
2015 Baja 1000 map

StuckSucks - 10-3-2015 at 04:32 PM

SCORE Press Release

Roughly the same as 2013 but run anti-clockwise this time.

David K - 10-3-2015 at 08:21 PM

Cool... El Rosario and Coco's Corner! Notice how they are avoiding Calamajué Canyon???

AKgringo - 10-3-2015 at 09:13 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Cool... El Rosario and Coco's Corner! Notice how they are avoiding Calamajué Canyon???

David, Why do you suppose they are not using the canyon? That is a pretty neat stretch of the course, and no conflict with traffic until they get to Coco's Corner.

David K - 10-4-2015 at 09:00 AM

Quote: Originally posted by AKgringo  
Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Cool... El Rosario and Coco's Corner! Notice how they are avoiding Calamajué Canyon???

David, Why do you suppose they are not using the canyon? That is a pretty neat stretch of the course, and no conflict with traffic until they get to Coco's Corner.

Good question!
If it had been a wet year, I would say because of the amount of water... I was manning the El Crucero checkpoint pit in 2006, and it was so flooded in there, many racers got stuck and delayed from the backup it created. Maybe, a cry out to preserve the beautiful canyon road had them go back to Hwy. 1 and up from Chapala to Coco's. Maybe it will be the last time to use the Chapala to Coco's road before it gets PAVED!???

David K - 10-4-2015 at 09:08 AM

Here's another version of the map above...

TMW - 10-4-2015 at 10:05 AM

Word is that Calamajue canyon is off limits due to environmental concerns.

StuckSucks - 10-4-2015 at 02:34 PM

In the 2013 1000, our TT hit a 3' rock hiding behind a bush in Calamajué Canyon. They moved the rock about 1", but that ended their day. Probably just as well we're not running through there.

David K - 10-4-2015 at 02:58 PM

Cool photo, sad owie.

blackwolfmt - 10-4-2015 at 05:43 PM

Refresh my memorie wouldn't it be counter not anti clock wise LOL gonna try and be there eitherway and that front end took a beatin

[Edited on 10-5-2015 by blackwolfmt]

David K - 10-5-2015 at 11:37 AM

Those who speak the Queen's English say "anti-clockwise"... we here in the Colonies say "counter-clockwise".

Some other oddities: windscreen vs. windshield, spanner vs. wrench, boot vs. trunk, bonnet vs. hood, petrol vs. gasoline, tyre vs. tire, etc.

StuckSucks - 10-5-2015 at 01:16 PM

And yet another iteration:

David K - 10-5-2015 at 01:23 PM

Interesting that Mile 10 (and Mile 5 in the insert map) is so close to Ojos Negros, yet more than 10 miles from Ensenada??? That shows the race starting near Ojos and not in Ensenada... perhaps???

[Edited on 10-5-2015 by David K]

StuckSucks - 10-5-2015 at 02:20 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
That shows the race starting near Ojos and not in Ensenada... perhaps???

That's what I'm seeing as well. The race finishes in Ojos Negros and starts just west of there. I just looked at SCORE's schedule and there's no mention about starting/finishing out of town.

David K - 10-5-2015 at 02:42 PM

Check 7 is Ojos, so the finish will be in Ensenada it would seem?

blackwolfmt - 10-5-2015 at 03:05 PM

Comprende thanks DK

TMW - 10-5-2015 at 03:22 PM

On the SCORE web site if you look at the schedule of events it says the party Thursday evening is Adjacent to the S/F line which is in front of the Convention Center.

The start and finish is similar to the 2014 Baja 500.

rts551 - 10-5-2015 at 04:07 PM

From the Score web site

The start is in Ensenada: the portion from Ensenada to Ojos is not shown due to prerunning restrictions. Prerunning the start will be open only November 18th and 19th, outbound only.

David K - 10-5-2015 at 04:52 PM

Yes, that has been true of most recent SCORE maps (not showing the Ensenada to Ojos Negros section). I just don't recall them not including the estimated miles from Ensenada to Ojos in the overall distance figures?

I think they are just showing displayed course miles from Ojos area and not actual race course miles from the start, if Ensenada.

Check 7 (Ojos) is about Map Mile 752. If it is an 840 mile race, there are 88 miles not shown. About 44 miles each way (Ensenada to Ojos and Ojos to Ensenada).

So, if you want to know the actual Race Mile on a point on that map, I am thinking you would add 44 miles to the Map Mile numbers, yes?

Check 3 (north of Cataviña) is Map Mile 310, but is Race Mile 354 if the course remains the same and it is 44 miles out from Ensenada to Map Mile 0.

PaulW - 10-6-2015 at 05:41 AM

So far there are several conflicting maps (4). I think there must be a new map guy? Or several? Usually I can count on the BFG map? Usually the tracks Ensenada to - from Ojos are not revealed until contingency.
More turmoil - expect the GPS track a couple of days before prerunning and then revisions will start to flow.
I wonder when prerun starts?

BooJumMan - 10-6-2015 at 06:17 AM

I heard pre-running starts on Nov 1st from an old friend at McMillin

TMW - 10-6-2015 at 08:29 AM

Pre-running starts Friday Oct. 30th.

The actual miles are shown on the BFG map at


skippermike - 10-9-2015 at 06:34 AM

A number of the Trophy Trucks will be at the SEMA show in L.V. for qualifying, and won't start pre-running until the following weekend - if you wanted to be observing the first weekend.

PaulW - 10-9-2015 at 07:57 PM

BFG has taken down the official map and will post a new one after the course revisions are complete.

David K - 10-10-2015 at 07:17 AM

That didn't take long (to change the course)!

PaulW - 10-10-2015 at 07:40 AM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
That didn't take long (to change the course)!

Its a really big deal to create the track. Then it gets published and the persons affected provide new inputs that turn out to be valid. Racers complain and land owners find out the track is not as they thought it was going to be. Then some politician decides it would be better to satisfy his preferences. Lots of voters are involved.
Then it is discovered that the GPS creator made a mistake that has to be fixed.
In the old days we had an ongoing dialog with Paul Fish and we reused tracks with few new sections. New SCORE wants as many new tracks sections as possible so do overs are part of the deal. Now we even find updated GPS tracks as late as the day of contingency and some racers and chasers are already down the course and must find a WiFi hot spot to get an update. If you are part of the race be sure to take your laptop for latest GPS track.
After it is all done the tracks by New SCORE are better, IMO, but are much more difficult to create.

David K - 10-10-2015 at 09:47 AM

Thanks Paul, very interesting!

Maybe someday, I will post one of Baja 1000 map book that Score gave us racers to navigate to La Paz by. No GPS, just odometer and junk cars for landmarks!

elgatoloco - 10-10-2015 at 10:14 AM

Quote: Originally posted by TMW  
Word is that Calamajue canyon is off limits due to environmental concerns.

About time. That is a unique area of The Baja. Lost of other dirt roads to run down IMHO.

Hope everyone participating and spectating has a safe and memorable experience. :saint:


David K - 10-10-2015 at 11:30 AM

Quote: Originally posted by elgatoloco  
Quote: Originally posted by TMW  
Word is that Calamajue canyon is off limits due to environmental concerns.

About time. That is a unique area of The Baja. Lost of other dirt roads to run down IMHO.

Hope everyone participating and spectating has a safe and memorable experience. :saint:


That section of road was once the route of "Hwy. 5", or the main gulf-side road south from San Felipe (1958-1983) before the government graded road was built from Laguna Chapala east to Puerto Calamajué, and crossed the gulf road where Coco's Corner was eventually established.

Before automobiles, Calamajué Canyon was the route of El Camino Real between San Borja and the Calamajue mission and on to where it moved and renamed Mission Santa María.

The canyon road was first used for the Baja 1000 in 1973, when the Mexican government replaced NORRA with their own creation, The Baja Sports Committee who ran the race from Ensenada to San Felipe and south to La Paz. After a total failure in operating the race, Mexico replaced BSC with the new SCORE organization, there was no 1000 in 1974 as the time needed to create it was too short. That was the only year of no 1000 or longer race in Baja.

The first time SCORE used Calamajué Canyon was for the 1979 Baja 1000, the first time SCORE ran a race into Baja California Sur, finishing in La Paz.

Okay, enough history for now! :light:

David K - 10-25-2015 at 05:10 PM

Do you see that the start and finish on the map is not Ensenada, but near Ojos Negros. Check 7 is shown as the Finsh Line... ?

TMW - 10-25-2015 at 07:11 PM

No it is in front of the Convention Center as usual. The original SCORE map showed the mileage at Ojos Negros as if that was the start/finish. If you look at the BFG map it shows RM40 just south of Ojos.

The schedule of events also says the S/F is in town.

[Edited on 10-26-2015 by TMW]

David K - 10-25-2015 at 09:05 PM

Yes, I know but the Score map is what has the finish line flag at CP 7 and the start nearby with the green flag. Just noticing what the map today was showing.

PaulW - 10-26-2015 at 06:23 AM

Go the the current BFG map.
I see the green and green/checker flag in Ensenada. Maybe what David saw was the early prerun map which had the flag shown for prerun - not race.
Prerun has in the past and still today prerun starts and ends very close to Ojos. Just a couple of KMs off the road heading to Ensenada from the PMEX in Ojos. Been that way for many years before I became aware.

David K - 10-26-2015 at 08:19 AM

Quote: Originally posted by PaulW  
Go the the current BFG map.
I see the green and green/checker flag in Ensenada. Maybe what David saw was the early prerun map which had the flag shown for prerun - not race.
Prerun has in the past and still today prerun starts and ends very close to Ojos. Just a couple of KMs off the road heading to Ensenada from the PMEX in Ojos. Been that way for many years before I became aware.

The pre-run start and finish is probably what the map means? The map is what is on the SCORE website now, not any "early" map.

TMW - 10-26-2015 at 08:25 AM

SCORE Journal #9 just out.

David K - 10-26-2015 at 09:00 AM

LOL, they still can't spell Puertecitos! :biggrin:

TMW - 10-26-2015 at 09:25 AM

What do you expect from rich gringos.

StuckSucks - 10-30-2015 at 03:02 PM

Here's the SCORE GPS files

TMW - 10-30-2015 at 03:29 PM

Excellent, thanks.

StuckSucks - 10-30-2015 at 05:26 PM

And while we're at it, here's the course embedded in Google Maps.

Ateo - 10-30-2015 at 05:57 PM

Thanks Stuck Sucks. I think I may go observe. San Antonio Del Mar seems like a good coastal locations to watch. Easy road out there and easy to stay off the course.

[Edited on 10-31-2015 by Ateo]

StuckSucks - 10-30-2015 at 06:37 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Ateo  
Thanks Stuck Sucks. I think I may go observe. San Antonio Del Mar seems like a good coastal locations to watch. Easy road out there and easy to stay off the course.

I'll be working extraction near Punta Blanca ~RM430 - I'll get to see the ocean.

PaulW - 10-30-2015 at 06:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by StuckSucks  
Quote: Originally posted by Ateo  
Thanks Stuck Sucks. I think I may go observe. San Antonio Del Mar seems like a good coastal locations to watch. Easy road out there and easy to stay off the course.

I'll be working extraction near Punta Blanca ~RM430 - I'll get to see the ocean.

Me to. C8 Support
Lets compare places to hang out So far I do not have a clue.

PaulW - 11-1-2015 at 07:20 AM

Coco to Chapala
Read the comments

TMW - 11-1-2015 at 08:34 AM

Paul you take your 4x4 to RM420 and be ready to pull racers out. Take a surf rod and catch a few fish while waiting.

PaulW - 11-1-2015 at 01:02 PM

Quote: Originally posted by TMW  
Paul you take your 4x4 to RM420 and be ready to pull racers out. Take a surf rod and catch a few fish while waiting.

Contingency day we meet up with the racers and get briefed on the MSat then head south and hopefully get to Punta Blanco by dark. Some serious four wheeling from Chapala to the coast. If we are to slow then camping west of Chapala will be the deal. (Not the race track).
Otherwise we will camp with an ocean view but head to the track and wait on race day.
BTW, BFG just posted new stuff. USR file with access/chase roads. New expanded notes etc. Now I have to customize the GPS for all those details.
Winch and extra straps are at the ready.

Ateo - 11-1-2015 at 01:55 PM

I may see you PaulW and StuckSucks at RM 420. I think I have a wingman so the trip is on!

basautter - 11-1-2015 at 02:00 PM

Cool! Thanks for sharing :bounce:

BajaBreak - 11-2-2015 at 01:20 PM

Does anyone have a copy of the Schedule of Events that they can post, or just a brief summary? I can't seem to find anything on the Score site for the life of me.

BajaGeoff - 11-2-2015 at 01:24 PM

Here is the Schedule of Events:

BajaBreak - 11-2-2015 at 03:07 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaGeoff  
Here is the Schedule of Events:

Thank you! Turns out I must be having a software problem, because I am still just getting a page of jibberish...

StuckSucks - 11-2-2015 at 03:20 PM

Here's a pdf of the schedule

bajatrailrider - 11-2-2015 at 07:48 PM

I will have,off road riding/watching race party.From my home on Friday when they pass Erendira.All invited.

PaulW - 11-17-2015 at 06:21 PM

The Chris Wilson Bronco has moved from class 8 to class 4400. Race number 4439. He made this move because he is legal for both classes and the 4400 rigs start before the low power buggies who will get stuck in the silt and block the 4x4 Bronco.
FYI, Class 8 is Full size trucks 2wd or 4wd, Class 4400 is Rock crawler 4x4 limited Hammer rigs.
Starting order : TT, C1, TT Spec, C4400, C4500, C2, C10, SCORE Lites, C8, etc.
A smart move, IMO

David K - 11-17-2015 at 07:05 PM

Quote: Originally posted by PaulW  
The Chris Wilson Bronco has moved from class 8 to class 4400. Race number 4439. He made this move because he is legal for both classes and the 4400 rigs start before the low power buggies who will get stuck in the silt and block the 4x4 Bronco.
FYI, Class 8 is Full size trucks 2wd or 4wd, Class 4400 is Rock crawler 4x4 limited Hammer rigs.
Starting order : TT, C1, TT Spec, C4400, C4500, C2, C10, SCORE Lites, C8, etc.
A smart move, IMO

Thanks for some details Paul! I would appreciate a full class description if you have time or a link. It is hard when we grew up with the early Score class designations of the 1970's and 80's. Now we have Roger adding these 4400, etc. classes!?!

When I was a Score member and co-driver (from a 1979 program):
Class 1: Single Seat Unlimited
Class 2: Two Seat Unlimited
Class 1-2 1600: 1600cc limited
Class 3: 4WD Stock
Class 4: 4WD Modified
Class 5: Baja Bug, Unlimited
Class 5-1600: 1600cc limited
Class 6: 2WD Production Autos (water cooled)
Class 7: Mini Pickups
Class 8: 2WD Utility Pickups/Vans
Class 9: Single Seat 1200cc limited
Class 10: Two seat 1200cc limited
Class 11: Stock VW Beatles

The bikes had 3 classes for engine size, and two for rider age:
Class 22: 251cc+
Class 21: 126cc-250cc
Class 20: 0-125cc
Class 30: Over 30 years old
Class 38: Over 38 years old

PaulW - 11-17-2015 at 08:22 PM

I cannot figure out how to print this stuff so read on.

It’s a SCORE tradition from way back to Sal Fish that anybody can race, but there has to be requirements and specs for each class. If the promoter likes the new vehicle then the rule book is revised. Examples are ProTruck, VW Toureg, and Baja Challenge. And the tradition goes on. More entries means more income for the business. Classes change every year with more or less.
Start order for B1k Is in the drivers briefing page 2
2015 Levels and Vehicle numbers. These are the current eligible classes

Moto guys check out the new rule for 400/401cc instead of 450/451??? Maybe a typo???

David K - 11-17-2015 at 10:35 PM

Thank you!

ehall - 11-18-2015 at 09:04 AM

Quote: Originally posted by bajatrailrider  
I will have,off road riding/watching race party.From my home on Friday when they pass Erendira.All invited.

Sounds fun. Wish I could make it down.

TMW - 11-18-2015 at 09:14 AM

Paul I don't think the 400/401 is a typo. In the past the 450 rule allowed everyone to run a 450 whether it was an open bike or limited because the manufactures all made the 450 a 449 cc engine. Now the limited class has to run a 400 or lower which is usually a 250, 350 or 400 cc engine.

bajatrailrider - 11-18-2015 at 07:18 PM

Quote: Originally posted by bajatrailrider  
I will have,off road riding/watching race party.From my home on Friday when they pass Erendira.All invited.
We will be on 4 bikes watching race 2 red Honda's Two blue Yamaha's, Dark green lifted Nissan pick up.In sand wash Erendira.Anyone else needing to park trucks,and ride to race welcome.:)

Ateo - 11-19-2015 at 08:04 AM

I'm leaving San Q and headed for the Sisters, Race Mile 420.

Be safe all.

joel - 11-19-2015 at 07:29 PM

When do people think the first racers will reach Highway 1 south of Laguna Chapala? I'm heading south on Highway 5 tomorrow and want to be OUT OF THEIR WAY!

TMW - 11-20-2015 at 09:25 AM

If you figure about 50 mph average for the fast guys you'll be close.
They'll get to Hwy 1 at KM270 (RM464) in about 9.5 hours or for the bikes 3:30pm. If they are fast probably no sooner than 2:30pm. First Trophy Truck around 8:30pm, give or take an hour.

Won't really have an ideal of speed until we see when they get to the check points.

David K - 11-20-2015 at 10:08 PM

Pretty close! The leaders have just psssed there heading for El Crucero, Chapala and Coco's.

David K - 11-21-2015 at 01:27 PM

Lopez was first, but after penalties we have Rob Mac and Andy McMillin winning.

PaulW - 11-21-2015 at 05:02 PM

Some winner trivia
Rob Mac arrived first but Apadali came in next, but had the lowest elapsed time until SCORE noted that Apadali missed a virtual check point (VCP). The result was enough time added to Apadali to declare RobMac the winner. Such it is.
FYI, Apadali Lopez is the son of Juan Carlos Lopez another top driver (of the PIN race team based in Ensenada). Last time I checked Apadali drives a truck owned by the retired Tennessee coal mine owner – Clyde Stacy. The team is called RPM and has several entries under that logo.

David K - 11-22-2015 at 05:06 PM

To wrap it up here is the finishers list from SCORE:

In the Trophy Truck class, Cameron Steele came in 10th and wife Heidi in 15th... Of 31 TT starters, 20 finished.