
Graham Mackintosh Book Signings/Slide Shows

Graham - 11-23-2015 at 08:42 AM

Having just kayaked from Gonzaga Bay to LA Bay... and now for something completely different.

I'll be heading down to Los Cabos to give slide shows and sign books.

First presentation will be in Loreto December 1 at Mediteraneo, 6 PM, an event arranged by Jeannine at the book store.

Next in Todos Santos, December 4 at the Cultural Center at 5:30 PM. Books available via El Tecolote book store.

Next day, December 5, I'll be signing books at the Baja Books and Maps booth at the Organic Market in San Jose del Cabo. 11-12:30

And while I'm in Baja Sur I'll be looking for other places to give slide presentations and talk about my Baja books and adventures. Will post as I make arrangements.

Looking forward to meeting as many Nomads as possible.

It has been almost 30 years since my first Baja book - Into a Desert Place - was published. Now it's out of print and I'll likely be selling my last copies on this trip and over the holiday season.

[Edited on 11-23-2015 by Graham]

David K - 11-23-2015 at 09:35 AM

Best of luck to you Graham!!!

Graham - 11-23-2015 at 08:10 PM

Thanks David... so looking forward to seeing your new Baja mission book published.

BornFisher - 11-23-2015 at 08:59 PM

Graham-- best of luck-- those who attend are in for a special treat.

bajarich - 11-23-2015 at 10:52 PM

I still have my signed copy of Into a Desert Place from back in the '90's. We met you at Ecomundo when you were on a trip down to La Purisima to visit your burro. -- Rich and Penny

David K - 11-24-2015 at 08:43 AM

Quote: Originally posted by bajarich  
I still have my signed copy of Into a Desert Place from back in the '90's. We met you at Ecomundo when you were on a trip down to La Purisima to visit your burro. -- Rich and Penny

It is super easy for me to remember when I met Graham... He was doing one of his slide shows at a bookstore in Solana Beach, and my wife was very--very pregnant, but she too wanted to go see Graham's show (her parents had met Graham while he was doing the walk and took him out fishing with them).

My daughter Sarah was born the next day... Friday July 13, 1990! There was a thunderstorm and it knocked out the power at Palomar Hospital so that the emergency generators kicked on... and then came Sarah!

Graham - 11-24-2015 at 07:11 PM

Thanks Mr. Fisher, always fun to share my Baja adventures with an audience in Baja...

And thanks for the memories bajarich and David...

That's quite a story David, and I'm deeply honored that you and your wife would attend under the circumstances. No wonder it was unforgettable. I guess Sarah was also listening!

Graham - 11-25-2015 at 09:09 AM

She looks really comfortable there in the desert... say hi and give her a Happy Thanksgiving hug from me.

David K - 11-25-2015 at 11:21 AM

Thanks Graham, I will let her know when I call her (she is in Arizona).

Is your latest slide/PowerPoint show including any of the kayak trip? If and when it does, I look forward to attending the next one you have in San Diego County!

Happy Thanksgiving to you!

Graham - 11-26-2015 at 01:16 AM

I'm looking forward to talking about that kayak trip and my recent re-runs to Malarrimo and Guardian Angel Island. I'll let you know when slide show will be in San Diego area. Have a great TG.

Graham - 12-6-2015 at 12:50 PM

More slide shows about my books and Baja adventures:

Dec 9, Weds. The Wine Cellar, Nopolo, at 4:30 PM

Dec 10, Thurs. Estrella del Mar, Bahia Concepcion, at 6PM

Dec 11, Friday. Las Casitas, "downtown" Mulege, probably at 6 PM.

Looking forward to meeting a few Nomads and maybe sign some old books.

Graham - 12-8-2015 at 10:56 PM

Well that's a first! My vehicle was stolen today from Mike Younghusband's house in Loreto while we were out visiting his old burro Don-Kay at a ranch north of town...

Unfortunately my SUV was fully loaded... had my laptop and projector, camping gear, the works.

Will still be able to give the Nopolo Wine Cellar show, as that will be on TV screens and I have a memory stick, but I'm going have to cancel the events at Estrella del Mar and Las Casitas in Mulege. Sorry.

Looks like I'm stuck in Loreto for a while. Stolen vehicle is a black 2015 Honda CR-V AWD. Licence # CA 7NET758

BigBearRider - 12-8-2015 at 11:19 PM

That sucks. Very sorry to hear that, Graham.

There's a thread here about motorcycle thefts in San Felipe. The gist if the story was that someone connected was able to retrieve the stolen bikes very quickly. I'm hoping there's a good resolution to your situation.

As I told my wife when we missed the flight from Loreto: "look on the bright side, we get an extra day in Loreto!"

David K - 12-9-2015 at 09:51 AM

OMG... not to one of Baja's greatest ambassadors? I am so sorry Graham... I hope enough word gets around that it is found soon! That suck in a BIG way...:mad:

BajaGeoff - 12-9-2015 at 10:38 AM

So sorry Graham. I would post a photo of the CR-V on Facebook and encourage people to share it so people are aware of what happened. Thieves suck!

rts551 - 12-9-2015 at 12:27 PM

That sucks Graham. I thought the new CRv's had a good anti theft protection system...or did they come get it with a tow truck?

Picture would be helpful. especially on facebook (more readers).

Graham - 12-9-2015 at 01:59 PM

Here's the missing black beauty, slightly dusty, a few days ago in Todos Santos. Picked up a screw in a tire and needed repair. Had all of 3000 miles on clock.

IMG_2599a.jpg - 178kB

Mike and I were off visiting Don-Kay and running his little dogs (Max and Rusty) on the beach at San Bruno. Came back five hours later and his house had been broken into. A spare set of keys were hidden in one of my bags and they emptied the bag and found them.

Not wanting to have all my eggs in one basket, I thought they'd be safe behind locked doors in house, car inside a locked gate, with two big dogs to watch over them and patrol yard! Big belated lesson!

Graham - 12-9-2015 at 02:02 PM

And thanks everyone for the concern and suggestions... spent most of day making police reports and dealing with such matters. Will keep you posted.

Back to hiking and kayaking very remote places for me.

BornFisher - 12-9-2015 at 06:35 PM

Graham---That is terrible. So sorry. Can`t imagine how you feel.
Talked to a Loredo friend who said the town just isn`t the same. I`m sure Mike has the same stories of increased theft in his neighborhood.
Best of luck, hope you get your ride and gear back.

BajaBlanca - 12-9-2015 at 08:31 PM

I sure hope it gets returned and in OK shape. If that can't happen, I sure hope your insurance will cover it.

Graham - 12-10-2015 at 10:39 AM

I'm getting more pessimistic by the hour that vehicle will be found intact. And poor Mike had his house burgled and lost his safe with passport and important stuff inside...

Sad, after we had such a great time visiting DonKay on a nearby ranch. Mike was so delighted to see his old buddy strong and healthy...

IMG_2631a.jpg - 201kB

Graham - 12-10-2015 at 12:26 PM

Vehicle update:

Just heard from local Loreto police... vehicle found in Puerto Lopez Mateos. Two suspects in custody. Police heading over there this PM to take possession and possibly return it to Loreto. Will be interesting to see condition and what's left inside. Hope it's driveable at least. If anyone spots it heading back... be aware it's being driven by the police and not the bad guys.

BajaGeoff - 12-10-2015 at 12:45 PM

Great news Graham! Glad to hear they found the car and have the thieves in custody. Hope your gear is still inside amigo!

ncampion - 12-10-2015 at 01:00 PM

Very bad news about the theft, good news about the recovery. Hope they can recover the contents as well. After living the past six years in Loreto, we feel the theft problem has really gotten bad in the past couple of years. Our house was broken into and cleaned out, just about everything! Police had one man in custody with some of our things at his house, but let him go a week later because "he says he didn't do it". I think they just got paid off and that's the end of it. We know of a couple other people in town who have had bad break-ins and nothing every happens to the thieves. Maybe the new Loreto government will try to change things, but something needs to be done or the US/Canadian residents will begin fleeing like in some other Mexican towns.

David K - 12-10-2015 at 01:00 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaGeoff  
Great news Graham! Glad to hear they found the car and have the thieves in custody. Hope your gear is still inside amigo!


Graham - 12-10-2015 at 09:41 PM

Will be interesting to see condition. Last I heard from the police the vehicle hasn't made it back to Loreto yet... imagine I'll have to wait till tomorrow to get it back.

fdt - 12-10-2015 at 09:57 PM

Hopefully the bandidos did'nt have enough time before getting caught to sell or pawn your stuff and it will all be there

bajadogs - 12-10-2015 at 10:01 PM

I hope your personal stuff is recovered too. Laptop Etc.

vandenberg - 12-11-2015 at 01:27 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Graham  
Will be interesting to see condition. Last I heard from the police the vehicle hasn't made it back to Loreto yet... imagine I'll have to wait till tomorrow to get it back.

Or maybe a little longer. About 15 years ago my Cherokee was stolen out of my Nopolo driveway while we were NOB. That vehicle they also recovered in Lopez Mateos. They ruined it. Had to force the steering ignition column to get it started. We could't get back here for quite a while and while we were away the chief used the car for his personal use. Was seen all over the area. When we got back and I questioned him about using it, he stated, that he actually saved me lots of impound charges, Can't argue with that kind of Mexican logic. LOL
Hope for your sake it comes back in better condition than my jeep.

Graham - 12-12-2015 at 01:02 AM


Just returned to Loreto from Ciudad Constitucion. Headed over at 2:30 PM. Was allowed to see the vehicle in the police compound in Villa Insurgentes - Looks good on outside... no obvious damage. But all windows had been tinted! A quick peak inside showed much of my stuff was there, and possibly Mike's buried beneath.

Even had a new 6-pack on the floor and a bunch of CDs.

Then off to court. Very impressive shiny new 2-story building with ultra-modern security. Given a lawyer and translator - gratis.

7PM-10:30PM in court. Had many US court features and procedures, apparently a new improved just implemented legal system? I heard the evidence against the accused who was present... caught red-handed driving vehicle after being stopped by vigilant police who'd been alerted to the stolen vehicle in Loreto.

The female judge gave me several opportunities to speak, including giving a victim impact statement. Didn't expect to be quite that involved.

Just wanted to take possession of my vehicle... but as its now "evidence" not sure when that will be. Heard so many contradictory statements from so many people, especially the police here in Loreto. I can certainly relate to your experience vandenberg... but inclined to think I've been very fortunate that my car and perpetrators were apprehended so quickly.

Invited to call on Monday to see if the court will release the vehicle. Accused was held in custody for 4 months while investigation conducted.

shari - 12-12-2015 at 07:39 AM

Wow....what a story...and nightmare for both you & Mike. Sounds like everyone needs to be extra vigilant this holiday season.

Very interesting about the court and great the police were on this crime and got the perps. Look forward to hearing most of your stuff is intact amigo...enjoy that 6 pack and god speed to getting your car back.

BajaGringo - 12-12-2015 at 08:19 AM

So sorry you had to go through this Graham but really glad to hear they found your vehicle and caught the perps. This is the new system of justice in Mexico which is supposed to bring more transparency to the legal system - we'll see how this plays out.

In our case, the perps have been tried under the old system and we were very lucky to have some close friends down here who gave us very good advice. We didn't simply "sit back" assuming the police, investigators and prosecuting attorney would all do their jobs. We became very involved, kept in close contact with the case and all involved in every step along the way. The perps have attempted a lot of legal moves in the process which has delayed the case now over 4 years since we were attacked. The good news is that we stayed on top of it and every single attempt to wiggle out of this was shot down. The judge has finally closed the case to any new evidence or motions and the next step will be each side presenting the equivalent of closing arguments with the sentencing expected next spring. My advice to anyone who fell victim to crime down here was to immediately file a report and stay on top of it all the way through sentencing.

We'll see if anything changes now with the new system...

David K - 12-13-2015 at 10:28 AM

Very much want to hear from Graham if he and Mike got any of their property back from inside his stolen car? Crossing fingers!

Udo - 12-14-2015 at 08:32 PM


I really hope that ALL your possessions are there and intact, buddy!

Quote: Originally posted by Graham  
Vehicle update:

Just heard from local Loreto police... vehicle found in Puerto Lopez Mateos. Two suspects in custody. Police heading over there this PM to take possession and possibly return it to Loreto. Will be interesting to see condition and what's left inside. Hope it's driveable at least. If anyone spots it heading back... be aware it's being driven by the police and not the bad guys.

Graham - 12-16-2015 at 05:46 PM

Got back to Loreto 11 PM last night with the vehicle - after a long day running between Constitucion and Insurgentes and dealing with all the paperwork and requirements and waiting, waiting, waiting. Several times looked like it might not happen and I was beginning to fear if I don't take possession that day I may not have it till after Christmas.

Anyway with amazing help from some of the staff in the Ministirio Publico - lawyers, translators, supervisors - who were prepared to put in long hours and jump through hoops with me, we got it done. Huge thanks to Mike Younghusband who drove me over and who was prepared to wait while all this was going on, and put up with me in his casa.

Been an amazing experience with many big lessons. So glad its over and I can get back to trip. Vehicle has minor scrapes and a small dent but otherwise in remarkably good shape for something stolen. Some of my possessions missing, but at least I have 90% of it, unfortunately Mike only recovered a fraction of the items taken from his safe.

Caballo Blanco bookstore in Loreto, tomorrow, Thursday, 3:30 PM - I'll be talking about my books and my latest Baja adventures! Coffee and snacks provided. Hope some of you can make it.

David K - 12-16-2015 at 05:52 PM

Thank you for the update Graham!

Man, were you lucky... so much more could have been lost. Sorry for Mike not getting most of his stuff back.

Call me when you are stateside amigo!

Graham - 12-16-2015 at 05:53 PM

Will do, David... I still owe you a few beers.

Hola Graham

captkw - 12-16-2015 at 06:25 PM

good for you and getting your stuff back !! I met you in 81/82 in san jose del cabo at the town might remember my mom Lynn Huggins ? I still have a copy of "Into a desert place" that I cherish, thank you and safe travel's to you,,pregunta, are any of your works printed in Spanish? and why did you chose a dark color 4+4 ?? I'm thinking about the heat factor..You Sir, are a inspiration..

Graham - 12-17-2015 at 11:15 AM

Hola Capt, thanks. I remember Lynn well and had a great stay in SJDC. Keep hold of that copy of Into a Desert Place... all editions are now out of print and my stock will soon be gone.

I probably wouldn't have chosen black for a Baja vehicle, and looked way too nice ... but that was the only AWD in the dealership and they made me an offer I couldn't refuse. Drives beautiful and great gas mileage. I'll bet the car thieves enjoyed their 500 miles. My previous CRV was dark gray and that was no real problem in sun and heat... then again I was running to the North Woods in the summer.

Hook - 12-18-2015 at 09:00 AM

May I ask how much, if anything, you ended up paying to have the vehicle released back to you? Not talking about travel expenses; just what you had to shell out for "officials" to release your car.

I figured there would be motivation to get it back to you before Christmas. "Impound fees" and "administrative fees" make for some Christmas shopping money for the "system". End of quotes.

There have been cases over here, not involving vehicles where the Feds might have to get involved, where stolen possessions were held by the police as "evidence", pending the trial which can take literally years to come up. In a retirement community like ours, owners die, give up, lose paperwork, etc. and possession eventually reverts to someone connected to the police force.

True story, which I have probably relayed before, but it bears repeating. Guy gets his house broken into, as part of a rash of burglaries occuring over a year's time. Perps finally caught in the act at another home; it's members of the police force! They find their stash house and the guys items are in there. Oh, but we cant release this to you until you show us the paperwork, showing that you purchased it! "But that's back up in Canada, and I wont return with it for several months!" "We'll hold it here for you."

Said guy returns with the paperwork, the following season. In the meantime, charges have been dropped on the police because they moved the "trial" up to a time where his visa showed (he had to produce this, of course) he would be out of the country. Fastest trial date anyone has ever heard of.

Ok, well at least he can get his possessions back, right? He's got the proof of ownership that one needs to retrieve their possessions, right?

Uh, no. Mysteriously, all of his possessions have unaccountably disappeared from the evidence room................

Graham - 12-19-2015 at 12:02 PM

I was dreading that I might run into some of those problems but in spite of uncertainty and anxiety, my experience turned out to be pretty positive.

Didn’t have to pay any storage or any dubious charges, the police who had possession of the vehicle in Villa Insurgentes were friendly and helpful. I’m fairly sure that just about everything left in the vehicle was still there when I got it.

Projector, laptop, camera, camping gear… got it all back.

And the staff at the Ministirio Publico in Constitucion were amazing. The day I recovered my vehicle they put in long hours and jumped through hoops with me to get it done.

And when it looked like we’d run into a roadblock to prevent my getting the vehicle that day, a quick word with a helpful supervisor solved the problem.

One problem encountered was we needed a translation of my vehicle registration which thankfully was still in the glove box. The official translator was in La Paz. But I agreed to pay 300 pesos to have it privately translated and notarized. That was it. Well, I did give away a few of my books as gestures of gratitude.

And considering I was given a free lawyer and translator in court, and given the opportunity to address the court and give a victim impact statement, I have to give credit to the system. Picked up the vehicle about 9 PM and I was on my way back to Loreto.

Muchas gracias to all those who so kindly helped and put in those long hours, especially Magdalena, Orlando, Roberto, Miguel, Nubia, Manuel and several others whose names I don’t recall.

Looked to me like the new legal system really helped. And it probably didn’t hurt that the evening of the house break-in and car theft, myself and house owner Mike were meeting with the US consul for Baja in Loreto and he was on the ball immediately relaying such concerns to the powers that be in town.

And in reserve giving me encouraging advice and arranging legal assistance if I needed it was my auto insurance company. They had assigned me a lawyer but I didn’t need him.

David K - 12-19-2015 at 12:27 PM


Graham - 12-19-2015 at 12:46 PM

And with everything important recovered, I'm now back on track with the slide shows:

Tonight Saturday, in Bahia Concepcion at Estrella del Mar, 6 PM.

And tomorrow, Sunday, in Mulege at Las Casitas, 6 PM

Geo_Skip - 12-20-2015 at 03:08 PM

Well Graham, you have always displayed an unshakable positive attitude. That makes positive outcomes far more likely.

Happy Holidays and many, many more adventures!

Desert Rat - 12-21-2015 at 12:57 AM

Sure am happy to know that things went well for you concerning your stolen vehicle.

chuckie - 12-21-2015 at 08:58 AM


fdt - 12-21-2015 at 04:51 PM


BigBearRider - 12-23-2015 at 01:50 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Graham  
And with everything important recovered, I'm now back on track with the slide shows:

Tonight Saturday, in Bahia Concepcion at Estrella del Mar, 6 PM.

And tomorrow, Sunday, in Mulege at Las Casitas, 6 PM

I'll be in the Mulege-area until the 1st. Are you planning any slide shows in the vicinity?

Graham - 12-25-2015 at 12:11 AM

No more slide shows in Mulege for a while. Sorry.

Just returned to San Diego for the holidays. So glad I could do it in my own vehicle.

I confess, I had my moments when I thought it might take frustrating weeks to recover it from the authorities while they investigated the theft... but I really think I benefited from the new legal system operating in Baja.