
San Ysidro border, INM office opened?

GATO - 1-13-2017 at 09:02 AM

Has anybody crossed the San Ysidro border lately and was able to get your FMM permit there (the building is on your right just as you go thru)? If so please state the day you crossed and the time. I'm leaving BOLA for next Wed.

BigBearRider - 1-13-2017 at 09:05 AM

It has been open for a couple of years. I almost always get the FMM there.

... and I think they are open 24/7. I've cross past midnight and gotten the FMM.

[Edited on 1-13-2017 by BigBearRider]

lineman bill - 1-13-2017 at 10:07 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BigBearRider  
It has been open for a couple of years. I almost always get the FMM there.

... and I think they are open 24/7. I've cross past midnight and gotten the FMM.

[Edited on 1-13-2017 by BigBearRider]

lineman bill - 1-13-2017 at 10:10 AM

How about having to go to the bank and pay for the card and then go back and get it stamped? So it must be open 24/7 or has this procedure

AKgringo - 1-13-2017 at 10:27 AM

I can't speak for the San Yisidro INM, but at Mexicalli (west) just before Thanksgiving, I presented my passport card and the agent filled out my FFM, I paid in pesos, he stamped it and I was on my way. Total border crossing time was about fifteen minutes!

David K - 1-13-2017 at 10:29 AM

Quote: Originally posted by lineman bill  
How about having to go to the bank and pay for the card and then go back and get it stamped? So it must be open 24/7 or has this procedure

The INM has been taking payment directly since 2012... no more bank to find open. They either have a separate teller in the building or the officer at the desk has their own cash box to accept the payment.

Alm - 1-13-2017 at 11:01 AM

Why would it be closed? It's been always open since they put this facility in operation years ago. There INM guy may or may not be there, sitting in a back room watching TV or sleeping - hey, this is Mexico - but the office is open 24/7.

And, btw - you don't have to go to any bank. Pay to the Gobierno online, print your form, stamp it at the INM office - done

Alm - 1-13-2017 at 11:05 AM

Forgot to include the link for FMM online:

You pay by credit card and get the form and receipt from Banjercito.

DawnPatrol - 1-13-2017 at 11:14 AM

darn that link didn't work, would come in handy
I will try entering it another way

David K - 1-13-2017 at 11:17 AM

You STILL need to stop at the border and get the thing stamped, and you can only use it at the border you pre-selected. So if you pick Otay when you buy it, but go to Tecate... no bueno.

It only takes a few minutes, just buy it there, and it is stamped then.

GATO - 1-13-2017 at 11:38 AM

My bad, I was looking for the INM status this past week with all the protesting going on (reports of letting people go thru but no gov officials around).

fandango - 1-13-2017 at 12:05 PM

GATO: I understand your question and concern. There have been times when the agents at the border crossing at chapparal left the gates unattended during a protest and there was a report earlier that people were being advised to get their fmm stamped in Ensenada.

You can check talk Baja on Facebook for some current posts on the gas and border situation.

Good luck. Post what you want experience, please.

Alm - 1-13-2017 at 01:26 PM

Quote: Originally posted by DawnPatrol  
darn that link didn't work, would come in handy
I will try entering it another way

Yes, didn't work for me this time too. Then opened same link from Baja Bound (top of the page): - and it opened. BB says "in Spanish only", but they are wrong, it's in both languages.

David - yes, you still have to stop to stamp the FMM. Took me literally 2 minutes. You fill the form online. Yes, you specify where you are going to cross, and usually people know whether they will be going to Otay or SY. I didn't see anything out of norm at SY few days ago, though definitely increased police presence in TJ. A lot of talk on radio and TV though.

sancho - 1-13-2017 at 02:08 PM

It is obvious, at least to me, the OP ? revolves around the gas protesters taking over the TJ border crossing, apparently Mex
Customs vacated the crossing, one MIGHT assume Imm did the
same, was a 2 day or so period where it was literally umanned,
a good time to get the building materials over, as well as the
Ensenada toll booths, which were free to drive through, reports it is
back to normal as of yesterday