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Author: Subject: BAJA PREZ DAY WEEKEND 2007 (Part 3, Campo Beluga to Shell Island)
Elite Nomad

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[*] posted on 2-21-2007 at 04:05 PM

Originally posted by David K
The area of rocks is just below the hide tide line to the bottom of the sloping beach, then it is all sand bars. You could anchor over the sand bar.

It would depend on how many feet of line would be required to attach his pulley system to shore. Looks like it could take well more than 200 feet to anchor the land end well above the high tide line.

Not a terribly inconvenient amount, but, I think I'd check out south of Beluga.

Somebody at Punta Final on this board probably knows......

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Barry A.
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[*] posted on 2-21-2007 at 08:07 PM
Anchoring off shore over sand bar------

I have a lot of 3/8" nylon line, but not that much. :lol:

Besides the anchoring problem, the shallow water and resulting exposure of the bottom, really limits when you can take to the boats and go fishing, as well as returning-----you are at the mercy of the tides.

We used to always camp between the east/west runway and Alphonsina's, just south of the houses. Good deep-water there. (but you deffinitely need 4 wheel drive.)
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David K
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[*] posted on 2-21-2007 at 08:55 PM

In the text at the start of this thread, I added the GPS for Campo Beluga and a link to Beluga from space...

Beluga from space

29-46.47', 114-22.97' (NAD27)

Gonzaga Bay Pemex/ Rancho Grande store

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