Wrong. And please don't encourage this.
Airlines have cracked down on what dog owners claim is an "emotional support' animal, which 90% of them are not- people just want to bring Fluffy with
them everywhere.
Only actual service dogs, those who provide actual tasks for their handlers, like seeing eye dogs, are allowed in the passenger area.
And there is no "certification" for either emotional support or service animals. Those who want to take "emotional support" aka pets, with them often
buy "certificates" online, which require nothing but payment. They are totally bogus.
These folks do a huge disservice and show disrespect to the handicapped who actually need service dogs, which are highly trained to perform specific
tasks, and help the handler to navigate daily life.
Real service dogs are pretty much always with their handler, do not have "accidents" indoors, do not cause any damages to property, chew things up or
scratch doors, are instantly obedient to the commands they have been taught, don't ever bark uncontrollably, etc.