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Author: Subject: ensenada lodgings
woody with a view
PITA Nomad

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[*] posted on 2-23-2006 at 02:25 PM
ensenada lodgings

have two friends from school coming into town (santa cruz, wisconsin) who want to stay a night or two in ensenada. they asked for a hotel/motel that was, "not the four seasons and not too scary either!" probably $40-60/night. they wanna play a round at bajamar one day and do the tourist thing the next.


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Mike Supino


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[*] posted on 2-23-2006 at 02:56 PM

All phone numbers begin with: 011/52/646
America 176-1333

Aztec Inn 172-2471

Bahia 178-2101

Baja Inn 177-2255

Casa Del Sol Best Western 178-1570

Corona 176-0901

Costa Baja 177-2255

El Cid Best Western 178-2401

El Cortez 178-2307

El Presidente 176-1476

Ensenda Inn 176-1361

Estero Beach 176-6225

Hotel Posada del Mar 174-6335

Hussong's RV Resort 174-5101

Joker 176-7201

La Pinta 176-2601

Las Dunas 176-2771

Las Rosas 174-4490

Marina Coral 175-0000

Papagayos 178-3675

Paraiso Las Palmas 177-1701

Punta Morra 174-4490

Sahara 176-0207

San Nicolas 176-1901

Santa Isabel 178-3616

Santo Tomas 174-0301

Sauzalito 174-6145

Travel Lodge 178-1601

Villa Fontana Days Inn 178-3434

Villa Marina 178-3321

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[*] posted on 2-23-2006 at 03:24 PM


Is this during the week, or a weekend?

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Mike Humfreville
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[*] posted on 2-23-2006 at 07:29 PM

We recently stayed at the Colon (as in Columbus) hotel. It's immediately behind (east of) the Bronco Steak House, address 1525 Avenida Lopez Mateos, Local tel # 176-4900. It's before you get to the tourist strip and acress the street from the San Nicolas hotel. While many hotels are more tourist oriented and higher priced, the Colon is clean and secure (and near a police station). We paid $28/night. It's walking distance from the "strip."

Good luck and let us know how they did.
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Elite Nomad

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[*] posted on 2-23-2006 at 08:07 PM

I always recommend's a trip into the past with class. Don't know all the different room rates, but they should have something in that range.

I do what the voices in my tackle box tell me.
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woody with a view
PITA Nomad

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[*] posted on 2-24-2006 at 02:46 PM

they will be looking for a place over the saint patricks weekend. possibly friday night, but for sure saturday night.

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Elite Nomad

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[*] posted on 2-24-2006 at 03:41 PM

Well then, it has to be spitting distance to an Irish pub. Sure and begorrah, would there be one in Ensenada, now?

I do what the voices in my tackle box tell me.
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woody with a view
PITA Nomad

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[*] posted on 2-25-2006 at 12:10 PM

they're leaning towards the papagayo.


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Elite Nomad

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[*] posted on 2-25-2006 at 12:46 PM

Yer very welcome, indeed, woody..and in leaving I will be presenting you me favorite toast from the ol' Irish. "May your house be always too small to hold all your friends."

Felipa thought I would surely say this one..."May the wind at yer back be always yer own!"

I do what the voices in my tackle box tell me.
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woody with a view
PITA Nomad

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[*] posted on 2-25-2006 at 06:43 PM


May the wind at yer back be always yer own!"


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[*] posted on 2-26-2006 at 12:33 PM

Mike, the list you posted?
Are all of those Motels in Ensenda or just a Baja List?
BTW Thanks for the post!
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