Communications... We are constantly looking to upgrade our services and are working with other rescue groups, both north and south of
El Rosario, to bring the level of service as high as possible. Yesterday, Antonio met with a company that maintains a 2-meter radio system. There are
two companies that do this in the central part of the peninsula. This particular company had been our first choice for a 2-meter system. It turns out
the company was in the process of upgrading their system from analog to digital, which has the ability to enable communications from Ensenada to San
Ignacio, BCS. The company was not ready for us but now it is. Some quick phone calls to a couple of large local organizations has secured the Desert
Hawks a donation of some new digital radios which will allow us to use the new system. This is a first step to hopefully, in the near future, bring
more of the rescue groups online to improve the service for all travelers. Possibly, in the future we will approach the Baja Nomads to help us expand
the system so that any individual in the central part of Baja will be able to call in case of an emergency and get help as fast as possible.