
TECATE Businessmen, YOU have a PROBLEM!

junkyarddog - 6-12-2015 at 08:36 AM

I have stopped using Tecate to clear in and out of Baja. All of my friends have stopped using Tecate to clear in and out of Mexico. I have cleared through Tecate every year since I retired in 2000. My dentist is in Tecate. But, NO MORE CROSSING THERE!
It used to be that Tecate was a friendly place with better border crossing times than the other border gates serving southwestern California. Yes, there was a cop standing on the corner of the park plaza, nabbing, for some mordida, those with foreign license plates who passed by, but we all soon learned to bypass that place by choosing other routes to get us to our favorite places in Tecate and on to Mex 3 to head down the beautiful ruta vinicola to Ensenada. We soon found the good restaurants, pharmacies, dentists, etc. and told others about them.
This year, Tecate 'broke the camel's back' for all of us. The big back breaker was the 'send backs' to the US side because we could no longer bring in our favorite foods to sustain our 6-9 month stays in the sun in Baja. Freezers with $700 worth of our favorite meats and cheeses that were just not available in rural Baja had to be disposed of back in the US before we could re-enter with our now empty freezers. The meats and cheeses we had to dump on the US side was of a quantity consistent with a stay in Baja of 8 months and none of the other border stations were doing this. And, for many years before this year we brought to Baja similar quantities of the same items with no problems. We went north for a wedding in May of this year and , just for fun, I bought some meats, sausages and cheeses (all of which had the USDA seal on the package) in San Diego county and entered the declare lane at the Otay Mesa gate so I could show them to the inspector to see if they were forbidden. He asked me why I came to the declare lane, wrote me out a pass and sent me on my way back south!
Tecate now has a very big NO-NO board (in Spanish only) which lists some person's (misleading) interpretation of the laws pertaining to what animal and vegetable material products can be brought across the border. A photo of the NO-NO board, and my translation thereof are on the following pages. On my translation of that NO-NO board, the colored text is the area of enforcement that is causing the problems, and it is just plain wrong. We realize how difficult it is to enforce agricultural import regulations. But if it is to be done, it needs to be done right!
SENASICA has posted thier latest regulations, dated January, 2015 and the English version can be found at It clearly counteracts itself in that the quantities are very limited and directly conflict with "are in quantities for personal use and consumption ".

Other reasons why Tecate is no longer desired as a place to cross.
2. It is no longer one old cop on the street corner. Now it is constant cops on motorcycles targeting US plated cars and RVs, but it is the old standard "Señor, there were pedestrians in the crosswalk when you entered that intersection back there" and you were told you had to go to the police station back there (pointing). When the driver seemed reluctant to do that (how was the driver to know where the police station was, so he was expected to follow the officer around to the curb side of his vehicle so that money exchanging hands was much less visible to others, and the minimum tab was 500 pesos. It just happened again today to one of us who just arrived here. I am quite sure those cops (there are more than one of them) take home more money than the mayor of Tecate does!
Two days ago, another of our friends arrived from transiting Tecate. Spanish is his native language but that didn't matter because he had California license plates-it still cost him 500 pesos! He, too will not be using Tecate any more.
3. For the most of us who are coming from or going to the I-5 or I-15 corridors, it is forty miles shorter to go the route through Otay Mesa than via Tecate.
4. There are no hills to climb and descend and it is four lane, all the way when going through Otay Mesa.
5. Now that Otay Mesa has added more lanes, the border wait times have equalized between the two gateways.

And, you know what, Tecate? You are soon going to lose the Baja traffic that comes or goes to the east. One of these days, the road from Puertecitos to Laguna Chapala will be finished and a lot of traffic will go that way to avoid the traffic congestion from Ensenada to south of San Quintin. Loyalty is a wonderful thing.....until it is destroyed.

Maybe you don't care, but I have always liked Tecate and the people there. I thought you deserved a heads-up. And for the English-only speakers who plan to use Tecate, check out the TECATE NO-NO Board and my rough translation to English that follows.

My translation of the Tecate NO-NO Board (Photo of the NO-NO Board follows)
Not Authorized
Containers filled with hay(or other dried plant material), straw, straw ornaments or adornments. unprocessed food homemade.
Animal Meal.
Fresh meat, dry, canned or frozen meat, and meat products such as sausages, smoked, salted, dried meats that come from countries not authorized by Mexico. My interpretation: should be ok if usda seal is on the sealed package but you better be prepared to argue your case in Spanish (see the last category below in colored type). Small quantities easier to get across here than larger quantities because they have no way of knowing how long you will stay in Mexico. In theory at least, you should be able to find the product and the forbidden countries on the website listed below.
Authorized in tourist quantities
Honey in labeled containers
Tobacco for smoking
Articles of polished bone
skins/leather cured or dried
dried herbs/plant material packaged and labeled
dried foods of vegetable origin packaged and labeled but only from Mexico approved countries
dried medicinal herbs, packaged and labeled
roasted coffee, packaged and labeled
Dogs and cats (when they are more than two pets there will be the cost of the certificate Zoosanitario for import). For each pet there must be a certificate of health signed by a licensed veterinarian from the country of origin including proof of rabies vaccination that is current.
Regulated goods
Birds and their products
Wildlife and hunting trophies
Pets other than dogs or cats
Uncured skins or pelts
Propagative material (bulbs, seeds, cuttings)
Fresh Fruits, vegetables, flowers, cereals, plants
Milk, milk products
Bees and their products
Medicines and biological products used by Veterinarians
Lobster, shrimp, crabs artemians and crushed shells
Meats, fresh, frozen, dried, canned, aged, smoked or meat products such as sausage, from countries authorized by Mexico.
Objects that are contaminated with blood or dirt such as boots or shoes, costumes of bullfighter, lances and stones, which could be objects subject to cleaning and/or sterilization.
THE TECATE NO-NO BOARDSee photo in next posting.

David K - 6-12-2015 at 08:46 AM

Just so folks know this isn't a universal problem, I have never had a problem in Tecate... my last time there was 2 months ago. This forum is a great place to read of issues, and while there have been some Tecate issues with cops, the vast majority who go there have no problems. I have been pulled over in Tijuana and Ensenada and paid 'fees' in those cities (many years ago).

A motorcycle cop in Tecate once pulled up to me saying I violated a law (it was 13 years ago), and after I explained my dilemma in finding the new border access, he helped me, and no ticket.

Viva Baja! Attitude is everything!!

Cornelio - 6-12-2015 at 09:51 AM

After spending a long week-end 2 years ago at Costa Brava/San Quintin we were told to try crossing at Tecate. Entering the town I was careful to stop at all the stop signs. I saw a Policia Municipal truck with 3 guys in it coming at me, he hung a U-turn and stopped me. "Why you didn't stop at the stop sign" the chubby cop said, I replied "I did, I saw you coming the opposite way and turn to follow me" He said, "Have you been drinking today, even one beer with lunch?" I said "No nothing to drink today (It was true, it was around noon). So he says Do you have a pocket knife in the truck?" Like an IDIOT I think this guy wants or needs a pocket knife. "Yes" I reply. I had a pocket knife in my center console that I had driven all over Mexico with through numerous check points/searches. Well apparently it is illegal to have a knife within the driver arms reach (In Tecate). So be warned. I refused to pay the mordita and started to follow him to jail-I thought he was bluffing. He stopped (almost across from the turn-off to the border crossing and went to my Esposa's window and asked her how much money she had. She was freaked out by all this and told him she had $60. He took the money and told her how lucky you were to get off so easily. After I returned home to Oceanside I was telling this story to my Barber and he said, "Oh we know ALL about pocket knifes in Mexico don't we Louie"
Apparently Louie had the same thing happen only did go to jail, and have to get a Mexican attorney, make a few more trips to court and pay a fine. Sorry for the length of this story but if it helps somebody then its worth it. I avoid Tecate now.

Ateo - 6-12-2015 at 10:09 AM

I'm sorry to hear about your Tecate Troubles. Thanks for taking the time to post a detailed explanation.

Just to be fair and balanced I have never had a problem in Tecate. Not saying it doesn't happen - it obviously does.

Personally I would never try to bring $700 worth of meats and cheeses across an international border.

We have it easy, as American's, crossing into Mexico. People wanting to come northbound seem to run into some serious obstacles.

Lee - 6-12-2015 at 10:22 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Cornelio  
Like an IDIOT I think this guy wants or needs a pocket knife. "Yes" I reply……

He stopped (almost across from the turn-off to the border crossing and went to my Esposa's window and asked her how much money she had. She was freaked out by all this and told him she had $60. He took the money and told her how lucky you were to get off so easily. .

I had a pocket knife stolen by military at the checkpoint North of GN. It was in the center console. What was I thinking? Obviously I wasn't thinking. I knew the Rules before and had to relearn them. NO pocket knifes ANYWHERE except in my sock while traveling.

As for the $60 the esposa paid? Where were you dude? Next time say to the cop: DON'T TALK TO MY ESPOSA! Cop just insulted you and your wife paid him off.

Udo - 6-12-2015 at 10:32 AM

I have been sopped by the chubby motorcycle cop twice in three years.
Both times I was able to talk him out of a fine.
I saw him following me both times through 7 stop sign and three traffic lights, and he did not attempt to stop me until I got to the hill on the way to the CBP crossing.
Both times I asked him why he stopped me after following me for 8-10 minutes. He told me that I rolled through a stop sign some time ago.
I told him I don't remember that far back.
He then asked me to follow him to the police station. I asked him..."that one across the street". We can walk there faster than driving.
Both time he ended up saying..."no ticket" and rode off.

Perhaps it helped to speak to him in fluent Spanish.

I no longer have to worry about him...I have a SENTRI pass.

Hook - 6-12-2015 at 12:20 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Just so folks know this isn't a universal problem, I have never had a problem in Tecate... my last time there was 2 months ago. This forum is a great place to read of issues, and while there have been some Tecate issues with cops, the vast majority who go there have no problems. I have been pulled over in Tijuana and Ensenada and paid 'fees' in those cities (many years ago).

A motorcycle cop in Tecate once pulled up to me saying I violated a law (it was 13 years ago), and after I explained my dilemma in finding the new border access, he helped me, and no ticket.

Viva Baja! Attitude is everything!!

Just because YOU havent been stopped is not an indication that it isnt a UNIVERSAL problem (whatever that means).

Make some noise

bajaguy - 6-12-2015 at 01:21 PM

Aldrete Juan Marquez, President of the Committee for Public Safety Tecate

Canto Juan Bartolomé Lam, Director of Public Safety and Municipal Transit Tecate

Moon Omar Herrera, Criminal Judge in Tecate

President of the Commission of Tourism of the XXI Legislature, deputy Marco Antonio Novelo Osuna

Liaison with United States/Personal de enlace con Estados Unidos
Juan Tintos Funcke
Secretario de Turismo del Gobierno del Estado
(011 52) 664- 682-3367

Baja California

Members of the Border Legislative Conference

Diputado Gustavo Sánchez Vásquez
Edificio del Poder Legislativo
Av. Pioneros y Av. De los Héroes No. 995
Centro Cívico
C.P. 21000, Mexicali, Baja California.
Tels. (01 686) 559.56.00, (01 686) 559.56.01

Diputada Laura Torres Ramírez
Edificio del Poder Legislativo
Av. Pioneros y Av. De los Héroes No. 995
Centro Cívico
C.P. 21000, Mexicali, Baja California.
Tels. (01 686) 559.56.00, (01 686) 559.56.01

Diputado Rodolfo Olimpio Hernandez Bojorquez
Edificio del Poder Legislativo
Av. Pioneros y Av. De los Héroes No. 995
Centro Cívico
C.P. 21000, Mexicali, Baja California.
Tels. (01 686) 559.56.00, (01 686) 559.56.01

Diputado Jose Roberto Davalos Flores
Edificio del Poder Legislativo
Av. Pioneros y Av. De los Héroes No. 995
Centro Cívico
C.P. 21000, Mexicali, Baja California.
Tels. (01 686) 559.56.00, (01 686) 559.56.01

Centro de Gobierno Tecate
Callejón Libertad #1305
Zona Centro, Tecate, B.C.
C.P. 21430
Tecate: (665) 103-7500

Secretary of Tourism
River Building, 3rd. Apartment
Juan Ruiz de Alarcon No. 1572
Zona Rio, Tijuana, 22320
Phone: (664) 682-3367 ext. 113

[Edited on 6-12-2015 by bajaguy]

BajaBlanca - 6-12-2015 at 01:42 PM

that is a good list to have

if you are coming south for months at a time, or for a whole year as we do, it is amazing how many goodies (esp. meat) we sometimes end up bringing. most frustrating is how different officers interpret what you can bring differently ! last time at Tecate, we had a lot of meat, and I distinctly remember the female officer saying to the others: they JUST have a lot of meat in the cooler.

go figure.

Udo - 6-12-2015 at 01:52 PM

Thanks for the list, Terry!

Very useful.

bajabuddha - 6-12-2015 at 03:58 PM

I'm afraid I have to agree 100% with DK on this one. Just because it happens to a lot of people, and is increasing blatantly, but didn't happen to HIM does mean it doesn't happen to EVERYBODY UNIVERSALLY. After all, the corrupt cops can't pull everyone over all at the same time, right? Besides, he was just there and wasn't hassled, and hadn't changed since the last time he was there, so therefore there isn't a growing problem because he didn't see it happen, therefore it doesn't exist.

In David's world. Viva OZ !!

Bajahowodd - 6-12-2015 at 04:18 PM

The only cops I've seen in my many crossings at Tecate have been right near the border gate directing traffic, and giving preference to Mexican plated vehicles.

Doesn't surprise me, but is really frustrating sitting in line to watch a Mexican plated vehicle drive past on the other side of the road and be waived in by the police guy standing there.

Udo - 6-12-2015 at 04:54 PM

It's jut as bad that they give preferential treatment to pick-up trucks with commercial plates, which are treated the same as commercial rigs, which also go to the front of the line.

Just for the record, I have made copies of the entire post in Spanish and forwarded it to the secretary of BC tourism, and the Mayor of Tecate. Hopefully something si going to get done, especially after I wrote that the chubby motorcycle cop is making more than the mayor of Tecate.

Bajaboy - 6-12-2015 at 05:31 PM

Quote: Originally posted by bajabuddha  
I'm afraid I have to agree 100% with DK on this one. Just because it happens to a lot of people, and is increasing blatantly, but didn't happen to HIM does mean it doesn't happen to EVERYBODY UNIVERSALLY. After all, the corrupt cops can't pull everyone over all at the same time, right? Besides, he was just there and wasn't hassled, and hadn't changed since the last time he was there, so therefore there isn't a growing problem because he didn't see it happen, therefore it doesn't exist.

In David's world. Viva OZ !!

Goes hand in hand with his theory about man made climate change..after all the sun still comes up in the East:light:

David K - 6-12-2015 at 05:56 PM

Wow, you guys really need a Baja trip... and check that rising sea level while you are at it! :light:

Bajaboy - 6-12-2015 at 07:04 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Wow, you guys really need a Baja trip... and check that rising sea level while you are at it! :light:

David, I'll be in Baja for the next month beginning tomorrow. I'll take some pics of all the beach erosion near Bahia Asuncion for you. Just because YOUR eyes are closed does not mean it's not happening:light:

KaceyJ - 6-12-2015 at 07:12 PM

There's is a SNITCH that stands on the SW corner just as you're leaving Tecate aduana.

I'm pretty sure of it

I've seen him at least twice now, on the phone, just as you leave the parking area

And it's amazing how th MC cops come out of nowhere just as you're heading up the hill , south, out of town

Next time , I'm going to roll out real slow and if I have to, stop in the middle of the intersection, and take a picture of him


Prove it

bajaguy - 6-12-2015 at 07:25 PM


bajatrailrider - 6-12-2015 at 08:04 PM

The next time,the cubby cop pulls you over for nothing.Like he did me.I told him the broad of tourism,is on the line.Please talk to him,He got on his MC.Took off like a jack rabbit.If your scared, then call right after he leaves. I promise you he wont do it again.

bajacamper - 6-12-2015 at 08:05 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bajaboy  
Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Wow, you guys really need a Baja trip... and check that rising sea level while you are at it! :light:

David, I'll be in Baja for the next month beginning tomorrow. I'll take some pics of all the beach erosion near Bahia Asuncion for you. Just because YOUR eyes are closed does not mean it's not happening:light:

And just because you and many others have totally bought into the biggest scam in history, does not mean that it is. Consensus is not science. A bunch of folks getting grant money to come to the conclusions wanted by their grantors will usually result in more grant money. I know this is a difference of opinion and not in line with the pc view The global warming crowd will tolerate anything except a differing view.

[Edited on 6-13-2015 by bajacamper]

Bajaboy - 6-12-2015 at 08:16 PM

Quote: Originally posted by bajacamper  
Quote: Originally posted by Bajaboy  
Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Wow, you guys really need a Baja trip... and check that rising sea level while you are at it! :light:

David, I'll be in Baja for the next month beginning tomorrow. I'll take some pics of all the beach erosion near Bahia Asuncion for you. Just because YOUR eyes are closed does not mean it's not happening:light:

And just because you and many others have totally bought into the biggest scam in history, does not mean that it is. Consensus is not science. A bunch of folks getting grant money to come to the conclusions wanted by their grantors will usually result in more grant money. I know this is a difference of opinion and not in line with the pc view The global warming crowd will tolerate anything except a differing view.

[Edited on 6-13-2015 by bajacamper]

So these climate scientists are credible when predicting hurricanes but suspect otherwise?

Hook - 6-12-2015 at 08:19 PM

Well, if that's all this global warming thing is, then it should be very easy FOR YOU TO DISPROVE THE PHONY GRANT-MONEY CONCLUSIONS.

We're waiting............

Lee - 6-12-2015 at 08:40 PM

Quote: Originally posted by bajaguy  
Aldrete Juan Marquez, President of the Committee for Public Safety Tecate

Canto Juan Bartolomé Lam, Director of Public Safety and Municipal Transit Tecate

Moon Omar Herrera, Criminal Judge in Tecate

President of the Commission of Tourism of the XXI Legislature, deputy Marco Antonio Novelo Osuna

Liaison with United States/Personal de enlace con Estados Unidos
Juan Tintos Funcke
Secretario de Turismo del Gobierno del Estado
(011 52) 664- 682-3367

Baja California

Members of the Border Legislative Conference

Diputado Gustavo Sánchez Vásquez
Edificio del Poder Legislativo
Av. Pioneros y Av. De los Héroes No. 995
Centro Cívico
C.P. 21000, Mexicali, Baja California.
Tels. (01 686) 559.56.00, (01 686) 559.56.01

Diputada Laura Torres Ramírez
Edificio del Poder Legislativo
Av. Pioneros y Av. De los Héroes No. 995
Centro Cívico
C.P. 21000, Mexicali, Baja California.
Tels. (01 686) 559.56.00, (01 686) 559.56.01

Diputado Rodolfo Olimpio Hernandez Bojorquez
Edificio del Poder Legislativo
Av. Pioneros y Av. De los Héroes No. 995
Centro Cívico
C.P. 21000, Mexicali, Baja California.
Tels. (01 686) 559.56.00, (01 686) 559.56.01

Diputado Jose Roberto Davalos Flores
Edificio del Poder Legislativo
Av. Pioneros y Av. De los Héroes No. 995
Centro Cívico
C.P. 21000, Mexicali, Baja California.
Tels. (01 686) 559.56.00, (01 686) 559.56.01

Centro de Gobierno Tecate
Callejón Libertad #1305
Zona Centro, Tecate, B.C.
C.P. 21430
Tecate: (665) 103-7500

Secretary of Tourism
River Building, 3rd. Apartment
Juan Ruiz de Alarcon No. 1572
Zona Rio, Tijuana, 22320
Phone: (664) 682-3367 ext. 113

[Edited on 6-12-2015 by bajaguy]

Anybody here have personal and first hand info on these clowns? If I had been hassled or scammed, I'd be writing them too. I have a feeling anyone on this list who knows what happens in Tecate will maybe shrug and laugh and say: si, the policia intimidated the gringo and his ESPOSA paid the fine and they were both shaking in their car. Everyone on this list might even get a bottle of Rum. I could be wrong.

David K - 6-13-2015 at 09:10 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Bajaboy  
Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Wow, you guys really need a Baja trip... and check that rising sea level while you are at it! :light:

David, I'll be in Baja for the next month beginning tomorrow. I'll take some pics of all the beach erosion near Bahia Asuncion for you. Just because YOUR eyes are closed does not mean it's not happening:light:

Beach erosion is NOT 'rising sea level'. The beach sand moves all the time, tides, currents, rain, wind all move sand and it goes away, usually it comes back (ever been to the beach in San Diego county and see the difference between summer and winter, rocks and sand?). Some homes at Bahia Santa Maria have been lost to beach erosion, but the ones not gone are still the same distance above sea level.

Lee - 6-13-2015 at 10:55 AM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Quote: Originally posted by Bajaboy  
Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Wow, you guys really need a Baja trip... and check that rising sea level while you are at it! :light:

David, I'll be in Baja for the next month beginning tomorrow. I'll take some pics of all the beach erosion near Bahia Asuncion for you. Just because YOUR eyes are closed does not mean it's not happening:light:

Beach erosion is NOT 'rising sea level'. The beach sand moves all the time, tides, currents, rain, wind all move sand and it goes away, usually it comes back (ever been to the beach in San Diego county and see the difference between summer and winter, rocks and sand?). Some homes at Bahia Santa Maria have been lost to beach erosion, but the ones not gone are still the same distance above sea level.

''The study also finds that while Democrats are more convinced that human-caused global warming is happening and more supportive of climate and energy policies than Republicans, there are deep divisions within the Republican Party. In many respects, liberal/moderate Republicans – about a third of the Republican party – are relatively similar to moderate/conservative Democrats, while conservative Republicans often express views about global warming that are distinctly different than the rest of the American public.

For example, among registered voters:

• 88% of Democrats, 59% of Independents and 61% of liberal/moderate Republicans think global warming is happening, compared to only 28% of conservative Republicans;

• 81% of Democrats and 51% of liberal/moderate Republicans are worried about global warming, compared to only 19% of conservative Republicans;

• 82% of Democrats and 65% of liberal/moderate Republicans support strict carbon dioxide emission limits on existing coal-fired power plants to reduce global warming and improve public health, compared to only 31% of conservative Republicans.''

David -- what are you debating? This is about your (and other's) politics, isn't it?

David K - 6-13-2015 at 11:07 AM

No Lee... I am not debating projections and predictions of something that hasn't happened ... made only by those who get paid to keep making the bogus predictions, and their supporters. A popularity poll isn't science. Observation of something is.

I observe the sea level as being the same the past 60 years... provide visual evidence in hopes to enlighten those who have been lied to by the left... and will always believe in truth and facts over the emotional drama of the left.

Life has enough drama without more being heaped on by activists wishing to destroy American prosperity, while China pollutes more and more with coal burning and the rest of their 'uncontrolled' behavior.

If they are really concerned about world pollution, then they should apply their standards fairly among the polluters.

Meanwhile, I will return to Bahia Concepcion, to the exact same spot I did in 1966, and I will still be above sea level!

Have a nice day!

Yea, I'm part of that smll percentage.

durrelllrobert - 6-13-2015 at 11:07 AM

[url= ] [/url]

DENNIS - 6-13-2015 at 11:28 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Lee
Anybody here have personal and first hand info on these clowns? [/rquote  

What is missing from the list is probably the only group that would even begin to care...the Chamber of Commerce.
Hit 'em where it hurts most.

bajacamper - 6-13-2015 at 01:08 PM

I quess I'm confused. In the 1970 era the "scientists" told us to beware of global cooling. The icecaps were expanding at an alarming rate. That didn't quite pan out so in the 1980 - 1990's global warming caused by man was now the theme of the day. It has been shown that the planet has not warmed significantly over a thousand years, so now we have climate change. Ah climate change. No matter what happens now it can be blamed on the American man. There is finally a catch phrase that global warmers, coolers can get behind, but don't ignore cows farting in the field. Those rascals have a role in this too you know.

[Edited on 6-13-2015 by bajacamper]

chuckie - 6-13-2015 at 01:19 PM

Too many goats is what I think.....Goat gas....

chuckie - 6-13-2015 at 03:20 PM


bajacamper - 6-13-2015 at 03:49 PM

I don't know what happened I just pushed a button. Sorry I jumped in on the hijack.

chuckie - 6-13-2015 at 04:08 PM

WTF does any of this have to do with the cops in Tecate???Another case of DK spewing his political BS.....

bajacamper - 6-13-2015 at 04:15 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bajaboy  
Quote: Originally posted by bajabuddha  
I'm afraid I have to agree 100% with DK on this one. Just because it happens to a lot of people, and is increasing blatantly, but didn't happen to HIM does mean it doesn't happen to EVERYBODY UNIVERSALLY. After all, the corrupt cops can't pull everyone over all at the same time, right? Besides, he was just there and wasn't hassled, and hadn't changed since the last time he was there, so therefore there isn't a growing problem because he didn't see it happen, therefore it doesn't exist.

In David's world. Viva OZ !!

Senor Chuckie, this is where the train went sideways.

Goes hand in hand with his theory about man made climate change..after all the sun still comes up in the East:light:

chuckie - 6-13-2015 at 04:37 PM

Is Tecate under water?

Bajahowodd - 6-13-2015 at 04:48 PM

Turns out that a major number of climate change deniers are end-timers. The same folks that don't think it is worth investing in infrastructure, because when Jesus comes back, who will care about this stuff.

ncampion - 6-13-2015 at 04:50 PM

As usual, DK gets blamed for injecting a political view into a non-political thread, when actually it was bajabuddha, as bajacamper pointed out. And or course chuckie blindly piles right on. Come on children, really.

chuckie - 6-13-2015 at 05:48 PM

Nah! I had my glasses on,,,,That dang Buddha...I knew it was his fault...

mtgoat666 - 6-13-2015 at 09:09 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bajaboy  
Quote: Originally posted by bajacamper  
Quote: Originally posted by Bajaboy  
Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Wow, you guys really need a Baja trip... and check that rising sea level while you are at it! :light:

David, I'll be in Baja for the next month beginning tomorrow. I'll take some pics of all the beach erosion near Bahia Asuncion for you. Just because YOUR eyes are closed does not mean it's not happening:light:

And just because you and many others have totally bought into the biggest scam in history, does not mean that it is. Consensus is not science. A bunch of folks getting grant money to come to the conclusions wanted by their grantors will usually result in more grant money. I know this is a difference of opinion and not in line with the pc view The global warming crowd will tolerate anything except a differing view.

[Edited on 6-13-2015 by bajacamper]

So these climate scientists are credible when predicting hurricanes but suspect otherwise?

The people of tecate don't care if cops fłeece gringos. 99% of gringos in tecate are passing thru and don't even purchase so much as a taco. The cops are smart to fleece these transients, as no local gives a flip.

Bajatripper - 6-14-2015 at 12:46 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Udo  

Perhaps it helped to speak to him in fluent Spanish.

Bingo! As some of you know (well, at least David K and his lovely wife), my Spanish is pretty good. I've been pulled over numerous times in Mexico and always humbly submit to authorities if I'm in the wrong, usually paying a mordida and getting on my way without further hassle.

But if I get pulled over by a cop on some bogus charge, I argue with them in polite tones and have ALWAYS gotten off without paying anything. My (Mexican) wife is always amused as the scene of a cop realizing that things aren't going as planned unfolds. She enjoys re-telling the stories to her friends.

That said, there have been times when I was going the wrong way in the center of some town or city I was unfamiliar with and have had cops pull me over and gently explain that I'm going the wrong way while pointing to a nearby sign indicating the correct direction of travel and then let me go with a warning to be more careful--never even hinting at a mordida.

Bajatripper - 6-14-2015 at 01:00 PM

Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  

The people of tecate don't care if cops fłeece gringos. 99% of gringos in tecate are passing thru and don't even purchase so much as a taco. The cops are smart to fleece these transients, as no local gives a flip.

We should just consider it a tax for using the roads through the municipality, in line with an airport exit tax. Averaged out over all of the visitors who pass through, it's mere pennies a piece. And, best of all, it's spent locally, so it stimulates economic activity in the city/region.

Bajatripper - 6-14-2015 at 02:01 PM

Quote: Originally posted by bajacamper  

And just because you and many others have totally bought into the biggest scam in history, does not mean that it is. Consensus is not science. A bunch of folks getting grant money to come to the conclusions wanted by their grantors will usually result in more grant money. I know this is a difference of opinion and not in line with the pc view The global warming crowd will tolerate anything except a differing view.

[Edited on 6-13-2015 by bajacamper]

Boy, talk about misdirection! "[J]ust because you and many others" includes something like...what is it?...99% of the scientific community?

You follow that up with "[c]onsensus is not science." Of all things for you to introduce into the conversation.

And, my personal favorite, "[a] bunch of folks getting grant money to come to the conclusions wanted by their grantors will usually result in more grant money." Yes, my friend, we liberals have such deep, deep pockets that we are able to fund 99% of the scientific community to fill up their reports with those bought conclusions. In classic misdirection, you take the very (and only) method to support your very narrow, unfounded-on-anything-remotely-scientific opinion and apply it to the other side.

Unfortunately, most media outlets no longer do any investigative journalism so this methodology is allowed to pass as and "equal but opposite" perspective when in reality it should be laughed out of the room. Yours isn't simply an opinion that "the Global-warming crowd won't tolerate." Wish it were so simple. The truth is that we are on the border of doing great harm to the Human Race (the planet will survive whether we're here or not), but people like yourself--who allow this nonsense to get traction, if only among the uninformed--only serve to prolong the day that we finally come to terms with it and do something about it. I only hope, for my kids' sake, that it isn't too late.

No, my friend, our divergent views on the effects of global warming are far from "a difference of opinion." One is based on the realities of undisputable facts backed by science while the other belongs among books that begin with "Once upon a time..."

chuckie - 6-14-2015 at 02:08 PM

Perhaps we should ask the Tecate cops for their opinion on Global warming, Palm tree growth and Vidalia onions as long as we are on the subject. The lil pudgy guy is a registered demopublican....

Bajatripper - 6-14-2015 at 02:54 PM

Quote: Originally posted by chuckie  
Perhaps we should ask the Tecate cops for their opinion on Global warming, Palm tree growth and Vidalia onions as long as we are on the subject. The lil pudgy guy is a registered demopublican....

bajabuddha - 6-14-2015 at 03:29 PM

Quote: Originally posted by ncampion  
As usual, DK gets blamed for injecting a political view into a non-political thread, when actually it was bajabuddha, as bajacamper pointed out. And or course chuckie blindly piles right on. Come on children, really.

ncampion, go back to page one and my original post; then read (DK's BFF) bajacamper's ...... I believe the FIRST mention of any ''blamed for injecting a political view into a non-political thread" was not me, but DK's champion and most ardent supporter.
My point was that according to our Resident Expert on Everything Baja, if it didn't happen to him it isn't "universal", even though event after event has been reported. I stayed on-topic, chumly.

Here, let me help;
Quote: Originally posted by bajabuddha  
I'm afraid I have to agree 100% with DK on this one. Just because it happens to a lot of people, and is increasing blatantly, but didn't happen to HIM does mean it doesn't happen to EVERYBODY UNIVERSALLY. After all, the corrupt cops can't pull everyone over all at the same time, right? Besides, he was just there and wasn't hassled, and hadn't changed since the last time he was there, so therefore there isn't a growing problem because he didn't see it happen, therefore it doesn't exist.

In David's world. Viva OZ !!

Now, on topic, I've been stopped a half-dozen times in Tecate for mordida, and used good manners and bad Spanish with a little firmness and haven't paid mordida.....yet..... there at least. Far's 'transient tourists not leaving any money there' that's a bunch of flat-out BS. The OP mentioned he used to spend time and money there; I always gas up just south of town, going and coming. A shake-down is a shake-down, and it's a crime. When done by a cop it's a double-crime, and I don't care how you paint it. Tecate IS NOTORIOUS, and all it does is put a bad rub on a possible great vacation. No wonder tourism is down across the board in Baja.

I thought the OP was a good thread. Don't blame me for the train wreck on the political agendas: prove what I did or please, STFU.
Big poo-poo-head. :P

bajacamper - 6-14-2015 at 03:35 PM

I like Chuckie's approach.

David K - 6-14-2015 at 06:16 PM

I wish it was possible to know all things Baja, but I don't think it is possible, and it is sure NOTHING I have ever claimed. There will always be more Baja that I don't know than I do know... and that is why it is magic and will be special to me for all my life.

The thing you don't want to accept is that I willingly SHARE all my Baja data (not all personal data, but in books, magazines, etc.) to increase awareness and lust for this great peninsula. Informed Baja Nomads are NOT the threat to keeping Baja beautiful, just the opposite is true.

ncampion - 6-14-2015 at 08:23 PM

Quote: Originally posted by bajabuddha  
Quote: Originally posted by ncampion  
As usual, DK gets blamed for injecting a political view into a non-political thread, when actually it was bajabuddha, as bajacamper pointed out. And or course chuckie blindly piles right on. Come on children, really.

ncampion, go back to page one and my original post; then read (DK's BFF) bajacamper's ...... I believe the FIRST mention of any ''blamed for injecting a political view into a non-political thread" was not me, but DK's champion and most ardent supporter.
My point was that according to our Resident Expert on Everything Baja, if it didn't happen to him it isn't "universal", even though event after event has been reported. I stayed on-topic, chumly.

Ok Buddha, Let me help you.
DK's post #2 was completely on topic, your post # 11 was the one that was derogatory to DK. Then BajaBoy jumped in against DK in post # 14 and # 16. BajaCamper didn't post till # 20 in support of DK's position.
You were clearly the originator of the OT ranting. I've noticed this same thing happen several other times on this board.
That's the last I'm saying about this. As Mark Twain said, “Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.”

bajabuddha - 6-14-2015 at 09:28 PM

Sorry I confused the issue with facts. My first post was on topic about Tecate corruption. I call BS when I see it, and I am guilty as charged of noticing it more than once from someone who's far more notorious than I of hijacking threads for personal political aggrandizement.

If you're going to count posts and state facts, don't forget post #15 (DK's) of your "he-said-she-said" Your Honor.

"The sun may kiss the morning sky.

The bird may kiss the butterfly,

The dew may kiss the morning grass,

And you, dear soul,


[Edited on 6-15-2015 by bajabuddha]

David K - 6-15-2015 at 08:22 AM

Can't we all just get along??? Buddah, I don't want to fight with you... and being an old man now, I might say something that sounds to others as combative, but I don't intend it to be such. I am sorry.

ncampion, thank you for understanding me better!

Now, how about a big VIVA BAJA, and let's all have a fun summer!!

ncampion - 6-15-2015 at 08:23 AM


vgabndo - 6-15-2015 at 11:37 AM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Can't we all just get along??? Buddah, I don't want to fight with you... and being an old man now, I might say something that sounds to others as combative, but I don't intend it to be such. I am sorry.

ncampion, thank you for understanding me better!

Now, how about a big VIVA BAJA, and let's all have a fun summer!!

motoged - 6-15-2015 at 05:17 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  

ncampion, thank you for understanding me better!

Sometimes "agreeing" is not understanding. :light:

And we understand many of your points.....some of us just don't agree.

[Edited on 6-16-2015 by motoged]

chuckie - 6-15-2015 at 05:21 PM

Amen Brother!

pacocacho - 6-16-2015 at 06:43 AM

(Can we still post in this thread or is it closed?)

Quote: Originally posted by junkyarddog  
'send backs' to the US side because we could no longer bring in our favorite foods to sustain our 6-9 month stays in the sun in Baja. Freezers with $700 worth of our favorite meats and cheeses that were just not available in rural Baja had to be disposed of back in the US before we could re-enter with our now empty freezers.

I think you are trying to get support on your “food importing practice” by mixing too many things in the bowl.

The cops’ corruption is there and it’s hard to deny or justify. But it has nothing to do with you trying to bring quantities above what is allowed for a tourist.

I understand that you don’t consider yourself a typical tourist, and that you are coming in for 6 to 9 months (I assume you have some type of visa, since as a visaless tourist you could only stay for a maximum of 180 days, which is slightly less than 6 months –remember 31 day months-).

Even if Baja California and BCS are still considered “Region Fronteriza” that allow for the residents to have a different import regime, if you are not a resident, you can’t apply for those benefits, and even if you were, it has a cap of 150 USD per day per person (with a 400 cap per car) so this can’t be part of your argument either.

( I imagine in that same Tecate Border a Mexican trying to cross to the States 4 pounds of chiles jalapeños, 10 pounds of tortillas, some machaca and some avocados and I can’t but see him 6 months in jail)

So what was “tolerated” in the past will not necessary still be tolerated in the present of the future. And that is what it was (or still is); Toleration. You can’t bring more that what is in a list in this link;

which says basically that you can bring up to 3 kg of packaged cheese and up to 5 kg of “processed” meat.
“Fresh, refrigerated or frozen beef, packaged and stamped by the corresponding health authority” is FORBIDDEN REGARDLESS OF ORIGIN…

more info:

There is always the "legal importation" process, (you will have to pay taxes...)

I think we should thank the universe when we get away with our little misdemeanours but we should not think we are entitled to them...


SFandH - 6-16-2015 at 07:40 AM

Thanks for the links pacocacho.

You said "So what was “tolerated” in the past will not necessary still be tolerated in the present of the future."

That's the truth. Mexico is getting much more formal at the border. Things have certainly changed in terms of what you can take to Mexico at the crossing I use - San Ysidro. And I think it's no so much the laws have changed, it's more about enforcing the laws. They turned me around once because I had a outboard motor in my trunk (and I said I was willing to pay an import fee - nope) and a friend of mine was not allowed to bring small house plants across the border. She had to go back to the US too.

chuckie - 6-16-2015 at 07:53 AM

Must change like the wind.....I went through Tecate in February with a freezer loaded with Venison, Elk, Antelope and game birds....I was asked what was in it and told them.....They asked a few questions about what did the various things taste like and sent me on my way.....Same freezer came back full of fish....
(Chicken tastes a lot like rattlesnake)

[Edited on 6-16-2015 by chuckie]

motoged - 6-16-2015 at 12:53 PM

Quote: Originally posted by chuckie  
Must change like the wind.....I went through Tecate in February with a freezer loaded with Venison, Elk, Antelope and game birds........

[Edited on 6-16-2015 by chuckie]

What did you do? Rob a taxidermist's place? :lol::lol:

chuckie - 6-16-2015 at 12:58 PM

Mostly roadkill.....

msteve1014 - 6-16-2015 at 01:06 PM

Quote: Originally posted by chuckie  
Mostly roadkill.....

All in one big bag. Great for sausage or "stew".

Back on point. I have never been questioned much about what I have in the small freezer I carry, but it ain't $700 dollars worth either.

motoged - 6-16-2015 at 01:42 PM

Quote: Originally posted by chuckie  
Mostly roadkill.....'s great to see you recycling and doing your bit to manage waste while keeping the CO2 factor balanced ;D

I once smuggled an orange from Baja into the US at Al Godones.....

chuckie - 6-16-2015 at 02:31 PM

Al Godones? Dint you used to date his sister?

bajabuddha - 6-16-2015 at 03:58 PM

Quote: Originally posted by chuckie  
Al Godones? Dint you used to date his sister?

You're thinking of Godones Gracious, the big-boned one. :O

chuckie - 6-16-2015 at 04:14 PM

Thas her....She was hangin with Motoged....

churro - 6-16-2015 at 10:05 PM

We were in Tacate over the weekend... No Problema

bajabuddha - 6-16-2015 at 10:09 PM

Quote: Originally posted by churro  
We were in Tacate over the weekend... No Problema

Problem solved, end of thread.

(Boy Howdy, were you lucky... you weren't towing an RV, perhaps?)


bombero - 6-20-2015 at 06:34 AM

During my last trip at Tecate, I too saw the man across the check station, on the corner with a cell phone. He looked right at me and was talking to someone.Less than 3 blocks later a motorcycle cop was on a side street and pulled in besides me. I made every stop and was very careful about my speed. After 5-6 blocks he pulled in front of me and turned right down a street. Two blocks later he was I saw him coming up from a side street. He followed me again until I was almost out of town. I,m am sure he was the one several years ago that followed me into the big Pemex station at the south end of Tecate. As I was getting fuel he said I had not stopped at a stop sign, I argued with him as the female station attendant looked on. He finally walked away and left. On many trips south at Tecate have have seen US plated vehicles on the side of the road with Policia vehicles. I went thru San Diego last trip and will also use Otay. I was turned back at Tecate last year for have dry dog food with meat products. I don,t care to use Tecate for a port on entry again.

dtbushpilot - 6-20-2015 at 07:21 AM

I always cross at Tecate northbound and southbound. I've been through there at least 75 times, probably more. I've been checked out at the border southbound a number of times transporting all sorts of stuff without issue. I don't pay much attention to my speed and I stop at the stop signs that the locals stop at. I've been pulled over once at the southern end of town just past the Pemex because my trailer lights weren't working (they weren't). I told the officer I would get them fixed as soon as I got to Ensenada, he said that would be a good idea. He said the fine was 500 pesos, I said ok, even better, I'll get them fixed in Tecate after I pay my fine at the station. He insisted that I could pay it there and be on my way, I insisted on paying at the station. He let me go with a reminder to drive safely and don't forget to fix those lights. I guess everyone doesn't run afoul of the law in Tecate...

Marla Daily - 6-20-2015 at 07:21 AM

There are other threads documenting the multiple times we have been pulled over in Tecate: speeding (when we weren't); running a stop sign (which we didn't); having dogs in the cab of the truck (which we did, but which isn't against any law we could be shown). After two decades of crossing three times a year in Tecate, and getting stopped more often than not, in March we decided to try Tijuana. There, our truck/camper was put through a drive-through X-Ray upon entering the country, while we and our dogs stood by and waited. No one blinked at the heavily loaded camper, full of food and #300 of kibble. Everyone smiled and we drove away. What a pleasant experience! And the new connector to the road south is great. No more driving thru TJ.

Pescador - 6-20-2015 at 07:31 AM

If you spend any time in the expatriate communities, you will hear stories about getting hit up for mordida in Tecate. It is very much like it was for awhile in Constitution. I have heard stories at dinner parties in Punta Chivato, stories related while visiting friends in Mulege, common stories in San Bruno, but that is where the originator of this thread lives, and San Lucas Cove was ripe with stories this winter. So I think it is safe to assume that there is some problem with a few cops that are doing their best to pick up mordida when the opportunity presents itself. It is a well known fact that criminals know how to read their victims and know pretty much which one is more likely to succumb to their shakedown. I have a friend who was hit up 4 times in just a couple of years time.

So here is my suggestion. Start taking pictures the second you get pulled over. The few bad cops who are doing this do not want to give out their name or number and are going to freak out if you pull out a cell phone or a camera. I did that and started laughing about doing a "selfie" and he disappeared immediately. He started to tell me it was illegal to do that but I told him I had checked with the chief of police and was told it was OK.

If one considers the dampening effect this is having on law enforcement in the areas north of the border, you can imagine the effect will not be much different south of the border.

CopaMom - 7-10-2015 at 09:07 PM

Newbie here... we are driving to Ensenada in a few days, and were planning on cutting through at Tecate (coming from Phoenix). After reading this thread... it's sounding like it may be in our best interest to forget this short cut and just drive to San Diego and enter Mexico at Tijuana. Is that what is recommended? We have entered Mexico at Sonoita (to go to Puerto Penasco) and have never had a problem there. I am saddened to see the problems Americans have just trying to cross the border :(

dtbushpilot - 7-10-2015 at 09:27 PM

Welcome to Nomads CopaMom.
I don't think it matters much where you cross, you will hear stories good and bad for any of them. Cross wherever is convenient for you, drive at a reasonable speed, stop at the stop signs and try not to look like a victim (although I don't know what one looks like). Smile and wave a lot and have fun. Post a trip report when you return....

bajabuddha - 7-10-2015 at 09:46 PM

Just a hint; don't make eye-contact. Watch for any and all stops in Tecate, the locals will 'slow down' (Mexican STOP) but, make sure you do a complete stop. There's 9 or 10 of them as you go through town, so keep eyes peeled, go sloooow, and you'll be fine. Don't be intimidated. If pulled over, do the camera/phone trick. Tecate is a wonderful shortcut, go for it, and if anything you'll have a new story to tell (hopefully not). Have a good trip, and quit worrying.

David K - 7-11-2015 at 02:53 AM

Quote: Originally posted by dtbushpilot  
Welcome to Nomads CopaMom.
I don't think it matters much where you cross, you will hear stories good and bad for any of them. Cross wherever is convenient for you, drive at a reasonable speed, stop at the stop signs and try not to look like a victim (although I don't know what one looks like). Smile and wave a lot and have fun. Post a trip report when you return....


IF you do get pulled over, and specially if you are certain you didn't break any traffic laws, DO NOT PAY THE POLICEMAN. He will try and scare you by saying the fines are very high and it will be best to let him have a lesser amount, but they have real rules down there and traffic fines are low if you did break a rule.

If, after a polite exchange and your firmness to not pay the cop, agree to go to the station and see the judge... The cop will let you go there or, as you are following him to the police station, he will pull over and return your license and send you on your way so he can find easier prey.

It is the culture still with some, that once you get a job with authority, lining your pockets is your economic benefit. They are trying to change this and most of us on Nomad do not have any confrontation with police.

dtbushpilot - 7-11-2015 at 05:37 AM

Quote: Originally posted by bajabuddha  
Just a hint; don't make eye-contact. Watch for any and all stops in Tecate, the locals will 'slow down' (Mexican STOP) but, make sure you do a complete stop. There's 9 or 10 of them as you go through town, so keep eyes peeled, go sloooow, and you'll be fine. Don't be intimidated. If pulled over, do the camera/phone trick. Tecate is a wonderful shortcut, go for it, and if anything you'll have a new story to tell (hopefully not). Have a good trip, and quit worrying.

Good advice about the eye contact. When I go through the crossing if the light is green I drive ahead without looking over at the border agents. If they want me to stop bad enough they will walk out and wave me over. Same with the cops, if you see one hanging out somewhere don't make eye contact but in every case of dealing with any of them smile and be polite.

KaceyJ - 7-11-2015 at 08:14 AM

Quote: Originally posted by bajaguy  


Have you personally ordered from this company and used this cam??

thanks /kc

bajaguy - 7-11-2015 at 08:38 AM

Kacey - Can't remember where I purchased mine, but it is exactly like the one in the link. It works great for me. I purchased a 16GB card and it was good to go. I'm sure if you look at Amazon you can find a selection. I like the one in the link due to it's night view capabilities.....and I normally drive with the screen folded up.

Quote: Originally posted by KaceyJ  
Quote: Originally posted by bajaguy  


Have you personally ordered from this company and used this cam??

thanks /kc

BajaRat - 7-11-2015 at 10:26 AM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Quote: Originally posted by dtbushpilot  
Welcome to Nomads CopaMom.
I don't think it matters much where you cross, you will hear stories good and bad for any of them. Cross wherever is convenient for you, drive at a reasonable speed, stop at the stop signs and try not to look like a victim (although I don't know what one looks like). Smile and wave a lot and have fun. Post a trip report when you return....

They are trying to change this and most of us on Nomad do not have any confrontation with police.

Must have missed your survey, when you say most Nomads do not have confrontations with police, is that like 51 % or ????
Maybe you could post a link to that survey so I may participate :lol:
Now lets get off Fantasy Island and on with Tecate.
We love Tecate, the friends, the weather, the food, the city and countryside. That being said it runs a close second to Tijuana on police confrontation for this family.
Watch your driving habits because if you slip expect to be noticed there.
Besides the previously mentioned watch out situations one great trap is as you pass the fire station at the rail road tracks before you make the turn into the border crossing no return road. The speed limit is reduced to a snails pace right in front of the station and even though the local traffic is speeding towards the three way stop sign and then rolling it, don't you step outta line.
If they are there your getting pulled over.

David K - 7-11-2015 at 10:37 AM

Well Baja Rat, with thousands of Nomads, hundreds of posters, many seeking drama, there are just so few reports for police shakedowns lately. Plus, with the new police and federal officers being so polite and working by the book (per posts on Nomad), it seems the bribe takers are just old school. The incidents in Ciudad Constitucion and Tecate being the two major problem towns... but following the Constitucion reports here 3-4 years ago... I traveled through that city twice, and did not see one cop (mid day). I did make sure to stop t each stop sign (count to 3) and red light, as I do here in the USA, too.

I have been a 'victim' in both Tijuana and Ensenada... back in the 1970's and 1980's. A Tecate cop pulled me over the first time we found that there was a new border access road and was going towards it the wrong way (2002?). I talked to him and he let us go, even though I was briefly on a one way street, the wrong way (no signage seen by me).

Lee - 7-11-2015 at 10:47 AM

Don't make eye contact? Uh, why not? And who ever said eye contact is not a good thing -- like culturally it's considered a challenge? I didn't get that message.

If there's a cop catty corner or diagonally across an intersection from me, I ignore him. If he's across the street looking at me as I pass, I wave and give a peace sign. I'm usually laughing when I do that. Just how I am and my opinion.

Any comment about ''going to the station'' needs to be tempered with the ''other'' side of what can happen at the station.

That kind of advice is an OPINION from someone who might not have much experience in MX or thinks they have it dialed in -- and it seems to make sense. Go to the station, plead your case, and you'll be treated fairly. That may or may NOT be the case, folks.

BajaRat - 7-11-2015 at 10:54 AM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Well Baja Rat, with thousands of Nomads, hundreds of posters, many seeking drama, there are just so few reports for police shakedowns lately. Plus, with the new police and federal officers being so polite and working by the book (per posts on Nomad), it seems the bribe takers are just old school. The incidents in Ciudad Constitucion and Tecate being the two major problem towns... but following the Constitucion reports here 3-4 years ago... I traveled through that city twice, and did not see one cop (mid day). I did make sure to stop t each stop sign (count to 3) and red light, as I do here in the USA, too.

I have been a 'victim' in both Tijuana and Ensenada... back in the 1970's and 1980's. A Tecate cop pulled me over the first time we found that there was a new border access road and was going towards it the wrong way (2002?). I talked to him and he let us go, even though I was briefly on a one way street, the wrong way (no signage seen by me).

You can call me Lionel, my Nomad friend.
I guess the point is we as guests in these border towns do not enjoy the same lax treatment that the locals enjoy. Step out of line and expect to have a visit with Tecate' finest or the infamous shakedown moto cop crew.
The real stinger is when you follow the rules and get the shakedown because of your profile. :fire:

Thanks Terry, these days a camera and a list of officials is not a bad idea

DianaT - 7-11-2015 at 10:58 AM

Has anyone had the dog situation with the Tecate police recently? I thought that was pretty incredible.

For six years we drove through Tecate about every 6 weeks and fortunately, never were stopped. But that is not to say many others have not been stopped in the last several years.

We were stopped MANY years ago by a cop who said we ran a red light and ignored the policeman on the street who tried to wave us over. But then he explained to us that we probably could not see the light because of the big truck next to us. He then wished us a nice day, a safe trip and told us to be careful of all the lights when we returned. Maybe it was because we had my 80 + mother-in-law in the car that he decided to just wish us a safe journey.

I know the idea of paying mordida is really frowned on around here, but there are times. We got stopped once around Santo Tomas . We were not going that fast, except we were over the speed limit. It was at the beginning of a long holiday weekend and there was no way we were going to return to Ensenada to take care of it three days later at the station.

Everyone has their own experiences with law enforcement which creates their own reality and the reality of others is not relevant. I believe everyone has to deal with their own reality and every situation is different. Frankly, I doubt we would ever chose actually going to the station unless it was in a small town that we know well; that is our reality based on the experiences of a couple of friends.

[Edited on 7-11-2015 by DianaT]

David K - 7-11-2015 at 11:19 AM

Sure Lionel, I know we are friends, and lunch mates at Mama Espinoza's!

Agree with you that one should not step out of line, in Tecate, or anywhere there are police. Stepping out of line is reserved for non-populated camp sites, right?

Pescador - 7-11-2015 at 04:58 PM

Well rest easy, they are working on the solution.

BajaRat - 7-12-2015 at 12:28 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Pescador  
Well rest easy, they are working on the solution.

Thanks for the article Senor.
After reading it I get the impression it's aimed more at commercial traffic streamlining and by the investment Pena is implementing I wouldn't be surprised if we start paying more at the border with more frequent inspections on light vehicle traffic

CopaMom - 7-12-2015 at 08:59 PM

Thank you all for your replies, and putting my mind at ease. We will cross into Mexico at Tecate, and follow the rules of the road. I will report back when we get home to let you know how it went :)

AKgringo - 7-12-2015 at 09:13 PM

CopaMom, One thing you should be aware of, if you are stopped by a local policeman, you will need to show him your license, but do not hand it to him unless it is a duplicate (Federal Police, do as he says). That cuts out the 'You have to find the police station to get it back' scam.

I personally did this in La Paz the second time they tried collect a bribe from me. I pulled it back when he started to grab it, and told him to either give me the ticket or let me go, and he waved me on.

I was pulled over for not wearing a seat belt, by a police truck with guys riding in the back, unbelted! I guess they were looking for lunch money.

dasubergeek - 8-10-2015 at 12:08 PM

Wait till they open the third crossing at the top of Blvd. 2000. I'll happily pay a toll to avoid that fat pasty chavala of a cop in Tecate. I've been yanked by him four times, the last time he told me the fine would be higher because I had a shiny new truck and could afford it. I called 078 on the Bluetooth in my truck and suddenly my terrible "crime" (waiting too long at the stop sign) was not so serious anymore.