
Sad Introduction. Stolen Polaris RZR

freewillie - 2-1-2015 at 11:53 AM

[Edited on 2-1-2015 by freewillie]

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motoged - 2-1-2015 at 11:59 AM

My heart goes out to you....nothing worse it would seem :fire:

My motorcycle was stolen in San Felipe last year (just rolled away while I was in a panaderia)

$15,000 MP reward w/posters around town got it back 48 hours later.

Good luck with getting your primo toy back.

dtbushpilot - 2-1-2015 at 12:11 PM

When and where?


bajaguy - 2-1-2015 at 12:34 PM


willardguy - 2-1-2015 at 12:56 PM

oh lordy, thats no bueno....:no:

basautter - 2-1-2015 at 03:14 PM

Sorry for your loss....I had my bike stolen in Tucson, and it was a bummer. Can you provide details (when, where, how)? That will help the off road community protect themselves in the future. Thanks in advance!

freewillie - 2-1-2015 at 03:26 PM

Thanks for the comments.
I tried to post text with the pictures but i seem to have finger problems in doing so.

It was stolen from Villa Serena in Cabo San Lucas at about 8pm on Saturday evening.
I have stayed here at Villa Serena for 3 years from early December until late March and never had a problem before, i guess got somewhat complacent. I went to town at 6pm, and returned at 10pm to find it missing. Neighbours tell me they saw it driving out of the park about 8pm, with two people in it.
Apparently they hot wired it or somehow started and drove it as the keys are all still in my possession.
I have gone to the police here, and posted it on a Facebook page of a friend who is well connected in the area, offering a 1000 USD reward for it to be returned, no questions asked.
While I'm not overly optimistic on getting it back i do hope that some miracle does happen.

basautter - 2-1-2015 at 04:15 PM

Thanks for the info, and best of luck! I plan on being more careful when on future trips. Could have easily happened to me.

BajaBlanca - 2-1-2015 at 04:26 PM

Hoping you get it back.... that reward just might do it!

micah202 - 2-1-2015 at 05:46 PM

....yeh,,,I lost my van and all gear in TJ 3 years back....was running around handing out flyers ''$1000us reward'' until someone said they translated as 'kidnap me' posters! :o;):biggrin:


vandenberg - 2-1-2015 at 08:15 PM

That machine is pretty hard to hide, which means it has to be taken by closed truck some where to the mainland. Surely can't use it anywhere in Baja without people asking questions, right?

CaboSur - 2-1-2015 at 08:51 PM

Here's what worked for a friend of mine in Chihuahua. He had his car back in 24 hrs.
Stop the first transito vehicle you see and give them a photo of the RZR and explain to them in Spanish you are offering a reward for the return of your RZR with no questions asked. With a little luck you may be amazed at how fast they find it. These guys have a lot of contacts on the street.

Wish you lots of LUCK!!!

durrelllrobert - 2-2-2015 at 11:05 AM

Did you haul it down from the Northwest Territory or buy it after you got here?

Hauled it down

freewillie - 2-2-2015 at 11:29 AM

pacsur - 2-2-2015 at 12:51 PM

You might try going to CaboMil radio station, it's right down the street at the Cabo Bello entrance, run some ads with a reward, they can put ads together pretty quick.


bajaguy - 2-2-2015 at 01:15 PM

Posters with photos on telephone poles, bus (micro) stops, stores, gas stations. Give flyers to police, propane truck drivers and water truck delivery people, military checkpoints

Sweetwater - 2-2-2015 at 03:51 PM

Agree with many posters that your best bet is a local contact with local recovery. Based on the motoged experience, is there a local motorhead contact who can act as an intermediary. As a Norte' gringo, you probably don't have the necessary insight into the local motorhead community. The quicker, the better and bypass the 'authorities' unless they present a solution.....

bajabuddha - 2-2-2015 at 04:00 PM

Another place to look: Impound lots. If the SOB's joy-ride and wreck it or abandon it, and it's impounded by the Fed's or local policia, it can be already sitting in an impound lot waiting for you. Even though the police report has the VIN # and info particulars doesn't mean the different offices and lots communicate. I'd check all major towns from Loreto south, and check 'em yourself, with photo and vin# with. This is from experience... a friend had his bike swiped, put out rewards, and the Loreto impound lot worker even tried to contact us (for the reward money of course) but went to the wrong beach.... the thing sat for weeks until my friend found it himself.

basautter - 2-3-2015 at 06:05 PM

Will the Mexican Federales trace a VIN number for an abandones vehicle back to the states and contact the owner. Sounds like a dumb question, "of course not"?

bajabuddha - 2-3-2015 at 11:26 PM

Quote: Originally posted by basautter  
Will the Mexican Federales trace a VIN number for an abandones vehicle back to the states and contact the owner. Sounds like a dumb question, "of course not"?

All I can say is, from experience an 'abandoned' vehicle will sit long enough to be forgotten, then shall we say, 'adopted' into possession of either a policia or the yard owner, or maybe a third party.... for a nominal price. The VIN of the stolen motorcycle I was involved in was reported less than 12 hours of the theft to the Mulege gendarmes. The bike was wrecked and abandoned within 12 hours of the report, and impounded in Loreto, VIN recorded and given to Loreto gendarmes and Federales (Fed. yard). It was 2 - 3 weeks later we found the bike (from a local Mulegeno tip) at the impound yard.

Meantime, the scumbag that wrecked the bike was treated for a broken arm at 2 a.m. the same night the bike was taken, and told the policia he'd ''fallen off a horse''..... yeah, right. No follow-ups at all, and this creature is very well known in Mulege as the biggest thief in the area... everyone knew he was the culprit, but probably somebody's cousin.

Oh yeah, the bike was ticketed because it was found wrecked and abandoned, and even though there was a 'stolen' report on it the night before, my friend still had to pay the 'wrecked and abandoned' ticket, and several weeks' storage as well. He had a $500 USD reward out, and by the time tickets, storage, interpreter fees and what-all was paid out, came to close to $500. On top of that, the Loreto PD tried....... TRIED........ to shake us down for the reward money as well. They didn't succeed.

I hope that helps answer your question.

Floatflyer - 2-5-2015 at 07:50 AM

I feel your pain. March of 2004 I was the victim of a theft, my Cessna T-210 was stolen from the El Rincon airstrip south of Punta Colorada. Never saw it again or any information about it. LUCKILY I had full insurance coverage and after 3 months AND a visit to the airstrip by an investigator, I was paid off in full.

Fast forward to August of 2008 when I was notified that my ATV was stolen. A neighbor's workman heard the ATV start and drove down to see 2 20 something year olds riding off with it. He followed as far as he could till they went cross country.

I usually removed a tire and chained it to a post but after a number of years with no threats AND I assumed that all the high native brush and barbed wire would deter any theft efforts. I also left the tires on and only cabled the machine to a post with a Kryptonite cable.

Sent all information including VIN #, pictures, etc to the La Ribera Police and posted on the Baja Pony Express. Not too long after the theft it was determined who the young thieves were and who in town they were related to. No matter, nothing came of it as they did not live in town.

Jan of 2009 I happened to be in Los Barriles and as I was driving out of town I saw a Bronco with a trailer and an ATV on the trailer parked in front of Chapito's. I parked and examined the ATV and even though decals, luggage racks, and now with bald tires, I was able to read the engine VIN# and determine it was mine. The "owner" came out of the store and when I told him the news, he said ok, I have just put a down payment on the machine a week ago and I will get my money back! This guy was about 40 yrs old and fat, not the thief, but?? He lived in San Jose and was on his way to El Cardonal for the weekend. There was almost 4,000 miles added to the ATV BUT, by a fluke of luck, I got it back.

When I showed the ATV to the police in La Ribera all they did was hand me my file, period. A few months later the "owner" stopped by my friends house where he had towed the ATV for inspection, and wanted money from me. My friend said that I had moved and he didn't know where I went. Nobody ever charged with anything.

SO, good luck, and remember, locks don't work. Disable anything with wheels or wings so that they can't be moved. FF

monoloco - 2-5-2015 at 09:22 AM

It's too bad that your airplane didn't have a remote control kill switch.

Floatflyer - 2-5-2015 at 05:24 PM

I wish I had gone to a terrorist website and found a design for a bomb and pressure switch that would detonate at a prescribed altitude, but then I recognized the chance I might forget, gulp!

The interesting part is that 9 months later another attempt was made to steal my replacement plane. BUT this time I had figured out a way to make the plane unable to start unless one replaced a dummy part I installed after landing. Chalk up one for the gringo!!

bajatrailrider - 2-5-2015 at 07:59 PM

Few years back,during the Baja 1000.KTM racer on 15,000$ bike.Was staying at Hotel Past Ensanada south.Woke up in Morning bike was gone.Motel owner came to me,Asked me to help.Since anything with bikes I know about.Long story short spent 3 hours asking.Then one friend said I saw bike in next town.I told him see if you can get bike back.500 dollar reward.I called rider in Ensanada,told him I offered the reward I hope you get here fast if bike comes.Bike came back that night,Could not find rider,I paid the money.His crew came back he was racing.Of Course they did not have money I let them take bike anyway.He came next day give me my money back.Thanked me thousand times,we been friends ever since. If there are any bike shops in Area,they will know who took it,also the Police know the rats

motoged - 2-6-2015 at 12:03 PM

When my reward pulled some rats out of their hole in San Felipe last year, the guy that brought the bike back lived across the street from where the bike was stolen (while I went into the bakery for a donut :rolleyes: ). His family operated a small motors /motos repair shop....the guy said his younger sibling saw who rolled the bike away.....and my San Felipe local motel owner said the family was a respected one.....

what counts is that I got the bike back......for about 10% of its value

The only person who thought it was a bad deal was Fulano....but WTF does that goon know? :lol: