Quit crying DaliDali, although it's nice to see someone from the extreme right attacking AMLO.......I was starting to think the Trump fans around here
just didn't understand AMLO political orientation which is leftist, but nothing wrong with that.
I predict the next President of the United States, is going to be more in line with AMLO, than a moderate liberal like a Clinton and Pelosi ticket.
Perhaps, a Bernie Sanders, Ocasio-Cortez, ticket could win.
In many ways AMLO, is a populist like a Hugo Chavez, and even a Donald Trump, although Trump, is the "deceiver" and cares nothing about the middle
class and poor.
Not even McDonald's, brings out a new product, nationwide, before testing it in test markets.
If you DaliDali, bothered to read the Value-Added tax plan that moves it from 16% to 8% along the border, it's because he wants a economic resurgence
in the region. Along with the tax breaks, will be a higher minimum wage.
AMLO, believes this will lesson the amount of undocumented Mexican workers, from crossing into the USA, and it will keep the local Mexican shoppers,
on the Mexican side going over to the US and buying goods.
Cutting taxes, sound like Reagan or Trump plan, and I'm not sure I like it, but I'll willing to see AMLO roll the dice. You have a problem with tax
cuts DaliDali?
What the multinationals don't like is AMLO, talks about raising wages, and unions. So expect him to get attacked in business news in the USA. If
wages get too high in Mexico, expect the deep pockets in the corporate world to take ALMO out, and really trash him.