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Author: Subject: Colorado 1/11-Loreto 1/17 Update..Finally

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Registered: 4-8-2006
Location: Colorado Springs
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[*] posted on 6-19-2007 at 08:55 AM
Colorado 1/11-Loreto 1/17 Update..Finally

We are finally updating our trip from Jan to the Baja. Sorry:no:
We were staying on Santispac from around Feb 1 thru end of month. Weather was windy, cold, overcast....Global warming is going to freeze my a&% off...LOL
The others there were just great people and we spent most nites at the fire and eating and drinking under the stars (untill we got too cold). Still so much better than the snow storms that Colo was getting!!!
We got some great sunup and sundown pic's but none as great as we see on here. First time with a digital.
Got lot's of clams and scallops. Caught tonnage (lol) of Spotted Sand Bass and went outside for Barracuda and Jacks.
The locals came by every morning selling everything at very fair prices and so fresh and delicious.
We have to plug the local Rotary Club and all it does for the community. We trully enjoyed the Pig Races and will be back this winter for whatever it is they are doing as it is really a blast!!!
Went to dinner at Anna's several times a week and as always the food was awesome. Some of the best Chile Rellenos around!!!
The big event was we adopted a puppy. We were looking for a "boat dog" and he just came into our lives on the beach. Some of you may remember him, he was the little black, minature lab looking, that was the pack dog for the momma that had the pup's. His name is Chacolatee (Chaco). Best little begger you ever saw and is now (got over his seasickness...LOL) a great fishing companion if you keep the bait outta reach.
We had to leave the end of Feb as we recieved word BOTH our mothers were diagnosed with Lung Cancer within 1 week of each other. One lives in Nor-Cal and the other St, Augustine FL.
We took off to help and after 2 month's and both having part of their right lung removed (both have been given clean bills of health after surgery) and each of us apart and on each end of the US we headed for the Sacramento River and caught ton's of Strippers. Yes the wife caught the biggest Stripper but it ate just as good as mine. MMMMMMM
We bought a new 5th wheel that we will take delivery on next week that can carry the Harley (missed it so bad in the good weather) and are heading outta Colorado the end of August.
Will go to the Cali Nascar race and then head to Baja for the entire winter. As long as the family stays healthy that is
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PITA Nomad

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[*] posted on 6-19-2007 at 12:43 PM

sound great. best of luck with the moms! and the new friend.....

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