
Baja Nomad OP/ED

CortezBlue - 4-3-2015 at 09:19 AM

This is an OP ED (Opinion and Editorial)

For many years Baja Nomads has been one of my number 1 forums/sites that I visited daily. I found the information regarding Baja informative and interesting.

I have noticed over the past few years that this site has changed. I don't have any statistics, but only my gut feel.

It appears to me that there are fewer "new" posts on a daily basis. I always go to "Today's Posts" to scan for topics. I have started noticing that these topics are not changing as fast as they once did, but they just keep getting longer and longer with politically charged posts. I've also noticed that most of the topics have become far more contentious and politically motivated.

In fact many of the folks that seem to know about Baja, I would not want travel across the border with. It seems that they know a lot about Baja, but have not spent enough time immersed in Mexico to understand the people or the culture. Yea Yea, I know someone will spout off they dropped off a box of food at Coco's Corner, that is great, but not the same.

I find that little by little Baja Nomads has become less and less relevant to the topic at hand and more and more politicized.

Being a life long registered Republican, I consider myself Fiscally Conservative and Socially Liberal. However, between the FAR Left and the Tea Party Far Right, I am beginning to think this has totally polarized the News, and many forums and blogs and left many Dems and Reps in the center somewhere.

A case in point. I have an adult niece who is Gay. I have always been supportive of her even though I do not agree with all of the issues and drama. However, at Christmas while staying in our home in AZ she pulled her soapbox out and started complaining about AZ being full of HomoPhobic, republican, gun toting, Mormons. For those of you who are not aware, in AZ you can carry a concealed weapon with any CCL or training. And yes, I do carry a 9mm in my truck from time to time, I am not a Mormon, but AZ was expanded very much so by the early Mormons.

Of course I had to make the point, "so you want me to support your lifestyle but you can't support my AZ Lifestyle?" Needless to say, that was the last conversation we had.

So, what I am finding, much like our country, this web site and many other web sites, have become so polarized it is causing me to visit many web sites further and further apart.

Now that I am retired and can do what I want, I think I will go down to Mexico and live without news, internet or radio and listen to music from sun rise to sun set.

Enjoy, I know I will, no matter what you think!

PS Going to St. John's VI at the end of April as well.

David K - 4-3-2015 at 09:22 AM

Sounds valid and a good idea... Living in Baja would be nice!

Pescador - 4-3-2015 at 09:37 AM

I really appreciate the thought and intensity that went in to your post. I too am so tired of the bickering and stupidity that permeates the postings of a large number of people. Perhaps it is indicative of society at large that things are evolving into two separate political camps. It is very much like things were in the time leading up to the civil war where the division was very strong and emotional. Perhaps it is only my perspective but the left seems to disparage and use terms that are designed to make anyone who does not share their perspective to be stupid, uninformed, and hateful. But the right has a tendency treat those who do not agree with an air of superiority that they find very frustrating. If you read Alinsky's book of "Rules for Radicals" you quickly discover that a lot of this discontent and disturbance may well be planned and organized. But it is very disturbing and seeks to further divide the sides that become more antagonistic each and every day.

So your strategy to become more involved in your micro-world and see the relevance of that may well be the best strategy you can come up with.

rts551 - 4-3-2015 at 09:55 AM

from my middle-left leaning...AMEN Cortezblue.

monoloco - 4-3-2015 at 10:00 AM

It seems to me that as the two political parties have become more beholden to the same corporations, their strategy has shifted more to polarizing the electorate, to create the false illusion that there are vast differences between them. It also gives them the perfect excuse for maintaining the status quo, and not tackling the big problems we have. When accused of doing nothing, it's very convenient to be able to point the finger at your opponent and declare, "it's all their fault". Maybe it's time the voter wakes up and points the finger and says, "it both your faults, and we're not voting for either one of you." I believe that the lack of civility and the polarization observed here on Baja Nomads, is proof of the effectiveness of corporate mass media indoctrination. If one disagrees with the positions of the Republican talking points, then they are a leftist, libtard, etc., when they call out the president or the Democratic party, then they are accused of being a regressive, redneck, tea bagger. Personally, I believe that both parties need to be called out on many of their tactics and positions, and it's not really constructive to hang labels on people.

durrelllrobert - 4-3-2015 at 10:03 AM

Brett858 - 4-3-2015 at 10:11 AM

"Of course I had to make the point, "so you want me to support your lifestyle but you can't support my AZ Lifestyle?" Needless to say, that was the last conversation we had."

small piece of advice, ignore it if you wish...

The thing that probably made her most upset is that you refer to her being gay as a 'lifestyle choice". The simple fact of the matter is that Gay people don't choose to be gay, they are born gay. it is wired into them to be naturally attracted to the same sex, the same way it's wired into us to be attracted to the opposite sex.

given the amount of persecution that gay people face, do you really think that anyone would simply CHOOSE to be gay ?

elgatoloco - 4-3-2015 at 10:47 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Brett858  
"Of course I had to make the point, "so you want me to support your lifestyle but you can't support my AZ Lifestyle?" Needless to say, that was the last conversation we had."

small piece of advice, ignore it if you wish...

The thing that probably made her most upset is that you refer to her being gay as a 'lifestyle choice". The simple fact of the matter is that Gay people don't choose to be gay, they are born gay. it is wired into them to be naturally attracted to the same sex, the same way it's wired into us to be attracted to the opposite sex.

given the amount of persecution that gay people face, do you really think that anyone would simply CHOOSE to be gay ?

from my middle left leaning.....Amen Brett858 :saint:

Osprey - 4-3-2015 at 11:08 AM

The forum runs on computers, computers need fingers. If the fingers are mostly in Alabama, you eventually get some ideas that posit the position of Alabamans. The Nomad fingers are mostly in California. Cortez, you need to look for a forum titled "Non-Californian's forum about Baja California".

I once thought that the saying "Just because the kittens were born in the oven, don't make em biscuits" was a cute, clever homily but now I doubt me and the author.

I think Baja Nomad could solve the whole thing >> 30 days off the board if you post a political position in the wrong thread. Wait a minute, would that just shut the whole thing down?

Russ - 4-3-2015 at 11:47 AM

Selective reading saves me a lot of frustration;);)

vgabndo - 4-3-2015 at 11:51 AM

More and more evidence is mounting that liberals and conservatives actually have different brain development. One group show greater development in a part of the brain that allows them process information more readily, and more easily digest new kinds of, and conflicting ideas. Another group, when tested seems to more generally focus on how fearful they become when confronted with new ideas. It is the part of the brain responsible for the "fight or flight" response. (This is a gross over-simplification)
Perhaps because of different brain development, one group tends to be higher educated, free thinkers, educators, scientists and people open to new ideas. They are frequently opposed by those who refer to educated people as elitist and they wish to preserve their comfortable time worn prejudices, myths and superstitions. This group appears to fear unfamiliar things, and especially they fear their god.
I think that liberals are at fault for a lot of the recent conflict between these groups. For generations, while the church and the state were separate, liberals listened to "you have to respect our beliefs" with compassionate acceptance, now that a 100% Christian government has concentrated the nation's wealth in the hands of a tiny super rich minority, and we regularly hear calls for the Bible to be made the law of the land, the response is more likely to be "Like Hell we do!
Some folks, I'm proud to say, are just not going to be satisfied with an Armageddon cult, or other anti-scientific thinking, as the best future prospect for their individual or societal well being.
I believe I have a right to say these things because for months a troll denied my proud service in the military, and slandered me daily with an insane onslaught of fabrications on this forum. I'm not proud of the fact that he succeeded in causing me to stoop to his level. I renew my promise that I won't let that happen again.

paranewbi - 4-3-2015 at 12:11 PM

This ones going to look like all the rest in a few hours.

Good topic, Cortez Blue! Thank you.

toneart - 4-3-2015 at 12:25 PM

I am pretty much out of here. It is still a good place to come for Baja related information; road conditions, hotels, weather, restaurants, documents, and history. It has always been a good place to lurk and post when one has helpful information. But the political crap has got to stop. I too have been guilty of offering my political opinions at times, but tried to keep the tone civil and objective. No more! Given the displeasure that is so eloquently offered here by Cortez Blue, it would be hypocritical to ever do that again.

Being a gentleman has to do with how one was raised, and how he conducts his personal life with a sense of ethics. But, as my father used to say, "we have to venture into a world of the great unwashed".

I would like to know if it is possible to delete or terminate a topic that I started in OT; "Bibi is Losing Big Time". At the time I posted it he was, so it was relevant at that time. Now, of course, he has won. The problem is, like so many strings, THAT one has deteriorated into the usual Pi$$ing match between the usual few that bring each topic down and kill it's intended discussion.

I went in today and deleted my first post that started the topic, but it still carries my name as the author. I want to terminate the whole string because it isn't expiring on its own. How can this be done?

There is no reason to ever post in OT again for anyone who wants an intelligent discussion. Just leave it for the few and let them eat each other.

Regarding the main forum, there is one person who always interjects his biased, poorly informed political opinions, and has for years. When you call him on it he gets very defensive. He plays victim and claims that he is only here to help. You all know who he is. He needs to be sent to OT when he does this but he won't go there voluntarily. Yep! Set up the hook and get him outta here when he does this. :fire:

Sweetwater - 4-3-2015 at 12:35 PM

We live in a changing world and whether we like it or not, those changes don't always agree with our lifestyles and preferences. It's getting more and more difficult to hide from those changes and I wish you good luck in actually being able to accomplish that. A lot depends on your age and lifespan.

There's a set of articles out today, on the eve of the Christian holiday of Easter which is the confirmation of Christianity. They indicate that in the next 35 years, worldwide Muslims will number roughly the same as worldwide Christians. I might witness this, I'm sure my children will. I don't have grandchildren but I don't think I can imagine the world they will inhabit. Historically, those two religions have created huge amounts of conflict for humans on this planet, whether you belong to one, the other, or neither.

Recognizing change and being able to adapt are the primary reasons that some people thrive and some people fail to thrive. I look forward to the future and what it has to offer so I'll be staying around and continuing to thrive.

dtbushpilot - 4-3-2015 at 12:36 PM

Thank you for your "spot on" post cortez, I feel the same way. Unfortunately your thoughtful post is going straight into the toilet just like I was afraid it would. :(:(

Udo - 4-3-2015 at 12:45 PM

I have some relatives who are very devout Mormons. So are their children.
It's no wonder that when their children are old enough to become missionaries, they get sent (by the church) to Arizona. My nephew is currently in Arizona on a mission. They must spend a lot of time with Mexican aliens because before going on their missions, they have to be conversational in Spanish.

( am not Mormon.)

Quote: Originally posted by CortezBlue  
This is an OP ED (Opinion and Editorial)
Mormons. For those of you who are not aware, in AZ you can carry a concealed weapon with any CCL or training. And yes, I do carry a 9mm in my truck from time to time, I am not a Mormon, but AZ was expanded very much so by the early Mormons.

Udo - 4-3-2015 at 12:47 PM

This is why many of us have, and are changing, our social media to Facebook.

Quote: Originally posted by Pescador  
I really appreciate the thought and intensity that went in to your post. I too am so tired of the bickering and stupidity that permeates the postings of a large number of people. Perhaps it is indicative of society at large that things are evolving into two separate political camps. It is very much like things were in the time leading up to the civil war where the division was very strong and emotional. Perhaps it is only my perspective but the left seems to disparage and use terms that are designed to make anyone who does not share their perspective to be stupid, uninformed, and hateful. But the right has a tendency treat those who do not agree with an air of superiority that they find very frustrating. If you read Alinsky's book of "Rules for Radicals" you quickly discover that a lot of this discontent and disturbance may well be planned and organized. But it is very disturbing and seeks to further divide the sides that become more antagonistic each and every day.

So your strategy to become more involved in your micro-world and see the relevance of that may well be the best strategy you can come up with.

Udo - 4-3-2015 at 12:51 PM


Quote: Originally posted by dtbushpilot  
Thank you for your "spot on" post cortez, I feel the same way. Unfortunately your thoughtful post is going straight into the toilet just like I was afraid it would. :(:(

Alm - 4-3-2015 at 01:09 PM

Cortezblue, I'm surprised that this all surprises you.

BN forum is not specialized in any way, there is no direction or any voluntary selection criteria. Naturally, posts are all over. What is a "Baja nomad"? Somebody who lives there part of the year or comes there from time to time. Can be anybody. A lot of members are retired, bored people, with plenty of time on their hands (and cheap tequila). No direction, no purpose.

grizzlyfsh95 - 4-3-2015 at 01:24 PM

The name calling gets tedious. The holier than thou is tiresome. Inserting your favorite buzzword into the conversation does nothing but inflame the other 50% who do not share your world view, but are interested enough to read your rant. Much of it is really childish.

DENNIS - 4-3-2015 at 01:30 PM

Interest groups morph. Perhaps this rendition of BajaNomad has had it's run.....who knows. The world seems to be drifting toward the FaceBook side, but that won't last forever either. This site, Nomad, still retains it's hard-earned stature as number one. It's only as good as it's members relationship with the subject at hand...Baja.......and each other. It seems to me, the economy, the border, and age has had a hand in this.
The new kid on the block is quickly turning into a cult of Ron Gomez worshipers, as well as a cheering section for San Quintin. I left it for that reason and won't return.
In absolute appreciation for Doug Means, he avoided this slobbering aspect of the rank and file by keeping his distance until needed. Good move on his part.
Ron Gomez is now beholding to his public. Bad move on his part. He gave away his distance, his private time. It's what he wanted but it may be overwhelming to a private life. Time will tell.
Back to what's at hand.
I truly appreciate CB's post here which addresses an issue that has concerned me for a while now. We used to have a core membership here that has splintered and left. I know there are many reasons, but the fact ain't what it used to be in my time, but that doesn't mean it won't catch it's breath and come back swingin'. Like I said....things morph.
I think I'll hang around for a while to see what happens.

Udo - 4-3-2015 at 01:36 PM

Me too, Dennis!

Quote: Originally posted by DENNIS  

I think I'll hang around for a while to see what happens.

DanO - 4-3-2015 at 02:31 PM

Same here. I can't figure out how the other websites work, and Facebook is for people who want to be liked. That's never been one of my primary goals.


willardguy - 4-3-2015 at 02:36 PM

if I can veer off for a sec, how do these facebook groups work, can members be blocked or hidden?

Skipjack Joe - 4-3-2015 at 02:37 PM

The original post lamented the drop in participation and suggests that this is due to heated political discussions.

I don't think that's the case. Nomads are moving to TalkaBaja in droves. It's Facebook group is massively more active than Bajanomad and activity has a snowball effect, the more active it is the greater the activity will increase.

There are several reasons for this. One is superior software that alerts you when a thread you are interested in gets updated. Second, is that the webmaster is a daily active participant, adding weather reports and news on a daily basis for discussion.

So is this a worthwhile move? Perhaps for many, but the amount of posting is so vast that the ones from your real friends get lost. It's just overwhelming.

But that's what has happened. Talkbaja has grown and bajanomads has shrunk accordingly.

bajaguy - 4-3-2015 at 02:53 PM

You can join a group and don't have to "like" anybody or anything, or for that matter, "friend" anybody

Quote: Originally posted by DanO  
Same here. I can't figure out how the other websites work, and Facebook is for people who want to be liked. That's never been one of my primary goals.


bajaguy - 4-3-2015 at 02:55 PM

Yup, just a click of the mouse and you can block or hide them

Quote: Originally posted by willardguy  
if I can veer off for a sec, how do these facebook groups work, can members be blocked or hidden?

chuckie - 4-3-2015 at 03:41 PM

I hadn't been over on talk BAJA for a good while....went there just now...refreshing....NOT EVEN a single question or endless, pointless, worthless discussion of "How is Hiway 5" Really,how may times can DK post the same old pictures of the same old road?....The banter on this site is often amusing, but pretty much the SOS DD....I'llhang around too, but will be watching the "other" site more

Skipjack Joe - 4-3-2015 at 03:42 PM

Quote: Originally posted by willardguy  
if I can veer off for a sec, how do these facebook groups work, can members be blocked or hidden?

Yes, you can remain part of a facebook group but block from seeing any of their posts. I'm not sure then what good there is in being part of the group.

DENNIS - 4-3-2015 at 03:44 PM

TalkBaja, and Facebook are a venue to spout an opinion. Not a place for a discussion which BN has been known to be.
FB is a place to be seen and, hopefully, heard, but the participators, by and large, don't read back through a thread they join in hopes of presenting a new idea. it's all about, and what I have to say.

Screw it all.....when Osprey / Jorge decides to leave I'm calling "shotgun."
Till then, I'm still a Nomad to the bone.

Skipjack Joe - 4-3-2015 at 03:47 PM

My biggest complaint is that facebook 'destroys' you images. In order to save space it crunches your file to produce something that is greatly inferior. Fortunately nomads still lets you display the an image with the quality you created to viewed as part of the thread. The photo gallery is a true gallery.

LancairDriver - 4-3-2015 at 03:53 PM

It appears to me that there are quite a few new Baja Nomads on the board, and they have not yet been provoked into participating in the sarcastic name calling and other insults, instead sticking to the Baja related subjects. Hopefully they will steer the forum back to its intended purpose.Many other Nomads who provided useful Baja related information seem to have gone away, no doubt disenchanted with the few who always seem to start the discord. I personally have allowed myself to put in my two centavos on some of this which I regret. I think a new more positive direction is coming. I hope some of the Nomads who have gone will return.

chuckie - 4-3-2015 at 03:53 PM

Dennis? are you sure you are not a bone to a Nomad????

Osprey - 4-3-2015 at 03:58 PM

Thanks Dennis, I used to think you could get people to stay on topic if you were very careful about the title and the subject: keep it objective, on point. I was wrong-headed and naive with that because you could post about a new type of snorkeling equipment and be amazed that the second guy/girl would be willing and able to take the thread to twisted polit-speak and why the new Cuban situation would cause ww III.

DENNIS - 4-3-2015 at 04:23 PM

Awww, Chuckie. I'm just a bit disappointed.....but I won't be jumping to any conclusions.

SFandH - 4-3-2015 at 04:33 PM

The original poster said:

Quote: Originally posted by CortezBlue  

I think I will go down to Mexico and live without news, internet or radio and listen to music from sun rise to sun set.

That's a great idea and I hope you do it. At least like I do, for 4 or 5 months a year. We take our RV to one of the Conception Bay beaches and it's great, no TV, no Internet, no cell coverage. I even decided against satellite radio, just to keep it "clean". Once we're there, I don't miss being "connected" at all. Once a week we go into Mulege and I check my email, pay bills on the Inet, and maybe download a new book to my Kindle. Perfect.

All the Internet stuff can be habit forming. Best to get away when you can.

David K - 4-3-2015 at 04:50 PM

Quote: Originally posted by chuckie  
... Really,how may times can DK post the same old pictures of the same old road?....

That's pretty funny, but did you know it is BECAUSE I do share my Baja collection is why so many are here... to get that view or that map or that data. Those who don't want to see it again simply scroll past. How is that hard to do? Please just ignore my contributions if seeing that part of Baja is not your interest.

Happy Easter! :light::cool:

Be warned, in 4 days I will be back with LOT's of pictures of Baja roads, Baja rigs, and Baja scenery! Enjoy my absence while I have a blast in Baja!

chuckie - 4-3-2015 at 04:55 PM

Maybe that's why so many people are leaving? I am surprised that you are going to Baja at all....But maybe's on a trip someone else organized....We ALWAYS enjoy your absence...

David K - 4-3-2015 at 05:16 PM

How nice of you to say... and why not Baja?

There are two parts to this trip, and I organized the second... but clearly you don't know me or all that I have done over the years. I go to Baja 2-6 times a year the past few years, but to me it's quality not quantity of trips.

I believe in friendships among people with common interests and that is why I created the Viva Baja events of 2000-2003, the Matomi Tours of 2001 & 2004. So I both enjoy camping with just my wife or kids over the years, but I also like camping with others, too.

The photos of the events, trips and Nomads having fun are at which is a non-commercial, private web site developed to help others find adventure and fun, specially if it is off the paved roads of Baja.

norte - 4-3-2015 at 05:25 PM

I was waiting for this thread to take a right turn. Well didn't take long to be hijacked, did it. Good luck fellows. Too many people in this crowd with the "I" syndrome.

Skipjack Joe - 4-3-2015 at 06:19 PM

Quote: Originally posted by SFandH  
The original poster said:

Quote: Originally posted by CortezBlue  

I think I will go down to Mexico and live without news, internet or radio and listen to music from sun rise to sun set.

That's a great idea and I hope you do it. At least like I do, for 4 or 5 months a year. We take our RV to one of the Conception Bay beaches and it's great, no TV, no Internet, no cell coverage. I even decided against satellite radio, just to keep it "clean". Once we're there, I don't miss being "connected" at all. Once a week we go into Mulege and I check my email, pay bills on the Inet, and maybe download a new book to my Kindle. Perfect.

All the Internet stuff can be habit forming. Best to get away when you can.

I like your style.

Alm - 4-3-2015 at 06:57 PM

Quote: Originally posted by grizzlyfsh95  
The name calling gets tedious...

If this was an attempt to answer the OP question, perhaps some "translation" is in order.

Pescador - 4-3-2015 at 07:16 PM

Quote: Originally posted by vgabndo  
More and more evidence is mounting that liberals and conservatives actually have different brain development. One group show greater development in a part of the brain that allows them process information more readily, and more easily digest new kinds of, and conflicting ideas. Another group, when tested seems to more generally focus on how fearful they become when confronted with new ideas. It is the part of the brain responsible for the "fight or flight" response. (This is a gross over-simplification)
Perhaps because of different brain development, one group tends to be higher educated, free thinkers, educators, scientists and people open to new ideas. They are frequently opposed by those who refer to educated people as elitist and they wish to preserve their comfortable time worn prejudices, myths and superstitions. This group appears to fear unfamiliar things, and especially they fear their god.
I think that liberals are at fault for a lot of the recent conflict between these groups. For generations, while the church and the state were separate, liberals listened to "you have to respect our beliefs" with compassionate acceptance, now that a 100% Christian government has concentrated the nation's wealth in the hands of a tiny super rich minority, and we regularly hear calls for the Bible to be made the law of the land, the response is more likely to be "Like Hell we do!
Some folks, I'm proud to say, are just not going to be satisfied with an Armageddon cult, or other anti-scientific thinking, as the best future prospect for their individual or societal well being.
I believe I have a right to say these things because for months a troll denied my proud service in the military, and slandered me daily with an insane onslaught of fabrications on this forum. I'm not proud of the fact that he succeeded in causing me to stoop to his level. I renew my promise that I won't let that happen again.

So now I know that I can blame all my problems on differential brain development. And all this time I thought it was because colleges brain wash you into thinking the liberal line. This sure sounds like one of those studies that tell you that all butter is bad and you will longer and healthier if you avoid it, but the next week they tell you it is the best thing in the world for you.

You are perpetuating the problem with your pseudo studies and it is nothing more than an attempt to prove your superiority of mental capabilities because you are open to liberal thought.
How's that working out for you?

I read the original studies that proclaimed your thesis but the research was very faulty, but if it gives you comfort and knowledge that you can assume your feelings are mentally superior, then go for it.

CortezBlue - 4-3-2015 at 09:50 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Brett858  
"Of course I had to make the point, "so you want me to support your lifestyle but you can't support my AZ Lifestyle?" Needless to say, that was the last conversation we had."

small piece of advice, ignore it if you wish...

The thing that probably made her most upset is that you refer to her being gay as a 'lifestyle choice". The simple fact of the matter is that Gay people don't choose to be gay, they are born gay. it is wired into them to be naturally attracted to the same sex, the same way it's wired into us to be attracted to the opposite sex.

given the amount of persecution that gay people face, do you really think that anyone would simply CHOOSE to be gay ?

I don't disagree with you, but if you asked my niece, she would say it is a choice. She lived a straight life for nearly 40 years and she will be the first person to tell you that she wishes she wasn't gay.

But, bottom line, you are are not part of our family and you haven't known her since she was 5. So, really, your comments are not relevant to our family.
Your comments may be relevant to you and your family, but not ours.

CortezBlue - 4-3-2015 at 09:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by DanO  
Same here. I can't figure out how the other websites work, and Facebook is for people who want to be liked. That's never been one of my primary goals.


Aint that the truth. I went on to Facebook for one month and couldnt stand it.

It is everyone talking about them. Blabbering about how they work and trying to sell books about missions and telling everyone how they should be living. Blah Blah Blah, it is a bunch of KIA's (know it alls)

bajabuddha - 4-3-2015 at 10:41 PM

13 hours,3 pages, and SOS, DD.

I was taught at an early age not to discuss religion or politics in public; those were for private conversations with people you could place a modicum of trust with and share/converse, and hopefully not break into argument.

This thread did all three, as well as bring out good ol' DK's paranoia, and a plethora of people saying "I don't feel" or "I'd never say":

But somehow, they say their opinions, which are like rectums, and everyone has AT LEAST one.

Cotez Blue, your intent was honorable. It paved a very short, wide freeway.

Timinator - 4-4-2015 at 06:25 AM

I'm a Tea Party Conservative, and, like every other one I know, I could care less about your sexual, drug or any other preferences. I just don't think that anything you do should cost me extra money. That's all. Self responsibility, especially financially. If your lifestyle, including all your wants, needs, or any perceived entitlements don't cost me extra money, than I say live and let live.

Honestly, the only thing I don't like about the Libertarian Party is that they're all about freedom to do whatever, but they have no "method" of preventing all that freedom from costing others more money or less of their freedom. They're like an idea tank without any responsibility.

chuckie - 4-4-2015 at 06:30 AM

Gee, that was enlightening, and right on subject..Thanks so much...

DENNIS - 4-4-2015 at 06:40 AM

"Keep Christ in Christmas." Yep......keep Chri...........ohh well...probably too late for that anyway.
Glad to see there's still some life left out there, none the less.

grizzlyfsh95 - 4-4-2015 at 07:14 AM

Quote: Originally posted by chuckie  
Maybe that's why so many people are leaving? I am surprised that you are going to Baja at all....But maybe's on a trip someone else organized....We ALWAYS enjoy your absence...

Really,,,,,you had to go there?

wilderone - 4-4-2015 at 07:29 AM

1. Many of the long-time valued contributors to this forum are now dead.
2. Trips to Baja have dropped considerably from years past, thus there is less to comment on.
3. Even if it's the same ole questions, "how's the road to ...", that is precisely what makes this forum relevant. i.e., up-to-date news from a poster who knows.
4. Incorporation of political views does not belong on this forum. Nothing makes my eyes glaze over faster than mention of "far left", or "republican" or similar - gag me.
5. Perhaps an effort to spur interest is warranted - e.g., a Baja slide show and dinner in San Diego (everybody bring 10 slides); a special slide show by Graham; an organized bus daytrip from TJ to the wineries; private charter fishing boat out of Old Mill - camp at Los Olivos; a couple carpools on a weekend to donate to the Old Men's Home - camp overnight nearby.

Yes, towns are getting bigger, there is more crime, roads are getting paved, more fences keep us away, regulations more strict, there are fewer fish and more bicyclists; our expectations based on the past may simply not fit today's evolved Baja. But there's still nothing like Baja.

rts551 - 4-4-2015 at 07:58 AM

Quote: Originally posted by CortezBlue  
Quote: Originally posted by DanO  
Same here. I can't figure out how the other websites work, and Facebook is for people who want to be liked. That's never been one of my primary goals.


Aint that the truth. I went on to Facebook for one month and couldnt stand it.

It is everyone talking about them. Blabbering about how they work and trying to sell books about missions and telling everyone how they should be living. Blah Blah Blah, it is a bunch of KIA's (know it alls)

Hmmmm you talking about Nomads, Facebook, or both?

chuckie - 4-4-2015 at 08:01 AM

I sure agree with the last part of wilders post....Even tho Baja keeps changing, It is still one of the last great places...I likely have made my last trip, not because I love it less, but it has become more and more difficult just to make the drive....I am getting old, and its over 2000 miles....No fun anymore....and, more and more of my friends have left since the last hurricane, or died.....Mulege seems to have lost it's vitality, the people left seem to be trying to hang on to something that is gone forever. Fewer souls at events, fishing tournaments gone, empty homes.....Greyer heads.....

rts551 - 4-4-2015 at 08:05 AM

Quote: Originally posted by chuckie  
I sure agree with the last part of wilders post....Even tho Baja keeps changing, It is still one of the last great places...I likely have made my last trip, not because I love it less, but it has become more and more difficult just to make the drive....I am getting old, and its over 2000 miles....No fun anymore....and, more and more of my friends have left since the last hurricane, or died.....Mulege seems to have lost it's vitality, the people left seem to be trying to hang on to something that is gone forever. Fewer souls at events, fishing tournaments gone, empty homes.....Greyer heads.....

The times they are changin. I feel the same pain sometimes.

Osprey - 4-4-2015 at 08:21 AM

Canadian dollar, beheadings, U.S. economy, popularity of Los Cabos and other things have conspired to stop the clock on East Cape so for those of us who wanted things to stay like they were when we found them, we are very pleasantly surprised. Vitality is not even in my old vocabulary any more -- sloth and watching things rust was my dream and I am living it. I roamed the everglades when Miami was just a beachside rest-stop, went to Vegas when there were only 60,000 people in Clark County and got here when there were just 1300 smiling Mexicans and 5 gringos so my timing was accidental but fortuitous. Could you craft me " Nomad for Old people who don't move around and have no knowledge of politics"?

monoloco - 4-4-2015 at 08:28 AM

Quote: Originally posted by DENNIS  

TalkBaja, and Facebook are a venue to spout an opinion. Not a place for a discussion which BN has been known to be.
FB is a place to be seen and, hopefully, heard, but the participators, by and large, don't read back through a thread they join in hopes of presenting a new idea. it's all about, and what I have to say.

Screw it all.....when Osprey / Jorge decides to leave I'm calling "shotgun."
Till then, I'm still a Nomad to the bone.
Yeah, I'm glad no one ever "spouts an opinion" here. LOL.

CortezBlue - 4-4-2015 at 09:33 AM

Quote: Originally posted by rts551  
Quote: Originally posted by CortezBlue  
Quote: Originally posted by DanO  
Same here. I can't figure out how the other websites work, and Facebook is for people who want to be liked. That's never been one of my primary goals.


Aint that the truth. I went on to Facebook for one month and couldnt stand it.

It is everyone talking about them. Blabbering about how they work and trying to sell books about missions and telling everyone how they should be living. Blah Blah Blah, it is a bunch of KIA's (know it alls)

Hmmmm you talking about Nomads, Facebook, or both?

Yes, both. We kinda crossed over into social media

[Edited on 4-4-2015 by CortezBlue]

monoloco - 4-4-2015 at 10:14 AM

Quote: Originally posted by rts551  
Quote: Originally posted by chuckie  
I sure agree with the last part of wilders post....Even tho Baja keeps changing, It is still one of the last great places...I likely have made my last trip, not because I love it less, but it has become more and more difficult just to make the drive....I am getting old, and its over 2000 miles....No fun anymore....and, more and more of my friends have left since the last hurricane, or died.....Mulege seems to have lost it's vitality, the people left seem to be trying to hang on to something that is gone forever. Fewer souls at events, fishing tournaments gone, empty homes.....Greyer heads.....

The times they are changin. I feel the same pain sometimes.
Then again, could we just be getting older, grumpier, and more cynical? Folks will always find something to gripe about, but I actually think that in many ways, things have gotten better around here, sure there's more people, but we have access to more goods and services, better healthcare, more art and culture, better roads and safer highways, better communications, better restaurants, and more diverse activities.

chuckie - 4-4-2015 at 10:17 AM

I don't think I griped about anything except maybe getting's reality..All the things you mention as benefits? Not in Mulege....

vgabndo - 4-4-2015 at 10:18 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Pescador  
Quote: Originally posted by vgabndo  
More and more evidence is mounting that liberals and conservatives actually have different brain development. One group show greater development in a part of the brain that allows them process information more readily, and more easily digest new kinds of, and conflicting ideas. Another group, when tested seems to more generally focus on how fearful they become when confronted with new ideas. It is the part of the brain responsible for the "fight or flight" response. (This is a gross over-simplification)
Perhaps because of different brain development, one group tends to be higher educated, free thinkers, educators, scientists and people open to new ideas. They are frequently opposed by those who refer to educated people as elitist and they wish to preserve their comfortable time worn prejudices, myths and superstitions. This group appears to fear unfamiliar things, and especially they fear their god.
I think that liberals are at fault for a lot of the recent conflict between these groups. For generations, while the church and the state were separate, liberals listened to "you have to respect our beliefs" with compassionate acceptance, now that a 100% Christian government has concentrated the nation's wealth in the hands of a tiny super rich minority, and we regularly hear calls for the Bible to be made the law of the land, the response is more likely to be "Like Hell we do!
Some folks, I'm proud to say, are just not going to be satisfied with an Armageddon cult, or other anti-scientific thinking, as the best future prospect for their individual or societal well being.
I believe I have a right to say these things because for months a troll denied my proud service in the military, and slandered me daily with an insane onslaught of fabrications on this forum. I'm not proud of the fact that he succeeded in causing me to stoop to his level. I renew my promise that I won't let that happen again.

So now I know that I can blame all my problems on differential brain development. And all this time I thought it was because colleges brain wash you into thinking the liberal line. This sure sounds like one of those studies that tell you that all butter is bad and you will longer and healthier if you avoid it, but the next week they tell you it is the best thing in the world for you.

You are perpetuating the problem with your pseudo studies and it is nothing more than an attempt to prove your superiority of mental capabilities because you are open to liberal thought.
How's that working out for you?

I read the original studies that proclaimed your thesis but the research was very faulty, but if it gives you comfort and knowledge that you can assume your feelings are mentally superior, then go for it.

I would suggest that what you thought all along, (that teachers in the schools were brainwashing the students to be liberals), is unfounded. I will leave it to you to demonstrate that the people who rise to the highest levels of scientific knowledge and educational attainment are also the "dumbest" people in our society. My contention is that these people are the most intelligent among us.

Attached is a URL directing you to 16 peer reviewed studies which seem to bolster the case for thinking that there is a difference in brain development between liberals and conservatives. I would also recommend researching the PhD work of Dr. Sam Harris (neuro-biology) which is where I first became interested in the subject.

I'm not surprised that you would accuse me of perpetuating a problem by attempting to shine some light on it. Here's a light shining on schools where students REALLY ARE brainwashed. They are called Sunday Schools, and they are frequently taught in the basements of TAX FREE churches. They have resulted in the existence of a hundred million US citizens who generally believe that this week end is the anniversary of a day when a guy who had been dead for three days, suddenly re-animated, and flew without mechanical means, into the sky where he has been waiting for a couple thousand years for just the right moment to come back to earth and kill everybody. This is very common thinking among conservatives, not as popular with liberals. I find little other than childhood brainwashing to explain the continuing irrational belief. Perhaps this is where a lot of the knee jerk responses originate.

How's that working out for this unapologetic liberal? It would be humorous if it weren't such a sad symptom of poor reasoning skills afflicting millions of our citizens and as a result effecting me.

grizzlyfsh95 - 4-4-2015 at 10:21 AM

Then again, could we just be getting older, grumpier, and more cynical? Folks will always find something to gripe about, but I actually think that in many ways, things have gotten better around here, sure there's more people, but we have access to more goods and services, better healthcare, more art and culture, better roads and safer highways, better communications, better restaurants, and more diverse activities.

Yeah...what he said.

Osprey - 4-4-2015 at 10:52 AM

Vagabundo, thanks for that. Answers a lot of my questions about me and the way I am. I'm not just confused, I'm stupid. Blameless!!

Unless you think that only religious early teaching was stultifying and not the things that follow.

You're taking on a lot of weight. Somebody will chime in now and tell us you are brave, unafraid, firm in your thinking. Then somebody will say you are one arrogant SOB. And so it goes.

monoloco - 4-4-2015 at 12:04 PM

It's ironic to me that while some of us here are complaining about the lack of civility, there has been over 12,500 views of the "Jihad Salman is a Stinky , Fat, Pussy Coward" thread. :?: I guess there's nothing more fascinating than watching a train wreck.

[Edited on 4-4-2015 by monoloco]

Udo - 4-4-2015 at 12:28 PM

And you access in the set-up when you start your account.

Quote: Originally posted by willardguy  
if I can veer off for a sec, how do these facebook groups work, can members be blocked or hidden?

vgabndo - 4-4-2015 at 12:50 PM

Some people are stupid, I'm certainly not including you, Osprey, in that lot, as I'm not suggesting the differences in brain function necessarily means that someone is stupid. We seem to be using our brains in different ways. The result seems somewhat predictable. In the 'information age' ignorance is a choice. I judge that at the level of core issues, the twenty-first century has run headlong into a species which seems to have had a breath-taking evolution to primacy as the smartest beast on the planet. I like Dawkins' argument (in the God Delusion) that at least some Bronze and Iron age warrior cultures found (Darwinian) survival value in sharing a creation myth in common. These old superstitions die hard. Our species has developed the means to annihilate itself, absolutely, from the planet while clinging to the blind belief that everything will go just to plan if we don't displease the gods. There are LOTS more extinct species than those that have survived. Man's inability to put aside his warrior nature and belief in myth and magic, before he had created the tools to literally kill everyone, has put mankind in jeopardy. It is only natural, it seems to me, that there will be disharmony and discord as the planet polarizes between people who insist on seeing the future with reason and logic opposing those who seem to still want to force the age of dinosaurs into a 6000 year creation myth. I don't predict that it will be logic which has the most guns and bombs at the end. :(

wilderone - 4-4-2015 at 01:05 PM

... speaking of the creation of the universe ... which we weren't

Well said

thebajarunner - 4-4-2015 at 01:18 PM

Quote: Originally posted by wilderone  
... speaking of the creation of the universe ... which we weren't

I think you have hit on one of the "turn-offs" for some of us.
I am a devout Christian with strong beliefs, but I do not use this forum to try and convert any of you.

Those who hold contrary beliefs seem to be manic in their continual rants against God, creation, Christianity, etc.

After I read a few of those I just fold up the site, and later when I return discover that I need to log back in due to inactivity.

Just saying....

JoeJustJoe - 4-4-2015 at 01:18 PM

Quote: Originally posted by monoloco  
It's ironic to me that while some of us here are complaining about the lack of civility, there has been over 12,500 views of the "Jihad Salman is a Stinky , Fat, Pussy Coward" thread. :?: I guess there's nothing more fascinating than watching a train wreck.

[Edited on 4-4-2015 by monoloco]

Don't believe everything you read, that Jihad thread in the OT, has been manipulated, about 8000 of those hits came over night, somebody was playing around trying to pump up those numbers, for weird reasons. Although some threads in the OT do get a good number of views.

Since I'm here in this thread, I might as well comment.

I agree with Cortez Blue's niece, with what she said about Arizona, in a more general sense, because Arizona has been a hostile place for people Latinos, Mexican undocumented workers, Blacks, and gays, especially with that crazy Governor, and crazier Sheriff, that goes by the name of Sheriff Joe.

I don't know if there is a conservative, liberal, or even a gay gene, but what I do know, is when you get older, the more conservative you become. I'm very liberal, but compared to my kids, I'm an ultra conservative, who watches too much "Fox News, I actually watch Fox news for kicks, and laughs.

Many older "Baja Nomad" are from the free love age, where lots of hippies were around, now look at some of you, many of you are ultra conservative, and a far cry than how you were in the 1960's.

The best thing is to not to discuss religion or politics on a Baja forums, unless you want to get into a heated debate. There is a reason why there are no political forums anywhere, with both liberals and conservatives. You either get right-wing forums, or left wing-forums. From time to time, you get general forums like "Baja Nomad" that has a political forum, and that's usually where are the fireworks are, along with all the problems.

Facebook, is like being in High school again, and seeing how popular you are. It's not hard news, and it's very hard to navigate Facebook and search old posts, but who wants to search old posts? You go to Facebook, for social interaction with close friends, and family, and to show photos of your latest trip or photos of babies.

Watch Facebook, they care nothing about your privacy and even after you close Facebook, the Facebook cookies track everything you do. I believe Facebook is one of the most evil companies in the world today, although Facebook can be fun or even addicting.

[Edited on 4-4-2015 by JoeJustJoe]

DENNIS - 4-4-2015 at 01:38 PM

Wonderful....Every now and then, a thread comes to life on Nomad that turns into a mind-cleansing garbage disposal. Then, it dies.
Hey Joe.....they're gonna start talking about you over on Baja Y Mas. It's starting to lean toward the hate-mongering side of town, and who's more hateful than you? You are the patron saint of grime and filth.

Osprey - 4-4-2015 at 01:38 PM

Time for me to retreat, get the hell gone from this lofty discussion -- might as well admit it, this stuff is way over my paygrade. I don't think I've ever even known anyone who actually read Frank Darwin.

Maybe time for me to give up my false idols and learn, finally (very near the end of my string) what I shoulda known all along.

I'll be lurkin' and learnin'.

DENNIS - 4-4-2015 at 02:06 PM

Stick around. We still love ya. BTW Frank Darwin related to Gus Christ? Maybe the same celibate mommy. I dunno.

rts551 - 4-4-2015 at 03:00 PM

Just as big a turn off, when its all one sides fault. The blame game. Those who hold contrary beliefs seem to be manic in their continual rants for God, creation, christianity, etc

Best to stay away from religious and political discussions on a special nterest frum anyway. Look what has happened to this thread.

Quote: Originally posted by thebajarunner  
Quote: Originally posted by wilderone  
... speaking of the creation of the universe ... which we weren't

I think you have hit on one of the "turn-offs" for some of us.
I am a devout Christian with strong beliefs, but I do not use this forum to try and convert any of you.

Those who hold contrary beliefs seem to be manic in their continual rants against God, creation, Christianity, etc.

After I read a few of those I just fold up the site, and later when I return discover that I need to log back in due to inactivity.

Just saying....

bajabuddha - 4-4-2015 at 03:12 PM


"Most people do not listen with the intent to UNDERSTAND.

Most people listen with the intent to REPLY."

.............. Stephen R. Covey

Food for thought.

willardguy - 4-4-2015 at 03:31 PM

hey I don't know anything about any of this, but ever notice how peaceful it is around here without Special K! :yes:

rts551 - 4-4-2015 at 03:36 PM

Quote: Originally posted by willardguy  
hey I don't know anything about any of this, but ever notice how peaceful it is around here without Special K! :yes:

Hey I am only here to teach, to share, and set people on the correct path. I am the reason that Nomad is here!

vgabndo - 4-4-2015 at 03:56 PM

The question was about why discussions on this forum become contentious, and why people express strong views. I'm saying that the disagreements stem from core values that people hold. Without discussing those core values, I don't think we get to much understanding of why the arguments get heated. That it is inappropriate to acknowledge religion as foundational to some folks world view seems to limit the argument. And, I'm really not in the mood for an argument. I don't have anything to convert anyone to. I'm feeling sucked into a vortex, sorry, I'm leaving this alone.

wessongroup - 4-4-2015 at 04:07 PM

It was fun while it lasted ... and thanks for that ... :):)

Quote: Originally posted by DENNIS  

Wonderful....Every now and then, a thread comes to life on Nomad that turns into a mind-cleansing garbage disposal. Then, it dies.
Hey Joe.....they're gonna start talking about you over on Baja Y Mas. It's starting to lean toward the hate-mongering side of town, and who's more hateful than you? You are the patron saint of grime and filth.

Plus I got this "keeper" .... :lol::lol:

SF 20+

And "slimy" rhymes with "grime" ... WOW :biggrin::biggrin:

[Edited on 4-4-2015 by wessongroup]

CortezBlue - 4-4-2015 at 04:11 PM

Quote: Originally posted by monoloco  
It's ironic to me that while some of us here are complaining about the lack of civility, there has been over 12,500 views of the "Jihad Salman is a Stinky , Fat, Pussy Coward" thread. :?: I guess there's nothing more fascinating than watching a train wreck.

[Edited on 4-4-2015 by monoloco]

Well, I don't think he's fat:saint:

Bajaboy - 4-4-2015 at 06:52 PM

Quote: Originally posted by rts551  
Quote: Originally posted by willardguy  
hey I don't know anything about any of this, but ever notice how peaceful it is around here without Special K! :yes:

Hey I am only here to teach, to share, and set people on the correct path. I am the reason that Nomad is here!

And there is no drought in San Diego nor is the ocean rising:light:

BeemerDan - 4-4-2015 at 09:25 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bajaboy  
Quote: Originally posted by rts551  
Quote: Originally posted by willardguy  
hey I don't know anything about any of this, but ever notice how peaceful it is around here without Special K! :yes:

Hey I am only here to teach, to share, and set people on the correct path. I am the reason that Nomad is here!

And there is no drought in San Diego nor is the ocean rising:light:

Nice pigpile. Feel better now?
Its awesome how some of you marooons trash someone that tries to help newbs.
So f'ing what if he throws up some maps, big deal.
I for one appreciate it.
Lifes simple,
Stop making it hard on yourselves.

SFandH - 4-4-2015 at 09:45 PM


dtbushpilot - 4-4-2015 at 10:20 PM

This thread has been in the toilet since the first page without DK's help, looks like you haters can ruin posts without him just fine.

Skipjack Joe - 4-4-2015 at 10:31 PM

Quote: Originally posted by vgabndo

Thanks for the link, Perry. It's one of the few interesting things to come out of this thread.

Looks like I have much of the profile of a democrat. Except that my dreams are mundane and uninteresting.

There must be a ton of exceptions to these generalities. My best friend was raised by conservative parents who were extremely disorganized and he is the same and a conservative. You know the type. If you invite him for an 8 oclock dinner don't expect him before 8:30. If you plan on leaving for a camping trip at 8 he will start to pack when you show up at the front door to pick him up.

LancairDriver - 4-4-2015 at 10:35 PM

Quote: Originally posted by dtbushpilot  
This thread has been in the toilet since the first page without DK's help, looks like you haters can ruin posts without him just fine.

The girls are a pack of keyboard Jackals, they love to pile on and try to impress each other and see who can get the biggest bite. Seems to be the same ones all the time. Totally predictable.

[Edited on 4-5-2015 by LancairDriver]

redhilltown - 4-4-2015 at 10:45 PM

In all my time here I don't think there has been a more disjointed and meandering thread than this one....and THAT is saying something!!!!!!!!!

dtbushpilot - 4-4-2015 at 10:47 PM

Quote: Originally posted by LancairDriver  
Quote: Originally posted by dtbushpilot  
This thread has been in the toilet since the first page without DK's help, looks like you haters can ruin posts without him just fine.

The girls are a pack of keyboard Jackals, they love to pile on and try to impress each other and see who can get the biggest bite. Seems to be the same ones all the time. Totally predictable.

[Edited on 4-5-2015 by LancairDriver]

Predictable and pathetic....

rts551 - 4-5-2015 at 07:24 AM

Ohhhh the hens can rally around the coop without the rooster. Willardguy said it well. Not too worried about DK...he will be along soon to defend himself. When is his weekend trip for the year done?

Bajaboy - 4-5-2015 at 01:56 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BeemerDan  
Quote: Originally posted by Bajaboy  
Quote: Originally posted by rts551  
Quote: Originally posted by willardguy  
hey I don't know anything about any of this, but ever notice how peaceful it is around here without Special K! :yes:

Hey I am only here to teach, to share, and set people on the correct path. I am the reason that Nomad is here!

And there is no drought in San Diego nor is the ocean rising:light:

Nice pigpile. Feel better now?
Its awesome how some of you marooons trash someone that tries to help newbs.
So f'ing what if he throws up some maps, big deal.
I for one appreciate it.
Lifes simple,
Stop making it hard on yourselves.

Marooons:?: Whatever. I have known David personally since 1999 or so and online before that. I feel I can poke fun at David and his political follies without your permission. Maybe when he gets back from Baja you can give him a big hug:lol:

ncampion - 4-5-2015 at 02:04 PM

Quote: Originally posted by willardguy  
listen dan, no ones got a beef with maps, A-trac, any of the chit thats david's overly passionate about. the fact of the matter is almost without exception, every topic that turns into a pizzing match you can attribute to the Kman busting out his political agenda. whether you agree or disagree this isn't the place for it. he can't seem to help himself and what he believes to be his fan base is dwindling!
nomads are just growing weary of it, sorry but thats just the way it is:(

Actually David rarely, if ever goes on any kind of political rant. He merely throws out a small fleck of a political view and then all the fish rise to take the bait. I think it's kinda fun to watch.

willardguy - 4-5-2015 at 04:38 PM

Quote: Originally posted by ncampion  
Quote: Originally posted by willardguy  
listen dan, no ones got a beef with maps, A-trac, any of the chit thats david's overly passionate about. the fact of the matter is almost without exception, every topic that turns into a pizzing match you can attribute to the Kman busting out his political agenda. whether you agree or disagree this isn't the place for it. he can't seem to help himself and what he believes to be his fan base is dwindling!
nomads are just growing weary of it, sorry but thats just the way it is:(

Actually David rarely, if ever goes on any kind of political rant. He merely throws out a small fleck of a political view and then all the fish rise to take the bait. I think it's kinda fun to watch.

yup,yup, just a little fleck thrower that rascal is!:rolleyes:


bajabuddha - 4-5-2015 at 05:11 PM

He wouldn't know how to fish if you put the hook in his lip.

CaboMagic - 4-5-2015 at 05:24 PM

Interesting, Insightful, Hilarious!

PS bajaboy right on amigo :cool:

[Edited on 4-6-2015 by CaboMagic]

Cisco - 4-5-2015 at 06:12 PM

Dear reader.

Due to the increasing number of users engaging in personal attacks, spam, trolling and abusive comments, we are no longer able to host our forum as a site for constructive and intelligent debate.

It is with regret, therefore, that we have found ourselves forced to suspend the commenting function on our articles.

The Moscow Times remains committed to the principle of public debate and hopes to welcome you to a new, constructive forum in the future.


The Moscow Times

LancairDriver - 4-5-2015 at 07:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by bajabuddha  
He wouldn't know how to fish if you put the hook in his lip.

He obviously consistently hooks you :lol::lol:
Reminds me of the Mohammad Ali vs George Forman fight where Ali covered up and laid on the ropes and let Forman punch himself into exhaustion loosing the fight and causing Ali very little damage. Thus the term "Rope a Dope" was coined.
Looks like a fair number of Dopes are being roped here.

azucena - 4-5-2015 at 08:40 PM

Ultimately, no matter what you think about someone's post and how much you might disagree with their point of view, or how this site has "degenerated" , the fact is how lucky we are we have the freedom to be able to speak our mind, no matter how inane , hostile , unpopular it might be.

In the end it is about tolerance and being grateful that we can post whatever we want. There are many places where a site like this would not exist.

bajabuddha - 4-5-2015 at 09:27 PM

Yuppers..... I believe it was DENNIS that first turned me on to a simple premise on this board;

"I don't need you or anyone else to tell me what I can or cannot post".

I took it to heart.

And to LancairDriver, I believe you wouldn't know dope if it was put up your nose, although it seems you're very fond of one in particular. However, you are fully 100% correct. There's no damage do-able to one who's unreachable.

Although, come to think about it, ol' George is still quite undamaged in the long run from the 'rope-a-dope'... ya think?
Or do you? :?: :lol: :lol:

DENNIS - 4-6-2015 at 05:55 AM

:lol: :lol: :lol: Ohhhh my.....did I say that? :lol: :lol:

chuckie - 4-6-2015 at 03:35 PM

Got it on tape...

shari - 4-8-2015 at 12:50 PM

Quote: Originally posted by azucena  
Ultimately, no matter what you think about someone's post and how much you might disagree with their point of view, or how this site has "degenerated" , the fact is how lucky we are we have the freedom to be able to speak our mind, no matter how inane , hostile , unpopular it might be.

In the end it is about tolerance and being grateful that we can post whatever we want. There are many places where a site like this would not exist.

thank you Azucena for your insight....Wooo Hoo...this is a doozie thread I am thoroughly enjoying!!! I agree and disagree with the usual characters and loving the input from all my sandbox amigos.

I have been Nomad free for over a week as we were relaxing on a remote baja sur and was missing the fun, drama & intrigue of Nomadlandia...especially you Dennis (dont ever leave me baby) and am glad to be back.

Talk Baja has a function but there is no place like home! Yes we are changing as the times change...change is good and hopefully we can evolve, grow and learn to get along without personal attacks. viva baja nomads