
Baja, Covid 19, Koch's Postulate, germ theory, and the math

gnukid - 8-6-2020 at 03:03 PM

Quote: Originally posted by TedZark  
It's not a binary choice. To make all decisions based on flawed (but the only available) data. OR do nothing.

People have to make the best decisions they can based on the scant evidence they can find, and understand.

“You go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time.” ― Donald Rumsfeld.

Actually what is required is binary, true or false. Koch's Postulate.

At no time has COVID19 met the definition of disease or illness caused by an isolated microorganism.

Koch's postulates of disease.
Koch's postulates are the following:

1. The microorganism must be found in abundance in all organisms suffering from the disease, but should not be found in healthy organisms.

2. The microorganism must be isolated from a diseased organism and grown in pure culture.

3. The cultured microorganism should cause disease when introduced into a healthy organism.

4. The microorganism must be reisolated from the inoculated, diseased experimental host and identified as being identical to the original specific causative agent.

caj13 - 8-6-2020 at 04:14 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  

Actually what is required is binary, true or false. Koch's Postulate.

At no time has COVID19 met the definition of disease or illness caused by an isolated microorganism.

Koch's postulates of disease.
Koch's postulates are the following:

1. The microorganism must be found in abundance in all organisms suffering from the disease, but should not be found in healthy organisms.

2. The microorganism must be isolated from a diseased organism and grown in pure culture.

3. The cultured microorganism should cause disease when introduced into a healthy organism.

4. The microorganism must be reisolated from the inoculated, diseased experimental host and identified as being identical to the original specific causative agent.

Bwahahahaaahaaaahaaa! You don't even bother to read the page in wikipedia - right? heres the first paragraph - maybe you can read it here:
edited for briefness it repeats gnueys information

" Koch applied the postulates to describe the etiology of cholera and tuberculosis, but they have been controversially generalized to other diseases. These postulates were generated before modern concepts in microbial pathogenesis that cannot be examined using Koch's postulates, including viruses (which are obligate cellular parasites) and asymptomatic carriers. They have largely been supplanted by other criteria such as the Bradford Hill criteria for infectious disease causality in modern public health."

so - once again gnuey - - what does that last 2 sentences mean?

You can't make this stuff up Ladies and gentlemen. who knew we had such a large group of infectious disease specialists in our midst - right here on the forum - what a joke!

[Edited on 8-6-2020 by caj13]

gnukid - 8-6-2020 at 04:28 PM

No evidence, no causation, nothing. Fallacious logic. zzz

caj13 - 8-6-2020 at 04:38 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
No evidence, no causation, nothing. Fallacious logic. zzz

what did the article you posted say gnuey? I want to know how you interprit that.

Gnutty Gnudisms

MrBillM - 8-6-2020 at 05:18 PM

So ........... the Gnostic Gnu is pimping outdated and invalidated postulates relating to Bacterium from a 19th century source ?

Considering the source .......... Yeah, sure, you betcha.

gnukid - 8-6-2020 at 09:00 PM

Huge progress to understand human health and illness over the last hundred years, with rapid acceleration recently, and yet we have a long way to go. Here's some super basic health broad info about cell theory vs germ theory, that illuminates the landscape.

Koch's Postulate is the Gold Standard - those that disregard basic science are charlatans that promote elixir magic cures.

Healthy Matters from the inside out. Two paradigms; Germs vs Terrain, Pasteur vs Bechamp

Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory

The distinct traits and functions of exosomes and microvesicles

Exosomes and Naturally Occurring Vesicles



[Edited on 8-7-2020 by gnukid]

gnukid - 8-6-2020 at 09:35 PM

Basic Health Info To Become Health Literate

Trillions of viruses make up your virome

Extracellular vesicle subpopulations – beyond exosomes and microvesicles

How human cells secrete small RNAs in extracellular vesicles

Béchamps vs Pasteur

[Edited on 8-7-2020 by gnukid]

caj13 - 8-7-2020 at 11:55 AM

Gnuey - lets go back to where you started. The link you posted from wikipedia on Kochs postulate. Just tell us what those last 2 sentences in the first paragraph say Gnuey. Then we will move on to the other crap you posted -

but first - lets see if you you actually have the ability to read and understand at a 9th grade level!

gnukid - 8-7-2020 at 01:47 PM

Anyone can say, Koch's Postulates are not relevant, while they remain the gold standard for identifying that a virus causing illness exists.

Anyone can say, hey I discovered a new virus and you should be scared and buy my drug, but that doesn't make it true.

Certainly, the topic is, Biopharma conspires to promote influenza like viral/germ theory to sell high risk medicines and vaccines that have a long history causing significant harm, while cell theory, or human terrain theory, or exosome theory is far more prevalent today.

Your bodies health is the first line of defense. Your body is constantly managing toxins, and excreting toxins as part of normal cellular cleansing process.

The theory that you can hide, isolate, and delay viral engagement is a fallacy. You are in constant engagement with your own biodiversity. "Virus" is your bodies expression of the output of excreting toxins in a manner that is "symptomatic" or present.

When human cell toxicity reaches a tipping point, in combination with poor nutrition, stress, agitation, the result is identifiable symptom of illness such as flu like symptoms.

Everybody has trillions of viruses as part of normal makeup everyday. The body is a biodiverse environment constantly evolving, building immunity shielding, replicating RNA thousands of times a second. You are constantly excreting garbage.

Here is a simple example, Polio vaccine causes more harm than wild polio according to the data, due to mutations and contamination.

More polio cases now caused by vaccine than by wild virus

Take care ol timer

[Edited on 8-7-2020 by gnukid]

gnukid - 8-7-2020 at 01:57 PM

Be aware, the assumption is the a RNA virus causes a flu like illness. Therefore, a RNA vaccine will splice into your genome and replicate, and be better then you at competing with a mutating RNA virus.

Even if you accept the worst case scenario, 150k deaths in the USA that is a death rate of 370,000,000:150,000 = 0.00045 or %0.0405 while all respiratory deaths as well as other causes are conflated as with CoVID19.

RNA vaccines have never been tried, never succeeded, no evidence exists it will work and it is extremely dangerous, according to Gates many will die and no guarantee of efficacy exists.

It's a radical game changer to edit each human genome, like GMO seeds, with the theory that someone else is better than you are managing your personal biodiversity.

The implications for the human race and for each individual who is vaccinated are staggering.

Consider the risk vs reward of living normally and successfully as we have for millennia or adopting a COVID19 fear based mentality waiting for a high risk vaccine.

[Edited on 8-7-2020 by gnukid]

caj13 - 8-7-2020 at 01:58 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
Anyone can say, Koch's Postulates are not relevant, while they remain the gold standard for identifying that a virus causing illness exists.

[Edited on 8-7-2020 by gnukid]

so much misinformation, I have to deal with it a bit at a time. Now Gnuey, The link you posted about Koch and his postulates. Go back and read it - READ IT VERY CAREFULLY! what does it say about "gold standard"? waht does it say about virual pathogens?

you post a source of information - then completely contradict what you posted - seriously man, read the damn thing before you start posting stuff you have no idea about!

gnukid - 8-7-2020 at 02:15 PM

Every person is capable of using there own discernment to make up their own mind, as we as consider Koch's postulates to identify the validity of a theoretical virus causing illness, versus simply accepting your word for it.

Medical errors are among the top causes of death in the USA!

Certainly theories are intended to be proven and disproven, that's basic science.

We have a long history of group think failure in medical profession, and here we see a large number of admitted errors in COVID policy, from failures of testing, failures of policy, conflicts of interest, WHO was defunded in this period for perception of conflict of interest interaction with China.

CDC identified failures in report symptoms requiring revamping the entire reporting practice, through it's parent Health and Human Services.

We have much to learn, starting with a position of skepticism, and a return to data driven health care, not blind acceptance, that new unproven lab based RNA splicing technology is not only safe but is superior to the human being biodiversity functionality that has served us for millennia.

[Edited on 8-7-2020 by gnukid]

gnukid - 8-7-2020 at 02:44 PM

Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread.” (Emphasis mine throughout.) Write the researchers, “We report…that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage.”

Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread

[Edited on 8-7-2020 by gnukid]

gnukid - 8-7-2020 at 03:18 PM

Upwards of 80% of patients who contract COVID-19 develop only mild flu-like symptoms. “The immune system fights off the virus and people might hardly notice.”

Graham emphasizes alternative ways in which a vaccine could potentially induce more serious COVID-19 infections: Th2 immunopathology, in which a faulty T cell response triggers allergic inflammation, and poorly functional antibodies that form immune complexes, activating the complement system and potentially damaging the airways.

Avoiding pitfalls in the pursuit of a COVID-19 vaccine

caj13 - 8-15-2020 at 09:52 AM

Quick rebuttals on gnueys supposed understanding of the woo woo crystal licking sleep in a pyramid and you'll live forever !
Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
Anyone can say, Koch's Postulates are not relevant, while they remain the gold standard for identifying that a virus causing illness exists. [Edited on 8-7-2020 by gnukid]

Already disproven by the very source Gnuey provided. apparently the Gnu kid is incapable of reading and understanding a wikipedia page HE posted , supposedly as support for his ideas, but anyone who looked at the page (other than Gnuey) knew it was completely 180 degrees opposite of what gney claimed it said. so far he has refused to even address that fact - that he apparently can not read!
Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  

I'll save you time here Gnuey posts a long word salad explanation that he and a few others on this planet know that we have it all wrong, he and his special freinds know that 400 years of scientific research, proven again and again and again and again, it's all wrong because the crystal lickers invent some new paradigm for how the human body actually works! ignorance is a problem, education is the solution. Unfortunately one who chooses to be Willfully Ignorant" they purposely and repeatedly avoid any information that would educate them and provide understanding.

So not only is gnuey Willfully Ignorant - but hes a special class of Willfully Ignorant - He's proud of the fact hes Ignorant, and tries to denigrate those educated and willing to educate him! That takes a special kind of person to seek the state of actively avoiding being educated by fact and science! wow! Dunning Kruger at work here!
and the topper! Unbelievably this apparently is his big "closer arguement

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  

Here is a simple example, Polio vaccine causes more harm than wild polio according to the data, due to mutations and contamination.

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  


More polio cases now caused by vaccine than by wild virus

Take care ol timer

[Edited on 8-7-2020 by gnukid]

Didn't bother to read or understand any of those articles you posted right? The supposed issue you talk about is minute, and those few issues are easily dealt with, other that the unrestricted access to every kid on the planet. compared to the gigantic social benefits of essentially eradicating Polio. the costs in destroyed human lives - young childrens lives was almost incalculable

deal with this :

we have virtually eradicated this horrible disease from the earth with a few exceptions, those caused by religious wars, and locations where poverty and ignorance abounds - this is a disease that paralyzed and or killed millions of people, and vaccines world wide have reduced those numbers from millions to a few hundred world wide.
the fact that you think the few 100 cases world wide is a bigger problem than millions dying or paralyzed - just shows how far down The rabbit hole of conspiracy theories you are willing to go!

AKgringo - 8-15-2020 at 03:28 PM

Quote: Originally posted by lencho  
Quote: Originally posted by caj13  
Quick rebuttals on gnueys supposed understanding...
Good lord, why? :O

I concur! :yes:

gnukid - 8-15-2020 at 03:41 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AKgringo  
Quote: Originally posted by lencho  
Quote: Originally posted by caj13  
Quick rebuttals on gnueys supposed understanding...
Good lord, why? :O

I concur! :yes:

Interesting, the dogs pile on with no evidence, no logic, pure fallacy. Isolate, hand sanitize, distance, face mask, you'll be great.

AKgringo - 8-15-2020 at 03:49 PM

Gnukid, it was not my intent to pile on you. I think most of us are tired of both of you taking every thread into the realm of endless debate. That is not what I come to this forum for!

A Good Rule of Thumb is ................

MrBillM - 8-15-2020 at 06:01 PM

Those who take the Nutty Gnu seriously are not to be taken seriously.

Fortunately, they are few in number.

Skipjack Joe - 8-15-2020 at 09:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by MrBillM  
Those who take the Nutty Gnu seriously are not to be taken seriously.

Fortunately, they are few in number.

Problem is, gnukid takes himself seriously.

pacificobob - 8-16-2020 at 07:13 AM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
Quote: Originally posted by AKgringo  
Gnukid, it was not my intent to pile on you. I think most of us are tired of both of you taking every thread into the realm of endless debate. That is not what I come to this forum for!


allow me to speak for myself...con tu bored to f-ing tears with your rants. give it a rest.......please!

[Edited on 8-16-2020 by BajaNomad]

caj13 - 8-16-2020 at 02:12 PM

Quote: Originally posted by lencho  
Quote: Originally posted by caj13  
Quick rebuttals on gnueys supposed understanding...
Good lord, why? :O

Because I believe someone spouting false information that , if followed is dangerous to a persons health is an unconscionable act!

and i believe in accountability. If you look back, I really don't start these skirmishes, but I cannot in good conscience allow some incompetent wing ding with dangerous spoutings to go unchallenged.
I shine the light of truth on Gnuey - and he doesnt like it!

gnukid - 8-16-2020 at 09:06 PM

Flattening the Economy "Because Virus

Oxford: Suppression Strategy Not Viable

Lockdown by state

Sunlight kills COVID

Inferring change points in the spread of COVID-19 reveals the effectiveness of interventions

U.N. warns economic downturn could kill hundreds of thousands of children in 2020

The Paranoid Style in Covid-19 America

The danger of safetyism

Does Social Distancing work to stop covid deaths?

The Moral Case Against Mask Mandates And Other COVID Restrictions

[Edited on 8-17-2020 by gnukid]

bajaric - 8-18-2020 at 12:41 PM

Just when you never, ever wanted to see another post about covid,
here is another one!
So, I did a little fact checking.
Math was never my best subject, but I do like to run a few numbers
now and then. So I compared the national statistics to numbers reported in San Diego County.
US: total cases 5,401,00, population 320,000,000
for a case rate of one out of sixty people
SD County total cases 34,960 population 3,338,000
for a case rate of one out of 95 people
The deaths from above cases were about 3 percent of those infected.
Of course, many of the deaths were in nursing homes, or among kidney failure patients etc. who had one foot in the grave and one foot on a banana peel, as someone pointed out.
Nonetheless, a not insignificant number of deaths.
Seems to me that wearing of masks could bring this to a better result
And yet, many see that as an infringement on their freedom.
I suppose there is a semi valid argument there, with regards to over grasping government infringing on individual rights. I mean, telling people to stay home for three months, closing down restaurants, that is not some insignificant measure.
On the other hand, in this country there are many who think the earth is flat, or who think allowing mentally ill teenagers to purchase semi automatic assault rifles is guaranteed by the constitution.
An so it goes.
I do feel that "emergency measures" do tend to reduce freedom. Remember killer bees? Remember West Nile Virus? These were an excuse to raise property taxes, and after the threat disappeared the entrenched government lived on!

No Worries Now

MrBillM - 8-18-2020 at 02:37 PM

We've got enough Oleander plants to share with anyone interested.

gnukid - 8-18-2020 at 02:38 PM

Do the math

CDC today

Accepting this dataset, even though excess errors are acknowledged:

Pop 320,000,000
Cases 5,422,242
Deaths 169,870

%99.95 survival rate
%0.05 death rate

Similar rate to previous years influenza death rate, nothing out of the ordinary to justify altering human mobility behavior with lockdown, isolation, face masks, hand sanitizer, social distancing.

John Harper - 8-18-2020 at 06:21 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  

Do the math:

Cases 5,422,242
Deaths 169,870

169,870/5,422,242 = 0.0313

3.13% death rate by my calculations.

Of course, as an "Old Timer", I had to use long division, a quill pen on parchment, and a whale oil lamp. But, I believe the numbers are correct. Math does not lie, you clearly do. And, as usual, embarrass yourself in front of everyone.

Congratulations, Tool.


[Edited on 8-19-2020 by John Harper]

SFandH - 8-18-2020 at 06:28 PM

gnu math.

mtgoat666 - 8-18-2020 at 07:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
Do the math

CDC today

Accepting this dataset, even though excess errors are acknowledged:

Pop 320,000,000
Cases 5,422,242
Deaths 169,870

%99.95 survival rate
%0.05 death rate

Similar rate to previous years influenza death rate, nothing out of the ordinary to justify altering human mobility behavior with lockdown, isolation, face masks, hand sanitizer, social distancing.

Math ain’t your strong point.
From your numbers 3% of infected die. 3 out of 100 infected will die. 97% survival rate for the infected. 1.6% infection rate for the total population, and the pandemic continues. Your turn is coming...
Paul, You are in your mid-fifties. For COVID-19 infected, People In their fifties have a death rate 30x higher than 18 to 29 year olds.
The hospitals in Baja are at capacity, don’t get covid-19 pneumonia, there is no room to admit you for hospital care!

gnukid - 8-18-2020 at 09:34 PM

Use total pop, not selected cases with faulty RT PCR false positives, we're tracking total USA pop, total USA deaths with COVID, (while still without verification of cause of death), do not use an uncertain number such as cases which tell you nothing.

We have been through this from day one students. It is clear that counting of positives cases is not a number with any certainty nor does it tell you anything about the total pop nor target demographic "risk" of death. Though I see Morbid Fantom Obessed Nomad Geriatrics love to pump up the risk of death numbers, why? Now its clear why you are so confused, ol timer.

Total USA Pop 320,000,000
Total USA CV Deaths 169,870

The strategy by these convoluted rabid morbid obsessed, math challenged seniors is to "muddy the waters", promote fear, create confusion, using both faulty logic, and caustic angry attacks, to discourage dialogue. Hmm I wonder why they sound so desperate to promote a pandemic that just doesn't exist even under exaggerated unverified dataset. According to CDC zero actual excess deaths are verified from COVID today, all we have are suspected provisional which is admittedly error prone and Deborah Birx has no confidence in the reported numbers? HHS and CDC have no confidence in those case numbers reported. So why do these rabid, barking, morbid obsessed Nomad posters dog pile on with nonsense and anger to this little forum with such a small audience? Ignorance? Boredom? Agenda? Intentional Obfuscation?

[Edited on 8-19-2020 by gnukid]

gnukid - 8-18-2020 at 10:21 PM

bajaric - 8-20-2020 at 11:30 AM

169,000 deaths out of a population of 320 million is indeed .05 percent, as Gnu pointed out.

This is the Gnu reality.

John Harper - 8-20-2020 at 11:37 AM

The probability of those 320 million dying of something is 100%.


TedZark - 8-20-2020 at 12:01 PM

Deaths as percentage of the population means nothing until the whole course of the disease is run. You are simply picking a point in time. That curve may well be very different six months from now, even two weeks from now.

I'm not advocating anything, just that throwing incomplete numbers around means nothing. Anyone can pick a point on any curve and make false assumptions (not intentionally false, just a poor understanding of statistics and probability) about what it means. And what it means in that case, is simply determined by what point on the curve you chose to interpret.

Basically reading tea leaves.

mtgoat666 - 8-20-2020 at 12:43 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  

The strategy by these convoluted rabid morbid obsessed, math challenged seniors is to "muddy the waters", promote fear, create confusion, using both faulty logic, and caustic angry attacks, to discourage dialogue.

Math challenged? Sounds like you!
Faulty logic? Ditto!
Seniors? Be careful slinging mud, you are much closer to senior than junior, you bald, old fart! You are mid-fifties, and are losing your hair. Sorry to burst your bubble, Paul, but you are a senior :lol: Chasing young tail doesn’t make you young, just makes you creepy!

gnukid - 8-20-2020 at 02:12 PM

This isn't personal. Time to question the end game?

Some Nomads use faulty logic, caustic, angry, acerbic language, to attack discussion of CV to discourage learning about cellular toxicity, exosomes, illness, human health. Cell theory vs germ theory?

Point is, even if you accept the CDC's admitted, exaggerated, error prone case and death numbers as a worst case scenario, the total number of CV deaths in the USA are equal to typical year to year influenza respiratory illness deaths, or about ~%.05 death rate versus ~%99.95 survival rate.

CDC USA average age of death with CV is 84 years old, average age of death without CV is 78.6 years old? But what about cofactors of pre-morbidity?

The CV death guidelines are simplified, any death where CV is "suspected" is a conflated provisional suspected death WITH CV.

The CDC USA overall macro death rate is similar year to year, actually many weeks are negative, though the excess death rate guidelines state negative weeks are zeroed, meaning no negative numbers are allowed into averages, artificially inflating the death rate. Use Search to look it up on CDC site.

CDC Actual Excess Death Rates By Cause won't be available until the deaths are properly categorized, perhaps in a year.

Today, no deaths from CV have been verified by cause, the death numbers are simplified "suspected provisional".

Today, according to CDC, Official Actual Excess Death Rates FROM CV Is Zero.

Big picture, no increase in excess deaths. Zero Actual Excess Deaths FROM CV.

No New Pandemic verified or New Virus isolated as a cause of illness.

Long history of Faulty track record of leadership and conflict of interest by Fauci and Biopharma using RT PCR to identify and diagnose viral illness to market and sell drugs.

Never has a RNA vaccine been successful. It is quite risky to splice RNA and has no guarantee to work, many millions will die according to Gates.

No justification for Restricting Mobility, Isolation, Face Masks, Hand Sanitizer, Social Distancing.

Two Weeks to Flatten the Curve theory morphed into 6 months to delay the supposed inevitable? Infinite fear of virus is illogical?

If you accept there is a unique external new virus, you engage once, and either have sufficient immunity, or develop immunity, or die. Three states exist, pre-infection, infection, recovered. Each helps improve immunity in the other by social contact.

Isolation reduces health and immunity, isolation is the leading cause of mental and physical illness.

Each week, Fauci, CDC and WHO make conflicting statements, never stating Common Sense Health Basics, nutrition, 90 essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, exercise, fresh air, sunshine are the core of human health.

At no point has a new unique Corona virus been isolated and shown as a cause of specific illness. Simply put, mucos was tested and shown to contain RNA, that's it.

Exosomes appear exactly the same as the images shared identified as CV? Meaning cell toxicity, agitation and stress are expressed in a manner identified as CV?

Many assumptions without evidence, conflicts of interests, errors, failures.

[Edited on 8-20-2020 by gnukid]

Lee - 8-20-2020 at 02:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
This isn't personal. Time to question the end game?

Today, according to CDC, Official Actual Excess Death Rates FROM CV Is Zero.

Big picture, no increase in excess deaths. Zero Actual Excess Deaths FROM CV.

No New Pandemic verified or New Virus isolated as a cause of illness.

Long history of Faulty track record of leadership and conflict of interest by Fauci and Biopharma using RT PCR to identify and diagnose viral illness to market and sell drugs.

[Edited on 8-20-2020 by gnukid]

You're repeating yourself, Paul. Take a break. There's 2 sides to the virus. Many believe it's a problem, some don't.

Personally, I believe there's a problem. I wear a mask where it's required, and I distance myself from people. Until there's a vaccine, and things calm down, I'm taking precautions.

Looks like you and JZ think the hoopla is hooey. Fine with me. I don't care what people do.

Trying to persuade nomads that you are right and have the facts has serious consequences if you are wrong, and these people get sick and die. Don't think you want some responsibility for that.

gnukid - 8-20-2020 at 02:51 PM

Lee, Don't project your convoluted thoughts onto me, I can speak for myself. Try to speak for yourself formulate your own ideas, support it with specific points, and sources.

You are among the Nomad posters who attack thoughtful discourse while failing to make a logical point to the degree that few will attempt to do so here, while I receive many private messages engaging me and thanking me for sharing.

Stress, toxicity and general poor health are expressed as illness, often accompanied by poor mental capabilities.

Seniors, especially, must ensure they are getting adequate nutrition, exercise, fresh air, sunshine and social engagement for overall health or you will certainly die an early death.

[Edited on 8-20-2020 by gnukid]

Lee - 8-20-2020 at 04:15 PM

You are undoubtedly intelligent, Paul, and I have nothing to add to posts regarding the virus. Early on I had some comments. That was about 4 months ago. Besides, my thoughts about what's happening with the virus are not thought out as there's nothing to conclude. I think about what I see around me.

So the question is why do you keep repeating yourself? I come away thinking you're a common conspiracist. And it doesn't matter why. Thousands are dying everyday and you post your facts showing no one is dying?

Just plain foolish. For the record, I don't read your comments relating to the virus. I think you are wrong and don't know what you're writing.

Thoughtful discourse? Think what you want about the virus and let others decide this life/death issue themselves. Snake oil is not a cure.

elgatoloco - 8-20-2020 at 04:18 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Lee  
You are undoubtedly intelligent, Paul, and I have nothing to add to posts regarding the virus. Early on I had some comments. That was about 4 months ago. Besides, my thoughts about what's happening with the virus are not thought out as there's nothing to conclude. I think about what I see around me.

So the question is why do you keep repeating yourself? I come away thinking you're a common conspiracist. And it doesn't matter why. Thousands are dying everyday and you post your facts showing no one is dying?

Just plain foolish. For the record, I don't read your comments relating to the virus. I think you are wrong and don't know what you're writing.

Thoughtful discourse? Think what you want about the virus and let others decide this life/death issue themselves. Snake oil is not a cure.


SFandH - 8-20-2020 at 04:31 PM

Quote: Originally posted by elgatoloco  
Quote: Originally posted by Lee  
You are undoubtedly intelligent, Paul, and I have nothing to add to posts regarding the virus. Early on I had some comments. That was about 4 months ago. Besides, my thoughts about what's happening with the virus are not thought out as there's nothing to conclude. I think about what I see around me.

So the question is why do you keep repeating yourself? I come away thinking you're a common conspiracist. And it doesn't matter why. Thousands are dying everyday and you post your facts showing no one is dying?

Just plain foolish. For the record, I don't read your comments relating to the virus. I think you are wrong and don't know what you're writing.

Thoughtful discourse? Think what you want about the virus and let others decide this life/death issue themselves. Snake oil is not a cure.



chippy - 8-20-2020 at 04:55 PM


Lee - 8-20-2020 at 08:19 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  

Seniors, especially, must ensure they are getting adequate nutrition, exercise, fresh air, sunshine and social engagement for overall health or you will certainly die an early death.
[Edited on 8-20-2020 by gnukid]

We do agree on this. I would add sleep to the above list. And deep breathing.

pacificobob - 8-21-2020 at 06:15 AM

Quote: Originally posted by chippy  


elgatoloco - 8-21-2020 at 09:24 AM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
Relax Gringo

[Edited on 8-21-2020 by gnukid]

FYI - a lot of knowledge has been added since March 8th and you know it, maybe.

cherry picking


gnukid - 8-21-2020 at 09:55 AM

Quote: Originally posted by elgatoloco  
Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
Relax Gringo

[Edited on 8-21-2020 by gnukid]

FYI - a lot of knowledge has been added since March 8th and you know it, maybe.

Mild COVID-19 cases can produce strong T cell response

"To date, there is limited evidence of reinfection in humans with previously documented COVID-19. Most studies of immune protection against SARS-CoV-2 in humans have focused on the induction of neutralizing antibodies. But antibody responses tend to wane and are not detectable in all patients, especially those with less severe forms of COVID-19. Research in mice has shown that vaccine-induced memory T cell responses, which can persist for many years, protect against the related virus SARS-CoV-1, even in the absence of detectable antibodies. Until now, it was not clear how SARS-CoV-2-specific T cell responses relate to antibody responses or to the clinical course of COVID-19 in humans."

mtgoat666 - 8-21-2020 at 11:05 AM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
Relax Gringo

[Edited on 8-21-2020 by gnukid]

You posted info from early march. The public health knowledge/guidance has changed since early march.

Quit posting old/wrong info. Just displays your ignorance

pacificobob - 8-21-2020 at 05:10 PM

toolkid, I'll bet you never met Will Rodgers .

Skipjack Joe - 8-21-2020 at 05:35 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
Relax Gringo

[Edited on 8-21-2020 by gnukid]

Yes, Dr Fauci kind of blew it there. It's a bit surprising but videos don't lie.

caj13 - 8-22-2020 at 12:07 PM

So just to be clear - "right Now" are the first 2 words of the recording, and repeated a few seconds in. Thats kind of the key here. this is in March. He also is correct that the masks don't protect you from getting sick -
and for context , this was a time when there was a serious shortage of masks available, so they were asking that those available be used for care providers.

why the "change", it came about because we now know about asymtomatic spreaders. so the current mask mandates are all about keeping someone unknowingly sick from becoming a Typhoid Mary!"

Like so MANY other things ToolKid posts, he has not reviewed it, he does not understand it, and apparently has zero scientific literacy!

But - we should all be thankful to Gnuey - as he is helping educate our future doctors and scientists! I use his rants and bizzare posts here in the forum as a worksheet for my freshmen biology students as part of their developing scientific literacy unit.

So ToolKid, you will be very proud to know that 162 out of 171 students (18 year olds, 2 weeks into their college experience) correctly identified at least 3 violations of the standards of examining claims made by you, right here in the forum!
Here is their working Guideline Gnuey,

perhaps studying the tactics of the enemy may make you more successful in the future in convincing ANYONE of the veracity of which you spout!

Essentially ToolKid, 94.7% of Questioned College freshmen correctly identified your rants as Fake News! deal with it!

[Edited on 8-22-2020 by caj13]

[Edited on 8-22-2020 by caj13]

Skipjack Joe - 8-23-2020 at 10:44 AM

Regardless of when he said it he should have known that masks help contain the spread of this virus. They knew it’s effectiveness in 1919 for the Spanish flu. Surgeons wear them Every day in the operating room.

Yes the video was shown out of context. Who knows what came before or after. But by itself - it’s hard to understand how he could’ve said that. No

gnukid - 8-30-2020 at 06:49 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AKgringo  
Quote: Originally posted by pacificobob  
baja noticias web page has a story about the government hospital in la paz crashing with a lack of resources and exhausted staff.....

Do you have a link to that, or a date? I searched the most recent pages, and the only hospital article I saw reported declining hospitalizations.

I don't know much about La Paz hospitals but there are several of them. does anyone know if allthe hospitals were swamped, or just the government one?

The article is about ISSSTE in La Paz and says the hospital is collapsing and is designated as a COVID19 contingency.

If you do a search on ISSSTE La Paz you will see that it has had problems for a very long time, it has been short on medications and doctors by 50% for more than a year and also lacks adequate Federal Funding. The previous leader Victor Castro Cosio had to resign, the problems have continued. There is no indication that the hospital collapsed from increase of COVID19 patients only that it collapsed in general.
Monday, the BCS risk level is being reduced to level 4 Orange and increased mobility and reduced restrictions are approved. Tuesday, beaches are now officially opened until the next update, which seem to change often.
USA CDC announced this week that 94% of COVID19 categorized deaths were the result of cofactors, and only 6% remain as a death of only one of many respiratory illnesses, pneumonia, flu, covid.

"Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death. The number of deaths with each condition or cause is shown for all deaths and by age groups."

[Edited on 8-31-2020 by gnukid]

mtgoat666 - 8-30-2020 at 07:42 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid
USA CDC announced this week that 94% of COVID19 categorized deaths were the result of cofactors, and only 6% remain as a death of only one of many respiratory illnesses, pneumonia, flu, covid.

"Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death. The number of deaths with each condition or cause is shown for all deaths and by age groups."

Most people with cofactors would live a long life if they did not get covid-19.

For example, My relative died from pneumonia, but the only reason she got pneumonia was because she was incapacitated by cancer, and in a hospital where she was exposed To respiratory diseases while immune-compromised. So cancer is the prime factor.

In most cases Covid-19 is the prime factor causing death.

Paul, English majors should avoid trying to Be armchair scientists and armchair statisticians!

If you get covid-19, it will probably pneumonia that kills you. Your death certificate will likely list stupidity as the primary cause of death. poor Paul was so stupid he ignored public health measures and got himself infected!

gnukid - 8-30-2020 at 10:03 PM

Cognitive dissonance exists the real world data doesn't support your world view.

CDC admits conflated death rates grossly inflated the Covid death numbers. 94% of CV deaths were from other causes while only suspected for CV. Out of the 161,392 deaths in the CDC data, just six percent, about 9,700 deaths, were attributed to the coronavirus alone, yet those are still unverified, requiring validation, actual COVID19 verified deaths remain zero.

RT PCR test can not give a valid positive for isolation of COVID19, there is no valid testing for isolation of CV today, anywhere.

Globally, there are almost no deaths reported this week, the majority of which are reported are in Mexico where no valid testing or verification exists?

CV risk to health is largely mental stress.

BCS is officially reducing restrictions Tuesday and opening beaches, gyms, restaurants etc.

Millions globally protest fraudulent Covid cases, deaths, reporting, restrictions.

gnukid - 8-30-2020 at 10:22 PM

CDC admits this week, only 6% of reported COVID deaths actually died from COVID, so, of 161,392 reported deaths in USA, actually 9,682 died from COVID19. No one died this week.

9,682 deaths of 327 million people is not a pandemic, that's %0.0000296 death rate.

The other 94% had 2-3 existing comorbidity serious illnesses that actually caused their deaths. The overwhelming majority were seniors.

The restrictions requiring isolation, sanitizer, distancing and masks caused far more harm to mental, physical and financial health and have no relevance to health policy.

[Edited on 8-31-2020 by gnukid]

John Harper - 8-31-2020 at 05:46 AM


Talk about someone beating a dead horse. You must live a sad, lonely, and pathetic little existence. Let it go. Let it go.


mtgoat666 - 8-31-2020 at 06:09 AM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
CDC admits this week, only 6% of reported COVID deaths actually died from COVID, so, of 161,392 reported deaths in USA, actually 9,682 died from COVID19. No one died this week.

9,682 deaths of 327 million people is not a pandemic, that's %0.0000296 death rate.

The other 94% had 2-3 existing comorbidity serious illnesses that actually caused their deaths. The overwhelming majority were seniors.

The restrictions requiring isolation, sanitizer, distancing and masks caused far more harm to mental, physical and financial health and have no relevance to health policy.

[Edited on 8-31-2020 by gnukid]

Every village needs an idiot. You are baja nomad’s village idiot. Congrats! You are making your mama proud!

gnukid - 8-31-2020 at 07:26 AM

Idaho House passes resolution to end coronavirus emergency declaration

"I refuse, when we talk about money, I refuse to sell my liberties for money," he said. "I refuse to be blackmailed for money. And I refuse to sell my state and my blessings of my family and everything else for some federal freaking check.”

SFandH - 8-31-2020 at 07:34 AM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
CDC admits this week, only 6% of reported COVID deaths actually died from COVID.......

[Edited on 8-31-2020 by gnukid]

6% of death certificates listed C-19 as THE cause of death. For the other 94% :

"COVID-19 is listed as the underlying cause on the death certificate in 94% of deaths (see Table 1)."

Pneumonia is listed most usually as the cause of death.
Pneumonia caused by the C-19 virus.

The reason for this is:

World Health Organization (WHO) regulations specifying that WHO member nations classify and code causes of death with the current revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD).

[Edited on 8-31-2020 by SFandH]

gnukid - 8-31-2020 at 08:07 AM

Asking Questions About CoronaVirus Evidence Of Health Risks Is Reasonable

CDC Actual Leading Causes of Death

RT PCR Test for COVID19 Coronavirus Primer Sequence is Found in All Human DNA (Chromosome 8)?

RT PCR Tests is inappropriate to detect a viral infection.

COVID19 has never been purified and isolated, identified as RNA virus much like HIV which is. requirement for identification of virus

Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn’t

Irrational COVID19 Test Results


COVID19 Preplanning, Simulations, Legislation well in advance of first case seed raise suspicions?

Occams Razón on COVID19

gnukid - 8-31-2020 at 09:36 AM

Quote: Originally posted by SFandH  
Sum it up gnukid. State your point.


Only those who are capable of curiosity are interested in how the world works and can consider these issues, to come to their own conclusions?

Lots of questions?

Consider who has the motive, means and ability to commit gross negligence for Biopharma profit and control? What do they gain?

In their own words, from the World Economic Forum, "use COVID19 as a building block" to create a "Global Reset", Rockefeller Foundations designed "Project Lockstep", to use a simulated pandemic for social cohesion and control, evidence of long term Fauci and Birx colluding to commit fraud in viral diagnosis in HIV/AIDS and Sars2COVID19.

Who are the Rockerfeller family, what their involvement has been in the world in the last 150 years. What are their plans for eugenics and genome splicing?

Event 201. A coronavirus world pandemic simulation that took place in October 2019. Sponsored by the World Economic Forum, John Hopkins institute a.k.a Rockefeller foundation, and the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation.

elgatoloco - 8-31-2020 at 10:20 AM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
Idaho House passes resolution to end coronavirus emergency declaration

"I refuse, when we talk about money, I refuse to sell my liberties for money," he said. "I refuse to be blackmailed for money. And I refuse to sell my state and my blessings of my family and everything else for some federal freaking check.”

"I've actually laid hands on people that have COVID and prayed for them. I never got COVID," he said.

Alrighty then...................

caj13 - 9-19-2020 at 12:39 PM

OK so GnuKid spewed some pretty agregious and dangerous misinformation here. I am going to take it piece by piece and demonstrate how ignorance is spread to the unwary or unassuming. It will be in 2 parts, because its too long. If you are not interested, I understand - thats fine, just don't read it.
But Dangerous misinformation needs to be called out, and the purveyers of such garbage need to be held accountable.

Better read it quick though, because Gnuey will go crying and sniveling to the moderators and demand him being held accountable be removed from the post. I'm fine with that, IF they also remove his proven false and dangerous information from this same thread.

GnuKids Covid conspiracy case

Asking Questions About CoronaVirus Evidence Of Health Risks Is Reasonable

CDC Actual Leading Causes of Death
Click on the link, up pops the statistics from 2017 - come on GnuKid, you do know Covid shows up in Jan Feb 2020 – right? You really need to develop the habit of vetting your conspiracy links . How do you expect to be taken seriously!

RT PCR Test for COVID19 Coronavirus Primer Sequence is Found in All Human DNA (Chromosome 8)?
OK so once again – Your Headline? It’s completely false, that’s not what the Doctor say is it gnuey. And BTW, the doctor seems to have a basic understanding of the DNA molecule, but shows absolutely no evidence of understanding how we isolate DNA, assemble the genome, or query the data base. If you want to “criticize” the method - PERHAPS you need to develop a basic understanding, instead of revealing yourself as ignorant as to the method and the techniques!
And going to a local congress layperson to “explain” what doctors know – and understand? Doesn’t that strike you as Odd Gnuey? After all you have a Dr right there on the video - why not ask him?
Oh wait, I just did a little internet search - Turns out this Dr . is actually a psychiatrist in South Carolina, who promotes “Holistic Healing”. That’s exactly who I would go to with Covid questions, just like I go to my sprinkler repair man to replace my knee!
Oh BTW Del Bigtree is an AntiVaxer that got booted off of UTube for his spreading of false and dangerous information - so you got that going for you!
Oh yeah one more teeny tiny point. If in fact this “viral” RNA is actually made by the human body, the obvious conclusion is our DNA is coding to produce a disease to kill us - but it never has before, but all of a sudden, now it is?

RT PCR Tests is inappropriate to detect a viral infection.
So first of all the Off Guardian is a bunch of conspiracy theorists /white supremisists who were banned from any responsible social media platform. The believe 9-11 was a hoax, and the covid virus is the follow up to 9-11 because they were smart enough to figure out 9-11 , so liberals needed another tool to destroy the world, so they invented covid. Their beliefs on people of color are well documented, disturbing and despicable.
And their complete lack of understanding what RNA is, and where it comes from – well that’s the only thing that allows them to continue spouting this ridiculous ignorance and bias!

COVID19 has never been purified and isolated, identified as RNA virus much like HIV which is. requirement for identification of virus
Ok Finally – A trusted Peer reviewed Valid news source. Uh – Gnuey – this is another one of those you didn’t read - right? Or did you just not understand it? It really says nothing of which your title speaks - but interestingly enough, their concluding statement speaks directly to one of your favorite mantras about Kock’s postulates. Allow me to quote here gnuey!
“Taken together, our results demonstrated the pathogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 in mice, together with the previous clinical studies1 , completely fulfills the Koch's postulates7 and confirmed SARS-CoV-2 was the pathogen of COVID-19. The mouse model with SARS-CoV-2 infection will be valuable for evaluating antiviral therapeutics and vaccines as well as understanding the disease pathogenesis.”

Part 2 coming up soon!

gnukid - 9-20-2020 at 11:01 AM

Thanks for the encouragement all, I appreciate all the personal messages too.

It takes years to validate illness testing and reporting, which is why, you may see high case/deaths initially reported per region, based on estimates of suspected cases, only to be adjusted to very low numbers later.

For example, I noted, in 2004 CDC initially reported tens of thousands of influenza deaths as they do each year and years later updated ACTUAL DEATHS from influenza in USA to 500, which happens every year. See image below showing revised actual deaths from flu only for 2004.

CDC recently reported %94 of 2020 CV19 case fatalities included 2.6 cofactors of pre-existing illnesses causing mortality primarily in seniors above 65. Only %6 had no other cofactors of pre-existing illnesses, though those could be suicide, injury, victim, etc. Average age of death "from" is much higher than average age of death without CV19?

6% of death certificates listed C-19 as THE cause of death. For the other 94% 2.6 pre-existing co-factors contributed to deaths.

I became interested in what is a RNA virus because I had the flu and was scared. I had what seemed like COVID19 and I was actually afraid to go to sleep so I just began to take readily available on line classes in microbiology, epidemiology, RNA virus and researched the history of H1N1, Swine Flu, Coronoviruses common influenza, etc. I haven't stopped doing 10 hours plus research, education and validation everyday. What I found when digging deeper, showed a long pattern of biopharma collusion to promote viral illness and vaccines when the data does not support the conclusion.

Virus is not alive, it is not an organism. Viruses are not contagious
Virus is a cleaner, like soap, to clean the body.

No evidence of transmission of asymptomatic people

I found a pattern of conflicting case/death data, failure to isolate a virus causing illness, conflicting theories, between viral theory, to support the idea that contagious diseases are passed through aerosolized or tactile transmission of viral bacteria versus exosome cell theory, that idea each person may reach cellular toxicity periodically based on lifestyle and naturally express toxic cells.

Each person is the product of virus, our bodies contain practically all known "virus", trillions of viruses are found in each person. We are constantly replicating RNA thousands of times a second to resolve toxicity, expunging toxins. Our bodies are made up of huge quantities of bacteria, the equivalent of a large portion one leg of your body is bacteria. When the body's cells reaches high toxicity, the individual expresses toxicity and recuperates.

It's up to each person to manage their personal health and to make up their own mind, academic studies and CDC reports that raise questions are just the start. It's up to you to do your own research.

For example, looking back at the 2009 Swine Flu H1N1 pandemic, CDC admitted they stopped actually counting cases after they hit 600, due to confusion, and simply made up the estimate of one million deaths?

WHO Suspends H1N1 Testing

Swine Flu Overestimated

Obama shut down H1N1 testing

CDC admits the RT PCR tests can not determine an isolation of COVID19, according to the insert on the package, that I shared here repeatedly. The results produce a positive for any pathogen. Kary Mullis the creator Staes the test can not be used to test for isolated virus.

Coronavirus: The Truth about PCR Test Kit from the Inventor and Other Experts

There is nothing wrong with reading academic studies even if you don't have a PHD, there is an intro and conclusion, there are often summary studies of groups of studies.

There is ample evidence there does not exist an external unique pathogen identified as COVID19, that is a contagion causing illness. While there is evidence there's collusion to create a well planned COVID19 simulation to confuse the case/death counts, conflate all respiratory illness, and generate false positive from asymtomatic individuals through corruption in BIOpharma.

It's all coming to a head over the next 60-90 days. It all depends on each person to either give up all God given individual rights for freedom, or to use critical thinking to question the validity of evidence, contingency, and benefit of isolation, sanitizer, distancing, restrictions.

Reach out to family and friends, ask questions, read, talk, take care of each other and ensure that all family and friends have social contact, food basic medicine and stay positive.

flu deaths exaggerted .png - 285kB

[Edited on 9-20-2020 by gnukid]

gnukid - 9-20-2020 at 12:03 PM

Do your own research about virus as contagion versus your personal health as cause of illness.

Virus vs Human Terrain

The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts About Vaccination, 1956, by Eleanor McBean M.D., N.D. (shows the many dangers of vaccinations, manipulated statistics throughout history, how polio arose, and the nature of virus and disease.)

Béchamp Or Pasteur? A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology by E. Douglas Hume, 1923

The Blood and Its Third Element by Antoine Béchamp, 1912

Immunization: The Reality Behind the Myth, by Walene James, 1942 (discusses Béchamp's 'Terrain Theory' of bacteria and viruses.)

The Dream & Lie of Louis Pasteur, R.B. Pearson, 1942 (First published in 1942 under the title 'Pasteur Plagiarist Imposter!-the Germ Theory Exploded'. Shows that Louis Pasteur plagiarized and distorted the work of professor Antoine Béchamp. The author propounds the viewpoint that bacteria in the body are a result, not a cause of disease, that vaccinations are harmful or at best, ineffective, and that Pasteur did not realize the consequences of the vaccines he and his followers created.)

y7mvfyc0nbk41.png - 105kB

6rq96wosmbk41-2.jpg - 138kB

[Edited on 9-20-2020 by gnukid]

gnukid - 9-20-2020 at 12:54 PM

Some recent articles demonstrate the absolute idiocy of CV19 reporting

Note: Some Posters on Baja Nomads use a strategy of muddying the waters to confuse the facts, without adding factual sources nor identifying errors, instead of engaging in idiotic debate about fallacy refer to academic articles, studies, data, use search to de your research and make up your own mind. Do not engage with those that promote logical fallacy, these posters are wasting your time to discourage rational thought in a critical time that you must be informed to manage your personal health.

Why Speaking English May Spread More Coronavirus Than Some Other Languages

Singing may increase transmission of CV19

If this bonkers coronavirus messaging continues, Britain may start to ignore it

See Rate of CV Testing per Capita, noting Mexico is at the bottom of the CV tests per capita but at nearly the highest number of cases per capita, how is that possible?

Accuracy of CV19 testing

CV19 test can not detect CV19

Accuracy of CV19 testing

[Edited on 9-20-2020 by gnukid]

caj13 - 9-20-2020 at 01:08 PM

Gnuey - what? no reply to the last stuff I posted?. remember, it showed you had no ability to understand the links you were posting, and were being - Uh less that forthcoming about your posts.

This is more of the same, a bunch of undereducated un-qualified individuals posting dangerous information because they So want to possess special knowledge, but cant be bothered to actually acquire that special knowledge - why bother - right, you guys just make this crap up, and feed it to each other - yum yum!

Once again you are guilty of posting unvetted unsubstantiated unverified and dangerous information by a bunch of unqualified individuals with no understanding or expertise of which they speak.

You keep going to the quickie Mart Night Clerk for your medical info gnuey. I assume you are actively seeking to get infected with covid, so you can prove your own brand of BS and claptrap - right!

[Edited on 9-20-2020 by caj13]

gnukid - 9-20-2020 at 02:08 PM

According to CDC WONDER VAERS System reporting Vaccine Adverse Affects Reporting System of Vaccines, common influenza is the most dangerous vaccine in practice.

How to use VAERS

Furthermore, recent lawsuits requesting proof from DHHS of validation of efficacy of Vaccines resulted in no evidence demonstrated of efficacy, and lack of formal approval process for vaccines for more than 40 years.

As a result of FDA failing to meet standards, DHHS recently announced that FDA may not approve vaccines without HHS Secretary approval as general housekeeping matter.

From the 1900 hundred until today, Influenza risk of cases and deaths have gone down, not up, yet, there are increasing adverse effect injuries from common influenza vaccine including risk of Guillain-Barré Syndrome.

caj13 - 9-23-2020 at 10:14 AM

first your viruses "diagram" where exactly did you get that. It is laughably wrong, almost like someone was completely clueless.

second - let me know when you actually read a single one of the links you post - because so far, your brief intro summaries , have been laughably wrong, completely inconsistant with the information in the link you post - the links most offten completely contradict your postulates. for god sake man, get a reading tutor,

and while you are at it, why not look up Dunning Kruger effect, it will be very comforting to you to know we know have a diagnosis that fits your behavior here on the BN forum!

BajaMama - 9-23-2020 at 01:20 PM

CAJ13 don't worry, most of us know Gnu likes to stir the pot with misinformation and conspiracy theories. I only believe that which I can observe. To date, more than 200,000 Americans have died: 4x as many than in a really bad influenza year, so we KNOW Covid-19 is deadlier than the flu. I observe maps, data and facts. I know he likes to use Sweden so let's go there. The per capita death rate from Covid 19 in Sweden in 1:1,733. Surrounding countries? Norway 1:19,904 Finland 1:16,088 Germany 1:8,814 Denmark 1:9,906 Poland 1:16,202 Lithuania 1:32,064 (Source New York Times) So mitigation works. Wearing masks works. Social distancing works. There really is no more to figure out. The numbers speak for themselves. Gnu can point out whatever he wants but the bottom line is, if you don't do anything to mitigate the spread, more death happens.

SFandH - 9-23-2020 at 01:45 PM

Below is the Rose Bowl. Fill every seat with a dead person. Imagine that. Get another Rose Bowl. Fill every seat with a dead person. Imagine that.

Two huge football stadiums, a dead body in every seat.

COVID-19 in the US. How many stadiums will it take?

rose bowl.jpeg - 14kB rose bowl.jpeg - 14kB

[Edited on 9-23-2020 by SFandH]


MrBillM - 9-23-2020 at 01:54 PM

THAT would really Stink !

SFandH - 9-23-2020 at 02:01 PM

Quote: Originally posted by MrBillM  
THAT would really Stink !

Yup. Probably everybody's first thought.

Just trying to give some meaning to the numbers.

AKgringo - 9-23-2020 at 02:16 PM

Will there be fake crowd noise? I hope the NFL doesn't get any ideas from this! :O

mtgoat666 - 9-23-2020 at 02:28 PM

Quote: Originally posted by SFandH  
Below is the Rose Bowl. Fill every seat with a dead person. Imagine that. Get another Rose Bowl. Fill every seat with a dead person. Imagine that.

Two huge football stadiums, a dead body in every seat.

if you put a body in every seat, how do you keep them sitting? Zip ties? Twine to tie them upright in seat?
it seems to be an awful lot of work to put bodies in every seat....

SFandH - 9-23-2020 at 02:59 PM

Jeez, everybody is trying to figure out how to do this.

I don't know how. :?:

Think about it.

[Edited on 9-23-2020 by SFandH]

BajaTed - 9-24-2020 at 06:55 AM

This thread is a human CRISPR experiment gone bad.

pacificobob - 9-25-2020 at 06:38 AM

Quote: Originally posted by caj13  

second - let me know when you actually read a single one of the links you post - because so far, your brief intro summaries , have been laughably wrong, completely inconsistant with the information in the link you post - the links most offten completely contradict your postulates. for god sake man, get a reading tutor,

and while you are at it, why not look up Dunning Kruger effect, it will be very comforting to you to know we know have a diagnosis that fits your behavior here on the BN forum!

the practice of delivering a truckload of "supporting " documents that the provider is banking on nobody reading is a common tactic. often used by lawyers with a weak case. i had a lawyer defending my when the FAA was seeking to suspend my ATP certificate fo 90 days. he arrived at the hearing with several hand carts with about 200 lbs of documents that nobody read. turned out to be an effective tactic.
oh, spot on with the dunning-kruger reference. quite common among the maga folks, and evangelios.