
Are the US/Mexico borders open to US citizens driving into Mexico?

Skully - 8-14-2020 at 01:58 PM

Hello! I'm new to this forum.

I own a condo in Mazatlan, but I'm looking at purchasing a home in La Paz or La Ventana.

I've heard that this crowd can be pretty harsh. I'm okay with that. I'd rather be told a painful truth than a not-so-painful lie.

In reference to this thread: Wow! Thats quite a trip and just as impressive of a report as I have ever read. Which brings me to my first question on this forum: Are the US/Mexico borders open to US citizens driving into Mexico?
And my second: Or are they only open to those of us that own homes in Mexico?
I am asking this because the US Department of State cant seem to post a straight statement on their website.

David K - 8-14-2020 at 02:04 PM

Welcome to Baja Nomad, Skully!

Don't let the kids chase you away, and yes, they may try!

The border is open to crossing and they don't seem to be questing anyone's motives for crossing. However, per CBP website and Mexican Migra, only ESSENTIAL travel is permitted (owning a home in Mexico qualifies). The travel limit has been extended into mid-September, I just read.

Let us know if anyone questions you or takes your temperature!

Skully - 8-14-2020 at 02:14 PM

Thanks for the warm Welcome, David K !
And thanks for the information too. I've been reading crap for the last two hours and havent been able to get that much straight information until now.

David K - 8-14-2020 at 02:17 PM

From :

Mexico reported 6686 new cases of COVID-19 on 2020-08-13. In total, 492522 cases have been reported there.
Travel Health Guidance

CDC recommends that travelers avoid all nonessential travel to Mexico.
Travelers at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19 should consider postponing all travel, including essential travel, to Mexico.

COVID-19 risk in Mexico is high.
If you get sick in Mexico and need medical care, healthcare resources may be overwhelmed.

David K - 8-14-2020 at 02:23 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Skully  
Thanks for the warm Welcome, David K !
And thanks for the information too. I've been reading crap for the last two hours and havent been able to get that much straight information until now.

My pleasure... and rather than continue in this thread, maybe start a new one in General Baja Discussion to share something about yourself. The Mazatlán connection is very strong here on Baja Nomad as it is pretty clear the #1 choice in beer is Pacifico!

The host of Baja Nomad is Doug 'BajaNomad' and he may move content if he feels it would fit better in another forum.

Skully - 8-14-2020 at 02:27 PM

I tend to take government statements with a grain of salt, a shot of Tequila, and a whole lot of skepticism.

I also try to live by a motto: To die doing something that you love is not a tragedy, but to not do what you love doing because it might get you killed, is one.

BajaNomad - 8-14-2020 at 03:12 PM

There are pieces in this thread that may still prove to be useful info right now, or to inquire further on, etc.:

BajaNomad - 8-14-2020 at 03:14 PM

And another:

Skully - 8-14-2020 at 03:22 PM

Thanks BajaNomad for creating this thread as its own stand-alone thread.
I didn't intend to hijack the outstanding report of the road trip. This is much better, and I should have thought of it myself.

Welcome to the forum!

AKgringo - 8-14-2020 at 03:31 PM

So, tell us a little about yourself, and what you already know about Baja!

In addition to posting on this public forum, you may also contact other Nomads by using the U2U private messaging feature. I will send one very shortly just for drill.

SFandH - 8-14-2020 at 03:36 PM

There have been trip reports by Bajanomads over the past couple of months where driving into Mexico and getting a tourist permit for a vacation has been no problem.

Skully - 8-14-2020 at 04:13 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AKgringo  
So, tell us a little about yourself, and what you already know about Baja!

Alright.. First off, my name is Chris but I go by Skully on forums because thats the name that a good friend and coworker stuck on me years ago.

I'm married to a wonderful woman, have no kids of my own, have two motorcycles (a Harley and an American Ironhorse), and a 1979 Pontiac Trans Am. We have had a condo in Mazatlan for the last ten years or so, and are looking for something quieter in the La Paz area because it has a reputation of being peaceful like it's name implys.
We've been to Cabo a few times, as well as San Jose del Cabo, and while they can be fun, they aren't what we are looking for as we are both retired. Have we actually been to La Paz before?? Nope! But it always sounded nice.
We usually drive to Maz, and were planning to do the same to La Paz, but this C-19 thing is adding to the difficulties. We know that we can fly and rent a car, but we prefer to drive if at all possible.

And that's the reason for this rather wordy thread.



David K - 8-14-2020 at 04:25 PM

A little helper on the best way to read Nomad... as there are dozens of forums here:

At the top of the page, click 'Today's Posts' and a new window opens with all of the newest posts from ALL the Nomad Baja forums all on one page. You can increase the number of days to view, at the bottom, as well.

After you have a few posts, you can add a personal avatar.

Photo posting is its own special issue that some have a problem with, but it can be very easy. If the photo is too large both in file size and in screen width (800 pixels is the width of Baja Nomad), it needs to be hosted offsite on a free photo hosting site, such as and you only need to make one setting change before uploading to PostImages, click the menu box that says "Do not resize..." and change that to 800x600 for maximum size or 640x480 for large size... or smaller, but not too small! If your photo has a file size that doesn't exceed the Nomad attachment limit (342 kb), you can simply attach directly onto Nomad.

As mentioned, the u2u, is a private message system here. The button to u2u someone is alongside their post.

A Report button (also along the post box) is to alert Doug if you see inappropriate content or spam. We have a regular hater of Nomads who was banned (JJJ or JoeJustJoe) but comes back using new handles about once a week in the early morning and loves to post hate and his opinions about several of us or the president. Just ignore him as Doug will erase all of his posts later that day.

OK, that's about all the Nomad 101 I can think of. Have a great weekend and Viva Baja!

[Edited on 8-14-2020 by David K]

DK--- a little help needed

thebajarunner - 8-14-2020 at 04:31 PM

I cannot find the dialog with Harold P in La Paz
He has the little cabana rental there
It would be a perfect place for Skully to go, hang out with Harold and get some direction on places and areas that may or may not be what he has in mind.
Lots better than checking into a big hotel and getting a local broker all hot and bothered over landing a deal.

Find that info and send it along to Skully


AKgringo - 8-14-2020 at 04:32 PM

I would feel better driving than flying right now, and you would see so much more of Baja! I have only spent time in La Paz October thru May, but want to see if I can put up with the heat and humidity in the summer.

It is 98 degrees where I am right now in northern CA, but it is pretty dry heat.

David K - 8-14-2020 at 04:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by thebajarunner  
I cannot find the dialog with Harold P in La Paz
He has the little cabana rental there
It would be a perfect place for Skully to go, hang out with Harold and get some direction on places and areas that may or may not be what he has in mind.
Lots better than checking into a big hotel and getting a local broker all hot and bothered over landing a deal.

Find that info and send it along to Skully


Harald ('4x4abc') does have a nice, cool room (I stayed there a few days in August 2017). Karl ('Fernweh' also has a room rental... I this like 2 or 3 really nice rooms). Hang on, and I will look for links...

Fernweh (Karl) Rentals:

[Edited on 8-14-2020 by David K]

David K - 8-14-2020 at 04:38 PM

Quote: Originally posted by thebajarunner  
I cannot find the dialog with Harold P in La Paz
He has the little cabana rental there
It would be a perfect place for Skully to go, hang out with Harold and get some direction on places and areas that may or may not be what he has in mind.
Lots better than checking into a big hotel and getting a local broker all hot and bothered over landing a deal.

Find that info and send it along to Skully


Here it is:

thebajarunner - 8-14-2020 at 04:48 PM

Thanks David
Hooking them up with reliable Nomad folks would give them a much better perspective of the local scene IMO

Of course, Harald is pretty liberal, but we have already agreed that we can work around that without getting physical :cool::cool:

Lee - 8-14-2020 at 04:52 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Skully  

I also try to live by a motto: To die doing something that you love is not a tragedy, but to not do what you love doing because it might get you killed, is one.

Not an uncommon motto, and one expressed by a number of nomads here -- esp. about going SOB.

Apparently, no enforcement of state department warnings (about non-essential people going South), and MX has a dilemma with keeping tourists and their money out.

To read someone say they are looking at purchasing a home in La Paz (or anywhere), but have never been to La Paz -- that's something a newbie would write. Truly putting the cart before the horse in Baja.

A number of nomads here who live SOB and even NOB feel strongly about the virus and how it's reported in MX. I agree with those that say this is not a good time to go South, and there is a high enough risk playing out to support that theory. There are no clear answers or guidelines here.

I say stay away for now. See how this thing plays out.

Which is precisely why we are suggesting a Nomad visit

thebajarunner - 8-14-2020 at 04:59 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Lee  
Quote: Originally posted by Skully  

I also try to live by a motto: To die doing something that you love is not a tragedy, but to not do what you love doing because it might get you killed, is one.

Not an uncommon motto, and one expressed by a number of nomads here -- esp. about going SOB.

Apparently, no enforcement of state department warnings (about non-essential people going South), and MX has a dilemma with keeping tourists and their money out.

To read someone say they are looking at purchasing a home in La Paz (or anywhere), but have never been to La Paz -- that's something a newbie would write. Truly putting the cart before the horse in Baja.

A number of nomads here who live SOB and even NOB feel strongly about the virus and how it's reported in MX. I agree with those that say this is not a good time to go South, and there is a high enough risk playing out to support that theory. There are no clear answers or guidelines here.

I say stay away for now. See how this thing plays out.

The gentleman is a property owner in Mexico
Big step in the right direction.
Wants to re-locate, maybe to La Paz
OK, not a bad place in my view

So, we collectively steer him to folks we trust, places that are safe to stay, and make his own decision.

As to when is the "right time"
I tend to agree with you, but hey, he is already a veteran of SOB travel, ownership, dealing with the different culture.

At least we can give him some contacts to start out with
Isn't that why most of us are here????

David K - 8-14-2020 at 05:08 PM

Flash: another warning to Skully... There is no shortage of opinions here! LOL

Yes, as noted many times... RENT before you BUY... Learn how things work, what to expect, how hot and humid it gets, who to see for various services.

La Paz really empties June-October. The nearby Pacific coast is wonderful. If you seek solitude, go see Playas Pacificas for private lots to build a home on. (owned by a pair of Nomads).

Need more services closer around but still have a small town feel... Bahía Asunción fits the bill to many Nomads. See Shari for all the scoop...

[Edited on 8-15-2020 by David K]

Skully - 8-14-2020 at 05:16 PM

Thanks BajaRunner,

I've been visiting Mexico since I was six years old, and have owned a place in Mazatlan for the last ten, which took two years to close with no fault of mine.
Mazatlan is a wonderful place. From all of the people that I've talked to, La Paz is too, just a lot quieter, which is what we are looking for.

Skully - 8-14-2020 at 05:23 PM

Thanks for the info David K.... I'll check it out!

And I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. And like I said in my intro, I'd rather be told a painful truth than a not-so-painful lie. That goes for opinions too.

Skully - 8-14-2020 at 05:53 PM

And right now is a pretty good time to purchase a house because there are so many on the market.

shari - 8-14-2020 at 07:29 PM

Hola Skully...and welcome to the sandbox....oh by the way throwing sand is common practice here as is pounding sand....hahaha!

Opinions and advice are diverse and varied. I have been in Baja for 30 years and absolutely love it. La Paz is nice if you like a city.
Like many's HOT!

Tourists are welcome in many places in Baja Sur and not so much in other places. Each area has it's own enforcement of regulations.

Here in our village, almost all beaches are open, hotels & restaurants at with restrictions as well as fishing and charter boats and private boats can go out with the normal precautions.

I agree that right now is a great time to look for deals as it seems there is a turnover of properties in these difficult times.
I wish you luck in finding your next home sweet home!

Skully - 8-14-2020 at 07:49 PM

Thank you for the warm welcome Shari !

I got the idea that this forum was more my style instead of the PC forums that get posts deleted when an unplesentry is stated, even if it is true.

pacificobob - 8-15-2020 at 06:33 AM

we live 50 miles from la paz. there is a ton of covid here. the health care system is overwhelmed. please stay home.

mtgoat666 - 8-15-2020 at 07:29 AM

Mexico and USA both have said that the land border is closed, and only essential travel allowed between now and sept 21.

The USA enforces this, Mexicans are turned away if non-essential travel.

Mexico is not enforcing too much, and so inconsiderate, self-absorbed, selfish gringos are doing non-essential trips into Mexico.

Do your civic duty, help stop the pandemic, don’t be a selfish a$$hat.

What is essential travel? According to the USA state dept This is:

Citizens and lawful permanent residents returning to the United States.

Individuals traveling for medical purposes (e.g., to receive medical treatment in the United States).

Individuals traveling to attend educational institutions.

Individuals traveling to work in the United States (e.g., individuals working in the agriculture industry who must travel between the United States and Canada or Mexico in furtherance of such work).

Individuals traveling for emergency response and public health purposes (e.g., government officials or emergency responders entering the United States to support federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial government efforts to respond to COVID-19 or other emergencies).

Individuals engaged in lawful cross-border trade (e.g., truck drivers supporting the movement of cargo between the United States and Canada and Mexico).

Individuals engaged in official government travel or diplomatic travel.

Individuals engaged in military-related travel or operations.

[Edited on 8-15-2020 by mtgoat666]

TedZark - 8-15-2020 at 07:43 AM

Times of uncertainty always present buying opportunities, but do rent first and get to know the area and local reputations. There are quite a few horror stories out there and many of them are true. Best to be careful. Kind of a risk:reward thing.

Skully - 8-15-2020 at 10:25 AM

So far I am very pleased at how this thread is turning out.
Thanks you Nomads!

Anyone else care to share some facts or opinions? Please do.

thebajarunner - 8-15-2020 at 10:55 AM

Hey Skully
So glad we could help (Well, most of us like to help)
As to the "Goat advice"
You can pretty much put that one on ignore

You were not around of late, but in the last month the Goat/Person posted from his/her travels in Arizona, Northern Calfiornia (where apparently he/she got in a tiff with a cafe owner) and the Pacific Northwest. When challenged he/she made mutterances about being wise and safe and all that la di da.

Stick around, amidst the crud there is good stuff

And yeah a trip over to Abreojos, La Bocana and Asuncion would be in order. We spent a week camping on the shore at Asuncion a couple years ago, thanks to arrangements by Shari. Good people!!
Baja Blanca can line you out well over in Bocana, and Abreojos is interesting if you like bustling fishing towns.

Skully - 8-15-2020 at 11:08 AM

That all sounds good to me!
Except the dirt camping part. Two star is my idea of dirt camping. :tumble:

As for the Goat... he didn't actually insult me, he just suggested that I refrain from doing what would be, in his opinion, unwise. Just stated a little more aggressively.
No offense taken.

At this point, I am still gathering as much info, from as many sources, as I can. And I couldn't be happier.
That includes U2U messages from several Nomads as well.
Thanks Nomads!:cool:

[Edited on 8-15-2020 by Skully]

Skully - 8-15-2020 at 11:39 AM

Hey Goat...

I have a question for you.. because I don't know the answer.

Why are the airlines advertising for American tourists to hop on an airplane with two hundred other people that they haven't met, and fly for five or more hours to a destination of their choosing in Mexico, and that is perfectly fine and legal. However, if those same people want to "engage in social distancing" (as the government keeps insisting that we do) and drive across the border with just two people in the car to that same destination of their own choosing in Mexico, and that is not okay?
Why is that?

People have been getting sick on airplanes for decades and this is now supposed to be a better solution than driving? I think not!

Could it be that the airlines have something to do with the current mandate of only use air travel to get to your foreign destination, instead of taking your own vehicle and avoiding airports and airplanes? <- Warning! "Conspiracy Theory"!

mtgoat666 - 8-15-2020 at 05:28 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Skully  

Hey Goat...

I have a question for you.. because I don't know the answer.

Why are the airlines advertising for American tourists to hop on an airplane with two hundred other people that they haven't met, and fly for five or more hours to a destination of their choosing in Mexico, and that is perfectly fine and legal. However, if those same people want to "engage in social distancing" (as the government keeps insisting that we do) and drive across the border with just two people in the car to that same destination of their own choosing in Mexico, and that is not okay?
Why is that?

People have been getting sick on airplanes for decades and this is now supposed to be a better solution than driving? I think not!

Could it be that the airlines have something to do with the current mandate of only use air travel to get to your foreign destination, instead of taking your own vehicle and avoiding airports and airplanes? <- Warning! "Conspiracy Theory"!

I only know these truisms:
1. Lobbyists (e.g. for airlines) and big donors often get what they want
2. The trump administration is a ship of fools that have totally flocked up everything about the federal covid-19 response in USA, including airlines.
3. I won’t get on an airplane right now, I have little trust in Americans to do the right thing. I know that there are sick people getting on airplanes because they are selfish and just don’t give a chit about strangers. I prefer to not be around such a$$hats for extended duration of a flight.

Skully - 8-16-2020 at 09:22 AM

At the top of his ad, it says:
"Entire guesthouse hosted by Harald
2 guests · 1 bedroom · 1 bed · 1 bath"

So I would think that a couple would be allowed.
It looks clean and it looks quite nice too. Those are a big points in my book.

AKgringo - 8-16-2020 at 09:30 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Skully  

So I would think that a couple would be allowed.
It looks clean and it looks quite nice too. Those are a big points in my book.

I am sure that Harald is trying to avoid a "single" person looking for a party house rental.

Ricky - 8-16-2020 at 08:28 PM

I crossed Thursday going north at Otay. The Sentri lane took maybe 4 minutes all in. My friend who walked across with a ready card took 70 minutes to cross.
South was 30 seconds to cross into Baja last Tuesday.
No issues.

BajaMama - 8-17-2020 at 05:45 AM

Howdy, if you are looking for information regarding Covid 19 and being allowed into Baja, a couple of good Facebook pages are "TalkBaja" and TalkBaja Road Conditions." There are many posts regarding being checked for essential vs non essential travel. Overall, its Mexico and the "rules" change on a whim every day so whether or not you would be turned back is really the luck of the draw. Lately the chatter seems to favor being allowed to travel whatever the purpose. Since you already drive into Mex I assume you ave SENTRI/Global Entry? One thing to keep in mind, medical care is not the same in Baja as in the USA. Should you unfortunately become infected with coronavirus and have underlying health conditions that may lead to a serious illness, you will not have the same options for treatment as in the USA.

Skully - 8-17-2020 at 06:26 AM

Thanks Ricky for the update!
Good to know.

Skully - 8-17-2020 at 06:42 AM


Yes, we are well aware of the potential medical issues that can arise.
Of the handful of occasions where we have had to seek medical treatment while not in the US, most of our experiences were very positive. Not all, but definitely most. And those that were exceptional were in Mexico.
We also carry year-round insurance that covers pretty much everything, up to, and including emergency air-ambulance back to the US, which we hope to never have to use.

David K - 8-17-2020 at 08:17 AM

Quote: Originally posted by AKgringo  
Quote: Originally posted by Skully  

So I would think that a couple would be allowed.
It looks clean and it looks quite nice too. Those are a big points in my book.

I am sure that Harald is trying to avoid a "single" person looking for a party house rental.

I stayed at Harald's guest room for a few nights... It is inside a walled compound, very secure. The compound is filled with various trees, lots of birds, the pool, and is a tropical paradise. Since the guest room is next to his house (not attached) there is no chance for any wild party unless Harald and his guest want one! The guest room has an attached chapel for meditation... it is serene.

Alm - 8-21-2020 at 11:34 AM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
However, per CBP website and Mexican Migra, only ESSENTIAL travel is permitted (owning a home in Mexico qualifies). The travel limit has been extended into mid-September, I just read.

Yes, sort of. Essential are Mex citizens and temp/perm residents (regardless of home ownership), while tourists that own properties are still tourists and thus non-essential. It's been extended until September 21.

But, as Mtgoat wrote, Mexico rarely enforce it so if the OP wants to go, nobody (probably) will stop him.

[Edited on 8-21-2020 by Alm]