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Author: Subject: Pemex- Ethanol
Al G
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[*] posted on 10-16-2006 at 03:58 PM
Pemex- Ethanol

Is there links on Pemex policy on e-85 or ethanol in general. Do they see it as competition or do they distribute it also?

Albert G
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[*] posted on 10-16-2006 at 04:10 PM
Ethanol ?

I've never seen anything regarding Pemex and Ethanol. As a net exporter of Oil, why would they get involved with it ?
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[*] posted on 10-16-2006 at 04:18 PM

Al ...

Are you swimming with the cahuamas again?
Mexico cant even get their oil fields into the 21 century.
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Al G
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[*] posted on 10-16-2006 at 04:33 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Al ...

Are you swimming with the cahuamas again?
Mexico cant even get their oil fields into the 21 century.

If it is not beer I'm not swimming in it.
I thought maybe they were running out of oil. heard their major field was on the decline. I am only asking questions.
I know they import all their fuel so thought using ethanol a good ideal.

Albert G
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Al G
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[*] posted on 10-16-2006 at 04:37 PM

What I am really after is, do they care if you make your own ethanol?

Albert G
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[*] posted on 10-16-2006 at 04:38 PM

Al ...

Have you never had a Cahuama of Pacifico?
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Al G
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[*] posted on 10-16-2006 at 04:44 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Al ...

Have you never had a Cahuama of Pacifico?

Most likely, but I hate to commit to anything I don't know what it is. Damn I hate being embarrassed.:lol::lol:

Albert G
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David K
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[*] posted on 10-16-2006 at 07:33 PM

The BIG bottles of beer...

Pacifico calls them BALLENAS (Whales)

Tecate calls them CAGUAMAS (Turtles)

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Al G
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[*] posted on 10-16-2006 at 08:10 PM

Well I drink Pacificos and I know what Ballenas are.
Don't drink Tecate So no Turtles for me. Ca-guy-a-mas?
Thanks DK...Dennis left me hanging:lol:

Albert G
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[*] posted on 10-17-2006 at 06:26 AM

In my area it seems that any beer in a quart bottle is called a caguama. Thanks for the spelling lesson.
Reminds me of a time long ago when I was in Tecate and stopped at a store for a box of beer. When paying for it I asked the man why it was more expensive in Tecate, one mile from the brewery, than it was in Ensenada. His reply was,"It's fresher."
How do you argue with logic like that?
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Al G
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[*] posted on 10-17-2006 at 07:47 AM

Originally posted by DENNIS
In my area it seems that any beer in a quart bottle is called a caguama. Thanks for the spelling lesson.
Reminds me of a time long ago when I was in Tecate and stopped at a store for a box of beer. When paying for it I asked the man why it was more expensive in Tecate, one mile from the brewery, than it was in Ensenada. His reply was,"It's fresher."
How do you argue with logic like that?


Albert G
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[*] posted on 10-17-2006 at 08:40 AM

hea Albert G i dont know if ya can make alcohol legaly in mexico or not but if ya deside to make some i have a automated electric still that will make 2 gallons of 190 proof an hour and its all stanless never been used and ill make ya such a deal:bounce::bounce::bounce::O:O

jerry and judi
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Al G
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[*] posted on 10-17-2006 at 08:50 AM

Jerry...check your u2u.

Albert G
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[*] posted on 10-17-2006 at 08:53 AM

I know someone that is making alcohol legally but he cannot sell it.

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Al G
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[*] posted on 10-17-2006 at 09:06 AM

I am after enough to fuel my Quad and supplement my jeep only. That is why I was asking about sugarcane on an earlier thread. I can afford gas, but I like to promote "Green". Maybe help Baja farmers...My goal is cheap small scale so many can do it. I am sorta "pie in the sky" kinda guy.:biggrin:
I will sip good tequila, but in general don't care for hard stuff so that is not why.

[Edited on 10-17-2006 by Al G]

Albert G
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[*] posted on 10-17-2006 at 10:58 AM

You can buy cane alcohol at the grocery store. Cana, sounds like cania but my computer wont type a tilde. It's used for rubbing alcohol as well as other things.
A buddy of mine owns a pharmacy in Ensenada. On election day in the past, alcohol sales were prohibited. The winos who lived in the nearby river bottom would come to his store and buy unrestricted cana.
You just cant keep a good drunk down.
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