This thread made me giggle remembering the time we drove to La Paz, I believe it was over New Years 3 years ago. After a 10 hour drive, exhausted and
about 3 blocks from our destination, a cop pulls us over...
I am a teacher and took voice lessons on how to project my voice, and I am Brazilian to top it off, I can be loud. I was loud, very loud that day.
I remember he asked me Is this YOUR car? Nope, I yelled, but IF YOU WANT IT, SAY SO NOW AND TAKE IT NOW.
I see one cop look at the other (this Gringa is loca look and we better let her go before this gets any uglier look). Que tenga buen dia hahaha
Have a nice day and he points to the road!
and mind you, we were in the wrong but come on. The sticker was something like 300 pesos, ridiculously inexpensive but the offices were closed for
the holidays. Nahhhh, I was not having it! 10+ hours of being in the car plus being very stressed over our perro being stressed sent this woman
into a meltdown.
I tell you, it was a sight to see.
Thanks for the giggle! |