my phone rang. It was one of my team captains. United airlines had cancelled our flight once again and re-booked us all over the US.
They had some of us coming in on the 9th some on the 10th. Routing us through up to 4 cities. the longest one I heard was 29 hours.
I went home got on the phone with united. my wife started calling guys. We found a red eye out of Houston and got almost everybody re-booked. I don't know if I can get them all.
As it stands we are still coming on Oct 8th and staying till the 12th.
If this one doesn't fly I don't think I can rally support for the trip. The guys have been awesome but they are succumbing to doubt.
I hate to say this but I will not ask this of them or my poor wife again.
Lets hope these crazy airlines are done messing with us.
Without regard to the impact they cause the region they are supposed to be serving or for their patrons who have planned up to and more than a year in advance these greedy bastards just cancel. No explanation, just cancelled.

How come you can ask the person sitting next to you while flying how much they paid for their ticket and find it was only half as much as you paid? Why are they allowed to gouge? I could go on and on about the airlines. They have us all over a barrel and know it. It is just not right!

It's just my opinion I could be wrong.

At least game fish are treating us well. The few guests that have found their way through the maze to get here are enjoying typical outstanding October fishing. For the first time this year live bait is plentiful and tuna, dorado, marlin, sailfish, wahoo and roosterfish are providing constant action.

Walking the beach this morning I captured this amazing rainbow on my iPhone

Also found signs of a new turtle nest

Even if our guests can't get here we are going fishing

Tuna are here

So are dorado. Diego withg a good one.

Chuy is bent.

Striped marlin

The old guy can still pull.

Mark Rayor
US cell 310 308 5841

Udo - 10-4-2014 at 04:08 PM

Nice photo of the marlin!

sd - 10-4-2014 at 05:07 PM

I am sure it is frustrating Mark.

However, in fairness to Alaska Airlines, they did step up and sent planes in full of food, water and supplies as soon as they were allowed to do so. And passengers were flown back to the States on their return flights. They also made a stop in mainland Mexico to pick up passengers that were flown there by Military planes when leaving Baja.

They early on announced their flights would resume on a limited basis when the airport re opened on the planned October 8th date. If all goes well, they will gradually increase the number of flights. I am sure they want to be sure everything is up and running correctly before bringing flights back to normal.

I am guessing it is more out of concern for proper operations than "greed" they are starting back slowly. I for one sent them thanks for their efforts and assistance, and I am just a fisherman who loves fishing the East Cape. I have made many friends there and it was good to know Alaska Airlines and others reached out at a time of need. And of course, many stranded passengers did fly Alaska and were stranded when the storm hit.

Wishing you a full boatload of passengers soon Mark. I am sorry for all who had damage and destruction, and I feel most of us understand you desperately need the tourists to return. And we want to return!

Does anyone have current photos of the airport? Amazing that they are able to re open so soon.


Lengua - 10-4-2014 at 05:58 PM

I disagree with you. The folks at Alaska Air should be commended for their efforts.Instead your slamming them along with the other airlines. I know its cutting into your business and the the Businesses of Cabo San Lucas.
What do you think Alaska is doing , their running a business also and trying to service the demand while assesing airport capability ,support services etc....There is a lot to consider after a major hurricane like Odile that did so much damage.
You act as if their suppose to bail you out . Your choice to live there and run a business knowing very well what could happen.
Some years you probably killed it without any interruptions to your business .This happens to be an off year all the way around . AS they say you have to take the good with the bad. I hope the region recovers faster and the airlines find it profitable to return . God Bless the people of Cabo San Lucas.

Pappy Jon - 10-5-2014 at 01:07 PM

The airlines are businesses, not charities. Flying down to Cabo empty not only cost them money, it doesn't make you any either. Just because the planes might fly in doesn't mean there will be people to get off.

weebray - 10-5-2014 at 03:03 PM

The time approaches when, at the very least, monthly fishing moratoriums will have to be declared in order to give the depleted stocks a chance to recover. Your business will be impacted just like the commercial Mexican fishermen on the pacific side are being made to stand down now. Something for you to consider for your future business model. Maybe you should consider a larger emphasis on catch and release. Think of the thousands of gallons of jet A saved by not hauling tons of dead fish north to rot in someone's freezer.

Sweetwater - 10-5-2014 at 03:28 PM

Because the destruction of Cabo was so well publicized, I would think that the commitment to travel is a primary stumbling block rather than the airlines willingness to fly the routes. If your airport is not functioning or only partially functioning, the liability for any accidents will fall on those planes, personnel and companies. After watching the US devastation to the Gulf and the Eastern Seaboard from Class 4 hurricanes, I'd bet that many folks do not think or believe that there has been a full recovery from Odile. I have also heard from local owners of properties in that area that they have not recovered and are not useable. Of course, it might just be me.....

Lengua - 10-5-2014 at 03:52 PM

Many of us are still picking up the pieces. Repairing our homes , damage to our vehicles and our personal property. I've seen the destruction first hand and its still a mess. Maybe not in Los barrilles but it is in Cabo.

your business is dependent on the airlines and so is Cabo tourism. Not all the hotels are up and running and some folks timeshares have been damaged.
It goes both ways , our friends dont get to use their timeshare and are out and Cabo doesnt get them as a visitor with disposable money to feed the economy.

Thats the unfortunate consequences of such a natural disaster.

It will come back .

Sandlefoot - 10-5-2014 at 04:39 PM

Might make one wish La Paz was still an international airport! Would be funneling those to Cabo until the repairs where completed there! Just a thought.

desertcpl - 10-5-2014 at 04:48 PM

Originally posted by weebray
The time approaches when, at the very least, monthly fishing moratoriums will have to be declared in order to give the depleted stocks a chance to recover. Your business will be impacted just like the commercial Mexican fishermen on the pacific side are being made to stand down now. Something for you to consider for your future business model. Maybe you should consider a larger emphasis on catch and release. Think of the thousands of gallons of jet A saved by not hauling tons of dead fish north to rot in someone's freezer.

oh boy now you have done it,,,

weebray - 10-5-2014 at 07:37 PM

Originally posted by desertcpl
Originally posted by weebray
The time approaches when, at the very least, monthly fishing moratoriums will have to be declared in order to give the depleted stocks a chance to recover. Your business will be impacted just like the commercial Mexican fishermen on the pacific side are being made to stand down now. Something for you to consider for your future business model. Maybe you should consider a larger emphasis on catch and release. Think of the thousands of gallons of jet A saved by not hauling tons of dead fish north to rot in someone's freezer.

Thank you, I hope so.

oh boy now you have done it,,,

gnukid - 10-5-2014 at 08:15 PM

Alaskaair had flights booked for Cabo, but canceled those flights and then re-added flights in a limited manner that are overbooked with tickets at higher prices. As a provider of services they canceled orders for services they had contracted to deliver in a disaster, only to re-add flights at a semi-limited quantity and charge higher prices, some one way flights are listed at $1000. If that is not gouging for economic gain, not sure what is. Alaska's actions should be under investigation. Other businesses have been investigated and charged in this period such as Movestar and Telcel. Egg prices are skyrocketing. Alaska should be doing better.

Desertbull - 10-5-2014 at 08:18 PM

The airlines are not responsible for bringing your clients down south, you're just using them. You should have your own deal on a charter or do a deal with Chonch at AeroCalafia, your clients will pay the fee right! I haven't seen you ever complain here about the airlines when you were banging in the almighty tourist dollars when they were bringing in your clients with no problems at no cost or worry to YOU! It seems you have been banking the tourist fishing dollars for a long time and now you complain about the airlines...hahaha classic Americano should have been very prepared for roses? Smell them deeply! :lol::lol::lol:::lol:

sd - 10-6-2014 at 01:29 AM

Alaska Airlines
Los Angeles to Cabo
October 17 departure
October 22 return
$303.00 round trip including all taxes. Cheaper than I have seen it in a long time. This price was available when I just checked.

Alaska has some high priced flights for the first few days Cabo airport re opens., like $800 one way from Los Angeles. Crazy price.

I heard from multiple people that the tickets they had that Alaska cancelled were made available to them again at the original price.

Takes a lot of fuel to run that plane, and the ticket price can be cheap if you are flexible on travel dates!

Tourism is important, and hope the town fills up soon.

tecatero - 10-6-2014 at 06:34 AM

This vseasport guy is a whiner........people lost everything, sorry you are having a difficult time getting on your fishing trip. Get in a truck and drive it, like we used to do.

Pescador - 10-6-2014 at 07:27 AM

Originally posted by tecatero
This vseasport guy is a whiner........people lost everything, sorry you are having a difficult time getting on your fishing trip. Get in a truck and drive it, like we used to do.

He lives there and went Through the storm, so get your facts straight before venting.

PS. Great photos, I sure like those better when they are in the water. I think you run a great charter down there and the only place we have gone sideways in the past was the taking of fish out of the water to take pics. This set of pics are beyond great.

dtbushpilot - 10-6-2014 at 08:26 AM

Well Mark, it's a good thing you didn't pull any bill fish out of the water for a picture last week. Things will be back to normal soon, thanks for posting and keep the great pictures coming...

bajalearner - 10-6-2014 at 08:42 AM

Americans' are spoiled cry babies but yet demand the lowest prices for goods and services.

It's nice some people can go to enjoy the best fishing in the world. It's a shame one might have to endure the inconvenience of a hurricane aftermath disrupt such pleasure. Americans' shouldn't have to put up with such inconveniences. Couldn't someone have changed the course of that damn storm? I think I'll sue someone.

Lengua - 10-6-2014 at 10:26 AM

Pescador , I believe the facts are what they are . The guy is b-tching about Alaska Air abandoning the service and jacking prices . I myself have checked the prices and they are reasonable . The dud e wants it both ways. I 'm sure he's done pretty good over the years and other were much more affected than he was. He relies on our dollars not the locals so he needs those flights to start up ASAP -all under the guise that its the folks of Baja that need those flights back . Everyone wants it back to "normal" but there's a lot more to it than fueling the plane and taking off.

motoged - 10-6-2014 at 10:51 AM

Once the tragedy seems to subside....some folks start to look to blame someone :?::?:

I like the ideas presented suggesting Vsport charter his own customer flights....I assume folks coming down just to fish could afford any cost differences....and likely don't need the fish for subsistence living, so also agree it should ALL be catch and release fishing.

Do people still put a stuffed fish on the wall to show they have a big one? And there are lots of fish caught by locals available for sale if you get a hankering for fish for supper (That would support the local economy :light: ).

Trophy hunting/fishing is an outdated practice in the minds of many these days.

However, a nice day out on the chuck is a good aside.

Not everyone here seems to bend down to the sacred activity of the "sport" of fishing.

LancairDriver - 10-6-2014 at 11:04 AM

Interesting to see the highly divergent views of the tax dollar parasites, and ones who have never signed the front side of a paycheck, as compared to tax dollar and job producers viewpoint. Greedy one percenters complaining again. I assume Marks business benefits many locals?

Lengua - 10-6-2014 at 02:07 PM

Not really , we take the good with the bad because we learned a long time ago that b-tching and blaming someone else doesn't do any good .We just work harder . I'm a commission only broker and I eat what I kill in terms of a paycheck . No one to blame but myself if I don't eat. Toughen up or it'll eat you up. As the late Pittsburgh Steeler coach Chuck Noll use to say "do whatever it takes" but don't blame others for your misfortune .

I hope it rebounds quickly , but in the mean time , quit b-tching and make it happen.

Bajahowodd - 10-6-2014 at 05:01 PM

It will rebound quickly, with the exception of some of the smaller palapa restaurants, not to mention that so many of the folks who work in the hospitality and retail industry are really hurting right now.

I really have to wonder if some of the huge foreign retailers such as Costco and Walmart will do anything for their employees.

dtbushpilot - 10-6-2014 at 05:05 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
It will rebound quickly, with the exception of some of the smaller palapa restaurants, not to mention that so many of the folks who work in the hospitality and retail industry are really hurting right now.

I really have to wonder if some of the huge foreign retailers such as Costco and Walmart will do anything for their employees.

You mean like giving them their job back when they recover from the hurricane and looting damage? I think they will.

motoged - 10-6-2014 at 05:15 PM

Will you get your "greeter" job back at Walmart?

Or was that incident where you got on the microphone and presented that message still being held against you?:

"Fat folks gossiping in aisle 4 : You are blocking the other shoppers and one of your kids is eating ice cream out of the frozen food section, and the other is playing in the women's underwear department..."

I thought it was funny, but the mom in the leopard tights didn't ...:?:

[Edited on 10-7-2014 by motoged]

dtbushpilot - 10-6-2014 at 05:27 PM

Originally posted by motoged
Will you get your "greeter" job back at Walmart?

Or was that incident where you got on the microphone and presented that message still being held against you?:

"Fat folks gossiping in aisle 4 : You are blocking the other shoppers and one of your kids is eating ice cream out of the frozen food section, and the other is playing in the women's underwear department..."

I thought it was funny, but the mom in the leopard tights didn't ...:?:

[Edited on 10-7-2014 by motoged]

I hope they will hire me back but when you couple the microphone incident with the security camera footage of me carrying out a 55" flat screen TV after the hurricane I'm a bit concerned. Hopefully someone looted the security cameras before I stole the TV...:lol::lol:

motoged - 10-6-2014 at 05:43 PM

If you wear a toupee they might not recognize you....

vseasport - 10-8-2014 at 04:46 PM

Originally posted by motoged
If you wear a toupee they might not recognize you....

Need a hell of a toup to cover that melon.

David I just read where some other gringos came clean and paid Costco 30,000 pesos for a flat screen and kayak they lifted. Maybe there will be an amnesty you can get in on?

dtbushpilot - 10-8-2014 at 04:57 PM

Those ****** bags should go to jail, the only reason they paid up was because they got caught on video.... I ain't admitting to nothing without a youtube video......I was in Buena Vista the whole time, that's my story and I'm sticking to it..:bounce::bounce: