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Author: Subject: Guadalupe Canyon Desert Weekend 11-12-05 (Part 2)
Neal Johns
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[*] posted on 1-13-2006 at 10:24 PM

How can you say that, David K? It's just barren desert! Yuck! :lol::lol::lol:

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[*] posted on 1-14-2006 at 06:56 AM

Thanks for the photos David, I really loved that place.....but, sorry, hot tub or no, I'm not spending $75pnt for camping. Let us all know when (or if) they come to their sences.
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David K
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[*] posted on 1-14-2006 at 10:01 AM

Debra... what I said:

"Sunday we walked up to see Arturo (who runs Campo #1) and pay for the weekend at La Paloma ($150 for both vehicles)."

That is $75 per weekend, not per night. La Paloma is a big camp.

Last May we stayed at 'La Jolla B' and it was $75 for the entire weekend (3 days, 2 nights). It is a smaller site than La Paloma... ($37.50/night if you wish).

The place is unbelievably beautiful, and you can soak in private as long and often as you want... 24/7 hot water flowing. The surrounding desert and canyon offers endless hiking, four wheeling, and exploring if the hot tubbing isn't enough.

So, it is maybe the most expensive campground in Baja, but there is nothing like it or has the appeal that makes us want to return again and again. We go just a couple times a year, so $75 for a great weekend in Baja isn't much compared to the cost of other non Baja activities. IMHO.

Now, tell me how you are doing... I am listening to the weather this Saturday morning and they said Seattle has had TWENTY SIX continuous DAYS of RAIN!!!

What's up with that!!??:rolleyes::o:!::wow:

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[*] posted on 1-18-2006 at 03:53 PM

Okay David, Mea Culpa.....$75 per weekend.....still too high. :P

Rain? I think the official total days in Seattle was 28 days before the break. Bremerton, which is closer to where I live (6 miles from Seattle as the crow flies) it was 30 days. I live on a hill far from the "new" land fill areas of modern cracker box homes, so I'm as safe as safe can be. I just can't get to my rig without drowing, so I've stayed pretty much inside with a nice cozy fire going.

I have a funny story though......Last Sat. a g-pal of mine called and asked me to join her at the local watering hole to watch the first of the play off games of our beloved Seahawks.....the place was packed, people cheering as the game got more and more exciting....suddenly someone yelled "SUNSHINE!" The entire bar cleared and ran outside to marvel at that long missed orb in the sky! (only in Seattle! :O )
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Ken Cooke
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[*] posted on 1-18-2006 at 06:09 PM

Its good to see recent pics of Val and Hotschott. Val looks strong and healthy, and Steve looks happy with his new pickup. I'm assuming he bought this one new, and didn't drive clear to Louisiana to buy it like the previous one! :lol:

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David K
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[*] posted on 1-19-2006 at 09:08 AM

Thanks Debra for the funny story of Washingtonians running outside to see the sun!

Ken, yes... Steve (Hotschott) loves his Chevy truck... Val is doing well it seems!

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