
Mulege North River Road Project?

Estrella - 3-8-2015 at 01:47 PM

Looking for an update on how the river road project is coming long? Spent our month there listening to the "sounds" of progress. Do not mind at all...if it holds up better than the unfinished malecon did. Certainly impressive the amount of rocks and fill going in. Curious what the final design outcome will be? We are semi joking we should make a special trip down when it is finished before hurricane season comes!

SFandH - 3-8-2015 at 03:23 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Estrella  
We are semi joking we should make a special trip down when it is finished before hurricane season comes!

I can't imagine any construction project along the river lasting long. The new road crossing the river under the highway bridge didn't last long, maybe a year.

Here's hurricane John's water output flowing down the river.

[Edited on 3-8-2015 by SFandH]

AKgringo - 3-8-2015 at 04:07 PM

That' a pretty short palm tree in the front center. Hardly any trunk at all!

chuckie - 3-8-2015 at 04:24 PM

The plan is to pave the road all the way to El Patron. Deep footings are being put in, real road base is going down, it is being made wider...I drive it at least once a day. Amazing how much progress is being made. A"scenic bypass" was created up the canyon and back down close to Sauls...I'll be glad when its finished....Chili cook off was today...nap time...

bajabuddha - 3-8-2015 at 05:24 PM

After all those beans Chuck, you must be exhaust...... ed. ;)

micah202 - 3-8-2015 at 05:42 PM

Quote: Originally posted by SFandH  

...holy CWAPP!...isn't the highway usually ~50' above the water level there!? :o


chuckie - 3-9-2015 at 06:58 AM


SFandH - 3-9-2015 at 07:23 AM

For those that don't know about Mulege flooding, here are 3 short videos of the flood caused by tropical storm (not hurricane) Julio.

[Edited on 3-9-2015 by SFandH]

Estrella - 3-9-2015 at 09:41 AM

We have to also give credit to the Mulege Bridge! Does anyone know it's history? Driving down every year we have experienced a lot of bridge failure in Baja Norte but our bridge design has stood stung. Yes the road under it has come and gone and tends to look different every year but the Bridge has seen and withstood four catastrophic flood events in very recent history. History anyone?

David K - 3-9-2015 at 09:49 AM

It was built about 1971/72 for the Transpeninsular Highway (which was paved north to Santa Rosalia in 1972. Previously, a little bridge is how one got across the river...

1970 map showing the the new roadbed from Loreto to Santa Rosalia, but no big bridge in Mulege...


J.P. - 3-9-2015 at 09:56 AM

Does anyone remember when the Drunk on Duty Muleje Cop ran his Police truck off that Bridge and luckily Lived to talk about it. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

mulegemichael - 3-9-2015 at 10:33 AM

sad to see you leaving the neighborhood, maxx...staying in la paz?..pulling all the plugs?

Pompano - 3-9-2015 at 10:40 AM

Quote: Originally posted by J.P.  
Does anyone remember when the Drunk on Duty Muleje Cop ran his Police truck off that Bridge and luckily Lived to talk about it. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Yes, I heard the story when having breakfast at the old Hacienda one day. A wild event to be sure. Quite a few of us stopped at that same spot and were amazed he managed to survive.

I have another story about the bridge..from when it was being built.

I was told this story by Don Johnson at the Serinadad one day.

When the Mulege bridge was just being built there was a retired CIA fellow who rented a house on the north side of town. His normal daily routine was to drive his battered Jeep Commando Roadster across the river on the old crossing and continue on to the Serinadad for his breakfast.

When crossing the river, however, where all the many workers were laboring on the new bridge...he would stop and get out to spend some time. Looking at all the bridge workers toiling away, he started to whistle loudly the tune from the movie, "Bridge on the River Kwai".

It was a snappy tune and everyone seemed pleased with it. He did this for many days, and the workers came to know the tune themselves...and soon would stop working to whistle it along with this happy man when he appeared and stopped his Jeep.

This became a daily event...and caused some small grief.

The construction boss finally had to politely ask the Jeep Man to not stop and whistle anymore, as the daily whistling break was putting a delay on the bridge-work.

Mulege has always been a place for unusual events...;)

Estrella - 3-9-2015 at 11:22 AM

Are there any pictures of the previous bridge? Or construction of current bridge?

Pompano - 3-9-2015 at 11:41 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Estrella  
Are there any pictures of the previous bridge? Or construction of current bridge?

Estrella, I probably have some...I'll rummage thru my photo morgue and post here if I run across any. I used to stop at the old crossing in the shallow water and wash my El Camino...and I recall taking a photo of that.

David K - 3-9-2015 at 11:42 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Estrella  
Are there any pictures of the previous bridge? Or construction of current bridge?

From Cliff Cross, 1970 Baja Guide

Estrella - 3-9-2015 at 11:46 AM

Wow...thank you! Looking forward to more of this part of Mulege's story,

David K - 3-9-2015 at 12:09 PM

Here is a page and map of Mulege from the 1970 book:

Estrella - 3-11-2015 at 09:38 AM

Anyone have current pictures of what is happening on The North Rio Road? We've been wondering if they are going to continue using the upper "Scenic Hill Bypass" just west of Huerta Chano's?

alacran - 3-12-2015 at 07:57 PM

I know well the cop that went over the bridge and survived he got the name "gato volador" in gringo language "the fliying cat",
He has done some work for me through the years, his name is Jose, will not mention last name. He is back as a cop again.

mtnpop - 3-13-2015 at 07:16 AM

As I look out my front window across the estuary this morning there is no equipment working... as is usual every morning ..

BUT,,,, there are workers stacking up large piles of white pipe...
So just a guess,,, like in the states... new road, then dig a ditch in it and lay new water and sewer lines... then come back with a nice patch job...
Of course, just maybe there is enough room beside the road to do the utility ditch.... how many think this is the case???
Guess I will pour another cup of coffee and watch... at least the noise of the dozers is gone for awhile...

mtnpop - 3-13-2015 at 07:54 AM

Of what I spoke was premature...

I am now watching the backhoe dig the trench heading east
then lay the pipe, cover the trench and more grading...

then the north river road will be the race track it was meant to be...

there I go again.... glass half empty attitude...

Estrella - 3-13-2015 at 08:45 AM

Thanks for that update.... Where is the ditch actually going in ? There were stakes and flagging hugging the north side of the remnants of the bank? Are they getting close to the rumor of paving it?

willyAirstream - 3-15-2015 at 08:17 AM

Yesterday a huge crane thing, with a conveyor belt and generator went by here, any idea what that is for?
The road is still blocked off, although many are ignoring the detour signs and try to get thru only to turn around in a tight area. `` Freeway Cuesta`` is 3 lanes wide and provides easy access to north estero road. Opened up new real estate possibilites?
The road from the malecon back toward town is now graded, very wide, rocks are in place on the edge, no footings, broken water(waste?) line towards town. This section is about the same elevation as the existing malecon. Hopefully it will be a concrete road and not paving so as to have a fighting chance next season.
Give the construction crews a break, use the detour :) El Patron and Carlo`s bar are both open.

mtnpop - 3-15-2015 at 09:00 AM

Looked like conveyor and either rock crusher equipment or batch plant hopper which they would use for either concrete or asphalt work....
Anyway that is what we saw going up the road... couple of rigs hauling equipment with police escort..

now to see if they bring in concrete trucks or paving equipment

willyAirstream - 3-15-2015 at 09:05 AM

Thanks, that makes sense.
I can see Max`s smile from here. :)

Estrella - 3-15-2015 at 11:42 AM

Thank you for the updates. Where did they park the conveyer and batch plant? They had graded a wide swath up the arroyo next to the Huerta before we left. We were wondering if would be used for that purpose. 3 lanes to town! Guess Carlo's will need real checkered flags at his end!

mtnpop - 3-16-2015 at 10:24 PM

Have no clue to what the plan is but they fired up the rock crusher in the arroyo behind Don Cheno late this afternoon...
Big time noise and enormous dust cloud drifting across the park and the estuary... lasted an hour or so...
So now the fun begins....
Will it be concrete or will it be aphalt or will it be gravel road...

chuckie - 3-17-2015 at 01:51 PM

Ross, I went up and checked stuff out for you this morning. The road up the canyon by Don Chanos is for overflow traffic from the new Walmart and to allow access to the New Oxxo. The machine you saw is a grain processing device for the Pacifico brewery to be built behind Carlos bar....Hope this helps?:biggrin:

Estrella - 3-21-2015 at 02:13 PM

How are things progressing?

willyAirstream - 3-21-2015 at 02:46 PM

Signs are going up, street lighting in place, yellow lines painted and the toll booth is almost complete.

Pics when something significant happens. This is going to be a long project, even tho they are working long hours, it will take quite awhile.

chuckie - 3-21-2015 at 03:07 PM

My guess? Most of the year....Just in time for the next flood....

mtnpop - 3-21-2015 at 03:45 PM

Rumor mill has it that it is to be done (paved) before the upcoming election... which is mid April me thinks.... how many of you folks on that side actually get to vote???
And if you believe this quip, I have this nice semi-arid place on the south side of the estuary you can get at a bargain price...

workin 10-12 hour days sometimes 7 days a week..and it looks like grade might be just a tad below high water mark...
oh well...

willyAirstream - 3-21-2015 at 03:56 PM

2 concrete trucks just went by...

mtnpop - 3-22-2015 at 03:24 PM

Sunday,, large yellow tanker sittin across on the north river road..
no idea what they are haulin in it...
gonna have to set up lawn chairs on the south side and watch the rest of this project..
I think I must get a hobby.... or go fishin...

mtnpop - 3-22-2015 at 03:25 PM

Sunday,, large yellow tanker sittin across on the north river road..
no idea what they are haulin in it...
gonna have to set up lawn chairs on the south side and watch the rest of this project..
I think I must get a hobby.... or go fishin...

chuckie - 3-22-2015 at 03:28 PM

Fishin....I came out this morning at about 4:30..They had parked the trencher in the road leaving about 6 inches of room next to the trench...In San Quintin now....

Bajahowodd - 3-22-2015 at 04:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Estrella  
We have to also give credit to the Mulege Bridge! Does anyone know it's history? Driving down every year we have experienced a lot of bridge failure in Baja Norte but our bridge design has stood stung. Yes the road under it has come and gone and tends to look different every year but the Bridge has seen and withstood four catastrophic flood events in very recent history. History anyone?

Good point because the bridges between Insurgentes and Constitucion, as well as the one at El Tule in the Cabo area have repeatedly failed.

alacran - 3-23-2015 at 05:56 PM

As of this afternoon, they poured asphalt on half the road and then covered in dirt again (no gravel thus far) front of my house.

Estrella - 3-23-2015 at 06:35 PM

So to make sure I understand this. They laid asphalt on a portion of the road and then covered it with dirt? Is this normal procedure?

David K - 3-23-2015 at 06:53 PM

You don't want to drive on hot oil or fresh asphalt... makes a mess to clean.

micah202 - 3-24-2015 at 02:12 AM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
You don't want to drive on hot oil or fresh asphalt... makes a mess to clean. undercoat for snow and salt country! :biggrin:


mtnpop - 3-24-2015 at 08:26 AM

Have not been over there to look but is it possible that they put the asphalt down then a layer of crushed rock like we do chip seal in the states not dirt... then they come back with a seal coat usually..
of course this is Mexico road building 101 so anything could be possible.
flurry of activity early this morning and now calm and quiet.. must be breakfast burrito time...

still a big stack of pipe behind the malecon thats gonna be buried somewhere close to the road or in it..

just another day in paradise...

Gulliver - 3-24-2015 at 11:55 AM

Speaking of things that have lasted, the dam was built in 41.

alacran - 3-24-2015 at 06:04 PM

well another coat of dirt, this morning.

Estrella - 3-24-2015 at 08:46 PM

Are they finished hauling and dumping rock?

willyAirstream - 3-25-2015 at 01:05 PM

Finished, ha ha This will go on for weeks.
Progress on north river road, Mulege. Oil tankers, graders,dump trucks and other heavy equipment working 7 days aweek. Currently oiling the packed dirt and covering with more dirt. no asphalt or concrete yet.
More and Much better pics on my FB page or TalkBaja FB page

willyAirstream - 3-27-2015 at 07:45 AM

Progress report - yesterday they tore up the road from Sauls to the river, liaded a new 12 inch waste line and brought in more dirt. 7am tp 9pm. Today they are trenching again for 2 water supply lines. Water will be off until 7pm tonight. Rumor is this will be a concrete road.

Estrella - 3-30-2015 at 02:45 PM

Thanks for the continuing updates!

alacran - 3-30-2015 at 05:58 PM

Thus far 1 coat of tar, 3 of dirt.

mtnpop - 4-26-2015 at 08:19 AM

Night and day pouring of the concrete curbs the last couple of weeks.. Looks like several layer of asphalt and roadbase to seal the roadway... some concrete pavement already in at the furthermost east end ... they were pouring concrete pavement in front of Saul's grocery last night...
Looks to be 6 inches thick or so,,, no wire or rebar visible... It will be great when they are done over there so the back up alarms will not be almost 24/7 along with the big construction generator and floodlights
by the way, a string of street lights is being installed... we can only hope they are led and shine down not floodlight style

willyAirstream - 4-26-2015 at 08:48 AM

Yes, slab from Sauls to my place is poured. They worked all night and still going strong. 4 layers of compacted road base, then thin layer of asphaltic liquid, then 6inch concrete slab. Between the generators, back up signals and musica, this colonia got no sleep and I am blocked in once again :) looks like they are doing 100 yard sections, so probably another sleepless night in Mulege. They are cutting in the control joints now, roller is warming up, windows are rattling, dogs are howling.....but, this will be nice when complete and not as much dust. Hope a tope or 2 are in the master plan. Foreman said they want all the concrete work done by may 10th., I think he meant from Sauls to the river, but not sure.
The waste pipes, 2 - 12 inch dia. and a 6 inch water supply line are in and each casa and lot has their own covered access pit, state of the art valves and fittings. Impressive!
As I type, they are placing the generator and lights about 6 feet from my bedroom lol.