
Channel Islands

JZ - 1-9-2022 at 04:05 PM

I've been spending a bunch of time mapping out all the bays and anchorages on the islands.

Attached is a file if you want to check some of them out on Google Earth. Planning to make this my next video project.

[Edited on 1-9-2022 by JZ]

Attachment: Area Around Channel Islands.kmz (6kB)
This file has been downloaded 258 times

mtgoat666 - 1-9-2022 at 06:05 PM

GE is poor for boating in channel islands (or boating anywhere). Try Navionics or Coastal Explorer.

JZ - 1-9-2022 at 06:14 PM

I export way points from GE to Navonics and other apps. GE is fantastic for scoping out new locations.

When you are on the water it's good to see both a chart view and a satellite view.

[Edited on 1-10-2022 by JZ]

JZ - 1-9-2022 at 06:42 PM

There is a surf spot a few miles East of this anchorage.

Notice also the hiking path to explore further.

[Edited on 1-10-2022 by JZ]

BigOly - 1-9-2022 at 08:49 PM

Beautiful photos and great info, thank you.

AguaDulce - 1-10-2022 at 06:46 AM

Painted Cave on Santa Cruz island. Incredible

Great GE Photos

Lobsterman - 1-10-2022 at 08:04 AM

My wife and I are avid deep-water rockfish fishermen. I use GE to find locations where I believe rockfish may hang out. Usually on drop offs into much deeper waters. I enter these GE waypoints into my fishfinders.

With the closing of rockfishing here in CA (Jan-Feb) I use GE to hunt for fish in Mexican waters as close to the USA as possible. I'll motor to the saved waypoint from GE and "spot lock" my trolling motor (electronic anchor) over the potential rockfish hole. I look for spots 450-550' on top of the drop-off. Being anchored over the hole, I only need 1 lb or less of weight to get to the bottom. Great workout. We usually catch limits of fish (10 each). At that depth you never know what the deep may hold in fish, i.e., lingcod, halibut, Humbolt squid, sanddabs, sablefish, black gill as well as many others in the 35 or so species of great eating rockfish in the area. While heading out I look for tuna, dorado, swordfish and yellowtail.

Thanks, JZ on identifying using GE for finding your special spots whether it is surfing, exploring or our case fishing. Goat sure makes ignorant jabs at you ever time you post anything. Sure is getting old with his childish antics.

JZ - 1-10-2022 at 05:06 PM

Sweet fish Lobsterman. Appreciate the note, great story.

[Edited on 6-13-2022 by JZ]

JZ - 1-10-2022 at 05:16 PM

Another very nice bay, this one on San Miguel.

JZ - 1-10-2022 at 05:19 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AguaDulce  
Painted Cave on Santa Cruz island. Incredible

Some say it is the largest sea cave in the world. A boat with a 100+ foot mast can fit into the first camber of the cave. It becomes pitch black inside and the only thing you can see are the whites of the sea lions' eyes.

[Edited on 1-11-2022 by JZ]

100X - 1-10-2022 at 05:57 PM

You got some lucky kids JZ! If they don't fully realize it yet, they will!

San Miguel

Don Jorge - 1-11-2022 at 07:53 AM

now that island can be a booger of a place weather wise. You learn to pick your days wisely going there. I lived several years in SB and knew lots of urchin divers and tenders back in the day. Did a few trips with them too.

t is not the Cortez. There is where the Radons and Wilsons developed their flat bottom, flush decked, make the scuppers bigger please boats.

The Channel Islands National Park is proof of the restorative nature of Nature.

For entertainemnt keep an eye on the Santa Barbara Channel weather buoys.
BTW, today's weather is a go!

wilderone - 1-11-2022 at 08:31 AM

I've backpacked and camped at San Miguel, Santa Rosa and Santa Cruz. Coincidentally, the time on Santa Cruz, one of the original ranchers (she was a girl then), was on our boat and stayed on the island to commemorate her father who is buried there. She gave us a tour of the ranch property and told us all about how they lived there. There is a resident ranger there - were invited for popcorn and a film one night at his residence. He also led a hike 6 mi. on the other side of the island to see the largest pinniped populations on the west coast. Learned about the island foxes and saw plenty. There are hiking trails for miles and miles. Also, on the beach at Santa Rosa, you can see pygmy mammoth bone sticking out of the cliffs there. Great indigenous history, which is displayed on the beaches - redwood logs washed ashore from northern California which were used for the canoes, midden piles 15 ft. high - we were told that they were covered with sand to protect them. Good snorkling at the dock on San Miguel. They rent kayaks there too.
Anyway, it's not at all difficult to get over to the islands and camp and stay awhile -get permit online, book passage at Ventura harbor - en route the boat goes into the cave, and will stop to observe dolphins and whales.

JZ - 6-12-2022 at 08:19 PM

Finally did our first run out to the islands.

It was very foggy when we left the Ventura marina. But the water was super flat for the Pacific. We made it out in under an hour.

As I had hoped, the sun came through once we got to the South end of Santa Cruz Island near Smuggler's Cove.

We saw a pod of a couple hundred dolphins on the way back.

[Edited on 6-23-2022 by JZ]

JZ - 6-22-2022 at 09:15 PM

Made another run out to the islands today.

JZ - 6-22-2022 at 09:45 PM

JZ - 6-22-2022 at 09:50 PM

My two boys driving the boat.

BajaBlanca - 6-23-2022 at 03:29 AM

wow, just wow.

JZ - 7-17-2022 at 04:54 PM

Did a trip over to the islands yesterday and then headed to Santa Barbara for lunch on the courtesy dock.

A beautiful sail boat pulled up next to us.

JZ - 7-17-2022 at 09:19 PM

More of the Santa Barbara harbor.

JZ - 7-17-2022 at 09:23 PM

The ride back from SB.

JZ - 8-20-2022 at 11:14 PM

We did a fun 60 mile loop today.

JZ - 8-20-2022 at 11:17 PM

Dogs were in sensory perception overload. We came across 5 different pods of dolphins today.

JZ - 9-1-2022 at 09:02 PM

Hit some big waves today. A lot of 5 foot and even 7 footers. But all pretty rounded and a good 7-8 second period.

Coming back into the marina after 5 hours of beating it.

mtgoat666 - 9-1-2022 at 09:11 PM

Quote: Originally posted by JZ  
Hit some big waves today. A lot of 5 foot and even 7 footers. But all pretty rounded and a good 7-8 second period.

Coming back into the marina after 5 hours of beating it.

Pee wee zee,
See all those sailboats in your pic? They handle way better than little stink pots in ocean waves and swells! Those sail boats got some ballast and sail mass, so don’t shake you up so much, they don’t beat you up. And they are way cooler,… chicks dig sailboats, not so much wee little putt putts that slam down on every wave.

JZ - 9-1-2022 at 09:22 PM

Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  

Pee wee zee,
See all those sailboats in your pic? They handle way better than little stink pots in ocean waves and swells! Those sail boats got some ballast and sail mass, so don’t shake you up so much, they don’t beat you up. And they are way cooler,… chicks dig sailboats, not so much wee little putt putts that slam down on every wave.

We run out and back to the islands before those blow boats get their first sail up.

JZ - 9-5-2022 at 11:12 PM

Ran out to Coches Prietas on Santa Cruz. About 70 miles (out and back).

[Edited on 10-21-2022 by JZ]

JZ - 9-5-2022 at 11:14 PM

Passed an oil rig on the way out.

JZ - 9-5-2022 at 11:16 PM

The dogs love the water.

JZ - 10-3-2022 at 05:28 PM

We did another trip out to the islands. Love it out there. Did about 10 miles in the dark coming back into the marina. Always fun to run at night.

[Edited on 10-4-2022 by JZ]

JZ - 10-19-2022 at 09:46 PM

Probably saw about 100 sail boats out today.

Ride back tonight.

[Edited on 10-20-2022 by JZ]

JZ - 10-20-2022 at 06:45 PM

Track we ran yesterday.

Left from Ventura Marina, landed on Santa Cruz Island at Potato Harbor, went West to Pelican Bay, then North to Santa Barbara Harbor before running back down the coast to Ventura.

84 total miles.

[Edited on 10-21-2022 by JZ]

JZ - 10-20-2022 at 07:06 PM

Quote: Originally posted by lencho  

What kind of mileage do you get on a run like that?

About 2 miles per gallon.

[Edited on 10-21-2022 by JZ]

Howard - 10-21-2022 at 08:18 AM

41 gallons of gas, lets say at $6 a gallon comes to around $246. I know there are many more expenses to operating a boat but for $246 what can you do for so much enjoyment? For a family of 4 you cant go to any professional ball game, go to a top name amusement park, hell you can barely be able to go to dinner and a movie for $246.

The point is that for $246 you and your family will be sitting around one day in the future and reminiscing about the boat trip you once took when the ball game or dinner and a movie will be long forgotten.

I am not belittling $246, its a lot of money but what isn't now days? One could always go for a walk, hike in the woods or many things that are free but being out on the water is special.

John Harper - 10-21-2022 at 09:11 AM

He also saved on not having to bring his security detachment as he would going into Baja.


willardguy - 10-21-2022 at 01:43 PM

Quote: Originally posted by John Harper  
He also saved on not having to bring his security detachment as he would going into Baja.


wrong, our wee mariner pays Vessel Assist to shadow him, you know just in case his nav equipment fails

mtgoat666 - 10-21-2022 at 03:44 PM

Quote: Originally posted by willardguy  
Quote: Originally posted by John Harper  
He also saved on not having to bring his security detachment as he would going into Baja.


wrong, our wee mariner pays Vessel Assist to shadow him, you know just in case his nav equipment fails

Shrimpie does not have nav equip. He uses his phone. I doubt he has a compass or paper map on his boat. What does he do when his phone battery dies or he drops/breaks it while looking up the ohio score and latest desantis tweet?

RFClark - 10-21-2022 at 07:59 PM

Goat, WG

Do both of you really get it up by calling people names? Have you ever sailed a 20-30 ft sailboat through 5 to 7 ft seas against the current coming down the coast and the wind most likely from 270 at 11 or so knots? How long and wet do you imagine 45 miles out and back would seem?

And never b-tch about off topic posts! You two are among the worst offenders!

[Edited on 10-22-2022 by RFClark]

[Edited on 10-22-2022 by RFClark]

willardguy - 10-21-2022 at 09:05 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RFClark  
Goat, WG

Do both of you really get it up by calling people names? Have you ever sailed a 20-30 ft sailboat through 5 to 7 ft seas against the current coming down the coast and the wind most likely from 270 at 11 or so knots? How long and wet do you imagine 45 miles out and back would seem?

And never b-tch about off topic posts! You two are among the worst offenders!

[Edited on 10-22-2022 by RFClark]

[Edited on 10-22-2022 by RFClark]

feel better RF? I love the way you three nutbags stick put down the pipe you're rambling and make zero sense.

RFClark - 10-21-2022 at 09:21 PM

Just saying you are among the worst offenders for off topic and name calling! Put the pipe down yourself!

Saying that you have no right to use pejoratives is in no way an endorsement of what they say! But it is an endorsement of their right not to be harassed by you for saying it!

Power Boating

Lobsterman - 10-22-2022 at 05:59 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Howard  
41 gallons of gas, lets say at $6 a gallon comes to around $246. I know there are many more expenses to operating a boat but for $246 what can you do for so much enjoyment? For a family of 4 you cant go to any professional ball game, go to a top name amusement park, hell you can barely be able to go to dinner and a movie for $246.

The point is that for $246 you and your family will be sitting around one day in the future and reminiscing about the boat trip you once took when the ball game or dinner and a movie will be long forgotten.

I am not belittling $246, its a lot of money but what isn't now days? One could always go for a walk, hike in the woods or many things that are free but being out on the water is special.

I agree with you Howard that power boating costs a lot of $$$ not just the gas but maintenance, mooring/storage, bait, etc. But that's what we do for the thrill of being "the old man in in the sea", on an adventure to see what's out there. In my experience I've seen basking sharks, killer whales, 200 lb BFT boiling around my 21' boat, thousands of jumping dolphins and much more for just $100 in gas while taking home a cooler full of great tasting fish (usually worth more than $100).

True $246 is a lot of money but the experiences out in the unforgiving seas is PRICELESS.

mtgoat666 - 10-22-2022 at 08:10 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Lobsterman  
Quote: Originally posted by Howard  
41 gallons of gas, lets say at $6 a gallon comes to around $246. I know there are many more expenses to operating a boat but for $246 what can you do for so much enjoyment? For a family of 4 you cant go to any professional ball game, go to a top name amusement park, hell you can barely be able to go to dinner and a movie for $246.

The point is that for $246 you and your family will be sitting around one day in the future and reminiscing about the boat trip you once took when the ball game or dinner and a movie will be long forgotten.

I am not belittling $246, its a lot of money but what isn't now days? One could always go for a walk, hike in the woods or many things that are free but being out on the water is special.

I agree with you Howard that power boating costs a lot of $$$ not just the gas but maintenance, mooring/storage, bait, etc. But that's what we do for the thrill of being "the old man in in the sea", on an adventure to see what's out there. In my experience I've seen basking sharks, killer whales, 200 lb BFT boiling around my 21' boat, thousands of jumping dolphins and much more for just $100 in gas while taking home a cooler full of great tasting fish (usually worth more than $100).

True $246 is a lot of money but the experiences out in the unforgiving seas is PRICELESS.

Lots cheaper alternatives for the life aquatic: surfing, paddle board , Surfski, kayak, kiting, small boat sailing, etc. These also give you exercise to fight off old age and poor health that comes from sedentary activities like power boating.

For large boats my favorite boats are: other peoples boats.

Don Pisto - 10-22-2022 at 08:36 AM

Quote: Originally posted by JDCanuck  
Thanks for all those amazing pics. Where exactly are the Channel Islands? Are we talking the English Channel Islands or something local to Baja?

there's two sets of channel islands off the california coast, the san pedro and santa barbara channel islands. the photos are the latter

JDCanuck - 10-22-2022 at 09:46 AM

Thanks Don Pisto, I caught the Santa Barbara on one of the maps, so deleted the post, not quick enough i see.

JZ - 10-27-2022 at 08:10 PM

We did a run today from Ventura to Paradise Cove in Malibu. About 75 miles r/t.

For any fans of the Rockford Files, Jimmy had his trailer parked in Paradise Cove.

JZ - 10-27-2022 at 08:12 PM

[Edited on 10-28-2022 by JZ]

JZ - 10-27-2022 at 08:41 PM

JZ - 10-27-2022 at 09:25 PM

Paradise Cove, Malibu.

JZ - 11-13-2022 at 11:15 PM

A couple shots from yesterday. Lots of little boats out sailing. I'm always in awe of them.

JZ - 11-13-2022 at 11:19 PM

JZ - 11-13-2022 at 11:26 PM

[Edited on 11-14-2022 by JZ]

JZ - 11-13-2022 at 11:29 PM

Ride back.

JZ - 2-19-2023 at 11:13 PM

We took another trip out to the islands yesterday.

[Edited on 2-20-2023 by JZ]

JZ - 2-19-2023 at 11:17 PM

The water was about as flat as I've ever seen it. We were running almost 50mph on the way back.

[Edited on 5-22-2023 by JZ]

JZ - 2-19-2023 at 11:27 PM

Inside Pelican Bay. 34° 2'2.66"N 119°42'8.22"W

[Edited on 2-20-2023 by JZ]

JZ - 5-20-2023 at 10:30 PM

It was a rough day on the Pacific today. But any day on the water beats any day on the land.

[Edited on 5-21-2023 by JZ]

JZ - 6-9-2023 at 07:47 PM

A really fun day on the water at Channel Islands this week. Rare day when we went out and it started raining. It was cool sitting under the T-top watching the rain come down.

We tied up to the old pier at Prisoners' Harbor. 34° 1'16.36"N 119°41'2.71"W

JZ - 6-9-2023 at 07:50 PM

Prisoners Harbor

JZ - 6-9-2023 at 07:52 PM

It was super overcast, but the water was really flat.

[Edited on 6-10-2023 by JZ]

mtgoat666 - 6-9-2023 at 08:40 PM

Half pint,
Those mooring lines look untidy, you really should learn to keep your mooring lines tidy, Flemish flake is something you can Google.

And that sheen extending off your motors, come on, man! Do the maintenance!

willardguy - 6-9-2023 at 09:47 PM

and here we were told the JZ operation had pulled up stakes and moved to MDR! :?:

pacificobob - 6-11-2023 at 01:37 PM

What's a little gear oil in the Pacific? ( To those not concerned with climate change?)

JZ - 1-1-2024 at 08:56 PM

Love going out to the islands. So pristine and raw.

[Edited on 1-2-2024 by JZ]